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BMP2 Is Required for Cephalic Neural Tube Closure

in the Mouse
Trisha Castranio1 and Yuji Mishina1,2

BMPs have been shown to play a role in neural tube development particularly as dorsalizing factors. To explore the possibility
that BMP2 could play a role in the developing neural tube (NT) beyond the lethality of Bmp2 null embryos, we created Bmp2
chimeras from Bmp2 null ES cells and WT blastocysts. Analysis of Bmp2 chimeras reveals NT defects at day 9.5 (E9.5). We found
that exclusion of Bmp2 null ES cells from the dorsal NT did not always prevent defects. For further comparison, we used a Bmp2
mutant line in a mixed background. Phenotypes observed were similar to chimeras including open NT defects, postneurulation
defects, and abnormal neural ectoderm in heterozygous and homozygous null embryos demonstrating a pattern of dose-
dependent signaling. Our data exposes BMP2 as a unique player in the developing NT for dorsal patterning and identity, and
normal cephalic neural tube closure in a dose-dependent manner.

Developmental Dynamics 238:110 122, 2009. Published 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: BMP2; neural tube defects; neurulation; neural tube closure; NTD; chimera

Accepted 13 November 2008

INTRODUCTION Although BMPs and their signaling and BMP2 function in later stages of
molecules are important factors in development has begun to emerge (Ma et
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) were
patterning in early embryonic devel- al., 2005; Tsuji et al., 2006). A lim-ited
originally identified by their ability to
opment (Kishigami and Mishina, 2005), number of attempts to reveal the function
cause bone differentiation more than 40
BMP2 function during early mouse of BMP2 in early stages in-cluding neural
years ago (Urist, 1965). Together with
growth and differentia-tion factors (GDFs), development is poorly under-stood due to tube development has been reported (Ybot-
nodal and lefty, BMPs compose a large the early lethality of tar-geted null mutant Gonzalez et al., 2002, 2007).
subgroup within the transforming growth embryos (Zhang and Bradley, 1996). Very
fac-tor- (TGF- ) gene superfamily recently, it has been reported that BMP2 During the 24 hr between E8.5 and E9.5,
(Kingsley, 1994; Zhao, 2003). How-ever, has a unique functional role in the develop- a mouse embryo goes through rapid and
recent studies of several organ-isms ing embryo for the migration but not dramatic development (Kaufman et al.,
demonstrate that several BMPs have other induction of neural crest cells (Correia et 1998). Developmen-tal events at this stage
roles during embryogene-sis, notably in al., 2007). Although there are still many include fore-limbs budding, otic and optic
dorsoventral (DV) and/or anterior important questions unan-swered as to the pits in-vaginating, heart looping, along
posterior (AP) axis formation and role of BMP2 in early organogenesis, a with embryonic turning and primitive gut
patterning (Hogan, 1996; Mishina, 2003; floxed mouse line for Bmp2 has recently evolution. Simultaneously, the neural tube
Whitman, 1998). become available (NT) closes and three distinct re-
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article.
Laboratory of Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
University of Michigan, School of Dentistry, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Grant sponsor: Intramural Research Program of the NIEHS/NIH; Grant number: ES071003-10.
*Correspondence to: Trisha Castranio, Molecular Developmental Biology Group, Laboratory of Reproductive and Develop-mental Toxicology,
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, 111 T. W. Alexander Dr., Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. E-
DOI 10.1002/dvdy.21829
Published online 17 December 2008 in Wiley InterScience (

Published 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the
public domain in the United States of America.

