Progress Lighting Catalog 1980

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\ re1e.



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How tio l

proqres$llqhf,lmqt When you are decorating your horne, you don t have to be too
concerned aboui what's "rlghl". Whether you favor formai "dress
up" fashlons or lnforma , relaxed furnishings you should make your
home personally pleas ng. ll jt pleases you you ll enjoy your

IDEAS BOOI( Volume 1 16

home more.
Lightlng s an important part of home decorat on but with lighting
you do haveto considerwhat s'right" forcomlort, safetyandto
avoid eyestra n That'swhythef rst ruleisio ightyour home
FASHIONS according to your activities. Consider how and where you entertain,
where you and your family read, study, relax, do housework play,
Nostalgia 2 pursue your hobb es. etc. Llghting ls so important that one
Crysial jewelry I prorninent nter or designer stated, "l would never cut back on the
Relaxed styling 14 lightlng budget. Cut back on other thlngs f rst.
Contemporary 20
There are lhree basic types of lighting:
Americana Formal 28
Americana lnformal 32 (1) Task lighting is the ll uminat on you require in specia areas
Variat ons on T ffany 38 to help you with speciflc activiiies such as cooking, sewing reading,
Hal s, foyers & dinettes 44 shav ng schoo work and hobbles lt enables you to do the actjvity
proper y, reduces eye strain and fatigue, and prevents accldents.
FUNCTION Task ighting usual y should be shadow-free For more task lighting
How to light your home 1
suggestions, see the bath recess and track sections of this book.
(2) General lighting is the overa I il uminalion you need to see-
The chandelier as a centerp ece 8
lor housekeeping, TV view ng etc. lt rninim zes eye fatigue by
Swag it where you want it 42 reducing contrasts between ighted tasks and surround ng areas.
Bath & vanity 50 & 126 General light ng suggestions are n the chart on page one
Llghi your outdoors 62 & 140 lf your room s small, you can creale the il usion of spaclousness
llu ti purpose 106 by using lighter wall colors and by washing the wal s w th light.
Snaptrak closes ihe gap 116 Many rooms, especia ly those where you entertain, can use dillerent
Light bulbs 149 leve s of ighting at different t mes. Lights in these rooms shou d be
Recessed lighting 150 control ed by a dimmer
"Non-destructibles" 147 & 167 (3) Accent or decorat ve llghting ls for highlighting table settings,
Trak-1, ights that move 168 artwork, plafts and wa ltexlures. See the Recessed and Track
sections (pages 150 and 1 68) lor these suggest ons.
BUDGET Children's rooms- Ch dren often play, study or read at a dsk,
ProNy'otion Jashlons 83 on the bed or on the f oor. They need high level lightifg on all these
aI-d. ir adoit o- -o 96-otd I gl I fg
Save energy with f uorescents 135
COVERT lnter or design by Georganne l/ears
Photographed by Kef Bronstein.
For reading chairs, a hang ng or wal amp should be a ltt e
behind the person, about 40// to 42l/ above the floor. At desks,
PROGRESS LIGHTING IDEAS BOOK s pub shed the Light source(s) shou d be io lhe side of lhe user to avoid glare
by Progress Lighling the world s largesl and eye strain. General y, a total of l50W of incandescent
rnanuJacturer of resident a and comrnerc a will do the job.
lighllng iixtures Progress is a subs d ary oi
Waller Kldde & Company, lnc
@ 1980 Progress Lighting
llghtyour home
Bedrooms need good general apart aimed at the music. Sewing MANY OTHER IDEAS . . .
lighling for seeing in drawers and requires high-level lighling, concen-
c'osels (closet rights on page 154) . . . are throughout thls Progress
trating al least 200W directly on
a'rd wher lhey serve as a sickroon. Lighi;ng book. Hanging lamps
handwork or 100W on machine work. (page 38) eliminate the need for
Bead'ng in oed .equires proper task For table games such as ping pong,
lighting from wall, ceiling or hanging tables or save space on tables for
use two recessed fresnel l-ansed other purposes. Use Broadway
fixtures. Direct-o-lites (page 1 15)
fixlu res with 150W to 200W bulbs or Lighting (page 60) around mirrors
and Snaptrak (paoe 1 16) are ideal.
fluorescent fixtures wilh two 40W tubes. or a bar. Use an outdoor post lantern
The kitchen delinitely requires good
general lighting (see the chart) and For pooi tables, consider the lighls in a lamily room as a "hitching post"
lask lighting. Fixtures for task iighting on page 43. For card playing one for hats and scarves. Use the Trak-1
must be mounied above the work answer is a hangino flxture with a weighted base (page 175) to light
surface, in front of the person working bottom diffuser and a total of 150W, plants or wall areas from the floor or
so (s)he doesn't casi a shadow on the hung about 36// above the table. table tops. Swag lights (page 42)
work area. Above sinks, where some Bars can be lighted many ways with where you want ihem.
of the most difficult tasks are handsome surface mounted recessed You'llfind more ideas on every
performed, use at least a 20W or hanging fixtures. Also conslder page of this Progress Lighting ldeas
fluorescent or 150W oi incandescent. highlighting glassware or decorations Book. You'll also find the types of
For counler tops, you should have with track, recessed eyeballs or open fixtures in the styles you wani
an undercabinet or fluorescent (see recessed downlights with 75W from Progress, the world's iargest
page 137) for every work su rface reflector lamps. manufaclurer of home lighiing fixtures.
three feet or longer. Use a 20W
fluorescent for a 36'/ counter area,
a 30W unit for up to 48t' , ot a 40W Living, bed, family Suspended orsuface-
Recessed tixture wattage
fluorescent lor up to 60// of work
or recreation rooms mounted lirture wattage

surface. For island counters you can Small Three to five bulbs, lncandescent: Four 75W or foor R-20 50W+
use fluorescents. You also can use
(under 150 sq. ft.) total 150 200W Fluorescent: Two 40W

track lights or recessed downlighls Average tour to six bulbs, total 200,300W lncandescent: Four 100W or five to eieht
75W R.30 or 150W R-40'
with reflector lamps (maximum 75W (185-250 sq. ft.) Two fixtures or more
Fluorescentr Four 40W
each) mounted on 16" centers.
Pendant f;xtures spaced approximately lncandescent: one 100W per 40 sq. ft. or
Large 1 watt per sq. ft. and one 75W R-30 per40 sq. ft.+
1 6tt lo 20tt apar1, approxirnately 30' (ove.250 sq. ft.) 1 fixture per 125 sq. ft. Fluorescent: Two 40W or six 20W
above the counter, can also act as a per 100 sq. ft.
decorative room divider. For the (itchen, laundry, workshop
dining area you'll probably select a Small 150W incandesceni or lncandescent: Two 150W
decoralive hanging iixtu re. (under 75 sq. ft.) 22 & 32W circlines Fluorescent: Two 40W

OTHER ACTIVITIES A!erage 150-200W incandescent or lncandescenti tour100W

(75"120 sq. ft.) 22 & 32W to 80W fluorescent Fluorescentr Two 40W
For pianos and music slands, use
Large lncandescentr 2 watts persq. ft. or lncandescent: one 100W per 30 sq. ft.
a recessed eyeball with at least a (over 120 sq. ft.) Fluorescent: Approx. 1 watt Fluorescent: Two 40W or six 20W
75W reflector bulb centered above and per sq. ft. per 60 sq. tt.
slightly behind the music. For better A.tual light from individual fixtures depends on whether bulb is exposed or shaded, the type of shade, eic.
lightjng, mount two eyeballs each 30,/ *R.20, R'30 & R-40 concentrate warrnth. Should not be aimed directly at head of seated
a return to
Back when electricity was still
a novelty and gaslights were in
vogue, home fu rn ishings were
handcraJted with loving care bY
skilled artisans. While ihese styles
were elegani y decorated, they
were com{ortable and easy to live
with. Today, we callthe re-creations
of these richly detailed furnishings,
" Nostalgia" fashions. TheY never
rea y werI o-t of sty e with nanY
decorators and homemakers who
favored their warm, homey
charms. Of course, as years
passed, they were hard lo come
by unless you could find some of
these old treasures in antique
shops or at country auciions.
Now Nostalg ia has been
rediscovered by new generations
and Progress Lighting has PUt
together a vintage collection oJ
these elegant fashions for You.
Browse lhrough these Pages to
find your own favorites and enioY
the pleasure of ownlng fashions
that will always be in style.
TC 4023 Glorious gasllght nostalgia TC 3823 companion wall TC 4008 A "colleclable" rernernbrance
chandelier. Dislinctive imported glass bracket to TC 4023. On-oif switch of yesterday's eleoance. The unique,
shades are lloral etched cryslal with 11Y2 tt W.,9//ht. Extends 9/'. etched glass shades blossom from thin
flared, arnber iops. The sculptured
column and graceful arms are a
One E bulb, 60W max. ribbed cones into open floral lilagree iinery.
The plumed column and arms, which flou rish
warmly polished Flem ish rilh bo dlv-delai od cas'ngs a.e oone in
brass. 23" dia., 15// ht. Five polished Flemlsh brass. 26'l dia , 19i' ht.
E bulbs, each 60W max. Six E bulbs. each 60W rnax.

. i{. 4r t -.: I ;, ".i'.'tl

TC 4003 Ornamental s mp city. Ruff ed etched imported TC 4002 lre v.rLagp ook ofcLlc y"lai, a 'avor l. da o al 10
g ass shades are de icale y decorated w th a clear floral erbe lis' r e1l is '..aolLred .'t thp olass sl-aoes w-lich - dnq
des gn. The urn I ke column and deeply drawn arrns are bell-like from the strong y curved arms of this nostalgla
l nlshed in me ow antique brass. 24l/dia., 181/2" h|.F ve chandelier. The ample co umn has cast adornrnents,
{i\ E bu bs each 100W max. ncluding large loops Al rich y finished ln F em sh brass
211/2" dia.,17l/ht. Fjve M bu bs each 100Wmax.

Cha.detiets on lh,s page. avetal' ht. to 42". E Medtum base Du'b. p roqres$llitr,thlillLl
TC 4061 Stalely
beauty for big
rooms. This
exquisite import is
created of sweeping
arms embellished
with bold cast
scrolls flnished in
anliqued burnished
brass. The
pedestals hold
decoratively etched
glass shades with
clear, ruflled tops.
35t' dia.,23Y2tt hl.
Eight El bulbs, each
60W rnax.


P 4059 Authentically reproduced etched glass shades TC 4060 Same irnported heirloom styling as the TC 4061
hang like flower buds from the graceful y curved arms ol
this polished brass collectable. The elaborately sculptured
scaled to a rnore rnodest resldential size .26tt d|a..16y2"
ht. Five lcl bulbs, each 60W max. rr(
column and cast burner keys add to the antique look.22"
d ia., 15'/ hi. Five El bulbs, each 100W max.
TG 4096 A find from the Progress "antique" shop I Thls delightful mellow anlique brass chandelier
has ruffled, open 10p, etched glass globes w th a clear llora deslgn. Arnp e, tankard style colu m n and
fonts fjnished with unique loop hand Les .23tt dia ,21tt hL Five El bu bs, each 60W max
TC 3896
Wall brackel
TC 4096.
141/2" hL
B1/2". ane
M bu b, 60W

P 3855
Com pan io n
lr::,1 l::::. r::: .
wal llracket
sLtt:r:rlrlil tat P 4256. 6tl
W., B1/qn hl.
Extends B7al/.
One M bu b,
100W max



TC 4031 Heirloom quality chandelier ln artfully figured P 4256 Gaslight era beautyl Antique brass and b ack five
polished brass with warm black accents and exquisite light chandelier. Reeded colurnn. lmported etched g ass
shades. Amber lustre, ruffled-top glass has spark ing "ice' globes decorated w th clear crysta Iloral des gn. 2f i dla,
design. 21l' dia., lBya // ht. Fjve B blulbs, each 60W nrax
o 153/a'l ht Five E bulbs, each 100W max.

@ Mediun base bulb g Candelabra base bulb ( handel et^ An these oage . a\Ftd|1 hr. ta 42"
jtr rtr tir
TC 4301 Exquis tely ornatnented six light in an1 que go d flnish. Cast,
hand chased delailing with cherubs dancing on urn shapcd colurnn.
French, hand blown glass disp ays ra sed f oral wreaths, etched bands and
cr mped rims.26/i d a.,20il ht. S x cLear E bu bs each 60W max.

P4119 The ace- kedeicacyofopa tuip

g ass shades cornplement the antique brass
reeded co urnn with its deep tureen font.23//
dta.,17t'hI. Slx @ bulbs, each 100W max.

P 3819 Match ng wal

bracket. 5// W., 9/' ht.
Extends 97r ". M .

bu b, 100 W max.

P 4118 Three lghi rend t on of P 41 19. 191/2" ota 14" hI

Three M bulbs, each 100W max.

@ l\lediun base bulb

E Candclabra base bulb
('. ^' .^J..\tut6- ^n.c6 poto-s
overall hl. lo 42" excepl as noted.
TC 4165 Each vrarm hofey wh te g a:rs pela n the
shades 01 th s handsome trad i onal s brass boi,rd afd
hand soldered The arl que brass rccdcd co !mn
supports sc'o ied curved a|rs 23" d a 137r" hL
Ov.era hl 36" Th[ee E bu bs eacn 100W max



P 4565 (above) Exqu sltely

detai ed kerosene lamp styling
jn ant que ilrass. Forged arms.
B'l opal g ass shades frosted
c ear 1op chimneys 24l/ d a .

15" ht. Three M bu bs, each

100W max
TC 4150 Thc ock ci hand oecorated rorce a
ro I and
o.o-.o. ..0.r . I g. o P 3865 f/eft) Wa I bracket
:ouch io opa glass shades fofls afC co LrrrI secl ons oratches P4565 B%"W,
Frosted g ass top c r mneys 24'l d a 15/' irt Three I4lr'l ht. Extends 111/at'. ane
4\ Fl bu bs each I00!V qrax. M bu b, 100W max.

Dr0ffess , ".;
@p"rio, fixture an page indicated.
The Chandelier as a centerPiece
Chandeliers are the ornamental chandelier is more full-bodied A chandelier with a downlighi
centerpieces of lighting and (such as TC 4060 on page 4), will do extra lighting jobs foryou.
decorating plans. lMosi often they its 26l' diameter will scale to a The lights on the chandelier arms
are displayed in the dining area. larger room than general guide- provide the general illumination.
You can enhance the decorative Iines indicate. The downlight helps wiih tasks
panache of your home by hanging You also should consider the size
such as homework or table games
a chandelier in your foyer, of your din ing table to avoid and it can accent table settings
bedroom, 'family room or in bumping into the chandelier when or centerpieces.
other areas. A chandelier is the you or your guests get uP from
crowning glory of any taste{ully lf there's no ceiling ouilet box,
the table. N4aintain 6" clearance
decorated room. or if it is noi located where you
from each side oJ the table, which
want the chandelier, you can solve
means your chandelier should be
How large should it be? What the problem. The swag kit
1 2" narrower than ihe width of
chandelier diameter is right for (page 42) lets you Plug into a
the table.
the size o{ your room? ln general, wall outlet or swag the chandelier
if your room is less than 1 0 feet How high should it be? ln most from an outlet box to a ceiling hook
wide, you ll look for a chandelrer din ing areas, the botlom of the over the location where you want
with a diameter of abaulz+" or chandelier should be aPProxi- it. Also, you can hang a chandelier
less. The styling of the chandelier rnateiy 30" above the table. Th is as wellaslrack lights from TRAK-1
can be as important as the provides proper lighting while sections (page 175).
diameter. Decorators re{er to it as keeping the chandelier out of Your
the "scale" of ihe chandelier to line of lig ht when seated. lf the To complete the beauly oi your ((
the room. lf the chandelier is an ceiling is more than ihe usual decorative chandeliers, choose
airy, open design (such as TC 4285 Sjoot height, you may want to bu bs fro'n Page 149.
on page 28), you can hang its 26" raise tre chandelier a few;nches Always use clear bulbs to magnify
the sparkle o[ crystal chande
diameter in smaller rooms. lf the to maintain a better room scale
Strass Crvstal
-the roviltv
of chandeli6rs
These majest c chande iers are bejewe ed
with imported Strass crysta Each Strass
gerf is precision cut and pol shed,
according to a carefuly guarded secret
process, to sparkle wilh ra nbow hued
brllliance I ke a dian-rond. Thai s whv Slrass
c ,stal r eqLe ll) s -5eo o .-&P r
These prec ous strands of Strass are
festooned on heart shaped chandelier
setiings that g eam w th 24K gold p at ng.
These golden hearls I ow around cul
crystal columns from the cro\,vn to cut
crystal bobeches, and are dressed at each
end w th Strass penda ogs. 1f only the very
best wl I do, cofsider one of these Strass
chande iers for your home.


TC 4073 (tap) Two-tier, twelve-light

Strass crystal grandeurI26/'dia., 17' ht.
Twe ve c ear lal bulbs, each 60W max.
TC 4068 (center) Superb six- ight Strass
crystal chandel et.24" da.,17'l ht. Slx
clear lcl bulbs, each 60W max.
TC 4069 (left) Lavish eight-light Strass
crystal chandelier.26il dla.,17il ht. Eight
c ear O bulbs, each 60W inax.

d Candelabra base.
)c Decoralar bulbs an page 149.
Chandeliers on these pages,
overall ht.lo 42't.

j,i fb,i-"o i-ro
",y.e sl!p. uu an ai,Les
t.oi a L orr dbova ll -5l aig1l oJl crlslol Lolur l oLl o'f^ cLl cr)'ral bobFc'les
fr *ifi ftqhivoui troine witfi th-^ un que spark e of Strass lewelry 26" dia 2a" ht Elght clear E bulbs, each 60W max

TC 4088 This lovely yre shaped chandeller is a smaller, stll TC 4094 A masterlu more petite rendition ol TC 4095.
substanilal Strass crystalvariatlcn of the TC 4089. li s 24K Strands of orecious Strass qems are draped profusely
go d plated 24' d a ,20' ht Six c ear E bu bs, each 60W nrax from the 24K gold-plated crown. 12" dia ,151/2" ht.
Three clear d bu bs each 60W max.
Strass Crystal
fC 4099 (right) A lavish slower or
Strass crystal shim mering against
24K gold plate. lwo tie's ol candles
stand on crystal bobeches. This import
is adorned with elongated crysta drops
and crystal canopy overlay.26l/ dla.,
197r'l ht. Ten clear E bulbs,
each 60W max.

fC 4098 (right)Cascades of Strass jewels and cut

crystal drops grace this imported,24K gold plated
chandelier. Crystal bobeches and canopy overlay.
21't dia., 18" hL Five clear E bulbs, each 60W max

f C 4095 (belov,l) A shimmerjnq veil of Strass

crystal jewels descends from the delicate crown of
24K gold plating. Six candles ignjte rainbow
refractions in lhe gems and Strass end drops.
19// dia., 1 9" ht. Six clear E bulbs, each 60W max.

E Candelabra base. Decaralor bulbs on page 149.

Chandeliers on lhese pages,
averall hl. lo 42tt

TC 4054 This fashionably festooned Strass crystal import TC 4056 This six-light imported chandelier boasts a rich blend
ls a sma ler edit on of TC 4056. lt aLso is 24K go d plaled.
21" dia..18" ht. Five clear E bulbs, each 60W max.
of Strass crvstal and 24K gold plating. Punctuated by large
cr\/stal bob6ches and a crysldlqlobe ado'ring'l-e colurrr
p4r d a.. 19" ht. Six claar li l bLlbS, pdch 60W Td\.

TC 3689 Gleaming imported 24K gold-

plated ciuslerwith Strass crystal drops
and prisms. I0" dia., 13// ht. Three clear
El bulbs, each 60W orax.
TC 4383 A luxurlous collection of Strass crystal graces this 24K go d-
plaled i'rporl. Dia'no1o -- ocl"gor s dr d dl1 or d s ao'd d oos g il ar
wit'l arlbowbr lral^e. i a"dso-q'ao J-l o .Lc /I Ig' ^r
E Candelabra base dt
the cryslal bobeches.23" dla., 1274l/ ht. Eight c ear E bulbs p us one @ Medium base.
clear M centerl ght, each 60W max Decotatar bulbs on page 149.
Chandeliers on lhese pages, overall ht.lo 42" .
Crystal clusters clesignecl for smaller areas
TC 4062 This regal crysta basket ls festooned with TC 4051 A petite creatror of precious Strass crysta
Slrass crystal gems and pendalogs lmaglne this 24K gold- iewels set on a spray al24K go d platc The
plated import in your foyer dinette, dressrng room or ha I distinctive rainbow hued Strass sparklcs dance
13tt dia ,141/2tt ht. Three clear El bu bs, each 60W max around a cut crystal column. 157r"da 14" hl
Three clear E bulbs, each 60W nax.

D c TC 3683
This prec ous
cluster of Strass
crystal jewels
is displayed on
a 24K go d-plated
setting. A dazzling
imporl with a
profusion of
almond shaped
crystal. 11 /' dia.,
12Y2 h|.
Three clear
E bulbs,
each 60W max.

TC 4038 A four-tlered diadem ol dlamond- ike Sirass TC 3682

crystal set on fine y detailed 24K gold-plated banding Shimmering
14y2tt dia.,15" ht. Eight clear E bu bs, each 60W max. 24K gold-plated,
im ported jewelLed
sphere. Richly
draped with
alrnond shaped
Strass crystal.
TC 3883 ComPanion
jmported wa I bracket 9Y2t' dia., 11" ht.
is 24K gold plated.
100W max
Festooned with Strass
crystal octagons and

D (\ ffi'?Xo,?'Ei1';#r".
One c ear bulb,
60W max.

p ruq resslllq lihLiirirU I

Eaqy does it with relaxed styling
The newest fashion f air has emerged with our young of textures co ors and materials. These are new creations
generation of designers and homeowners who exercise
the ir freedom to mo d fash ons to their own inforrnal
ifestyle IVany call it the "Lifestyle" fashion. Some
with a dash of difference. Select one w th open
spaciousness that ref ects extended vistas ol home and
landscape. Choose the charm of Span ish lace. Go with
may sti L call t ' Couf try Casua ' . Cal it whal you will. the naiural beauty of wood or pottery. Here is a col ectlon
f you favor easy going, informal fashions- t's for you. that gives you the fresh new approach of sun country
These are relaxed designs w th zestfu new applications people on a frontier of fashlonable ving
TC 4016 A home-warmlng shade of amber
calhedral glass and "tortoise shel " acryl c pane s.
The hand-lhrown eaarh-1one pollery candleholders
sit atop curved antique brass arms .21tt dla.,133ht'
ht. Four E bulbs, each 60W rnax.

TC 4078 (lelt)Fashion flairl Double-candle clear glass

larnps are suspended around lhe ruggedly handsome
tankard column which conceals a downlight. Finished in
rnellow antique brass. 3-way swltch .261/ztt d a.,17tt h'l.
Eight E bu bs, each 60W max. and one 30 or 50W R-20

TC 4022 fhe natural look ol rattan ls contrasted
with walnut flnish wood accents. The six sided, c ear TC 4045 A casual classic. Charming glazed oatmea co ored pottery
g ass shades, each with two candles, are bound in holders have solt green accents. Curved, mel ow ant que brass arms
DE mellow antique brass.231/2" d|a.,1 5 /z // ht. Ten @
bulbs, each 60W max.
sweep lrom the spindle colurnn to amber glass shades alop the
potlery fonts. 24" dla.,17" ht. Five E bullrs, each 60W max

d Candelabra base. Decaralor bulbs on page 149. Chandeliers on these pages, averall ht. la 42tl



TC 4109 Soaring clear g ass chlmneys give this six ight TC 4115 F uted amber g ass shades comb ne wilh rich
chandeller a sleek, sophisticated look. Buff, cracklejinish chocolate brown holders and column in this handsorne I ve-
co umn and .natching holders atop elongated nc o\,v anlique light chandelier. Curved, ne low antique brass afd tr m
brass fonts cornp ete the cornposltlon.22't C'ia.,21't hI. 25,, dla.,171A,t ht. Five E bulbs, each 60W max.
S x E bulbs, each 60W max.

P 4126 This exciling three-cornered creatlon features

natural cane in oak Jinish wood lranes I Large topaz glass P 4166 A classy nforma fashion lWhite sw rl, "jced' bands,
shades are poised atop antlque brass holders at each of the on the c ear hurrlcane glass shades Gracefu lyturned wood
three corners. ht. Three M bu bs each co urnf !"i th antlque brass arms. 22'l dia., 19// ht. Six E
60W max. G 25 recommended. bu bs, each 60W max.
I j

TC4274 t/ve a dill6rencelTa cy fcirlc.. glass
cl- J'rneys pierce iIe hamnrereC .rmber acty c and clear
I do'\ L" o.'ro oeP' i'do 'L '
rq.-oo , l d.... ;"'
Four E bulbs, each 60W max.

llt ^ TC 4298 This handsome hanging larnp glows wlth the

riar.rth of ts !\,a nut fn shed !,/ood panel shade.
The,.ne low ant que bTass cenler coLurnn supports a
faur-candle cluster. 203/+" dia.,I3" ht Four E bulbs
each 60W max.
,.: j

q !}

TC 5031 (above) Rea beige lace embedded in the

cLear acry ic shade g ves this hanging lamp a charm al
olvn. Shade s tr mmeo with pierced ga lerles.
Curved, mel ow anlique brass arms suppod I ch brown
candleho ders. 20y2t' dia ,17y2" hL Four g bulbs, each
60W rnax.

Chandeliers an these pages, averall hl.lo 42tt.

d Candelabra base. @ l\,,lediun base.
Decoralar bulbs an page 149.
TC 4064 This dramatic chandelier has a hand-decorated
delft bJue deslgn on its creamy, matte-glazed earthenware
colu mn. The exquisite blue and amber lustre glass shades ate
hand-blown. l\.4e low antique brass trim. 21" dia., lB" ht.
Five M bulbs, each 60W max.

TC 4047 (abave)Your lriends wi lbesureyoufound

this ecru, crackle glazed chandelier in an antique store.
It is decorated wiih bright spring flowers. Eng ish bronze
arrns flow gracefully into flared castings. 24" dia., 21"
ht. Six O bu bs, each 60W max.

TC 4050 Charming crackle glazed TC 4197 Black cast metal scrolled arms
chandelier. Hand-painted, multi-color lloral
branch from handsomelyJigu red, five-sided,
decorations. l',4ellow antique brass trim.
wood-finished colurnn. Arfber ribbed optic
Unusual amber lustre, hand-blown glass glass cylinders. 24't dia.,19y2t' h1. Five
shades.22l'dia., 19/'ht. Five E bulbs, each clear E bulbs. each 60W max.
60W max.
P 3897 (/efl) Matching wall bracket to TC 4197
4Y2tt W.,14tt ht. Extends 11/' . One clear O bulb.
60W max.
TC 4138 01,/\oL -e.d 6\arL.lo\4 tl a rhrspo ery
bea,tywdsn lardn ade o\oJr o d.r. ltis'ashroned
around the hand-thrown, earth-tone poltery column.
Scrolled antique brass arms extend to waln.ut-finished
wood dishes that hold u nlque amber glass bo\,vls.
22t' dla.,153/qt, ht. Five E buibs, each 60W max.

P 4306 (below)Hanging lamp with a honey pine wood

column and a textured ten pleated shade whlch is while
vlnyl lined for proper llght d ffuslon Antique brass metal
accenls. l9/i dia. 18/i ht. Four lrMl bulbs. each 60W max.

P 4501 (below) Awarm blend of grained fruitwood, b ack

wrought lron scroils and textured amber llnish optic glass
shades.22il dia., 171/21'hl.F ve@ bulbs, each 100Winax

P 4307 Tr.s beaurifu chaqdeliar corb nes -onev

pire wood will- a louch or lancy'orrrality in tha ta1'
plealed cl p-on shades 'red wi-f white vrrryl Arliqup
brass .nelal acc-nts.241' dia ,201/a" lt. Si\ E bu bs
each 60W max.

@ Medium base.
E Candelabrc base. Decarator bulbs on page 149.
Chain hu ng lixlu res on these pages, ovetall ht. to 421.

Decorate with
contenlpoary lighting
Conlemporary gives you more
than chandeliers. These are
hanging scu lptu res worthy of
exhibiting along with your
collection of fine prints and
paintings. These are artistic
creations that work materials and
textures inlo intriguing interplays
of shapes and color. These are
statements of today-so
eloquent that they will be equally
treasured tomorrow.
For proper lighling in the
Contemporary home, many
designers supplement chandeliers
wilh recessed or track lighting
which you'll find starting on
pages 150 and 168. The lighting
experts in your Progress show-
room will help you with your ideas.

TC 4321 A scintillating circle oI light that is more art

form than chandelier. The interleaved variety of chrome
and polished brass fins captures and reflects the light in a
constantly changing spectacle of mirror images. Hand
crafted byskilled ltalian artisans. 23// dia., 15y2tt hL
Six clear U bulbs, each 60W max. G-1672 recommended.

TC 4821 Ceiling companion to Tc 4321 .

14ttdia.,9y2tt ht. One clear M bulb, 100W max.
TC 4320 (above) A virtuoso composition of
polished brass and chrome I Bold shafls angle
outward to support Contemporary cubes. Each
cube nests its bulb in a cross of brass and
chrome fjns with optic acrylic uprights on lhe
four sides. The result is an endless fascination
of beautiful images from this irnported
chandelier. 26'l d ia., 141/z' hL Five clear E
bulbs, each 60W max. G-l B recommended.

TC 4820 Ceilinq rendition of Tc 4320.

20,t dia..13,' ht. Three clear lid bulbs, each TC 2960 Wall bracket matches
60W max. G- 18 recommended. fC 4320 . 6' W ., 9s/a ' ht. Extends
8%". One clear E bulb, 60W
max. G 18 recommended.

E Candelabrc base.
DT @ Medium base.
Decorator bulbs on page 149.
Chandelierc on these pages
overall height lo 42tt .

TC 4103 A toast to Contemporary! Two tiers of clear crystal goblets
are lifted hiqh on lall po'ished alum:num pedeslals. This is pure drd
simple beauly.24l' dia.,171/2" \t Nire clear @ bulbs. caci 60W nar.
G-1672 recommended.

(, -:_ ->\

TC 4105 Warm walnut finished wood is

combined with smoke glass shades in this striking
five liqht chandelier. Antique brass finish trim.
23r dia.,14" ht. Five El bu lbs, each 60W max.

TC 4188 Sleek, squared soaring

lorches of oolishpd brass.'l a Limeless
Coltembor ary lreal'nenl. A classic.
23a dia..20'
' hl. Twelve [e] bu'bs,
each 60W max.
TC 4372 Soaring 15-liqht
sculoture ma rries chrome and
pol shed brass jn a constantiy
changing vista of liqht and shadow.
Squared triangular torches rise
gracefully along angled shafis of
this imported masterpiece. 30//
dla.,181/2" ht. Fifteen E bulbs
each 60W max.

TC 4361
An extraordinary cor.rposit on of chrome
d d Pol,c'ad b ass l'e lr'que
Coniem porary torches are squared.
triangular columns.20" dla., 20" ht. Nine
O bulbs, each 60W max.
D tt

TC 4104 Six-light variatlon of the

TC 4188. Contemporary polished brass
lhe"re 18" dia., 20" fl s \ E bu bs
each 60W max

@ Candelabru base.
Decarator bulbs an page 149

Chandeliers on lhese pages,

DT r overall hl. la 42tl

TC 4102 Hlgh y po ished a uminun'r spheres capture and m rroT room
colors jn th s Contemporary c assic. Provides excellent downlight
lurnination. N4atte black step ballles concea ed n the spheres,
reduce unwanted garc.21tt da.,141/2" hi. Flve M bulbs, each
75W R 30 max

TC 4265 A tr o ol Conlel.nporary harg ng

lanterns. The arge, hand blolvn glass
domes are shaded from frosted tops to c eaT
bottoms and are r nged wjth gold bands.
The oak iinished wood arrns are tr mmed
lvith me low antlque brass 22" dia.
I B" ht. Three M bulbs each 60W max.
G -30 recommended
TC 4204 A fantasy ln light Cubes
of imported, hand-blown, clear and opal
blended glass float atop tall shafts
of po ished alu m jnu m. l\4alte black arms
21n dia.,16Y2 ht Six A bulbs, each
60W max

d Candelabra base. M l\ledium base.

Decoralar bulbs on page 149.
Chandeliers an lhese paqes, averall hl. lo 121t.

P 4392 Contemporary downl ght chandelier wlth a

difierenceJ Butcher b ock fin shing on the metal colr.rmn
blends beautiful y with snoke acry c cylinders and mirror'
polished alu minu m. 3-way switch for candles, down lig ht or
balh.22" dla.,15// ht. Five E bulbs, each 40Wmax G 167:
recommended, and one 50W R-20 downliqht.
TC 4025 Contemporary interpretatjon ol gas ight charm
Po ished alurninurn cy inders with rectangular arms that
hold opal, cased glass shades. 257r " d a., 19" ht F ve M
bulbs, each 60W max G-25 recomrnended.
TC 4253 Gleaming polished aluminum
chandelier wlth smoke glass domes. Downlight
in column for extra illuminaiion on work, play or
table settings. 3-way swiich for downlight, domes,
at bolh.23y2t' dia.,20lr'l hl. Five E bulbs,
G-16/z recommended, and one 50W R-20.

P 4053 Polished alurninum close-to-the-ceiling

fixture with smoke glass sem spheres. 2272l/
dia.,113/a" ht. Four El bulbs, each 60W max.
G-16Y2 recommended.

P 4014 Walnut-finished wood column and squared,

pollshed solid brass arms. lmported, satin elched
triplex glass. 27" dia.,15" ht. Five E bulbs,
each 100W max.

P 4055 Two tiers of smoke glass bubbles around hexagona

column of pol shed alurf inur0 with black accents.22" dia.,
21 /i ht. Six A bu lbs, each 60W max. G- 16/2 recommended.
TC 4200 Country Contemporary. Thls handsome chandelLer
has six sided shades with indivldual seeded amber pane s
held in walnut-finished wood The squared mellow antique
brass colu mn conla ns a cenleT lighl.251/2tt dia., 141A " lL
Four M bulbs, 100W max. G-30 recommended Plus one
6)t El bulb,40W max., G-1672 recommended.
P 4208 Five bubbles of sparkling c ear g ass float on
chrome holders embedded in natural oak wood arms
21lz" dia.,121/z||hI.Ftve M bulbs,each 60W max
T-10 recommended

TC 4409 Striking Conternporary chandelier with opal

g ass shades, mirror polished aluminum arms and wood-
Inished melal column 27tt dia 14" ht Flve @ bulbs. 60W
\,\rhite G-30 recorn mended.

E Candelabra base. @ Med ium base. Decoratar bulbs on paqe 1 49

Chandelierc on these pages, averall ht. la 42t'. Pru[russhfir:]mrl
tt l"

TC 428A (right) Ilanor-house

erandeur for lhe argest rooms-
- or commerclal use Twelve
candles on iwo tiers Polished
so id brass. 42't dia.,313h" hI
Twelve E bulbs, each
60W nTax. 6D


TC 4285 Polished solid brass Amerlcana Authentlcally casl TG 4286 Lrrq'r eighl lig\l rpp'oduc'ion in po s'rod so id
scrolled arm ends.26't dia.,221/e" ht. S x El bulbs, each bras' 30" did- 2Jr , " 1l I iq' I g bu bs. eacl 60W 'naY @
60W max. @
Americas favorite formals
Early American is our nation's favorite home furnishing {ashion. lf you wanl
rustic styles, look at the Americana lnformals collection.
But if you want the formal 18th century stateliness of our nation's Enolish
beginnings, stop right here. This
hlstoric grouping recalls the delicacy
of Queen Anne and the romance
of Ch ppenda e lhal w-re o awn n
exquis te mahogany carv ngs. These
solid brass chandel ers recapture
the authent crty of full s ze column
balls and loops, plus the quality
detaiLing of cast arm scrolls. From
our nation's founders to today's
homemakers, these are America's
favorile lig hting formals.

TC 4287 (left) Generously scaled ten-light

chandelier. For large rooms or for commercial
installations. Polished solid brass. 33/z'l dia.,
26" ht. Ten El bulbs, each 60W max. 6D

TC 4284 Authenlic Americana five light in poljshed solid

b.ass.25tt dia.,221/2 " ht. Five g bu lbs, each 60W rnax. @

6DSo/ld Brass d Candelabrc base.

Chandelierc on lhese pages, avetall ht. ta 42tt.
TC 4289 Stately splendor recaptured in polished soTid brass
with eight clear hurricane glass shades.291/ztt dia.,23tthI.
Eight E bulbs, each 60W max. @
TC 4390-10 Polished brass. Two-liered Georg an
reproduclion in manor house propottions.29" d|a.,271/2"
ht. Twelve E bulbs, each 60W nrax.
TC 4390-11 English bronze

P 3821-11 EngLish
bronze Wall scance. 4V2'l
W., 12tt hI. Extends 7//.
E bulb,60W max.
P 3821-10 Polished brass
P 2949-11 English
bronze. Sconce with clear
olass shade. 472 /r W.,
i 4" hl. Exler|ds 71/2't .

