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Stope Optimisation Tools for Selection of Optimum Cut-Off

Grade in Underground Mine Design

C Alford1 and B Hall2

ABSTRACT encountered in underground design. There is a recognised need

In feasibility studies the choice of optimum cut-off grade is typically
for improved software tools to support the planning, design and
based on an evaluation of tonnage grade curves and manual design of operation of underground mines that would greatly enhance the
stopes at one or two cut-off grades. In the industry these stope designs are process and efficiency of operations in relation to long-term
usually based on break-even cut-off grades, but there is little consensus planning and design. The AMIRA P884 research project
on what cost and price assumptions ought to be included. Planning and Rapid Integrated Mine Optimisation (PRIMO)
A new tool for automated stope design has been developed that (Alford and Dunn, 2007) seeks to bring together a number of
generates sets of stope shapes for a nominated range of cut-off grades, or strategy optimisation techniques used by several research and
depending on the nature of the mineralisation, cut-off values based on net consulting groups to begin to develop similar integrated planning
smelter return calculations in the block model. processes for underground operations, to facilitate the rapid
The stope design procedure includes constraints in stope and pillar development of both the required data and the optimisation
geometry for the selected mining method and can be used to evaluate processes. Given the ore mineralisation, the goal is to identify the
sublevel interval and sensitivities to other design parameters in the
specific geological and geotechnical environment. optimum combination of cut-off grades, mining methods, access
points, production scheduling and development designs, so that
These nested stopes are analogous to nested pits in open cut design,
and can be used as a key input in the hill of value methodology for the the maximum value is generated from a mine over its lifetime.
evaluation of the optimum cut-off grade in underground design. The Whereas for open pits the optimum cut-off policy will in
results of many consulting studies indicate that a break-even cut-off grade essence depend upon the mining and treatment plans, for an
will not be the optimum cut-off grade. underground mine the cut-off is a key determinant of the
A particular benefit of the new stope design tool is that the design rules optimum mining plan. Specifying a cut-off defines the size,
used to establish stope shapes in the feasibility study can then be used in shape and nature of the orebody to be mined, which in turn
mine production, in an optimal and repeatable method. defines the range of potential mining methods, and all of these
This methodology is being advanced in the AMIRA P884 PRIMO together serve to specify such things as sublevel intervals,
project, which is a new research collaboration coordinated by AMIRA
International. The project has brought together active research groups in
equipment types and sizes and hence potential production rate
Australia and Canada, with the goal of developing a flexible framework limits from various parts of the mine. If mining method,
and set of software tools for optimisation in underground mine design. production rate and other aspects of the mining and treatment
plans have been specified, it is relatively easy to calculate a
break-even grade, which could be, and on many mines is, used
as a cut-off. However, numerous studies (Hall and deVries,
In open pit mining, the processes required to optimise the 2003; Hall and Stewart, 2004; Hall, 2007) have shown that the
strategic mine plan are reasonably well defined and a number of optimum cut-off is often significantly higher than the break-even
software tools are available to assist in doing this. In particular, grade, as shown in Figure 1, where the point identified as the
optimisation of the ultimate pit limits can be determined using typical state of current operation is at a break-even cut-off.
commercial software applying the Lerchs-Grossmann algorithm
and tools to facilitate the derivation of a realistic mining plan
with multiple staged cut-backs to approach the theoretical but
unrealistic optimum are available. For any specified mining plan
(ie pit limits, mining sequences and maximum mining rates) and
treatment plan (ie maximum throughput rates for both ore and
product) and the associated cost structures, the optimum cut-off
can be specified using well known algorithms (eg Lane, 1988).
Having identified the optimum cut-off policy for any particular
mining and treatment plan, it is notionally a simple process to
evaluate alternative mining and treatment plans, derive the
optimum cut-off policy for each, determine the resulting value
obtained, and hence select the optimum plan. In reality of course
the process is not necessarily trivial and powerful evaluation
techniques using sophisticated optimisation software may be
required. (King, 2004; Whittle, 2004; Smith, 2007).
However in the case of underground mines, no such
optimisation tools are currently available. This is partly due to
the variability in design problems encountered in underground FIG 1 - A typical simple hill of value.
mines and partly due to the complexity of optimisation problems
For most underground operations the optimum cut-off can only
1. MAusIMM, Director, Alford Mining Systems, 1171 Burke Road, be determined by specifying a number of cut-offs and evaluating
Kew Vic 3101. Email: the mining plans applicable to the stoping envelope thus
generated, and selecting the best.
2. MAusIMM, Principal Mining Engineer, AMC Consultants Pty Ltd,
12/179 North Quay, Brisbane Qld 4000. This paper describes firstly two key aspects of the beginning of
Email: an underground strategy optimisation study:

