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This least common and the deadliest form of skin The successful and commonly applied

cancer has, unfortunately, been increasing over remedial measures include the surgical
Skin Cancer: the period of previous some decades, and has removal of melanoma, and the application of
Melanoma become the most common type of cancer chemotherapy, radiation therapy, laser
diagnosed in women between ages 29 and 34. As surgery and cryosurgery, where in the last
the very name suggests, melanoma develops case liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the
from the melanin pigment producing skin cells, targeted tissue.
called Melanocytes. The symptoms of melanoma
are associated with any changes in a mole's
appearance that are characterized by the
acronym ABCD. Here A stands for "asymmetrical
shape"; B for "border irregularity"; C for "color
variation"; and D for "diameter larger than a
pencil eraser". So, in this disease, an irregularly
shaped flat spot or raised bump appears on the
skin which can be blue, black, brown, red, tan,
white or even multicolored, and it can
occasionally be itchy, tender, oozing or bleeding.
If such a spot is formed on the iris or sclera of the
eye, it may result in pain and redness in the
affected eye and the gradual loss of vision.
Commonly appearing on the hands, face, elbows Caused by the infection of the Human Treated through cryosurgery and destroyed
and the soles of the feet, warts may also affect Papilloma-Virus (HPV), warts are the with the application of caustic chemical
genitals and their various types are named after common and usually benign unwanted solutions. In some cases, the doctors may also
their physical appearance and location. Different growths on the skin. go for laser therapy and electrocautery, where
types of warts include common warts, plantar in the latter case the warts are burned off
warts, periungual warts, digitate warts, filiform with an electric current.
warts, flat warts, and so on. The common warts
are found on the hands and fingers, while the
plantar warts are located on the soles of the feet.
Warts Those occurring around the nails of fingers and
toes are periungual, whereas digitate warts are
the small fingerlike projections appearing on the
scalp and face. Likewise, the filiform warts affect
the face and neck and flat warts may occur in a
group of up to as many as seven hundred at a
time. In color and texture, these may be dark or
pale, and smooth, rough, raised or flat.
Sometimes looking like thin hornlike projections,
the warts may also involve bleeding or itching.


Muscular dystrophy is a muscle-wasting Muscular dystrophy is caused by mutations The two most commonly prescribed drugs for
disease whose predominant forms may on the X chromosome. Each version of muscular dystrophy are:
affect up to 1 in every 5,000 males. The muscular dystrophy is due to a different set Corticosteroids - although this type of
condition is caused by genetic mutations of mutations, but all prevent the body from medication can help increase muscle strength
that interfere with the production of muscle producing dystrophin. Dystrophin is a and slow progression, their long-term use can
proteins necessary to build and maintain protein essential for building and repairing weaken bone and increase weight gain
healthy muscles. muscles. Heart medications - if the muscular dystrophy
The disease is genetic, and consequently, a impacts the heart, beta blockers and
history of muscular dystrophy in the family angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
increases the chance of an individual inhibitors may be useful
developing the disease. Symptoms are Physical therapy.
waddling gait, pain and stiffness in the General exercises - a range of motion and
muscles, difficulty with running and jumping, stretching exercises can help combat the
Muscular walking on toes, difficulty sitting up or inevitable inward movement of the limbs as
Dystrophy standing, learning disabilities, such as muscles and tendons shorten. Limbs tend to
developing speech later than usual, frequent become fixed in position, and these types of
falls, inability to walk, a shortening of activities can help keep them mobile for
muscles and tendons, further limiting longer. Standard low-impact aerobic exercises
movement, breathing problems can become such as walking and swimming can also help
so severe that assisted breathing is slow the disease's progression.
necessary, curvature of the spine can be Breathing assistance - as the muscles used for
caused if muscles are not strong enough to breathing become weaker, it may be
support its structure, the muscles of the necessary to use devices to help improve
heart can be weakened, leading to cardiac oxygen delivery through the night. In the most
problems, difficulty swallowing - this can severe cases, a patient may need to use a
cause aspiration pneumonia, and a feeding ventilator to breathe on their behalf.
tube is sometimes necessary Mobility aids - canes, wheelchairs, walkers.
Braces - these keep muscles and tendons
stretched and help slow their shortening. They
also give added support to the user when

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