TABLE 1. Phenotypes of Heterozygous and Null Embryos Separated Into Four Categoriesa

Categories Nulls Heterozygotes (%) Homozygous (%)

1. Normal 14 (21) 0 (0)
2. Postneurulation, partial open NT 40 (62) 0 (0)
3. Hypomorphism, heart defects, open NT, failure to turn 9 (14) 9 (43)
4. No development beyond the 5-somite stage 2 (3) 12 (57)

Images in Figure 1 show heterozygous mice with phenotypes similar in kind to the chimeras with low to moderate range contribution while the nulls
matched the high to very high contribution chimeras.
2002; Zohn well as RESULT slight the somite
et al., earlier stage S abnormalitie heterogene count.
2007), for events s and -ity Homozygou
gions of the its unique involving ectoderm Embryos postneurulat For some, increased s null em-
brain take closure neural crest important Show ion defects there were survival bryos (Fig.
shape. issues and cells only for roof Cephalic in the no somites beyond 1KO)
Closure in differentiat (Fukuda et plate Neural forebrain formed and E8.5. showed
the mouse ion al., 2007; formation Tube region (Fig. no Homozygo open NT de-
begins at 3 requiremen Kanzler et and Defects 1B); recognizable us mutant fects,
distinct ts. al., 2000; developmen middle-high neural embryos hypomorphi
points, the t after the BMP2 tissue. We
Sailer et al., contribution for Bmp2 sm, failure
second of closure of chimeras used 4
2005; chimeras displayed to turn,
which varies the neural generated independent
In mid- Sakuta et show a more phenotypes failure to
among tube? In this from Bmp2 Bmp2 / ES
gestation, al., 2006; severe that mimic produce
strains, and re-port, we null ES cell lines
BMPs Timmer et phenotype the limb buds,
then the will cells and and all
function in al., 2002; including phenotypes heart-
neural tube describe wild type showed
the Yanagisawa open NT of the looping
zips shut how the (WT) blas- similar
progressio et al., 2001). defects and chimeras defects, and
(Copp et al., level of tocysts pheno-
n, Numbers of some (Fig. 1, reduced
2003). BMP2 were types. No
differentiat BMPs are posterior Table 1). somite
While the expression harvested abnormal
ion, and expressed defects (Fig. Some count. Table
process of is inversely at E9.5. ES embryos
developme with 1C); high heterozygo 1 displays
neurulation propor- cell were re-
nt of distinctive contribution us and all these pheno-
or neural tional to the derived covered
certain patterns in chimeras homozygo types
tube closure severity of cells in when wild
aspects of the cephalic show open us null grouped into
can be defects in chimeras type ES
the brain. re-gion prior NT defects, embryos 4 categories
described, the carry-ing cells were
For to and failure to showed based on
its developing one copy used at any
example, during turn, overt abnormality.
mechanisms mouse of level of
BMP4 neural tube posterior abnormal From 17
and the embryo ROSA26
along with closure defects, contribution phenotypes litters with
players in- implicating (Soriano,
FGFs are (Furuta et failure to (data not similar in normal
volved are a dose- 1999) were
involved in al., 1997). form limb shown). kind to Mendelian
still unclear. dependent visible
neural Notably, buds, and chimeras ratios, we
Dorsal-ven- requirement after X-gal We also
induction Bmp2 is heart- with mid- found 79%
tral (DV) for de- stain-ing. transferred
(Jessell and expressed looping dle to very of
patterning, velopment Embryos at the targeted
Sanes, exclusively defects (Fig. high heterozygot
cell shaping, during early every level Bmp2
2000; in the 1D). Very contributio es and 100%
cell organogene- of contri- mouse line
Linker and surface high n of null of nulls
proliferation sis. bution of (Zhang and
Stern, ectoderm contribution ES cells. In showed
, and cell Furthermore null ES Bradley,
2004). adjacent to chimeras Figure 1F some type
movement , we propose cells 1996) from
BMP2 has the dor-sal showed J, of
are all that BMP2 verified 129SvEv to
established neuroectode complete heterozygo abnormal-
actively signaling that ES a mixed
expression rm (Furuta failure to us mice ity. Among
involved in from and cells 129/B6
patterns in et al., 1997) develop be- showed these
normal NT within the incorporate background
the dorsal suggesting a yond the postneurul embryos,
de- surface into all since mixed
mid-line of unique role E8.0 E8.5 ation (Fig. 3% of het-
velopment ectoderm tissue types ge-netic
the brain, for BMP2 in stage (Fig. 1F) erozygotes
and closure propels NT at this backgrounds
specifically the cephalic 1E). (category and 57% of
(Brook et closure stage. In are
the roof region. But 2) and nulls
al., 1991; regardless Figure 1A, generally
plate of the is the open NT showed the
Copp et al., of the very low less
telencephal expression defects most severe
1988; establishme (less than vulnerable