Project Evaluation Conference Melbourne, Vic, 21 - 22 April 2009 137


1. the specification of the measure to be used as the grade,

2. the importance of having a specified and repeatable set of
design rules to generate a consistent set of potential
as-mined stoping envelopes over a range of cut-offs.
It then describes a new process that has been developed which
meets these repeatability and consistency criteria for rapidly
generating a family of nested stopes representing the alternative
mining envelopes to be used as the key inputs in subsequent
strategy optimisation evaluations.


The resource model is the starting point for any strategy FIG 2 - Misclassification of ore and waste using an inappropriate
evaluation. A key parameter is the grade, which identifies higher grade descriptor.
and lower value areas in the deposit and via the cut-off grade is
used to specify what is classed as ore and waste. There is an 2. Recoverable values, which as well as in situ dollar values
implicit assumption that the stated grade is correlated with value also account for different metallurgical recoveries for
higher grade blocks have higher value than lower grade blocks. different products.
In a single-metal deposit, the metal grade often fulfils this
assumption, but not always. If treatment rates of different rock 3. Payable values such as net smelter return (NSR) values,
types vary, lower grade but faster milling material may actually which as well as recoverable values also account for
be more valuable than higher grade but slower milling material. different proportions of the metal price received for
Hall (2007) describes the rationale behind the derivation of useful different metals after deduction of treatment and refining
and accurate grade descriptors for various types of deposit. Some charges and transport costs, and may include the cost of
penalty elements. Care should, however, be exercised in
of this earlier material is summarised here as background for this
accounting for penalty elements in a grade descriptor value.
paper and complemented by additional topics. Penalties typically become payable once the grade of the
Depending on the grade-recovery relationship that exists at the penalty element in the product exceeds a specified
operation, the recovery of a blend of materials may be different threshold value. If the average penalty element grade
from the average recovery of the tonnage-weighted recoveries of resulting from the blended ore feed is below the threshold,
the components of the blend if they were treated separately. The then it is potentially misleading to penalise an individual
true value of a parcel of mineralised material will then depend on ore block grade with the penalty. There is no simple
what it is blended with and it may never be possible to define the solution to this issue, and it is beyond the scope of this
true value of any block of rock in isolation. Nevertheless, we paper to consider it further.
assume for this discussion, as is implicit in typical planning For payable values, a common process to derive multipliers is
processes, that stated grade values rank blocks accurately, even if to start with the average head grade and work back from the NSR
they are not true. It may also be necessary to use blending obtained with those grades to determine the contributions from
constraints if a particular blend has a serious adverse effect on each metal, using accounting-type distributions of common
recovery in subsequent strategy optimisation evaluations. costs. However, this can lead to inappropriate cost allocations
which impact on the multipliers and hence relative weightings
for the various metals in the calculated grade. A more accurate
Polymetallic grade descriptors in homogeneous process is to apply the full NSR calculation process to all blocks
deposits in the block model, applying complex formulas in the geological
In a polymetallic deposit, a single value is needed as the grade modelling software. Many mines do this, but the complexity of
descriptor. These are often calculated by applying a factor to metallurgical processes in some cases can make this impractical.
each metal grade and summing to obtain a dollar value or metal A useful compromise in the latter case is to perform a multiple
linear regression of calculated NSR values for a sample set of
equivalent grade. With a perfect grade descriptor, the ranking of
block grades (using the operations metallurgical and financial
blocks by the grade descriptor is the same as their true ranking models) against the grades from which they are derived. The
by value. An imperfect grade descriptor will show a scatter of grade multipliers thus obtained are statistically the best that can
points above and below the trend-line of a value versus grade be derived and will typically reduce the misclassification of ore
plot the grade descriptor does not rank all blocks correctly by and waste when compared with using multipliers derived by the
value. The effect of this incorrect ranking is, at any specified more usual accounting-style methodology, particularly if the
cut-off, to exclude material that should be in the reserve and/or to sample grades are restricted to a range around the likely cut-off.
include material that should be waste. Together these effects
degrade the reserve, as shown in Figure 2. These errors are in Metal equivalents
addition to any estimation errors in the block grades, and
application of inappropriate grade multipliers can negate the Metal equivalent may be a better grade descriptor than dollar
work done by resource geologists to minimise estimation errors. value. Metal equivalent grade multipliers are found by dividing
dollar value multipliers by the multiplier of the major metal.
Metal equivalent tends to give a more stable grade value than
Dollar values dollar value, and may not need to be updated each time metal
Three types of dollar-value grade descriptors are typically price forecasts change unless there are significant changes in the
encountered: ratios of payable values of each metal. Where dollar values are
all calculated NSR values, a combination of the two dollar value
1. In situ dollar values, which account only for the predicted calculation methodologies described above may be required to
metal prices and estimated grades. convert dollar values to metal equivalents.

