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Class Rules and Discipline Plan Joanna York


Ms. Yorks Class

1st Grade

Class Rules
1. Follow directions and school rules
2. Arrive on time, prepared, and ready to learn
3. Respect everyone and everything around you
4. Homework will be turned in as you walk in to class
5. Try your best every day

1. When we arrive prepared and on time, we have more time to learn
2. By respecting yourself and others, you will make good choices about
your actions
3. Homework is our way of practicing what we learned in class
4. When we try our best, we can achieve our learning goals

1. Verbal warning
2. Individual talk with student
3. Contact parents
4. Referral to office

1. Play a class game
2. Extra iPad time
3. Money to be used in classroom store
4. All homework in on time 10 points added to lowest quiz grade

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