on (Furuta of BMP2 in (Fig. 1GJ) phenotype:
Estibeiro et nt of the 30%) to genetic
et al., the surface (category no devel-
al., 1993; dorsal contributio defects and
1997). 3). A small opment
Padmanabha identity and n chimeras show less
BMP2 is number beyond the
n, 2006), but supports showed no severe
also linked showed 5-somite
the cephalic develop-ing overt phenotypes
to glial or anterior stage
region has neural tissue abnormaliti than purely
CNS fates and (category 4).
rarely been in the dorsal es, whereas in-bred
and retinal posterior The third
targeted portion of low to strains. We
patterning, NT de- category
experimenta the NT. middle collected
neurogenes fects, (cate-
lly (Mackay contributio litters at
is, and failure to
et al., 2006; n chimeras E9.5 and, as
astroglioge turn, and
Soo et al., showed expected,
nesis, as reduced
gory 3) is defined by phenotypes in-cluding pected abnormalities in tissue devel- peared in the most anterior sections (Fig.
reduced overall size, heart-looping defects, opment (Figs. 2 4). A pattern emerged for 4D) along with disorganization of the
an open NT in the cephalic region, as well exclusion of Bmp2 null ES cells from forebrain region (Fig. 4, arrow-heads).
as a failure of the embryo to turn for 14% certain tissues in devel-oping chimeric Sections within the cephalic region showed
of het-erozygous and 43% of homozygous embryos. Based on available WT cells, null an increasing amount of disorder from
null embryos, respectively. The sec-ond cells were ex-cluded from the dorsal anterior to posterior and, finally, an
category contains only heterozy-gous mice portion of the developing neural tube, the inability to close the NT in the forebrain
with a partially open ce-phalic NT that is dorsal head mesenchyme, and the surface region. The mes-enchyme appeared greatly
usually found in the forebrain region and ec-toderm as well as the developing limb reduced surrounding the dorsal portions of
occasionally in the hindbrain region with buds, atria, posterior embryo, lateral plate the NT (Fig. 4D, E, arrows). The develop-
closure oc-curring normally at closure mesoderm, primitive gut, and second ing eye, although formed, showed some
point 2. The remaining heterozygotes were branchial arch (Fig. 3AD). With greater irregular neural tissue but all other
considered normal in nature and ac-counted incorporation of Bmp2 null cells, as in developing tissues including the surface
for 21% of all collected het-erozygous higher contribution chimeras, those tissues ectoderm appeared normal. Middle-high
embryos. A high incidence of abnormalities either failed to develop or were severely contribution chimeras showed the same
found in the het-erozygous embryos impaired (Figs. 2D,E, 3EG). Null cells anterior to posterior degeneration (Fig. 3E
reflects a skew in the Mendelian ratio could be excluded from limb buds, head G). Note that WT cells (pink) nearly
versus weaning stage ratios (WT:Het:mut mesen-chyme, and the dorsal portion of the exclusively pop-ulated the dorsal portion of
58:81:0 from Het x Het 129/B6 NT until null cell incorporation reached the the NT and dorsal head mesenchyme and
background, WT/Het is 1.4 instead of 2.0). high level. At the high and very high still the neuroectoderm appears abnormal
Simply, Bmp2 homozygous null, contribution levels, there was not a pattern in size and shape (Fig. 3EG, arrow-heads)
heterozygous and chimeric embryos of exclusion and the few WT cells available relative to WT (Fig. 3HJ, ar-rowheads).
showed compa-rable defects in cephalic were randomly distributed within the em- As with the heterozygous embryos,
neural tube closure. For clarification, we bryo and development was stalled (Figs. disorganization occurs in op-tic and otic
will focus for the remainder of this report 1D, 2CE). Exclusion from the dorsal vesicles and cells are ab-normal in
on cephalic neural tube development pre- portion of the NT was through-out the appearance (Fig. 3E, F). Ho-mozygous
viously categorized in Table 1. embryo even where the NT was properly nulls showed open neural tube defects with
closed in the trunk re-gion of the embryo abnormal neural tis-sue (Fig. 2I) or a
(Fig. 3AD). complete failure to develop neural tissue
(data not shown) similar to very high
contribu-tion chimeras (Fig. 2D, E, respec-
BMP2 Plays a Role in the tively) as well as a lack of organization and
Sections from abnormal heterozy-gous delayed NT development. The ventral
Development of Dorsal
embryos (category 2) showed ab-normal portion of the NT for most em-bryos
Neural Tissue neural tissue in the dorsal por-tion of the appeared relatively normal.
Histological sections of these embryos developing NT in the cephalic region
magnify the defects previously de-scribed including the develop-ing eye (Fig. 2F, H).
and illuminated other unex- Abnormalities ap-

