BlackRock Truffle Pig 08.17.2017

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I ni t ia l co n cept rev iew

Agen da

i. Initial concepts for iShares

ii. Initial concepts for iRetire
iii. Timeline & budget
iV. Next steps

Ini tial
con ce pts
Ishare s

r et ir eme nt pursue yo u
Because iShares Core ETFs helps you automate wealth-building, youre now freed up to pursue your real hobbies. These hobbies are funny
and dissonant from what we expect older people to be doing in their twilight years.

We could also create versions of this idea with real hobbies i.e. passions we know people actually have, like golf, tennis, gardening. These
could be styled in a similar way and used in the same campaign.

As Debbie got closer to retirement, she decided to make her money move with iShares Core ETFs. Now Debbie's investment portfolio is
automated, freeing her up to pursue her real hobbies.
Other variations
Pursue you. Make your money move with iShares Core ETFs.
Competitive dog grooming
Live news photobombing
Extreme ironing

Ad assets
Animated graphic

L i fe stages happy dan ce r
An older man is doing hilarious dance moves set to a sleek backdrop. The man is moving in the way his money is moving when invested in a
quality iShares Core ETF.

I just invested in iShares Core ETFs. NowIt's party time. [Music comes alive. Jim begins dancing slowly and hilariously.]

Move like your money with iShares Core ETFs.

Other variations
Tuition: Mother/Father dancing because they can afford to send
their kids to college.
House: Couple dancing because they can afford the first down-
payment on their house.

Ad assets

L i fe stages who do you p l a n fo r ?
A loving father holding his daughter. Both smiling.

Who do you plan for?

Today it's toys. Tomorrow it's college. Invest in her future with iShares Core ETFs.

Other variations
House: Today its renting together. Tomorrow its owning a house
Retirement: Today youre both working. Tomorrow youre both

Ad assets

L i fe stages NOW HIR IN G
Lets reframe the idea of retirement as an opportunity to apply to your future passion projects. Well create a list of jobs people to apply to
but these positions wont be filled for another 30 years.


Travel the country visiting baseball stadiums and enjoying the experience each team in both AL and NL have to offer fans. Stay in local
hotels where youll experience the city and atmosphere in each ball club town.
Post season play an option for strong candidates.
Start Time: April 2043

Are you qualified for this role? You can be with the right investment. Prepare for your future with iShares Core ETFs.

Other variations
Tuition: Job posting for your son / daughters career

Ad assets

L i fe stages how it fe els
Grandma riding a pony through clouds, stars, and a rainbow. Other variations
Or Grandma wearing a ridiculously flashy outfit. Tuition: How it feels to have enough for college tuition.
House: How it feels to have enough for your first home.
How it feels to retire on time with iShares Core ETFs.
Ad assets

l i fe stages wHATS YO UR N E XT M OV E
Person looking at a chess board contemplating his next move. Whats your next move?

Invest in a winning financial strategy to conquer the retirement game / have enough for college tuition / have enough for your first house.
iShares Core ETFs.

Other variations
Scrabble (whats your next move? could be spelled out)

Ad assets
Motion graphic

L i fe stages hello
Old man against beautiful foreign backdrop, e.g. Taj Mahal. Hes holding a sign that says HELLO INDIA.

Invest in iShares Core ETFs today. Go where you want.

Other variations

Ad assets

Ini tial
con ce pts
ireti re

s pe a ki n g t he sa me l a ng uag e
We will leverage the same vernacular and common phrases and language used in LinkedIn to not only be contextual, but also show how the
platform is organic to the conversation were starting.

Your connections. Your clients. Our help.

Body copy would talk about how every connection on LinkedIn is a potential client, if you know exactly how to approach their future
retirement. With iRetire, you change the conversation from what clients save to what clients will earn on a yearly basis. Simply and quickly.
Thats something every connection can get behind.

Someone from the future just endorsed you for Retirement Planning
Body copy would talk about how iRetire not only helps you look out for your clients, but you as a FA as well. Were here to make you the
very best at what you do, and with iRetire making planning your clients financial future simple and fast, its only a matter a time before those
network endorsements and referrals start pouring in.

