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w 4, Moat = = ThisisHybrid att research group AURORA FERNANDEZ PER JAVIER MOZAS. -IAVIER ARPA, | aosgser CAE, | prom 2o{t-12| ! “Tule Tle This is Hybrid ‘Subtle Subtle ‘An analy of mixeduze builings by aft Prologue by Steven Hall ThisisIndex ISBN 978-84-614-6452.4 INDICE DE CONTENIDOS Autores Authors Maquetscény prockcci Layout and production Ricardo Unquora Delis Argote \Goordnacén Coordination dois Esteban CCamunicacény preres Communication and Press Pari Gala bed Buldings STN AL ene INDICE De ARGUTECTOS ARCHITECTS INDEX * “Tiacuecio inglés Faalition nt Englah vey “Thine Hybrid aver ana. i. "eooough, Ken Mortimer me Hybrid vereus Social Condenser aon ren Fm a“ Ponds Cover INDICE DE PROYECTOS PROJECTS INDEX ‘ Ax. Olero ‘eral. futuro del raacocieos Verio. The future of skyscraper Hs Saks. aA. 88 (CREDITOS CREDITS INDEX ™ Publicado por Edited by et areitocture publahers General Alava 15, 2° E-01005. Vitorie-Gastez. Spain worm aplustnet INVENTARTO 199 nnnnns DOREEIE, a Se ARG, npr Petng icone wear Vor Sst 201 sn Cane, FR Nant Rove. Neate, Biotec, -Fecne, ‘© Eid Edition: ott orehitecture publishers © Obras, ius y fotos: sus autores Projects, articles ad photographs: thle authors ‘cece pain kh maf he wo ease bn ‘eestor neuongterhar ers cacy oon ona ering at Hybrid Buildings Qué fuerzes, propias del siglo XX, impone la combinacién de! programa sobre la forma arquitecténica? La concentracion de muchas actividades sociales dilatan y alabean el tipo edificatorio puro. Sifueran exeminadas bajo las preocupaciones tedricas actuales, algunas asociaciones de formas, ebendonades anteriormerte, serian acopladas ala ciudad modema para generar edificios que podrianerigtse como una anti tipologia. Las estructuras recopilades aqui son Edificio hibridosrespecto al uso; funciones ediicatorias mezcladas; usos dispares combinados ‘Aunque existen ejemplos de funciones edificatorias combinadas a lo largo de lahistora (a vivienda encima del comercio ha dominado muchas épocas y clturas), los edificios hibridos se desarrollaron més répidamente enel siglo XX La ciudad modema a actuado como fertlizante en el desarcolo de arquitecturas, desde lo homogéneo hasta lo heterogéneo ten términos de uso. Las densidades urbanasy la evolucin de las técicas cedifcatoras han inluido en la mezcla de funciones,apilando unas sobre otras y dessiando a los crticos que sostienen que un edifcio deberia oa i eg ‘parecer loque es! {Cuil es el potencial de los edifcios hibridos en el siglo XXI? Sin duds ‘alguna, la hiperurbanizacién de ciudades en China, como Shenzhen, Pekin y Chengdu puede actuar como incubador que cataliza tipos arquitecténicos nuevos y experimentales. Estas circunstancias urbanas provocan combinaciones heterodoxas e ideas especifces para lugares corcretos. En las primeras décadas del siglo XXL, China est ‘experimertando la migracién desde asentamientos rurales a urbanos mis radicel de la historia humana, Seiscientos millones de personas estén desplazéndose hacia asentamientos urbanos. Se necesitan nuevos tipos de edifcics, en vez de las enormes y anodinas promociones de viviendes sin equipamientos ni espacios piblicos. wm, oteven Holl “What pressures specific to the twentieth century does the combination of program impose on architectural form? Concentration (of many social activities within an architectural form distend and warp a pure building type. Certain previously neglected forms of associations have been wrenched together in the modern city so as to generate buildings which if exar i stand as an anti-typology, ined under current theoretical preoccupations. Building functions are mixed, disparate uses combined; structures collected here are ‘Hybrid Buldings’ with respect to use. Although there are ‘examples of combined function buildings throughout history (the house over the shop is prevalent in many ages and cultures), Hybrid Buildings developed most rapidly in the twentieth century. The modern city has acted as fertilizer for the growth of architectures from the homogeneous to the heterogeneous in regard to use. Urban densities and evolving building techniques have affected the mixing of functions, piling one atop another, defying critics who contend that a building should ‘look like what it is.""