Fig. 1. Abnormalities found in chimeras, heterozygous, and homozygous null embryos. BMP2 chimeras (AE) were generated from null ES cells
carrying the LacZ gene and wild type blastocysts and were harvested at E9.5. Shown are different levels of contribution of null ES cells to chimeric
development in increasing amounts from A to E. X-gal stains null ES cells blue. Note that defects appear at fairly low levels of contribution. Black
arrowheads show defects of the cephalic region and grey arrowheads show other stage-specific developmental defects. A: No contribution chimera
shows no apparent defects. B: Low contribution chimera has an abnormal-shaped head and fails to form telencephalic vesicles. C: Middle
contribution chimera shows postneurulation (closed neural tube) defects in the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain regions of the developing embryo.
The heart has not looped properly. D: High contribution chimera has open neural tube defects as well as stalled development in the anterior and
posterior portions of the embryo. There is also abnormal heart looping, a failure to develop limb buds, and failure of embryonic turning. E: Very high
contribution chimera fails to develop any normal structures including somites. BMP2 Heterozygous and Homozygous Null Embryos, E9.5. White
arrowheads show cephalic defects while grey arrowheads show other stage-specific developmental defects. FJ: Defects occur in some
heterozygous embryos where postneurulation defects show abnormal head shape and lack of telencephalic vesicles (F) or embryos have open NT
defects in the forebrain region (G, H) or forebrain-midbrain region, while some have completely open NT in the cephalic region (J). KO: For
homozygous nulls, defects in the developing embryo include failure to close the NT, abnormal heart development, lack of limb bud development, and
also failure to turn. Scale bar 1 mm.

Fig. 2. Sections from the cephalic region. Cephalic sections (AJ) show interesting patterns of development. Chimeric sections are paraffin sections
while heterozygous and null sections are frozen sections. Chimeras (BE) show an increase in severity of defects proportional to the incorporation of
ES cells. Blue cells indicate ES cell-derived Bmp2 null cells. B: Sections from a low contribution chimera show relatively normal development similar
to WT (A). C: Sections from a high contribution chimera show defects in the dorsal neural tube and head mesenchyme in the forebrain and hindbrain
regions. F: Sections from heterozygous mice show similar defects to high contribution chimeras. G,H: Magnified views show disorganization and
abnormal neural tissue in the dorsal portions of the neural tube. D,E: Sections from very high contribution chimeras show severe abnormalities
including an expanded and disorganized neural tube (D) or an absence of neural tissue altogether (E). I: Homozygous nulls show an abnormal neural
tube. J: Magnified view shows the neural mesenchymal-like mixture. Ch, chimera; het, heterozygous mouse; hb, hindbrain; fb, forebrain; wt, wildtype;
null, homozygous null. Scale bar 1 mm.
Fig. 1.