Someone with the job title Most Advanced Financial Planning Assistant just viewed your profile.
Body copy would start by admitting Im not a person, though Ive got the expertise and work ethic of 10. And if you could hire the most
advanced FA assistant to be a part of your team, imagine he or she could work on every single account you manage. Im called iRetire.

Give someone a success story to post on LinkedIn

Body copy would talk about how most LinkedIn posts look backward with advice from experiences picked up along the way. Heres to
looking forward, planning not only the future for your clients, but their future success stories.

m im icki n g link edin
We will take the art direction of some of LinkedIns most popular features and design our sponsored posts to seem like a natural integration
or new feature from LinkedIn. While it will likely have a sponsored label in one of the corners, the idea is to create an ad that looks like it
was produced by LinkedIn, not BlackRock.

Income Your Clients Might Be Interested In

Designed like a Jobs You Might Be Interested In page, this would feature posts perfect for your clients: Making 40k / year as a
professional fly fisherman in Montana; Making 55K / year as a full time baseball stadium traveler. etc. Copy would talk about how reframing
the way your clients look at retirement is the first step in setting them up for success. Let iRetire help you close the retirement gap for each of
your clients and give them the annual income they never knew was available.

Future Connections Made

Sponsored post leverage the art direction of connections made that show someones name (an assumed LinkedIn connection) being
connected to the Yacht Club of 2045. The idea is to show that people arent just looking to connect with other people, but they are ultimately
looking to connect with passions. Copy would talk about how with the right FA.

People Who Want to Connect With You

We will design a sponsored post to look like an invitation to connect with people, only their bylines wont say what position they currently
occupy. It will feature an aspiration they want in the year they retire. E.g.

Josh Paialii, Fulltime fly fisherman in 2045 (aspiring)

Paul Marcum, Fulltime Baseball Stadium Traveler, 2050 (aspiring)
Adam Forstadt, Fulltime golfer, mostly public courses, 2045 (aspiring)
You may not know them yet, but these people want to know you. Thats because you have something to offer thema new approach to FA
and retirement planning. With iRetire, earning an income after your career has never been easier. Help your clients close the retirement gap

U r g en cy dri ving he adl i nes

How much money does your client actually need to retire happy? You'd
better know the EXACT amount.
Gauge your client's true retirement trajectory in seconds

Scary fact: Most FAs don't know the exact dollar amount their clients need to
retire happy. Are you one of them?
Show your clients the one number that matters most

Question: what is the true gap between your clients' retirement income goal
and where they stand today?
Use iRetire to keep your clients on track

fa ha ll o f fame

How would a financial planner like to retire? The same way everyone else doeson top of their game.

InMail and sponsored posts can also be a direct mail play (outside of LinkedIn) where we send FAs their retirement banner (like a sports
banner) for 2040.

Lets design them for real, actually mail it to them with DM materials of how to retire in the FA Hall of Fame with iRetire.

Time line
& bud get


Facebook & Twitter Campaigns (possibly LinkedIn)

6-8 Flagship Concepts
4-6 Variables per Concept
Three weeks to delivery of first campaign assets
Eight weeks to delivery of all initial assets
Ongoing creative rotation of one flagship w/4-6 executions/monthly for remainder of 2017
Campaign Retainer: $110,000
Incremental Creative & Production (licensed imagery) Fee per Static Flagship Concept/4-6 Variables: $10,000
Creative & Production (licensed imagery) Fee per Motion Graphics/Video Concept/4-6 Variables: $15,000
Incremental fee for original photo shoots if required: $3,500 each (est., could be multiple subjects)
Incremental fee for original video shoots if required: $20,000 each (est.)

Potential iShares Scenario:

Campaign Fee: $110,000
4 Flagship Static Image Campaigns: $40,000
2 Flagship Video/Motion Graphics Campaigns: $30,000
1 Original Photo Shoot: $3,500
1 Original Video Shoot: $20,000
Total: $203,500


LinkedIn InMail & Sponsored Posts

3-5 different concepts/executions
Three weeks to delivery of first campaign assets
Four-six weeks to delivery of all initial assets
Ongoing creative rotation of 2-3 executions/monthly for remainder of 2017
Creative & Production (licensed imagery) Fee: $75K
Incremental fee for original photo shoots if required: $3,500 each (est., could be multiple subjects)



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