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Version 5.7.0
Interactive Flight Planning Basic Procedures
Functional Description, Version 1.0
February 10, 2012
Customer Documentation
Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Copyright 2012 by Lufthansa Systems AG

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Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in
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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Revision History
Version No. Date Reason for Change
V. 1.0 Feb 10, 2012 Initial issue of document for Lido/Flight version 5.7.0
Updates (see User Manual):
New layout for window 'Flight List' including improved
possibility to hide and unhide log messages
Minimum reserve fuel may be activated/deactivated for
inflight calculation

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 6

2 Basic Functions of Interactive Flight Planning...................................................................... 8

2.1 Overview........................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Flight List: Retrieve Flight Information ............................................................................ 10
2.3 Planning Parameter: Set up of a Planning Parameter Scenario .................................... 11
2.3.1 Planning Parameter Scenario.................................................................... 11
2.3.2 Airport Suitability Check ............................................................................ 12

2.3.3 Fix Alternate Routes .................................................................................. 13

2.3.4 Weather and NOTAM Information for Flight-Related Airports ................... 14

2.3.5 ETOPS Operations.................................................................................... 17

2.3.6 Fuel Policy ................................................................................................. 18

2.3.7 MEL/CDL Automation................................................................................ 19

2.3.8 Leg Policy .................................................................................................. 20

2.3.9 Aircraft Weight Checks and Parameters ................................................... 21

2.4 Analysis: Calculation of a Flight...................................................................................... 24
2.4.1 Calculation Parameters and Results ......................................................... 24

2.4.2 Optimization............................................................................................... 25
2.4.3 Route Options............................................................................................ 28

2.4.4 Restriction Handling .................................................................................. 30

2.4.5 Traffic Rights/Overflight Permissions......................................................... 31

2.4.6 Terrain Data............................................................................................... 32 Terrain Data within Lido/Flight ............................................. 32 Sources of Data ................................................................... 33 Data Accuracy ..................................................................... 36 Minimum Safe Altitude (MSA).............................................. 37

2.4.7 Check for Maximum Flight Level ............................................................... 38

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

2.5 Route Definition: Definition of Route Details .................................................................. 39

2.6 Reclearance Calculation................................................................................................. 40
2.6.1 Introduction................................................................................................ 40

2.6.2 Reclearance Procedures of Lido/Flight ..................................................... 41

2.6.3 Reduced Contingency Fuel (RCF) Procedure: Options for the

Determination of Contingency Fuel ........................................................... 42

2.6.4 Optional: Automatic Reclearance Calculation ........................................... 45

2.7 Display of Calculation Results ........................................................................................ 46

3 Environmental Flight Planning .............................................................................................. 49

3.1 Natural Hazard Mitigation ............................................................................................... 49

3.1.1 Natural Hazards......................................................................................... 49

3.1.2 Options for the Handling of Natural Hazards in Lido/Flight........................ 50

3.1.3 Natural Hazard Consideration ................................................................... 51

3.1.4 Input and Conversion of Hazard Data ....................................................... 51

3.1.5 Identification of Segments Affected by Hazards ........................................ 53

3.1.6 Possible Strategies: Hazard Tracking or Avoidance.................................. 54

3.1.7 Flight Calculation and Visualization ........................................................... 56
3.2 Emission Trading Costs for CO2 - CO2 Calculator.......................................................... 58

4 FPL/OFP Transmission: Issue of Flight Plan and Briefing Package.................................. 59

4.1 Publishing Functions ...................................................................................................... 59

4.2 Which Flight Information can be Published? .................................................................. 60
4.2.1 Operational Flight Plan (OFP) ................................................................... 61

4.2.2 Additional Functions .................................................................................. 63

4.3 Prerequisites................................................................................................................... 64
4.4 Address Handling ........................................................................................................... 65
4.5 Monitoring the Publishing Process ................................................................................. 67
4.6 Flight Plan Update Messages......................................................................................... 69

5 Inflight Assistance .................................................................................................................. 70

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

1 Introduction

Abstract Interactive Flight Planning (IFPL) with Lido/Flight starts with the selection of
a flight from the flight list, which is followed by the creation of a planning
parameter scenario. Then the user can determine further parameters for
the flight plan calculation and choose from a number of optimization criteria
as well as routes to be considered. Lido/Flight calculates one or more
Operational Flight Plans (OFP), which are ready to be filed and used for the
generation of the briefing package. The function FPL/OFP Transmission
supports users to:

Review OFP calculation results

Generate and file the ATS flight plan
Prepare and send a briefing package
Send update messages in case of changes, cancellation and delay
The briefing package may include additional briefing information which can
be transmitted via different media. Optionally an email function can be used
for attaching additionally relevant satellite images and significant weather

Disclaimer The documentation of Lido/Flight modules and features covers all features
currently available. Please note that this documentation shall only apply to
those modules or features which Lufthansa Systems provides to the
respective customer under an agreement between the parties. Nothing in
this documentation shall imply any rights to any modules or features
described herein. Please contact your Lufthansa Systems representative if
you have any questions.

Purpose of This manual provides a general view of the functions and the possible
Document workflow of the interactive flight planning process with Lido/Flight. This
includes all available functions; therefore the description of some functions
may not apply to you.
As far as a deeper knowledge is required to use special functionalities to
their full extent this document refers to the customer documentation of the
respective feature.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Further Reading The complete documentation of the Interactive Flight Planning module
consists of the following parts:
A Functional Description with a functional overview of the module
A User Manual with step-by-step instructions on how to operate it
and description of field and buttons of the respective user interfaces
For detailed questions concerning specific functions, please refer to the
respective documentation of the function. The table summarizes the
functions and the name of documentation.

Function Title of Feature Description

Data Broker:
Data Maintenance User Manual
Maintaining data
Shift Management Shift Management
Fuel Policy Fuel Policy (FAA, JAR-OPS)
Tankering Tankering
ETOPS Operations ETOPS Operations
Airport Suitability Check Airport Suitability Check (FAA, EU-OPS/JAR-OPS)
MEL/CDL Automation MEL/CDL Automation
Organized Track Handling Organized Track Handling
Terminal Procedures Terminal Procedure
Leg Policy
Leg Policy
Values for additional fuel
Weather Information
Textual Weather Information
Weather and NOTAM
NOTAM Processing
NOTAM Filtering
NOTAMs and Weather in Briefing Package
Optimization Optimization
Speed Procedures Speed Procedures
Free Flight Free Flight
MAPs, Graphics MAPS, Graphic Tool
Reclearance Calculation
Interactive Flight Planning
Inflight Assistance
Shift Management
Message Transmission
Message Processing and Navigational Calculator
Utilities NOTAM2Address
Time Schedule
Mini Flight Plan Mini Flight Plan
Statistical Database Functional Description and
Statistic Information
User Manual

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

2 Basic Functions of Interactive Flight Planning

2.1 Overview

Interactive Flight Lido/Flight module Interactive Flight Planning is an optimization software

Planning of providing unprecedented accuracy and flexibility to the dispatcher.
Dispatchers can create routes using a mixture of different route planning
types, which can be:
A route optimization using all route segments available in the Lido
aeronautical database
Calculating flight paths along standard routes or parts of them, which
can be either published routes of the Organized Track System (OTS)
or company specific predefined routes
Flexible settings for flight planning parameters e.g. for speed
operations, procedures, altitudes, standard routes, and cost index
Operational aircraft data as take-off and landing performance,
MEL items are considered and integrated in the optimization process
Lido/Flight planning has a variety of functional features for supporting and
optimizing the flight planning process:

Automatic airport suitability checks according to valid restrictions for

an aircraft operator
Optimization of defined parameters like fuel burn, time, total costs,
and distance
Enhanced ETOPS calculations
Reclearance calculations
Various options for economic fueling tankering including cost
Inflight assistance

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Basic Workflow The following figure illustrates the basic workflow of interactive flight
planning: From the flight list to the definition of planning parameter
including route details to flight calculation and the publishing of flight plan
and briefing documentation. Embedded in this workflow Lido/Flight offers
various modules and functions, which can be subscribed by the customer
according to specific needs of the airline.
All route calculations are based on an aeronautical database, which is
updated 24 hours a day by the service of Lufthansa Systems. The
customer can maintain basic aeronautical and airline related data within the
data broker. For detailed information on the tasks within the data broker
see document Data Maintenance User Manual.

Interactive Flight Planning Functional Overview

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

2.2 Flight List: Retrieve Flight Information

Flight List The flight list is the main access point to the flight planning process and
provides the user with an overview of flights and up-to-date flight operation
information. Window 'Flight List displays continuously the latest data and
the entire allocated workload for dispatch personnel.
Different color codes provide a quick overview of the status of each flight. A
Log table indicates all incoming operational changes to flight operations,
weight and balance data, crew management and slot information received
in the Lido database since window 'Flight List has been opened.
Search and sorting functions support the retrieval of flight information.
For filing a flight plan and generating briefing documentation it is mandatory
to connect a flight to the flight list. The user can add flights manually to the
flight list by using the user interface Flight Data.

Flight Data Lido/Flight offers the user interface Flight Data to enter new flights in the
database. By opening the window from the flight list, fields are
automatically filled with details of the selected flight.
For more details about the user interface Flight Data, see document
Shift Management Feature Description.