Fig. 2.
Scanning electron microscopy showed forebrain regions (Guo et al., 2007) where was observed whereas the hindbrain
abnormalities in the heterozygous and Bmp2 heterozygous embryos showed contained abnormal neuroectoderm (Fig.
homozygous null embryos. In the het- abnormalities. Expression of Wnt1 in 8J, n 3). For category 3 het-erozygous
erozygous embryo (category 2) (Fig. 5B), homozygous null embryos was normal embryos and category 4 null embryos
closure points 1, 2, and 3 appeared closed even when the entire ce-phalic NT was where dorsal mesen-chyme was greatly
but tissue between those points (Fig. 5B, open (data not shown; Correia et al., 2007). reduced, apoptosis (Fig. 8L and data not
blue arrow; Fig. 5E, arrowhead) was open shown) occurred mostly in the remaining
and neural tissue was exposed. The over-all To determine the role of BMP2 sig- mesenchyme along the surface ectoderm.
shape of the head was irregular in contrast naling in the control of cell death ver-sus These re-sults, together with histological
to the WT (Fig. 5A). The three regions of proliferation, phosphohistone 3 staining obser-vations, suggest that BMP2 plays
the brain that define this stage were and TUNEL analysis were performed. As unique and critical roles in maintain-ing
unrecognizable. The null embryo (Fig. 5C) shown in Figure 7AC, phosphohistone 3 proper identity of the neuroecto-derm and
had a completely open neural tube (blue (pH3) immunohisto-chemistry revealed no prevention of apoptosis in the mesenchyme
arrow) and although the otic vesicle (a overt differ-ences in proliferation in and surface ecto-derm, especially in the
surface ectoderm-derived tis-sue) appeared mesenchymal and neural tissue among wild dorsal portions of the cephalic region.
normal, there was no neu-ral tube closure type and Bmp2 heterozygous and null em-
or brain segmentation oc-curring in the bryos. However, TUNEL assay dem-
cephalic region (Fig. 5C, F). Neural tissues onstrated that heterozygous (category 2, 3)
that appeared columnar in the WT control and homozygous null (category 3, 4) Does p53-Dependent
(Fig. 5K, arrowheads) were round and embryos displayed unique patterns of cell Apoptosis Affect Neural
mesenchymal in homozy-gous null death in comparison to wild type embryos. Tube Closure in BMP2
embryos that showed closure defects (Fig. Heterozygous embryos with
5H, arrowhead). Where clo-sure was postneurulation defects (cate-gory 2)
occurring, the surface ectoderm appeared showed cell death in the dorsal Because of the increase in apoptosis in
overwhelmed by abnormal neu-ral tissue as mesenchyme as well as within the neural BMP2 embryos, we considered whether it
closure point 3 attempted to zip toward tube and surface ectoderm in the hindbrain played a role in the failure of the NT to
closure point 2 (Fig. 5H, star) while in the region (Fig. 8DF). Ap-optosis occurred close. Recently, it has been reported (Jones
WT the surface ectoderm contains the mostly in the head mesenchyme (n 3) and et al., 2008; Pani et al., 2002) that p53
neuroectoderm within its boundaries as the in the surface ectoderm directly adjacent to affects apoptosis during neural tube
NT and surface ecto-derm zip shut (star, the clos-ing NT in category 3 heterozygous development. Enhanced apoptosis in the
Fig. 5K). Near the midbrain-forebrain em-bryos with open NT defects (Fig. 8G neuroectoderm is found in the Pax3
junction close to clo-sure point 2 (green I). In category 3 Bmp2 null embryos, cell (Phelan et al., 1997) and Tcof1 (Dixon et
box, Fig.5 I. L), abnor-mal tissue remained death occurred in the otic vesicles, surface al., 2006) mutants and these were rescued
but the surface ecto-derm appeared normal ectoderm, and head mesen-chyme (Fig. (Jones et al., 2008; Pani et al., 2002) by
and distinct. The surface ectoderm still met 8K) but none was seen in the most anterior pifithrin- , an inhibitor of p53. We
the leading edge of the NT, but appeared to region of the head where no forebrain considered whether we could also rescue
be sepa-rate and distinct (Fig. 5I, arrow) neuroectoderm apoptosis and ultimately NT defects found
whereas in the WT the two remain in Bmp2 embryos by us-ing pifithrin- . We
integrated (Fig. 5L, arrow). treated pregnant fe-