E bu lb, 60W max.

P 2949-10 Polished brass

P 2950-10
Po ished brass. f-- l
Two liqht. Clear I
glass shades. \
'13/' w..
'14l/ ht. Extends

61/2" .I$ta g
bulbs, each
60W max.
P 2950-1 1
English bronze
P 3822-10 Polished P 4376-10 Polished brass. Authenl c Americana
brass Two-lioht sconce. reproduction with clear hurricane glass shades. 24l' dia.,
12' w .. 12' hL Exlends 6". 18%' ht. Six E bulbs, each 60W max.
Two E bulbs, each 60W max. P 4376-11 English bronze
P 3522-11
English bronze.
rl\ P 4374-17 Pewter. Historic Colon al grandeur. P 4375.11 English bronze. A large scale Amerjcana replica.271/2tl
Six E bulbs, each 60W max.
23tt dia., 183/ttt ht. dia.,213/ttt ht. Eight E bulbs, each 60W max.
P 4374-10 Polished brass P 4375-10 PoJished brass
P 4374-11 English bronze P 4375-17 Pewter

P 3805 (/etl.) Wall sconce

malches P 4205 5/' W
. 13' ht. Extends B'/. One
M bulb, 60W max.
P 4373-11 English bronze
Americana standard. 21' dta.
15" ht. Five O bulbs, each
60W max.
P 4373-10 Polished brass

D Candelabra base.
n P 42Oi lradiLiora' Anerjca'ra ir higrly pol,sr ed brass. @ Medium base bulb
L' Cast, s'x-s'ded co unr. HJ'ricare g.ass shaoes ol
perio'ated 'orls. 20" dia.. 17" ht five El bulbs eac^
Decatator bulbs on page 149.
All chandeliers
60W max.
an these pages,
ovetall ht. to 42tt.
The beauty of Americana
is that it gives you such
decorating freedom-
espec ially these inf ormal
styles. You can match
and mix them with so
many furnlshings. From
Fustic reminders of frontie r
t .#
living to fashlons with
Shaker-like straiqht, clean
lines that even go as
a counte rpoint to
Contemporary. That's one
reason why lnf ormal
Americana is one o{ our
nation's favorlte fash ion s
it wl a ways be
in style.
These are casual,
straig htforward desig ns
that are easy to live with
and easy to care {or. llost
have a rugged warmth that
comes from America's
earlier days when life was
simpler and family living
revolved around the hearth.
They were made o1 basic
materlals and crafted with
fun damental tools along
e emental lines. Hewn
wood, touches of strap
iron, wagon wheels, a
ke rosene lamP, re-creations
of country store scoops.
Familiar fashions. Comfort-
able styles. Beautiful Amer-
ican lnformals. For You.


-- i lP,riir'i8 lr.r al I i,.,31r:.r-ri : ] o' iI -. ".'.1 'll

\ir f r -.lta!l ,i'.,oal I i-ritli:, :t ir!iair.r.-'tt'r'. i-r,,:lLt
.- 1* ba ti i, ia:i:-rlr:.d.. II . lt.]l.t ar-,.i 1la - li.,:i
lalt .ta.:tlll , ailiit Cl .1,i.,.'.r .t:1 tl) r''..ilnfi.r l.
lrri:::; l-: t r'i :ll'1 al il !ll:'" l : i '.rr iil ;L l:
iia( ir l ll.l,''r l_ra.)l

-ll rl

.,r I

ir.rlirre or i-ra.r'tt r/rilranl.--i


&l i11

TC 4233 fi-.-nloril Tll: .h;lrtl.,r r ri.j tl-. f,l)..{ r,l

a!!ea !l "!:t c ';-.!rt-'" i ii'llr al t'.'. rl f I lrar:t
ccricn'to';r)/ slf f-. i ti T t! a.i]l il:illlli shilces
a,'e acce r:ai ,r llr i !f rl,, !.'f '.' f ,'i lil ! Tiil
lcla tr n s it.rc( arrd artrL lLla.lrli'::l 2i1'tl il
l5'' ht FoLrt E bL. lt: ealrl i0!r"iir-rlr l 25

'L'('li22t; in]]i-..'., riI ll! tar il:,l, .lii.r".: r: ( i

tLr!-.i a i.,,: r,"r,.. :it L ,r l,l i..l a
dt,.., t al tt r ta r r ,:iii:t,ti :t t- rai. i a, Ltrt I l;li
f r .'.:rt:l :li 'atrr l-;'ir:: -a a 'itl | ;'iLr:
':ilt'a r'!'r.:a. a'lla '., 1', .l i.,.',i '1,''iah 2!"
(:. I ::" t': : ..'[r]l lrLl :l:' ''.r.r r'-f'l

"l 5ir!'n; ltit :la i.'r !.rli

[i ili..]ii irt 5;5;
alil/-r.,i-Jli'l,i,Iii i:as?
i,.i-r t'
allrall.l ltrr:1 I'rlilrr-;r a", lilt5! iltqerj
.: '"t2i ilt ii i'ti

I rll itl i'L:r il !i

P 4545-11 Anlique brass finish. Ranch-size.
Five-light 24'l wood wagon wheel wilh rnela shades
over frosted glass chimneys. Leather thong. 31/' dia.,
17rl ht. Five m bulbs, each 100W max.
P 4545-14 Antique copper finish


, <:--{r
*F P 3052-14 (rlght) Antique copper

Exlends 10 Y, //. One
El bu lb, 100W max.
P 3052-11 Aniique
brass finish

P 4544-14 fabove) Antique copper finish. Four- ight 1B'/
wood waqon wheel with metal shades over frosted glass
chimneys. Leatherthong.25l'dia., 16'/ ht. Four M bulbs,
each 100W max.
P 4544-11 Antique brass finish

P 4543-11 Antique brass finish.

Three-light 15/' wood wagon
wheel with lustrous rnetal
shades over frosted glass
chimneys. Leather thong. 22"
dia., 14'ht. Three E bulbs,
each 100W max.
P 4543-14 Antique copper

P 4546-14 Anlique copper finish. The

b,q- onelsir-lignt 30" wood wagon wheel
wirh meta, sf'ades over f osled glass
chimnevs. Leather thong. 37 tt dia., 20tl
ni. Six @ outos, each 100w max.
P 4546-11 Aniique brass finish

P 4247 (abave) fhree-light chandelier wiih walnut-linished,
rounded wood blocks. Pierced black shades sil on c ear-top,
'rosred olass clirrneys. ArtiqJe brass c1 n'rey ho.oers and
atms.22,'d a.,141:,r rt Tnree M butos, each 100W -nax.
P 4283-14 ArliqJe copper finish Tro'rI er
laro of cra'r-hurg c'ossed yokps a'ld melal
shades. Frosled glass chimneys, leather thong
26" dia..16't ht. Fbur lMl bulbs, each 100W max
P 4283-11 Antique brass finish

P 4578 (below) Western oil lamp siyle with

oo,^/^ iqf t. A1r qJe
orass'ir'sh. Opal g'ass
chimnel.'b-J-wav swilcl 2"' a:a ,2a a" fi.
One E o, 'sOW ra\. ard orP *OW q-20
llll down light.

lC 4302 (above) Boldly fashloned I Black

shades are white lined. The ample, artfully
craited wood column is butternut iinished.
Stra g1t. cyl ndrical glass cl^ r'rneys in
pierced En glish bronze f inish holders. 241/z tl
dia,,21tt hI. S x O bulbs, each 60W max.

P 3801 Companion wall bracket to

TC 4302. 7 Y2
tt W ., 11tt hl. Extends 9//.
One E bulb, 60W max.
(Comoanion fixtue on paqe indicaled

@ Medium base bulb. @ Candelabra base bulb.

Chain-hung fixturcs on these pages,
overall ht. to 42tt, proqrus$iiqhfrlmq



P 4175 (above) Turn back the clock with this

19th century beauty. HandJinished distressed
pine wood and reeded metal column. Opal
glass shades. Frosted, clear-top chimneys.
Antique brass detai ling. 23y2 tt dia., 17 ya't ht.
Three M bulbs, each 1 00W max.

P 3875 (left) Opal glass wall bracket maiches

P 41 75. Switch. B1/ttt dia.. 143/at' hI. Extends 11y2tt .

One M bulb, 100W max.

P 3802 (left) Wall sconce matches P 4203.

4ttW.,14tt ht. ExtendsT//. One O bu b,
P 4177 Amer cana cha n
?r 60W max.
P 4203 (belaw) Shades oi the o d general
store's sugar scoopsl Salin steel refleclors
walnut handles. Handy downli ght. 3-way
hung amp Opal gass shade
and a v,,ood frr al \,,/ th anl que
brass. Frosled. clear-iop
glass chlmfey. 3 v,/ay sw tch
swilch. Aniique brass chains tankard 15// dia 25ilht 3-rvay
calu-rrn.22tt dia.,22'l ht. Five E bulbs, each 50/ I00/ 150W M bu b
60W rnax. One 50W R-20 downlioht. recom mended.

P 4341 Three hand blown amber optic c ass

acc-rl lh;c a^liqJ6 br , * ,ris- d I urp
cl-, r'rneys
wiih wood trinr. On-ofi switch. 21 fi d a .171/p" ht
Three E bulbs, each 60W max
P 4589 Charming rubY oll P 4108-11 Ear y American anl que
amp reproduct on. 14/' brass styllng. Smoke bel , opal
shatter-resistaf t dlmp ed hobnail glass shade Frosted P 4567 Kerosene style lamp. F nelY
ecrvl c shade afd font. clear-top qlass chimney. 3-way forged scro I arms ard bobeches in
mp'orted crysta pendants switch. 19'/ d a 22" ht.3-way M anlique brass. 12" opa glass shade.
Antique brass srnoke be land bu 1r,50/100/150W max. Frosted c ear-toD olass ch mnev
I qreed qa Ier es. I7l' dia., 3-way swltch. 1B"-dia..11Y2" hl.
lBi'ht One M bu b, 150W nrax 3 way M bu b, 50/100/l50W max.

TC 4134 An up-to-dale Americana chandeller done ln silvery

pewle'wit- acce'rrs o' po ished b'ass. C'eaLtoo. {'osled g ass
c1 rrn6\s Wl-; e lrned reral sl-ades. 22" d a..17" l^I Tlree M
bu bs, each 100W max.

T t{"
&\ P 3841 Pewter
and polished brass
wall bracket. tVatches
TC 4134. C ear-top,
frosted glass chimney.
B' W., 12Y2t' hL
Extends 93/a'.
M bulb, 100W max.

f ixture an page indicaled Chandelierc an these pages, averall ht. to 42tt .

g Candelabra base. Decaralor bulbs an page 149.
pr0qresslir :ihliflnrqt
M Medium base.
Variations on a theme by Tiffany
Lou s Comfort Tiffany had a way with glass. He gave it Tiffany look-p us new and delightf ully different
br ght warm co ors and bound the colorful glass varialions on the same theme. Co orful glass. Blends
sections together in lampshades of brilliant, iridescent of colorful, clear and mirrored giass. See-through
mosaics. Today collectors search for them and spaciousness of a -clear glass fashions. Shades
pay many thousands of dollars to own a with n ew pleated edges. Take you r pick. Today they
Tiff any original. are just n ew and beautif u l. Someday they may be
Progress Llohtino offers you hanging lamps with the collectors' items
TC 5029 Warm tones of amber and honey opalescent glass lorrn a
TC 5027 Harlequin splashes of pebbled amber and counterpoini to glittering mirrored panels in this striking hanging
mirrored diamonds enliven this whlte opalescent glass lamp. Each panel is bouhd in antique solid brass. 10" opa g ass globe.
hang ng amp. Each panel is bound in antique soLid 20V2tt dia..16/' ht. One M bu lb, 1 50W nrax.
brass. A 10" opal g lass globe completes the fixtu re.
19y2tt dia.,1 5// ht. One M bulb, 150W max. TC 5025 (belaw) Hand-cut floral designs on clear glass aliernate with
honey opaiescent glass paneTs bound in solid brass. S/'eiched glass
globe. 157al'dia., 11%r/ ht. One @ bulb, 150W max.

TC 5028 Honey opalescent frames set off the

dimensional panels which rim this glowing amber glass
remembrance of Tiffany yesterdays. Panels are bound
in aniique solid brass. 10" opal globe.19y2t' dia.,
1372 // ht. One M bulb, 1 50W max.

TC 5026 (tight) An exciting new look I Clear and white

ooalescent olass pare s ooJrd in anlique solid brass 1o'm
constaltly ch;roin.q geomelric snapes i1 I .1is plealeo-edge
1a'rging lanp. B" opal glass globeemr?,

@ Mediun base bulb

Chain-hung fixtures on this page, overall ht. ta 42" . nruqrusilru]htmql

P 5019 laborrl Tl's crarmr'ro 8-s Cod l'ang n3

cue brass cit!nC sca cped
a'r] p has a.r:
orf ang a g ass Dan.6 s dccciaie C !",, 1r a
'*jl Jac( Fr.s: ao(dcsqn 181,:i"dia l0"hi
{, Ore m bu b I00!V max G /.C f-"aorn'endco

TC 5037 Hcrcy apa e sa:r:irld a -.::r o ir:s s LloLrf d n ari cu-.
s.r .l b i:s lt ve th s iar.i nll ;[]f-i :L i'r : lacelac ook tl1: :
rcDcali.rc |1l'tpeat,rC ir T'a:: r;irl!r ciarr,rrs a: r !a.nq !a lstct
19,':t" c a 111t:" ht C,e :r h- lir 42" S x ?] llu tts rac I60i'',,'n'ax O

P 4090-71 lai-.or-.I iloret/ ard qo d sl-ade

sad-"d textrted g ess rancis r',,h te q obe
a o. J o o
One [t,l bu b ] OCY,/ lrax




[ti,.-, 1,
F -ri
P 4071 Opa :ra-.nt f !n--\r,l as:r:rrI arf bar'rala! rg a-:lrp P 4080-71 Honey and gold Colorf u . textu:ed
Alt lLre b':is: .nn.rp;l aio ti r'r 8" t h te ! ass g olre I 9" d a eaded g ass panels. Anlique brass lin s:red lr m
l;/" irt Of ! li bir l] 150'; ri:x l6"da 10" ht Ofe [Ml bu b G-40 \,i h te, 150U/ nrax

Cnain huitq liriuits ct ihgse pirqes ove,'riihi io 36" unless olher,,r'ise noled
P 4037-63 Avocado. A
re-creation of yesteryear's
graceful Tiffany glass
styling. Curved petals
neslle an 8'r white glass
globe. 18// dia., 1 1 /z /' ht.
One m bulb, 150W rnav.
P 4037-65 Honey white

TC 5030 taDove) Nostalg a nsp rcd fang ng amp ol
ant que solid brass G ass pane s have the iftrigLl ng Look
of irosled vi fdows plus wir te rose des gns The shade
i-"..."1 P 4311 (below)Handcrafted tu p
cro,/r'ns a three cand e c uster. 181/, " d a., 13% " hi Three
iSWAG: lamp. Etched glass petals decoraied E bulbs each 60W max @

iKIT i dr llro o'o"r.A|o.-bro:

see page 42 tr^ll
rn. B" satin etched glass g obe 18" dia.,
111/2" ft. Ane M bulb, 150W max

P 4312 (tight) Ki'n-

fired w cker design and
opal glass pane ed
lamp. Ant que brass
tr nr B// !1,hite g ass
globe. 1B// dta 111/t"
ht. On-^ @ bu b,
150W n-r ax

P 4173 (beiow) The lour

seasons are k n-f r-.d on
opa g ass petals which
are hand soidered around
af 8" wh te glass globe.
Ant que brass. 1B'i d a.,
4 T sow max

P 4310 Etched floral decorat-.d P 4017-65 l'loney white tul p

tu p amp matches P 4311. Anl que amp ol antlque brass banded
brasstrirn I1" dia.. 11%/'h1. Ore and hand-so dered glass.
m bulb 150W max , G 40 11" d a..111/z't ht One [Ml bu b,
recommend ed 150W max G-40 white
(Fmpanton I'tLure an page ind,caled. @ Medium base E Candelabra base bulb
P 4465 Ha'ves'gold. Siv-sided hanqing a-np wilh A'l'le-ca1a
''Patchwork Ouilr' llower desigr on wl'ite glass. B" wh te glass P 4800 Mocha close-to-ih e-ceiling f xture with wicker
globe. 21tt dia.,13/2 ' ht. Overall hL Io 42tt . One @ bulb, design kilnJired on glass. White glass diffuser. 16" sq.,
150W max. 71/att hL fhree @ bu lbs, each 60W max.

P 3265 Harvest gold close-to-the-ceiling fixture P 5020 lMocha four-sided wicker-look hanging lamp
matches P 4465. Texiured white bottom glass. 16/' sq., matches P 4800 and P 5034. 14/' sq., 137, /' ht. Overall ht. to
71/2tt hLf ftee M bulbs, each 60W max. 36//. One E bulb, 100W max.

Swaq it
whe"re you
want it
Tl'e swag kil is yoL'pasy way to hang a o.
vi'lua ly ary r-hair -hurg Progress -ig'tting 'txt-re
where there's no accessib e ceiling outlet box. lt just
plugs into a wail outlet. Comes with easy installation
instructions Wires splice with in-line connector. Kit
includes 12 ft. chain, 15 ft. wire with plug, on-off
switch and hardware.
P 4213-10 Polished brass
P 4213-11 Antique brass
P 4213-15 Chrome
P 4213-19 Antique gold cast chain
P 4213-30 White
P 4213-31 Black

, .S. 7',

P 5g3f$ ly'orha i'/ rl'ier o:k il ,:s-r: x : C.,l ra|f anp
i.'i:.h.: P 4E!! and ) 5t|2i, '.1," .t.'l:r g ass cloie 21" d i
l:r1:"It Oieiaiit io42" O|eEbuL I50'i1lnrix \t.


P5032. o ^ -l'dgo d r"r olr''ro

lql.o ld B' o.eoo o' - Qa -l 2"
Overal h1 to Orc [.,r- aulb 150!\ max

TG 5033 A t|o-l ght iouoh of

d fference lor d ning room or game
tab es. Scro l-decorated bone
beige acrylic and an ber cathedral
g ass. Lamps hang lrom squared,
me ov,/ ant que brass holders
3A1/z't L. x 12" \N. x121htt ht
Overa I h1. to 42". Two @ bulbs,
each 100W max. G-40
recom mended.

F 4468 f,iorra. :o-T -q ceo

i I harg rg anp ln
I'anl", o!
s:a red aj ass !o cts oi .d
\/ rr.n grepe llJlnl 0[.]f re
lrrl,r,'t :rnC lt !e '"i r te ! ai:ts
g obe 14" si , I3r.'r " lrl
Overa ht 10 36'1
Onc m bu b.
100\'i/ max

P 4478 iiellr ila'lre l!r[] ir './-;r:r |t ..':i'-'P i'163 A s!'

,r- -.qceqk T,ro [E Lr l]s eacr 100,"1 r: a.i
7'-t-- -' '-^::-:'
',*.\' m l,r'ediurr Jas-. Dliiil
TC 5041 Atradjtional designofclassicelegancewiththeairydifferenceofsee-thrubeveledglassaroundaneight-candle
cluster. Bound and decorated with antiqued so id brass. 23, dia., 155/st,ht. Erght E butbs eac-h 6OW max. "

foyers &dinettes
Light the way for yourself and your guests
with fash onable fixtures in your foyer
or entranceway. Light shadowy hal s and
stairs to prevent accidents. Decorate a
famrly room, bedroom or a d nette with
one of the classrc favorites or dlstinctjvely
different Progress Lig htin g fashions.
It's one oJ the easlest--and east
expenslve ways 10 "turn-on ' your home.

TC 5040 Delicate hand cut f oral designs are iouches of fancy

on the lightness of beve ed g ass panels. Bound in antlqued
so id brass. Etched B" olass qlobe. 20/'dia I2l/ ht.
One IMI bulb, 150W max.
TC 3642 Close-to{he-ceilinq version of
Tc 3640. 1 3% /' dia., 1 B' ht. Fou r E bu lbs,
each 40W max.

TC3640 (/ell) The traditional beautyofindividual beveled glass panels is

enhanced with.walnut finished wood in this chain-hung lantern. Trim is TC 5039 (below) A classic design with the
aft que brass. jtt dia.,14tt hl. Overall ht. 10 36'. Th ree E bu lbs, spaciousless of c'ear g.ass parels is yours
each 60W max. in l'ris nu,ti-laceted crowned r angirg lanp.
TC 3641 ( ce nle r)
Larger chain-hun g version of TC 3640. 1 2't dia., 1 91/t hl Bound in antiqued so id brass. 19y2" dia.,
'15%// ht. Overall hL la 42tt . Six E bulbs,
overallht. to 36'/. Three E bulbs, each 60W.
each 60W max. @

TC 3766 (above) Antique b'ass. Clear glass.

ulusual sqjare, close-Io the-ceil 1q'ixture 16" sq..
6/2" ht. Fou'clear E bLlbs, G-16/, recormerded'
each 25W max,

lC 4163 (lett) Antique brass @ So/ld Brass

and clear glass panels M Medium base bulb
combine to give this oCandelabra base bulb
hexagonal hanging lamp an Decorator bulbs on page 149
u p-to-date look. 20t' dia.,
15" ht. Six E bulbs, each
60W max.
TC 3648 The "col ectable" antique ook of an
Eastern candle lamp Seeded amber and c ear glass
panels. Four cand e c uster. Ant que solld brass.
9' dia ,211/2 ht. Overal ht. to 36". Four E bulbs,
each 60W max. 6D

TC 3649 Unique hexagonal

hang ng amp w ih real beige
lace embedded in acry ic panels
that add a iouch of finery io the
clear glass. Antique so id brass.
7t'da.,181/zttht Overa ht to
36//. Three El bulbs, each
60W max @

TC 3608 (below, Clear glass pane s a tsrnate with

bands of amber-green in th s c ass c c ose-to the
ceil ng fixlure Antique solid brass. 18" d a. 71h" hI.
Three O bulbs, 40W max. G-1672 recommended. 6D

P 5725 G ded black ce ng f:xlufe. [4osaic

design on amber g ass I4" sq. 5'/ ht
Three E bulbs, each 40!V nrax

..: TC 3657 Ant que solid brass s used 10 ho d oanels

of amber cathedra and c ear g ass in tlris hand-
assembled antique- ook hanging amp. l0%i/dia
17" ht. Overal ht.to36".Three E bu bs each
:: 60W max. @

P 3693-10 Polished brass. TC 3680 Two-light lantern
Chain-hung Georglan, bell- TC 3681 Four-candle lighl has beveled bronze- version oi TC 3681 and TC 3684.
shaped g ass lantern. B% " dia ,
tinted glass panels, with hand-cut starbursts, that 71/2" sq.,133/ttt ht. Chain-hung
15%'f ht. Three E bulbs, each {loar oa porisl ed brass.9" sq., 14/' ht. chain-hung overall ht. to 36//. Ceillng-
60W max. overall rt. ro 36'/. Ce l,nq-mounled ht. 14/'. mounted ht. 133/a//. Two g
P 3693-11 Antique brass Four B bulbs, each 60W max. bulbs, each 60W max.

lnstall on chain
ot close-to-ceiling



\ I


P 3793-11 Antique brass. TC 3684 Traditlona slx-sided glass lantern of beveled

Cei ing mounted, bell-shaped bronze-tinled glass panels with hand-cut starbursts
qlass lantern. B1/zt dia.,11lz Polished brass. Chain and hang-straight swivel ceiling
hi. Three O bulbs, each mounL no ooll irc-oed 165s"oia., l5-r " -t. Chair-
40W max. huno ovdrall nt. to 42". S.x O ou bs eacl 60W rfax.
P 3793-10 Polished brass
P 3635 Pollshed brass,
coac^-\ly'e l'a'rq rq arp \1 I'
cro(e g ass qlobe.
10" dia.. 20" nl Tnree lal bu'bs each 60W 'nax.
@ So/id brass
E Candelabrc base
@ liedium base

P ruq res$riitllrf.tillt-

TC 3654-10 Po rshed brass C ass c P 3653-10 Po shed brass. S x-
Georgian des gn Cut star patterns on beve ed sided aniern Beve ed glass. P 3652-10 Polished brass. Star-
arched glass pane s. 15" dia., 19/' ht , overa I ht B1/zu\N..151/zt ht. Three lcl bulbs, cut beveled e ass.TttW 141/att hL
Ia42t'.Sx E bulbs each 60W rnax each 60W max Four O bu bs each 60W max.
TC 3654-11 Ant que llrass P 3653- 1 1 Ant que brass P 3652-11 Art que brass

lnslall an chain
or close-lo-ceiling.

Inslall on chain
or close-to-ceiling.

P 3650-11 Ant que brass

Star-cut beveled clear glass.
Hardware for both chain or
ceil ng mount ng. 5%'/ W
12'l body ht. Ce ling mounted
ht. 13,,. Two lcl bu bs each
P 3656-10 Po ished brass. Cut beveled clear
glass. Hardware tor both chain or ce ling
60W max mountlng. B1/2" d a.,1A3/a', bady ht Ce ing-
P 3650-10 Po shed brass nounted ht 111/ztt .Two l-l bulbs each
60W max.
P 3656-11 Ant que brass

P 3660-10 Pol shed brass Ce rg f xture Cul beveled glass

Bottom panel s star-cut. 1At'sq. 41/t't ht. Two E bulbs,
each 40W max. (Jgro"1'o1 '''Ipa adop'd a-d
P 3660-11 Ant que brass
EA base bulb
Chain-hunq lixlures o/r these paqes, avercll ht. lo 36t1, unless noled. d Candelabra base bulb
P 3690 Sparkl ng basket Cut, hand-
po shed mported lead crysla
Embossed ani que qo d tlim P 3691 |a1/zt' d a. verslon IC /'3692 121/pt' dta. vers on of P 3690.
B1/z't dia.,61/21'ht. Two c ear E bulbs, of P3690. 71/z't hl.Two c ear B7r ht Three clear E bulbs, each
each 60W rnax. E bulbs, each 60W max. 60W max.

, ,]j

.ti r'

P 3630-19 French antique go d. Hand-b own, P 3631-19 Companion f xture 10

teav ly faceted crysta g ass in nolded P 3630-l9. 12" dia.,7" hLAne
1 g|eed cei ing mount ng.B1/a't dta 91/2't hl cLear M bulb,60W max.
One c ear lMl bu b I00W max.
P 3695 Ant qu-. gold. Chaif hung
imporied, hand pol shed cut Lead
crystal Forqed bronze ga lery.
91)2tt dia. 15tt ht. Three lal bu bs,
each 60W rn ax


P 3241 Pewter and polished brass

cei rnq mounted fix.lure. Whjle g ass
dlffuser 12l' dia 10// hl Three M
bu bs 60W max.

All Pragrcss ceiling

lixlures meet new
U nd erwrite rs' Labaralori es
slandards lor i nsu I aled
TC 3621 Needlepoint l oral pattern on ceilings.
ood Q d:: At tq-e o'as* tr r 12 - " dia
1r" nl. Tlree E b-ros 6d -h 60W rd'
in good
Some of the rooms getting the
most decoratlng attention
nowadays are the bath and vaniiy
People are pampering themselves
with ihe new comforts of luxurlous
poo l-tu bs, exquisite flttings,
eleg ant accesso ries and
fashionable fixlures. That's where
Progress has some more new
ideas for you-ideas f or good
decorating and good lighting.
Look at Progress Lighting's "new'
Nostalgia re-creations of gas ight
graciousness Pay specia
attentlon to the unique new
glass shade creat ons.
Cons ider Contemporary.
Be ornate with brackets. Sty e with
swags. Or go dramatic with
Broadway Lig hting around
your mirror.
Whatever decorating d irection you
choose, it is important to bathe
yourself in good lighting. Good
lighting is vltal forfacia care,
groonirg and shaving. -he face in
your mirror needs illumination from
both sides to eliminate shadows.
Light from above helps in hair
4&in* lf you decide to do the lighting job
with wall brackets or swags, the
ights should be on each side of
the mirror, at east 30 inches apart.
Of course, you'll mount your mirror
and lights at face evel, depending
on whether you are sitting at a
vanity or stand ing.
ln most bathrooms, the lights at
the mirror will illuminate the entire
room. However, plan to your own
lifestyle. lf you want a heater light
or shower ght, you'llflnd them on
page 1 54.

fC 2909 (abave)
Two-light wall
bracket. 15/' W.,
B3lsrlhi. Extends
97, //. Two E bulbs
each 60W max.

"TJ ry.F
\U TC 2907 (/erl) sinqle
.,4-ra. matchino wall bracket.
'.fd' Mourl witr qlass Lp or oown
\ I 7" \N ,10?c"gl^t. Exre'ros
10%'/. One bu lb,
- 60W max.

TC 3907 (lelt)Ih)s doub e swag reproduces an

antique gas ight design down to the gas 'keys". C ear,
lluted, prismatic glass flares symmetr cally Like a
b ossoming f ower Finished ln rnellow antique brass.
6 ft. of chain lor each pendant. Ce ling hooks and
mount ng hardware inc uded. Each 7" d a., B1/2" h|.
Two O bu bs, each 60W max

P 2923 (lelt) Slngle matchlng

wail brackel Ny'ount wjth g ass
up or down. Flemish brass. 6"
tN ,1O1/z' ht. Extends 97ril.
One E bulb, 100W max

. tit\.,,

P 2924 (above) Two I ght wal bracket.

ht. Extends 8%//. Two El bu bs
each 100W max.

P 3923 (/ell) Doub e swag w th the clear, cut crysta

look of glass shades. Finished w th the trad tional
touch of Flemlsh brass. 6 ft. of chain for each pendant.
Ceillng hooks and nrounting hardware nc uded Each
6" dia.,B1/zt' ht. Two M bulbs, each I00W max
P 2913 Single companion wall
bracket. l\,4ellow brass. l\,4ount
with g ass up or down 8// dia.,
1 0" ht. Extends 10//. One M
bu lb, 60W max. G-25

P 2914 Two-light wa Ibracket. 17" W.,

77, ' ht. Extends 10//. Two
60W max. G-25 recorn mended
m bulbs, each

P 3913 (lelt)Doub e swag with wide, ruffled edge

etched glass and oak-linish wood rounds. Canopy and
trim ln me low antique brass 6 lt. of chain for each
pendant. Cei ing hooks and mounting hardware
included. Each B// d a., 77a /' ht. Two M bulbs, each
60W nTax. G-25 recommended.

TC 2915 (left) Single matching wall

b'dcter rounls -p or dow.r. Arl.que
gold. 5/e '/ dia.,91/tttht Extends
8%'/. One m bulb, 100W max

,- . ,, \

TC2916 Two-lightwall bracket. 13s/a W.,

B%s// ht. Exlends 67al/. Two [Ml bu bs, each
1 00W max.

TC 3915 f/ell) Antique goid finished double swag.

lrnported, hand-decorated, gold-banded etched g ass
with clear ruffled edges. 6 ft. ol chain for each pendant
Cei ing hooks and mounting hardware included. Each
51/ett dia.,8tt ht. Two M bulbs, each 1 00W max

M Medium base bulb

E Candelabra base bulb Pruqres$liLlhulmrqt

TC 3172 Double swag JeaiLrres hand-blovr'n

g ass, sat n-etched with boldly f ared opt c
crystal bottoms The exqu sitely cast seashel
(i;) canopy and holders are rlch y f n shed ln

anlique go d 6 ft. of chaln for each pendant
ce ling hooks and mounting hard!i/are included
Each 7 3/e" dla, 9% " ht Two E bulbs.
each 100W max


i .. r'!-


TC 3191 Two-llght companion vr'all bracket 17%'i W. 13// ht.

TC 3190 Sing e.natchif g wa bracket.5%// W,
I2 3/a// ht Exiends11" OneMbub, 100Wmax.
Extends B'i. Two M bulbs, each 100W max.

? 3218 (belaw)N4atching charnpagne glass cei ing flxture.

one @ bu b, 60W max


P 3175 Matching wai uil
brackel 43la " W..8// ht
Extends 4// One M TC 3144 Double swag. Lustrous champagne glass, blown '// th a bubb ed surface
bulb, 100W rnax Pendants have ornately decorated cast ngs f nished ln antique gold lnciudes 6 ft.
of chain lor each pendant, celling hooks and mount ng hardware Each 43/att d a.,
9/a// ht Two M bulbs, each 100W max.
"1 t)
rr \{
h !tl
l,,rl \r

,,. i\t,
',i, :-'' , .', - r.
, r; 'a1:i-.; r" I
P 3016
(above, Two'iig ht ,,
".-,.,ry:::, .,
wall bracket. P e274
15!2tt W. 11tt hl. Ceiling fixture.
Exlends 7 Y2tt .
65/a W.,
Two M bulbs, 1O3/qn hl.
, '' l,','ti' each 100W max
One M bulb,
P 3014 100W max.
(/ell, Wall bracket.
P 3076 Double 61/a
u W.,1A3/+ hl.
swag. Satin trxlenos I t .
etched, patterned glass shades have clear One M bu b,
frilled bottoms. Elegant castings in 100W max.
antique gold. Complete with 6 ft. of chain for
each pendant and mounting hardware. Each 6"
dia.,101h ht. Two m bulbs, each 100W max.

pr"r, up the rooms where you and your guests rnake-up.

/ i",, P 3160-19 Wa I bracket.
6tt dia.,1jtt ht. Extends 874". P3262 Ceilingfixture. 13'/dia.,8/ht.
't\! One El bulb, 100W max. Two M bulbs, each 75W max.

"i(.i li.-:

P 3260-19
g lo be.
6/' dia.,
'10, ht.
M bulb,
P 3161-19 Two-light wall bracket.
151/pn W.,10'/ ht. Extends 7/. Two
max. M bulbs, each 100W max,

P 3164-19 Double swag. Satln opal, cased glass globes wlth a

go d ieaf design. Antique gold finished castings. lnc udes 6 ft. J*p"r,o, ttltutr: an paq. tnot^dred.
of chain for each, ceiling hooks and mounting hardware. Each is
6't dia..1o1/ztt hI.Iwo M bulbs, each 100W max. uJaiu,0""" auro l]llqfgS$lt0]ftiil nmql
TC 3089 Two light wali bracket.
ht. Extends 9". Two
M bulbs, each I00W max
TC 3173 (lelt) Double swag. Honey-
wh te glass bound ln hand-soldered
ant que brass. Comp ete with 6 ft. of cha:n
for each pendant and mounl rg hardware.
Each 7// dia,9//ht. Two M bulbs,
each 100W max.
TC 3088
frighl) Sln gle
match ng wa I

bracket 7// W.,

.- 81,/a
n hI.
' 1:
--- Extends 9//.
-r- 6n- 6 6u g,
, - .i 100W max.

Muro" t,e master bath f lt for the master. (S)He I love you f or it I

*"'" i; il
t.,{ r'

'b d{)

{r. $l
P 3003-19 (above) Triple wall
I ght 1972// W,13// ht. Extends 10// P 3000-19 S ngle wa
Three M bulbs, each 100W max. bracket 6il W, 13// ht.
Extends 10'/. One @ bulb
100W max.

P 3002-19
a/e/l) Two- ight
wall bracket.
191/p W.,12 h|.
Extends 972'l.
Two El bulbs,
each 100W max.

P 3140 Douole swag !', th rulfled shades oi ace ike opa escent g ass
De:ai ed cast ngs finlshed n r ch antique go d.6 ft of cha n for each pendant and
mouniing hardv/are inc uded. 6" dia , B" ht. Two M bu bs, each 100W max.
Hea. y-'ace ed -a'd-olo\tu^ c",sra,
glass on French ant que go d castings
Forged brass dolph n on waL brackets


P 3109 (abave)Doub e wa brackel. 15/'dia., 87a'l hl

Extends 8'/ Two c ear M bulbs, each 100W rnax.


t/.i, ,

lC 3112 (above) Doub e sv/ag Each 5'l dia P3113 (abave)Wal lght mounts horizonta lyoveram rror
Comp ete \/lth 6 Jt. of cha n for each
17" hi. or vert ca Iy on erther s de. G C.O.201tV't 41/zt hI
pendant and rnount ng hardvr'are T,/r'o c ear E Extends 6". T',!o c ear M bulbs, each 75W max
bu bs each 100W nT ax

P 3631.19 CeIng light. l"4olded f greed hoder P 3108 S ngle wa bracket
12" d a.,7t' ht. One c ear E bu b 60W max. ht. Exiends
71/z't Clear M bu b. 1OOVI max

P 3110 Wall lorch. 5/r " V/

133/+'hL Extends 8".
CearB bu lb 100W n-rax.

B l,liedtum base Du/b EI0[ES$]r.l:,nn.t-

Consjder the "iced" cube group (lop) that is
hand-blown in ltaly with blended clear and opal
glass. Or select the bare-bulb look (below).
Either style will light up your 1ife.

P 3254 Ceiling "iced" cube
hxlwe 43/a't sq., 71/at' hl.
One clear El bulb,60W max.

P 3054 "lced" cubes ior

wal ot ceiling.24tt x43/att ,

678l/ht. Four clear E bulbs,

each 60W max.