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Dangers of dollar value grades Grade descriptors in non-homogeneous deposits

When dollar values are used, there is often an assumption that Grades, however defined, are generally expressed as a per tonne
various unit cost measures can be used directly as cut-offs. There measure. This implicitly assumes that every tonne is the same in
are several potential problems with this: all aspects other than grade. Often this is not the case. The recent
Firstly, using an actual unit cost implies the use of a break- importance being attached to advancing the understanding of
even cut-off, and there is no guarantee that this is the best cut-off geometallurgy and recording geometallurgical information in
to use. Secondly, the dollar value derived is not necessarily the geological block models is evidence of increasing understanding
true value, as noted above, and using unit costs as cut-offs may of this (see for example Dunham and Vann, 2007). More
therefore not achieve the intended results, especially if a generally, the aim of the operation should be to maximise the
break-even is in fact desired. value processed through the production bottleneck. The grade
Finally, dollar value grade descriptors are also typically descriptor should therefore be a parameter correlated with value
recalculated each time a new official set of forecast prices is (metal grade, dollar value or metal equivalent) per unit of the
adopted and the existing cut-offs are applied to the new dollar production constraint. Selecting the highest value material by
values. If the cut-offs are break-evens, this is not unreasonable, this grade descriptor will maximise the value generated.
but the potential problems in the preceding paragraph will still Net revenue per mill hour has been used by the authors as the
apply. However, if the cut-off has been optimised, this process grade for a base and precious metals deposit in several rock types
can change the effective cut-off and result in the applied cut-off having different hardnesses and milling rates and also different
becoming suboptimal. Consider for example a general price rise mineralogies, metallurgical recoveries and product qualities.
of 20 per cent. The break-even grade will change in inverse King (1999) has identified such grade descriptors as cash flow
proportion and will therefore fall by 16.7 per cent. Applying a grades. In a refractory gold deposit, the production constraint
20 per cent increase in value to the blocks in the block model and may be the roaster sulfur throughput. Combining the sulfur
continuing to apply the same dollar value cut-off is exactly the burning rate limit and the gold/sulfur ratio to produce a gold
same as applying a 16.7 per cent lower cut-off to the unadjusted grams per roaster hour grade may be a useful grade descriptor in
block values and therefore represents a break-even approach to such cases.
cut-off specification. As noted above, this process is therefore
satisfactory if break-even grades are used as cut-offs. Grade descriptors concluding comments
However, in many cases, the optimum cut-off (specified as say
a metal grade) will change by significantly less than the As bottlenecks in the operation change over time, the grade
break-even, often of the order of five per cent to seven per cent descriptor used may also need to change. Multiple descriptors
for a 20 per cent price change (Hall and Stewart, 2004). The may be necessary to adequately handle multiple stages of
optimum cut-off may even increase as metal prices increase. This processing with different constraining parameters in each stage.
has been observed and is supported by anecdotal evidence of the Analyses can be performed to identify how well various
authors clients during the significant rises in prices in recent parameters represent the true value. More importantly they
years. Both of these effects are explained by the impact of indicate the extent to which the reserve will be degraded by
opportunity cost, as described by Lane (1988). In a case study exclusion of higher and inclusion of lower value material
reported by Hall and Stewart (2004), the optimum cut-off at an resulting from incorrect ranking using inappropriate grade
underground gold operation fell from 4.55 g/t to 4.25 g/t, a descriptors, as illustrated in Figure 2.
change of only 6.6 per cent, for a 20 per cent price increase. Resource geologists work to reduce grade estimation errors.
If dollar values rather than metal grades are used as the grade Applying simplistic inappropriate grade descriptors can negate
descriptor, the typical industry practice to update the block these efforts and increase ore/waste classification errors. At best
model dollar value grades with the new metal price information, there may be a relatively small degradation of the ore reserve. At
and apply the same dollar value cut-off as before will result in worst, there may be a misapprehension of the spatial distribution
a reduction in the cut-off to below optimum. If the dollar values of value, resulting in value-destroying mining methods and
of the resource blocks are increased by 20 per cent, then the sequences.
dollar value of the cut-off must also be increased by 20 per cent
to convert it to the optimum cut-off for the old prices but CONSISTENCY OF DESIGN RULES
expressed in new prices dollar value terms. The cut-off must then
Having identified the grade descriptor to use, it is then necessary
be reduced by the five per cent to seven per cent change noted to specify a consistent set of design rules to be applied when
above for the effect of new prices on the optimum cut-off. The identifying what is to be mined. This is important for two aspects
net effect of increasing the dollar values in the block model for a of the work:
20 per cent price increase is that the optimum cut-off, in new
dollar value terms, must increase by some 12 per cent to 15 per 1. to ensure that the reserves estimated at each cut-off used in
cent, and not stay the same. In the case study noted above, the the strategy optimisation evaluations are consistent with
payable gold prices before and after the projected increase were each other, so that the results are not distorted by
equivalent to $15 and $18 per gram respectively. If these were irregularities in the data used; and
applied to the gold grades to obtain dollar value grades, the 2. to ensure that detailed operational designs that may be
4.55 g/t optimum cut-off before the price rise would be produced some time later and with updated geological
equivalent to $68.25/tonne, and the 4.25 g/t optimum after the information honour the strategic decisions of the
price rise would be equivalent to $76.50/tonne, an increase optimisation study.
numerically of 12.1 per cent.
Ideally a new optimisation evaluation would be conducted to Consider a hypothetical, and intentionally exaggerated, example
identify the new optimum cut-off. If this is not feasible, of a cylindrical zone of mineralisation, with grades reducing with
identifying the relative changes in optimum cut-off with the old distance from the centre. A plan view is shown in Figure 3, with
dollar values in the block model and the evaluation study data several grade contours shown. Suppose that, for various technical
and then applying the new prices would permit a simple reasons, a square stope must be mined, and an optimisation study
mathematical adjustment to the optimum cut-off as described in has identified the square stope shown as the optimum design.
this paragraph. This approach would be a significant improvement What is the cut-off that describes this optimum stope?
on doing nothing and leaving the numerical value of the cut-off Clearly one cannot simply specify a cut-off number without
as before but with new values in the block model. also describing the design rules that apply. For example, the