Expression of Pax3 Is
Fig. 3. Exclusion of Bmp2 null cells in chimeric embryos. Sections from the head trunk and tail
Missing in the Developing
portion of various embryos (AD) show a consistent pattern of exclusion of ES cell-derived Bmp2
Cephalic Neural Tube null cells (blue) from these tissues in the developing embryo: the head mesenchyme, body wall,
dorsal portion of the NT, the lateral plate mesoderm, ventricular chambers of the heart, dorsal
Whole mount in situ hybridization (WMIS) portion of otic vesicles, limb buds, second branchial arch, and extraembryonic tissues. WT cells
using Bmp2 homozygous null embryos from host blastocysts stain pink. A moderate contribution chimera serial sectioned through the
showed an absence of Pax3 (n 3), which cephalic region (EG) shows increased severity of neural tube defects in the hindbrain and the
was normally expressed in the dorsal-most forebrain regions (arrowheads) when compared to the WT (HJ). The neural tube becomes disor-
ganized and tissue appears abnormal. Exclusion of null cells is consistent. Mesenchyme appears
portion of the neu-ral tube in wild type normal and condensed in the forebrain regions but less dense in the hindbrain region (arrows in E,
embryos (Fig. 6AE). However, we found H). The otic vesicle (a surface ectoderm derived tissue) is abnormal as is the optic vesicle (a NT-
normal ex-pression patterns in the cephalic derived tissue). Embryos shown before sectioning in the left boxes with approximate positions of
re-gion for Pax6, Wnt1, Shh, Otx2 (data not sections (for EJ). Embryo left of AD is only representing sectioning positions. Scale bar 1 mm.
shown, n 3 respectively) as well as Noggin
Fig. 4. Serial sections of wild type and abnormal heterozygous mouse embryos. Transverse frozen
and Bmp4 (see Supplemen-tary Fig. S1, sections were made serially through the cephalic region. Serial sections through a heterozygous
which is available online; n 3, mouse show increasing disorganization especially in the forebrain region (DF, arrowheads).
respectively). Although Wnt1 is considered Abnormal neural tissue and disorganization (star) pervade the anterior-most regions of the head.
a dorsal NT marker, in the cephalic region Mesenchyme appears evenly distributed and not condensed (DF, arrows). The forebrain region is
open (E, F) compared to WT (AC) and neural tissue is disorganized. Blue boxes (in B, E)
it is restricted to the caudal mesencephalon highlight areas of interest. Magnified images in corresponding blue boxes show disorganization
and not the and expan-sion of neuroectoderm and the lack of mesenchymal condensation in the forebrain
region. Scale bar 1 mm.