P 3106 Double "iced" cube swag. Each

"' I
43/a" sq.,113/qt' ht. Complete with 6 it. of chaln

i"J,8ff*j*sH 3:i[::J"X"*i#li,n**

One P 3298 shown over the mirror and two P 3296 sirips at sides of mirror.

G G, 6.,c.
P 3297 Four-light. 1a1/ztt square
374' ht. Four c-25 M bulbs,
each 40W max.


P 3298 Chrome four-light strlp. Use at
sides of, over or around rnirrors. 24" x 43/tt ,31/a' hl.
Four G-25 E bulbs, each 60W max. P 3296 Two-lighi st(ip.12tt x
ht. Two G'25 m bulbs
each 60W max.
TC 3917 "California
Contemporary' double swag
with shades that are half clear and
half honev-white opalescent glass.
Aniique brass-f inished trim.
[, lncludes 6 ft of chain for each
pendant, ceiling hooks and
mountinq hardware. 6/' sq.,
61/2" hl.7wo ldl bulbs, each
60W max.

TC 2918 Four-light matching walJ strip with honey-white TC 2917 Two-light version ol
opalescent and clear glass shades. l\lount over or around TC 2918. 12Y2n W., 4'l ht.
mirrors with shades turned horizontally or vertically. Can join Extends 4/'. Two O bulbs, each
40W max. G-1672 recommended.
with P 8735- 1 '1 corners (page 60). 25't w ., 4tt ht. Extends 4//.
Four E bulbs, each 40W max. G-1672 recommended.

P 3186 Double swag w th a rY Prisms of

clear glass and weaihered brass Hand-
so dered georrerr.cs o'sqLa'eo pyrar'ds.
Each ,0" d,a.,
-0';','rt lrcludes6ft.of cl-a.'l
for each pendant, ceil ng hooks and mounting
hardware. Two clear M bulbs, each l00W max

P 3286 Celling ight. 10// sq.,

B%" ht. One clear El bulb,
60W max.

P 3051 Wall bracket. N4ounts horizontal y or vert cally.

Use over, al sides of, or around a mirct.223/att w ., @ Candelabta base bulb
43/a" hl. Exlends 43/'+//. Five clear E bulbs, each 40W max.
G-1672 recommended. @ Medium base bulb



Broadwqy Llghting
These versatile lighting strips can be Mounling & Accessories 25w bu lbs | 50 sockets with 15w
mounted individually-horizonta y Knockouts are ocated on ends of bulbs. nstruction sheets p rovid e
or veriically-or jolned together for strips for connecting them in complete lnJormalion.
aroun d-the- m irror, siar d ressjng contlnuous runs or, with matching
room treatments. N,4ount them over corner accessories, in right ang e Round Bulbs Recommended
a bar, a breakfast counter, frame lnstallations. For installations with Round G-16%, cande abra base
a doorway, border a window, slngle current w rlng, the maximum bulbs are recommended. See page
deco rate a wall-the creative number of sockets are: 18sockets 149 f or selection of com plexion
appllcations are vlrtually un mited I wlth 40W bu bs; 30 sockets with clea r and smoke bulbs.


One P 3130 over mirror and two P 3l29 slnps ats des Jorned by two P 8755 corners.

Damond patterned imported crysta g ass on aniique brass strip.47s" ht Extends3%"

P 2935 25' long. Four E bu bs. P 8735-11
Ant que brass
oEcEoEoi oEa) corner.

P 2936 37V2n long. Six E bulbs. P 2937 50n long Elght E bulbs.

GenLlne ace embedded in clear acry ic Bound in antique brass. lvlounts indlvdually ory.5y4't ht Extends4"
lC2938 25'long. Four O bulbs.

lC 2939 371/z'long. Six O bulbs.

Contemporary. 2yBtt hL Exlends 11/2t' .

P 3123-08 Satin chrome. 25i? long. Four El bu bs
P 3123-11 Anl que brass P 3125-08 Satin chrome.50//long. Eight g bulbs
P 3123-30 White P 3125-11 Antique brass

to () o---T]---r]---o-l
P 3125-30 White
" P 8735-08 Satln chrome corner
P 3124-08 Sat n chrome. 3772 /i long Six El bulbs P 8735-11 Antique brass
P 3124-11 Antique brass
P 3124-30 White
!- P 8735-30 White

Wal^,t Lnished noLld 19 I o w1 I rorrl rg only 3" lt L\le1ds 2"

P 3126 25tt Iong. Four El bu bs P 8745
Walnut linish corner.
to- r)---r\- -ft - o---o_l @
P 3127 371/2t'long. Six g bulbs P 3128 50' long. Eight E bulbs

Polished brass and black.2l/a" hL Extends 1 72


P 3125 25'long. Four E bulbs

lr--Tl----o--a 11 o l @
P3130 37Y2'long. Six El bulbs P 3131 50// long. Eight g bulbs
fI-I P 8755 Fo is'red brass and
ou"'' matching corner'
lli].i.' l

E Candelabra base bulb Pruqres$llLlhtlLn,l

Good lig htin g beg ins outs de your hon're During the warm weather, lighting also
There are severa very good reasons why. helps you make more use ofyour
gro ,nds [or cooh outs o'e-re{a ']i'rg.
The flrst reason s safety and security. 'or cooli^g o" i'r a pool o'ju.'c" o' ro
You want to prevent accldents and a refresh inq niqhttime breeze.
insure safety by having well lighted
ln a lime when everyone must consider
walks, porches, driveways anb lawns
en ergy consumpiion and costs
Post lanlerns wa lanterns and adjust-
Progress olfers seve ral suggestlons
able spot ights (shown on page 148)
Your outdoor ljghting can be put on a
are excellent for lighting dark areas
timlng mechanism so it s automatlca y
around the house, garage and grounds.
switched on and off at a pre determined
Police off iclals recon'rmend outdoor
time. The auton'rat c nite guard on
lighting as an important security
page 82, wi automatica y tu rn on post
measu re around the home.
lanterns when ii's dark and turn them
Even homes without lawns need outdoor ofi ln the rnorn ng when lt's lght.
lighting at steps for welcoming guests Prog ress also offers energy-saving
and seeing who comes to your Mercury Vapo r outdoor lanterns
door at n ight. shown on page 81 .

Progress outdoor lanterns are crafted

fyou have outdoor p ants or shrubs
to stand up to the ruoqed demands of
which beautlfy your home by day, you o- ts:de d-ly. lVany of'e. tl'e conven ience
can create im pressive landscapes of shatter-resistant shades or panels.
of shapes, colors and shadows with
dramatic nighttime il umination from Last, but not least, you want handsome
above and from ground level. outdoor lighting fixtures which enhance
the beauty oI your home. Progress has
Acceniuate spectacu lar shapes, such them for you. N/any Progress lanterns
as a cypress or a hawthorn, with an are so handsome you may want to
uplig ht from the g roun d or a downlight consider using them indoors in a foyer,
from the roo{ top. Or mount a flood- hail, tarnily room, bath or kitchen. You'll
light high in a willow tree to create find dozens of designs to stir your .l
shadows through the foliage. crealivity as you leaf through this section,
TC 5614 f/e/// Oenerously sca ed Counlry r/a laniern ol
weathered sol d brass. A ry. c ear glass panels \,! th sca oped cap
I Cand es on hang straightsv/vel l'"4atches TC 5613. 1211" W.
227s" hl. Exiends 145/e" Tlree E bu bs each 60W nrax (0

TC 5613
Weathered so id
brass wal lantern.
N4atches TC 5614

Extends 103./.r "

Tv/o E bu bs,
each 60rn/ max. @

fC 5802 (abovc) Dist nct ve weathered TC 5803 Larger v/eathered so c

so rd brass \,/a I antern \1/ th c ear ard orr!s. i lantfrn r'"L.hL -C 580
sceded a.nber gjass. A hand so dered Hand so dered consiruct on.
impor1. 71,r: " $i . 13/s" lrt Extends 61'r " C ear and seedeo .nber g ass
T,.ro E bu bs each 60W max @ 9lrtt W 151/2tt h:. Exlends 81:'/
Tlvo E bu bs each 60\ry max @

TC 5413 Weathered so d brass post lantern

matches TC 5613 & TC 5614. F ne y detailed
construction with soro ed post ho der Clear
elass panels. F ts 3" post wh ch must be 6t Soird n/ass
ordered separate y (see page 82). 121/1't sq .
25l/ ht. Three E bu bs each 60W max (D d Candelabrc base bulD

Towm and Country classics iim bmss
Th-. CoLrn:ri/ afie.ns c' :t s !age are fasn onab e
v,/e con',a qhis for:o',,;nho:ses as \'!e a:l l-'.ano'noLlses - ';
C ear aNd co oiu q ass pane s a'e hanC soiae'eC -.t
to th-^ taPe'ed -qo d b'ass rooi

TC 5693 Larce sf ! .rass rr,'t anlel- r'r "r ear

o-nler s'.'' o ass Dara I 1?tt \ii 241i,'t
lrcel"r.atl'a'"c l'- '
iri.l. g', 'r':e fd b.-r. .:i" F,t- -ar !;-'

TC 5692 ialc.,. !r!i:alri:..] sil d lr a:s .,a, ::t\a - I

,,' Ll ctat a_ct ar't: a:eeI:".'r e il:sl-r?r!:
8" I'ir 'l 6'i' hl :r:crcs a" -i,! E llJ i-r:
aai a 60!rlr f.a1.: an

.a-- *'b

TC 5492 ir,lrrl, rr'r1:itlr'!i si c i'as: !as: a-lall l/ ir

: F i:3"
^i..i. ".. il r: -.:i.trear !. il a:s pare1l:laal ai!'- i:l
it '_L:1 .- a:a -=a:1,:lii:'a:: , -[ri:eRl---.
r-q, i: ii r t r.: ,:" .): II r"ht l]:
.;._ |.:llii;' , a:r 6i)
P 5783 (left) Weathered
brass cei ing light. Clear glass
panels, hand -soldered trlrn.
gtt dia ,7n ht. Two O bulbs,
each 25W max. G 1672
recom mended.

P 5685 f/ef|, Weathered solid

brass, tal wal lantern. P 5686 Weathered solid brass
Traditionally sty ed, hand- wall lantern. Traditionally styled,
soldered. Clear and am ber hand-soldered. Clear and
qreen swirl glass panels. amber-green sw rL glass panels.
B \N ,201/z' ht. Extends 47r ". 6" W.,145/a ht. Extends 5".
Three E bulbs, each 60W max. Two E bu bs each 60W nTax. (D


TC 5682 (abave) Designers choicel Walrut

finish wood sets off this weathered solid
brass lantern. Hinqed door, amber and
clear glass panels. 12l'W., 18" ht. Extends
5//. Three E bulbs, each 60W max. @
@ So/ld br.ass
d Candelabta base bulb
TC 5615 (/e/t) Amber cathedral Posls and other
glass panels crown this weathered mounting accessories
solid brass walT lantern. Clear on page 82
glass srde panels. Hang-slraighl
swivel 10/z'l W., 17l/ ht. Extends Decoralor bulbs
12tt . fhrce E bulbs, each 60W on page 149
max. (D

TC 5553 Large-scale, chain-hung
lanletn. 121/2tt sq., 231/a tt hL
Overall ht. to 42l/. Three E bulbs,
each 60W max 6D

TC 5453 A generously-scaled
post lantern with solid brass
mansard roof. Cast brass post
holder flts 3// post which must be
ordered separately. 12Y2t' sq.,
3072'l ht. Three E bulbs,
each 60W max. 6D

Solid Brass
Artistrl/ ffi rn:l;:::: i:ff " :;:
crafted lanterns with attractive, weathered
solid brass mansard roof sty ing. Pierced gal er es
and shatter resistant acrylic panels.

TC 5638 (below) Wall mounted

lanlem. 91/a tt W.. 171/z' ht. Extends
81/a't.Two g bulbs, each 40Wmax. @

TC 5653 (/elt) Large wall lantern.

12Y2n W..241/att hl E\.lends 12t'
Three @ bulbs, each 60W max. 6D
TC 5554 Chain-hung lantern in the grand
scale I
1 1 %
/' sq., 297a' ht. Overall ht.lo 42tt.
Three E bulbs, each 60W max. @

Your friends wil want to know where you "found"

these magnif cent Americana anterns. All are of
weathered solid brass, hand so dered. All have the
modern convenlence of shatter-resistant acrylic pane s.

TC 5639 Wall-mounled lantern.

81/at \N.,153/ct ht. Extends 7%/'
Two El bu bs each 40W rfax. @

TC 5454 A large post lantern that's truly @ So/ld brass

elegant. Weathered solid brass. cast TC 5654 Generously-sized
@ Candelabra base bulb wall lantern. 111/a W.,26'hl
brass post holder fits 3' post which must
be ordered separately. 1 1 1/c t' sq., 303/qtl Posts and othet mounting Extends 117a'. Three E bulbs,
ht Three E bulbs, each 60W max. @ accessories on page 82 each 60W max 6D
P 5606-31 Black and polished brass. Wall
lanlern. Clear, beveled shatter-reslstant
panels. 5/2 " W., 10%" ht. Extends 67a ".
OrTe M bulb, 60W max.
P5606-11 Weathered solid brass @

P 5606-31
P 5606-11

P 5448-11 Weathered solid brass.

Post lantern. Beveled clear acrylic
panels. Frosted q ass chjmney. Fils
P 5846-11 Weathered solid brass. Wall P 5848-11 Weathered solid brass 3" oost which must be ordered
1orch. Beveled, clear shatter-resistant Larqer rnatchlng walltorch. Clear separately. B't sq ,141/2't ht. One @
pare s. 51 - " W.. 15" lt. I \Io1ds 6ri /'. beveled acllic pare s. trrosted q ass bulb, 100W max. @
One M bulb 60W max. e) chimney.8" sq.,211/2ttht. One M P 5448-31 Black and Polished brass
P 5846-31 Black and Polished brass bulb, 100W max. C4
P 5848-31 Black and polished brass

P 5447 Weathered
solid brass Country
post lantern. Clear
gLass panels. Fits 3/'
post which must be
ordered separately.
71/+tt sq., 2o1/ztt hI-
Three E bulbs,
each 60W rnax. .6D

P 5605 Weathered
solid brass wa L

10rch. Clear glass

P 5608 Weathered solid brass wall panels. N,4atches
corpa'Io- lon.e r. gldss pa'lals P 5447 and P 5608
71/+4 W..173h" ht. Extends 7%
71/a " sq.,3Att h|.
One M bu b, 150W max @ Extends 7/, //. One
m bulb, 150W max.
Posls and othe( maunting 1
accessori es on page 82 (
d Candelabra base bulb
M Medium base bulb T
@ So/id Brass

TC 5850 Weathered solid brass
com panion wall lantern. Clear
glass pane s. 71/eu V"/ ,153/q' hI
Extends 7// Two [Cl bulbs. each
60W max @

TC 5451-11 Chain-hung,
weathered solid brass lantern.
Clear glass panels. Nlatches
TC 5450-l1 and TC 5850.
9y2tt se.,221/2tt ht. Overall ht. to
42tt .Ihrce E bulbs, each
60W max @

P 5884-14 Weathered solid

copper wall antern. Aorber side
glass, clear glass hinged door,
P 5885-11 Weathered so id brass.
wood handle. Pollshed brass Handsome enough lor lndoors.
refleclor. 6" W., 14V2n ht. Extends Clear glass hlnged door.
5'l. A bu b 60W max. Hammered amber side glass.
TC 5450-11 Weathered solid brass P 5884-11 Weathered solid brass.
CoJnL'y posl la^ler'1. glass panp s. Po ished brass rellector. 6// W.,
@ '16'i ht. Extends 5il. E bulb,
ri-qed doo'fo'-asy 'e,droi'to. -ils 3"
post which must be ordered separately. 60W max. @
Matches TC 5451 11, TC 5850.
91/a \N ,221/z ht. Three E bulbs,
each 60W max. @ Pruqrus$liLi i,;ilLl:
P 5669 Larqer wa I torch version of
P 5769.7Y2tt \N.,2A%t'ht. Extends
10// One M bulb, 150W max.

P 5769 One-
piece, heavy-
duty, hexagonal
seeded topaz
glass, hand-
b own inlo a
solid brass roof. Die cast
wealhered brass holder.
71/2" \N.,171/q ht. Exlends 10'/.
One M bulb, 150W max.
P 547'l (righl) Post antern
verslon of P 5769. F ts 3" post
(order separate y) 71/z't dia.,
173/t" fi. ane M bulb, 150W max.

P 5772 One-piece, heavy-duty

seeded topaz glass hand-blown
into a round solid copper roof.
Die-cast black ho det 81/a"
d a.,163/t" ht Exiends l0"
One m bulb, 150W max. 1 50W max. P 5472 Post lantern vers on aI P 5772.
Fits 3'l post (order separate y). B7al/ dia.,
17'l ht. One M bulb, 150W nT ax.
d Candelabra base bulb
@ Mediun base bulb
Pasls and other mounllng accessodes on page 82

Lifesryle Lanterns
Cedar-finished wood enhances these solid brass lanterns.

P 5807 (/elr) Wall

bracket w th clear
g ass. 7" W., 11" ht
Extends 67s ". One
E bulb, 60W max @
P 5908 (far lefl)
Larger wa I bracket
with clear glass.
7'W 14" ht.
Extends 678 /r.
Two E bulbs, each
60W max. @

TC 5804 Wall lantern. clear and

amber g ass panels. 6ya" sq.,141/ztl
ht. Extends 7". One E bu b,
60W max. 6Dr

TC 5805 fabove) Tall wa I antern. Clear

and amber g ass panels. B1/+ " sq.,1B1/ztl
ht. Extends B7sl' Two lcl bulbs, each
60W nrax. @

6b So/id brass
TC 5404 Post lantern. Clear and
arnber glass panels. Flts 3// post
(order separately). B1/+" sq.,21" hI
Three E bulbs, each 60W max. @ Pruqres$ltrfllil.ti
Grbes and GlobeS,.on, *n*" glass globes float within see-thru cubes
of smoke, shatter- resistant acrylic.
Framed in black, rust-free aluminum
Cubes are open top and bottom.
Handsome lanterns for indoors, too.

P 5445 (right)Post lantern wlth cast lilter

mounts on 3" posl wh ich must be ordered
separate y. B" glass g obe. Lantern 141/z" sq.,
I6" ht. One @ bulb, 150W max.

P 5545 Chain-hung101/zttsq. cube. B" glass

globe. Lantern 20// ht. Overa lhLIa42".
One M bulb, 1 50W max.

P 5646 Larger wall lantern.

B" glass globe. 1AY2tt W.,
221/att h|. Exlends 131/alt
One m bu b, 150W max
fff"li,,\i l??'f, i:.%"'J:';*,
One E bulb, 100W max.
@ Medium base bulb
Posts and other
mounling accessoties on page 82
P 5426 Contemporary white sphere post
lartern of shatter-resistant polyethylene.
o1 Wh te cast a u rninum f tter for 3// post which
must be ordered separately. 12li dia.,
13ilht. E bulb, 100W max. @
P 5436 14" dla. version of P 5426. 15// ht.
E oulo 00W ra r. q

P 5446 16, dla. vcrsion at P 5426.17" hl.

M bulb, 150wmax. (4

P 5636-62 Seeded srnoke

.sl-atr"r proof po ycarbonate qlob".
10// dia. Cast textured black
b"ackel.lTtt hl. Extends 11 ".
E oLlb 100W nax. G
P 5636-60 While polyethylene
g obe

ON PAGES 164-.166
When you're looking for outdoor
lighllng, Progress gives you a
selectlon that's as biq as all
outdoors-for home, off ice,
store or other commercial

P 5525 Textured b ack cast aluminum wal P 5635 Seeded glass sphere on P 5626-60 Wh te polyethy ene
10rch. Seeded glass sphere. B" dla. 15// ht. alurn nurr wal torch. Textured black giobe. B/i dla., 15// ht. Cast textured
:, "^ds 0". M ou o, 00W r ax.
G f nish. 10" dia., 1 7/' ht. Extends 12li. black brackei. Extends 10' M bulb,
M bu lb, 150wmax. A, I00W max C4
P 5626-62 Sepded s'no\. sl'alle'-
hj Cast aluminum guaranleed rusl lree. proof polycarbonate globe.
Spil<e-top P 5607-31 Wall bracket matches
P 5507-31. Hinged top for easy
rclamping ht. Extends

Lanterns l0 ". O-- E oJ o. 100W nd\. CD


P 5507-31 Chain hung black, slx-sided

lantern. Shaiter-resistant. amber acrVllc
patterned panels lift out lor easy ::
relarnping. hi. Overal ht. '-.
Io 41t . Ane M bulb, 100W max. @

P 5677-31 Wall lorch rnalches

P 5507 31. Hinged top for easy
relampinq. 1A" W ,3O1/a ht. Extends
111/+tt . One M bulb, 100W max. @
P 5622 Spanish mrssion wall lantern
P 5407-31 Post laniern matches P 5507 31 in gilded black. Amber glass with
F ts 3" post (order separately). Panels lift out black rnosaic pattern. Front panel
Jor easy reLamping. 13tt W ,27tt hI lifts out for relamping. 5Y2t, W.,
One M bulb, l0Owmax. @ 2572il hl. Extends 57r //. Two E bulbs
each 60W max.
P 5487 B ack casl alum nurn post lantern. Frosted
P 5587 Chain-hung antern. glass chimney. Hammered cathedra panels of
Frosted glass chimney. 107, /' sq., shatter resistant acry ic ft out for easy relamp ng.
20/a " hl. Overa I hl.Ia 42t' . Fits 3// post (order separately) 101/2" sq.,241/e" ht
One M bu b, 100W max. A4

P 5688 Large wa I lorch

matches P 5587. B1/z \N .

271/ttt hl Fxtends 101/atl

E bu lb l00Wmax. A4


r-. . --\. S

P 5609-31 Wal torch P 5610-31 Wall bracket P 5671-31 Sma ler wa I

matches P 5688. 6% " W, matches P 5688. For lorch compan on io P 5688.

20" ht. Exlends 73l4//. outdoors or indoors. 6tt W 15Y2tt ht. Extends
P 5621 Hacienda wa I lanteTn M-l bulb 60W max q1) 61/2" sN .151/a ht. Extends 6%',. br_rlb,60W max C4)

n gilded b ack. N,4osa c pattern 73/q" . @ bu b, 60W max Ct

on amber g ass. Front glass llfts
out Jor easy relamplng. 57, // W., Pasts and alher mounling accessories an page 82
2012// ht. Extends 51/2" . g bulb, E Candelabra base bulb
@ Medium base bull)
60W max. el Cast aluminum guannleed rusl free
I(eep it
Classit rrru:H ff,?,?",'fr
ramilv. lt featu"es diamond-patterned
!19#=181,",.,. o
Il crystal. qhaiter-rcsislant acrvlic windows
atter- resisla'lt acrylic
^rvcial sh cast aluminum roof and body,
ih black
Think about them for indoors, too.

P 5459 Post lantern with frosted glass

chinrey. Side pane s lifl oLt for easy
relamoino. Fits 3" oosl which nust be
o'oereo s!pa'ately.1' tt sq..211/4tt \1.
One M bulb, 100W max. @

P 5559 Chain-hung lantern with frosted

glass chin'rney. Side panels iftoutforeasy
relamping. 1 1 tt sq., 203/att hl. Overall
ht. to 42'. One E bu lb, 100W max.

P 5612-31 Wall bracket for indoors or

ourdoors. 6 72 " W., 1311 " ht. Extends
73/att. One@ bulb, 60W max. @

P 5611-31 Wall torch 6Tzl/ W,

18// ht. Extends 77alt. One @ bulb,
60wmax. @

P 5664 Larger wall lorch. 8yal'W.,

243/att hl. Exlends 10%". One M bulb,
100W max. (E
Thcv never qo out of slyle I These cast
b ack perennial lavor tes glorv ihrough
shattcr-res stant acrylic pane s that have
ihe lock of cathcdra gLass.

P 5408-3'l Post entern \'/lth lrosted glass chimney

Pafc s iit out ior easy re amplng.
F ts 3/' post \,r'hlcr'r trust be oldcieC
separatc y 1A3./t'1 \N 22! lt'.
Ore E bu b, I00W max 0)


P 5661 Wal Lantern 8l2" sq

20' ht Extcnds I1/r"
One [..f bu b. ]00W max (,

P 5662 Wa torch 81'r sq

271!'/ hi. Extends I I lr'1
P 5663 ToP-runq rr"a l-'rackct One m bu b, I00W max 0!-r

81/2 " sq.,1Alz" lt Ex:ends 101'r"

One E bulb. i 00rrv r",ax tlt Posis and oihet,?ourlirg acccsso/i es ot pa!ic 82.
IA L,ledtun] base bulb
'' '1"' d '" pt0qruss. 'ti,
Welcome Lights

P 5403-31 Satln black cast alum nurn

post lanlern with white ribbed glass dome
ike the famous Philadelphia street
lights. Clear tapered glass shade, frosted
glass chimney. Hinged top for easy
re amping. Flts 3il post (order separately)
11't d|a.,231/zt'ht. One El bulb,
100W max 6E

P 5632 Black casi wall antern

matches P 5455. Casi eagle. Clear
shatter-reslstant acrylic panels.
73/tn W.,141/q ht. Extends 9%?i.
One m bulb, 100W rnax. (D

P 5719-31 Wall bracket matches

P 5403-31. 73/tn dia.,15lzu hI
Exlends 8//. One M bu b,
100W max @
P 5455 Black, die-cast post laniern
matches P 5632. Frosted glass chimney.
C ear glass panels I it out for easy
relamping. Fits 3// post (order P 5648 Tall wall torch matches
separately). 1 AV2' W., 22' hI P 5403-31.73/q't dia.,22" ht. Extends
One M bulb 100W max. CE I0'/. One M bulb, 100W nrax. @
Tuclor Ldnterns
The coordinated Tudor grouping on this page
leatures a scu ptured hexagonal roof and
body of satin black cast alumin um.
Translucent mosa c-patterned acryl c
pane s are shatter- resistant.

P 5409-31 Post Lanlern. Pane s lft out

for easy re amping Fits 3/' post which
must be ordered separately 12" W., 23" ht.
One M bulb, 100W max C4


P 5658 Wali l.arch 83/at' dla. 251/att hL

Extends 10Yrl/. One El bulb,
100W rrax. 6E
P 5659 Smal er wall torch
6'/ dia., 1B// ht. Extends 77a'l.
one M bulb,60W max. C'!

@ Cast aluminum guaranleed rusl lree

P 5665 Top-hung wa I bracket. B%" dia.,
16% /' ht. Extends 10%" . One El bu b, M Mediun base bulb
100W max. @ Pasts and alher mounting accessories an page 82. pru0rcsslliui:tr'rnil
P 5503-47 G lded
black Cast a uminum
u/al antern. D amond
patterned amber
shatte r res sant
acrylic panels B/' W.
153/ail ht
Extends 7"
M bulb,75W max
P 5503-31 Black

P 5583-31 B ack Compan on wal vers on ol

P 5580-31 ht. Extends 7% "
@ bu b, 60W max.
P 5585-11 Antlque brass lin shed Chain'hung
antern Star cut beve ed panels of shaller reslslant
actylc.53/attW.,123/a' ht. Overall ht to36//
M bu lb l00W max
P 5580-31 B ack coach larlern. Po ished brass rel ector, eag e and 1r rn
Star cut beve ed pare s of shatter-resistant acryl c 53h" \N 231/zt' lL
Extends 8". lrd bu b 60W max

P 5504-31 Black cast a umin !m

v/al lantern n-ratches P 5456.
ht. Exiends 97, '/
M bulb, 100W max

P 5656 Wa I Lorch nratches

P 5456. B/ sq . 26/i ht
Extends 97, //. lMl bulb.
I00W rnax acD

P 5456 B ack, casta um num post lanlern has a second bulb E
concea ed v/ithin the roof Translucent shatter res stant, p
seeded acry ic pane s w th hl-lrnpact p astic corner decorations. S
Hlnged for easy relamping F ts 3'i post (order separately).
107z" sq.,23" ht E bu b 60Wand M bu b, l00Wrrax. Ql

@ Cast aluminum guaranteed rust lrce

Save enetgy
with MercuryVapor
long{ifu bulb included
Mercury vapor {ixtures save energy by giving more light
on less electricity. Mercury vapor bulbs last up to
30 times longer so there's less bother and cost of
changing them. Progress mercury vapor lanterns include the
bulb as well as a core and coil ballast with a two-year
warranty. The white acryllc panels are shatter- reslstant and
formulated with an ultra violet stabilizer to avoid dlscoloration.

TC 5462W8
l\lercury vapor post lantern of weathered solid
brass. Shatterresistant white acrylic panels. Fits 3" post (order
separately). 121/4 " sq.,25'ht. One 100W mercury
vapor bulb included. @

@ So//d brass
@ Medium base bulb
E Candelabrc base bulb
Se/eclion ol posls and mounting
accesso,es an page 82.
TC 5460W8 Mercury vapor post lantern
of satin black cast alurninum Casieagle.
TC 5461W8 Mercury vapor post lantern. Panels lift oui for relamping. Flts 3" post
t g1t-sided black cas- arL'r.rir L'n with h, iToac- (order separalely). 101/2" sq.,23" hf.
p aslic co.ner d^co'atiors. rits 3" posl (o'de loow mei'cury vlbor bulb included. @
separately). loy2t'sq.,23" ht One 100W mercury
vapor bu b included. A4 (dmpanion fixture on page indicated [ruqrusiflntlhrffmqt
So I id al u m i n u m posts by Prog ress 5;!11'i1l'""113$ lX,o",.
P 5311

P 5300-11 P 5304-11 P 5310

P 5300-31 P 5304-31

P 5300-11 Weaihpr"d brass ':n'sh P 5303-31 Black. Scu lptu red P 5310 Satin aluminum, tapered
Solid aluminum telescoping post. telescoping posl of solid alum nurn (direct burial) post. Also rnounls on
3" dia.,41/2t Io B' hI. 3" dia , 7'to B' ht. P B74B adapter. 3'l dia., 7' ht.
P 5300-31 Black P 5304-11 Weathered brass linish
-scuiprJ P 5311 10'tallversion of P 5310.
P 5301-31 Black. Sarne as P 5300 plus r]o so id a. rr 1rn elescopi.g
Ur'ilars Laboralories l-l"o 3-wire post wilh square base.3'l dia ,31i "
weatherproof grounded convenience outlet sq. base, 7/ lo B/ ht.
with snap-on cast aluminum cover. P 5304-31 Satin black


P 8748 Flanged cast aluminum post base for Brackets adapt lanterns for wall
mounting round,3'/ bottom O.D., posls or pedestal mountings.
(P 5310, P 5311, P 5391 , P 5392) to surface
of cemenl, concrete, etc. Anchor bolts and
set screws included. Can rnounl post at
iull height if desired. B" dia.,5// ht. qa)


P 8750-31 Satin black. Nite
cuard automatic lantern
conIlol ]or post n oJrtjng. Turns lalte'n on
at dJsk, ol al dawl. Has weatl"e'proo'
Dhoto-eleclr:c cell, color coded
conrecrions. Fils ary slandard 3" posl.
Solid aiuminum sleeve. 6/' body ht.,
100w caPacitY m P 8726-3'l Black pedestal
brackel. 6" \N..41/zr hL QE
P 8725-31 Black wall bracket.
Extends B/2 '/. @

@ Cast aluminum
Remember when an ice cream cone was a
nickel, and ten cents bought an afternoon
at the movies? Home furnishings were lushly
detailed and lov ngly made.
We can't bring back the nickel ice cream
cone but here is a wide selection of Nostalgia
llghting fashions that echo the warm,
comfortable, homey slylings that will never
go out of style so long as anyone remembers
those happy yesteryears.

P 4160 Antique gold finish. Sparkllng amber

"ice" decorated glass shades with ruffled tops.
2512" dia., 1 7// ht. Five M bulbs each l00W max.

h/ t

P 4221 Whlte and polished brass. Gold striped c ear

glass shades.22'l dta.,151/a" h1 Five El bulbs,
each 60W max.

P 4199 Antique brass finish Etched, dianrond

faceted glass shades and colurnn decoration.23'i dia
13" ht. Five M bulbs, each 100W max.

P 4206 (lefl) Antique brass finish. Reeded
column. Clear diamond-faceted glass shades
221/z " dia.,1372" ht. Five M bulbs,
each 60W max.


P 4174 Pollshed brass. Frosted, fr lled

glass shades. 22" dta.,14" ht. Five O bulbs,
each 60W max.

P 4201 Polished brass. Clear g ass

shades. 23" d a..153h" ht. Five O bulbs,
each 60W max

@ Mediun base bulb

E Candelabra base bulb
Chandeliers on these pages, averall hl. la 36tt.

proqless l:ifittlru
@$ P 4004 Antique brass. Frilled frosted glass
shades with raised floral pattern. Frosted glass
column. 20" d ia., 13/r " ht. Five m bulbs,
each 100W max.
P 4211 Antique brass. Fruitwood colurnn. Gold banded s(
white glass. 22tt dia.,17y2tt ht. Five @ bulbs, each 100W max. 1t

P 4332 Antique brass. Shaded butternut-flnished wood

with amber g ass chimneys.20" dla. 17l/ht.
Five M bulbs, each 60W nrax.

fixture an page inclicated

P 4222 Poilshed brass. clear optic crystal glass.
21tt dia..10tt ht. Flve IMI bu bs, each 60W max. CI
P 4179 Brushcd ant que brass chandeLier.
Clear hurricane glass shades. Polished
brass perforated "rnant es". 1B// dla.,
15/z'l ht. Six E bulbs, each 60W max.


P 4246 Antique brass hanglng lamp. Hand-

so dered crown and panels. Clear glass.
181/z" dia..15%// ht. Five O bulbs each60Wmax.



P 5038 W cker look hangjng amp. Antique brass

finish trlm. 161/2" dia.,13// ht. One E bulb,
100W rnax. G 40 recommended.

@ Medium base bulb

P 4176 Antique brass finlsh. Calilornla style!Redwood finish E Candelabra base bulb
\,/ood wlth etched glass column and shades.24" dta.,15y2tt hl
Five lal bulbs, each 60W max. Chandeliers an lhese pages, overall hI.lo 36tl
unless olherw ise noled.

toqlEssfi! i'llti'j
P 4027 Antique brass downlight chandelier, 3-way switch
22t' dia., 16tt hl. Five El bulbs, each 60W max. and one 50W Fl-20.

P 4087 Antique brass. Clear glass shades 24t' dia '

16/2 " ht. Five E bulbs, each 60W max.

P 4156-1'l (above)
Antique brass finish. CIear
scalloped glass. 21'l dia.,
15'la'l ht. Five O bulbs,
P 4368 fabove) Antique each 60W max.
brass Americana. Unique P 4156-10 Polished
amber and clear decorated brass
olass shades. 20" dia.. P,
i6,/ ht. Five M butbs, shr
each 60W max. ea

P 3868 frlqht) Wall

bracket. Matches P 4368.
5Y2tt W., 10n ht. Extends
8/'. M bulb, 60W max.

P 4032 Antique brass with white doric glass globes. 26/ dia.,
15" ht. Five M bulbs, each 100W max.

P 4149-11 Antique brass finish. Americana with clear
glass shades. 19tt dia.114tt ht. Five
P 4149-10 Polished brass
M bu lbs, each 60W max. P 4153 Polished brass. Two-tiered chandelier.24l/dia..
18" ht. Overall ht. to 422. Ten El bulbs, each 60W max.

P 4159 Polished brass two tiered Americana. Clear glass P 4155-10 (above) Poiished
Overall h|.lo 42t' . Nine M bu lbs,
shades. 22'l dia., 17l/ ht. brass. Five-light Early
each 60W rfax. American chandelier. 20/'
dia., 15il ht. Five E bulbs,
each 60W nrax.
P 4155-11 Antique brass

P 2929-10 Polished brass.

@ Candelabra base bulb Companion wall bracket. 5" W.,
@ Mediun base bulb '12l' ht. Extends B/'. One El bulb,
60W max.
Chandelierc on these pages, averall ht. to 36tl
unless otherwise nated.
P 2929-11 Antique brass finish

[ruqres frtmtql

P 4333 Polished brass. Regal three-liered diadem
of shimmerlng cut crystal pendanls. 18tt di,a.,17tt hL
Three d bulbs, each 60W rnax.

P 4335 Polished brass and crystal. Five-light chandelier drips

with cut crystal pendants. 20// dia., 17l' ht. Flve El bu bs, each
60W max.

P 4162 (abave)Glittering poilshed brass and crystal.

Festoons of cui crystal and crystal pendants.
lgtt dia..1'tt ht. Five E bulbs, each 60W max.


P 4334 Antlque go d. Cast chandeljer richly dressed with crystal

column adornments and cut crystal pendanls.221/a " dia.,141/2't hL
Five lcl bulbs, each 60W max.