ATC Call Sign The optional feature ATC Call Sign supports the customer using a non-
standard ATC call sign. This non-standard ATC call sign consists of 7
alphanumeric characters in any free combination of letters and figures and
can be defined by each operator according to company specific rules.
The ATC call sign can also be forwarded to the systems of the customer.
For more details see document ATC Call Sign Feature Description.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

2.3 Planning Parameter: Set up of a Planning Parameter Scenario

2.3.1 Planning Parameter Scenario

Planning Parameter In the preparation of flight calculation the user can define planning
Scenario parameter for a flight. All data entered and displayed in the provided user
interface Planning Parameter defines a planning parameter scenario.
Data to be processed for a planning parameter scenario can be:
Provided by the system via interface, e. g. for example aircraft
registration, ETD, and zero fuel weight
Displayed as default values as maintained in Lido/Flight, e. g. default
contingency fuel policy
Inserted or altered manually by the dispatcher

For a planning parameter scenario the dispatcher can set and modify for
example information for:
Runway at departure and destination airport
Taxi time and taxi fuel
Priority regarding load or fuel in case of weight limitations
PIC qualifier
Weight and balance data
Aircraft related items
En-route weight penalty (optional)
Fuel policy items
Leg policy information (optional)

All parameters can be checked and compared with the current conditions
by an Airport Suitability Check.
The user must insert a planning parameter scenario in the database to
become effective. All flight calculations performed in the windows Analysis
and Route Definition refer to a selected flight planning scenario.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

2.3.2 Airport Suitability Check

Airport Suitability The Airport Suitability Check (ASC) is a fully automated feature, which
Check checks the landing and takeoff suitability of runways for departure,
destination and alternate airports of a given flight planning scenario in
terms of weather and NOTAM restrictions. It compares them with the flight
parameters defined by dispatch. The most restrictive result of the runway
checks determines the runway result; the least restrictive runway result
determines the airport status.
The buttons Initialize and Recheck trigger a complete check process
including an automatic airport selection for a specific flight event. By the
button Initialize all planning parameters of a flight are updated: Operational
data plus airport suitability check on runways and airports. The customer is
able to define different time periods for the weather and NOTAM check for
several use cases of airports.
Lido/Flight offers different types of airport suitability checks: The policies
Standard, and according to JAA/EASA, FAA and CASA requirements.
For more details see document Airport Suitability Check Feature
Description of the respective policy.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

2.3.3 Fix Alternate Routes

Fix Alternate In flight planning calculation Lido/Flight optimizes alternate routes as

Routes Minimum Fuel Tracks (MFT).
Optionally fix predefined alternate routes may be considered by the function
Fix Alternate Routes. The customer can specify these routes by each
waypoint in window Predefined Route Maintenance using
Route type Company Route and
Route status Alternate.
For more details about maintaining data see document Data Maintenance
User Manual.
If the function is activated during the setting-up of a flight planning scenario,
Lido/Flight automatically checks for fix alternate routes. Fix alternate routes
are applied if the following conditions of the flight match:
Route status is Alternate.
Destination airport of the flight is the starting point of the alternate
End point of the alternate route is the alternate airport.
Alternate route must be valid at ETA (Estimated time of arrival) at the
destination airport.
The check for fix alternate routes is performed during the INSERT
procedure of a scenario and is based on the setting and content of window
Alternate Information. The user can overrule the consideration of fix
alternate routes for a specific flight in window Alternate Information by
Maintaining an alternate route manually
Deactivating the function Fix Alternate Route
In this case deletion of content in window Alternate Information is
required; Lido/Flight continues optimizing alternate routes for the
flight as MFT.
The customer can decide if the default setting of the function in window
Alternate Information is on or off.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

2.3.4 Weather and NOTAM Information for Flight-Related Airports

Weather and Lido/Flight gives the user the possibility to view weather and NOTAM
NOTAM information that are relevant for the flight currently being calculated.
Information for
This means that exactly this information is displayed:
Airports That affects any of the flight-related airports.
That is valid between estimated time of departure and estimated time
of arrival plus three hours.
Flight-related weather and NOTAM information is displayed in window
Weather / NOTAM, which is accessible via one of the two basic flight
planning windows Planning Parameter or Analysis.

Types of The following information affecting flight-related airports can be displayed:

Weather messages:
SA (METAR Meteorological Aerodrome Report),
FC (TAF Terminal Aerodrome Forecast; validity: 9 18 hours),
FT (TAF Terminal Aerodrome Forecast; validity: 18 24 hours)
Additional airport information:
Elevation, variation, landing and takeoff minima, additional remarks
The displayed information is valid between ETD and ETA + 3 hours.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Airport Types The airports for which weather and NOTAM information are provided can
be assigned to two groups:
Basic airports and
Additional airports.
All of them are displayed in window Weather / NOTAM, each group on a
separate index card.
The following table shows the airport types of both groups and gives details
on the availability of weather and NOTAM information for each group.

Basic Airports Additional Airports

Departure Takeoff Alternate

Destination Via Alternate
Alternates Reclearance Airport
Reclearance Alternate
Reclearance Fuel En-route Airport
ETOPS Adequate Airport
ETOPS Suitable Airport
ETOPS Available Airport
Fuel En-route Alternate
Inflight Destination
Inflight Alternate
Inflight via-Alternate

Displayed on index card Displayed on index card

Weather/NOTAM Weather/NOTAM add. Airports

Available via window Available via window Analysis

Planning Parameter Requires at least one calculated OFP.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Prerequisites and The availability of weather and NOTAM information for additional airports is
Sources for tied to certain prerequisites. It depends on the type of the currently
Additional Airports calculated flight and / or if the user has maintained certain values.
The following table shows the prerequisites for the availability of all types of
additional airports as well as the sources the displayed airports originate

Airport Type Prerequisite Source

Maintained in Maintained by user:

Takeoff Alternate window Planning Field TKOF in window Planning
Parameter Parameter
Maintained in Maintained by user:
window Planning Field Via Alternate in window
Via Alternate
Parameter, field Planning Parameter
Via Alternate (optional feature)
Maintained by user:
Reclearance Airport Field RAP in window
Maintained by user:
Reclearance Alternate Field RAP-ALTN in window
Calculation Maintained by user if the selected
RAP contingency policy requires
the manual input of RAP-ERA:
Reclearance Fuel Field RAP-ERA in window
En-route Airport Reclearance
Calculated if automatic decision
for contingency fuel policy has
been selected
ETOPS Adequate
ETOPS Suitable Airport ETOPS flight Calculated
ETOPS Available
Maintained by user:
Field En-Route Altn in window
Planning Parameter
Fuel En-route Alternate - (optional feature)
Or calculated (if not maintained
by user)
Maintained by user:
Inflight Destination Field DEST in window Inflight
Maintained by user:
Inflight calculation
Inflight Alternate Field ALTN in window Inflight
Maintained by user:
Inflight Via Alternate
window Inflight Assistance

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

2.3.5 ETOPS Operations

ETOPS Operations The ETOPS functionality of Lido/Flight supports airlines in matching legal
ETOPS requirements and the benefits of flight planning optimization.
Twin-engine aircraft are allowed to fly only within areas, where en-route
alternates are less than a specific time range (for example 60 minutes flight
time away) with one engine out.
For ETOPS calculations, the system verifies that the route is always within
the radius of the range circle from the en-route alternate: It takes into
account both the certification of the aircraft type being calculated, and the
single engine speed in still air. This functionality can select en-route airports
fully automatically and verifies that calculated routes stay within this
ETOPS area. Routes being selected for ETOPS operations meet the
aircraft type route distance limitation. Any airport that does not meet airport
criteria for the calculation being made will not be chosen. For example,
such restrictions could result from NOTAM and/or weather closures, or
departure delay. The system provides a wide range of different views of
data and flight planning results.
In addition to the basic ETOPS functions Lido/Flight offers a range of
optional functions for covering the needs of airlines. For example, a check
for adequate airports consisting of a NOTAM or a combined
weather/NOTAM check can be performed; an airline may define
preferential airports to be considered in this check. It is possible to define
any percentage value where ETOPS icing fuel has to be considered.
Similar to the ETOPS function Lido/Flight offers the calculation of a critical
fuel scenario also for 3/4 engine aircraft.
For more details about ETOPS operations within Lido/Flight see document
ETOPS Operations Feature Description.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

2.3.6 Fuel Policy

Fuel Policy Flight planning calculations may consider fuel requirements for customers
operating according to JAR-OPS/EU-OPS and FAA. For the fuel policy
requirements Lido/Flight recognizes operational rules, aircraft identification,
fuel labels and OFP options.
Lido/Flight provides the framework for defining a fuel policy in compliance
with JAR-OPS/EU-OPS and FAA rules according to the needs of the
customer. Lido/Flight does not check legal compliance; the customer is
responsible for interpreting all relevant legal JAR-OPS/EU-OPS
For details about fuel policy using Lido/Flight see document Fuel Policy
Feature Description for the respective policy.

Tankering Tankering, also known as economic fueling, is the procedure to carry

additional tankering fuel to the destination airport either because of money
savings or fuel supply reasons.
Lido/Flight offers the calculation of additional tankering fuel based on
company rules and manual limitations set by dispatch. Therefore the airline
can define and select special:
Tankering instructions for either recommending or avoiding tankering
Tankering scenarios and restrictions
During the flight planning process Lido/Flight automatically checks if
tankering instructions are defined. If not, it performs an automatic price
check and recommends tankering if a gain is calculated.
On customer request the price check can include the consideration of costs
for CO2 emissions. The system considers the costs for CO2 emissions:
In the initial price check for giving a tankering recommendation due
to the reason PRICE
In the calculation of savings for the tankering fuel after the
calculation of a tankering flight. The calculated costs for the
increased CO2 emissions for the transport of tankering fuel are
subtracted from the economical tankering savings.
For details about tankering see document Tankering
Feature Description.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Descent The function Descent Allowances allows the customer to define time and
Allowances fuel adjustments for arrival procedures.
Descent allowances are considered for destination airports and are
covering also in-flight destinations. Alternate airports and reclearance
airports are not covered by this function.
Delta time and fuel allowances can be defined related to:
Aircraft type
Runway direction
For more details about the function see document Fuel Policy Feature
Description for the respective policy.

