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Inauguration of First Bloomberg Lab in the Philippines

By Fiel Ervyn S. Tiosen

Last October 07, 2015 the first Bloomberg Laboratory in the Philippines was
launched at the Professionals School building, located at the New Era University
campus in Quezon City. The University President, Dr. Nilo L Rosas, led the said event
with the school officials, as well as the East West educational specialists, and of
course the International Financial Institute of Bloomberg officials. The Bloomberg
laboratory terminals can be used to know the real time stock market ratings, the
current price of oil and other variables in the world market and the current state of
economy of a country and the world. With this new technology, it can be a big help
and an opportunity for business related courses, students whose courses are not
business related, graduates and professionals. The Bloomberg laboratory has a
certification program that will train individuals to become adept and learned to use
the Bloomberg technology as well as become a Certified Financial Markets
Professional (CFMP). In Dr. Nilo L. Rosas speech during the inauguration, he said
that the Bloomberg Laboratory can be used to enhance the skills of individuals and
update credentials in keeping up with the ASEAN integration and inevitable
globalization, ensuring standards of economies. The CEO and President of the East
West/IMFI said in his interview with Eagle News that since the Bloomberg is a big
company, they have brought Bloomberg education from the U.S. to teach skills and
provide additional tools for the students in order to compete on the ASEAN level
and outside of ASEAN. With the new technology offered, the New Era University
students have the tools and knowledge that will aid them in their careers in the
future and be able to catch up with the ever growing demand of the world.

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