P 4379 Elaborate imported crystal chande ier with E
slx candles plus one center ight in basket. 21l/ dia.,
1 672 " ht. Seven clear E bulbs, each 60W max. D
P 4183 Ant que brass finish Nostalgia chandelier wlth arnber
pallerned glass.2172tt dia.,12" ht. Five M bulbs, each 60W max.
P 4251 Antique brass finish. Americana chandelier
with etched glass column and bobeches,
18y2tt dia.,17l/ ht. Five O bu lbs, each 60W max.

P 4365 Antique brass finish. Vlctorian gaslight styling.

Go'o oa-ded etcleo glass sl-ades and colun n. wilr't Jlora
oesig-. 24l' d a., 1 7" l-t. Five M ou bs. eacl' { 00W rax.

P 4083-11 Antique brass linlsh. Walnut-finished wood

wagon wheel. l\letal shades on frosted glass chimneys.
21tt dia., 13y2t' ht. Th ree m bu lbs, each 100W max.
P 4083-14 Antique coPper finish.

E Candelabra base bulb (-co.o"n,on fixturc on Daoe indrcaled.

@ Mediun base bulb \-"
Decorator bulbs on page 149. Chandelierc on these pages overatl ht. ta 36't .

P 4172 Yellow. White styrene shades with yellow rings F
221/2" dia.,1 67: " ht. Five @ bulbs, each 60W max. A

\ ll I lii lllll:

P 4169 Antique brass. Turned fruitwood column.

While styrene shade with Lora' design.23'/z't dia.,
15 7r " l-1. trive M bu bs, each 60W nax.

P 4182-51 Moss green. White styrene shades with

color rings. Frosted, clear-top glass chimneys.
241/att dia., l5/' ht. Th ree M bulbs, each 100W r-nax.
P 4182-52 Yellow

P 4540 White and polished brass finish chandelier.

Hand-decorated glass shades, frosted top and bottonT .

21I/ttt dia.,1672" ht. Six M bulbs, each 60W max.

P 4254 Ant que brass linish. Wood co umn accents
Amber uster g ass shades. 23't d a 15y?tt h|.
F vc M bulbs. eaah 100W inax


P 4270 Poljshed brass chandelier. Ruflled top,

decorated white glass.24tt dia. 151/atthl.
Five M bulbs, each 100W max.

P 4'l7O (lelt) Anlique brass w th wood column

White glass shades have colorfu needlepo nt desigI
21" d a.,15t' hl F ve M bu bs each I00W max

!q ,A\

I i "; , ..i I
i.,i;,ju* r,;,o',,i tn
J' "'ir.r


P 4436-60 (/ell, Antique brass

nostalgla chande ier. While glass
shades.22" dia 15'/ ht F ve M P 4114 Ar .ou- or.r - orolu Lo dloo a10 go'o
bu bs each 100W max ^r'h
striped white glass. Wa nut-fjnished rnolded co ur.rn
21" d a.,14" h1 F ve M bulbs, each I00W r.rax

Chandeliets an these pages, averall hl. la 36"


\6. @ lt4edlum base bulb


!- ,,
A Candelabra base bulb

(of:rr a ' L ea1 Doae tdtaal


FI0010ssi,i.,. tilti
P 4158 Antlque brass I n sh. Etched and c ear I n sh g ass
shades. Fruitwood column.24l/ d a ,13%' ht. Five M bulbs
each 60W rn ax

P 4178 Antique brass. lmported etched glass

globes with clear floral design. 21' dia., I6//ht.Fjve
M bulbs each 100W max.


P 4133 Tankard slyle a mond chande lerw th down ight

Flora decoraiion 3-wayswitch 2A" dia.,161/2" ht FveO
bulbs, each 60W max. and one 30 or 50W R 20 do\'vn ighl

P 4181 Antique brass gas ght era sty ng. Rose-decorated

(-conpanion t'ixture an page indicale(l white glass globes Wood co umn and rounds. 22" d ia., 16" ht
F ve lrMl bulbs, each 100W max

P 416'l Po ished brass chande ier w th gold striped opa g ass P 4168 Chrome flared Hi-Tech contemporary
shades. 257r'l dia. 16%"ht.Five@ bulbs, each 60W max , G 25 chandelier. 24" dia.,15" h|. Five E bulbs, each 60W
recommended. max G 30 recommended

P 4277 Antique brass iinish with black accents. Topaz glass

shades sit on walnut finish wood bobeches. 24" dia., 1 57, // ht.
Five E bulbs, each 60W rnax., G 25 recommended.

P 4275 Chrome contemporary chandelier with smoke glass

globes.2Olztt dia.,14y2t' hl. Flve @ bu lbs, each 60W max.
G-25 recomrnended.

A Candelabra base bulb

@ Medium base bulb
Chandelierc on lhese pages, overall hl.lo 36'l pruqres$liqhtiliq
h P
'[\r P 4018 Chrome five llght chandelier. Clear glass
cylindrical shades. 18" dia., 16/'ht. Five E bulbs,
each 60W max.

P 4065 Chrome conternporary chandelier with walnut-

look accents. Smoke qlass shades.22" d|a.,111/ztthl
Five lMl bulbs, each 100W max.

P 4185 (tight) Hexagonal wood

column and Jonts. Chrome
accents, smoke glass.22" dia.,
16// ht. Five M bulbs, each 60W
rnax. G-25 recommended.

P 3835-68 (lnsel) Crystal optic glass. Polished brass

wall bracket. Matches P 4015. Swilch. 9% // ht.,
fin ish P 3860
extends 6". @ bulb, 100W max.
P 3835-61 Amber optic glass
P 4015-61 Amber optic glass. Polished brass finish
chandelier. Wood column. 22'l dia., 15/' ht. Five El
bulbs, each 100W max.
P 4015-68 Crystal oplic glass

t' 8J
P 3860 Polished brass matching wall
bracket. Satin white glass. Switch. 9yr " ht. Extends Ii
6//. @ bulb, 100W max.
P 4260 Po ished brass chandelier. Satin white glass.
\__r P 4260
Walnut-finish wood calurnn.22" dia..14V2" hl.
Five M bulbs, each 100W rnax.
P 4293 Almond chandelier with teak finish colunn and cups.
19" dia.,14" ft. Flve @ bulbs, each 1 00W max.
G 40 recommended.
P 2930-10 f/elt) Polished
brass. Wall bracket matches
P 4242.51/zn W.,1 1// ht. One
clear E bulb, 40W max.
G-1672 recomrnended.
P 2930-15 Chrome


P 3810 (/ell) Wall brack-^i

matches P 4305. Smoke
glass.7" W., 1072 " ht.
Extends B/r". El bulb,
100W rnax.

6 P 4242-15 (above) chandelier. Smoke glass

shades.22'l dia., 14" ht. Five c ear E bulbs, each 40W
max. G-]6/2 recommended.
P 4242-10 Po ished brass, woodjinished column

P 4305 Fluted walnut finish wood. B ack metal. Snoke glass.

" ht. Five M bu lbs, each 100W max.
25" dia., 111/c

P 4244-10 Polished brass chandelier. Wood-finished

@ Medium base bulb colurnn. 19// dia., 14// ht. F ve E bu bs, each 100W rnax.,
A Candelabra base bulb G-40 recom mended.
P 4244-15 Al chrome.
Chandeliers an these pages, overall hL lo 36tt .

P 4236 Polished brass chandeiierwith imported

crystal glass shades.20'l dia.,15'l hl. Five @ bulbs,
each 100W max.

P 4029 (below)White and gold. Sculptured chandelier.

20ttdia.,151/atthl. Five E bulbs, each 60Wmax. P
P 4012-10 (above) Polished brass. 1(
White hobnail glass shades and
column. 18%/' dia., 16// ht.
Five M bulbs, each 100W max.
P 4012-11 Antique brass finish
P 3832-11 fiefl) Antique brass finish.
Wall bracket matches P 4012. Switch.
9/r'l ht. Extends 6/'. E bulb,
100W max.
P 3832-10 Polished brass

P 3857 Wall bracket. N.4aiches P4157. 10// ht., extends6"

One E bulb, 60W max.
P 4157 Black chandelier. Amber textured glass. 21l/ dia.,
P 4586 Polished brass. Arrbertinted glass. Antiqued,
figured column. 21 72 t' dia.,14tt ht. Five m bu lbs, IDfi
17lz // ht. Five E bulbs, each 60W max. each 60W max.


P 4007 Ant que brass f nish chandel er Amberfinish

hobna lg ass shades. Wa nut f n shl]d column.
183/+'t dia.17l/ ht. Five M bu bs each 100Wrfax

P 4352 (belaw)Anlique brass f n sh Country down ight

0 ends wood and amber optjc glass 3 way sw tch.20" dla
15" ht F ve E bulbs each 60W max and 50W R 20.


@. P 4084 (abave) N)l que brass finish. Wood colurnn,

B" wh te hobnallshades.22" d a. 16%//ht. lhree
M bLrlbs, each 100W max.

E Candelabra base bulb

@ l\|edium base bu ll)
Chandeliers on these pages,
overall hl. ta 36'l
(-ono"n . tF aa poqe nd tc'ro

P 4127 Antlque brass finlsh Turncd fruit',!ood column.

l\/h te g ass 201/p " d a..15'/ hl F ve l8 bulbs, each 100W max.

prltqrcssLi! irilil,l
P 4296 Antique brass finish. Satin eiched, faceted glass.
E bulbs, each 60W max.
191/ztt dia.,163/a'l ht. Five P 4297 Polished brass. Clear, diamond-faceted glass
20 dia.,12y2 ht. Five O bulbs, each 60W max. P
ill c(
x ca


P 4490 (above) Alrnond. F ve light chandel er C1ear,
ruifled edge glass shades. 18" d a., 1 5" ht.
Flve lal bulbs. each 60W max.

P 4491 Pollshed brass. Wa nut-finish molded co umn.

Clear, ruff ed edge g ass shades. 1B't d a.,17't hl
Five lal bulbs each 60W max.

, r'
{,\ "
I i r'
i' J P 3830 wa' brd r oi Arlarches
*..'/ P 4010. Switch. 872 // ht extends
43/stt. @ bu ll 100W max.
P 4010 ( eft) Po ished brass chande er.
Elched glass Co onia shades, crysta g ass
column. 1B12/i dia 17l/ ht Fve M lrulbs,
each 100W max.


P 4013-1 1 Ant que brass f nish Wa nul i nlshcd nio ded

co lrnn 19'/ d a. 17'l ht Five lil b! bs each 60W max
P 4005 (be ow) Black Wa nut ln shed molded
I7" ht
c0iu m n 111,,t,, dra. F ve lcl bulbs. each 60W max
P 4261-36 Granada rof chande ier Wa nLlt frf srred
wood co umn. 21" d a 171/e" ht. F ve C bulbs.
each 60W max


\g-7 \-=:.7 -r-;:-

lf, ; **-Jt

P 4262-30 White. Contemporary charldelier ''!/ th wa f !t

finlshed wood co urnn po shed brass accents 20" d a.,
141/attht F ve E bLr lbs. each 60W max

P 4009-10 Pol shed brass Amer cana chande iet 181/2" d)a
17" 1 I /^ Eo.lo..ea(|oOW '
P 4009-11 Ant que brass finish

@ l,|ediun
base bulb
E Candelabra base bu lb
Chandeliets an these pagcs, overail hi. 10 36"

Plllqress lLil LllJ il

Dinette decor Dress up an intimate dining area, kitchenette, family room,
hall or foyer. Decorale in style and do t in budget with Progress Llghting.



P 3622 Polished brass and wood Americana slx-sided P 3626 Polished brass six sided
hangjng lamp. Starburst decoraled clear glass. 16y2" d)a., hanging lanrp. Etched and clear
14%" ht. Six E bulbs, each 60W max. floral decorated glass. 167, // dla.,
l4il ht. Six O bullls, each 60W max. C-
P 5022 (righl) Chrome contemPorary
with embossed arl deco paiterned glass. 15" dia., 14lr " ht.
Three E bulbs, each 60W max.

P 5036 Antlque brass finish. Tiffany-look hanging amp
with white etched glass shade. Etched B" g ass globe
2A" dla,15" ht. @ bullr, 150Wmax. t!l di

@ Mediun base bulb d Candelabra base bulb P 3666 Pol shed brass. Amercana s x-sided hangifg amp P
w th decorated glass pane s 161/2"da,I4"ht S x E bulbs
Hanging lamps an these pages averall hl. la 36't
each 60W max


\/ P 4079 Antique
tc v/ th red str pes
P 4139 Almond shade Wood fln al White Wood co urnn Wh te
o ass diffuscr. 1 7" d a.. 10" hi. Thrcc M buLbs, glass d ffuser. 17" d a.
each I00W max 11% " ht Three M P 5023 Aniique brass f n sh shade
b!lbs each 100W mar with 3 candle cluster. 18" d a. I4'l hl .

Three lal buibs each 60W max.

P 4135 F"1q r g d ,o \ ,'o "'d's 01 or
a mond shade. White textured !l ass difluser
Ant que brass o I font 17" d a. I3" ht Three
[] b! bs each 100W rnax

P 4122 (/e/l) Six-sided
wood-fin ished shade with
amber textured panels.
Black iron scrolls.
Whlte qlass diJfuser.
'lB'/ dia., 11// ht. Three
E bulbs, each 75W max.

ri \ll
!, @"
rD @.

-- i;-.:,'
'{ B-',

P 4107-59 Alnrond Wh te g ass P 4154-30 Cha n hung '/,i h 1e cage P 4112-58 Harvest gold. Polished
ciitluser,3 way switch. I B" d a Whiie B'i glass g obe I 8" d a 12" ht bta.s'oI W''.q" sdf'Lrser 3-way
l0lr 'i ht Four@ lru bs each60W M bu b 150W max 14'o"od 11 2" -1. -llee El
rax. bu lbs, each 60W max
P 4107-11 Anlique brass finlsh P 4112-59 Alnrond
P 4107-'14 Antique coPPer finlsfr
I oma-nan ttuteaaatQ 10 otFd
- r Pr0qleSS l; t liili jfrlJ,ii
P 4116-11 Antique brass
finished shade. White
@. B'/ g ass g obe. 1B" dia.,
16" ht. m bulb 150W max.
. see paqe 42
P4147 Ant que brass finish. White etched glass
d ffuser. 3 way swrtch. 21tt dia.,12tt ft.
Four M bulbs, each 60W rnax

t':: i

' 1.',


j, r {too

- (r.
'a ..- P 4324
P 3768 Walnut f in sh. Wh 1e g ass dlff us(] r. Black scrolls on am ber P 4111-31 Black. Metal scro ls. 1 0/' white glass
corners. 1 9'i d a , B// ht. Fou r M bu lbs, each 100W max. globe. 18"dia., 15/z'ht @ bulb, l50Wmax.
P4324 White and gold. Clear d(r sign on lexlured glass 167rildia. P 4111-58 Harvest qold
l4l/ ht. Th ree M bu bs, each 1 00W max.


P 4295-11
P 4295-59

P 4522-14
P 4522-11 P 4131-14
P 413 t -11
P 4131-14 Antique copperfifrsh. Frosted g ass ch mneV. P 4520-11 Afiique brass f n sh. Frosted chinney.
J-ta\ s^'Lh. 18'd",7' h EoL,b '0 '00 'cOW hl M bulb, 100W max.
P 4131-11 Ant que brass lln sh P 4520-'14 Antique copper f nish
P 4295-11 Antique brass finish. White glass g obe P 4522-14 Ani que copper i n sh. Frosted gLass chlmney
12,' d a.,9,, ht. M bu b, I 00W max 3 wayswitch 15't d)a.,17t' ht. m b!lb 50/100/150W.
P 4295-59 Almond P 4522-11 Anl que brass finish
Chain hung lixlures on this page, overall ht. ta 36tt. rirure an page indicared

4049 See-thru smoke hi-impact

* dome over chrome.16Y2tt dia.,
141/2" hl. Ovetdl ht. to 48".

Three M bulbs, each 60W max.

G 30 white recommended.


P 4216-11 Antique brass finish.

Pu lldown. Whlte glass Switch.
14" dia., B1/2" ht. Overall ht. 20"
to 56'/. Two M bulbs, each
75W max.

, \ P 4218-11 Allique l].dss I rrs1. "rq^'pJl dowl. Wl ile


" al" s.3-waysw cl.Il"da..B1p" hL.O/era lhl 20" 1o56".

Three bu bs, each 75W max.


O- I ,OUrr-rO while Heat-resistant, hl impact P 4058-30 white. Perforated P 5015-30 White. Aluminum shade,
shade. Chrorne accent. 16" d a., 1 1 " ht. a uminum hemisphere, wh te glass chrome cap. 161/zt' dia., B1/2" hl.
Overall hl. to 48'l. El buib, 60W max. dilfuser. 17l/dia., I0" hi. Overall ht. Overall ht. 10 48". M bulb,
G 40 recommended to 42l/. Four lMl bu bs, each 60W max. 100W max. G 40 recomrnended.
P 4511-52 Sunshine yellow
P 4511-62 Trans ucent smoke

P 4043-30 While. A spool of white opal glass

lights the top of thismetal dome. 17l'dia.,
1 3/,
/' ht. Overall ht. to 48'l. M bu lb,
100W max. G-40 recom mended.
P 4227 Cord-hung dorjc opal glass. Polished brass canopy and trim.
o 6" dia., 9" ht. Overall to 48/'. M bu b, 100W max.
P 4356 See'thru cord-hung topaz glass globe. Chrome cap. 10// dia.,
l0%// ht. Overal ht. to 4B/'. Clear El bu b, 100Wmax.
M Medium base bulb

P5000-60 White triplex glass. 6" dia.,13t' ht.Overallht.to48'.

E bu b, 100W max. Proqres$llLl iilitrLlil
Multi-purpose lights ficr round the house
P 3202 Ant que brass. Raised f oral-pattern, ruff ed-edge glass
shades. 16// dia., 8/z " ht. Three El bu lbs, each 60W max.
P 3234 Polished brass. Satin-elched, "llower bud" g ass
131h" dia.,B" ht. Three E bulbs, each 60W rnax.
f1 P

P 3252 (above) Antique brass. lrfporled etched glass P 3239 Antique brass. While g ass with f oral needlepoint
globes with clear, floral design. 16// dia., 8' ht. Th ree El bulbs, design. 15' dia., 8// ht. Three @ bulbs, each 100W max.
each 60W max.

P 3242 (lelt) Anlique brass. Gold striped white

glass wlth rose desjgn. 17" dia , 9/' ht Three m
bulbs, each 100W max. P




(G P 3280 (above)Antlque brass. Gaslight era
styling. Rose decorated whlte g ass. Wood rounds.
15" dia. B" ht. Three El bulbs, each 60W rrax.

P 3238 f/ell, Antique brass. Three white glass

shades. 17" dia., 8'l ht. Three El bulbs,
each 100W max.

@p*anion lixrure on page indicated

o P 3259 Antique brass. Nosta gia sly ing.
Etched tu ip glass. 16n d a ,71/ztt ht. Three M P 3261 Ant que brass. Nostalgia 4'light Etched tulip glass
22tt dia.,9t'hl. Four M bulbs, each 60W max
bu bs, each 60W max.

- rt*&

P 4033 Polished brass [4ap e fin shed ship's u/heel ['4ilk P 4036 Po shed brass Ambcr f n sh glass barrels on wood
white hobnai g ass 20" dia. 10" hl Three M b!lbs, cross pieces 19"da.,101/2" ht. FourM bulbs eachl00Wnrax. 100W max

P 3256 (righl) Aftique brass
lfish. Flo ral decoraled gold
',,X " -- !rl

bafded g ass 16" da 10%" ht

Three @ bubs each 60W max
P 3226-59 (below) Alnand cano1y.
White glass giobes. 14'l dla.,73/+" hl
Three M bulbs each 60W max.
P 3226-11 Ant que brass f nish

P 4035 Antique brass f nish canopy. Wood

co umn, m k !/hite hobna class 16" d a
103/a//hi. Three M bulbs, cach 60W max

@ Medium base bulb PI0qIessltrr iLJirilf

P 4804 Antique brass finish. Opal glass
shade with floral deslgn. 15" dia., 7" ht.
M bulb, 100W max. G-40 recommended.

P 3279 (right) Antique white
shade, red striped. Wood column,
black scrolls. White qlass difluser. 17" dia
11 7rl/ ht. Three M bulbs, each 60W rrax.

P 3258 Almond shade. Wood finlal. White glass P 327'l-14 Antique copper finish. Whiie glass. ei
diffuser. 17'l dia., 10'/ ht. Three M bulbs, each 1 6tt dia., 7 1/a tt hL
hree Fl bulbs, each 60W max.
60W max. P 3271-11 Antique brass finish

P 4433 (right) Almond shade with

f oral design. While g ass diffuser.
Anljque brass font, black scro ls.
17Y2tt dia., 141/att hL f hrce
E bulbs, each 60W max. ,Q

P 4146 Aniique brass finish. While
@_ etched glass diffuset.2ltt dia.,gtt hLFour
M bulbs, each 60W max.

\ EP P 3284
P 328s
P 4238-30
P 4239-30

P 3284 Antique brass flnish. White decorated

texlJred glass bow,. 12j q" ota.,6" hr -wo M

P 4521-'14 Antlque copperfinlsh Frosted chimney. 12tt dia.,

bulbs, each 60W max
P 3285 143/qtt d)a. version of P 3284. 67, // ht.
Three M bu bs, each 60W max.
P 4238-30 Write. Calopy noLrteo. Write g ass.
14Y2tt hl.@ bulb, 100W max. 12" dia..5" hr Two@ourds,eacl 6OWTax.-
P 452'l-11 Antique brass finish P 4239-30 14l/ dia. version of P 4238-30. 43/t ht.


o ,#H#:#d*rhd"'#*ft tWh rEr**

\\ .'!

P 3767 Walnut finish. Dimensional P 4101-58 Harvest gold. N,letal P 3237-65 Honey white glass petals. Antique
b ack scro ls on amber corners. scrol s around wh te 6" g ass globe. brass banded. B" satin etched g ass globe.
14ttd)a.,81/zt'ht. Three E bulbs, 143/+t'd a.,91/q't ht.Mbub, 100Wmax. 1B/'dia.,9" ht. OneM bulb, 100Wmax
each 60W max. P 4101-31 Black

P 41 t3-58 (right) Hatvesl gold. White

g ass diffuser. Hang straight swivel.
143/qttdia.,9" ht. Three M bu bs, @.
each 60W max.
P 4t13-59 Almond
P 4132-11 (/e/1) Antique
brass linlsh. White glass
d ffuser. 18" dia.,71/ztt hl.
Four m bulbs, each 60W max.
P 4132-59 ALmond

P 4021-11
,rttlllll l\\\ P 4024-"11
P 4026-11

ttt l/ I I I \\\\\\\N @.
P 4021-30
P 4024-30
P 4025-30
/lltttltllllll\\\\\N ,''i

P 4021-s8
P 4024-s8
P 4325 White & gold. clear design on lextured glass.
161/ztt dla.,11% " ht. Three M bu bs each60Wmax.
P 4021-11 Antlque brass f nish. Etched glass. Canopy mounted. @ Mediun base bulb
" dia.,51/2" ht.TwolMlbulbs each 60Wr-.rax.
P 4021-30 White P 4021-58 Harvest gold All Progress ceiling ftxtures meet new Underwrilerc'
P 4024-11 Antique brass f nish.3- ightversion ol P 4021 Laborataries slandards fat insulated ceilings.
14' dia 6t ht. Three [Ml bulbs, each 60W n]ax.
P 4024-30 White P 4024-58 Gold I Camp"ai an f; uI e on paqe ; nd ical ed.
P4026-11 Antique brass finlsh. 4-l ght version of P 4021 .
17" dia.,7" ht. Four M bu bs, each 60W max.
P 4026-30 White pruqrusslttrlirrif[ q
P 3264

P 322'l

P 3220


P 3522-34

- -{*"*.aar"^-.d;4_ .- P4419
P 3235 Natural cork square Whlte glass Canopy mounted.
14ttse.,l3/att ht Three M bulbs each 60W nrax.
P 3220 Naiura cork round. White glass Canopy P 3236 Butcher block finish. White glass. Canopy mounted.
rr,lounted 1472 '/ dia , B la " ht. Th ree @ bu lbs, each 14tt sq.,73/+tt ht. Three M bulbs each 60W max.
60W max. P 4590-34 Walnut linish Wh te texlured glass. Canopy
P 3221 Butcher block fin sh verslon of P 3220 rnou nted. 1 672 /i sq., 7% /' ht. FoLr r M bu lbs. ,.ach 60W nrax.
P 3264 oak f nish octagon. White textrred g ass P 4593 Rectangulat lzlt x24't vesiar o1 P 4590 34.
Po ished brass canopy.181/ztt sq Tlztt hI Four M bulbs, each 60W max
Four E bulbs, each 60W rnax. P 4620 White and gold wood frame Wh te textured glass.
P 3522-34 Walnut-fin shed. Satin etched glass. Canopymounted ht. Four M bulbs, each
Canopy nounled. 131/a't dia.,7lz't ht Four M bulbs, 60W max.
each 60W max
P 4419 Aniique brass. Wood finish. Whiie glass. Canopy
mounted 21l/ sq., 57zil ht. Four @ bulbs, each 60W rnax.
P 4630 Wa 1.
\arsio^ o p to A.- t'
All Pragress ceiling fixturcs meet new Underwriters

P 4660 Walnut frnished octagon Black scrol s on white Labaralar ies standard s f ar i nsu lated cei i ng s.
glass. Canopy rnounted. 1B12 " sq . 77s" h1. Four
E bu bs, each 60W max. F Mediun base bulb


' a': .:
t ,:,'
Qr ,slt,: :: , '
tt.r, .:.
liii:' .'
,'i P 3230

P 3247

. , til. :,. r 1r, i .t]j: .


P 3229
P 3246

P 3245 P 3228

P 3245 BLrtcher b ock finish Wh te inside. Canopy rnounted. P 3228 Walnut fin shed. Whlle ins de. Canopy mounted.
71/2" sq ,61/z" hL El bulb 60W max. G 30 recommended. White glass globe. 10't sq.,73/att ht. M bu b,60W max.
P 3246 Two- light v erston ol P 3245,71/2" x 15" . P 3229 Two- ght verslon al P 3228 10" x24". Two El bulbs,
Two M bu bs each 60W inax. G-30 recomtnended. each 60W r.rax.
P 3247 Four llght verslon of P 3245 15" sq. Four M bulbs. P 3230 Four'light version of P 3228.20" sq Four M bu bs,
e.ch60wra. o o0 6 on--r d6d each 60W max.


P 3604

3604 Chrome ceiling

P 3706

P37OO Chromeceiling ght. la"dta 3y2" ht. Three M bu lbs, each 60W max.
G-30 white recom mended
P 3797

or wall llgltt. 43/+tt sq.,31/ztl ht. M bulb, 60W max. G-30 whlte
Versalile rnodules mou nt
indivldua ly or together, two oT
more on one outlet box. K.O
connectlons on four sides of I 1 /r "
P 3797 Chrome. 1A" d a..7't ht. Slx El bu bs each 25W rnax. G I6/2 recommended. metal octagon. Con necting and
rnounting hardware supp ied for
cellif gs or wal s
P 3200-34 Walnut. Antique brass
linish fitter. Whlte g ass g obe.
Tlzt hl. @ bu lb, 60W max.
P 3720-30 P 3201-34 Walnui. Ant qu-^ brass
finish fitter. B/'while glass g obe.
9r/a' ht. M bulb 100W max

P 3222 Walnut finished metal. Drop

wh te glass. Canopy mounted. Tors on
springs for easy relamping. 87r " sq.,
5/2 " ht. Two E bulbs, each 60W rnax
P 3223 12't sq.version of P 3222.
532" ht Three m bullls, each 60W max.
P 3223
P 3721-30
P 3720-30 Wr,-' D op rr'F'le qla-s
Canopy mounied. Torsion springs for easy
relamping. Blztt sq.,51/ztt hl. Two M bu bs @ Medium base bulb E Candelabta base bulb
each 60W nrax.
P 3721-30 Larger version ol P 3720 30. ( e omoan on li> tu e a't odq^ indicaLed
121t sq.,53/att ht. Three M bu bs each 60W max. L*
- PruqressNtirLhtlnrt|

Decorative ceiling glass !*lffi[ru;*
(_, ,l


P 4605 Lalique look. Sat I ctched I oral and P 4801 Tiffany-look, hofey and opalescent !llass panc s
geomctric ceillng bowl. Decorative casll I al 141/r', antique brass bands. hand so dered 191/a" d a. B7:" h1.
dia.,B3/d,, ht. Thrce IMI bu bs each 60W nax. Three M bulbs. -^ach 60W rnax.

P 4604 ta ique ook. Leai and lloral desi!lns ir sa1 rl P 4670 Wicker pattern glass pare s around white glass
clched glass cerling bowl. Polished brass tr r.r l4fri' dilJuser Antlque brass banding, hand soldcrcd. l9ya"
d a..9r/:'/ ht Three lMl bulbs, each 60W nax dta.,B1/2" ht Thrce @ bLrlbs, each 60W max

P 4691 Peach floral dccorat on flred on

whlte !llass Antique brass ltr\. 173/atl
P 4648 Leadcd amber calhedral .lnd P 4705 Je[,c ed prisms, polish-"d brass
I'ld W'
etched glass panels. Hand-solde.ed Jd ,\" ..--dr 'd.i
dta,81h" ht Three M bulbs, each Etched glass difiuser. 15" dia., 9/' ht deslgn Cut crystal pendant 15//dia
60W rnax. Thrcc M bu bs, each 60W max. 10/r//ht. Three M bu bs each 60W rrrar
P 4932 Hexagonal salin
finish glass with multicolor
floral design. Antique !J.

o brass finish canopy. 16"

dia., 63/ttt ht. Three m
bulbs, each 60W max.

& *l$,
P 4934 Satin finish scalloped
glass wilh dusky rose floral P 4667 Scalloped, satin finish glass
design. Antique brass finish with iloral design. Antique brass
canopy. 16/' dia.,63/+tt hl finish trim. 16tt dia.,63/ttt hl.
Three Ej bulbs, each 60W max. ffi Three E bulbs, each 60W max

P 4644
P 4661 ----\

i ;:)j ..:!


P 4662 P 4645
6', P 4644 Colonial b ue and yellow lloral deslgn on white glass
P 466.1 Clear floral deslgn on whlle texturcd !llass
13" dia..53/q't ht Two lMl bulbs, each 60W max Anlique brass ilnlsh. Wood f nial. 14%'/ sq. 9'/ ht.
Three El bulbs, each 60W rnax.
P 4662 Charm ng flora design on white sandblasted g ass
White canopy. 15" dia ,7" ht Three El bulbs, each 60W max P 4645 Pastel needlepoint on whlle glass. Antique brass
linish trim 1stt dia..B1/411 ht. Three M bulbs, each 60W max

4653 -,s-cb-


p 4646 Cheerfu coloriulclown with red wood

"nose". White canopy, white glass. 1B7r" dia.,
B/a " ht. Three lMl bulbs, each 60W max.

@ lt'ledium base bulb

Alt Progress ceiling lixlures meet new Underwrilers'
P 4653 Patterned brass band around decorated wh 1e glass Labaralories standards lor insulaled ceilinqs.
diffuser. 18" dia., 77s'i ht. Four M bulbs, cach 60W max
P 4655 Wood { nish wagon wheel on white glass dilfuser proqrcssllirlLilri!;ill
Leatherthong. 16" dia,04 ht. Threc M bulbs each60Wmax

P 4643 White prismatic glass See
through scrolldes gn lBtt dia 7s/stt
ht. Four lMl bulbs. each 60W max
P 4651 Go d "icrng ' over c ear P 4643
des gn on white t-^xtured glass
lqtt dla.,7sktt ht. Four M bu bs each
60W max .-*,
P 4672 F oral pattern on lextured

l. ), , "l. n-'"i .)'.a,,

g ass. 12" dia Two M bu bs, each P 4942
60W max. P 4944 ,'".*-.,-:' - ''
' "

P 4693 Floral design on white glass

White canopy. 13// d a. Two M bulbs,
each 60W max. -- * .Z1-I]
-:..- 1ll =- P 4651

P4695 15" version of P 4693. Thre-^ /'r:: '--'. \

M bu bs each 60W max
P 4713 Silver appllque on white
g ass. Po ished brass canopy 13"
d a. Two E bulbs, each 60W max.

P 4715 l5" versiof of P 4713 Three

M bulbs, each 60W rnax.
ffi 3 P 4855

'*:*. .$( p,9:,

p4855 rro.tod t-gtd - b dr\
^l 15" dia , 7" ht.
canopy and edging.
Three M bu bs, each 60W max.
P 4886 Scrol design on round v/h te P 4672
g ass. 15" dia. Three M bulbs, each
60W max
P 4942 Sat n etched design on white
glass. 12'l dia Two E bulbs, each
60W max. P 4886 1l
P 4944 15 dia v"rsior a'D 4a4?
Three M bulbs each 60W nrax

P 4713
P 4715

P 4961
P 4602

P 4603
P 4962
P 4963
P 4964
P 4976
, P 4682-81
"..tt_... P 4684
P 4965
P4602 Satin linish white glass version P 4742 While desiqn on textured g ass. P 4962 Patterned white glass. While
of P 4961. 12l/ sq. Two M bulb;, each 60W max. canopy. 12l'square. Two M bulbs, each
P 4603 Satin finish. White glass. 14/i P 4744 14" sq. version of P 4742 60W max.
sq. Three E bulbs, each 60W max. P 4887 13'l sq. while glass with scroll P 4963 Sare as P 4962 wit'r pul chair
P 4682-81 Gold applique on textured design. Three M bulbs, each 60W max. P 4964 14" version of P 4962. Two
glass. 12?/ sq. Two @ bu bs, each 60W- M bulbs, each 60W nTax.
P 4684 14' sq. version ol P 4682-81
P 4961 White glass. 12'sq. Two
M bulbs, each 60W max. P 4976 l6" version of P 4962. Three
M bulbs, each 60W max.
P 4965 is bulk pack ol P 4962, 12 per
All Ptagrcss ceiling fixlures ca rton.
neet new Underwtilers Labaralories
standards f or i nsL.t lated cei I i nas.


The styles on this page swivel and rotate in
any djrection. Mount them on ceilings or

o' walls for reading, accent or work lights.

P 2905-11 Antique brass finlsh. Adjustable

swivel ight.5 dia.,71/tr ht. Switch.
One PAR-1 6, 40W or R-20, 50W max.
P 2905-30 White
P 2906-30 White. Two adiustable swlvel lights
4" W .,7 | z " 1t. Switcr. -wo PAR- 16
40W or R-20, each 50W max.
P 2906-11 Antlque brass finlsh

P 2919-30 White. Adjustable swlvel cy inder.

55/e" da..774" ht Switch OneR 14,25W, or
PAR 16, 40W max.
P 2919-11 Antique brass fin sh
P 2920-11 Ant que brass f n sh. Two adiustable
swivel cylinders. 14" W ,71/z' ht. Sw tch Two
R 14 each 25W, or PAR 16,40Wrnax
P 2920-30 Whit-.
P 2920-11 P 2919-30
P 2920-30 P 2919-11

P 394'l-16 Solid alum.inum. Satin flnlshed,

o' adjustable 1 ghl. 43/att d a.,7s/at' hl. Extends 10".

One M bulb, 100W or R-30.
P 3941-12 Satin brass
P 3942-12 Satin brass flnish. Double adjustable
I ght, 18" W , 7s6'l ht Extends 10". Two M bu bs,
each 100W or R 30.
P 3941-16 P 3942-12 P 3942-16 Sat n a uminum
P 3941-12 P 3942-16

P 6268 white. Adjustable P 6269 White. Adiustable P 6263 white. Adjustable P 6264 White. 53/+tt dia.,
sphere. 57a " dia.,7s/8t' ht. sohere. 7'l d.a.. Brs" ht. One cy inde'. 5" dia., 872 " ht., 91/stt hL, ovetall nl. b 123/at'
One R-20 bulb, 50W max. R-30 bulb, 75W max. overall nt. 10 12'l. One R-30 One R-40 bulb, 150W max.

o' Fil l',,|ediun base bulb

bu lb, 75W max.

t,rrrre on page indicated. pmqrussliJJitatijlll

Closeo lace. su per- slrm t'ac h.
SNAPTRAI( A snap to install-track snaps
together. Move lights where you
closes the trackgap want, when you want.

b Now put lighting where you want t over beds, desks,

reading and study areas n the kitchen over p ay areas
p ants, photos and arlwork. Alm Snaptrak ights in any
dlrection or move thern to new locat ons on the track if
your needs chafge. lt's a snapl

< Snaplrak closed face track ghling system e iminates

conspicuous track grooves. The solid face white track is
lust one-half inch thin I Other tracks are open, u nlinished
loo king.

Straight track snaps

together as easlly as
rnodel train tracks. No
lvounting brackets and
hardware are includ.ed.
Just atlach the mou nting
brackels, p ace the super
"ponraaLe" \-
MouNflNG t-_._)
Where voLr have no

convenient ce lrng or wal

power out et and prefer
Use P 86l2 sing e or
P 8615 doub e ouliet box
covers with swive track
w ring. One flexible th n lrack over the to plug into a wa I connectors. Just wire to
con nectoT rnakes any brackets rotate the receplac e, use the P 8611 power supp y. Track plugs
angle ifcludlng wa lto lock ng lever and that s a I 10 foot cord and plug set. inl U nderwrlters'
cei ing connections there is to it. No wlring requlred. laboratori,os listed.


