DS Practical List

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Practical List for File

Batch: 2012-15 Subject: Data Structures

Lab Exercise 1: (2 Hrs.)
Implement the data structure Doubly Linked List. Provide C functions for the following
Append: adds a node at the end of the list
Get by data (A variation of traverse): searches for a data value in the list
Get by position: returns pointer to ith node of the list (based upon sequence)

Lab Exercise 2: (2 Hrs.)

Implement the following operations for a doubly linked list (the following functions may
use the functions define in lab exercise 1):
addAtPosition: adds a node at a specified position in the linked list
addInAscendingOrder: ads a node on basis of data value in ascending order

Lab Exercise 3: (2 Hrs.)

Implement the following operations for a doubly linked list (the following functions may
use the functions define in lab exercise 1):
deleteByPosition: deletes a node from a specified position in the linked list
deleteByDataValue: Delete the node containing a data value

Lab Exercise 4a: (2 Hrs.)

Use your library for linked list to implement a Linked Stack. Provide the following
operations for the stack:

Lab Exercise 4b: (2 Hrs.)

Use your library for linked list to implement a Linked Queue. Provide the following
operations for the Queue:
Practical List for File
Batch: 2012-15 Subject: Data Structures

Lab Exercise 5: (2 Hrs.)

Implement the following operations on a polynomial using linked list:

Lab Exercise 6: (2 Hrs.)

Implement the add operations on two polynomials.

Lab Exercise 7: (2 Hrs.)

Implement the following operations for a static stack (implemented using arrays):
1. init
2. isEmpty
3. isFull
4. push
5. pop
6. peek

Lab Exercise 8: (2 Hrs.)

Implement the following operations for a static queue (implemented using arrays):
1. init
2. isEmpty
3. isFull
4. enqueue
5. dequeue

Lab Exercise 9: (2 Hrs)

Implement the following operations using stacks (1,2class + 3,4home)
1. Convert an expression from infix to postfix
2. Evaluate a postfix expression
3. Convert an expression from infix to prefix
4. Evaluate a prefix expression

Lab Exercise 10: (2 Hrs)

Implement the following operations on a BST:
1. Add a node
2. Delete a node
3. Search for a key
4. Print the keys in (use recursion):
a. Pre-order
Practical List for File
Batch: 2012-15 Subject: Data Structures
b. In-order
c. Post-order

Lab Exercise 11: (1 Hrs)

Implement the following operations on a BST:
1. Find the height of the tree
2. Count the number of nodes in the tree
3. Count the number of leaves in the tree
4. Clone the tree
5. Destroy the tree

Lab Exercise 12: (2 Hrs.)

Implement the following:
1. Build an expression tree from an expression give in postfix form
2. Generate the expression in the following notations
a. Infix (remember to add parenthesis)
b. Prefix
c. Postfix
3. Evaluate the expression

Lab Exercise 13: (2 Hrs.)

Implement the following:
1. Add a node to a Right in-threaded tree.
2. Traverse the tree non-recursively in in-order

Lab Exercise 14: (6 Hrs)

Implement and compare the running time of following algorithms for a large data set:
a. Bubble Sort
b. Selection Sort
c. Insertion Sort
d. Shell Sort
e. Heap Sort
f. Radix Sort
g. Merge Sort
h. Quick Sort

Lab Exercise 15: (6 Hrs)

Provide the following operations for a graph using the adjacency matrix representation:
(i) Add a Vertex
(ii) Add an Edge
(iii) Remove a Vertex
Practical List for File
Batch: 2012-15 Subject: Data Structures
(iv) Remove an Edge
(v) Generate Adjacency List for a given node
(vi) Calculate in-degree
(vii) Calculate out-degree
(viii) DFS Traversal
(ix) BFS Traversal

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