2.3.7 MEL/CDL Automation

MEL/CDL The function MEL/CDL Automation allows considering defective aircraft

Automation items automatically during the flight planning process with Lido/Flight.
Initially restrictions for defective aircraft items must be maintained and
activated if applicable. Both can be done either via interface or manually.
Lido/Flight then automatically incorporates the respective restriction into
every flight calculation using that aircraft.
If a flight calculated within interactive flight planning is affected by one or
more MEL/CDL item(s), Lido/Flight automatically:
Detects these MEL/CLD items
Informs the dispatch user about the items
Allows the user to modify the list of MEL/CDL restrictions to be
considered for calculations
Automatically considers imposed restrictions within flight planning
Runs permanent compliance checks, when the user makes manual
adjustments to the calculated OFP and considers MEL/CDL
For more details see document MEL/CDL Automation Feature

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2.3.8 Leg Policy

Leg Policy Leg Policy is a function that offers the opportunity to define parameters for
a city pair, an aircraft type and optionally a flight number to be considered
during flight plan calculation.
Parameters can be defined for:
Route calculation options
Speed procedures
Fuel figures
This function is optional and has to be set up by Lufthansa Systems before
usage. Parameters described in this document can be configured upon
customer request if respective function or module is purchased.
For more details see document Leg Policy Feature Description.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

2.3.9 Aircraft Weight Checks and Parameters

Weight Check During the process of setting up a planning parameter scenario the system
Options checks if the Estimated Zero Fuel Weight (EZFW) exceeds the Maximum
Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW). In that case the user may perform different
actions depending on Lido/Flight settings.
The figure illustrates possible options according to the customer settings.

Option User Assistance

1. The user may continue with current Confirmation box containing
EZFW or reduce the EZFW manually buttons OK and REDUCE.
2. The user must reduce the EZFW Confirmation box containing
manually; proceeding with current EZFW button REDUCE only.
is not possible.
3. The system automatically reduces the No confirmation box
EZFW to the value of the MZFW, no necessary
manual user intervention is necessary.

Options for Proceeding if EZFW Exceeds MZFW

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Variable Zero Fuel The function Variable Zero Fuel Weight allows the determination and
Weight calculation of the Maximum Allowable Takeoff Weight (MALTOW) as a
function of the Zero Fuel Weight (ZFW) per aircraft registration. The system
checks if the Estimated Zero Fuel Weight (EZFW) exceeds the Maximum
Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW).
An additional option provides planning modes having the focus either to
mode Range or Payload.
If for a flight planning scenario variable structural weights have been used,
modifications of the ESTZFW in window Analysis are prohibited.
Customers using the Lido/Flight module Lido Integrated Takeoff
Performance (LinTop) can perform a complete calculation for a flight
planning scenario.
For more details see document Variable Zero Fuel Weight Feature

En-route Weight On customer request user can maintain an aircraft specific en-route weight
Penalty penalty. This is an artificial weight [kg/lbs] that limits the altitude capability
of an aircraft: The higher the penalty, the lower the cruise altitude. This data
is applied in flight calculation but does not influence the fuel figures and
planned take-off weight.
The layout of the OFP has to be adopted and can be defined by the
customer. If for an aircraft an en-route weight penalty has been considered,
in the respective flight plan this is indicated in the section REMARKS.
The following figure illustrates the limitation of cruise altitude by maintaining
an en-route weight penalty.

Vertical Profile with/without En-route Weight Penalty

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Seasonal Specific The optional function Seasonal Specific Fuel Gravity allows the user to
Fuel Gravity maintain fuel gravity which differs from the standard value, depending on
the airline, airport, and the season. This might be applicable to consider
special climatic conditions or fuel storage facilities.
In the flight planning process during the calculation of the tank capacity this
data is checked, considered, and displayed.
For more details see document Seasonal Specific Fuel Gravity Feature

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2.4 Analysis: Calculation of a Flight

2.4.1 Calculation Parameters and Results

Calculation The main platform for the calculation of flight plans for a selected planning
Parameter parameter scenario is window Analysis. To optimize the route between the
departure and destination airport of a flight, the system offers a variety of
functions and options to calculate a desired route. Depending on the
number of pre-selected routes Lido/Flight covers the calculation of one or
more operational flight plans (OFP). Each OFP refers to a single flight
planning scenario and can be selected to be generated as ATS flight plan.
The following parameter can be defined and adjusted to be considered in
Operational case, and the procedures for climb, cruise and descent
phase of the flight
Speed procedures
Optimization parameters
Weather prognosis
Values for remaining fuel and fuel gravity
Maximum flight level
A background function enables the calculation in background and allows
the user to proceed with Lido/Flight while calculations are being performed.

Calculation Details After flight calculation the dispatcher can review the calculation results,
which can be:
Details of the operational flight plan (OFP)
Routing of the OFP
Alternate airports including the alternate routing
Graphic of horizontal routing and vertical routing including
temperature and fuel consumption
Consideration of restrictions for individual segments of the route
Optimization parameter
Weather and NOTAM information
Tankering information
Results of ETOPS calculation
Costs, for example ATC charges

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2.4.2 Optimization

Optimization The main task of flight optimization is on one hand the calculation of data
that is relevant for flight planning such as fuel, time etc., and on the other
hand the optimization of the flight trajectory with regard to costs, fuel, time
or distance.
Based on the selected requirements concerning optimization criteria (e.g.
Minimum Cost Track) and cruise procedure (e.g. ECON), flight paths are
optimized in two main steps, which are:
1. Horizontal optimization process:
Search for the best routing based on selected requirements by using an
assumed optimum vertical profile
2. Vertical optimization process
Optimization of vertical profile based on final routing established in
step 1 by takeoff weight iteration
In addition, various influencing variables can be considered such as wind
and temperature, performance capacity of the airplane, airway structure,
NOTAMs, legal requirements such as ETOPS.
The following optimization criteria can be selected:

Consideration of Restrictions:
No Yes No Yes
Optimization Criterion: Non-ETOPS ETOPS
Minimum Cost Track MCT MCT/R E/MCT E/MCT/R
Minimum Fuel Track MFT MFT/R E/MFT E/MFT/R
Minimum Time Track MTT MTT/R E/MTT E/MTT/R
Minimum Distance Track MDT MDT/R E/MDT E/MDT/R

For more details about optimization within Lido/Flight see document

Optimization Feature Description.

Emission Trading On customer request Lido/Flight offers the function to consider the financial
Costs for CO2 impact of an airline participating in the Emission Trading System of the
European Union by calculating the aircraft induced CO2 emission and the
emission costs for a planned flight.
The calculation uses the linear relation between fuel use and a configurable
emission factor and is related to the optimization criterion Minimum Cost
Track. Emission allowances are included by adding CO2 costs to the cost
function of Lido/Flight. The emission index and the price for allowances are
pre-defined and configured by Lufthansa Systems. The dispatcher can alter
these values during the planning process of a flight.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Speed Procedures Lido/Flight offers a variety of speed procedures for determining the speed
of an aircraft which can be defined aircraft and flight leg specific. This
Fix speed procedures by a set of IAS (Indicated Air Speed) and
MN (Mach Number)
Economic procedures based on a cost index
The dispatcher can adjust procedures in the course of the interactive flight
planning. Finally the system considers the chosen procedures for the flight
phase within the optimization calculations to find the optimum flight route.
The function Variable Speed Operations (VSOPS) aims at improving
arrival punctuality by determining the optimum cost index for all flight
phases for which speed procedure ECON is selected.
Jet aircraft operating in fixed MACH airspace/airways are required by ATS
to maintain a fixed MACH number throughout this section of
airspace/airway. The function Speeds in Fixed MACH Airspace
automatically applies a fixed MACH number, either to the whole section
flown through fixed MACH airspace/airways or to each flight level within the
fixed MACH airspace/airways. Lido/Flight recognizes automatically whether
a proposed flight route crosses a fixed MACH airspace/airway.
For more details about speed procedures see document
Speed Procedures Feature Description.

Economic Speed The economic speed procedure ECON is based on a cost index (CI),
Procedure: which is defined as the ratio of flight time cost to fuel cost.
Cost Index
The customer can define a fix cost index. Optionally, it is possible to use a
dynamic cost index for flight planning, which is determined by the ratio of
aircraft time costs and the actual fuel price at departure airport.
The cost index is available for various functions and is therefore described
within different Lido/Flight documentation.
The following table gives an overview:

Cost Index (CI) Function and Document

General description Speed Procedures Feature Description
Maintaining fix cost index
Activating determination of Data Maintenance User Manual
dynamic cost index and
define min/max limit
Interactive Flight Planning User Manual
Applying the function AOS User Manual
Leg Policy Feature Description

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Free Flight There are two ways to use free flight planning for flight planning with
Lido/Flight: using the basic feature Free Flight - Direct Optimization
solitarily or in combination with the extended feature Free Flight.
The feature Free Flight - Direct Optimization lets users define arbitrary
waypoints by their coordinates and dynamically trigger a calculation of the
missing segment between the newly defined free flight waypoint and any
other free flight or system-known waypoint, or between two system known
waypoints. The feature can be used as part of the regular flight planning
process. It is also suitable for the modification of reclearance procedures or
as inflight assistance.
The feature Free Flight extends the feature Free Flight - Direct
Optimization and lets users of Lido/Flight overcome the restrictions of
conventional airway structure, using optimum trajectories. It supports a
more efficient usage of the sky and thus helps to face the global growth of
air traffic. In addition to that, operators will benefit from free flight optimized
flight paths in terms of time and fuel savings.
For more details about free flight see document Free Flight Feature

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

2.4.3 Route Options

Route Options For the optimization of the route between the departure airport and the
destination airport Lido/Flight offers a variety of options for the calculation
of routes. Depending on the number of selected routes and optimization
criteria one or several OFP calculations are performed.
The following route types can be selected:
Predefined routes
Routes of organized track systems (OTS)
ATC Re-routing Proposal: This option is only available for flights,
which have been calculated and filed before, and for which ATC has
sent a rerouting proposal.
Polar Tracks
South Atlantic Tracks (SAT)

Predefined Routes Predefined routes are provided to the dispatcher in window Route Options.
Customers can maintain own Company Routes and Escape Routes
according to the policy of the airline. All other route types including state
published route types are maintained by Lufthansa Systems and can be
reviewed by the customer.
Following data can be reviewed or has to be entered by the customer for
the maintenance of a predefined route:
Route type and status
Waypoints from/to with respective country
Via-waypoints with respective countries
Terminal procedures, airways or directs
Distance of route (calculated automatically)
Period of validity

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Organized Track In order to facilitate a managed traffic flow across the oceans, various track
Handling systems have been established for different areas of the world.
Lido/Flight handles the following track systems:
North Atlantic Tracks (NAT)
North Atlantic European Routing System (NERS)
North American Routes (NAR)
Northern Organized Track System (NOR)
Pacific Organized Track System (PACOTS)
Australian Organized Track Structure (AUSOTS)
The track systems aim at keeping aircraft separated over the ocean where
there is little radar coverage. The tracks are aligned in such a way as to
minimize head winds and maximize tail winds impact on the aircraft. This
results in much more efficiency by reducing fuel burn and flight time.
For more details about organized track handling see document Organized
Track Handling Feature Description.