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block size will not generally approximate the stope size and will
thereby introduce a bias. Some tools that provide a better
approximation are available in the industry. The Mineable
Reserves Optimiser (MRO), based on the Floating Stope
algorithm developed by Alford (1995) is one such tool. The
output is however an envelope, not a set of stope shapes, and can
provide a poor approximation for narrow dipping deposits, or
where waste pillar constraints must be considered. Techniques
developed in a research prototype at the University of Melbourne
(Alford, Brazil and Lee, 2007) have provided the basis for an
automated approach to the stope design task. The goals of this
research were to:
automate the design of final stope shapes, including the size,
shape and location;
respect the design criteria for different mining or stoping
provide a repeatable and optimal solution;
FIG 3 - Combining cut-off and design rule specifications. respect geological boundaries, geotechnical constraints, and
design parameters; and
cut-off could be 2 g/t, with the design ensuring that no material model dilution.
below cut-off is extracted. Conversely, the cut-off could be 6 g/t, In a typical underground design many decisions have to be
with the design ensuring that all material above cut-off is made:
extracted, plus such subcut-off material as may be needed to
create the required stope shape. Also, any cut-off between 2 g/t suitable stoping or mining methods;
and 6 g/t could be stated, with the design rule specifying maximum excavation opening dimensions across and along
a particular relationship between the above-cut-off material the deposit, usually assessed by application of hydraulic
excluded from and subcut-off material included in the designed radius;
stope. If the cut-off were specified simply as 2 g/t and the design
engineer, in the absence of any design specifications, elected to sublevel interval;
apply the take all above-cut-off material rule, the stope location of extraction horizons; and
resulting would be significantly larger and lower grade than the
identified optimum. Conversely, if the cut-off were specified
waste pillar widths.
simply as 6 g/t and the design engineer, in the absence of any A tool to automate the evaluation of these decisions would be
design specifications, elected to apply the take no subcut-off of considerable value to evaluate the benefits of a design and the
material rule, the stope resulting would be significantly smaller opportunity cost associated with higher risk options.
and higher grade than the identified optimum.
The example illustrates the application of criteria for applying STOPE OPTIMISATION
the cut-off by what might be termed a boundary rule the
cut-off is essentially used to define the boundary of the stope The approach taken in a manual design provides the inspiration
volume. It is not uncommon for designers to also apply what for optimisation in stope design. An engineer will typically
might be termed a volume rule, where the stope volume design outlines on adjacent sections, of four to six points, to
initially defined by applying a specified boundary rule is then define the end sections of the stopes and link these with a
included or excluded from the reserve to be mined based on wireframe shape to create a 3D solid. After evaluating the grade
whether or not the grade of the volume is greater than a specified or value of the stope, further adjustments to the position of the
cut-off (which is often the same numerically as that specified for stope outline will be made to improve the return, or the shape of
the boundary, though it need not be). The volume grade may also the stope. There are a number of limitations to this approach.
be specified as being before or after the inclusion of dilution. Most importantly the outline is based on a view of the block
Other rules could include an upper limit on the proportion of model on a single vertical plane, without reference to the block
subcut-off material in any resulting stope volume. model contents between sections. In a deposit with multiple
Design rules can therefore become quite complex, and no one lenses, the included waste and the waste pillar requirements can
rule will be universally right for all deposits. In reality, the make this a very tedious task. The result generated will in most
seriousness of any potential error resulting from inconsistent cases not be optimal. Often the engineer will have grade contours
design rule application will depend on the shape of the from the block model displayed on the screen, and will be
mineralisation, which may vary significantly at different cut-offs making a judgement not dissimilar to that that posed in the
and the constraints applied to the physical stope designs, which
hypothetical cylindrical deposit example above.
may also vary with cut-off. It is however clear that, to minimise
errors, there must be consistency of design processes between The approach taken in the new automated design incorporates
different cut-offs at the strategy optimisation evaluation stage, three stages. The first samples the mineralisation on a regular
and between the optimisation study and subsequent detailed grid to identify the economic zone; the second stage uses a
designs. technique called stope shape annealing to adjust the shape to a
local maximum and the third takes into account the relative
location of stope shapes to generate stoping blocks, or groups of
AUTOMATING THE DESIGN PROCESS stopes, leaving aside stope shapes that are not accessible, or of a
For feasibility studies and other strategic planning tasks, the mineable dimension. These stages will be described in more
design of stopes for a large orebody can typically take weeks or detail in a later section.
even months to evaluate one or two cut-offs and can be subject to A key issue is to define optimality for stope design, and this
the biases and experience of the engineer. An evaluation of links to the need outlined previously to have a technique that has
tonnage-grade curves can be a first approximation, but the model consistent design criteria. Taking the simple example of a one-