P 6305-30 P 6305-52
P 6303-30
P 6303-30
em$ P
P 6303-31
TR ir4 TRIN,4

Snaptrak lights con-re with an attractive color accent. You may prefer
to use them a l-whlte, al -black or al -yel ow. The cholce ls yoursl

P 6303-31 Black. Optlonal ' wa nut" accent. 372 " dia 6" ht Use
30 or 50W R-20 bu b.
P 6303-30 Wh te. Opiional leather-look accent.
P 6304-31 B ack. Oplional anllque brass accenl 4" dta.,6y2" l1L
Use 30 or 50W R-20 bulb.
I P 6304-30 White. Optional 'butcher block" accents.
P 6305-30 White. Optional "butcher block" stripe 37s'd a
67r" ht. Use 30 or 50W R-20 bu b.
P 6304-30 P 6305-52 Ye low oplional black stripe.

o' -,..

Number Description

P 6300 Whlte 2 foot track section

P 6301 White 4-foot track sect on
End caps included

!,,,:"- 10-foot cord & plug,

P 86tl ;- -' White
1000W capacity, bulit in fuse.

..'/'/ P 8612 , -,.2

Wh te
Oullet box cover for one track
.'./ 1000W capacity, built-in fuse.

Out et box cover for two

P 8615 White tracks, any angle. Each 1000W
capacity, bui t n fuses

P 8613 White "Any angle" connector

P 8614-11 Antique brass Decorating tape for track &
P 8614-31 Black accessories. Ad hesive
Everything you need for a complete Snaptrak P 8614-34 Walnut backed. 51" long. 7s" w de.
two-light, plug-in insiallation. The kit contains P 8614-52 Yel ow
two 2-foot track lengths, two Snaptrak lights, a
1o-fool cord and plug set, mounting hardware
o' and easy installation instructions.
P 6116 Two black llghts with optional walnut
Patenls Pendjng
finish accents. s^ao 'at lac^ aro lionLs
' are6i)
:.J sted
P 6117 Two white lights with optional leather
finish accents.
Lighting the way. . . Here are handsome ways
to ljght ihe way along halls, stairways and any other areas in your home
where you want good lig hting that's good- looking-an d withln
your budget, too.

P 3620 Po ished brass chain-hung lantern

with walnut finished wood trirn. Decorated
clear glass panels.71/s" sq.,111/a't hI
Two Fl bulbs, each 60W max.
P 3629 Polished brass hanging lantern.
Clear glass panels with etched floral design.
7ttsq.,l2tthL Two El bulbs, each 60W rnax.


P 3694 Polished brass hanging lantern. P 3685 Polished brass chain P 3785 Ceiling mounted version of P 3685.
Starburst bronze acrylic panels. 137/ett dla , hung. Bronze acryiic panels wiih g/'lsq., 103/a// h1. Two E bulbs,
12" ht. Six E bulbs, each 60W max. starburst design. 9" sq., 11 /' ht. each 60W max
Two Fl bulbs. each 60W max.

P 3610 Black. Smoke glass

g obe. Walnut finish wood.
Hang on chain or mount on
ceiling. 7" dia. Ceiling
mounted ht. 111/2tt. Chaift
hung ht. to 36//. Two E
bulbs, each 60W max.
E Candelabra base bulb
@ Mediun base bulb
Chain-hung fixlures on these pages, overall ht. to 36tl ceiling mounled i't
chain - hu ng


P 3613-15 (above) Chtome.

Smoke glass globe. 7' dia.,
P 3765 97a'ht. Two O bulbs, each
60W max.
P 3613-10 Polished brass

P 366s
P 3619-10 (/elu Polished brass.
P 3665 Polished brass. Chain-hung. Decorated clear Chain-hung version of P 3613.
glass panels. 7// sq., 1 27, /' ht. Two E bu lbs, 7 dia.91/tt ht. Two E bulbs,
each 60W rnax. each 60W max.
P 3619-15 Chrome
P 3765 Ceiling mounted version of P 3665.7" sq.,
12" ht. TwoA bJlbs eacl 60W max.


P 3758 Chrome ceiling-mou nted P 4802 Chrome six sided celling light. Geometric P 3759 Chrome chain-hung
fixture. Georf etric decorated glass decorated glass. 15" dia., 15'/ ht. Three E bulbs, lantern with geometric decorated
63/+t'sq.,8't ht. one @ bulb, each 60W max. glass.63/a// sq.,8" ht. One @ bu b,
75W max. 100W rfax.

P 3717

P 3717 Polished brass chain hung. Simulated

8' ht. M bulb, 100W max.
cut glass.63/a// W.,
P 3718 Ceiling version of P 3717. B' ht.
M bulb, 75W rnax.
or P 3718

1t l ra1


q lr


P 4328-10
P 4328-11
P 3171

- ,. p 3074 4326-68
.:, ,:'., P
P 3074 Antique gold pendaft. Satin etched glass w th P 4326-68 Antique brass Iinish chain hufg pendant
clearfrilled boltorn.6" d a.,1a1/z,,hL One M bulb, Crystal crackled glass 11//dia 13"ht @bulb 150Wmax.
100W rnax P 4328-10 Polished brass. Wh te doric g ass pendant.
P 3171 Antique gold pendant. Satin etched glass with 1tt dla ,12It ht. E bu b, 150W nT ax
flared optic crystal bottom. 77sil dia.,97ail ht One M bu b P 4328-11 Ant que brass fin sh
100W max.

P 3664 Ant que brass
I nish. Topaz glass H- $-
Pierced gallery 7il
dia., 113/a" ht. Two E
see page 42
bu bs, each 60W max.


P 3176
P 3673
P 3170

P 3170 Antique brass f n sh pendant Gold banded \ii hite glass. 6', dia.
10" ht. M bulb, 100W max
P 3176 Ant que brass frnish pendant Rose decorat-^d whitc g ass Wood
accent. 6" dia 9rle"ht.M bu b, l00Wmax.
P 3673 B ack chain-hung antcrn Bttdta. 131/2" hl. Three E bu bs,
each 60W nrax.

Chain-hung lixturcs on this page, averall ht. to 36u.

1 li
@parion firtrr" an page indicared
or P 3639 Antique brass finish canopy.
Etched, textured octagonal glass. 11 yztl
P 3638 Antique brass finish. Etched
simulaled cut glass. 11// dia., 6/ ht.
dia., 5" ht. One E bulb, 75W max. Two M bulbs, each 60W max.

P 3609 Antique brass

finish. Hand-blown, raised
Iloral-pattern glass.
5Y2tt dia., SYatt hL
One m bulb, 100W max.


P3251 Antique brass f inish. lmported etchedglass.6/'dia.,9/2// ht. P 3281 Antique brass. Rose
one m bulb, 60W max. decorated white glass. Wood
P 3661 Polished brass. White hobnail glass. 47al' dia., 57sl ht. accent. 8" dia., 11/ ht. One E
One @ bulb, 60W max. bulb, 100W max.
P 3662 Polished brass. Gold striped opal glass.9// dia.,57z,/ ht.
One M bulb, 60W max. G-25 recommended.

P 3614 Polished P 3602 Polished P 3702-11 Antique brass

brass. Ribbed optic brass. Amber oplic finish. White hobnail olass.
crystal glass. 53/ctt dia., glass' 8/' dia., 9" ht. 8// dia., 9'/ ht. E bulb,-
P 3757 Antique brass finished B/' ht. IMI bulb, 60W max. m bulb, 60W max. 60W max.

!r ceiling light. Opal glass. 10"

W., 1 1" ht. E bulb, 100W max.

M Mediun base bulb @ Candelabra base bulb nruqns$[nqhfff,mqt

P 3224-31
P 3512-31

P 3225-3'l

P 3790 Pollshed brass embossed ring. Styrene P 3224-31 Black. N4etal scro I hexagon. While 9lobe. 9" dia ' B" ht
iewels, cut cryslal pendant. reflector' El bulb,60W max.
63/o' dia..g" ht. clear M bu lb, 60w max.
P 3225-31 Black. Two-llghtversion of P3224 16//wide.
P 3791 B%7/ dia. version of P 3790 B// ht. Two E bulbs, each 60W rnax.
Two clear M bulbs, each 60W max.
P3512-31 Black Trlplex opal glasswithin rnctal scrolls l3"dia.
hLfhree@ bulbs each 60W rnax.


"S d(-sz
P 3754-10
P 3754-11
p 9Z64-10
p 3764-i1
v *

P 3764-30 6

brass. White doric glass P 3678-52 ceiling F

,o Poljshed
P 3754-10 mounted I
ba't. K.O. -t-.6',dia.,7,/r', iI.
M bulb,60W max.
P 3754-11 Antique brass flnish P 3676 Antlque brass finlsh. Three cand es in opaL glass shade
P 3764-10 Po ished brass. Whltc doric glass
" dra.,1 0 /2 " ht. Three E bu bs, each 60W max.

ball. B" dia.,91/2" hl. M bulb, 100W max P3678-52 \el o^.wl ila rr'"b do'. l.lJo^cl "ilo"rourt P
P 3764-11 Antiquc brass finlsh on."l'rq 0ra"o ,'i -ol.14 " Cr"r-r.nq l o36' 4
P 3764-30 White Three El bu bs, each 60W max. P

affir -<. P 3603
s &", P 3615-61
P 36'ts-68

P 3i03- Po'ished b.ass. Deep pnbossed crystat globe. K.O. for

@. swilch. 6" dia., 7" ht. El bulb, 60W rrax.
P 3615-61 Polished brass. Amber crackled glass globe. K.O. for
P 3736-60 Antique brass. switch. 6' dja., I1' ht. @ bulb, 60W max.
Whjte glass. 51/2t' dia., P 3615-68 Crystal crackled glass
8//ht. m bulb, 100W max.
P 3667 Pol;shed brass. Srfoke qlass.6" dia.,7la't hl.
One @ bulb,60W nax., c lea. A b-u.b rpcommended.


P 3272 P 3723-'t0
P 3723-1'l P 3753
P 9746 P 3777

P 3272 A'rLique brass canopy. Opalcased glass wi-h rose P 3746 Ani,que b ass Gold banded wn.le atass ce.lrno
desiqn 5%// dia. @ bulb, 60W mar. ligr'. 51e" dia.. 9.a " r L E butb, 100W -nay-
P 3723-10 Polished brass. N.4ilk white hobnait glass. P 3753 Polished brass. Cryslal tlu'ed glass. K.O. lor
K.O. for switch. 5/2,t dia.,7tt ht. E butb, 60W rnax. swilcn.43la" dia.,63/s" ht.
P 3723-11 Antique brass finish

P 3777 Polished brass Satil opatgtass.6" dia., B%,, ht.

E bulb, 6OW max.

tl> ---\,

'-s::14 --
,, --q - =:s -

-\l.: P 3756-10
P 3727 P 3756-11

P 3408-15 Chrome. Wnite glass gJobe. 7" dia.,

43/at hl. Ft bulb.60W max. - -
P 3408-10 Polished brass finish
P 3408-11 Antjque brass finish
P 3752-10 P 3408-30 White
P 3726 P 3752-11 P 3410-15 Chrome. 93/a/'dia. version of P 34OBl
672l/ ht. Two M bulbs, each 60W rnax.
P_3726 Polished brass. Blown, hand-cut crystal. P 3410-11 Antique brass finish
ht. @ bulb, 60W max. P 3410-30 Whit-^
P 3727 Pollshed brass. Saiin white glass.71/2ttdta.,sttht.
E bulb, 60W nrax. E Candelabra base bulb
@ Mediun base bulb
P 3752-10 Polished brass. Satin white glass. K.O. for
swltch. 5%// dia.,6'l ht. @ bulb, 60W max. All Progress ceilino fixlurcs meet new
P 3752-11 Antique brass finish U nd e rw t i te r s' La b a r alo r i es sta nd ard s t' o r
P 3756-10 Polished brass. Satinwhite glass.77al/dia., insulated ceilings.
4lan hL@ bulb,60W max.
P 3756-11 Antique brass finish tirture on page indicated.
/ \ /
\ /
14't dia


Qua ity opal cased glass for even light difJusion.
3-conduclor white cord.
P 4401-29 White. B/tdla. Overallht. to 36//. E buLb,60W max
P 4402-29 White. 10" dla. overall ht. 10 3B//. M bulb, 100W rfax
P 4403-29 White. 12l/ dia. Overal ht. to 40'l. M bu b, 150W max
P4406 White. 14//dia.OverallhLIo42". El bulb, 150Wmax
Hang straight metal stems, can be6",12tt ar 18" ltom ce ling to lixture.
P 4447-12 Satin brass. B" dia overall ht. 10 26". M bulb' 100W max.
P 4447-16 Satin aluminum
P 4447-29 White
P 4448-12 Satin brass. 10'/ dia. Overall ht. to28//. El bulb' I50Wmax.
P 4448-16 Satln alu minu m
P 4448-29 White
P 4449-12 Satin brass. 12" dja. OveraLl ht. to 30". M bu!b, 200W max
P 4449-16 Satln alu minu m
P 4449-29 White
P 4451-'12 Satin brass. 14" d a. Overa lhLio32't. M bulb,200W max
P 4451-16 Satln alum inu m
P 4451-29

P 37s5-30

f;*\ @w P 3442

P 3705-1'l
P 3705-30 P 3605-30
P 4416 P 3605-10
P 3203-15 P 3605-11
P 3203-30

P 3203-15 Chrome. White glass P 3605-30 White canopy. White glass P 3755-30 White. Alu minu m
globe.6" dia.,7// ht. M bulb 60W nrax.
P 3203-30 Whlte
P 3442 Chrome. White glass K o for
globe. K.O. for swiich. 6tt dia 71h tt hI
ts bulb,60W max.
P 3605-10 Polished brass
P 3605-11 Antique brass f nish
cy inder.57al/ dia.,6" hi. One M bulb
60W A 19 or 75W R-30.
P 4416 Satln aluminum. SPrinq
mounted satjn opal glass. 12' dla.,
switch. 77a /' dia., B" ht. E] bulb,
1 00W max. P 3705-11 Antique brass f nish. White 11Y2tt hl.Iwa M bulbs, each
g ass globe. 8" dia , 9 7.2 " ht 100W nT ax.
lMl bu lb, 100W max.
P 3705-30 White
o --:bq ---;l%


SQUARED GLASS satin opat cased

stass. ROUND GLASS satin opal cased gtass.
P 3525 F'ush-rrourted.83/a" sa. 4y2t' \1. P 3524"Flush mou nled.83/ett dia.,4lz, ht. @ butb,
l l bulb. 60W max
P 3527 Whi'e canopy. 105 s" sq., 51,: " ht. P 3526 {hite canopy.105/st, dia.,51/2, ht. m bulb,
IM bulb. 100W max.
P 3529 Wl te caropy. 1298" sq , 6'/ rt. Two E ou bs P 3528 White cano py.125/stt dia.,6tt hl.
each 60W max Two El bulbs, each 60W nrax.

P 3516-15
P 3516-11
P 3346-30
t1 P 3516-30

P 3348-30 P 3518-11
P 3350-30 P 3518-15
P 3518-30

---r- P 3520-30

P3so6-15 | J t
P 3520-11
P 3520-15

P 3508-1s
P 3510-15
. .v.-j_l_
White g Iass.
Prismatic or louvered white glass.
M P 35 t 6-11 Ant. brass
Cat. No. Canopy Dia. Ht. Bulb(s) P 3516-1s Chrome 6yi' 4yi'
P 3346-30 White 63/4 43/4 1.60W P 3516-30 fVhlte
P 3348-30 White 8yi' 6" 2-60r\i P 3518-11
P 3518-15
Ant. brass
Chrome 6r/4'
P 3350-30 White r0y2" 6y4, 2.75W 414
P 3518-30 White
P 3506-15 Chrome 6T8', 4yr" 1.60W
P 3520-11
P 3508-15 Ch rone 83k't 6" 2.60W
r0y1' 6th, 2-75W
P 3510-15 Chrome 10ys, 6y8, 2.15V't

All Progress ceiling-

maunled fixtures meel
new Undetw(iters'
Laborator ies sland ard s
lar insulated ceilings

@ Mediun base bulb

P 3206 1-60W
*P 3208
*P 3210
*P 32'12
*P 3214
6Yi' 3.60w
*Torsion for
14%" 3,60W easy relamping
Bath andVanift ,l
P 2912

P 2911 Anlique gold finish wall bracket. Optic swlrl,
ruffled edge glass.6" W ,101/q ht.Extendsl0//.
One M bulb, 100W max.
P 2912 Two-light version of P 2911. 141/+" W '
l0ya '/ ht. Extends 9//. Two @ bulbs, each 100W max.
P 3911 (right) Anlique gold double swag. Optic
swirl, rulfled edge glass. Each 6r'dia., 10%/' ht.
Two El bulbs, each 100W max.*


P 2921
q$Slfo, asD2
P 2921 Antique gold finish wall bracket. White glass
globe with gold floral design. 6'l W., 107a " ht. Extends 9"
One El bulb, 100W max.
P 2922 Two-li ght version of P 2921.'1 41/+' W., 1 O1/a' hL
Extends 87sl'. Two @ bulbs, each 100W max.
P 3921 (right) Anlique gold double swag. white glass :
globes with gold floral design. Each 6" W., 10/r // ht.
Two E bulbs, each 100W max.*

* proqress dauble swags came with 6 ft. af chain lar each light, canopy, ceiling hoaks, plaster lagg le bolt.s and wood screws &

P 2925

P2925 Antique brass linlsh wall bracket. Satln etched olasswith

ras-di'o'al patle n 5 2"W,q-l"r'Lrt-eos9".
One E bulb 100W max.
P2926 Two-llght vers on of P 2925. 11lzt\N.,9V2, hl Extendsg//.
Two m bulbs, each 100W max
P 3925 t/ctl AnliqLro brass doubre swaq. Salin etcred elas5
wilh'a sed iloral pallern. Facl.5', dia . 9" hl. Two E bulbs,
each 100W max *

P 2927

ta {.' {, '

P2927 Polished brasswall bracket. Satin etched flower bud

glass 5/2" W., 9" ht. ExtendsBT2//. OneM butb, 100Wmax.
P 2928 Two-light version of P 2927. 10y2n W.,9, ht. Exlends
87+ /'. TwoM bulbs, each 100W max.
P ?927 (lefl) ,Polished brass double swag with satin etched
flower bud qlass. 4// dia., 9,, ht. Two [M] bulbs, each 100W max.*

u rr,4a,at//t/It late I utt

P 3055 Antique brass wall bracket lmported
elched o'ass olobe w tl clear cryslalf oral dpsign
6'W 9:' hr. Exrends 9-; " Ore E oulb, l00W raY.
P 3Oi6 Two-lighi version of P 3055. 15V2n w '
9%/' ht. Extenda 9T4'. Two M bulbs, each
100W max.
P 3919 Double swag verslon ol P 3055 Each o
6tt dia.,71/2tt ht. Two E bulbs, each 100W max

,1, ,t

P 3087-19 A.ltiquc qo o. I "noosseo brac\el Riobeo oplic

c vs'al shade. lvounts up o'dowl 5' . " dia 10" h'
Eitends 8". M bulb, 100W max.
p 3187-19 Altique qold. Double swag version o' P 3087 19 P 3084-33 White and qold casl nerdl to ch lmpoled
* iced crvsla gass.5"W.. 14"'IFxlerds lI/zt' @ltut'
i aa..10" hi. Two El bulbs eacl 100w nax
^"iiv''' '100W max.
P 3188-33 White a10 gold. DoJble s',dg versior of
P J0B4-33. 5b" a a ,14'l 'lt. Two E bLlbs each 1Ouw nax "

@ Medium base bulb
6ll. ol chain lor each light, P
* Pragress double swags came wilh fixture on page indicated
canbpy, ceiling hooki, plasler laggle bolts ard wood screws @oanion TV


P 3159
'',,4a4 P 3179

P 3728
,",.i P 3771

,, iji lllrljfi;
'lt ..& ,9

P 3029 P 3071

o P 3028 Antique brass wal bracket Gold striped

y/hile glass with rose bouquet design 53/at' d a.,
P 3070 Ant que brass !\,al brackel. White g ass w]th f ora
''feed epoint design 57s//W., 10// ht. Extends9//.One M bu b
B'/ ht. Extends 87, /' One [Ml bu b, ] 00W max. 100W max.
P 3029 Two-light versiof of P 3028.141/zn W.,81t h|. P 3071 Two- ightversionof P3070.11lztt \N 10/' ht ExtendsB/i.
Extends 77, //. Two M bulbs, each 100W max. Two [Ml bulbs, each 100W max.
P 3159 DoLrble swaq version of P 3028. Each P 3179 Do!b e swag vers on ol P 3070. Each 5%" d a B1/2" hl
53h', dta.. B3/et, ht Two [Ml bu bs. each 100W max * Two M bulbs. each 100W max o
P 3728 Ce I ng mounted vers on of P 3028. P 3771 Cei ifg mourted vers on ol P 3070. 5%" dia.,9" ht
53/,.1t dia..71/stt ht. One M bLrlb 100W max One El bu b, 100W nTax.

r,-i.:l ,-r

P 3182

P 3177 Aftique
brass. Double swae Rose decorated wh le q ass with wood
qr.,,tr -ao@ b-Io. .", 00\A r.,
"("-'r... Fd-h6"o 1 P 3181
P 3181 Wall bracketversion al P 3177.6tt dia, 9rlr// ht. Extends g%/i
One M bulb, 100W max.
P3182 Two-ightwalbracketversionofP3lTT. ht.ExtendsB,/
Twoffi bulbs each 100W max. IroQr8ss ll.ii;flii;rr]
P 3046
P 3180 Ant que brass double swaq Gold str ped [. : !
open boltom while g ass Each 6'/ dla 10'i ht
Two M bulbs, each 100W max ' .Ft
:E' "S &


P 3045


P 3045 Antique brass wall bracket White g ass

with go d str pes 6" W I0// ht Extends 9'i
M bulb 100W max
P 3046 Two Light version al P 3045 14y2" w
l0', ht. ExtendsB" Two bulbs each 100Wmax

_tl rt
1r u-

/;r -=-i
I' "ya c/ |


P 3038

G- )"' t

P 3037
P 3204 Ant quc brass double swag w th 'gaslight 'whiie g ass
shad es. Each 5 7r " d ia.. B3/a" hI Two m bu lbs, each 1 00W max.o

P 3037 Antique brass "gaslighl' wal bracket.

White g ass shade.53/t" W.,9' ht. Extends 8y2l'.
E bu b, 100W max.
P 3038 Two' ight version of P3037. l5' W..
9// ht. Extends 7/2il Two E bulbs, each
100W max.
@ Medium base bulb f ixture an page indicated
P 31'15 Ar-rou^ b a"s 'rr s\ doLb'6 < Wl-ii6 I
.ob-ai g as, g obes.6'' or" I3"'I T!\o^ag
El bulbs
each 100W max

@,; P 3207 P 3007

t: L i
P 3027

w 'rf
P 3007 Ant que brass iinish wa lbracket. Wh te hobnailglass
ht. Extends 87r ". M bulb, 100W max
P 3027 Two-l ght version of P 3007 161/zt W.,11t hi
Extends Bll2 " Two M bulbs eachl00Wrnax.
P 3207 Cel ing-mounted version of P 3007. 6" dia. 11% " ht
E bulb 100W nrax.

P 3086-33 White and gold walltorch. White doric glass bal

1 2/' ht. Exlends 6
y, //. One lM bulb, 100W max.
P 3086-11 Antique brass linish
P 3185-11 brass flf lsh double swag. White doric
g lass. Each 6" d ia., 10 7a // ht. Two M bulbs, each I 00W max

P 3185-33 Whlte afd gold

P 3086-33
P 3086-11

P 3185-11
P 3185-33
P 3085-33 White and gold. Two 6// dor c g ass
globes. 14// ht. Extends 6%" Two @ bu bs,
each 100W max.

$ffi I "

fi,n1?"of )fi'.,t;!, n,
Extends "!fn:;;*ur
732'l. Ir',rl bulb 100W max.

P 3104 ',Ft, Ch.o-e doJb'e ,rao W. .. o'd, .

g obas 6" dia.. /3r " l-r lwoEo.]b",.act

1 00W max. *

+D oorF'c.oouole\adqc r
ora ' ot .r>ia
ea'h th' ca1oo,. Ce,,rq .loots pra ." togg"
bolis and wood scrcws

Proqres$lil lriltriri
Mount these 'Broadway Llghting" strips
lndlvidua ly or jo n them loqether n straight
runs or around a m rror. For sing e current
insta ations, maxlmums arer 1B sockets with
40W b! bs; 30 sockets with 25W bu bs:
50 sockets with 15w bulbs. G 16% E bulbs
rcco m mend ed.
P 2941 Ant que brass striP
wlth sat n elched glass.
25" )ong' 41/a't hI
Extends 3% /'. Four O bulbs.
P 2942 37Y2' long version
of P 2941. Slx E bulbs.

P 8735-11 Antique brass

corner connector f"r,
: :3f;

P 2943
Antique brass wa I

bracket wilh sat n etched

glass "seashe l" shades.
133/a' \N., 10/r " ht. Extends
8". Two M bulbs, each
100W max.
P 2944
Three ig ht v-.rsion
of P 2943.20// W ,101/z' hl.
Extends 8". Three E bulbs
eacn []UVV max
P 2945
Antique brass
Satin etched glass with
raised floral border Wa I

brackei. 157al/ W., 9' ht.

Extends 87, /i Three E
bulbs. each 60W max
P 2946
Anlique brass.
li ii t
Gold striped whlte glass #;r6--5'1x,?''8**'-'rr,,,,&
wall brackel 19Y2't W..
10/z" ht. Extends 8". Three
IMI bulbs, each 100W max. Irdzx) ix!

P 2946 P 2945

dL: -v
P 3121-15 Contemporary lights
oJ slunn ng s mplic ty. K.O. for G C.O. ,?'
Length 19// extends 53r". Three G 30
d 1
M bu bs, each 60W max.
P 3122-15 Chrome. Frve lighl version of '&.
P 3121 . Length 31 //, extends 6/'
F ve G'30 lrv{ bulbs each 60W max *, I

M l\/ladium base bu lb
tr Cand.lahte hasc bt ih :: .)

t.. | -:.
a o

o' P 2948 Etched white glass with crackled look. P 2947 Two-light version of
Whlte backplate, K.O. for switch and G.C.O. P 2948. 14y2tt W., 572l/ ht. Extends
24tt W..5y2tt hL Exiends 5% /'. Four m bulbs, 5Y2tt .fwo @ bulbs, each 75W max.
each 75W max

I ! 1

i 1
\.' _..
P 3073-Pebbled white glass with gold design. White P 3065 Pebbled white glass.
backplate. G.C.O. K.O. for switch.24'l W.,5y2' hl. Grounded convenience outlet.
Extends 5/'. Four E bulbs, each 75W max. K.O. for switch, 14Y2tt W.,5Y2'hl.
P 3075 141a" wide version ol P 3073. Extends 4% Exlends 472 /'. Two E bulbs,
Two @ bulbs, each 75W max.
'. each 75W max.

, :' ..
c.rj '"
ij 1.i ,

P3168 Floral needlepoint on white channel glass. White backplate. P3167 13//versionof P3168. Two M bulbs,
K.O. for G.C.O. 24' W., 5%'/ ht. Extends 5'/. Four m bulbs, each 75W rnax. each 75W max.

P 3008 White textured glass wlth clear

design. Chrome backplate. 13,/ W.,
57a' ht. Exiends 5/,. Two Fl bulbs,
o 3 each 75W max.
P 3009 24n version of P 3008. Four
E bulbs, each 75W max.
P 3010 36// version of P 3008. Six
P 3008 (13") P 300s (24") P 3010 (36") @ bulbs, each 75W max.
P 3042 Gold design on white glass.
K.O.'s for switch and G.C.O. While
backplate. 13h \N.,51/+t ht. Extends 5//.
,'9 Two El bulbs, each 75W max.
:j': a l}, ' . r. . 'i' rln r,
P 3043 24'version of P 3042. Four
M bulbs, each 75W max.
P 3042 (13") P 3043 (24,|1 P 3044 (36',) P 3044 36/'version of P 3042. Six

'" j) "-F- M bulbs, each 75W rnax.

P 3198 White roses and gold 'icing" on
.., ? white textured glass White backplate
:.i bif,', K.O. for switch and G.C.O.24'tW.,
57a" ht. Exlends sya ". Four E bulbs,
each 75W max
P 3198 (24")

P3012 Clear ribbed design on channel glass. K.O.'s

for switch and G.C.O. Chrome backplate. 13'W.,
5/a'l ht. Extends 5". Two Fl bulbs, each 75W rnax.
P 3024 24" version of P 3012. Four m bulbs,
each 75W max.
P 3060 White glass. Whjte backplate, G.c.o. K.o.
P 3012 (13") P 3024 (24") forswitch. ht. Extends 5". Two M bulbs,
each 75W max.
P 3015 Same as P 3060 without G.C.O.
P 3061 24" version of P 3060. Has G.c.o. Four
@ bulbs, each 75w max.
P 3011 Same as P 3061 wilhout G.C.O.
P 3061 (24',) P 3062 (36/) P 3062 36'/ version of P 3060 without G.C.o.
P 3060 03") Six M bulbs, each 75W max.
P 3015 (13/) P 3011 (24")
P 3893 . 'li
1j P 3194 (belaw) Chrome over the-rn rror llghts with whlte
shatier-resistant, acrylic shades Wall mountonly. 19%// W
8ii ht. Extends 67a /'. Th ree E bulbs, each 100W max.
P 3892 P 3195 Four I ght version of P3194.27ttw.8" ht Extends6%"
Four M bulbs, each 100W max.

I :- f__
4.; =
P 3892 (abave)White wa I bracket.
Sh atte r- res istant acrylic. Horizonlal P 3195
or vertical mountlng 6" W. B" ht.
Extends 5%". M bulb,60W max
P 3893 Larger vers on of P 3892. 6/i W.,
16// ht Extends 53/a//. Two M bulbs,
each 60W max

E I P 3194

P 3013-60 Antique brass finish.

Wood accent. N,4ilk white hobnail
glass. Switch. 5' W., 1 AY2 tt hL
ExlendsTl/2t'. @ bu lb, 100W nrax.

P 3080
P 3081
P 3083
P 3064 F
P 3030 c

@i,' t, .. P

P 3817 Antique brass : Lr

iinish wall bracket. Opal P

'''tt, \tlii./
glass, wood finial.6" W..
103/a" hl Exlends B1/d "
@ bulb, 100W max. I ::'

lr P 3033
!li,_.,,, ,.,^..,r.,
P 3036 Antique brass finrsh.
White hobnailglass. 5" W., P 3019 P 3813
12" ht. Extends 7'. E bu b,
100W max
P 3019 While and gold wali P 3064 Chrorne. White glass.
bracket. Opal triplex g ass. Switch. G.C.O. Switch. 4lz" d a.,71/+t'h|
G rounded conven ence outlel. Extends 4/'. @ bu b, 100W max.
16tt W.,9'ht. Extends 672". Two
P 3080 Chrome. White and clear
ts bulbs, each 100W max. ribbed qlass. G.C o. K.O. for
P 3030 Chrome. White glass switch. 43l/' W., 5%" ht. Extends
with clear ribbed dlfJuser panels. 5%". @ bulb, 100W nrax.

M Medium base bulb

K.O.'s lor G.C.O. and switch.
11lz W.,41/zn ht. Extends 43la".
Two M bulbs, each 100W max.
P 3081 Same as P 3080 less
P 3083 Same as P 3080 with
P 3033 Chrome wa I bracket. pull-chain switch.
Clear design on white glass K.O.
ecomoanion lixlure on Daoe iFd,cated for G.C.O. Swilch.4 P 3813 Polished brass version
\-i. Extends 57al/. [O bulb, 75W max. of P 3033.

Save energy with decorative circline fluorescents \

These qood -looking P rog ress fluorescents save energy, incandescent. At 5C per kilowatt hour, you save $39.00 I

o' ru: l.i :;i ljff

[ fi i:'j i\',]j,l I J; 31",,i,""T t.,
in e ectricity during the lfeof the circlines. Also, the
12,000 hou r rated Life of circ ines cuts bulb replace ments.

P 7368 P 7366 Butcher block finish. White glass.

14y2n dia., 4n hl P rated rapid start ballast.
Lam p: One 32W circline.
P 7368 Walnut finish. White glass. 147r"
dia., 4' ht. P-rated rapid start ballast.
Larnp: One 32W clrcline.
P 7380 Natural cork. White glass.
141/ztt dia.,4tt ht. P rated rapid start ballast
Lamps: 22W and 32W circlines.

P 7380 P 7366

P 7389-58
P 7389-59

P 7369

Q'r 1

f ' .:.

P 7369 Almond. White glass.l43la'ldia.,8"ht.

overall ht. to 36". P rated rap d start ballast.
:r t
Lamps: 22W and 32W circlines.
P 7389-58 Harvest gold. White glass.
P 7393 %''
143/+" dia. B// ht. P-rated rapid start ba last.
Lamps: 22W and 32W circlines. P 7367 Oakfinish octagon. Whitetextured glass lBy,/'dia,
P 7389-59 Almond 5V2tt hI. P rated rapid stert ballast. Lar0 ps: 32W and 40W circ ines
P 7379 A mond. Wood finial. Whjte glass.
17tt dia.,B1/2tt ht. P-rated rapid start ballast. Lamps: 22W
and 32W circlines.
P 7393 harv"sL qord. W1 le le{l . eo gld's '5" d:a .51't" \t.
P-rared rapid sla,t ba last I an o: 22W circline

P 7106 White pebbled vinyl w th antique brass finish trim

Clear prismatic diffuser. 15// sq., 3y2'l ht. P rated rapid start
P 7106 ballast. Lamps: 22W and 32W circlines.
P 7'107
P 7107 18' sq. version of P 7106. Lamps; 32W and 40W
P 7116 Walnut grained vinyl, black trim. White acrylic drop
diffuser. 15"sq.,4/r//ht.P rated rapid start ballast.
P 7116 Larnps: 22W and 32W circlines.
P 7117 P7117 1B/' sq. version of P 71 16. Lamps: 32wand
40W clrc ines.
P 7134 Butcher block vinyl. White plast c drop diffuser.

o P 7134
P 7135
15tt sq.,3y2t' ht. P-rated rapid start ballast. Lamps: 22W
and 32W circlines.
P 7135 18// sq. version of P 7134. Lam ps: 32Wand
40W circlines.

Energy-saving fluorescent circlines

P 7372 White. Acrylic diifuser.

133/4tt dia.,43/4tt ht. P-rated rapid
start ballast. Lamps: 22W and 32W
P 7373 White. Acrylic diffuser. 19/t dia., circlines.
6// hi. P-rated rapid start ballast. Lamps:
32W and 40W circlines.

P 7397 White canopy.

Whlte giass diifuser
153/a dia,41/z hI
P-rated rapid start ballast.
Lampsr 22W and 32W

P 7392 White. t\.4etal shade, white glass.

14tt dia.,5" hi. P rated rapid start ballast.
Lamps: 22W and 32W circlines.
P 7384 White canopy.
White decorated textured
glass. 123/ett dia., 51/ztt hl.
Pre-heat ballast. Lamp:
22W circline

P 7398 White. Cased

opal glass drum. 1A3/atl
dta., 51/q t' ht. P rated rapid
start ballast. Lamo 22W
P 7370 While canopy. White lexiured circ line.
glass diffuser. 153/a't dia.,4Vz" hl.
P-rated rapjd start ballast. Lamp: 32W
c ircline.

P 7371 White canopy. White

..NON.DESTRUCTIBLE" acrylic diffuser. 1O3/a" dia.
61/att hl. P-eIed rapid starl
ballasl. Lampr '19W circline.

P 7383 White. "Non-destructible" fixture for wall or ceiling

mounting where rugged use or vandallsm are problems.
Clear prismatic polycarbonate diff user. Moislure-proof
gaskei.9Ts'l sq.,43la// ht. P-raled rapid starl ballast.
Lampi 22W circline.

Energy-saving fluorescents mount under cabinets, shelves,
from walls in kitchens and otherworkareas. Allhave ribbed
polystyrene difluser, white baked enamel metal case,
Four following models have grounded convenience outlet.
P 7000 Stailerswitch. Pre-heat LPF ballasl.121/stt L.,1t' hI.
Exlends 41/2tt . BW T-5 lamp.
P 7004 P 7000 without switch.
P 7002 Starter swltch. Pre-heat LPF ballasi. 18/r1., 1%s//ht.
Exlends 4Y2t' . 15W T-B lamp.
P 7005 Same as P 7002 without switch.

P 7353 White. 121/att dia.,41htt hl. Praled

P 7006 P 7008
rapid start ballast. Lamps: 22W, 32W and _P 7007 P 7009
40W circlines.

