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Serangoon Junior College

JC1 General Paper 2010 P2

1. In paragraph 1, does the writer share the view that social networking is a waste of
time? How does the first paragraph illustrate this? [2m]

Lifted Paraphrased
The entire first paragraph. The writer does not feel that social networking is a
waste of time (1) as he used words like claim/ he
thinks that a shocking amount of time is spent
investigating /amount of time being wasted being
repeated /assumes or the entire line (any one will
get 1 mark).

(If student does not get the 1st mark, he cannot get
the 2nd mark)

If the justification of the answer contradicts the first

part on whether the writer shares the view or not, the
answer is wrong.

2. In paragraph 2, the writer compares the use of social networks at work to water
coolers in companies. Why does he do so? [2m]

Lifted Paraphrased
Inference Social networking sites are considered a distraction
(must point out the socialising aspect of social
If answer talks about necessity = 0m networking) from doing actual work. (1) Similarly,
take time away from work (for water coolers are places where people gather to
socialising) = 1m gossip instead of doing legitimate work. (1)
If student writes that social networking
sites and water coolers are both time Water coolers encourage socialising (1), in the same
wasters = 1m way social networks encourage people to interact.
If student writes that social networking (1)
sites are a distraction and water coolers
are a waste of time = 1m

3. Which word in paragraph 2 suggests that the writer is doubtful about the
"innocent nature of Microsoft Excel? [1m]

Lifted Paraphrased
Even a seemingly innocent application The word is seemingly. (1m)
such as Microsofts Excel spreadsheet was Accept scepticism.
greeted with much scepticism...

4. In paragraph 2, how does the example of Microsofts Excel illustrate the writers
point about social networks? [2m]

Lifted Paraphrased
... because managers assumed workers By using the Microsoft Excel example, the writer is
would use it to make lists of their fantasy trying to tell us that as with any novel technology, it is
football teams or their weekend initially perceived as affecting worker productivity
shoppingwhich is exactly what they did negatively and hence there is usually a strong
and still do. But along the way, Excel has negative reaction by superiors before it is regarded
also become an invaluable business tool. as mainstream and embraced by the corporate world
(1). This was exactly what happened when MS Excel
was first launched when it was perceived as
something for workers personal enjoyment, when in
reality it enhanced workers productivity as well (1).

Managers thought that Microsoft Excel would be

misused by employees for trivial and frivolous
(technology and corporate are purposes but in the end, it also became essential to
acceptable lifts.) If answer states, Just like business operations. (1) It thus illustrates how people
Excel... = 1m (rationale: student did not are being over-worried/too paranoid about the ill
adequately show understanding of writers effects of social networking to the workplace and that
point about social networks) after some time people will come to embrace new

5. In paragraph 3, what are the disadvantages brought about by the rise of corporate
empires? Use your own words as far as possible. [2m]

Lifted Paraphrased
And the rise of vast, globe-spanning The rise of corporate empires has caused resources
corporate empires has resulted in efforts to be unnecessarily wasted / redundant / done more
being duplicated and valuable information than once / repeat the same thing already done by
being hoarded, not shared. others (1) and important/relevant data not exchanged
/ kept to themselves.(1)

(For duplication, do not accept copied or

For Question 5, we will not accept "lost replication, unless it is couple with explanation that
profits" or "lost lives" as they are not leads to wastage/redundancy.)
disadvantages as according to our office
'survey results'. let slip = 0m (lifting information is acceptable)

6. What does one-way streets (line 31) imply about the intelligence community?

Lifted Paraphrased
Inference. It implies that the exchange of information in the
Communication channels in the intelligence community was not interactive and thus
intelligence community were one-way access to information was limited, difficult and slow
streets. among the security/intelligent agencies. (1m)


Dissemination of information was not an interactive

process and they did not practice two-way
communication. (1 m)