* In the 21* century, what is the potential of Hybrid Buildings? Certainly the hyper-urbanization of cities in China, such as Shenzhen, Beijing and Chengdu, can act as catalyst incubators for new and experimental architectural types. These urban circumstances provoke unorthodox ‘combinations and particular ideas related to specific places. In the first ‘decades of the 21" century, China is experiencing the most radical migration from rural to urban sites in human history. Six hundred million people are ir the process of moving into urban places. Instead ‘of developers building huge, bland apartment buildings without service programs or public space, new building types are needed. tynid? i rietact Estos nuevos tipos hibridos pueden definir el espacio piblico. La porosidad urbana es un objetivo clave de los grandes edificios hibridos ppara conseguir lugares favorables a los peatones. Cada nuevo espacio ppblico formado por edificios hbridos contiene vivienda, trabajo, ocio y ‘actividades culturales. Estas nuevas zonas peatonales hacen innecesario cel automévil en la ciudad, Se convierten en nuevos ‘condensadores sociales’ para nuevas comunidades. Las secciones de los edifcios hibridos tienen prioridad sobre a planta Como urbanistas y arquitectos de densidades metropolitanas, debemos pensar primero en las secciones de los edificios, segiin sus cuslidades de asoleamiento y la dindmica del movimiento disgonal en la seccién, ‘A medids que la vide urbana moderna presenta multiples horizontes y puntos de fuga, vamos dejando atrés los antiguos condicionantes de la perspectiva linear (proyecciones desde la planta). El reto de la densidad ‘metropolitans del siglo XXI es ls consolidacién de la diagonal y le vertical ‘como nuavas experiencias espaciales. Los edificios hibridos permiten una arquitectura altamente sostenible cuando utilizan energia geotérmica y solar, recclaje del agua y vegetacién que produce microclimas. La liberted de invencién es un potencial especifico de los edifcios hiibridos. De ideas sin precedentes es de donde pueden surgir nuevas tipologias. De alguna manera, estos nuevos edificios podrian clarificar cardcter exclusive del lugar y la ciudad en donde surgen, En resumen, los edificios hibridos actuales poseen los siguientes potenciales: 4. Ineubados en las ciudades del siglo Xi 2. Conformacién del espacio piiblico 3. Yuxtaposiciones programaticas 4, Condesadores sociales de vivienda, trabajo, ocio y cultura, 5, Dindmica de la secci6n 6, Arquitectura altamente sostenible 7. Libertad para nuevos conceptos Todos estos aspectos caracterizan el verdadero camino de las tipologias hibridas hacia la creacién de nuevos espacios urbanos inspiradures y actives. ‘These new hybrid types can shape public space. Urban porosity is a key intention for large hybrid buildings withthe aim of pedestrian oriented urban places. Each new public space formed by hybrid buildings contains living, working, recreation ‘and cultural facities. These new pedestrian sectors eliminate the need for automobile transfer across the city. They become localized ‘social condensers’ for new communities Sections of Hybrid buildings take precedent over the planimetrc. ‘As urbanists and architects of metropolitan densities we must think first of building sections for the qualities of sunlight and the dynamics of diagonal sectionsl movement. The old conditions of linear perspective (from planimetric projections) disappear behind us as modern urban life presents multiple horizons and multiple vanishing points. The further affirmation of the diagonal and the vertical in new spatial experiance is the challenge of 21" century metropolitan density. Hybrid Buildings may be super green architecture utilizing geothermal and solar energy water recycling and micro climate vegetation. Freedom of invention is @ particular potential of hybrid buildings. Unprecedented ideas may drive the design of new building types. In certain ways, these new buildings might illuminate the unique character of the site and city they arise in, In summary, Hybrid Buildings today have the following potentials: 4. 