P 7000
P 7004 P 7002
P 7005
Larger fiuorescenl undercabinet lights. All have knockouts for
grounded convenience outlet, swilch or cord and plug.
P 7006 Trigger LPF ballast. 1B' L.,13/a't hl. Exlends 4y2tt .

15W T-12 lamp.

P 7329-15 chrame. 121/att dia., 41/a " hl. P 7007 Trigger LPF ba lasl.24tt 1.,13/a't hl. Exlends 4y2tt.
P-rated rapid start ballast. Lamps: 22W and 20W T-12 Jamp.
32W circlines.
P 7008 Rapid LPF ballasi.36" L., 13/a" hL Exlends 4Y2tt .
P 7329-30 White canopy 30W T-12 larnp.
P 7352 Whlte.32W and 40W circlines, P 7009 Rapld LPF ballast.4B//1., 13/att hL Exlends 4Y2t' .
'o 40WT-12lamp.

P 7012-30W8 Has starler switch, 6Jt. cord and plug. Pre-heat
LPF ballast. Has rnounting slots .lBtt L.,1%6t hL Exlends 4y2,' .
'15W T-B larnp inc uded.
P 7013-30WB 24l/long verslon of P 7O12-30W8.13/a hl.
Exlends 4y2't .2AW T-12 lamp included.

P 7333-15 Chtome. 121/att dia.,33/att hL

P-rated rapid start ballast. Lamp: 32W circline. POLISHED CHROME FLUORESCENT
Fluorescent light strips provide funciional ljghting
under a cabinet, over a work surface and mounted
above or on boih sides of a mirror.
P 7451 Chrome. W. Swilch.
G.C.O. Pre-heat ballast. 14W fluorescent lamp.
P 7456 Chrome. 193/+// 1., 3// W. Switch.
G.C.O. Pre-heat ballast. 14W fluorescent lamp.

P 7323 While.9%" dia.,31/z" ht. P-rated

rapid stari ballast. Lamp: 22W circline.

Or [,4ounted above mirror sides of mirror

Lamps nal included wilh fixlure unless specified. Proqressliul[ii!ni

Moclular *e*r
Fluorescents @;'
Three fashion cho ces White and gold
finishes with clear prisrnatic acrylic
diffuser, wa nut or butcher-block vinyl
wlth white acryTic drop dilfuser.

Lamps Finish

P 7111 x12" 3Vz"

49" Iwo 40W y11y1s

P 7'112 16" 3Yz"

49" x Four 40W & gold

P 7121 49" x12" 4Y2" Two 40W

P 7122 49" x 16" 4Y2" Four 40W

P 7139 49" xl2" 3y2" Iwo 40W Butchel

P 7140 49" x 16" 31/z' Four40W block
All have RAPID HPF ballasl*

No. Ht. Lamps Finish

P 7108 x12" 3Vz"
25" Two 20W White
P 71O9 25" x 16" 3V2" Four 20W & gold

P 7118 25" x12" 412" Two 20W

P 7119 25" x 16" 4y2" Four 20W

P7136 25" xlZ" 3Vz" Iwa 20W gx1xy,s1 t

P 7137 2r" r tO' :r r' foLr 20W blo^t

All have TBIGGER LPF ballasl'

For low density ceilings P 8756 or P 8766

heat srnks may be requ red with f xtures
on this page to prevent re-cyc ing.

No. L. x W. Ht. Lamps Finish

P 7120 25" sq. 412" lwo F40i Ui6 Walnut
P 7138
25" sq. 3 % "
Trtlo F40/u/6 Butcher block
All have BAPID HPF ballast*

Functiona fuorescents lor individual or

continuous ceiling mounting. Clear acryllc
d ff user. Baked wh te enamel metal f rame.
Thermal protected (P-raled) ballast.
Recessed f uorescents shown on paqe 155

No. L. x W. Ht. Lamps Bal ast

P 71a3 243/a" xIA" 3ya" Two 20W TRIGGER LPF

P 7186 487s" xI0"

P 7'193 243/a" x16"


P 7196 483/e" x16" 3y4" Four 40W RAPID HPF

*All ballasls are Thermal prclecled (P raled).

Versatile, energy-savjng fixtures ior use on ceilings
or walis in horizontal or vertical position. Complete
with P 7890 18W "U" shaped fluorescent larnp.
P 7113W8 White acrylic
dlffuser. White end caps.
121/e' W.,41/+ ht. Extends
4'. Pre heat ballast. 18W
fluorescent "U' lamp

P 7115W8 Walnut finish

wood f rame. White acrylic
dilluset.73/a't x 15tt, 43/s" hL
Pre- heat ballasl. 18W
fluorescenl "U" larnp
inc luded.

P 7114W8 White a,rrylic diffuser. White canopy.

121/en W ,41/+ ht. Extends 4% //. Pre-heat
ba last. 18W fluorescent "U" amp included.


Squared energy efticient lluorescent brackets.


7150-15 Chrome 243/t" 4y4"

Ht. Ballast
LPF One 20W T-12

Use horizontally or vertically on walls or on

ceilings. Acrylic diffuser. All ex'tend 4t'. P 7150-30 White 243/a" 4y4" Trigger LPF One 20W T.12
P 7151 White 243/a" 51/2" Trigger LPF Two 20W T.12
P 7152 White 363/a" 41/+" Rapid HPF One 30W T-12
P 7153 White JO'/4 5r/2" HPF Two 30W T.12

P 7154 White 483/q', 4r/q " Rapid HPF One 40W T"12
P 7155 White 48%" 5Y2" Rapid HPF Two 40W T.12

No. Length Eallast Lamp(s)

P 7160-30 243/c" Trigger IPF One 20W T-12

P 7161-30 JO "/4 Rapid LPF 0ne 30!Y T-12

ROUNDED FLUORESCENT BRACKETS P 7162-30 483/+" Rapid LPF 0ne 40W T-12
Energy-saving illumination. Mount on ceilings P 7164-30 243/a" LPF
Trigger Two 20W T-12
or horizonlally or vertically on walls. Ribbed HPF
P 7165-30 363/q" Rapid Two 30!V T.12
polystyrene dilfuser. White end plates.
All have grounded convenience outlet and P 7166-30 483/q" Rapid HPF Two 40W T.l2
switch 4% " ht. Extends 5Y2 ".

Lamps not included unless specilied. P 10 q ress!:,!t[r,ttiltrr

Buclqet Brass &
CopF"r for Outcloors
P 5852-11 (tighI)
Antique brass finish.
Amber glass. 5/2 " W.,
19" ht. Extends 672 '/.
lcl bulb,60W max

P 58 10 (iell) Weathered
solld brass. Wall lantern.
Pebb ed amber glass. 41/2tl
W., 13' ht. Extends 472il.
One M tlulb, 100W max. @
P 5490-11 Weathered solid brass post
lantern. Frosted glass ch mney. Fits 3//
post (order separalely). B// sq., 1 5/, /i ht.
One M bulb, 100W max .6E
P 5811 Weathered so id brass
wal torch. Satin etched glass.
B'l sq., 16'/ ht. Extends BYa ".
One m bu b, 100W max. P 5784 Weathered sol d brass ceiling light.
Textured glass. 91/+t' sq.,31/+" hl.Iwo M bulbs,
each 60W max. @

P 5603 fabove) Weathered

solid brass wa I lanlern
D amond patterned amber ,
g ass. 41/2 " W., 111/2" ft.
Extends 47a ". One M bulb,
I00W max. @
P 5619 (right) Weathered I
solrd brass wal torch.
Dian'rond- patte rned amber :
glass. 4Y2tt W., 19% ' ht. I 6,'
'00r'V r" .
o..E oub
@ 1l
P 5449 (righl)Weathered solid brass post lantern. Diamond
patterned anrber g ass. Fits 3" post (order separately). 8" sq
14Ya " ht. One M bulb 150W max 6D

P 5881-14 (ri9h1) Copper-plated
solld brass. Clear qlass. 5/' W.,
13/r/' ht. Extends 5Y2t' Cleat E I
bulb,60W max.
P 5881-11 Weathered solid brass

o' 6D

P 5812 (below )
Weathered solid brass.
Clear prismatic glass.
5" dia.,81/2t' ht. Extends
61/2't . Ane @ bulb, 100W max. @
P 5880-14 copper plated
solid brass. Cl-"ar g ass, casl
eagle. 41/2" W., 91/z' hl.
Exlends 5". Clear E bulb,
100W max,
P 5880-11 Wealhered solid
P5880-31 Black-finished
solid brass. @

P 5602-11 (tight) Wealheted

solid brass. Amber prismatic glass.
7tt W.,91/2'ht. Exiends 7il2 //.
One M bulb, 100W max. @

P 5652 Weathered solld brass. Wall

anlern. Amber cathedral glass.
ht. Extends 5,.
One M bulb, 100W max. @

P 5948-11 (righl) wealhered
solid brass. Stippled clear
marine glass. 5// W., 71/z hI.
Extends 57a". One @ bulb,
100W max. (D

P 5962-11 (above) Weathered

solid brass. Clear glass panels.
73/t' W.,81/an ht. Extends 9/'.
One E bulb, 100W max. @

@ So/ld brass
M Mediun base bulb
E Candelabra base bulb
Posts must be ordered separately.
See pages 82 & 143.

\ P 5637 Antlque brass finlsh. P 5875-11 Weathered brass. P 5689 Weathered

Amber glass panels. 772l,sq., Shatter-resistant panels. solid brass. Hexagonal
141/2tt hL Exlends 43/at 51/an W.,123/+t ht. Extends 6// antern. Amber
One @ bulb, 100W max. One M bulb,60W max. cathedra glass. 67s" W.,
14l/ ht. Extends 5'.
One M bulb, 100W max.6D pruqrcs$[ELqfirtrrf,q]
' WEATH ER-PROOF' polypropylene lanterns
The lanterns on these two pages are built to stand up to the wealherl They won't corrode or rust and the color
won'tfade. You'll never have to paint them. And the panels (except for P 5818 & P 5819) are shatter- resistant.
P 5668

P 5568

P 5468 Black. Post lantern. P 5655 Black. Matching wall P 5668 Black. lvaiching wall P 5568 Biack. Hanging
Fits 3" post (order torch. 8" sq., 19Y2' ht. lanlern. B/' sq., 15Ya '/ ht. companion lantern. 8// sq.
separately). Textured shatter Extends 87al/. m bulb, Extends 8%'/. El bulb,
resistant panels. 8rl sq., 17l' ht.
m bulb, 60W max.
60W rnax. 60W max.
1272l/ ht. Overall ht. to 36/'.
E bulb, 60W max. T

P 5666

P 5566

P 5469 Black post lantern P 5667 Black. Matching wall P 5666 Black. Matching wall P 5566 Black. Hanging
wilh eagle. Fits 3'l post (order torch with eagle. B" sq., 21" ht. lantern with eagle. B'l sq., companion lantern. B' sq.,
separately). Texlu red shaiter- Extends BYal/. IMI bulb, 161/2tt hl. Exlends B3/att . 14l' ht. Overallht. 10 36".
resistant panels. B" sq.,19" ht. 60W max. E bulb, 60W max. m bu lb. 60W max.
M bulb,60W max.
P 5818 Black. Wall lantern.
Textured glass panels. 7 1/4 tl
W., 6/r " ht. Extends 63/a/'.
One El bulb,60W max.

P 5819
White glass
dia., 11Y2tl

ht. Extends
71/q t' . One
E bulb,
60W max.

P 5815 Black. Wall torch. P 5814 B ack. Wall lantern, P 5414 Black post lantern. POSTS
\tt sq., 1 63/att ht. Extends B3A/' 8't sq.,121/+" ht. Extends 87s". Beveled shatter-resistant
One lr'd bulb, 60w max. One El bulb,60W max. panels. Fils 3/f post (order
separately). B" sq. 141/at'hl. P 5392
One [Ml bu b, 60W max


P 5391 Black alum inu m

post. Use full or cut 10
deslred length. 3/' dia., 7/ ht.
P 5392 Same as P 5391
plus weatherproof, U. L.
listed, grounded convenrence
outlel with cover.

o P 5817 Black. Nlatching wall

1orch. 7 3/ttt sq., 17 Y2't hI.
Extends B/q //. One E bulb,
P 5816 Black. lVatching wa
lanlern.73/+" sq., 13" ht.
Extends 8/4il. One E bulb,
I P 5416 Black post antern.
Beveled shatter-reslstant
panels. Fits 3/' post (order
Addilional posts shawn an
page 82

@Mediun base bulb

60W max. 100W max. separate y). 7314// sq., 1 6" ht
One lMl bu b, 60W max. ploqrcssllrit itiitiiit
P 5478 Contemporary shatter-resistant I0//
white p astic sphere. Black alumin!m fitter for
3// post. 15// ht. M bulb 100W max

P 5475 Satin bTack. Aluminul.n

lantern with 2il dia., 7/ tall post
included. Frosted qlass chirnney
73/qt' sq.,151/at' ht. Ht. w th post lo
bulb, 100W max

P 5482 Salir ba.. ArJrirun po,t

lantern wrth cast soike Amb-"r finish
glass with black scrolldesion. Fils 3"
post. 97ril sq., 2072l/ ht @ bulb,
150W max.

P 5727-3'l
P 5727-42
P 5729-31
P 5729-42

P 5481-31 P 5960-31 P 5591

P 5491 P 5960-42

P 5481-31 Black alu minu m P 5727-31 Black ceiling P 5960-31 Satin black. P 5591 Black. Chain-hung
post lantern. Clear glass light. Textured glass 7/z// sq Wall lantern. Textured glass. a u rn inum lantern Texlured
panels, frosted glass chim ney. 5//ht. m bulb,60W max 7Y2" sq.,9" ht. Extefds 5/2// glass 9%" sq., 157rl/ht.
Fits 3// post. 91/2tt sq.,163h" nL P 5727-42 Antique brass- M bu lb, 100W max Overall ht. to 36/'. M bulb,
El bulb, 100W max tone finlsh P 5960-42 Antique brass- I00W rn ax.
P 5491 19// high version of P 5729-31 Satin black tone f nish
P 5481 -31 97a /i sq. version of
@ Medium base bulb
P 5727 31. Two M bu lbs,
each 60W max.
P 5729-42 Aniique brass- Pasls must be ardeted separctely (except P 5475).
tone finish See pages 82 and 143

P 5958 Black. Wal antern

Amber Jin sh glass. Black scroll
design on front panel
7Y2 r W..94 ht. Extends
51/2tt . ane Fil bu lb, 100W max.

P 5490-31 Black. Alunrinum post lantern. Frosled g ass chimney. Fits 3" post (order
separately). B'i sq., 1 57: " ht. One M bu lb, 1 00W max
P 5490-11 Weathered sol d brass
P 5962-31 Blackwal lantern 73htW.,B1i4tt ht. Extends9". One M bu b, l00Wniax
P 5962-11 Weathered so d brass
P5964 Backwal anIen.22t1 w., Bla" hl. Extefds9".One M bulb, 100Wmax.
P5965 Black Chan hung 73h'W,81/+" ht Overa ht io36/'Mb!b, l00Wmax


P 5735-31
P 5735-42 P 5974

P 5604 P 5598 P 5600-31 P 5601-31

P 5598 Sat n black. Wh te glass.43h'W..8' ht Extends P 5597-31 Sal n b ack Stippled c ear nrarine glass.5" W.
3Ya't. One M bulb, 100W nT ax. 73la/' h1. Exlends 57a". One M bu b, 100W nrax
P 5604 Black aluminum Scro ldecorat ons. White g ass P 5600-31 Satin b ack. C ear marne glass 5'w ,7y4" hI
ht. Extends4%/i One @ bulb, 100Wmax. Exlends 5% ". One M bulb l00Wrnax.
P 5735-31 Satin black. Textured g ass 45lsilW 9ilht. P 5601-31 Satin black. Clear mar ne g ass 5' W., B7a " hl.
L.telds 5" Ore E b- b, -00W ^ld . Ofe @ bulb 60W max.
P 5735-42 Antique brass-tone lin sh P 5948-31 Satln black St ppled clear marine glass 5" W ,
P 5974 Sat n black. Satln whrte ceram c glass cylrnder 772l/ ht Extends 53/a/'. One M bulb, 100Wmax.
41/a' \N 61/a" ht. Extends 47r " One M bulb 100W max P 5948-11 Weathered sol d brass
P 5589 Salin black. Cryslal globewith beaded sw rs. 53/s"
W..13" ht. Extends6". lvl bu b. 100Wmax.
P 5670-31 B ack cast a umif um. Clear textured shatler-
res stanl panels. ht. Extends 63/a". M bulb,
60W max. C.4

P 5875-30 Wh te. Lanlern. Shatter res slant panels 5/r//

W..123/a' ht. Exlends 6//. lr',rl bu b, 60W max.
P 5875-31 Black. M bulb,60W nrax.
P 5875-11 Wealhered brass. E bu b, 60W max.
P 5875-61 Amber linish glass in b ack lanlern. @ bu b,
1 00W max.

P 5966-31 Satin black Crysta glass wlth beveled corners

and panels. 5" W., 16"ht. Extends6" Mbub, 100Wmax.

P 5623

P 5640

P s602-61
P 5602-1t
P 5602-68

P 5647

P 5602-61 Amber prismalic glass. Salin black.7 " \,N.,91/ztl

ht. Extends 7%/'. m bulb, 100W max.
P 5602-11 Wealhered solid brass. Amber glass.
P 5602-68 Crystal prismatic glass. Black finish.
P5623 Blackwalllantern. Dimensional scrolls on shatter
resistant lextu red amber panels. 6 /z /' W., 1672 '/ ht. Extends
8". M bulb, 100W max. il
P 5640 Black laniern. Amber-finish textured qlass.5" W.,
13" ht. Extends 53/a//. @ bulb,60W max. ,1

P 5647 Black wall laniern. Amber fin sh giass. Dimensional

metal scrolls.67s'l W.,14" ht. Extends 5". E] bu lb, 100W max

P 5627-31 B ack. Cast aluminun indoor outdoor

wal bracket with opal glassglobe.77r"W.,
972l/ ht. Extends 672 ". M bulb 100Wmax. @
P 5629 "Non-destructible" version al P 5627
wjth polycarbonale diffuser. One M bulb,
60W max. (.t
P 5630 Black cast alurn num lantern. Textured
white glass. 51/2" W ,91/+tt ht. Extends 47s".
El bulb,60w max. 03)

P 5627-31
P 5629 CE Cast aluminum lanterns guaranteed rusl-ltee.
IMI Medium base bulb


P 5959

P 5969

P 5959 Hammered cast alurninum ceilino lixture. Textured

glass panels. 97a" sq , 5// ht. Two M bulbs, each 60W max. @
P 5967 Hammered cast aluminum lantern Fluted crystal glass.
51/zt \N.. Bn hl. Extends 6% //. M bu lb, 100Wmax.
P 5969 Hammered cast aluminum wall fixture. Textured glass.
7'W..Btt hI. Exiends B/'. m bulb, 100W max. @
Progress Lighting's "non-destrLrctibles"
(shown on page 167) are bul t io take the hard

o' 3
knocks of vand a lsm or normal rough usage.
They are virtually unbreakable. They stand
!p to bats, ba ls, hammers and collis ons
P 6913-16 P 5510 P 5511 wlth equipment. Select wall or ceiling
P 5795 P 5695 models. Fluorescents lor interior use. lncan-
descent models for nterior and exterior use.

I " Non-dest ru ct ib le ". The polycarbonate

diffusers are specially formulated for lighting
P 5512
use. They resist discoloration and have
P 5696
excellent optical characteristics.
"Tamperproof." A lenhead mounting
P5616 \d P 5617
screws d isco u rage vandallsm.
" M o istu re-p rool". Neop rene gasket
Satin finished cast aluminum flxlures with screw type opal shatter- res istant allows incandescent fixtures to be !sed
glass or "non-destruciible" polycarbonate diffusers for rough usage, high
vandalism areas. Al havevaporproof gaskets and porcelain sockets. outdoors.
P 5510 Ceiling lixlure. 47/stt dia.,67s'l ht. M bu b, 60W max. @ See the Progress Commercial Catalog
P 5795 "Non-destructib e" version of P 5510. E bulb, 60W max. forcomplete informai on on the entlre line of
P 5511 Wallfixture 5't dia.,B1/z't hl. Extends 57a". M bulb, Prog ress polycarbonate "n on -destructlbles".
1O0W max. @ Ask you r Progress d isiributo r for a copy.
P 5695 "Non-deslructlble" version of P 5511. M bulb,60W max.
P 5512 lwo ql^rwall r.u- lVloL.lL hofl7o1lal yor vel.cdl y.5"
dra., 131 ., " I Ey er ds 5-" " wo E bu'bs. eacl' 100W na,. (9
P 5696 " Non destructib e" version oi P 5512. Two E bLilbs,
each 60W rnax.
P5616 Ceilingfixture.6"dia.,Ty4n hLMbulb,60Wmax. @
Subs drary ol Wa 1er K dde & Company. nc
P 5617 Wallfixture.6't dia.,B3/q" hl. Extends 7". E bulb;
loowmax. KIIDE
o' P 6913-16 Satin aluminum. White glass. 47s'dia.6s/att hI.
m bulb,60W max.
Box 12701 Ph lade ph a Pennsy vanra 19134

Sec ritv. Lawn &
Patio Liihting
Enjoy you r patio and garden
in the cool of evenings. lnsure
safety and security with lig hted
walks and d riveways.

P 5205 (right) Forest green, shatter-

resistant polypropylene path and
driveway light. Clear g ass liner. Wire
leads and y2ttlilling'fu permanent or
P 5233 spike installation. 71/2t' dia.,
B7al ht. E bulb, 100Wmax.
tt s.
P 5230 (above)Plant, path and step light.
Green aluminum, amber high- jght. 7rl/ flttlng
for permanent or P 5233 inslallation 15ildia.
overall ht.34". @ bulb 100W max.

P 5226 Green path and driveway light. White

glass liner. Wire leads and y2t' I lling fat
permanent or P 5233 installation. 6/, /i d ia.,
81/r't h1.. @ bu b, 100W max.
P5228 Sh'Jb shaoed pat. ard dr ,/ewdy
light. Green cast alumlnum, amber high-light
Wire eads and 72l/ fitting for permanent or
P 5228 P 5233 instal ation.6/'dia ,9// ht One El
bulb, 40W, T- 10. @

P 5201 Black and etched glass path P 5233 7't cast aluminurn spik-. for portable
and driveway light. Wire leads and 72l' installations. lncludes 15' rubber covered
fitting for permanent or P 5233 cord and weather-protected grounded
installation. S" dia., 7 1/a tt hl. @ bulb. convenience outlet. Accommodates 72 //
100W rnax. conduit. @

P 5207 (tight) Black. Two-light

adjustable swivel flood ight.4t%6// dia.,
4'l hi. Two bulbs, PAR-38,250W max.

P 5206 One light
version of P 5207.
4r%a" dia., 53/t't hL P 5203
, One bulb, PAR-38,
250W max.

P 5208 Black. Adjustable swivel

upllght mounted on 7/icast alumtnum
spike. 57slidia., 12yatt hl.15t tubbet
covered cord and wealher-protected

g rounded convenience outlet. One
P 5202 Adlustable swivel lloodllght. B ack
bu lb, PAR-38, 150W max. alum inum teflecIot,ST/sttdia. Cast aluminum
backplate. 413Aa" dia.,9" hl. One PAR-38
or R-40, 150W max
@ Casl aluminum guatanteed rusl-free P 5203 Two-lightversion ofP 5202. Two
M Medium base bulb PAR-38 or R 40, each 150W max.


Whatyou should know about light bulbs

You can add the linishing touch to decorative
lixtures and add to your visual comforl when you PROGRESS DECORATOR BULBS
select the correct light bulbs. (People in the 3,000 hou r guarantee (300 hours for llicker bulbs). 130 volt for longer ljfe.
lighting business usually call them "lamps".)
incandescent bulbs are the type most used in the
home. Progress decorator incandescent bulbs are
decorative as well as functiona so they enhance
the lighting fixture design. lncandescents give
oif a soft, warm yellow light that is easy on the
eyes and renders colors faithful y. lt's important
nol to exceed the fixture manufacturer's wattaoe LLJ g: u
spec'lical,ors wh-n choosing bJ bs Tre bu b I u.J o
iype and nraximum wattaqe is specjfied for each __.1
O U)
fixture in this Progress Lighting ldeas Book. Some =
units have ihe inforrnation stamped right on TEARDROP FLAME ROUND
the fixture. Candelabra base Candelabra base Candelabra base
BASES lLs:nporlarl Lo (low wl^erler your 15W Clear '10W Clear Pink-white complexion
fixtures take the candelabra (small base) bulbs or petti . .. . P 7600 pettl . .. . P 7700 25W Pink-white
the medium (sometimes called "Edlson") base 15W Frosted 10W Frosted 11/z (G-12).P786O
bulbs. petti ... . P 7601 petti .. . . P 7701 15W Pink-white
Base El
\# veoium 15W White 15W Clear 2n (G-161/r) . P 7861
Base Petti .... P 7602 ....
petti P 7702 25W Pink-white
lncandescents come in rnany shapes and sizes. 25W Clear . . P 7609 15W Frosted 2 (c-16Y2) . ? lS62
Decoralive burb shaoes are lea.d.ops, llane, etc. 25W Frosted P 7610 petti ....P 7703 40W Pink-white
as il -srrared o1 rl is page. Orrer sl apes a r e 25W White . . P 761 t 25W Clear . . P 7711 2I (c-16V2) . P 7863
indicated by these letter codes: 40W Clear . . P 7612 25W Frosted P 7712

40W Frosted . P 7613 25W White . . P 7713 25W Clea{,2t'
40W White . . P 7614 40W Clear .. P 7714 (c-167u ) P 7864
60W Clear . . P 7615 40W Frosted . P 7715 25W Smoke, 2/'
60W Frosted P 7616 40W White . . P 7716 (G-16%) P 7866
60W White . . P 7617 60W Clear . . P 7717 Medium base
Medium base 60W Frosted . P 7718 60W Wh jte-3"4"
60W White . . P 7719 (G-30).. P 7872
GPARR 25W Clear .. P 7618
o\ s,?""'.1
bu tb
Globe Parabollc
Rei eclor 25W Frosted .
40W Clear ..
40W Frosied
P 7619
P 7621
P 7622
Medium base
25WClear ..P7720
25W Frosted . P7721
60W CIear, 33/+/l
(G-30) .. P 7874

R (Retlector) Reflector bulbs have a buil!in 60W Clear . . P 7624 40W Clear .. P 7725
re'lector to focus light downward. They a.e 60W Frosted P 7625 40W Frosted . P 7724
particularly uselul in recesseo and l.ack Lghtirg. 60W White . . P 7626 60W Clear . ..P 7726
Spotlight types concentrate the light Floodlighi 60W Frosted . P7727
types spread the light.
PAR (Parabolic Aluminized Retlector) PAR
bulbs are made of heavy glass with a bullt-in
reflector and lens that provide a more precise spot
orfloodlight pattern. ln addition to recessed and
track ligh ling, il-ey can be used {or ouldoor F
securily lighls. See paOes I64 & 170 for nore o F
(./) Medium base
uses of these specialized bulbs. l! o
cc 3W Clear . .. . P7850
SPIRY TIP Candelabra base
Bulb size is measured and Candelabra base CANDLE TIP 3WClear.... P 7851
lndicaied in eighths of an inch. For '15W candelabra base
example, the diarneter of an A-21 Clear
bulb is 21 eighths of an inch or
petti .... P7800 7Y2W Cte .. P 7840
25/au. AG 40 is a 5-inch round 25W Clear 7y2w Ftosted P 7841
bu lb.
petti . .. P 7802 7Y2W Frosted
40W Clear P 7806 yellow .P 7842
60W CIear P 7812
DIMMERS You can use dirnmers to turn
incandescent lights up for reading or doing FLUORESCENT
chores and then, to turn the ights down for mood
lighting whiJe eniertaining guests. Dimmers a so
save energy and extend bulb lile because they
.educe tl^e aroJnr o'e eclriciLy co'tsL.neo by 18 Watt "U" tube CHIMNEY
bulbs. So thev exlen.J bLr b ile' Fluorescent..P7890 Medium base
flro"rscirufs Atthough incardescelt butbs 60w Frosted . P7871
a'e'ess expe'rsive lo purcl^ase, lluoresc^nt.amps
use 272 to 3 t,nes less elec-r.c tV ard astmuch
'onge'. Page 135 g:vps aoo Lion;, r'lfo.Tatrol on
Packed in individual open face boxes except llicker, round and fluorescent.
I'you need adv ce'or a specia I ng joo. ask Bulbs n01 inciuded with fixtures unless speciiied.
the experls at your Progress I ighl;19 Sl-owroon.
The clean, uncluttered look oj

of recessed lighting i






Good ilghting doesn't have to be an obtrusive parl of your an interplay of llght and shadow by usjng dlrectional lighting.
decorating scheme. lMany archltects and des gners favor
When selecting your color scheme remernber that light
recessed light ng because it mainta ns a clean, unc uiiered
co ored sudaces and lurf ishings n-rake a room seem brighter
look on the ceiLing.
by reflecting llght. Dark wal s and furnishings absorb light
You can have the same c ean contemporary ook n your so you may need more fixtu res wlth hig her wattages lo light a
home with any of the good ideas for recessed I ghting shown dark paneled room than one lhat has white wa ls and ceiling.
on the followlng pages. N4any designers use recesscd wilh Progress recessed rounds and squares are LlL isted ior a
tradlt onal furnish ngs too. Recessed fixtures are deal for damp locat ons so you can even use them in bathrooms or ol
illuminat ng lolv cc ng areas such as basement recreat on outdoors under eaves. oJ
rooms. You also can supplement the gene[a ight ng oi a
handsome chandeller \r'/ith functiona afd dramatlc Be Jufctlona , be dramatlc, be decoralive. You can do t all, Wi
downlighting over d ining and serving areas. the way architects and decorators do, with Progress irt
recessed lighting.
Use recessed ght ng for creal ve decorat ng For exararp e
Lrse wa !/ashcrs or eyeballs 1o rritke a smal room seem SOME HINTS ON SELECTING RECESSED FIXTURES an

arger by washif(] the \/al s \,\, lh liglrl. Soll y ght conversation There are many diiierent shapes, sizes and ftr shes available 36

areas and Llse d rnmcr coniro s 1o rnake a laTge room seem ln recessed fixtures. Ihe down/lghlwilh an open bottom a1

more rt mate Dranraiize th-o texture oi brick slone, wood or generally gives the most illuminat on. A lres/rel /ens contTols pi
draperies Usc eyehal s to sDOl ghl bookshelves, pa flings and spreads I ght with mlnimu m g are. An opal g/ass dilfuser
sculplure, pr zcd prinis or wa hang ngs Show olf plants with distributes llght evenly. A drop opal diffuser extends be ow
the ceiling ine to spread lighL A pinhale cancentrates a beanl
of ljght on a small area such as a scu pture or a table
centerplece. A !,,/a// washer directs I ght to one side to
illuminate a veriical surface. Eyellal/s prolect below the
ceiling llne and can be aimed at an area or object to accent il
Eyeballs can also lle used to ight wal s

General lighting. To light an entire area, space round or

square recessed fixlures -^ven y so the distance belween them
is not more than their d stance frorn the floor (or the dislance
from tab e tops or work surfaces). Around the per meter, they
should be no rnore than 36'/ frorn the wa ls. Drmmer contro s
can save energy, extend bu lb life and lei you adjust I ght ng
eve s in the roorn lor var oLS occas ons

Task lighting. Don't

work in you r own
shadowl Put llght
d irectly on work, play
and study areas-
such as kitchen work
surlaces, sewing
machines desks and To play up the dimension of textured wa ls and draperies
the home handyman s you shou d install your recessed fixtures c oser to the wall
work table. lnstall Here are some guidc ines.
downlights that use
100 to 150W A-larn ps For drapery, use a down llg h1 (such as P 66661 viith a 75W
(such as P 6691 83) R-30 lamp Each lixlure centcr ne shou d be 9" from the
Put ights10 s des or
drapery and 1B/' apart on cenlers
back edge of work Far brick ar slane wal/s you can use lhe same 75W R 30
surfaces to avoid fixlures and locaiion measurements as for draperles. Or you
glaring reflections can use 50W R 20 lecessed lixlures placed 6]'from the wal
(See page 137 for and 12il apart on centers.

o) kitchen undercabinet
iq htln g. )
Lighting artwork and objects. The P 6164 track fran-re-ln
projector ls excellent for lluminating a s ngle picture or you
can use a recessed eyebal w th a 50W R-20 lamp such as
a P 6600-30. Locate it wlth in 4-feet of the plcture.
Accent lighting, Both Progress recessed and track f xtures For a large picture or grouping use a lixlure vr'ith a 75W R 30
are excellent for accent lighting Here are some ideas and flood lamp, such as the P 6716 wa I washer. Locate wal wash
general suggestions for recessed fixlures. lixlures 2-feet from the v'/al 2 feet apart measured on centers
For 10-foot cellings, f xtures shou d be 3 feet apart 3 feet
How lo light a wall. Light ng wal scancreatevsual nteresl, from the wall. To minim ze reflected glare from the arlwork,
make a room seem larger and improve the genera I ghting install an adjustabie eyebal sllght y 1o the side oJ the picture.
level. Choose Progress wa I washers or eyeba ls according
to the style you preJer and
wattage you want. A reflector I

llood lamp, an R 20, R-30 or F
an F-40. conceftrates more
ol the light on yourwal . An
R-30 (75 watts) lights a larger
area than an R-20 (30 or 50 t
watts). The lolLowing I

suggest ons are based on ihe I
usual B-foot celllng height
of most homes and TreasureTnenls A are from the center
oJ Jixture diarneters.

Wa lwashers shou d be insla ied 36//Jrom the yi al and

Ditecl aver head I i ghli ng.
Cat t ect side lighling.
f you are using more than one, 36// apa.t on ceflers Adlustable eyeballs are also excel eIt Jor lghling sculpture
and p anls These objects are best disp ayed w th back stde
Eyebal s with R 20 lamps qeneral y nsta 124l/ fronr the wal
or iront I ghting rather thaf direct overhead lighling
ard 24" apa R 30 eyeba ls usua y go 36/'from lhe wal of
36'/ centers. Eyeba s tend to g ve a sca lop lighting eflecl Your eleclrician or the iight ng consultant ln your Progress
al the ceil ng ine lfnot desired thls can be reduced by showroorn wil be glad to help you se ect the righl fixtures
o dct-o l1F e.doo c ^ o. log.. a. 10 do the job
Round recessed housings with interchangeable trims
For a complete unit, order one hous ng and one tr m.
(Only P 6976 and P 6978 lowboy eyebalis corne cornplete in one un t


8% /t outside dia.
Lamp: 150W R-40
P 6667-10 Polished brass
P 6667-16 Satin aluminuflr
P 6667-29 White

100w 75W
8% /r outside dia.
Lamp: 100W A- 19
B7a" oulside dia.
Lamp: 75W R-30
P 7
PRE-WIRED HOUSINGS P 6660-10 Polished brass P 6684-29 White
P 6660-16 Satin aluminum * *
Underwrlters' Laboratories listed for damp locations such as P 6660-29 White
bathrooms and outside under eaves. Also listed forThru-Branch
circuitwirino and 60oC supply conduclor. For installing this
pre-wired housing in finished ceilings. a breakaway section ol the 75W
plaster frame allows the frame to be inserled in a ceiiing opening
cut 10 lhe size of the housing diameter. Housing has 63/4" ceiling
oDenino. Pre-wired with %6'l Greenfield lhat shields # 18 125"C '/ outside dia.
wire leats. Adiustable porcelain sockel wilh nickel-plated Lamp: 75W R-30
copper screw 3hell. lniludes 24" no-notch adjustable bar lOOW DROP OPAL GLASS* P 6666 Whitc
hahbers (P 8716) for easy inslallation to ceiling sluds. 8%' outside dia.
Accessory bar hangers indicated on page 153. Choice of lhe
22 ditierent trim style and flnish seleclions illustrated in this
portion of pages 152-153. Trims are helical or lorsion spring
hounted lor easy access. The P7 accommodates 75W to
Lamp: 100W A-19
P 6661-29 White

'150W general service and reflector lamps.
B%'/ outside dia.
P 8 PRE.WIRED HOUSING 100w P 6682-29 White
87a' outside dia.
Now you have a recessed housing which can be used Lamp: '1 00W A-19
in direct contact with thermal insulation to save energy.
Same dimensions and features as P7 except P8 has
P 6662-29 White
fixed socket position. Use with any of the lollowing
trims (lamps as specified) which are marhed wilh a 75W
trianqie (^) by the illustration (P6666. P6672-29. SCOOP WALL WASHER
P6676-1 2, P6676-29, P6678-29). Aperture rotates 360o
Pre-set, parabolic relleclor
B% /' outside dia.
P 6
Same features as P7 except that it is just 5/' high and 8/a / dia. 1 7s" exposed ht.
fixed socket accommodates 60W or 75W "A" lamp, Lamp: 100W A-19
as well as B-20 or R-30 refleclor lamp. Accepts any ol
the forlowino 12 trim stvle and finish selections marked
with an asteiisk (+) by rhe illustration (P6660 all
P 6683 OPal glass

finishes, P6661-29. P6662-29, P6666, P6672-29.
P6676-12 & P6676-29, P6678-29, P6683).75W lamp 75W WALL WASHER
maximum when used with P6 housing, P 8607 Three clips used io
secure plaster irame in Aperture rotates 360o
position when installing Pre-set, parabolic reflectol
P 107 UN-WIRED HOUSING P6,P7,P11,P6976or B7a " outside dia.
Same housing as the P7 without a junction box. lncludes P 6978 into finished Lamp: 75W A-19
template lor cbiling opening and retaining clips for installation ce iljngs. P 6675 White trim
in finished ceilings.
*Usable with P6, P7 and P107 hausings *
" Suitable for shower ceiltngs. Has gaskel.
lruqlBss] rlfi':t I
L Also usable with PB hausing

,, )

75W R-30 EYEBALL*^

Rotates 358o, tilts 30o
8/a t' outside dia.
[* Lamp: 75W R-30 HOUSING
P 6676-12 Satin brass AND TRIMS
I P 6676-29 Whiie An economical pre-
wired 75W housing
for shallow ceilinos. Onlv
Sj/q r hioh. U nd eirvriters''
Laboratories listed tor
damp locations. Also listed
for Thru-Branch circuit
30/5OW R-20 EYEBALL*^ . and 60.C supply
-wiringwith 24,t
conductor. Comes no-notch
Rotates 358o, tilts 30o
87a // outside dia. bar hangers lor ceiring studs. Accessory
Lamp: 30W R-20 bar hangers (18', and 26,/) tisled betow.
50w R-20 For a complete inslallation order one P35 housing and any one of these three trims.
P 6678-29 White All three trims are 57s,r outside dia.