7. What do you understand by companies baring all to such a wide public (line 36)? [1m

Lifted Paraphrased
Inference Revealing to outsiders / people who do not belong to
the firms (1/2), restricted/classified data / information
which was formerly privy to only the employees /
members of that firm. (1/2)

It means that companies are disclosing information

with no restrictions to outsiders or people not in the
company or everyone / are more open / are not
hiding anything. (1)

8. From lines 36 to 38, what are two worries that companies have of sharing
information about their operations with the public? Use your own words as far as
possible. [1m]

Lifted Paraphrased
... they fret that employees might let slip They fear their workers exposing classified
confidential data[1], that competitors will information (1/2) and worry that their rivals will find
be alerted to forthcoming innovations[1] out about new, upcoming products and inventions.
and that the public networks will be hard (1/2) (3rd reason paraphrase: They are also worried
to integrate with their internal IT about hardware compatibility issues. (1/2))
Companies worry that workers might accidentally
disclose information which should have been kept
secret [1/2],

Any two for 1m. AND /OR Other companies in the same field might
Acceptable paraphrase for systems = get to know of inventions which they plan to make
devices, equipment, systems public soon [1/2]
(acceptable lift)
If public networks and internal IT AND/OR There would be difficulty combining
systems are both lifted, no marks for systems for general usage by all people with the
the answer. companys own system [1/2]

9. Why does the writer use quotation marks around Facebooks (line 47)? [1m]

These applications are not actual Facebook accounts but they mimic / are similar to the functions
of the popular social networking service. (1)
The writer wants to show that while customised IT tools function like / have the characteristics of
Facebook, they are not actually Facebooks. (1)

10. What does the phrase must clear several hurdles (line 56-57) imply about the
course social networking has to take? [1m]

It suggests that the course social networking has to take is rather difficult and holds obstacles
along the way which must be resolved, in order for it to be successfully integrated. (1)
OR It implies that the course is a difficult / challenging one. (1)

11. Summarise the concerns and benefits of social networking in businesses.

1 The first of these is the lingering doubt about Employers question if networks are really
networks ability to deliver genuine benefits useful.

2 staff might use it to broadcast politically Employees might publicly spread /

incorrect comments. disseminate inappropriate / offensive
information / badmouth their companies
3 because all comments can be traced to their As there is no anonymity / writers can be
authors, people are very careful about what easily identified, people are cautious about
they post. their remarks / comments.
4 informal groups of workers to spring up Cliques of employees that bosses cannot
that managers cannot control. regular / manage appear.
5 data could also be used to make judgments Information could be used to assess /
about candidates for a promotion evaluate potential employees for senior
6 By using social networks to find data faster, It allows us to search for information more
7 employees can free up a chunk of that time And save time / be more productive / allow
for other things us to complete other tasks
8 New ideas and insights Fresh / novel suggestions
9 as well as warnings about potential threats Caution about possible dangers / problems
10 create a more open workplace by letting Improve transparency in the office
people see what others are working on
11 and encouraging sharing Facilitates / promotes collaboration
12 that let managers track information such as Monitoring communication / conversations
which people are regularly in contact with one
another and what subjects they are discussing
13 identify people for a project team based on Select / shortlist candidates for tasks based
their expertise on ability / capabilities / skills
14 and their links to others And their ties to others / connections /
15 whose support will be needed to make the Whose backing / help / endorsement will
project a success. ensure a satisfactory outcome.

12. Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the passage. You may write your
answer in one word or a short phrase. [5m]

1 mark 0 marks
Savvy Competent; proficient; well-versed; Gifted
skilled Talented
Capable Smart
Having expertise in; expert Familiar
Knowledgeable Aware
Well-informed Informed

Backlash Must have the inflection of strong & Reaction; repulsion;

negative counter-act;; rejection;
protest; resistance; outcry unwillingness to accept;
strong negative response/reaction objection
strong opposition Reaction
barrage/waves of criticism Undesirable response
retaliation Criticism
Fiery opposition Retaliation
violent reaction

Collaborative cooperative; state of working together; Amalgamative; sharing;

(requires the idea of work) team-work oriented bringing together
joint effort able to/willing to work
joining effort with/together
join forces Collusive
working hand in hand Cohesive
conducive to teamwork Conducive

Automatically mechanically Instantaneously;

(requires both immediacy Do without being told immediacy;
and without thought) Without prompting without giving thought
Without being told without much thought,
on its own accord instinctively
without cue spontaneously,

Tweaked made minor adjustments/changes, modified, adjusted;

(requires minor in the calibrated, fine-tuned, altered; changed; shaped
meaning amended

13. The Economist discusses the effects of social networking in the workplace and its impact on

How applicable are these views to work and other aspects of life in your society? (8)

Some notes for AQ marking:

To pass, must deal with at least 2 arguments.

If there is an attempt to link to Singapore in their EX, and it is based on a relevant
argument from the text together with proper explanation, then the AQ answer must be
given at least 2 marks.
Some types of annotation you might wish to use:
o No link to Singapore
o What is your point? or Provide reasons
o Elaborate more here
o Balance missing

Possible references from the passage

Reference Answers

As people become In schools, social networking sites have often been utilised to
increasingly used to sharing facilitate group work. (EV) Given that project work is an integral
and collaborating outside part of the A level curriculum and the International Baccalaurate,
the workplace, they are students have to devote a huge amount of time to meeting and
coming to expect firms to be discussing their projects. (EV-EX) However, the time-pressed
more open and students often find it hard to meet up and instead tap into their
collaborative places too. savvy in using social networking sites to their advantage. Many of
them frequently turn to MSN Messenger for conferencing from the
Paragraph 3 comforts of their homes. Hence, social networking sites do indeed
enhance collaboration and productivity amongst youths in
Singapore. (EX)

But most companies are Singaporeans are comfortable with putting their data online and
deeply uncomfortable with very often with the information made searchable by search
the notion of baring all to engines. (EV) Professional networking websites like Linkedin are
such a wide public. popular amongst upwardly mobile white-collar workers who are
likely to publishing their career accomplishments online in order to
Paragraph 4 network and gain more career offers. (EV-EX)

Besides professional advancement, Singaporeans turn to online

dating websites as another alternative to find love. (EX) They are
not shy about baring their soul to a wider public, even though their
profiles can be accessed by the general public. For some sites,
users are granted some privacy, where only registered users can
access their profiles. No matter, there are always willing users
who do not fret about having such confidential information about
themselves being accessed by all and sundry. To them, the gain
is greater than the risk. Being able to find ones soul mate is more
important than fretting over concerns about breach of privacy.

Companies like Cisco or others dealing with sensitive information

regarding security or private data might not be willing to adopt
such an open stance towards sharing information. (EV-EX)
Singapore security is crucial to the country and her citizens

Reference Answers

welfare so the authors point is applicable to these industries. (EV)

Yet even if they can make a Pastor Rony Tan and his video online and remarks on Buddhists
good business case for a and Taoists and the public backlash.(EX) It was a case of concern
network, some managers for Singapore as it could threaten the social fabric and though he
hesitate to introduce one apologised, it was a case that shows how this point is applicable
because they fear that staff to Singapore. (EV-EX)
might use it to broadcast
politically incorrect Some examples include Abdul Malik Ghazali, who was arrested
comments. for threatening to burn a MP on his Facebook and the cases of
the Singapore bloggers who were arrested for posting racist
Paragraph 8 remarks. (EX)

However, there seems to be a moral censor by the general

all comments can be traced public themselves as racially or religiously inappropriate
back to their authors, comments in these sites are reported/flagged and the Singapore
people are very careful authorities take serious action against these offenders.(EV-EX)
about what they should Thus, in Singapore only an ignorant handful would misuse these
post. sites as there is an awareness of their supposed anonymity is
non-existent after all. If they are found guilty for comments that
Paragraph 8 may threaten the safety of Singapore in any way, they are liable to
be punished. (EX)

informal groups of workers to Other organisations (demonstration groups, protest groups) also
spring up that managers use the internet to band together. E.g. the proposition 377a,
cannot control. Pinkdot and AWARE saga. (Ex)