21" century cities as incubators 2. Publie space formation 1. Programmatic juxtapositions 4 Living/working/racreating and cultural social condensers §, Dynamics of section 6. Super green architecture 7. Freedom of new concepts All these aspects characterize the positive path of Hybrid types. in the creation of inspiring and active new urban spaces. SH, January 4, 2011 esond? TheseareArchitects INDICE DE ARQUITECTOS ADEPT + MVRDY. Sky Vilage moet BIG, Scala Tower. ccrenucen. 0k ‘Claus en Kaan, Solid 18. suse 16 IEM2N Too) Areal. 2a + [FGP(a)- (Ferrer - Gazeau - Palla). Transformation of the Marcel Ssupin Stadium. wares 58 Herzog & de Meuron, St Jkob Tur. esse. cs ‘Maki Abalos, Renata Sentkiewice. Tou de Ls Chspelle.ranse Jean Nouvel. Tour Signal A, MVRDV. Market Hall sore ne. i Nieto Sobsjano Arquitectos. Never Augussnethof.numawicws. 08 OMA. Bryghusprojetter commwsaseh 0 Metaciy Renerdars, OTEEIDA Ni 111 Fe Steet. setsever us : De Rots doom, OTERO NL Dubai Renaissance, ou as i OMA, FAASXDGA. Transformation ofthe Entidt Macdonald. as. CR Arquitectes. The Ede. cua ae REX. Moxed:-Une Low2No. hese MusoumPlaza, ccusnies Steven Holl Architects Vonk Contre S=xaHn cx Lynkes Hybritacune. cn Sliced Pororty Block csensov, cx Tl ThisisHybrid aso rts La historia dels Wibidos comienzae finales dl siglo XX, cand la cad dene acnite JAVIER MOZAS como inevitable la superpasicién de funciones Es en elinterior dela metrépol donde nacen ‘stor orgniamos mintor syudado Kndomentalmente pete pede etaleeder dele conte dad. Su igen ests ene inremento desproporcionado de valor del suelo yen a igier de la tama urbana. Se pueden selecionar eemplos anteriores provrientes de la arqutecura bia, ode stuscionos traicionalsligadas con ifgestruturs, pero sors nls pragmica rmetrépoi nareamercans donde el ecco hibdo, davaranda is tpos vaccionles, vo 3 cortener en su interior tantasfuciones como sean rentables. edificio Nie guste, por tanto, de entornos dense yfecundos, everabls a neturslspacén de inasperadasat- vidas En 1916, se aprabé la Ocdenanza de Zonifcaién de Nueva York que regulabe los uso, le situa el volumen de os nuevesedicos. En ella se extablecélnincinacinapropiad del ‘ayo de uz solr hasta el ee de a calle Esta nea coins con le alicun de mini retran- on obligedos los rascacolos neoyorquins. Dade entonces, al volumen cdfcado se tena que reas excslonademente » medida que ascencla lo que planes nue \osretos compesitvos les aquitectos de aquela6pocs, educados todos en os exquemas ela Ecole des Beaux As. La criss de esto uve que ser notable porque se cambiaron lot ) valores esténcos de ls amos porlasimposicionespragmics de extructura yl econoia e la obra. El arqutecto se wo obligado # realaar una interpretacion itera de ae nuevas corlenanzas para traladaias al ecco y okdase de as traiciones del pasado, Los mation uacrados bien luminades patron a tener mas valor que una cara de esto Renacimionto francis cdadossmente du ‘The metropolitan hybrid ‘The history of hybrids begins tthe nd ofthe 19 century, whenthe dense city started to accept the overlapping of functions as inevitable. lt i inside the netropolies where the ried organisms aio, helped mainly by centrality’ power es acataye, originates with the elsproportionate increase ofthe price of lind andthe rig ofthe urban welt oth of there being the limitations thatthe ple impotos. Previous examples can be found, extn- ples based on clsscal architecture or tradtona stuatons inked oinfactructres butt Inthe pragmatic North American metropolis where the hybrid bulting housed any function ‘that could be profitable, devouring tractona types. The hybrid ling thus enjoys dense nd fruitful atmospheres, which favour the natural appearance of nexpected activites, In 1916, tho New York Zoning Resolution was approved. lt agulsted urs, height and vol- Lume ofthe new buildings. Ink the appropriate incnation of the sun's aye tothe centre ‘ofthe street was established. Thi ine coincided wit the abiqueof the minimum setback roquired of New York skyscrapers From that moment, the