{f,o }

75W R-30 FRAME 30/50w R-20

Rotates 358o, tilts 30"
87a /
outside dia.
Lamp: 75W Fl-30
P 6620-29 White
Matte black baffle
30/50w R-20 CONE
Lamp: 30W H-20
50w R-20
Lamp: 75W R-30 Lamp: 30W R-20 P 6674-21 Specular
P 6679 White 50w R-20 aluminum
P 6673 Whiie P 6674-22 Specular gold


2// pinhole
87a z
outside dia.
Complete units include 5'l
shallow housing, trim with eyeball
Lamp: 75W Fl-30
and 24'l no-notch adiustable har
P 6664-29 White hangers UL listed for damp localions,
:R for Thru.Branch wiring and 60oC
supply conduclors. Torsion sprinq rrounted.
Eyeball rolales 358o and adjusls io 30o frorr
the vertical. Pousing 63/a " dia. Trim 8 /a "
outside dia
87a// outside dia.
Lamp: 150W R-40
P 6671-29 White

75W R-30 30/50w

Lamp: 75W R-30 Lamp: 30W F-20
P 6976 White 50w R-20
75W R-30 FRAME*^ P 6978 White
BYa// outside dia.
Lamp: 75W R-30 AqCFTeSORY BAR HANGERS Use with any housing on pages j S2-153
P 6672-29 White P 8718 Set of lwo 18', st.aioht bars.
P 8719 Set of two 26" straidht bars.
A Irecess I\rures or thesepaqes"tpUTd6r/r'j lprs Ldoora-ories
ljsted for damp locations.
lrcludes re'leclor, soclet socketcLp \tiLh '/2/'Creenf e d conrector,
reraine'cl ps lo finisl'ed ceiting a1d ten-o ale ror6"e" ceili.lg open rg
Number Description Lamp

Eyeball. White with

71/r" 75W R.30

6990 t '/8

P 6990
e 6e94
P P 6994
White downlight.
Black step batfle.
711' 15OW PAR.38
150W A 21
Adjustable socket. 8yi' 150W R-40

P 6916 fbeiow) Pre w rcd
rcccssed shower I ght. Opal
g ass, salin alum num tr m UL
I sted lor darl]p ocat ons One
6921 P 6939 P 6918 P 6920 P 69'17 P 6919
M, 60W rnax.
RECESSED HI-HATS All UL lisled for damo locations. P 6915 Un-wlred version of
ijr-elwirialfrii-aisembled housing, white trim, plaster f rame, iunction box' P 6916.
Un-Wired: Recommended for existing ceilings White irim, plasterirame' Optional bar hangers lsted
clips, 47, feet of wire.
Hou sing
Number Lamp

0.D. Dia. Ht,
P 6917 414" 53/q" Downlight, un-wired 75W R.30

P 6921 57/8" 53/a" Downlight,pre"wired 75W R.30

P 6918 5%" 4%" I Y2" Louver, un-wired 75W R.30 5Y4'

P 6922 5%" 4V4 " l Yz" Louver, pre-wired 7sl/'/ R,30

P 6919 7 5/a" 5Y2" Downliglrt, un-wired 150w R,40

p 6939 7%" 5V2" Downlight, pre-wired 150W R-40

P 6920 15/a" 51/2" o'/4 Louver, un-wired 150W R-40 I

P 6940 7 5/a" 5V2" o'/4 Louver, pte.wired 150W R-40 l-6,k *


-T 41/+


_,_{ R


lav., -!

L-;";---l H(
BAR HANGERS P 6912 Pre wired closet light UL Llsted. P 6952 250W R-40 nfra red heater Lamp
For P 6912, Recessed Hl Ha1s, Pull-chain switch. Shatter resistant dilluser' Satin aluminurn trim. Pre wired. UL listed for
Recessed Boxes, Recessed One M, 60W max. Thru- Branch wjring, damp locations,
Squarcs, Recessed F uorescents. 60oC supply conductors. 24l/ adjustable bar
hanqers lncluded. I

P 8716 Set al lwo 24tt adjuslable

bars with brackets.
For P 691 5, P 691 6,
& Recessed Hi-Hats.
P 8718 Set of two 18'/ straight bars
P 8719 SeL oi t\\o 26" srraigh' bart
RECESSED BOXES P 6452-15 P 6454-29
Square and rectangu lar. Complete P 6434-29 P 64s2-29 P 6456-15
with housinq, frame and glass. P 6436-29 P 6454-15 P 6456-29
All arc 41/att deea. Torsion son no
mounted for easy relampinq.
Frame Housing @
Number Finish Glass Frame Size Size Lam p

P 6434-29 White Drop white gVz" Sq. 8" Sq. t00w

P 6436-29 White Drop white LlY2" Sq. 10" sq. 150W

P U52-15 Chrome
P 6452-29 lVhite
Flat white 8Va" Sq 6a/c" 59. 60l{

P 6454-15 Chrome
P 6454-29 White
Flal white 9!/2" Sq. 8" Sq. 100w

P 6456-15 Chrome
P 6456-29 White
FIat white uvz" Sq. 10" Sq. l50w

P 64s3 Chrome FIat white 6/a" x$s/t"" 43/a" \ l 3/a" 60w

P 6455 Chrome Flat white 81/a,'x123/r6" 63/at,xL03/a" l00W


Square Flat White class
/' sq.. lran-e
...q0-. P 6412 Chrone. Housing 63/a
WATT B7a, sq. M 60W max.

r.n P 6414-15 Chrome. Ho.rsing 8,, sq., frame

,^i^"Y- 9% " sq. M l OOW max.
""^" P 6414-30 White
j"J:- P1 1 6416-15 Ch'ome. Housing 10/ sq., fra-ne
7,'/ sq. Fl 15OW max.
P 7210 ""^" P 6416-30 while
P 7211
Square Drop Opal Glass

t t P 6424-15 Cnrome. Housirg B" sq., frarre

0,..' ,^l^u!- 97: /' so. El 100W max.
t White polystyrene diiluser. Ch rome
""^' ' P 6424-30 white
I frame. torsion hinqed for easv access.
Frame 257/a" L., Bs/ar W. 1(^ P 6426-15 Chrome. Hor,sing l0/'sq.. frame
Housing 24, 1., 4% t ht.,63/+t W.
,,1:Y- 117:" sq. Fl 150W max.
Two 20W lamps.
""^" P 6426-90 white
P 7210 ReguJar ballast Rectangular Flat White class
P 7211 Trigger ballast
P 7231 Drop dilluserversion of P 7211 60 P 6413 Chrome. Housing 43/a" x73/.+'t,lrame
WATT 6Ya" x9316". lMl 60W max.
Fetaining clips (p 8700)
avarlable as accessorv 100 P 6415 Chrone. Housing 63/at' x 103/at',lrame
tor linished or dry ceiiinq WA,TI gt/tt' x 12%a". @ 100Wmax.
'j r' Torsion Springs. ln all models for
6 easy relarnping.
M Medium base.
Lamps nat included. pI0[t0SS l.;]Lr' rilii,l
Progress Recessed Squares with Matching Frames

4- -K-# \\

For good illumination over work. play and study areas or for
general lighting in low ceiling areas. Choice of sizes and diff users'
All are two-prece for easy access. Whrte hi-reflective parabolic
reflector. Underwriters' Laboratories listed for damp locations
such as bath or outdoors under eaves. Also, UL lisled Jor Thru-
Branch wiring and 60"C (P9 listed for 75'C) supply conductors
Comes assembled, ready to lnstall with 24" adjustable bar hangers



Whiie textured glass White smooth glass FRESNEL LENS
diffuses light. For task below the ceiling line. Conirols and spreads light
and general lighting. Soreads liqht over wide with rninimum glare. For lask
area. For general lighting. and general lighting.

P 1 1OOW PRE-WIRED P 6630-29 Whlte P 6631-29 Whlte P 6632-29 Wh te

Housing: BYs" x 87s "
Frames i 912l/sq.

P 2 'IsOW PRE-WIRED P 6640-29 White P 6641-29 White P 6642-29 White

Hous ng: 107s" x 107s'
Frames: 11Y2l/ sq.

P 9 2OOW PRE-WIRED P 6680-29 Wh te P 6681-29 Wh te P 6696-29 White

Replaces acoustic ti e square
Aa r,, no 113/a't x 113/+tl
Framesi l3" sq.

+.(LJ 1., w I

lnmlftes I
are recessed lighting with one-piece I
rellectoi'-trim assemblies for economical I
installation. They are available in many styles and I
finishes with narrow trims for residential and commercial I
Now-P 11 Kit
applications. lf you are planning a commercial can be inslalled in
installation and wanl complete photometric data on tinished ceilings
Trimlite performance, see the Progress Lighting when remodeling.
A breakaway section of
Commercial Catalog. ihe P] 1 plaster frame
allows the frarfe to
A complete Proqress Trimllte installation includes one pre-wjred or un-wired (see the ceiling opening.
below) kit and one rellecior-lrim assembly. The illustration at right shows
a complete pre-wired Progress Trimlite ready for installation. Pre-wired frame-in
kits are recommended for new construction, before the ceiling is finished.
1, g"ug" pr"-*;red galvanized steel lunction box. All Progress
@ pre-wrred f.ane-rn (rts are Underwflters Laboratones ltsted tor
damp Jocations such as bathrooms and outdoors under eaves.
They also are UL listed for Thru-Branch circuit wiring and
60'C supply conductors. Box has snap-on covers. Six convenient
knockouts, four 1/att and Iwo 3/q /', are slotted to pry off easily
with a screwdriver.
Time-saving adjustable 24l' no-notch bar hangers install
conveniently in joists. Optional hanger kits Iisted below.
@ euint"O ptu.t"r_iruru r, iust. Certing is rinished lo the opening

O;:iT:5.,):;';lT;rierdshierds#18200.sF-1wire e
@ Cup corralns porcelain soc\el with_ rickel-plated c-opper
- sc'ewshell.Jtsnapseasilyonropof ref lector trim. On many I
reflectors it adjusts to a high position for larger lamps or a low
a Dos lior for smaller lamps.
lf;f One piece rel'ecto.-irim assemblv accommodales lamDs from
I lo
: 30W R-20 to 300W R.40 dependir'g on reflector-trim selected.
19 Easy to ilslall. lnseri reflecror-lrjn assembly so that retaining ot plaster fra'ne engage slots of ref,eclor. Clips permit easy

o;"J:""1il.":lH,:nTfl :l::'ffi ?::':ililTil::",1";

through 16'1 .


* (,' ,: \ ThrsPll6un-wiredkilisusedwithall rellecto r-trims-especially or insia llation in
(v \ .- , ' , fjnished, exisling ceilings. Kit includes universal f
templa.te for all 4'ceiling openings,
.$> 4 .eta:.ring clips a1d porcelain socket with nickel-plaled copper screws\ell r cuo
,s/ llatnasV2t'Gree'rfi^ldco'rnectorand54',ofl182OO.SF-1wire
HOW TO O RDER For a complete Progress Trimlite installatjon, order one frame-in kit and one reflector-trim.
Example: P 10 (frame-in kit) and P 6601 (reflector-trim)
UP TO 75W* BOUND P 10 7't xgvsl Sla t
100/1 50w* HoUND P 11 67/sh 81/q t x12 65/an
P 1t6
200/300w* RoUND P12 8Y2n 101hfl x 15y4I 81/a

75l150W SQUARE P14 6!2tt x 6Y2tt 8Vz" ylgolort

P 8607 Clips for installjng P 11 in finished ceilings. P 8718 Sel of two 18/, straight barhangers.
ACCESSORTES P 8610 Heat sink, if needed for commercial P 8719 Set of two 26'l straidht bar hangers.
'Note: Eyeballs are exceptions. Refer to reilector-trim specifications


for PIO or P1l6 Kits
Pl0 is UL listed for damp locations, for Thru Branch circuit wiring and
60"C supply con ductors.
lf you are planning a large insiallalion requiring photometric data, see 'I

the Progress Commercial Caia og. C

For comDlele lixture. order one ol the reflectol-lrims illustraied below ir

and one'P10 pre-wired or one P 116 un-wired frame-in kit. F

q*". ,.)
Recessed height 7".0utside dia.
O.D.73/e . R, Ht. 772' PAR-38,
8%'/ R-40. White trim.
Ceiling opening 5Y4".
Plaster frame 7" x 916" (0.D.) as indicated.
Lamp: 150W PAR-38
150W R-40
P 6692-16 Satin aluminum
P 6692-32 Satin gold
75W \-". )
BAFFLE O.D. SlVtatt . White trim.
O.D.1rsAatt. Black step baffle. Lamp: 50W R-20
Lamp: 75W R-30 75W R-30
P 6601 White P 6603-16 Satin aluminurn
P 6603-32 Satin gold 75l 1sOW PINHOLE
O.D. 7 s/ett. R. HL 7Y2t' 75W,
81htt 150W.2t' apeftwe.
Lamp: 75W R-30
)' 75W ER-30
30/50w 30/50w 150W R-40
BAFFLE a.D. 5L5ld .

Rotates 358"
O.D. Sr3Ao,, . Black step baffle adiusts to 30o from vertical.
Lamp: 30W R-20
50w R-20 Lamp: 30W R-20
50w R-20
P 6614 White
P 6600-30 White
75W O.D.81/t . R. Ht. 8%'. A
ALL Rotates 3580, adjusts to 30o from
vertical. Black step baffle. 0
LOUVER OPAL Lamp: 30W R-20
O.D. Srs/:,stl Black, lift out die-cast O.D. 6r3/ratt . 50w R-20
louver. Light-tight gasket. Torsion spring P 6617 White P
Lamp: 75W R-30 mounted lor easy relamping.
P 6602 White Lamp: 75W A-19
P 6604 opal glass


P 8610 Accessory heatsjnk, if needed forcommercial installations O.D.73/e' . R. Ht. 874 /'. Trim snaps o.
out ior easy relamping. Tr
P 8718 Set of two 18// straight bar hangers.
Lamp: 75W R-30 La
P 8719 Set of two 26'l straight bar hangers P 6716 White P

pltlqles$ iLiiltintl

For complete lixture, order one ot the rellector-trims illustrated below
Reflector-trims and one Pl1 pre-wired or one P 116 un-wired lrame-in kit.

for P1l or Pll6 lfts

fr P1 1 is UL listed for damp locations, for
Thru-Branch circuit wiring and 60'C supply
conductors. lf you are planning a large Pl1
installation requiring photometric data, see the PRE.WIRED FEFLECTOR-TRIM tndividiratty indicated are:
Progress Commercial Catalog. FRAME.IN KIT outside diameter (0.D.) of trim.
Ceiling opening 676".

Recessed height (R. Ht.) for high & low lamp
Plastet f.ame gUa" x 72". position if ap0licable.

tf l
',oor',uo*'"ut lu
O.D.73/at. R. Ht. B%'/ 100W, 1sOW STEP BAFFLE 75l150W
9V2" 150W. ALZAK@ specular O.D. 73/att . R. Ht. 7/z / PAR-38, DEEP STEP BAFFLE
reflector. White trim. 8V4 tt R-40. Black step balfle. O.D.7V2n . R. Ht. 11 3/e'.
Lamp: 100W A-19 Lamp: 150W PAR-38 Lamp: 75W R-30
'150W R-40
150W A-21 150W R,40*
P 6714-21 Specular aluminum P 6694 White P 6717 White
P 6714-22 Specular gold *With 75oC supply conductors

. '150W LOUVER
\l o.D.73/st,. R. Hr.772l PAR-38,
I R-4O. Black casr iouver lifts O.D.7Y2n . R. HL 7y2u 10OW, O.D.7t1A6. R. Ht. 7/a / 100W,
81/a 8% z 150W. .Torsion springs tor 81/+ Torsion sprjngs for
out for easy relamping. easy reramprng. easy relamping.
Lamp: 150W PAR-38 Lamp; 100W A-19 Lamp: 100W A-19
150W R-40 150W A-21 '150W A-21
P 6689 White P 6687 Opal glass P 6691-83 White

GU * $tP
75W EYEBALL O.D.73/e .R. Ht. 10/+ /. ALZAKo
O.D. 87+ /. R. Ht. 8'. tt. Rotates
specular reflectors. White trim.
o O.D. 7 3/a . R. Nt. 7 y2 358' Lamp: 75W H.30
Socket swivels 30 . Black step baffle.
adjusts to 35o from vertical.
Lamp: 75W R-30 P 6715-21 Specular aluminum
Lamp: 75W R-30 P 6715-22 SDecular oold
P 6615 White P 6690-30 White P 6715-2s Sfecutar Stack

P 8607 Clips for installing P11 in
finlshed ceilinos
WASHER WITH STEP BAFFLE P 8610 Accelsory heat sink, if
lOOW WALL WASHER O.D.71/2 . R. Ht. 1 1 %,. Trim snaps needed lor commercial insiallations
O.D.75/a . R. Hl.7Y2tt .
out for easy relamping. P 8718 Set of two 18// straight bar
Trim snaps out for easy relamping. hangers.
Lamp: 75W R-30F1
'150W R-40FL* P 8719 Set of two 26'l straight bar
O i"iliiu'1iH,3." P 6718 White
+With 75oC supply condirctor
han g ers.
For complete lixture, order one of the relleclor-lrims illustraled
Reflector-trims below and one P12 pre-wired or one P 116 un-wired frame-in kit.

forPlT or P1l6 Kits

P12 ls UL sied for damp locat ons. for
Thru Branch circLrit wiring and 60'C supp y pB*[5S
conduciors. If you are p annino a arqe P12
installation requiring pholometr c data see th,^ PRE.WIRED REFLECTOF-TRIM lndivrdLrally indicated are:
FRAME-IN KIT 0utside Diameter (0-D.) of trlm and
Progress Commerc al Cata oq Ceillng opening 8%" Recessed Height (R. Ht.) for high and
plaster frame lot/it x 15t/a,' Iow lamp position if applicable.


O.D.91/q R. Hl. 83ht' . ALL GLASS OPAL with STEP BAFFLE
Torsion springs for easy re amping o.D.qsat,. R. Hr. 8%,/ 200w, O.D.9%stt. R.l1l. B3/+ .

Lamp: 200W A 23, 150W A 23 97p' 300W. Lightfortight

easy relamping
Rotates 358o, adjusts to 35" from
verlical. Black step baffle.
P 6606-83 White
Lamp: 200W A-23 Lamp| 150W R-40
300w PS-30 P 6611-30 White
P 6608 opal glass


150/300w 3OOW STEP BAFFLE 150W

DEEP STEP BAFFLE a.D. 9yr.6" . R. lL B3/tn . WALL WASHER
a.D. 9%at . R. Hl. 127A6" . Black step baflle. o.D.93ldt . R. Ht. B%'.
Black step baffle. Lamp: 300W R-40 Trim snaps out for easy relarnping.
Lamp: 150W F-40 P 6610 White trim Lamp: 150W A-23
300w R-40 P 6613 White
P 6727 White trim

.t 'h
r;r F*
O.D. 9". R. P.l. 12t/+ . ALZAK@ O.D. 9'. R. HL 111/+ 200W , o.D. 9". R. Ht.9%// 150W/200W,
specular cone. Wh jte trim. 12' 300W. ALZAK@ specular 'I0%// 300W. ALZAK@ specular
Lamp: 150W R-40 reflector. White trim. reflector. White trirn.
P 6725-21 Specular aluminum Lamp; 200W A-23 Lamp: 150W A-21
P 6725-22 Specu lar gold 300w PS-25 200w A-23
P 6725-23 Specular black P 6724-21 Specular aluminum 300w PS-25
P 6724-22 Specular gold P 6736-21 Specular aluminum
P 6736-22 Specular gold

PruQres$liLrli:LilLnql ACCESSORIES
P 8610 Accessory heat sink f feeded for conrmercral nslallations.
P 8718 Set of two 18' straight bar hangers.
ALZAKo registered trademark of ALCoA P 8719 Set of two 26il stra qht bar hanqers.

forPl4or Pll6 lfts
o) Like all Progress pre-wired f rame-in k ts the P14 s UL isted
for damp locat ons, Thru Branch c rcuit wiring and 60'C
supply con d lctors (75'C with P 6751 ). lf you are p an n ing a
arge installation requiring photometric data see the
Progress Commercia Catalog.
For complete tixture, order one ol lhe relleclor-lrims illuslraled
below and one P14 pre-wired or one P 116 un-wired frame-in kit.

Ceiling opening 6Y2" x 6V2" SQUARE REFLECTOR TRIM
Plaslet leme 8Y2" x 1,03/4" 7" sqvarc ttim.lly2" recessed height.

tested IN
o) 75l150W
Anodized malte black 4//
ALZAK@ reflector assembly.
Anodized matte black 4/' laboratory
deep step baffle snaps out
deep step baffle. with reflector for easy Progress Lighting fixiures are designed to
relamping. meet or exceed all app icab e Underwriters'
Lamp: 75W R-30
150W R-40 Lamp: 150W R-40F1 Laboratorles standards. In addition ali
Progress recessed fixtures are engineered
P 6741 White trim P 6751 White trim
for maxlmum photometric perf o rman ce
wiih m nimum wattage. All are careful y
iesied ,- ll^e oroq'ess phoro"ret.,c
SIEP &AISLE LIGHTS laboratory. These comprehens ve lests are
in accordance w th .E S. procedures as
Safety lighting for stairvvays, landings and corridors-indoors or verif jed by United Testing
outdoors. UL lisled for wet locaiions and ooured concrete.
Satin-rinished rugged cast alurr.inura w;lh borcelain socket, Labo rato ries. Test reports
anodized reflector, white tempered glass diffuser and and add ition a deta ed
moisture-proof gasket, photometric data are
25 WATT LOUVER OR GLASS FACE printed in the Prog ress
73/att xStt xgY2tt a]tside dim. Commercial Lig ht ng
7r x 41htt inslde.
Lamp: 25W A-19 Catalog.
P 6816 Glass face
P 6817 Louveriace over glass @


,\'. . -l
83/+ x 57/e' x 3Y2'l oulside dim.
-,r #*$
-i*-,-* "-'r
87/ x 57a // inside.
Lamp: 100W A- 19 Ploqres$lnqhtlmq
Subs d ary oi Walter K dde & Company, nc
P 6818 Glass face
P 6819 Louver face over glass @
@ Cast aluminum housing and lrame.

EXit Lights For mutti-unit dwettinss ancl commercial insta lations.

tr rt

Progress exit lights meet or exceed all
@ and OSHA requrremenls Durable extruded aluminum housing. Die
cast aluminum canopy. White finished. Knockouts tor downlight, prismatic diffusers included. Changeable square
aluminum siencil with 6// letters fiis housing in either direction. Knockouts for all arrow positions-right, left,
double. Housing 2ti C,eep,8V2t' square, plus 1/'tor bracket.


Housing 2/' deep, 81/?tt square, plus 1 '/ for bracket.
Lamps (not included):Two 20WT-672 intermediate base. P 6012 Green letters. Single face @ 0 1
P 6013 Green letters. Double face @

BRACKET MOUNTING WALL SURFACE P 6014 Red letters. Sinole face @

P 6015 Red lelters. Double face @


W+W+ P 6016
P 6017
Green letiers

Red letters


One iixture for five different installations. Complete with 1 2'l stem
a1d canopy, pius red and green paTersforyourchoiceo' exit
colors on bdih side s. Lam-ps included: Iwo zow T-6y2 intermediate base. @


lau" )
SingJe or
double face

ACCESSORY P ST39 Emergencyiightingcircuitcandeabrasocket. Musl be ordered separately. Lamp not included.

o) Solid aluminum
Recl"a'geable en ergency battery operales unit a miri"nurn of
I '/2 hou rs durirg power oulage, exceeding 7 card lepower lighl
output. Sealed lead dioxide battery requires no maintenance.
Operates in any position. Test switch and light for checking
emergency power. Green and red "eXit" panels for choice
of color on both faces. Blank panel for single face mounting
included. OSHA requlred downlight knockouts on two sides
11 plus knockouts for all arrow positions. While finished,
a,rminu'n l-oJS;19 and calopy. Shipped comp.etely
assenbled. (!)
Lamps included:
Two 20W T-6l, intermediate base and
two 3 oBW G-47, rnini-base

P 6023W8 P 6024W8
Emergency circ!it CEILING BRACKET
ln rear

,M I I a%
I lton

l I
l-an---) F-8%-4



For end, ceiling & surtace mounting
E lectro- galvar ized housing is rust-resisranl. Whire-ltnisl^ed
Kroc(ouL fo. dowrliqit. pr;sn'aric di'fuser included. Exit
letters are 6?/tall. Knockouts for all arrow positions-right,
left ordouble. Housing 2lla /' deep, 1 1 s/stt wide,7s/Bn lall,
plus 7s'ior canopy. Lamps (not included): Two 20W
T-6/2 intermediate base.


P 6031 Red letters. Single face
P 6032 Red letters. Double tace
P 6034 Green letters. Single face
P 603s

P 6030
P 6033
Green letters. Double face
Red letters
Green letters
il I'
o. P 8619 Canopy with 12" stem for all
brackei mounted exit lights.


Extruded Squares ancl Cylinders for exteriors and interiors
Create dramatic light patterns indoors or out wlth these
archltectura y designed, heavy duty seamless cyl nders and
squares. All are extruded of th ick, .1 25 inch alu m n u m and
finished in your choice of architectural bronze, white or
black. All have porcelain sockets wlth n cke -plated copper
screw shells. Use on interior or exteriorwal s, in stairways,
balconies or lobbies of residentia and commercia bu dings

Directs light above and below. Die-cast wa I plate.
Adapts for outdoor use wlth accessory lop cover ens
6tt dia .18" ht. Extends 8% ". Two E bulbs, each 75W
PAR-38. 75w R-30 75w ER-30 tuo*1:tfi, ,*TJ
P 5642'20 Bronze finish
P 5642-30 White
P 5642-31 Black

Die-cast wall plate. 6" dia ,

12il hi. Extends 8% /'. One M bu b,

75W PAA JB 75W F 30, 75\\
ER 30, 150W PAR 38 o' 1 50W R /c
P 5641'31 Black
P 5641-20 Bronze f nish
P 5641-30 Wh te

l\4ount flush on ceiling or hang
with accessory pendant k t. 6" dia., 12l'
ht. One M bulb, 75W PAR-38 75W R 30,
75W ER-30, 1 50W PAR'38 or 150W R-40.
P 5741-30 Wh te
P 5741-20 Bronze f nish
P 5741-31 B ack


o! P 8703
Relleclor Cone
For use with P 5641,
P 5642 and P 5741 . Adds
decorative accent while
irnproving reflective
characteristics. 4'l high.
Directs light above and below.
Die-cast wall plale. Adapls for
outdoor use with accessory top cover
lens 6// square, 1 8// ht. Extends B7s "
Two M bulbs, each 75W PAR-38
75W R-30, 75W ER-30, 150W PAR-38
or 150W R-40.
P 5644-20 B ronze finish
P 5644_30 Whire
P 5644-31 Black

Deep Groove
Step Baltles Black anodized step baffle
minimizes glare. 4" h igh.
P 8710 For use wiih cylinders
P 8711 For use with squares


Die-cast wall plate. 6// square,

12" ht. Extends B7sl'. One M bulb, u p/down
75W PAR 38. 75W R-30, 75W EF-30 lights for
1 50W PAR 38 or
50W R-40. outdoor use.
P 5643-31 Black Heat and
P 5643-20 Bronze finish shatter-
P 5643'30 White resislant
clear tem-
pered ens.
Black trim. \
6'/ dia. -
P 8797 for P 5644 square
P 8798 Jor P 5642 cyljnder


150W r-'--
Mount flush on ceiling or hang
with accessory pendant kit. 6" L__
square, 12l/ ht. one E bulb,75W
PAR 38, 75W R-30,75W ER-30,
1 50W PAR-38 or
P 5743-30 White
50W R-40 L---i sections and
P 5743-20 Bronze finish I
P 5743-31 Black I


Firtu,es on these pages are lJnderwriters' Labaralories lisled for damp lacations pruqresiltqhttl|tqt
Architectural outdoor lighting
Clean-lined, rectangulars make the conternporary statement.
Select black or bronze flnishes on rust free aluminum.
Virtually shatterproof polycarbonate dlffusers. Addit onal
selection of contemporary outdoor lanterns on page 72.

P 5678-31 Black
p 5678-20 Bronze
Two-sided wall bracket. Width 57a /
x 5'L" , 1t.123/"'t , exlelds 8Y8't.
L amp: One 100W A- 19.

P 5276-20 Bronze
Ground down ight for walks drives
or landscaped areas. Threaded
7r ' l.P. fitting. Wjdth51h" x121/+"
hL 41/att, overc I ht. 10 287a ". Lamp:
Ofe 100W A 19.

P 5476-20 Bronze
P 5476-31 B ack
Post lantern with cast fitter. Mounts on afy
3'/ post. Post must be ordered separately
(see paqe 82 for complete selection of
posts). Width 87, " x qtt , hl. 141/2tt . Lamp
One 150W A-21 .

P 5277-20 Btanze
P 5277-31 Black
Two-sided vertical ground light.
lf desired, apply adhesive backed vinyl

HH letters (noi included) to use as "in" and

"out" signs. Threaded /r// l.P. fitling.
Widlh 51h t' x51/q " , ht. 12 7a /i, overall ht.
to 36'/. Lamp; One 100W A 1 L

@ listed for damp tocations pIoqrcsS[!qhttlillt

"Non-destructibles, Incandescent & Fluorescent
Virtually shatterproof, lncandescent and iluorescent They feature: tamper resistant Al enhead screws;
fixtures for areas of heavy, rough usage or where moisture-proof neoprene gasketi a ref iective white

o' i.T"';/ ;s :ff ':: :J i;: i::";:; l"'

ou'1 (P 7383 ror steel socket pan. Use in chi dren's rooms, garages,
doorways or outdoors as security lig hting. A so usefuI
for apartment bu ildings, locker rooms and pu blic areas
Dilfusers of hi-impact poiycarbonate are made to stand
up to bats, balls, hammers. They can take itl ln commercial insta atlons.

P 5791-68
I P 5791-60

o' i

P 5792-68

P 7383

P 5691-68
P 5691-60

P 5691-68 clear prismatic dilluser P 5792-68 Clear prismal c diliuser

P 5691-60 White, rbbed difluser P 5792-60 White. ribbed diffuser
Rectangular lncandescent. Wall or Square lncandescent. Wall or ceiling
ceiling mount. 53/+" x 83/a" . hL 41/'t " . roount. 12" square, ht.5".
Lamp: 75W A Tg Lamps: Four 60W A 19
P 8600 Collar for conduit mounting P 8602 Collar for conduit mounting

P 5791-68 clear prismatic dilluser P 7383 C ear prismatic diffuser

P 5791-60 White, ribbed diffuser Fiuorescent. For lnterior use only on
Square lr ordescent. Wa lot "e I nq walls or ceilings. 97s tt square, ItL 43/a tt.
mount 97/s'l square, ht. 47a" P-rated rapid start ballast.
Lamp: 150W A-21 Lamp: 22W circjlne
P 8601 Collar for conduit mounting P 8601 Collar lor conduit mountinq

PI0qIesslirf lriltriq
Move lights
whereVou want
when yoLiwant
with lighting by Progress
your most flexible,versatile lighting system
lf you r lig hting needs are chang ing because you r fam ily This most versatlle system ets you put light whe re you
is g rowing (or g rowing up an d moving out), or if you want it, when you want it. You can swive and rotate
simp y like the idea of being able to add and move Trak 1 lights to aim them in any dlrection or them
iights to match your redecorating moods-then a anywhere along the track whenever you ike. That's
Progress Trak-1 lighting system isforyou. why track lightlng has become so popular.


Tr{ a 1
.l ,l

Decorate with Tiakl lighting
Enhance the beautiful colors and textures of
draperies, wood paneling, brick orfieldstone walls

o' with track lights. Be creative with dramatic

interplays of lights and shadows.
Bathe a wa I with lig ht to make a small room
appear more spaclous. N,4ake a large room more
intimate by keeping the general illumination low
and creating conversation areas with brlghter
circles of lig ht from the Trak-1 system.
Trak- 1 is ideal for displaying palntings, prints,
photographs and sculpture to their best advantage.
lMost art g alleries use track ijghtlng because ii is
so convenient when they change exhibits. You'll
appreciate it f or the same reasons-for putting
your artwork, wall decorations and indoor plants
in their best light.
When ii comes to decorating, Progress eads ihe
way again with a broad selectlon of styles and
finishes. You'll find them starting on page 170.
And, for the best of both worlds, you also can
install chandeliers, pendants and hanging
lamps from Trak-1.

Proper lighting
where you neecl it
Save energy with Trak-1 by concentrating the
liol'r vo- need where vou need il Ior worh. sludy.
\ p:ay and readi'r9. Foc-s oright. shadowless light
directly over work areas in your kitchen, home
workshop, on desks and game tables. Sewing is
one of the most difficult chores on the eyes.
You'llwant high wattage lamps concentrated
directly on the work. Pianos or other insiruments
should have two flood amps ajmed Jrom the
ceiling behind the player, 30 inches from right
and left of the music, to avoid shadow and glare.

Choose your t rack pattern

The electrified track can be mounted in an endless
variety of patterns on ceilings and walls-Irom a
single length to "L," "T,'.'cross and square
patterns depend ing on the areas you want lighted.
You also can use a cord and plLrg accessory where Ceiling
there is no ceiling outlet box. Trak-l seciions come Position
in twoJoot, 'four-foot and eightJoot lengths which for Track
join together easlly with Underwriters Laboratories
Here is your guide for
listed plug-in connectors that need no splicing, mounting track to light
no additlonal wiring. The Progress F ex connector vertical surfaces. lt's
(allcomponents are shown on pages 174 and 175) based on the average
lets you con nect the track at any an g le, from 5/ 6' eye level. For an B/
ceiling, track should
ceilings to walls, or even up and down the peak be mounted 1/ 6/'
of a cathedral ceilirg. Anotier convenience, a from the wall. To
Progress first, is that the power supply can be fed create dramatic
shadows on brick or
o) in anywhere along the track. lt has a 20 amp.
120 volt, 2400 watt capacity which is more than
you probably will need in your home.
stone walls, mounl the
track 6// from the wall.

The lighting experts in your Progress showroom

will be happy to help you select your Trak-1 system. proqrus$lt rllrrttlirq


A full selection of
Itog.esThak-l lights
in avarietv of
styles and finishes
Select the Trak-1 lighting styles you want and need-from the
small "Petite" lights to big-job display lights. Coordinate your
system in the finish you want-from basic black or white to
architectural bronze.



The small lampholders on this page, combined with low-profile
Trak-1 track (just 7s t/ high x 1 7s // wide) are ideal for close-to-
P 6241-20 Bronze finish. the-task lighting. Use them under shelves or cabinels, over
inletior. 2y2|| dia., 5" ht., 67s'l overalI ht. counters, in display cabinets, as desk lights or plant lights. Their
Uses 25W R-14 or 50W PAR-1 6 lamp. small size makes them inconspicuous or easy to conceal
P 6241-30 White when required.