140 Melbourne, Vic, 21 - 22 April 2009 Project Evaluation Conference


dimensional search in Figures 4 and 5, where two higher grade cut-off grade or value;
zones are available across strike and the material above cut-off is
shaded. In the absence of stope and pillar width constraints, two minimum and maximum wall angles;
intervals A and B define economic ore are shown in Figure 4. If block model discretisation interval for evaluation in the
minimum stope and pillar widths are applied, then two intervals annealing stage;
are mined, C and D in Figure 5, with a wider pillar and some dimensions for partial stope shapes, typically half height
wall waste to make up the minimum stope width for interval D. and/or half the strike length of the full stope dimension and
Maximising the area of the shaded region can be formulated as a development cross-section dimensions to identify areas
mathematical optimisation problem with an optimal solution. In where development in ore is possible between stopes; and
choosing such a break-even cut-off encompassing mining and
processing costs, it is assumed that mining of stopes in an area identification of mined or sterilised areas in the block model.
will cover the development and access costs. The costs cannot be In the early stages of project evaluation, it is common to only
defined without a knowledge of the dimension of the stoping have a cut-off grade for evaluation. In this case the stope
envelope at that cut-off. Planners will focus on the head grade optimisation produces a metal maximisation subject to the
required to cover all costs. minimum cut-off grade. If block model value estimates and a
cut-off value are supplied then a value maximisation can be


Earlier attempts at stope optimisation, extending the work on the
floating stope, approached the problem of modelling final stope
shapes by enumerating all possible shapes within a minimum and
maximum stope size, and finding the set of non-overlapping
stope shapes that maximised the recovered value. This approach
works well for large-scale SLOS mining, but in most deposits
stope design must honour complex geological boundaries and
mineralisation trends, and a more flexible approach is required.