Fig. 3.
Fig. 4.
heterozygo phalic ion and is 1.5 for penetrance heterozygo
us and region or dissolu-tion, 129SvEv may be tes, we
males at homozygo fail to close as do gous and inbred, 1.4 subject to have et al., 2008).
stages us null the NT al- abnormal homozygo for Swiss the genetic confidence Embryos
appropriate embryos together. heterozygou us mutant Web-ster, background. her with
to NT clo- show Chimeras s and em-bryos 0.84 for contributio genotype
sure. comparabl did not homozygous for Bmp2 C57BL6/J n affects fn/- show
Overall, we e show ce- null varied so congenic). embryonic closure
found no phenotypes phalic NT embryos. much These facts developme defects in
rescue in the closure Higher con- (Table 1). suggest that Another nt. the ce-
(Table 2) for develop- defects tribution Since these genetic potential Recently, phalic
homozygous ing neural specifically chimeras mice come mod-ifiers explanation we neural tube
null tube and in in the fail to from a would for generated a similar to
embryos progressive forebrain or exclude and mixed influence phenotypic mouse with the ones
regard-less se-verity midbrain have backgroun frequency variation is a described in
of treatment based on region as cephalic d, we and severity maternal conditional this study,
with most the het- regions that cannot of the con- allele for and its fre-
classified as available erozygous contain ei- exclude the phenotypes tribution Bmp2. The quency
category 4. amount of mice did ther reduced influence described in since, as floxed varies
We found BMP2 probably mesenchym of genetic this study. stated allele in- depending
partial signal. because e and modifiers We also above, sur- cludes a on the geno-
rescue for Chimeras they have disorga- as one of experienced vivability of neomycin type of
heterozygou show not the ability to nized neural the a reduced the selection mother,
s embryos only a exclude null tissue or possible number of heterozygou cassette in more
with fewer predisposit cells and, increased reasons. As heterozygou s pups was the Bmp2 frequent if
cate-gory 2 ion to therefore, mesen- men-tioned s pups from lower when locus mother is
as well as exclude prevent chyme and in the WT (male) mothers (floxed- fn/-
category 3 null cells those de- the absence Results heterozygou were het- neo allele, resulting in
in the from fects. Those of neural section, we s (fe-male) erozygous abbreviate lower ex-
pifithrin- specific chimeras tissue, the expe- breeding. for Bmp2. d fn) that pression
-treated tissues of that show same as rienced a For the We also can levels of
embryos the post- homozygous lower mixed back- discov-ered transcribe Bmp2 in the
versus the developing neurulation null number of ground we that among only 10% decidua and
DMSO- em-bryo defects embryos. heterozy- used in this heterozygou of the uterus
treated but they demonstrate gous pups study, the s inter- transcript (Singh et al.,
embryos. also show that surface It is at weaning pro-portion crosses when com- 2008).
There were abnormal ectoderm interesting stage from of when severe pared with These facts
also more phe- closure to consider heterozygo heterozygot phenotypes the wild further
category 1 notypes at takes prece- why us es for Bmp2 were found type locus support the
(normal) a fairly low dence over phenotypes intercross at weaning in (Singh idea that a
heterozy- level of NT closure (WT/Het is stage is homozygous maternal
found in
gous contribu- itself. We 1.4 instead nearly 50% null influence
embryos tion. never of 2.0, as ex- embryos, including
recovered. Beginning observed proportion pected. heterozygou expres-sion
with embryos of Het is However, s littermates levels of
abnormal with a 58% this ratio usually had Bmp2 may
neural closed instead of varies de- NT defects affect the
DISCUSS 67%). With se-verity of
ION tissue and neural tube pending on as well.
the failure while the over 5 their genetic When the
The to surface years of background, homozygous embryonic
Severity of invaginate ectoderm re- breeding, 38% for nulls were phenotypes
Defects in tel- mained we 129SvEv less severe, shown in
BMP2 encephalic open. experience inbred, 42% heterozygou Table 1
vesicles, Chimeric d sim-ilar for Swiss s embryos especially
Null and
chimeras embryos phenomena Webster, from the when ex-
Heterozyg , but rates pression
with in- with NT and 35% for same
ous of levels in
creasing closure C57BL6/J mother had
Embryos reduction Bmp2
contributio defects also congenic. no
Is n of null show were These embryos are
Dose cells then defects in varied numbers or only mild decreased.
Dependen fail to dorsal based on again sug- postneurula- Maternal
t maintain neural tissue their gest that the tion defects. influence,
neural developmen genetic severity of Since all ge-netic
Chimeric backgroun background,
embryos tissue in t, in-cluding phenotypes pregnant fe-
the ce- disorganizat d (WT/Het and males were and other
unknown Since other presence of
genetic BMPs, wild type
modifiers especially cells for
may all BMP4 and middle to
contribute to BMP7, are high con-
phenotypic also tribution
variation in expressed chimeras
Bmp2 het- in the and for
erozygous developing heterozy-
and cephalic gous
homozygous region embryos
null em- (Furuta et (with one
bryos, al., 1997) functional
which is of the copy of
ultimately E8.5E9.5 Bmp2)
controlled embryo, it demonstrate
by the is not only a
available important dosage
amount of to note that requirement
BMP2. the pattern of BMP2
Clearly, a of but also a
minimal expression failure of
reduction of for each other BMPs
BMP2 BMP is to rescue
signaling unique nor-mal NT
will with developmen
negatively potentially t and tissue
affect overlappin iden-tity.
embry-onic g func- While
developmen tions. Our exclusion of
t at this histologica Bmp2 nulls
stage. We, l data show ES cells
therefore, that from
believe that chimeras specific
the severity exclude tissues
of defects Bmp2 null including
among cells when the surface
chimeras, possible. ectoderm
heterozygou Specificall implies a
s and y, in the ce- cell-
homozygous phalic
null region,
embryos is exclusion
in-versely of Bmp2
proportional null cells
to the may
amount of illuminate
BMP2 the
signaling. requiremen
t of BMP2
for NT
closure in
BMP2 cephalic
May Play regions of
a Role in heterozygo
us and
Dorsal homozy-
Identity of gous null
the embryos.
Cephalic These NT
Neural closure
Tube defects
in the