Terminal Lido/Flight provides the function Terminal Procedure, which:

Provides a user interface for the definition and/or display of terminal
procedures, including the determination of time validity. For a
terminal procedure all segments of a SID/STAR are covered.
Integrates SIDs and STARs in the calculation and optimization of the
Interactive Flight Planning module and other related modules of
Considers airspace restrictions and/or limitations by NOTAMs and/or
obstacles for defined segments of a terminal procedure. Additionally
the customer may define vertical restrictions/limitations manually.
Any flight level, which is maintained for intermediate
waypoints/segments and is considered for vertical profile calculation,
will not be shown in the ATS flight plan item 15.

Lido/Flight offers two approaches for the restriction check of SIDs

and STARs with regard to the horizontal component:
Macro Segments Approach
Micro Segments Approach
Optionally provides the missed approach procedure where a
predefined route is followed to a fixed waypoint of the missed
approach procedure before heading to the alternate airport

For more details about terminal procedures see document Terminal

Procedure Feature Description.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

2.4.4 Restriction Handling

Restriction The user can define restrictions to be considered in the calculation of an

Handling OFP in window Restrictions. Restrictions will be considered as active for a
time period of 15 minutes prior beginning until 15 minutes after ending of
each restriction.
Restriction settings are applied to predefined routes, routes of the
Organized Track System and to all optimization criteria considering
restrictions, for example minimum cost track: MCT/R. Route elements like
segments, country, airspace and waypoints can be excluded from flight
Default restrictions are NOTAMs, traffic rights and AIP remarks, as well as
special time restrictions to segments. NOTAM restrictions can be defined in
window 'NOTAM Processing; for more information see document NOTAM
Processing Feature Description.
Airport restrictions are part of the Airport Suitability Check. Therefore
restrictions of airport usage are not considered during the flight plan
Customers using the following modules and functions of Lido/Flight can set
respective restrictions:
Terrain Clearance (method 1): Define if a terrain clearance check
for the main routing should be performed during flight calculation
Traffic Flow Restriction (TFR): Deactivate all or individual restrictions
currently available
Free Flight areas of airspace can be excluded from calculation
After the calculation of an OFP the restriction settings considered can be

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

2.4.5 Traffic Rights/Overflight Permissions

What is the Right The following quotation from the Manual on the Regulation of International
for Overflight? Air Transport explains the right for overflight:
The first freedom of the air is the right or privilege, in respect of scheduled
international air services, granted by one State to another State or States to
fly across its territory without landing (also known as a First Freedom

Overflight Overflight permission allows an airline to fly across a certain country on a

Permission certain weekday with a certain flight number. The permission is issued by
the respective authority of the country and is valid for a defined period.
Lido/Flight checks the availability of overflight permissions for respective
countries. For departure and destination airports the system assumes that
the required permission is available.
For more information about traffic rights/overflight permissions see
document Data Maintenance User Manual.
For the consideration of maintained overflight permissions, Traffic Rights
must be activated in window Restrictions.

Permit Number Once an airline has received a confirmation for an overflight request,
authorities may issue a permit number for this single request and period.
The permit number is maintained in Lido/Flight and is attached to the
country, airline and flight number.
Concerning the permit number, there are two possible options available for
Lido/Flight, which is configured by Lufthansa Systems on customer request
One permit number per flight number
Several permit numbers per flight number

Output in Briefing The country code and permit number of an overflight permission can be
Package provided to the cockpit crew within the briefing package.
The OFP layout has to be adapted by Lufthansa Systems before usage.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

2.4.6 Terrain Data Terrain Data within Lido/Flight

Terrain Data Terrain data is used to provide the dispatcher and flight crew with additional
information regarding possible flight procedures in case of emergency.
Up to now, no ICAO recommendations have been published for the
collection, processing, publication and distribution of terrain data.
Terrain data is not subject to the ICAO AIRAC revision cycle. Terrain data
changes may be triggered by better surveys, higher resolution data,
additional data availability, and detected errors.
According to the RTCA (Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics)
Document DO 200 it is incumbent upon the responsible agencies to
ensure that the required terrain information originated by a number of
different data providers is collected, processed, published and distributed to
all interested aviation users according to their requirements.

Terrain Data within Within Lido/Flight, calculated values are available for output on the
Lido/Flight Operational Flight Plan, in the MAP function, and in window
Route Definition. They are used for determining the minimum altitude for
individual flights.
Lufthansa Systems verifies that data being received from the specified
sources meet outlined quality parameters, covering characteristics referring
to the accuracy, resolution, availability, completeness, and traceability of
terrain data.
Conservative tolerances are added to the maximum conceivable terrain

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Database Lufthansa Systems reduces the data base by increasing the size of the grid
Reduction cells from 3 over 30 to 3. The reduction of database to 25.92 MB results
in a faster loading time and quicker access to the data.
During the database reduction process, the algorithm searches for the
highest elevation within 3600 3 cells, which now represent a larger 3 cell.
This highest value will become the elevation entry for the resulting 3 cell,
as illustrated in the example below.

Increasing Grid Cells for Database Reduction Sources of Data

Sources of Data Global SRTM-DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is based on the terrain data from
the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) with a horizontal resolution
of 3 (approximately 93m). Since the SRTM only covers earth terrain
elevation in the geographical area between 56S degrees and 6015N
degrees latitude, other official and free available data sources are used for
other areas.
The Global SRTM-DTM is used for Electronic Route Manual Charts and for
Lido/Flight a data set with a reduced horizontal resolution of 3 is created.
The Global SRTM-DTM is generated according to the requirements
described in EUROCAE (European Organization for Civil Aviation
Equipment) ED-98 / RTCA DO-276 und EUROCAE ED-76 / RTCA DO-

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Shuttle Radar SRTM 30 data is used as the basic dataset for the generation of
Topography Lido/Flight terrain data. SRTM data covers earth terrain elevation in the
Mission (SRTM) geographical area between 56S degrees and 6015N degrees latitude.

Reference system horizontal WGS84

Reference system vertical EGS84 EGM96-Geoid
Horizontal accuracy 20m
Vertical accuracy 16m

The following graphic gives a visual impression of worldwide data coverage

of the SRTM database:

Data Coverage of SRTM Database

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

30 Grid Database GTOPO30 is a global terrain data model merged from several available
Sources data sources.
Digital Chart of the World (DCW)
Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED)
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from U.S. Geological Survey National
Mapping Division (USGS)
Army Map Service (AMS)
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for New Zealand
International Map of the World
Peru Map

In case of overlapping coverage the more conservative values are


Additional Data Sources

Other Relevant Other relevant sources are:

National Elevation Data USA (NED)
Canadian Digital Elevation Data (CDED)
GEODATA-9 (Australia)
Elevation Reference Spot Database

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures Data Accuracy

Accuracy Accuracy as described refers to the terrain database sources. Differences

in topographic detail among the sources are evident. This change in level of
topographic information is especially evident at the boundary between
areas derived from various sources.

Horizontal For the Lido/Flight application, the horizontal grid spacing (which limits the
Accuracy resolution) and the horizontal accuracy of the globe must be considered.
The 30 arc-second grid spacing equates to approximately 1 kilometer,
although that number decreases in the east/west (longitudinal) direction as
latitude increases.
The horizontal accuracy is given with 20m.
Approximate distance covered by the 30 arc-seconds at different latitudes:

Latitude (degrees) Ground Distance (meters)

East/West North/South
Equator 928 921
10 914 922
20 872 923
30 804 924
40 712 925
50 598 927
60 465 929
70 318 930
74 256 930
78 193 930
82 133 931
86 64 931
89 16 931
90 0 931

At high latitudes there is an unavoidable redundancy of data in order to

keep the 30 arc-second spacing consistent for the global data set. This is
particularly true for the geographic version of Antarctica where the ground
distance for 30 arc-seconds of longitude converges to zero at the South

Vertical Accuracy The vertical accuracy for the Global SRTM-DTM elevation values is less
than +/-20m in vertical direction; accuracy for data from SRTM +/-8m.

February 10, 2012 Page 36 of 70

Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures Minimum Safe Altitude (MSA)

Minimum Safe Minimum Safe Altitude is the lowest altitude providing a minimum clearance
Altitude of 1000 ft under conditions of standard temperature and pressure above all
objects located within a search area either side of the flight path.
The function Minimum Safe Altitude (MSA) offers the possibility to
consider the minimum altitude over all terrain, and optionally man-made
obstacles. The obstacle database comprises artificial objects, such as
buildings, towers, and cranes in terminal areas as well as en route.
Together terrain and obstacle data can create a topographic picture of the
surface of the earth.
The way in which MSA calculations are performed depends on whether the
customer has chosen either the function Minimum En-route Altitude (MEA)
or Minimum Off-route Altitude (MORA) as default policy.
On the Operational Flight Plan (OFP) Minimum Safe Altitude can be
displayed separately for each flight segment.
For more details see document Minimum Safe Altitude (MSA) Feature

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

2.4.7 Check for Maximum Flight Level

Maximum Flight The customer may maintain a maximum flight level for an aircraft in the
Level windows Aircraft Operator Maintenance and MEL/CDL Restriction. During
the flight planning process for a scenario the user may alter the maximum
flight level manually in the windows Analysis and Route Definition, but is
not able to insert a value that exceeds the limit as maintained for the
Lido/Flight checks the compliance with this limit. If the user inputs a value
for maximum flight level that exceeds the maintained value for the aircraft,
the input is rejected and the value as maintained for the aircraft is used.
The figure illustrates the check for a maximum flight level for preventing
that a higher flight level than maintained for an aircraft is used for

Check for Maximum Flight Level

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

2.5 Route Definition: Definition of Route Details

Route Definition Lido/Flight provides the user interface Route Definition to define new
routes including parameters such as waypoints, flight level limitations,
weights, and additional fuel and optimization criteria.
Additionally, it serves to modify existing routes, i.e. to change parameters of
a route already calculated.
The window is available in two modes:
In the entry mode, new routes can be defined or existing routes can
be modified.
In the display mode, all information is displayed on a route already
calculated and selected in window Analysis.