This may be a seen as a form of retaliation against the standard

protocol and the Singapore government is usually against such
group efforts to fight for certain rights as they feel it might
escalate out of control leading to social chaos and rioting. Such a
situation would not be ideal hence the government in Singapore
usually try to appease and manage these new groups by
monitoring their moves and solving the issues they have in a
rather dictatorial manner constantly emphasizing the need to
social cohesion. (Ev)

It can also encourage and nurture an open society and

Paragraph 9 discussion and allow people of similar interests to find others that
share their likes or for collaboration (like musical bands, or dance
identify people for a project troupes) (Ex)
team based on their expertise
and their links to others In the past, people relied much on word of mouth but right now
whose support will be needed these networks serve as a platform for connecting groups or
to make the project a individuals that may be useful for a project. These networks
success. provide information that others can use to determine if their
service is what is essential for the projects needs. What's more
Paragraph 10 these networks allow for huge coverage as it is not merely a
website but most of the time they are advertisements on for
example facebook that will lead to their website if an interested
party finds the advertisement pertinent to their needs. Thus, the
ease of the linking is definitely a boon to connecting people with
different service and needs together. (Ev)
new ideas and insights as Informal groups for professionals can foster discussion and

Reference Answers

well as warnings about sharing of work experiences and tips. (Ex)

potential threats come from
informal contacts rather than Students and even executives can, at the comfort of their homes
from formal meetings. and at any time can update their friends or workmates through
social networking as ideas can come at any moment and this can
Paragraph 9 help streamline the discussion and work process. (Ex)

This is rampant in Singapore due to the the reliance we have on

the Internet. Most people have I-phones and the like which allows
easy accessibility to these networks 24/7. As Singaporeans are
constantly on the go, it makes the disemination of information so
much easier as well by merely uploading it to the website such as
Twitter or Facebook rather than organising a meeting and
gathering everyone together as it might be costly administratively
and it will be a challenge to accommodate everyone's schedule.
In fact, even in schools, students are expected to check their
school internal network for any updates on homework or school
related material in order to facilitate the transmission of
information. (Ev)
.what subjects they are It is true that in Singapore, Facebook functions as the fastest way
discussing. This 'social to spread information and to gather information. Numerous
business intelligence' can interest groups often advertise their latest events there and
then be used to, for individuals either ask to be part of these groups or they are
example, identify people for extended an invitation by these groups because of the
a project team based on interest/hobby/ that indicates that they are an ideal candidate for
their links to others whose the group. For example, Environmentalist of a tiny red dot:
support will be needed to Singapore is a group that caters to the various activities and
make the project a success. events that fellow save the earth Facebook members can
participate in. (Ex)
Paragraph 10
Not only that, Facebook also takes on the role of a talent/job
recruiter as various job advertisements such as researchers, test
subjects for experiments, actors for plays or advertisements are
quite the norm.
Thus this is true in Singapore as Facebook serves as a platform
that unites people of similar interest together.(Ex)
But the data collected could The broadcast of insensitive comments is a cause for concern in
also be used to make Singapore. Recently, The Straits Times published a commentary
judgements about about a spurned lover who sought vengeance by putting up his
candidates for a promotion ex-lover details which included her full name, address, office
or to spy on colleagues. All address and intimate details of their time together on multiple
this makes people queasy Singapore forums. Giving rise to grave concern is the fact that
Singapore does not have privacy laws to protect peoples whose
Paragraph 10 details have been deliberately and maliciously leaked online.
Instead of using forums as suitable places to network and trade
ideas, people used it as a platform for personal vendetta. (Ex)