bul volume had to beast back ‘oom the street ata distance relative to its height, which erated now challenges fr a chitects ofthe period those educated in the ideas ofthe Ecole ces Bouux Arts. Tis syle crisis was comarkable, asthe aesthetic values of current tendances ware changed by the pragmatic requirements of building suucture and economy. The architect was requed to {ceetea literal interpretation ofthe new Resolutions to apply then tothe bung and for- ‘get traction ofthe pest. Well space bce more valuable thn an ntcately designed French renaissance cornice. i & £ i vested acts Con el Equitable y el Downtown, s¢ pone de manifesto a ceréter plenamente urbana del scale Hirde ial umpacte, pee age de le Gia le yeolucor ‘Sin embergo, lo iniioe de Ia merca de fueiones no fueron senclos. Tenia que tall conta los sogregovonists primero y cana los deensores de tipo despus, Lom primeros ‘vataben de deamambrar los usos en partes saperadesimpulados por pinipioshigienstas {= comprobe mis tarde que exta acttud produc la morte del arganisma por inanicn~ Los segundos, defensores da ipo ultra, se empafaban en mantener formas agocinos a funciones con ls mahal intencin de qu a tpologia tascendere a Spocasy estan como Une parastencie descamada, pero constant, \With the Equitable and the Oowntown Athletic the wtben character of the verti com pact hybrid bulging becomes clear, as It arses from the dense city and evolves with ft Nevertheless, starting to mix functions was not easy Fit, there was @batle aginst the segregationste and later agains type defenders. The segregationists ted to split up uses In separate parts, riven by hygienist principle. Later It was demonstrated tht this att tude would ood tothe death ofthe orgenizm by starvation Stauneh type defenders were determined to maintain forms associated to functions with the ev intention of typology/s transcendence of era and riven 2 persistence that wes brutal but constant Rockefeller Center | oe nls tie jnin te Wane te, tn he (ete nein iat ate ena, Tell. ‘Suc ogra oe eran len shge te meee, iit ieee alr on inpte bee on oe on carivn a Downtown Athletic Club ! : 4 f p i ay tf PF 1H i 1 f ee “msm re rmstyan La premonicién de Hood La depuracién del models hbrido e estaba producendo pola evolucién def tore mts 08 Fue necearo que 9 ateraraarigider de la tamsy que se deran combinacones gh peciones de manzenes para oar slucenes Nvidas havzantaes con mas posbiidades, Keathaas denomins esa inci, la premonicién de Hood: “Todos los hombres done {gecie de a cudad deben de haberse peratado deo ventajos que seria vivien el eficio ‘donde et inrnlds au ofcina. Hac est idea deere vintarse el trabajo dees empcesas de los arautectos™. Esto es, hacia la consrucién del edfi plurtuncionl hacia Is constuceién de una cided dentro de or cudas Raymond Hood, enlos ahs tein. 12, desorala a idea de combina ofenas, partamentcs, comeros hoteles ytetros en un ‘volumen masivo, de manera que toda la ctvidades david aia pueda tar gar en Un ico edifice, Esta ue un ides avanzada para una época, en la que Le Corbusier estaba tempeiado en ezquemas mucho mas igidor de volimenesexcltricar, que arancaban de Un table horizontal y despejedo, sin imitaciones especiales, ni ecandmias. La mitura del Ecifcio Unitaro de Hood antecede, por tanta, la mezcla de funcones del complejo bdo que aperecerd aos més tate ‘nmi Hood's premonition sme ute Blin, covering tee leh of sound space il hv aa indy treet me prs tee parse aarey thawte od aap abe tae yt ‘sry te aay the bln et. Sens Ue on he per lors” NOMI Mla a ta wtp tal 0 “The purification ofthe hybrid model was produced by the evolution of the multifunction tomer. twas necessary to alter the rly ofthe grid and to create bundle of blocks and combinations tobe able to take on horizontal hybrid solutions wth more possibtis. ‘Koolhaas called this intultion Hood's premonition: Every businessman inthe cy muet have realized what an advantage i wou be t ve inthe Buleing where his oie i located ‘ee toward thie ideal that real ertate firms and architects should wari This means the constretion ofthe multi-functional building, the bulding of City under a