Shape parameterisation
The manual design approach indicates that at a minimum a
feasible stope shape is a wireframe generated from two four-
point outlines. These outlines are fully defined by a centre point
FIG 4 - Stope and pillar width for a selected cut-off grade with no and width on a roof and floor string on two sections. Minimum
width constraints. pillar width is defined by the minimum distance between the
ends of roof and floor strings for two adjacent stopes on the
same level and section. An example of the geometry is shown
in Figure 6. In some cases five or six point outlines might be
required where drill patterns and stope draw permits. In long
section the definition of mineable zones can be defined by
discretising the problem into a regular grid of levels and sections

FIG 5 - Optimal location of stope and pillar limits with minimum

dimension for stope and pillar applied.


The inputs to stope optimisation include the following:
block model with value or grade fields;
sublevel and section spacing on an orthogonal or rotated
minimum and maximum stope width;
minimum pillar width;
FIG 6 - Stope shape parameterisation on adjacent sections with
wall dilution;
pillar separating two adjacent stopes on two sections and a single
proportion of subcut-off material to be mined; stope on the final section.

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with the location of stope positions defined on the grid for any using the basic Lerchs-Grossman algorithm firstly for metal cost
level or section combination. The section spacing might be the of mining (price/waste mining cost), and later price shells has
full stope strike length, or some subinterval that models one or become the industry standard. The pit shells at increasing price
more rings. A better geological model of the dip and strike of the become the basis for pit stages and pushback design, but there is
mineralisation can be achieved with rotated block models. Stope debate in the industry about whether a better approach is to
designs are also improved if stope sections are rotated to be derive the shells from a schedule that sequences blocks for NPV
orthogonal to the mining envelope. maximisation.
In the case of underground design, the stope optimisation can
Stope seed be run at a sequence of cut-off grades to generate a series of
For every combination of level and section, it is possible to slice nested stopes. The stopes are not necessarily nested in the sense
the model across strike (using a local strike and dip measure for of Russian dolls, because the spatial distribution of grades may
the orientation of the slices) and optimise the approximate result in boundaries remaining the same in some areas over a
position of stopes and pillars as outlined previously. This range of cut-offs. Also, the application of stope width and pillar
wireframe shape output from the aggregation of slices forming a rules may require that at higher cut-offs a stope is split into two to
stope creates a seed solution for the next stage. isolate higher grade mineralisation and exclude lower grade waste.
Because underground mining is more selective, the nested
Stope shape annealing stopes provide an inventory and an opportunity to review the
benefit of high grading, or incorporating marginal material into
Stope shape annealing is a mathematical global optimisation the mining schedule. Specification of alternative design rules can
procedure to take the approximate stope shape and using the also permit the comparison of, for example, large less selective
shape parameterisation formulation, refine the final stope shape stopes bulking up two or more adjacent lenses, with smaller more
to more closely model the geology controls and mineralisation. selective stopes omitting the waste between lenses, but at the cost
Global optimisation techniques are sophisticated hill-climbing of perhaps more expensive mining methods, more complex
algorithms, with the stope design criteria defining barriers in the scheduling interactions and lower production rates. The
search procedure. Many different techniques are available, and it optimisation also outputs wireframes on each section where it will
has been found that the best solutions are found with rapid be possible to develop in ore between stopes or stoping areas.
annealing on a high-quality stope seed. There is an opportunity to explore the relationship of cut-off
grade and head grade, and investigate alternative reserve
Aggregation for stoping blocks parameterisation strategies that are applicable to underground
The granularity of the output of the stope optimisation will
depend on the geometry of the deposit, the stoping method and
the inputs used. In some cases, the outputs will be stope shapes CASE STUDY
that satisfy the level spacing and strike length of individual The industry sponsors of the PRIMO project have provided case
stopes. At the other extreme the outputs may be equivalent to studies to test and extend the research software. OZ Minerals are
blast rings. In addition, partial stopes may be generated for half currently undertaking a feasibility study to consider the
height stopes to maximise ore recovery. The shapes generated by underground potential for their Prominent Hill copper-gold mine
stope shape annealing will identify all material that might be part located in South Australia, where open pit mining commenced in
of a mineable reserve. However, not all shapes will satisfy 2006. The case study will conclude in January 2009 and the
equipment and access criteria. Another optimisation procedure is PRIMO research team have been undertaking a parallel
applied to define groups of stope shapes that taken together do evaluation using the same base data and design criteria to
satisfy these criteria. Stope shape adjacency relationships are benchmark the research software. An NSR value is a calculated
established. Where stopes are mined over multiple levels, eg attribute in the geological block model for this study.
SLOS stopes with an identified extraction level, the optimisation
As part of the PRIMO case study evaluation, the outputs
can determine the best set of stope heights and extraction levels.
produced by stope optimisation have included:
Benefits evaluation of two different mining methods: sublevel open
stoping (SLOS) and bench mining as appropriate in different
The approach outlined in this optimisation process provides the parts of the deposit;
basis for an optimal, consistent and repeatable design procedure evaluation of cut-offs in the range $50 to $150 in steps of $10
at a strategic and detailed stope design stage that includes the key
and over a more restricted range in steps of $5 for refining
constraints for stope design. Because the method is 3D and
the cut-off selection;
optimal, it is only limited by the quality of the input block
model. Engagement with geologists at an early stage will ensure evaluation of level intervals of 25, 30, 35, 40 m;
that block model subcelling and grade and waste modelling are evaluation of pillar widths of 10 m and 20 m;
appropriate for later stope design.
evaluation of sublevel location in 5 m intervals; and
RESERVE PARAMETERISATION optimal location of extraction horizons for SLOS stopes with
the tonnages and NSR values on each extraction horizon
In open pit optimisation several approaches to reserve tabulated to highlight the best extraction horizons to
parameterisation have been developed. Francois-Bongarcon commence mining.
(1994) advanced the proposal that:
A run for a single cut-off and single set of stope optimisation
any technically feasible project can be character- inputs takes one to two hours for this deposit with a model of one
ised by the triplet (Q,V,T), where T is the tonnage million blocks. A batch facility enables easy set-up for multiple
of recoverable mineralisation to be processed, runs.
Q is the corresponding recoverable quantity of
For reasons of commercial confidentiality, the full results
metal and V is the total tonnage to be extracted.
cannot be published, but a number of graphical outputs are
Whilst these quantities can translate to a cut-off grade search provided to indicate the type of results that can be obtained by
space, the approach of Whittle where nested pits are derived this process. Figure 7 is a cross-section and Figure 8 a plan view