Route Validation To avoid errors due to incorrectly entered waypoints the application can be
Check configured to perform a route validation check prior to the calculation of a
manually defined or modified route. This feature is optional and has to be
configured by Lufthansa Systems on customer request.
If configured Lido/Flight will check the manually defined route for:
Duplicate waypoint(s), and
Inadequate Track Deviations (compared to a configurable track
deviation value)
Depending on the configuration, the following segments/waypoints can be
excluded from the route validation check:
First waypoint (end of SID)
Last waypoint (start of STAR)
Following segment/waypoint after SID
Preceding segment/waypoint of the STAR
The user has the possibility to correct the waypoints in the initial flight
planning window. Prior to the recalculation of the route another route
validation check validation check will be triggered.

Checked The route validation check automatically runs in the background of all user
User Interfaces/ interfaces, in which the user can manually enter waypoints and define
Routes routes. The check is triggered automatically before the calculation of the
following routes:

Window Calculated Route

Route Definition Departure to destination

Alternate Information Departure to alternate
Reclearance Decision point to reclearance airport
Inflight Assistance Inflight waypoint to destination

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

2.6 Reclearance Calculation

2.6.1 Introduction

Reclearance - If a flight planning scenario results in a situation where the minimum

What For? required takeoff fuel exceeds the maximum allowable takeoff weight,
dispatch has three flight planning options:
1. Unload until it fits
2. Perform a reclearance procedure, or
3. Explicitly plan a refueling stopover.
Reclearance procedure (also known as re-dispatch or decision point
procedure) calculates the contingency fuel not from departure to destination
airport, but from decision point to the destination airport. This may result in
contingency fuel savings and therefore can increase load capacity.
The following figure shows a reclearance scenario. The Reclearance Point
is the decision point where it must be determined if the aircraft still holds
enough fuel on board to continue to destination airport or if a refueling stop
at the reclearance airport is necessary, after all.

Reclearance Scenario

Reclearance Reclearance calculations within Lido/Flight generate the following OFPs:

Recleared OFP to destination airport, labeled as RCL DEST
OFP to the reclearance airport, labeled as RAP
The results of reclearance calculation refer to the flight to destination airport
(RCL DEST). If the flight to the reclearance airport (RAP) requires a higher
takeoff fuel, the system applies the limiting values for Planned Takeoff Fuel
PLNTOF, Planned Zero Fuel Weight PLNZFW, and Planned Takeoff
Weight PLNTOW.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

2.6.2 Reclearance Procedures of Lido/Flight

Possible For reclearance calculations within Lido/Flight, the customer may specify
Reclearance one of the following procedures:
Standard reclearance procedure
Decision point procedure
Reduced contingency fuel (RCF) procedure
The table summarizes the parameters, which are used for calculation of
contingency fuel for the respective procedure.

Route for Contingency Fuel Calculation

Contingency Standard Reduced
OFP Name Decision Point
Fuel Reclearance Contingency
Calculation Procedure
Procedure Fuel Procedure
DEST DEP - DEST Like basic OFP
Decision Point
RCL DEST 5% of trip fuel 5% of trip fuel 5% of trip fuel
(dependent on
the setting of Option as
the aircraft described for
RAP (ERA) Decision Point 3% of trip fuel
operator) determination of
contingency fuel

No alternate
Reclearance Alternate Optional Optional*

* If for the reduced contingency fuel procedure no alternate to the

reclearance airport (RAP) is used, the customer can decide to add the
following fuel values:
The holding fuel can be increased by 15 minutes.
A fix additional fuel value can be added; the customer maintains this
fuel value for a specific aircraft (type).

Contingency Fuel For the calculation of contingency fuel for the route from the decision point
(DP) to the destination airport (DEST) the following options are possible:

Contingency fuel is protected to the decision point and unprotected

from the decision point to the destination airport.
Contingency fuel is unprotected for the complete route from the
departure airport to the destination airport.
If a contingency fuel limit is applied, the contingency fuel will be either
protected or unprotected for the complete flight route. These options are to
be configured by Lufthansa Systems on customer request.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Additional Fuel For reclearance calculations Lido/Flight automatically considers additional

fuel for:
ETOPS operations
Terrain clearance
The dispatcher can add additional fuel and extra fuel amounts for various
operational reasons such as weather conditions, economic fueling and
For finding the flight plan with limiting takeoff fuel the customer can decide
whether all possible additional fuel and extra fuel amounts shall be
considered or not.

Cost Index When a reclearance flight is calculated with more than one cruise
Handling procedure before the decision point (DP), the cost index (CI) for this flight
will be set as follows: The initial cost index (CI), that is the CI of the first
occurrence of ECON procedure, will be used as standard cruise cost index
for the flight calculation from DP to the reclearance airport (RAP).

2.6.3 Reduced Contingency Fuel (RCF) Procedure:

Options for the Determination of Contingency Fuel

Determination of According to JAR-OPS/EU-OPS 1.255, airlines may choose from several

Contingency Fuel methods of how to determine the amount of contingency fuel to be carried.
The contingency fuel should be the higher of A or B:

I. 5% of planned trip fuel, or
II. 3% of planned trip fuel if an en-route alternate is available, or
III. Fuel sufficient for 20 min flying time based upon planned trip fuel
using a fuel consumption monitoring program for individual airplanes,
IV. Contingency fuel:
Based on a statistical method monitoring the fuel consumption on
each city pair/aircraft combination.
(Not available for reclearance calculations within Lido/Flight.)


5 minutes flight at holding speed at 1,500 ft above the destination

aerodrome in standard conditions.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Options for On customer request Lido/Flight offers several options for determination of
Contingency Fuel contingency fuel to the reclearance airport for the OFP. The table
Determination summarizes the available options. The customer can name how the applied
options are displayed on the graphical user interface.

Determination of Contingency Fuel Exemplary

The system Name on GUI
Contingency 1. Calculates a contingency fuel CONT %
Fuel Percentage percentage. CF-5
5% (FIX)
2. Compares the result with
3. Applies the higher value.
Contingency 1. Applies the trip fuel sufficient for CONT 20M
Fuel Time a defined flight time in minutes CF-20
as basis for calculation of 20MIN
contingency fuel.
2. Compares the result with
3. Applies the higher value.
Contingency 1. Calculates 3% percent 3%+ERA
Fuel Percentage contingency fuel. CF-3
+ ERA 3%
2. Compares the result with
3. Applies the higher value.
Customer must define an ERA
Automatic 1. Performs an automatic ERA 5% (3%+ERA)
Decision for check: CF-5/CF-3
Contingency It is checked if at least one of the 3% EnRte ALTN
Fuel Percentage pre-determined RAP ERAs is
located between DEST and
If ERA was found, 3% of trip fuel
is applied, if not, 5% of trip fuel is
2. Compares the result with
3. Applies the higher value.

Continued on next page

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Options for Contingency Fuel Calculation - Continued

Determination of Contingency Fuel Exemplary

The system Name on GUI
Contingency Performs the following checks: OPT CF-5/CF-20
Fuel 1. Compares the result of the
Optimization 1 option Contingency Fuel
Percentage with MINCONT.
2. Compares the result of the
option Contingency Fuel Time
3. Determines the maximum result
of each check.
4. Applies the lower of both results.
Contingency Performs the following checks: OPTIMUM
Fuel 1. Compares the result of the OPT3%/20M
Optimization 2 option Automatic Decision for OPT CF-3/CF-20
Contingency Fuel Percentage OPT3%/5%/20M
2. Compares the result of the
option Contingency Fuel Time
3. Determines the maximum result
of each check.
4. Applies the lower of both results.
Fix Contingency Applies a fix amount of contingency FIXCONT
Fuel Value fuel.
Customer has to insert a value for
contingency fuel.

B Variable, which can be defined by the customer.

MINCONT Define fuel value sufficient for a minimum flying time.
Minimum is the fuel sufficient for 5 minutes flying time at
holding speed at 1,500 ft above the destination
aerodrome in standard conditions.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

2.6.4 Optional: Automatic Reclearance Calculation

Automatic The customer can additionally subscribe the function for performing an
Reclearance automatic reclearance calculation.
The dispatcher can use the automatic reclearance procedure in Interactive
Flight Planning for those routes with at least one authorized reclearance
airport (RAP).
Automatic reclearance calculation covers the following automatic features:

Selection of the reclearance waypoint (RCL)

Selection of a reclearance airport (RAP)
Triggering an Airport Suitability Check for RAP and RAP alternate
The user may override manually what has been selected by Lido/Flight.
The Airport Suitability Check may also be triggered manually.