Single Root Reymond Hood, inthe 1930s, developed the ida of combining offices, apartments, bus nesses, hotels and theatres in a massive volume, ina way that ll ly atv can take place in one buicing, This was an advanced ides forth times, in which Le Corbusier nit- ‘don much more rigid eutines of seulpture-Kkebuldings, which arose from a tabula as, ‘rthout spall or economical lintation. The msture of Head's Unt uiing thus comes (etone the iin of fan fehl wennplen he movil peer poe te The Unit Building ict tT “aT La segregacién de funciones cate La canes Lp signs IEW fase La canoer ae ao ae ett esta satcn ee penne ploestets tu te ots ate gens 6 en aa Se refine Desputs desu vida @ Nueva Yok en 1935, Le Corbusier no cesé en sus wtias 2 la cluded amavcana La ratcaciels le parciern poco modemos, amontanados y opresivs pars beaten. Ensu libre Uibansme, publics una foto de Manhattan y otra des Crsad Contempo fies ides una llado de nov, intentanca cnttanonerdesordan con arden La sociedad que retendi Le Corbusier er la de un home nuevo, que dabia desarrollo su ‘enistenca en una uded nueva, una ciudad racianta para tre milange de patrons, en donde Is rexidencia, le indo, lar ones ye vareport ve despercigaben contol patones de ‘una mame iets, eda con derentes cisfas, per sia lgazén ene sl Lat amas medias ‘de Le Corbusier se pusieran en marcha par conmaciona al gran pblco Use sus props pullicsciones,corsuys paballones de muestra, seco a industiles ycovabul con pot ‘Sor Ung® a deciren a inauguracon del Pabalbn de FEsprit Noweau:“Mediante Is recone ‘eucciin de vests cudedes nes slvremos del caos",Tbln exobié an Vintansigeant “The segregation of functions Foie tosh pe of plang ToLston Fed by ate Broken hoes tg ‘Srrcipanaiag tothe Cope Factint of the tne’ stl rewen fo ne saseess Tee iS Greer! cern tn Daeg (Once he visited New York in 1935, Le Corbusier nave stopped crticking the American tly. He thought the skyscrapers were ol-ashioned,pledup and oppressive tothe pedestrian. nhs book, Urbanism, he publshed a picture of Manhattan and another of his ideal Contemporary City, one next to the other, looking to cmmpare order and disorder The society that Le Corbusier wished for wes thet of © ew man, who ent develop his existence ina new ety, a raclant cty for tree millon people, where residence, industry, offices and wansport were scattered as oneof the same pce, made of diferent fabrics but not inked directly among themselves. Le Corbusier's media weapons started out to shake Up the publ, He ueed his own publications bi rade far pavione ecicedindueriat ‘and confabulstes with potion, He even sida the inauguration of he Pailon ot Esprit "Nouvenu:"We shall escape from cheos throughout the reconstruction of our ces He also ‘wrote in Llnranigeant “Streets wl no longer exist ® ord 2ernintd [A mismo timpo que se excomuigé 2 la cae y 2 la marzane wadlsional de ls cuddles europeos la mezca de vss fue consderada como un anatema por os CongresosInenacio nals de Azqutectura Madera CIAM) Hasta entonces, la manzana de los cats hitrcoe tune porcién cardrangular de tereno rodeade or calles, El conjunto ediicad sol incl pequats tlre «incluso muteot en sur patie de mansans y pla ser atoveesdo por Dataesy galas comerciales, Tods esta vitaied dasordenadsy cadtca esto 9 punto de ser desvertrada onal viejo Paris con un plan can tvrs de wdriocruormes sitvads sobre tne sllombra de cdsped y separadae por vise rpdae El artiguo Baro de Le Maas habia ‘Sido borado del mapa, en nombre del febrcante de automeles y avionee Gabriel Voisin que fnancabs ls operacién publitaria, sno lege a se” pore precede huncémient dal [pagueboteraional moderne ‘Atos despues cuando lo rtcos més despiertos comenserona agar la bandera due con ‘zion, singin dsciplinad sete del Movimiento Modem estab entenciendo todavia da. En los fos cincuenta os Gudadanos, aunque se notabanslgoineSmodoe dentro de ‘quel ecfcios hormigonades, fos, racionsle sn dcoracion qua se levartaben en at ‘fuer de los ncleoshabtados, no eran capaces de rescionar anal imposicioes que ‘separaban as funciones de vis, wabojey dvercve en comparimentosertancos y que let ‘empujsban a toner que