P 6239-35 Wood grain finish. Miniature P 6290-20 Bronze finish. Petite round. P 6291-35 Wood grain finish. Miniature
square with matte black interior.2y2tt sq., 3Vz't dia.,51/ttt ht., 6yalr overall ht. contirental. 3t' dia.,5s/a" hl., 7" overall
stt hl., 61/s tt ove.all ht. On-off swilch. Uses 30W or 50W R-20 lamp. ht. Uses 30W or 50W R-20 lamp.
Uses 25W R- 14 or 50W PAF-16 lamp. P 6290-30 White P 6291-20 Bronze finish
P 6239-20 Bronze finish P 6291-30 White
P 6239-30 White P 6291-31 Black


P 6222-30 White. Black step baff le P 6223-11 Antlque brass finish. Black P 6224-30 White. Black step baff le
m,ninizes glate.3s/6tt dia., 6//e" hl.. step baffle minimizes glare. 5'/ dia.,87sl/ minimizes glare. 53/ttt dia.,9lan hl. 12lz
overall hl. 10%". Uses 30W or 50W ht., overall hL 117/a . Uses 75W R-30 lamp. overall ht. Uses 75W ER 30, 75W and 150W
R-20 lamp. P 6223-30 White PAR-38, 150W and 300W R-40 larnp.
P 6222-11 Antique brass finish P 6223-31 Black P 6224-31 Black


P 6294-30 White. N.4atte black interior. P 6295-31 Black. Nilatte black inlerior
dia.,53/att h1.,91/+tt overall hl. Uses
3s/ett 5" dia.,71A" ht.. 103/a'l overall ht. Uses interior.53/a" dia., I
30W R-20 or 50W R 20 lanp 75W R-30 larnp overall ht. Uses 150W R-40 lamp.
P 6294-20 Bronze finish P 6295-20 Bronze finlsh P 6296-31 Matte black
P 6294-31 Matte black P 6295-30 White

P 6293-31 Black. 1'1 .s-volt P 6164-31 Biack. Frarne P 6246 Wall washer. While P 6283-30 White. Shallow
accent light puis beam where you artwork with light. Four scoop-cut cylinder. Aluminum cylinder. 5'/ dia., Sla tt h1., 91/a "
want it, usrng less energy. Built-in adjustable shutters. reflector for efficient, even, overall ht. Uses 75W PAR-36.
transformer. 5t' dia., 7 V4 tt hl., 1 1 Adjustable focusing lens. vertical surface illumination. P 6283-31 Black
overall ht. Uses 12V lamp: PAR-36; 51/qtt dia., 1o1/at hL, 123/a 6tt dia., 10V2" hL, 133/+"
25W, 35W or 50W. overall ht. Uses 150W T-4 overall ht. Uses 150W R-40
P 6293-30 White rnini-can quartz lamp. FL lamp.
P 6164-30 White nroqrus$lltqtfirfrtlirq

P 6225-30 White 4//dia.,7" ht., P 6226-31 Black, Black step P 6227-30 White. Black step balJle.
91/2tt ove.all ht. Uses 30W or 50W R-20 baffle minimizes glare, 5// dia., 53/ttt dia.,111/2tt l'tl.131htt ovetall hl.
lamp. 10 h|.'121/a overall ht. Uses Uses 75W ER'30, 75Wi 150W PAR-38
P 6225-20 Bronze finish. 75W R-30 lamp, or 150W/300W R-40 lamp.
P 6226-20 Bronze finish P 6227-20 Bronze finish
P 6226-30 White P 6227-31 Black


P 6232-34 Walnut finish, satin aluminum trim. P 6287 Butcher block vinyl-
Black step baffle minirnizes glare. 37a /' sq., 7// finished square. 4// sq.,6%' ht., P 6233-30 All white. Black step baffle
ht., overall ht. to 10% /t. Uses 30W or 50W R-20 '10" overalJ ht. Uses 30W or 50W
minimizes glare. 43la/' sq., 9' ht., overall
Iamp. R-20 lamp. hl.121/+t. Uses 75W R-30 lamp.
P 6232-30 All white P 6233-34 Walnul wood f n,sh, sat l
aluminu m trim


P 6248 White. For wall

washing. lnstall in
troughs or behind
valance or iascia. Use
with light shield and
color filters (see page
'175) to transmit an even
wasi of color. 37+ "
P 6221 Chrome. l\lonospot, P 6249 White. For the bare dia., overall ht. 21h tt.
P 6220-15 Chrome. Optional light Adjustable socket for focusing bulb look. Does not tilt or Uses any medium
shield accepls color filters beam on small area. Stippled rctale.2 dia.,31/ztt hl., overall base lamp.
(page 175).ztt dia.,51/att hl., aluminum reflector. 67sl/ dia., ht. 472 //. Accepts all medium
8Y2tt overall ht. Uses any medium 8lz't hl,,1je/tatt overall ht. Uses base lamps. 100W G-40 or
base lamp from 30W to 300W. 100W A-21 silver bowl lamp. 60W G-30 lamp recommended.
P 6220-20 Bronze finish
P 6220-30 White proqrcs$lirlhttllru
P 6220-31 Black


o' I
P 6229-20 Bronze
ftnish. 53/att dia., 53/q
hL,71/4tt ovenll hl. P 6230-15 Chronre
Uses 30W or 50W finish. 7// dia., 7// ht.,
R-20 lamp. B1h" avetall ht. Uses 75W P 6231-30 White. 87al/ dia.,
P 6229-15 Chrome R-30 lamp. tt hL 93/att ove"all ht. Uses
finish P 6230-20 Bronze finish 150W to 300W R-40 lamp P 6284 Swivel-mounied
P 6229-30 White P 6230-30 White P 6231-15 Chrome finish chrome f nish sphere jnside a
see thru smoke acrylic hood.
7 x7t , B1/2" hl.,11Y2tt over
all ht. Uses 75W R-30 jarnp.


o' P 6236 Chrome finish with

conloured opal glass. Gives rnore
widely diffused illumination than
most track lights. 5%/' dia.,1A1/qtl P 6238-20 Bronze finish. Hi- P 6234 Antique brass finish. Library green
hL,113/tt overall ht. Uses 100W Tech "billboard" light styling. glass shade has while innerlining. 9// dia.,
A-19 lamp. White inner lining. 73/tn dia.,5 10tt hl.,121/att ave"all ht. Uses 100W
hl.,8Y2t' ovetall ht. Ljses 100W A-19 lamp.
A-19 lamp.
P 6238-30 White

P 6250-30 White. Display P 6251-31 Black. Display P 6245-31 Black. Display P 6258-31 Black. Tungsten-
llght. Clips for color filters. light. Color filter clips.7tt dia., iight. Color filter clips. 8Ysl' Halogen walJ washer for high level,
53/att dia., 71/q hl., 107/a 7Vz hl.,111/zt overall hl. dia.,81/a hl., 11%att overall uniform lighting of large vertical
overall ht. Uses 150W Uses 150W PAR-38/3 side h1. Uses 300W PAR-56 surfaces. 67e // W.,4't hl.,8tl
PAR-38/3 side prong spot prong spot or llood, 200W narrow, medium or wide overa I ht. Uses 100W, 150W, 250W
or flood lamp. PAR-46/3 narrow spot, beam larr] p. T4 quartz
P 6250-31 Black medium flood larnp. P 6245'30 White 'amp.
nq P 6251-30 White 0r0qrus$ffiqhilr'lqt
Here arc theTiald track &accessories
you need foryour installation ideas J.
You'll get ideas by checking these pages of Progress TRAK-1
track and accessories. Here is everything you need for a PLUG.IN CONNECTORS_NO WRING
Progress plug-in connectors make insiallation
Progress TFAK-1 quality lighting system. Track seciions in the much easier, much faster. Your electrician
finish you want. Plug-in connectors that need no wiring. Flex doesn't have to do any wiring to connect
con nector Io r special track designs-even wal to ceiling sections of trackl The connectors only plug in
connections. And more. one way to assure positive polarization and
Orounding. Just line up the visual guide slots in
A lighting expert ai your Progess showroom will help you the track and connectors. Straight connectors
plan your installation. Tell him (or her) what you want the sysiem fit completely inside the track. No additional
to do. She'll show you the components you need to do t-and space needed to slide track together.
she'll probably give you some additional good ghting ideas ln The Prooress flex connecror Dermits track
connect'iors at any angle, {rom ceiling to wall,
the bargain I
on uneven ceilings and even with parallel lengths
of track. Progress track and conneciors are
THREE lJnderwriters' Laboratories listed.
TRACK HOW TO ORDER: Progress "L" and "T"
FINISHES connectors come in inside and crossover
polariry versions. The inside polarity version
Black (-31) White (-30) Bronze (-20) takes care of nost installations. When
TRACK SECTIONS connect;ng only two pieces of track, either
Progress TFAK-1 track is available in white, bronze and black version w;ll do. See the sample layouts on page
'175. For more complex jobs draw a diagram
lin ishesto blend with or com plement you r d ecor. * Convenient
2', 4r and 8' starter track comes complete with the P 8730 power of the track layout and ask your Progress
feed, two P 8717 dead ends and mounting hardware. Eighl'foot Showroom expert for assistance.
joiner track is for extending runs and also comes complele
with mounting hardware. Progress TRAK-1 can be cut on tl-e job,
ifneeded. *(2'sectior available i't white ano bronze only.)
Easylomount Prog ress was the first manufactu rer to oifer the
installation convenience of power feed anywhere alongp'og'ess
the track!
Your electrician can insrall it more easiJy- and faster.
track moLnls d.rectly on walls or ceilings w'th supplied wood
screws or toggle bolts. For uneven ceilings or walls, use the Flex connector
supplied mounting brackets. lor any angle.
/-, Also for uneven
surfaces or walls-to-
2-loot slarter lrack ceiling connectjons.
P 6201-20 Bronze P 6201-30 White sya t' long-
24tt long, 11/stt wide,7/att deep. P 8736-30 White
P 8736-31 Black
4-loot slarter lrack Slraight Conneclor
P 6202-20 Bronze P 6202-30 White P 6202-31 Black -----8 il P 8720-30 white
48tt long,lYatt wide,1/att deep.

ldt "L" Connector

8-foot slarter track
P 6203-20 Bronze P 6203-30 Whiie P 6203-31 Black
Crossover polarity
P 8721-9030 White
P 8721-9031 Black
96r' long, 1 78 /' wide
,1/Btt deep. lo ll
lnside polarity
P 8721-9130 White
8-loot ioiner track lor exlending runs. _............1-T|-- P 8721-9131 Black
P 6204-20 Bronze P 6204-30 White -- P 6204-31 Black J l@l@l 1._--k+ "T" Connector
96// long, 1 Ys " wide ,1/stt deep. Crossover polarity
P 8722-9030 White
Idl P 8722-9031 Black
Inside polarity
P 8722-9130 White
The power feed is included with ldtl P 8722-9131 Black
starter track seclions. You can
order ii separately to convert joiner lr rL Cross Connector
track lo starter track. le
r- P 8723-30 White
P 8730-30 White P 8723-31 Black
P 8730-31 Black

174 Pruqrus$ltqhttllq
Canopy Kit jR\,
whire .e'
.- \ E^, (E)t
P 87s2-30
P 8752-31 Black bi'""a [ ^ "]l
More Data
Outlet box nountirg Ceitings W")
o- plate & cover
Dead End '*
p 8770 4, slotted
i'uiLiXoi ''"""" i'liii'f-ff'fffi,!'"n
t"' lor Commercial
eno fSqf
croses open p s771 ae2 P 8724-31 Black lnstallations
p8717-30 white
lltr i,rd',i'iringcripsltz
;.:,: ;;;;'_;;i;trac- 5:^:,:'jlllr?j:rli?j.^l"_ti".
P 8717-31 Black iio".'a t.u"*. Yi?;""i:"J:.1;i,%%"jft?:ii,
switch. 1000W capacity (600w

ii;E:X",lii",'i, ,*
in anywhere -
i.t"t"tJ";.:; o'
ii'jii:"r.iiii "'
"* '"nr

arong track. iirtri"" ioi

dJ I e One-Lighr

Grenlield/Bx d-\.yf
End connector .*
._=,-, l;nl*';.""zAd!\ <Z\.\Z\liJ
,/ p Btg4
pendant Kits to hano \,/ Mounts one
P 8746-30 Wh:te 1ack6",12t, ot 1B't" TRAK-1 light on
!End8746-31. Black ceitinq. r.\ ceiting o-r wa
leed cl-assis p gZtg-aO"Wnite ,,/ \\ oullet box.
''*: ( ,/
pg7sl 16 P 8713-31 Black Dia.

6 iliill'giili"',
qr* .

Portable unit with

Architects, designers
f'4ounts on track sections.
finish. JJ;",4t!-rj
iJp-pii""" J
whire reeo " ?3,1".?t$;fi1?
and other lighting
p g789 P 8715-30 white flexi.ble uplightlng specif iers may require
Track Pliers. P 8715-31 Black using any lamp- more information for
Required when track is For "1", "T" and holder on floor or
track lighting in stores,
cut bn job. cross junctions table
off ices, restaurants and
components Qty. cat.No. LIGHT SHIELD' installations. They may
4/ Starter Track 1 P 6202*
For P 6220 and P 6248 want more detailed
-- :^:'::::1,|*" .: :::::"
Kit 1 ramphorders
TRAK-1 specifications,
canopv | 919?* A o"."p,. cotorfitters.
4, Starter Track I p 6202* tw__l p OT54-20 gronze layout guides for more
r?: 8' Joiner Track 1 P6204+ l:l finish complex track
- canopy Kit 1 P 8752* \ _-/ tP 9ZI1-30 whjte
Straight Connector 1 P 8720* 8754'31 Black conf igurations or
-:- ^:::-
with 75W R-30 lamp. photometric data. They
8r::ilLTi;xT ;;;;;;;"'".'""

-F-\- l1 1i"g;5X"., I FSlii;.'- \X f S#:Sg $:ln

may want to consider the
3-circu it Prog ress
TRAK-3 system. They'll
i 'P;i6i-
wrth-R-ao or PAR-38
i4i""i'"ii'""r, ramp f ind what they're looking

.=_ \ Ftex connectors 2

2 P 6204*
8736*P for in the Progress
COLOR FILTERS. Lig hting Commercial
tr 8'StarterTrack 1 P 6203'* Use with p 8772 tight shields, Catalog. We suggest
8/Joiner Tracks 2 P6204* P6250or P 6251.43/o, dia.
canopy Kit 1 P 8752* P 8783-61 Medium Amber they ask their Prog ress
: "T" connector 1 P 8722-91* P 8783-67 Medium Blue
rrack Dead End 1 p atlt*
Lighting d istributor for a
]l F Bl$l:l? Fi"rl copy and d iscuss their
ti t;;T;;i;:il. i1 t;ffi. tglEl-ttP,lYlil:-BI'""^^^
P 8783-7e Medium Green lighting needs with the
:# Progress distributor's

| Kit 8752*
canoov P For use with P 6245 65/ra't dia
lighting experts.
;;;:;::;ffi" I Bsl?rr
ol 8/Starter Track
B,Joiner Tracks
Canopy Kit
1 P 6203*
3 p 6204*
1 P 8752*
P 8784-77 Pink
p g7g4-79 Daytite Btue
P 8784-79 N'4edium Green Subsrdrarv oi Waller K dde & Comoanv nc
"L" Connectors 3 P8721-91* KIIX'E
*For lin sh desired add 2-digil suifix shown with con'rponent descr ption.

f, rzs
...58 TC4109...16
Index P
3010 , , 133 P 3171 . .120
3011 . .133 TC 3172 ...54
P 3012 . .133 TC3173...56
P 30'13 , .134 P3175...54
P 3346 . .125
P 3348 . .125
P3694..118 P 4000
P 3695 . ..49
P 3702 . .121
P 3705 . .124
P 4111 . .104
P 4112 . .103
P 4247 . . .35
P 4251 .. .91
"TC" nurnbers
are from the P3014...55 P 3176 . .120 P3408..123 P3706..'111 P4114...93 rc4253...26
Progress P 3015 . .133 P 3177 . .129 P 3410 . .123 P 3717 . .119 15...16
TC 41 P4254...93
Town & P3016...55 P 3179 . .129 P 3442 . .124 P3718..119 P4116..104 P4256....5
Country P 3019 . .134 P3180..130 P 3506 . .125 P 3720 . .111 P41 18....6 P4260...96
Collection. P3024..133 P 3181 ..129 P3508..i25 P 3721 . .111 P41 19....6 P 4261 . .101
P 3027 . .131 P 3182 . .129 P3510..125 P 3723 . .123 P 4122 . .103 P 4262 . .101
Number Page
P1.....156 P3028..129 P3185.,131 P 3512 . .122 P3726.. 23 P41 TC4265...24
P2.....156 P3029..129 P3186...59 P 3516 . .125 P 3727 .. P4 P4270...93
P6 .....152 P3030..134 P3187..128 P 3518 . .125
P3728.. 29 P4015,..96 P4 rc4274...17
P7 .....152 P 3033 . , 134 P 3188 . .128 P 3520 . .125 P3736.. P4275...95
P8.....152 P 3036 . . 134 TC3190...54 P 3522 . .110 P 3746 .. 23 TC4016...15 P4 P 4277 ...95
3037 . .130 TC 3191 . ..54 P 4017 ...41 TC4 P4283 ...35
P 9 . . . . .156 P P 3524 . .125 P3752..
P10....158 P 3038 . .130 P3194..134 P 3525 . .125 P3753.. 23 P4018...96 P4 rc4284...29
P11 ....159 P 3042 , .133 P3195..134 P 3526 . .125 P3754.. P 4021 . .109
22 rc4 TC 4285 ...28
P12....160 P3043..133 P 3198 . .133 P 3527 . .125 P3755.. 24 rc4022...15 P4 TC4286...28
P14....161 P3044..133 P3200..111 P 3528 . .125 P3756.. 23 TC4023....3 P4 TC 4287 ...29
P 4024 . .109
P 107 . . .152 P3045..130 P3201 ..111 P 3529 . .125 P3757.. 12'l rc4025...25
P4 47 ..104 TC4288...28
P3046 ..130 P3202 ..106 P 3602 . .121 P3758 -. 119 P4 49 ...89 TC4289...29
P3051 . ..59 P 3203 . .124 P3603 ..123 P3759.. 119 P 4027 . . .88 P4 50....7
P4026..'109 TC4 P4293...97
P 2000
P3052 ...34 P3204 ..130 P3604..111 P3764.. 122 P4029 ...98 P4 53...89 54 . .103
P 4295 . .104
P3054 .,.58 P3206..125 P 3605 . .124 P3765.. 119 rc4031 ....5
P 2905 115 P3055..128 P3207..131 TC 3608 . ..46 P4 55...89 P 4297 . .100
P 2906 115 P3056.,128 P 3208 . .125 P 3609 , .121 P 3767 .. 09 P4032...88 P4 56 ...88 TC4298...17

7C 2907 P3060..133 P 3210 . .125 P3610.,118 4033 . .107

P3768.. 104 PP4035..107 57 ...98 TC4301 ....6
TC 2908 P3061 ..133 P 3212 . .125 P3613..119 P3771 .. 129 P4 58...94 TC4302,..35
TC 2909 .5'1 P3062..133 P 3214 . .125 P 3614 . .121 P3776 .. 122 P 4036 .. ...41
107 P4 59 ...89 P4305...97
TC 2910 .51 P 4037
P 2911 126 P3064..134 P3218...54 P 3615 . .123 P3777 .. TC4038...13 P4 60 ...84 P4306...19
P 2912 126 P3065..133 P 3220 . .110 P4 61 ...95 P 4307 ...19
P 3619 . .119 P3785.. 118 P4043 ..105 P4 62...90 P4310...41
P 2913 P3070..129 P 3221 . .110 P3620..118 P3790.. 122
P 2914 P 3A71 . .129 P 3222 . .111 TC3621 ...49 P3791 ..
rc4045...15 TC4 63...45 P 4311 . . .41
P 3073 . . 133 P 3223 . .111 P 3622 . .102 P3793.. rc4047...18 rc4 65 . ...7 P4312...41
TC 2915 . . .53 P 3074 . .120 P 3224 . .122 P4049..105 P4 66..,16 rc4320...21
P3626..102 P 3797 .. 111 TC4050...18 P4 68 . ..95 TC 4321 ...20
TC 2916 . . .53 P3075..133 P 3225 . .122 P3629..118 P3801 .. .35 TC 4051 . ..13 P4 69 . ,.92 P 4324 . .104
TC 2917 .. .59 P3076 ...55 P 3226 . .107 P3630...49 P3802.. .36 P4053...26 P4 70..,93 P4325 ..109
TC 2918 . . .59 P 3080 . .134 P3228 ..111 P 3631 49, 57 P3805.. .31 rc 4054 ...12 P4 72...92 P 4326 . .120
P 2919 . . 115 P3081 ..134 P 3229 . .111 P3635...47 P3810.. .97 P4055...26 C,
P2920.. tt5 P4 73 .. .41 P 4328 . .120
P 2921 .. 126 P3083..134 P 3230 . .1'1 1
P3638..121 P 3813 134
TC4056...12 P4 74...85 P4332 ...86
P2922.. 126 P 3084
. .128 P 3234 . .106 P 3639 . .121 P 38'17 134 P4058..105 P4 75 .. .36 P4333 ,..90
P2923.. .52 P 3085
. .131 P3235..110 TC3640...45 P 3819 ..6 P4059....4 P4 76...87 P 4334 .. .90
P2924.. .52 P 3086
. .131 P3236..110 TC3641 ...45 P 3821 .30 TC4060....4 P4 77...36 P4335...90
P 3087
. .128 P3237 ..109 TC3642...45 P 3822 .30 TC4061 ....4 P4 78 ...94 P4341 ...36
P2925.. 127 TC 3088
. ..56 P3238..106 TC 3648 . . .46 TC 3823 79...87 P4352...99
P2926.. 127 TC 3089 . . .56 P 3239 . .106 TC 3649 . ..46 TC4062...13
P 3830 '1
00 TC4064 ...18 P4 81 . ..94 P 4356 . .105
P 2927 .. 127 P 3104 . .131 P 3241 . . .49 .98 P4065 ...96 P4 82...92 tu 4Jo I ..,2,,
P2928.. 127 P3106...58 P 3242 . .106
P3650...48 P 3832
P2929.. .89 P3108...57 P3245..111
P3652...48 P 3835 TC4066....7 P4 83 ...91 P4365 ...91
P3653...48 P 3841 .37 TC 4068 . .. .9
P2930.. .97 P 4185 ...96 P4368...88
.60 P 3109 . . .57 P3246..111 TC4069....9 TC4188...22 tv 4Jt z , , , z,)
P 3855 ..
P2936.. .60 P3110...57 3247 . .111 TC3654...48
P3656...48 P3857 .. 98 P 4071 ...40 TC4197.,.18 P4373...31
P 2937 .. .60 rc3112 . ..57 P 3251 . .121
TC3657...46 P3860.. 96 TC4073....9 P4199...84 P4374...31
P3113...57 P 3252 . .106
P3865.. .7 TC4078...15 TC4200...27 P4375...31
P3115..131 P3254...58 P3660...48
P3661 ..121 P3B6B,. 88 P4079 ..103 P4201 ...85 P 4376 .. .30
TC 2939 , . ,61 P 3121 . .132
P 2941 .. |,72 P 3122 . .132
P 3255 . .122
P3256..107 P 3662 . .121 P3875.. Jt) P 4080 . . .40 P4203 ...36 P4379...90
P2942.. 132 P 3258 . .108 P3664..120 TC 3BB3 . 13 .
P4083...91 TC4204...25
P4205...31 TC4390..,30
P2943.. 132 P3124...61 P3665..119 P3892.. 34 P4084...99
P2944.. 132 P3125...61
P 3259 . . 107
P3260...55 P3666..102 P3893.. 34 P 4087 . . .88 P4206 ...85 P4392...25
P2945.. 132 P3667..123 TC 3896 . . .5 TC4088...10 P 4401 . .124
P2946.. 132 P3 26...61 P 3261 . .107 TC4089...10 P 4402 . .124
P 2947 .. IJJ P3 P3262...55 P 3673 . .120 P3897.. .18 P 4403 . .124
P 2948 .. 133 P3 28 ...61 P3264 ..110 P 3676 . .122 TC 3907 . . .52 P4090...40 P 4406 . .124
P2949 .. .30 P3 29...61 P3265...42 P 3678 . .122 TC 3909 . .51 TC4094...10
P2950.. .30 P3 30 ...61 P 3271 . .108 TC3680...47 P3911 .. 126 rc4095...11 P 4416 . .124
TC 2960 . . .21 P3 31 ...61 rJztz..tao TC3681 ...47 P3913 .. .53 TC4096....5 P 4419 . .110
P3 40...56 P3274...55 TC3682,..13 TC 3915 . . .53 TC4098 ...11 P 4433 . .'108
44...54 P 3279 . .108 TC3683...13 TC3917.. .59 TC4099...11 P4436..,93
P 3000 P3 59 . .'l29 P 3280 . .106 rc 3684 ...47 P3919.. 128 P 4101 . .109 P 4447 . .124
P 3000 .56 P3 60 . ..55 P 3281 . .12'l P 3685 . .118 ..
P3921 126 TC4102...24
P 3002 .56 TC3689...12 P3923 .. .52 TA4103...22 TC4233...33 P 4448 . .124
P 3003 .56 P31 61 ...55 P3284 . .'108 TC4104...23 P4236 ...98 P 4449 . .124 G
P 3005 '131 P 31 64 ...55 P 3285 . .108 P 3690 . . .49 P 3925 . .127 P 4238 . .108 P 4451 . .124
P 3007 131 P 31 u/ . . I.tJ P3286..,59 P3691 ...49 P 3927 . .127 rc4105...22 P4239..108 P4465...42
P 3008 '133 P 31 68.,133 P3296...58 ..49
TC 3692 . P3941 ..115 P 4107 . .103 P4242...97 P4468...43
P 3009 P31 70 . .120 P3297...58 P3693...47 P3942..115 P4108...37 P4244...97 P4470...43
Specifical ons sublect lo change w lhoul nolice. llleta lixtures not spec i ed as soid have quality pai.ted or plated Jil] shes

P5023..103 TC5492...64 P 5666 . .142 P 6014 . . 62 P 6456 . .155 P6921 .. 54 P 7373 . .136
TC5025...39 P5503...80 P 5667 . .142 P6015.. 62 P6600..158 P6922.. 54 P 7379 . .135
TC5026...39 P5504...80 P 5668 . .142 P 6016 . . 62 P 6601 . .158 P6939.. 54 P 7380 . .135
TC 5027 . . .39 P 5507 ...74 P5669...70 P 6017 . . 62 P 6602 . .158 P6940.. 54 P 7383 . 136,
TC 5028 . . .39 P 551A . .147 P 5670 . .146 P6422.. 62 P 6603 . . 158 P6952.. 54 167
rc5029...39 P 5511 ..147 P5671 ...75 P6023.. 63 P 6604 . .158 P6976.. 53 P 7384 . .136
P 4522 . .104 TC5030...41 P 5512 . .147 P5672...70 P6024.. 63 P 6606 . . 160 P6978.. 53 P 7389 . ,135
P4540.._92 TC5031 ...17 P5545...72 P 5677 .. .74 P6030.. 63 P 6608 . . 160 P6990.. 54 P 7392 . .136
P4543...34 P5032...43 u 5f5J ..Utl P 5678 . .166 P6031 .. 63 P6610..160 P6994.. 54 P7393..135
P4544...34 TC5033...43 TC5554...67 TC 5682 . ..65 P6032.. 63 P6611 . .160 P 7397 . .136
P 4545 P5034...43 P5559...76 P5685...65 P 6033 . .163 P 6613 . . 60 P 7000 P 7398 . .136
P 4546 P 5036 . .102 P 5566 . . 142 P5686...65 P 6034 . . 163 P 6614 . . 5B P7000.. 37 P 7451 . .137
P 4565 TC5037...40 P 5568 . .142 P5688...75 P 6035 . .163 P 6615 .. P7A02.. 37 P 7456 . .137
P 4567 P5038...87 P5580...80 P 5689 . .141 P6116..117 P6617.. 5B P7004.. 37
P 4578 TC5039...45 P5583...80 P 5691 .147, P 6117 ..117 P6620.. 53 P7005..
P 4586 TC5A4A...44 P5585...80 P6630.. 56 BULBS
167 P 6164 . .171 P7006.. 37
P4589.. TC 5A41 ...44 P5587...75 ...64
TC 5692 P 6241 . .174 P6631 .. 56 P 7A07 .. 37 P 7600 to
P 4590 P5201 . .148 P 5589 . .146 TC5693...64 P 6242 . .17 4 P6632.. 56 P7008.. P 7890 . .149
P 4593 P 52A2 . .148 P 5591 . . 144 P 5695 . .147 P 6203 . .174 P6640.. 56 P7009.. 37
P 4642 P 5203 . . 148 P 5597 . . 145 P 5696 . .147 P 6244 ..174 P6641 .. 56 P7012.. P 8000
P 4603 P5205.. 4B P 5598 . .145 P5719.,.78 P7013.. P 8600 . .167
P6224.. 72 P 6642 . .156
P 8601 . . 167
P 4644 P5206.. 4B P 5600 . .145 P5725...46 P 6221 .. 72 P 6652 . .152 P 7106 . . 135
P 460s P5247.. 4B P 5601 . . 145 P 5727 .144 P 8602 . .167
. P6222.. 71 P 6660 . .152 P7147 .. 135 P 86A7 . .152
P 4620 . P5208.. 4B P 5602 .141, P 5729 . .144 P6223.. 71 P 6661 . .152 P7108.. 138
4630 P5226.. 146 .145 P 8610 . .157
P . 4B P 5735 . P 6224 .. 71 P 6662 . .152 P7109.. 138 P861 1 ..117
P 4643 P5228.. 4B P 5603 . .140 P 5741 . .164 P6225.. 72 P 6664 ..153 P7111 .. 138 P 8612 . .117
P 4644 P5230.. 4B P 5604 . .145 P 5743 . .165 P6226.. 72 P 6666 . .152 P7112.. 138 P8613..t'17
P 4645 4B P5605...68 P5769...70 P6227.. 72 P 6667 _ .152 P7113.. 139 P 8614 ..117
P 4646 P5276.. 66 P5606...68 P 5772 . ..74 P6229_. 73 P 6671 .. t)J P7114.. 139 P 8615 . ,117
P 4648 P5277.. 66 P56A7...74 P5783...65 P6230.. 73 P 6672 . 153 P 7115 . . 139 P 8619 . .163
P4651 .. P 5300 82 P5608...68 P 5784 . .140 P7116.. 135
P 6231 . .173 P8700.. 55
P4653.. P 5301 82 P5609...75 P 5791 . .167 P 6232 . .172 P 6673 .. ]JJ P 7117 . .1135 P8703.. 65
P4655.. P 5303 82 P5610...75 P 5792 . .167 P 6233 . .172 P 6674 ..153 P 7118 . .1138 P8710.. 65
P4660.. P 5304 82 P561 1...76 P 5795 . .147 P 6234 . .173 P 6675 . .152 P7119..1138 P 8711 . . 65
P4661 .. P 5310 82 P 5612 . . .76 TC5802...63 P 6236 . .173 P 6676 P 7120 ..1138 P 8713 .. 75
P4662.. P 531 1 82 TC 5613 . . .63 TC5803...63 P 6238 . . 173 153 P 7121 . .1138 P8714.. 75
P4667.. P 5391 43 TC 5614 . . .63 TC5804...71 P 6239 . .170 P 6678 .152, P 7122 . .1138 P8715.. 75
P4670.. 43 TC 5615 ...65 TC5805...71

P 5392 P 6241 . .170 153 P 7134 . .1'135 P 8716 . . 54
P4672.. P 5403 7B P5616..147 P 5807 ...71 P 6245 . .173 P 6679 ..153 P 7135 . .1 P 8717 .. 75
P4682.. rc 5404 71 P 5617 ..147 P5808...71 P 6246 . .171 P 6680 . .156 P 7136 . .l138 P 8718 ..
P 4684 ..114 P5447...74 P5619..140 P5810.. 144 P 7137 . .1'I3B
P 6248 . .172 P 6681 . .156 P 8719 . .153
P 4691 . .112 P5408...77 P 5621 . . .75 P5811 .. 140 P 6249 . .172 P 6682 . .152 P 71 38.. 138 P 872A . .174
P4693..114 P5409...79 P5622...74 P 5812 . . 141 P 6250 . .173 P 6683 . .152 P 8721 . .174
P 4695 . .114 t/541J .OJ P 5623 . .146 P5814.. 143 P6684..152 P7
P 6251 ..173 P7 40.. 138 P 8722 . .174
P 4745 . .112 P 5414 . .143 P5625...73 P5815.. 143 P 6258 . . 173 P 6686 . .159 P 8723 . .174
P 4713 . .114 P5416..143 P5626...73 P5816.. 143 P7 50.. 139
P 6263 . .115 P 6687 . .159 P7 51 . . 139 P 8724 . .175
P 4715 . .114 P5426...73 P 5627 . .146 P5817.. 143 P 6264 . .115 P 6688 . 158 P8725...82
P 4742 . .114 P5436...73 P5629..146 P5B1B,, '143
P7 52.. 139
P 6268 . .115 P 6689 . . 159 P7 53.. 139 PA726...82
P 4744 . .114 P5445_..72 P 5630 . . 146 P 5819 . . 143 P6269..115 P 6690 . .159
P 4BAO . ..42 P5446...73 P5632...78 P5846.. .68 P7 54.. roo P 8727 . .175
P 6283 P 6691 . .159 P7 55 .. P 8730 ..174
P 4BO1 ..112 P 5447 ...68 P5635...73 P 5848 P 6284 . .173 P6692.. 158 P7 60.. 139 P 8734 . .175
P 4802 ..119 P 5448 . . .68 P5636...73 TC 5850 P 6287 . .172 P6694.. 159 P 8735 . .61,
P 4804 . .108 P 5449 . .140 P 5637 . .141 P 5852 P 6290 . . 170 P6696.. 156 P7161 ..1 132
P 4805 . .109 TC5450...69 TC5638...66 P 5875 P 6291 . .170 P6714.. 159 P7162 .. 1 P 8736 . .174
TC 4820 ...21 TC5451 ...69 TC5639...67 P 6293 . . 171 P6715.. '1 59 P7164.. 'l
rc 4821 ...20 TC5453...66 P 5640 . . 146 P SBBO P 6294 . .171 P6716.. 158 P7165.. 1
P 87 41 . .165
P 4855 . .114 TC5454 ...67 P 5641 . .164 P 5BB1 , P 6295 . .171 P6717.. 159 P 7166 . . 1 39
P 87 42 . .175
P 4886 . .114 P5455...78 P 5642 . .164 P5BB4.. P 6296 . .171 P6718.. 159 P 7183 .. 1 38
P7186.. 1 3B P8745...61
P 4BB7 114 P 5456 .. .80 P 5643 . . 165 P 5BB5 P 6300 . .117 P6724.. 160 P 8746 . .175
P 4932 ..113 P5459...76 P5644..165 P 5948 P6301 ..117 P6725.. 160 P7193.. 1 38 P 87 41 . .175
P7196.. 1 38
P 4934 113 rc5460...81 P 5645 72 P 5958 P 6303 . .1 17 P6727.. 160 P721A.. 1 55 P 4748 82
P 4942 . .114 TC5461 ...81 P 5646 72 P6304..1 17 P6736.. 160 P8750...82
P 4944 . .114 . TC5462...81 P 5647 . .146 P 5960 P 6305 . .1 17 P6741 .. 161 P 8751 . .175
P 4961 . .114 P 5468 . .142 P5648...78 P 5962 P 6412 . .1 55 P6751 .. 161 P 8752 ..175
P 4962 . .114 P 5469 . .142 P 5652 . . 141 : P 6413 . .1 55 P 6816 . . 161 P 8754 . .175
P 4963 . .114 P 5471 .. .70 TC 5653 . ..66 P 6414 . .1 55 P6817.. 161 P 8755 61
P 5964
P 4964 . .114 P5472...70 TC 5654 . . .67 P 5965 P6415..1 55 P6818.. 161 P 8756 . . 138
P 4965 ..114 P 5475 . .144 P5655..142 P6416..1 55 P6819.. 161 P 8766 . .138
P 4976 . .114 P 5966 .
P 5476 . .166 P5656...80 P 5967 . P 6424 . .1 55 P6912.. 154 P 8770 . .175
P 5478 . .144 P 5658 . . .79 P 6426 . .1 55 P6913 .. 147 P 8771 . .175
P 5969
P 5000 P 5481 . .144 P 5659 P 5974 P 6434 55 P6915..154 P 8772 . .175
P 5000 . .105 P 5482 ..144 P 5661 ...77 P 6436 55 P 6916 . .154 P B7B3 . .175
P 5015 . .105 P 5487 . . .75 P 5662 ...77 P 6452 55 P6917..154 P 87A4 . .175
P 50'19 ...40 P 5490 . 140, P 5663 ...77 P 6000 P 6453 55 P6918..154 P 7370 . .136 P 8789 . .175
P 5020 ...42 145 P 5664 . .76 P 6A12 . .162 P 6454 55 P 6919 . .154 P 7371 . .136 P 8797 . .165
P 5022 . .102 P 5491 . .144 P 5665 ...79t P6013..162 P 6455 55 P 6920 . .154l P 7372 . .136 P 8798 . . 165
llusnat ons may va.y sliqhtly irom ac1!al I nishes. Brrb o 'r. roed rr.r ' ..e. 11,-.sspe..(-d


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