Criteria for Lido/Flight selects the reclearance waypoint automatically at the length of
Automatic 90 % of the route from departure to destination of the basic OFP.
The selection of the reclearance airport and optionally the reclearance
alternate airport is done from a company specific list of airports, which are
authorized for reclearance purposes.
The system selects all authorized airports within a circle around the
reclearance waypoint with the radius between the reclearance waypoint
and the destination airport. If several airports within this circle are
authorized, the system selects all airports in the sequence of the shortest
great circle distance from the reclearance waypoint.
The Airport Suitability Check for the RAP and optionally the RAP alternate
is performed according to the policy as defined for the airline and applies
the estimated time of arrival. The Airport Suitability Check (ASC) is a fully
automated feature of Lido/Flight. It checks the landing suitability and take-
off suitability of preferred runways for departure, destination and alternate
airports of a given flight scenario in terms of weather and NOTAM
restrictions and compares them with the flight parameters defined by
Lido/Flight offers different types of airport suitability checks: the Standard
policy, and policies according to the requirements of JAA, FAA and CASA.
For detailed information please refer to the respective feature description
Airport Suitability Check.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

2.7 Display of Calculation Results

Route and After the calculation of an OFP the user can review route details of a
Alternate Survey selected OFP as ATS route and the sequence of waypoint/country/flight
level using window Route Survey.
In window 'Alternate Survey the alternate airports and the alternate routing
are displayed. For an alternate airport the following information is listed:

Calculated runway of the respective airport

Calculated alternate fuel
Calculated time
Distance of the alternate route
Average wind component
Initial flight level
Waypoints and flight level of the route

Restriction Viewer The restriction viewer user interface displays the waypoints and connected
airways of a marked route. Per default the route from departure to
destination airport and the route from the destination airport to the fuel
relevant alternate airport are displayed in the list of waypoints. The
restriction indication of each route segment is shown, which can be:

A: AIP Restriction
C: Company NOTAM
S: Supplementary Restriction
Unspecified restrictions are combined additionally with the indicator U, for

UN indicates an unspecified NOTAM

UA indicates an unspecified AIP Restriction

If for a marked route any unspecified restriction exists, the restriction viewer
is marked red.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Cost Information Cost information is displayed on several user interfaces for review. The
following charge types can be reviewed:

User Cost Information


The total costs for all OFP calculations are shown in the row
Analysis COSTS. This value summarizes the costs as follows:
Note: The function for calculating costs for CO2 emissions is optional.

Table, which summarizes the different charge types, which exist

for ATC charges regions within the flight route of the calculated
The accumulated ATC (Air Traffic Control) charges for a flight
and the time costs can be viewed in the window Cost Viewer of
Interactive Flight Planning. This window also shows the time
cost for the selected flight. The table lists the different charge
types covered by ATC charges.
Cost Viewer

Abbreviation Charge Type

ERC En-route charges

TNC Terminal navigation charge
COM Communication charge
MET Meteorological service charge
Dev Charge Development charge
Safety charge

If a customer uses the function for calculating the costs for CO2
emissions, the amount of emitted CO2 and the emission trading
costs for CO2 can be reviewed.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Graphic Functions Various graphical display functions allow the review of calculated OFPs.
The MAP function supports the user by the display of flight routes as well
as other flight-relevant information in the form of maps. This covers
meteorological as well as geographical and aeronautical information.
For more details about the MAP function see document MAPS Feature
The graphic tool is started and controlled via a set of buttons within a
certain window of the respective Lido/Flight module. As soon as you have
started the graphic tool a separate window opens displaying the objects of
concern, e.g. a flight route. The name of this second window depends on
the main window from which you have started the graphic tool.
When starting the graphic tool via the main window Analysis in the course
of the interactive flight planning process, the display window Flight
Planning Graphic Window opens displaying the selected flight route.
For more details about the graphic tool see document Graphic Tool
Feature Description.

Handling of A special copy function can be triggered to repeat the calculation of an OFP
Calculated OFP with existing and altered parameter. A Copy Control Panel opens showing
parameter for further optimization:
Not selected parameter will be optimized in calculation
Selected parameter from the OFP is copied as fix value

The following planning parameter can be copied to be used in a repeated

OFP calculation:

Flight Level
Cruise Speed
Additional Fuel
Maximum Flight Level

After the calculation the OFP can be sorted and removed after review.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

3 Environmental Flight Planning

Overview Environmental Flight Planning in Lido/Flight comprises the following topics

which are described in more detail in separate chapters:
Natural Hazard Mitigation
CO2 Calculator

3.1 Natural Hazard Mitigation

Introduction Various natural phenomena, such as volcanic ash clouds, tropical cyclones
and extremely low temperatures, may influence flights and can cause
severe damage on aircraft.
Lido/Flight is able to consider these phenomena during flight planning by
identifying segments and flight levels affected. According to customer
definition, Lido/Flight is able to track these phenomena or to avoid these
phenomena by planning optimized tracks around such areas.
Natural hazard mitigation also applies for reclearance calculation and
inflight assistance.

Overview The different aspects of natural hazard mitigation are handled within
different topics of the customer documentation. The following table provides
an overview:

Topic Customer Documentation

General Description Interactive Flight Planning Functional Description

Data Input Weather Information Feature Description

Implementation Interactive Flight Planning User Manual

Graphical Display MAPS Feature Description

3.1.1 Natural Hazards

Volcanic Ash There are about 575 active volcanoes worldwide with about 60 eruptions
Clouds per year. Volcanic ash clouds persist for about 25 to 30 days in the
atmosphere covering a distance of more than 5000 NM within a few days.
As these ash clouds reach altitudes above 30.000 feet they are a well
known hazard to aviation.

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Tropical Cyclones Tropical cyclones (TC) are low pressure systems that usually form in the
tropics which are composed of powerful thunderstorms, and go ahead with
a (counter)-clockwise circulation of strong winds near the earth's surface in
the southern (northern) hemisphere. Such systems go ahead with a strong
convection which vertically cuts through the entire airspace thus posing a
real danger to aviation. Therefore it is a safety requirement to horizontally
mitigate tropical cyclones.

Extremely Low Extremely low temperatures can cause the forming of ice on aircraft or fuel
Temperatures freeze which again can cause aircraft failure. During flight planning it is
therefore necessary to consider very cold temperatures as a potential
natural hazard.

3.1.2 Options for the Handling of Natural Hazards in Lido/Flight

Handling of Lido/Flight provides the possibility to consider different types of natural

Natural Hazards hazards during flight planning. Independent of the type of hazard
concerned, Lido/Flight has established a general proceeding of how to
mitigate natural hazards.
The following table provides an overview of the general decisions to be
made by the customer in order to consider natural hazards during flight
planning. All defined settings will be configured by Lufthansa Systems.

Decisions by the customer

Define if natural hazards are to be considered at all?

1 This can be defined for each type of hazard individually.

Define if company-defined volcanic ash advisories are to be used? If so,

2 maintain data as described in Weather Information Feature

If extremely cold temperatures are to be considered as natural hazard,

3 define threshold values for the identification of segments affected.

Define the default strategy for natural hazard mitigation:

Hazard Tracking
Hazard Avoidance
The dispatcher can override the default setting during flight planning.

These settings are considered during flight calculation and areas affected
by natural hazards can be visualized in MAPS

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

3.1.3 Natural Hazard Consideration

Natural Hazard The consideration of natural hazards is optional and has to be configured
Consideration by Lufthansa Systems on customer request.
The customer can decide for each of the following types of natural hazard
individually whether the hazard is considered during flight planning:

Volcanic Ash Clouds

Tropical Cyclones
Extremely Low Temperatures
If activated, a default setting on how to use hazard data can be defined.
Possible options are:
Data on natural hazard is not considered at all
Hazard information is internally tracked and not considered during
optimization. Information can be visualized in MAPS.
Hazard information is considered during flight planning: Segments
affected by the natural hazard under consideration are closed at the
affected flight levels and a rerouting is triggered. Lido/Flight ignores
closed segments and plans a flight track around such areas.
Furthermore, the dispatcher can override the default setting and can decide
how hazard information is to be applied during flight planning.

3.1.4 Input and Conversion of Hazard Data

Official Volcanic Volcanic Ash Advisory centers issue information on hazards related to
Ash Data ongoing volcanic activities in the form of Volcanic Ash Advisories (VAA).
Volcanic Ash Advisories (VAA) are delivered to Lido/Flight, processed and
stored. Advisories contain information on the position of the volcanic ash
cloud after eruption (center, horizontal and vertical extension), the
dimension and time of occurrence of volcanic ash clouds.

Continued on next page

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Official Volcanic Ash Data - Continued

Officially published Volcanic Ash Advisories show an ICAO aviation color

code which indicates the related hazard severity of volcanic ash clouds:

Code Description

GREEN Volcano is in typical background, non-eruptive state or after a change

from a higher level, i.e. volcanic activity has ceased and volcano has
returned to non-eruptive background state.
YELLOW Volcano is exhibiting signs of elevated unrest above known
background level or after a change from a higher level, i.e. volcanic
activity has decreased significantly, but continues to be closely
monitored for possible renewed increase.
ORANGE Volcano is exhibiting heightened or escalating unrest with increased
potential of eruption, timeframe uncertain, or eruption is underway with
no or minor volcanic-ash emissions (ash-plume height specified, if
RED Eruption is imminent with significant emission of volcanic ash into the
atmosphere likely or eruption is underway or suspected with
significant emission of volcanic ash into the atmosphere (ash-plume
height specified, if possible).
N/G Color code is not given.

Lido/Flight considers only those Volcanic Ash Advisories during flight

planning with color code ORANGE, RED or NOT GIVEN. The entire
area of airspace below the upper level of the ash cloud is considered then.

Company Defined Customers can also define Volcanic Ash Advisories (VAA) themselves,
Volcanic Ash which are inserted via window Airport Weather Input Maintenance. Data is
Advisories processed in the same way as data from official VAA. For more details, see
document Weather Information Feature Description.
The customer must provide company defined VAA using the same ICAO
VAA format as officially published VAA. Furthermore, company defined
VAA show three contamination levels which indicate the ash concentration:
Low, Medium and High. Lido/Flight considers these codes in addition to the
ICAO defined aviation color code.