usar grandes cjae metdicas con rueds. Con I inteletuaied a ‘uiteciniceifectada, era miy cf luchar contre vrus dela sagragaclén funcional que propagé la Cara de Atenas on 1933 [A the same tine tho soot and traditional European ct block was excommunicated, the ‘mixing of uses was considered tobe an anathema by the Iterational Congress ef Modern ‘Architecture (IAM) Up to that time, the city block in histviecantcos had harmoniously Conjugated housing, theatres, bars, cafes and businesses ona single squsre portion of land surounded by strests, The bulding included small workshops and even museums on ite Inner patios std could be crossed through pastages and commercial galleries. ll of this sordery and chaotic tality wes about tobe ripped out ofthe old Paris witha plan of crv corm glats towers on a grass carpet, separated by motorway. The old Le Maris quarter ‘would hve bean erased from the map in he name of car and plane manfecturer Gabriel ‘Voisin, who freed the publicty operation, had had the modern rational paquebot net been auicly snk ‘Yours later, when alert eres began to raise the flag oftheir conviction, none ofthe dt- ‘cipined minions of Modernism understood a thing. Inthe 1950s, ctzers, though they ci ‘eel bit unconfortebieinsie thot cold, ations, undecorated concrete buldings outside Inhabited areas, they were nat capable of reacting to the imposition that separated func- *ons of ving, working and leisure in isolated compartments that forced them to ive. With ‘thi lnfected architectural ntligentsi, i wa hard to ght aginst the vis of functional ‘segregation thatthe 1933 Athens Charter propagated wanes aa rma El hibrido indeterminado eran arset ehh de ae hay ony cod sg iio feo de een El desarlio de la tecnologia y la confanza en a prefbricacin fueron la couse de que 2 ‘ends feign Ia planfeaién urbana enconvaran amigos comnes. Con el desarrollo de los exturturseexpacales de baras se empezsron » eibuat,todovie en el papel, cudodes ‘modules industialzadas formadas por sistemas videensonales A prncipios de los sesenta, Yona Friedman omparo a hablar de una plaifcacén wibana “indeterinad” botada en lo sxperposicigny en las capas mines. La indeterminaean conse en hacer interven la deve shuscionatayevtar los fujos prods. ‘The indeterminate hybrid ‘os tobe peovusea uttn ene Largest posse hander of deel ings, ay oppying the technique of ‘Sbrenaln, Sr ene tary em optnton bese ete ste Ener oe Soy ior a ‘ou esa. he Bre ea pact + ‘The development of technology and trust in prefabrication caused science fiction ad urban planning tind common fiends. With the development of spatial ber structures, edustrial, ‘modular eties made up of threeimensonalsystoms were starting to be drawn, though stl only on paper. [At the Begining ofthe 1940s, Yona Friadman tated talking about an Indeterminate urban planning, based on superposition and mukiple ayers. ndeterminacy required the interven ‘ion of the stuatonai rend andthe avoidonce of predetermined movement. No-Stop-city Sila movlided are une das caracterisicas de aqual porodo, es infaeewacuras eran sues rales de cstrbucio y se ocupaban de igs as ferenoscapas enve sl La moviidad como ‘encia apareci por aquells af y uve que atender, adm. deal predomino del vehicuo autores, a ates meds, elocdices @ intenciones. Por el, e plnteaon sistemas de ‘dos eparedss, con conexiones y porbidedes, incuxo para culacionesslestoras, que Srmaban lor edficio con uns mals interiors de may © menor rletanca, egin os 6s ‘tos tieas Friedman estabe mds nteresado en a chad que en Is arguitecira todo fo convaria que las miembvos de los CIAM quo se embeesaban con los cbjetos construdos. Hace unos afor comentsoa“.) la civdades son siempre bela. No es a xquitectua Porque una cade es una cosa viva, con varedad y todo eso, Una ded no tiene fchad, i aleado,Sél tiene interior Cas ningun abjto es prepondarante", Friedman concibe la ‘ded como un mecaniemo continue qe transforma Le ntoresan los proceso: ya mut biléad del programa. De esta manera las lueianes no etén separadasen el nivel fc, sno fone nivel dele eas, porque aus estuctures son mentale, sn procezos queconstuyen ‘tmundo, Mobilty was