Stomp a popular online portal which encourages Singaporeans

to upload videos, photographs and comments in a bid to
empower citizens to contribute to the news scene has proven to
be a double-edged sword. While much news has been
uncovered, even more nasty and unwarranted posts have been
released on the forums, not for their news worthy content but for
personal vengeance. Whipping out the handphone to record
others on the public transport, streets and malls have become

Reference Answers

second nature to some teenagers. (Ex)

The aim by many has been to take the moral high ground and
castigate people for not giving up seats, eating on the trains and
picking at their noses. Certainly, these are not acts that should be
encouraged, but they do not warrant such harsh public censure
either. Few paused to think about the repercussions that the
victim has to face when the post is made online and ridiculed by
many. (Ev)

Also accept points on rumours and slanders about politicians or

celebrities (public figures) as remarks that affect or judge
informal groups of workers Other organisations (demonstration groups, protest groups) also
to spring up that managers use the internet to band together. E.g. the proposition 377a,
cannot control. Pinkdot and AWARE saga.

Paragraph 9

identify people for a project It can also encourage and nurture an open society and discussion
team based on their and allow people of similar interests to find others that share their
expertise and their links to likes or for collaboration (like musical bands, or dance troupes).
others whose support will
be needed to make the
project a success.

Paragraph 10
new ideas and insights as Informal groups for professionals can foster discussion and
well as warnings about sharing of work experiences and tips.
potential threats come from
informal contacts rather Students and even executives can, at the comfort of their homes
than from formal meetings. and at any time can update their friends or workmates through
social networking as ideas can come at any moment and this can
Paragraph 9 help streamline the discussion and work process.
.what subjects they are It is true that in Singapore, Facebook functions as the fastest way
discussing. This 'social to spread information and to gather information. Numerous
business intelligence' can interest groups often advertise their latest events there and
then be used to, for individuals either ask to be part of these groups or they are
example, identify people for extended an invitation by these groups because of the
a project team based on interest/hobby/ that indicates that they are an ideal candidate for
their links to others whose the group. For example, Environmentalist of a tiny red dot:
support will be needed to Singapore is a group that caters to the various activities and
make the project a events that fellow save the earth Facebook members can
success. participate in.
Not only that, Facebook also takes on the role of a talent/job
Paragraph 10 recruiter as various job advertisements such as researchers, test
subjects for experiments, actors for plays or advertisements are
quite the norm.
Thus this is true in Singapore as Facebook serves as a platform
that unites people of similar interest together.

But the data collected The broadcast of insensitive comments is a cause for concern in
could also be used to make Singapore. Recently, The Straits Times published a commentary
judgements about about a spurned lover who sought vengeance by putting up his
candidates for a promotion ex-lover details which included her full name, address, office

Reference Answers

or to spy on colleagues. All address and intimate details of their time together on multiple
this makes people queasy Singapore forums. Giving rise to grave concern is the fact that
Singapore does not have privacy laws to protect peoples whose
Paragraph 10 details have been deliberately and maliciously leaked online.
Instead of using forums as suitable places to network and trade
ideas, people used it as a platform for personal vendetta.

Stomp a popular online portal which encourages Singaporeans

to upload videos, photographs and comments in a bid to empower
citizens to contribute to the news scene has proven to be a
double-edged sword. While much news has been uncovered,
even more nasty and unwarranted posts have been released on
the forums, not for their news worthy content but for personal
vengeance. Whipping out the handphone to record others on the
public transport, streets and malls have become second nature to
some teenagers. The aim by many has been to take the moral
high ground and castigate people for not giving up seats, eating
on the trains and picking at their noses. Certainly, these are not
acts that should be encouraged, but they do not warrant such
harsh public censure either. Few paused to think about the
repercussions that the victim has to face when the post is made
online and ridiculed by many.

Also accept points on rumours and slanders about politicians or

celebrities (public figures) as remarks that affect or judge people.


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