Tropical Cyclone Tropical Cyclone Advisory centers provide specialized tropical cyclone
Data warning services. They issue Tropical Cyclone Advisories (TCA) which are
delivered to Lido/Flight, processed and stored. Advisories contain
information on the position of the related tropical cyclone, i.e. areas of
airspace affected, center of cyclone as well as severity, i.e. maximum wind
speed in knots.
On customer request Lufthansa Systems configures the assumed
extension (radius) of the cyclone.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Temperature Data Temperature data is available in Lido/Flight as Upper Air Data (UAD) which
is loaded in the RAM and considered during flight planning. Lufthansa
Systems configures on customer request a threshold value below which
temperatures are considered as extremely low.

3.1.5 Identification of Segments Affected by Hazards

Volcanic Ash Each segment of the flight route is divided into a number of intermediate
Clouds and points. Lido/Flight checks if one or more intermediate points are affected by
Tropical Cyclones the hazard under consideration. If this is the case, the whole segment is
considered as affected at a given flight level.

Extremely Low In order to identify extremely low temperatures two values are defined by
Temperatures the customer and configured by Lufthansa Systems:
One value defines a threshold below which temperatures are
considered as extremely low (default value is -70 C).
The other value defines the percentage of intermediate points of the
segment considered which are affected by extremely low
temperatures (default value is 50%).
This means that if 50% or more of the intermediate points of a segment
show a temperature of -70 C or below, the segment is considered as
affected by extremely low temperatures.

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3.1.6 Possible Strategies: Hazard Tracking or Avoidance

Consideration of The customer can define the default way how to use official natural hazard
Official Hazard data. For each type of natural hazard, i.e. official volcanic ash clouds,
Data tropical cyclones and extremely low temperatures, this definition can be
done individually.

Option Description Setting in Window

Area Meteorological

Hazard is not Data on natural hazard is not Disabled

considered considered at all

Hazard Tracking Segments affected by natural No rerouting

hazards are tracked, but not closed;
optimization is performed according
to the selected optimization criteria
(MCT, MDT, etc.)

Hazard Avoidance Segments affected by natural Rerouting

hazards are closed at the affected
flight levels and a rerouting is
triggered. During optimization,
Lido/Flight ignores closed segments
and plans a flight track around such
The closure of segments applies to
flight phase cruise.

The setting applies to all three types of official VAA independent of the
color code (orange, red, not given). A distinction between the color codes is
not made.
If an area is affected by a hazard type like extremely low temperatures for
which Hazard Tracking is defined and the same area is affected by
another hazard type like volcanic ash for which Hazard Avoidance is
defined, the more restrictive criteria is applied, i.e. Hazard Avoidance.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Consideration of For company defined VAA the contamination level determines how data is
Company Defined used during flight planning. The following table provides an overview:
Volcanic Ash
Advisories Segment affected Description Setting in Window
by company Restrictions,
defined VAA with Area Meteorological
level Restrictions

LOW Segments affected are tracked, but The setting is fixed to

not closed. Optimization is No rerouting and
performed according to the selected cannot be changed
optimization criteria (MCT, MDT, here.

HIGH Segments are avoided, i.e. The setting is fixed to

segments affected are closed at the Rerouting and cannot
affected flight levels and a rerouting be changed here.
is triggered. During optimization,
Lido/Flight ignores closed segments
and plans a flight track around such

MEDIUM Customer can choose whether Disabled

segments affected are tracked or No rerouting
avoided, or whether hazard data is
not considered at all. Rerouting

The setting for company defined VAA with contamination levels HIGH and
LOW is fixed and cannot be changed in window Restrictions. However,
the setting for these types of hazard only applies if an option other than
Disabled is selected from drop-down list C-VA. If option Disabled is
selected, company defined VAA are not considered at all independent of
the aviation code.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

3.1.7 Flight Calculation and Visualization

Flight Calculation The flight route is calculated according to the settings made.
and Visualization
The MAPS functionality offers the possibility to visualize flight routes as well
as areas affected by natural hazards.
For more information on this topic, see document Feature Description

Examples: In the following some examples for the visualization of natural hazard areas
Visualization in in MAPS are displayed.
Example Description

Official Volcanic Ash Cloud

Official Volcanic Ash Cloud overlaid

with details and forecasted

Continued on next page

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Examples: Visualization in MAPS - Continued

Example Description

Company Volcanic Ash Clouds of

types HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW

Company Volcanic Ash Clouds of

types HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW
overlaid with details

Extension of Tropical Cyclone shown

in blue color overlaid with details and
forecasted movement

Low temperatures areas shown in

grey color

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

3.2 Emission Trading Costs for CO2 - CO2 Calculator

Emission In the context of the forthcoming participation of airlines in the Emission

Trading Costs Trading System (ETS) of the European Union, airlines are interested in
knowing their emission of greenhouse gas.
The respective climate costs include potential costs for emission
allowances for climate relevant substances.
Due to fuel burning an aircraft emits the climate relevant gas CO2.
Depending on the used fuel type the amount of CO2 emitted per kg fuel
burned might differ. This is described by an emission factor, which converts
the fuel burned in emitted CO2.

Calculation within On customer request the Lido/Flight module Interactive Flight Planning
Lido/Flight offers the function to consider the financial impact of an airline participating
in ETS by calculating the aircraft induced CO2 emission and the emission
costs for a planned flight.
The calculation uses the linear relation between fuel use and a configurable
emission factor and is related to the optimization criterion Minimum Cost
Track. Emission allowances are included by adding CO2 costs to the cost
function of Lido/Flight.
The emission index and the price for allowances are pre-defined and
configured by Lufthansa Systems. The dispatcher can alter these values
during the planning process of a flight. The calculation follows the formula:

Costs for CO2 emission =

Amount CO2 emitted due to fuel burn * Price of emission allowance for CO2

Amount CO2 emitted due to fuel burn = Emission Index * fuel burned

The calculation results for all segments will add up to the total costs for CO2
emission. The following segments of a flight are considered: Taxi-out, take-
off, climb, cruise, descent, approach and landing, and taxi-in.
The function is also applicable for reclearance calculation and inflight
assistance calculation, and the optional module Free Flight of Lido/Flight.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

4 FPL/OFP Transmission:
Issue of Flight Plan and Briefing Package

4.1 Publishing Functions

Publishing The function for publishing the ATS flight plan and a briefing package
Functions covers the following tasks:

Reviewing of OFP calculation results

Generating the ATS flight plan
Reviewing and altering parts of information
Filing the ATS flight plan
Preparing and sending a briefing package
Sending update messages in case of changes, cancellation, and
The briefing package may include additional briefing information. Briefing
information can be transmitted via different media. Optionally an email
function can be used for attaching additionally relevant satellite images and
significant weather charts.
The filing/sending of the briefing package may automatically generate and
send an e-mail with OFP/ATS flight plan in ARINC-633XML format to a
customer-defined address. This feature is optional and has to be configured
by Lufthansa Systems upon customer request. For more details about this
option see document 'Data Maintenance User Manual'.
Before filing an OFP and sending of a briefing documentation the system
may perform an Airport Suitability Recheck. The components of the briefing
package are valid at the time of the action Send OFP, the weather
information is generated at the time of release of the briefing documents.
For detailed information, please consult the feature description Airport
Suitability Check of the respective policy.
After the sending the briefing package is stored either on the briefing server
or on customer defined server and can be retrieved for briefing purposes.
All statuses of OFP and briefing documentation are displayed and activities
are recorded in a transmission history table.

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4.2 Which Flight Information can be Published?

Which Flight The following overview describes the parts of the flight information, which
Information Can be may be generated and published in one step or separately.
Information Description
Flight Plan in an airline specific format, which includes all
relevant data for the pilot to operate the aircraft along a
Flight Plan
defined routing and profile with calculated times, fuel
amounts, weights and expected weather forecasts.
ATS flight plan
The standard format of an ATS flight plan for single flights
is determined by the respective authorities of a country
and is published in the national route manual.
Lido/Flight checks the criteria that determine whether a
ATS Flight Plan flight calls for an ICAO (old or new) or an FAA flight plan.
(ATS FPL), The outcome is offered as the default setting in window
synonymous: 'FPL/OFP Transmission.
ATC Flight Plan
ICAO ATS flight plans may be generated and send in two
different versions: the current one (old) or the modified
one (new) meeting the requirements of the ICAO Flight
Plan 2012 (transition date: Nov 15, 2012).
Dispatch may decide not to file the default flight plan. The
ATS FPL is appended automatically to the OFP.
Briefing documentation may consist of the following parts:
Operational Flight Plan (OFP) including the ATC Flight
Plan, textural and graphical weather information and a
NOTAM package including customer NOTAMs. Graphics
are requiring the use of a briefing application of
Lido/Flight (Lido Briefing or WBCP (Web-based crew
Mandatory components are:
1. OFP: Operational Flight Plan
2. ATC: ATC-Flight plan
Package According to selection the parts of the briefing package
can be attached in the following sequence:
1. OFP: Operational Flight Plan
2. ATC: ATC-Flight Plan
3. SHOF: Short Operational Flight Plan (optional)
4. INFO: Additional Briefing Information
5. WX: Airport Weather List
6. NOTAM: NOTAM Package
7. ABD: Additional Briefing Data (optional)

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

4.2.1 Operational Flight Plan (OFP)

OFP Content and All flight calculation according to selected data and based on current
Layout meteorological, aeronautical, and operational conditions results in the
generation of the Operational Flight Plan (OFP). The OFP is the document
containing all relevant flight information for the pilot; the corresponding ATS
flight plan is filed by a flight dispatcher with the local Civil Aviation Authority
prior to departure of a flight.
Lido/Flight allows defining the content and layout for a Main OFP, and one
or more Info OFP and Summary OFP according to the specific needs of the
customer. For new customers of Lido/Flight this is defined in a specific
workshop; for each OFP type the customer can specify the:
Content dependent on the subscribed functions of Lido/Flight and the
way using the functions
Layout; Lufthansa Systems supports by consulting and a layout

OFP Type Content and Layout Issue from Window

The main OFP plus an optional Analysis > button

Dispatch Release part having the OFP
Main OFP content according to the contracted FPL/OFP Transm. >
functions and layout as defined by the buttons Send OFP;
customer File ATS/Send OFP
One or more OFP having the content as
defined by the dispatcher and same
layout as the Main OFP plus Dispatch
Briefing Additional
Release part and part for manual
Info OFP Info > option Info
remarks of dispatcher. It can be
attached as additional information to the
briefing package. On top the label FOR
One or more short OFP plus part for
manual remarks of dispatcher having Briefing Additional
the content and layout as defined by the Info > option
customer. It is attached as additional Summary OFP
information to the briefing package.