one of the characteristics ofthat period, and infrastructures wereite channel of distribution and linked citforant layers to each other. Mobily as a scence appeared that time and had to atten, in addtion to the predominance ofthe automebil, to ‘other means, speeds and intentions. To do this thoy were established systems of separate network, with connections and possibilities, even for random eeulation, which supplied buildings with interior mashes of greater or lss relevance, according to diversity in afc However, Friedman was mor interested in the city than architecture, unike the members ofthe CIAM, who were captivated by but objocts. A fw years ago, he sid “tes are a. aye beautiful Architecture isnot. Because a cys ling thing, withthe varity and so 0. [chy has no fecade, no elevation. You have only an side. There is nearly no object that, ts preponderant. Friedman conceives the city to bea continous mechani that trans- formed, He is interested in processes and the mutabity of the programe. la ths way, functions are not separated on a physical level, but ana lvel of ideas, re mental, they ate processes which bull the word wines er we ee enh El hibrido alfombra En los ahs sesena, se comprendié que si se ques obtene un edlio con sus funciones planamenteintegredas, tenia que nteroizar también las cralacones yas infreestucturas. Losplsntesmionos, que dejan fers de ls volimenes cotidos avis, calles y pareO=, perdan el erdeter de organisa Unico que xe pretecia paral ciudad. En aquellos aos, so xorg’ laimponanci suficente al ceulacin yl vansports pare que se tviere que con ‘rar mprescindbie su inegracén como un subsisteme mss dentro del canunte de uses. Les ecfiis esters, © mat buildings, sugieron alo de ests planteamsentory afombraron ‘campus uniersitaros, con pequetos argonsmes, verdadero: experimentos de cudades on Ents construciones se adaptabanatrrenc como allomibrasevitabanlsimposicién foxmaly lamonumentaided' bossban au composcin en eticula extuctralesyonredes de circle cn, Recharaban, por au concepesén ls funcléncnicay excuyentey son la base de paride de los conjuntos pluifunconaes con fujos inteprados, que asunen intaiormente ciclacones 1 recorrides EI paso adelante quo supone el edi estora ee que two en cue dea. A pated entones, ns infoestructurasy la moviiad quedron incidas dentro dels procesos de hibidecion. The mat hybrid maeey teeny ath scaly and agente onlly ttn plang, for mblty sot Ine 1960s ints undated thet If «ulin with completely Integrated funclons wa desired it was necessary to introrse culations and infrastructures. Proposals that left fut street, rods ond pavements lot tht charactor ofa single organism that was desired forthe city Atthot time, enough importance was given to relation and trangpor to have “to consider the itegration ab 2 subsystem inside the whole of ues necessary. Mat buildings arose from these proposals and covered university campuses with small garisms, real experiments of miniature cos These buildings were adopted to tho land lke carpets, avoided formal irposition and gran- sur, and based ther composition on structural gris and culation networks. They re- Jct, asa eancept, sogle and excluding funcons and ae the base fr multifunctional bolings with integrated fows that assume indoor creuation and passages. The step for -ward that those mat buildings took was that they incuded mobility in ter agenda. From “that moment en, infrastructures and mebilty were added to hybrid processor, aera Claridad laberintica Este i que ex un concepto pretiado de mezeoanes. (Cub claro puede sr un labernt, sien la esoncia misma del constuction de Dédalo ests ls conlusin ye embyollo! La exces Lminsided ce a ciadad' modems ee fue apagando a pate dela reurin de Oxtelo, en 1989, con el acaso dl ubanimo fanconalts, Aldo van Ey hablé de cuatro lavas Que no fenraban on ia ceracra Las cuatro Luciones dela Casta de Atenas estabanoxidadas osc su planteamionto yo stems de valores modern na fue capa de abila puerta del cos 2 humano. Ea Otelo, una nueva generac de aguitectos, ol Team 10, 0 un revolein 2 os vejos modernos.De los echo das que du a Yeu, el actve fue el dela sbolcSn