142 Melbourne, Vic, 21 - 22 April 2009 Project Evaluation Conference


of the stope shapes from the stope shape annealing, with a 3D inclusion of wireframe models of geological structure and
perspective view in Figure 9 displaying stopes satisfying SLOS other controls to force the annealing procedure to snap to
(>10 m) and bench (<10 m) mining width criteria highlighted. A surfaces (representing the real effects of uncontrollable
second 3D view in Figure 10 provides the final stope layout overbreak to geological structures);
design for SLOS and bench methods. With 40 m sublevels,
the SLOS stopes can be mined over 40 m or 80 m and the
optimisation was completed to identify the tonnages for the
optimal extraction horizons.

A number of enhancements to the current stope optimisation
software will extend the capability for evaluation of cut-off
grades in underground design:
evaluation of the contributions of individual ore types to
stope value, rather than relying on a composite grade or NSR
values for polymetallics;

FIG 9 - Perspective view of stopes with average width below 10 m

(candidates for bench mining) and greater than 10 m (candidates
for SLOS mining) with plan view location highlighted.

FIG 10 - Aggregated stoping blocks with bench stopes, 80 m SLOS

FIG 7 - Section view of stope shapes below final pit (blocks above stopes and 40 m SLOS stopes on a 40 m sublevel spacing with
cut-off on plane displayed). plan view location highlighted.

FIG 8 - Plan view of stope shapes (blocks above cut-off on plane displayed).

Project Evaluation Conference Melbourne, Vic, 21 - 22 April 2009 143


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The authors wish to thank the PRIMO Project sponsors and the Conference 2007, pp 139-146 (The Australasian Institute of Mining
management of AMC Consultants Pty Ltd for permission to and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
prepare and present this paper. Other PRIMO researchers are Whittle, G, 2004. Global asset optimisation, in Proceedings Orebody
thanked for their input into this paper, both directly and through Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning Conference, pp 361-366
their contributions to the development of the overall concepts. (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).

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