Customers using the Lido/Flight module Air/Ground Communications can

define the content and layout of
Datalink OFP
Short OFP
The final operational responsibility for the layout and content of flight plan
and its documentation is with the customer. The provided flight plan has to
be reviewed by the customer before being released to the flight crew.
The customer is responsible for the archiving of OFP and briefing
documentation according to local standards or regulations.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Waypoints on OFP The function Waypoints on OFP allows the customer to filter waypoints for
the display on the OFP. This can be performed by applying several rules;
the customer may:
Define airline specific rules for different waypoint types
Maintain display statuses for individual waypoints using the user
interface Waypoints on OFP. This setting overrules airline specific
Lido/Flight checks the defined rules. The final check result for the display of
waypoints is effective for a generated OFP and all reports for a flight, which
is generated by Lido/Flight.
The function is part of the OFP specification. For more information about
waypoints on OFP see document Waypoints on OFP Feature

Mini Flight Plan The feature Mini Flight Plan offers the possibility to add special Mini Flight
(Optional) Plans to the briefing package.
Additional Mini Flight Plans are a variation of the main OFP with regard to
cruise procedure, flight level and/or takeoff weight, and are calculated
automatically according to a predefined set of rules.
The customer must define the layout of additional calculation results.
For more details see document Mini Flight Plan Feature Description.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

4.2.2 Additional Functions

Domestic ATC The feature Domestic ATC Flight Plan lets Lido/Flight generate two
Flight Plan different ATC flight plan formats, FAA flight plans for domestic flights and
(Optional) ICAO flight plans for international flights. Based on the FAA definition of
what constitutes a domestic and what an international flight, the program
automatically determines the correct flight definition and selects the
appropriate ATC flight plan format. Once the format has been identified and
assigned to a flight event, it becomes the default setting. Cancel, Delay,
and Change messages cannot be sent in FAA format and must be sent in
ICAO format.
ATC flight plans are processed and sent via AFTN (Aeronautical Fixed
Telecommunication Network).
For more information see document Domestic ATC Flight Plan Feature

ARTR (Amend ARTR (Amend Release To Read) is a special functionality for US airlines. It
Release to Read) provides means to amend flight releases allowed by FAR Part 121
(Optional) Operational Control Practices as:
Amend Release/s (AR), and/or
Flight Movement Forecast/s (FMF)
The user can decide, whether amend releases are to be filed and send in
background, which enables to continue working with Lido/Flight.
Lido/Flight supports the sending of Amend Release(s) and/or Flight
Movement Forecast(s) by displaying the status on the appropriate user
For more details see document ARTR (Amend Release to Read) Feature

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

4.3 Prerequisites

Prerequisites Before you start, verify the following:

Topic Options
Addresses of ATC (Air Traffic Control Centers) for the
departure and destination airports for the transmission of ATS
flight plans and briefing information are maintained by
Lufthansa Systems in window 'Address. These addresses can
be reviewed, amended and overwritten by the customer.
For the transmission of ATS flight plan to responsible ATC
centers located along the route of planned flight, AFTN
Addresses for Transmission

addresses of Responsible Agencies are maintained by

Lufthansa Systems in window 'Address. These addresses are
displayed as default addresses in window
'FPL/OFP Transmission depending on the flight route. ATS
flight plan is sent to respective address, when filing the flight
plan. For more information see document Data Maintenance
User Manual, chapter Address.
For flights planned outside the IFPS area of Eurocontrol the
default handling of address lines is set as follows: In addition
to the addresses of the departure airport Lido/Flight checks if
additional addresses for en-route airports and the destination
airport are available. If so, the address lines are selected and
filled with available addresses by default.
The customer can request to show only the addresses of the
departure airport by default; other addresses may be selected

The customer may select the content of the briefing package,

mission of


and which parts of the content are selected by default for

transmission. Default content setting is: OFP and ATS flight

For printing the briefing package the customer may decide the
default selection of different parts of the briefing package to be
printed. Default print setting is: OFP and ATS flight plan.
Briefing Package Content

The print of the first page of briefing package always starts on

a new page; different parts of the package can be printed
Print Options for

using the following options:

Consecutively without a page break; each part is separated
by empty lines, the number of empty lines can be defined
separately for every part.
Defining for each part separately, starting either with a
page break, or being printed without a page break.
Default setting is: No break page before the first part of the
package, but before every part of the package a page break is

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

4.4 Address Handling

Addresses for The address region is the airspace associated with ATC addresses and is
Publishing used to support a proper distribution of the ATS flight plan according to the
intended flight plan.
Lido/Flight checks if the departure airport is located within the IFPS region,
which is the airspace, in which the flight plan distribution is coordinated by
the Integrated Flight Plan Processing System of Eurocontrol. If so, the
button ECAC is selected and the respective addresses for the departure
airport are loaded by default as maintained in Lido/Flight window Address.
The dispatcher can manually insert additional addresses for the departure
airport, en-route airports, and destination airport.
In general, for the usage of addresses for transmission the respective
address line has to be activated. This can be set as default and can be
altered manually by the dispatcher. If an address line is activated, the
respective addresses are loaded.
For flights outside the IFPS region on customer request additionally to the
addresses of the departure airport the addresses for en-route airports and
the destination airport can be checked and loaded by default, if available.
Flight safety messages for updates in case of changes, cancellation, and
delay can be sent according to the rules for AFTN messages. All update
messages will be sent automatically to the same addresses as the original
ATS flight plan, provided that no manual address changes have been made
to the original ATS flight plan.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Workflow for The workflow in the following figure shows the

Address Handling
Checks of AFTN addresses and the respective default settings of the
address lines
Buttons for the transfer of the ATS flight plan (filing)
Buttons for the initialization and sending of the briefing package
The filing of an ATS flight plan requires ATC addresses at least for the
departure airport. Without AFTN addresses the system allows only the
sending of a briefing package.

Settings for Using the Address of the Departure Airport

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

4.5 Monitoring the Publishing Process

Monitoring the Every publication of flight information and an update message is monitored;
Publishing Process a status message is displayed in window FPL/OFP Transmission.
Additionally publishing actions are connected with flight information in the
flight list.
Both the transmission history and the flight list are reflecting the status of
the flight planning process and briefing as shown in the following table.
The different status is supported by a color-coding.

Flight List
Column Description
Flight information is available in window
0 'Flight List by SSIM load, OPS Interface, or
inserted manually. IFPL
A planning parameter scenario has been inserted
in window 'Planning Parameter.
A flight has been calculated automatically, but no
briefing package was generated and sent.
An ATS flight plan has been filed (transmitted to
2 ATC), but no briefing package was generated and
sent. IFPL
An ATS flight plan was filed and a briefing
package was generated and sent.
The briefing package has been withdrawn.
4 Only the route is canceled, not the flight itself. IFPL
Withdraw documents means that the action after
pressing the 'Sent' button is canceled.
An OFP has been generated; the briefing
package is prepared, but not yet sent.
The sending needs to be made manually.
This status is shown in the following cases:

5 The customer uses the AOS 3-click version. AOS

The Airport Suitability Recheck has detected
For more details about the AOS please see the
documentation Airline Operations Support (AOS)
Functional Description and User Manual.

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

Workflow The following workflow shows the user interfaces for transmitting OFP
information to ATS and transmitting briefing package to servers and users
via different publishing media.
A complete airport suitability check is performed in window
FPL/OFP Transmission, which verifies an existing flight planning scenario.
The recheck uses calculated flight times for a more precise time window:
the estimations of the selected scenario are validated against the precise
calculated flight times.

Workflow of Publishing Functions

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

4.6 Flight Plan Update Messages

Update Messages For OFPs, which were filed, the user can send associated update
messages in case of cancellation, delay, and modification.
The following table shows the different functions.

Message in case a flight has been cancelled.
If a flight has been cancelled, you have to withdraw the
briefing documentation manually. In window 'Flight List
Flight Plan for the respective flight the status number is reset to 1.
Cancellation Function disables the possibility to send an OFP
separately before filing a new ATS FPL.
Any cancellation of a flight plan requires a previously
filed ATS FPL.
Message in case a flight is delayed related to the time of
Function maintains the possibility to send any OFP
In window 'Flight List for the respective flight the status
number remains as it is.
Message in case of modification of the filed flight plan.
Function maintains the possibility to send any OFP
Modification separately.
In window 'Flight List for the respective flight the status
number remains as it is.

On customer request cancellation messages and modification messages

can be sent without the EOBT (Estimated off-block time).

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Interactive Flight Planning - Basic Procedures

5 Inflight Assistance

Inflight Assistance The function Inflight Assistance allows the calculation of an OFP from an
en-route waypoint (inflight waypoint) to the destination airport while the
aircraft is already airborne.
Customers using the optional function Precision Path Procedure may
additionally consider all waypoints of a selected route, which are located on
micro segments of the used terminal procedure. For more details about
Precision Path Procedure (3P) see documentation Terminal Procedure
Feature Description.
All flight planning parameters such as fuel variables, operational mode, and
cruise procedure can be reset for a recalculation.
For an inflight calculation parameters for segments and/or route portions
may be maintained. The sequence of waypoints and/or airways will be
considered as via direction. Route portions which are not specified will be
optimized according to the selected optimization mode. Unspecified flight
levels will be optimized according to the gross weight.
After an inflight calculation the inflight OFP with the route identifier INFLT
is transferred from window Inflight Assistance to window Analysis.

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