autonomous function for BMP2 (Morin-

Kensicki et al., 2001), exclu-sion from
tissues that do not express BMP2, such as
the dorsal neuroecto-derm, suggests a non-
cell-autonomous function for BMP2 in
those tissues. Since Bmp2 is a signaling
molecule, availability of BMP2 from
neighbor-ing WT cells may be a
determining factor for contribution to those
tissues that do not express BMP2. These
ac-tivities suggest that BMP2 has unique
and non-overlapping functions in the
cephalic region for NT development. Since
dorsal identity issues have been
investigated mainly in the trunk re-gion
(Dietrich et al., 1993; Goulding et al.,
1993b; Meyer and Roelink, 2003), the
cephalic region may be regulated

Fig. 5. Scanning electron microscopy analyses

of cephalic regions. Scanning electron micros-
copy (SEM) of WT (A, D), heterozygous (B, E),
and homozygous null embryos (C, F). Compar-
ison of forebrain region for each embryo (white
arrowheads) shows overt open neural tube de-
fects (blue arrows). SEM analysis at higher
magnification shows open neural tube defects.
Note the abnormal shape of the neural tissue
(red arrowhead in H) compared with stage-
matched WT (red arrowheads in K) and the
failure to close at any point of the developing
neural tube. There is invagination at the optic
pit, a medial/ventral NT derivative tissue. The
surface ectoderm appears normal and aligned
with the prospective dorsal portion of the NT
(white arrow, I) but the border becomes ob-
scure towards the forebrain region (star, H).
Images of corresponding regions from a WT
embryo before NT closure (E9.0) are shown for
comparison (JL). G: Dorso-lateral view, ante-
rior is left. J: Dorsal view. Fig. 5.

Fig. 6. Expression of Pax3. WMIS for Pax3 expression is shown in AE. WT embryos (A) show normal expression of Pax3 in the dorsal portion of the
NT throughout the embryo. Heterozygous embryos with open NT defects (B) show normal expression in the trunk region (black arrows) but lack
expression in the cephalic region (red arrows), as do homozygous null embryos ( CE). D is a dorsal view of the same embryo shown in C to further
clarify the absence of Pax3 in the edge of unclosed neural tube (red arrows).

Fig. 7. Analysis of proliferation. Analysis using phosphohistone 3 (pH3) immunohistochemistry of cephalic sections for proliferation show no overt
differences among WT (A), heterozygous (B) and homozygous (C) nulls.

differently. The loss of Pax3 expres-sion in brain to meet closure point 1 (Copp et al., ment or germline mutation. Since we also
the dorsal cephalic NT of these embryos 2003). Curly tail (ct) mutation causes a NT found a lack of Pax3 expression along with
implies that BMP2 is neces-sary for dorsal closure defect in the cau-dal region (Copp NTDs in the Bmp2 mutant embryos, it was
identity of the cephalic NT. And although et al., 1988). It is speculated that alteration reasonable to specu-late that the loss of
the loss of a single marker does not in the phys-ical torque of the tail would be Pax3 would have induced p53-dependent
definitively eliminate other possibilities, a cause of the NT defect because of a lack apoptosis and subsequent NTD. However,
the lack of Pax3 expression and the failure of proliferation in the posterior portion of our re-sults show a failure to rescue the
of other BMPs to rescue the NT defect the embryo. It is notable that none of the NTDs in Bmp2 homozygous null em-bryos.
strongly supports the idea that BMP2 plays Bmp2 heterozygous embryos show open These facts suggest that p53-dependent
a role in dorsal identity of the cephalic NT. NT defects in the hindbrain, if the forebrain apoptosis is not directly in-volved in NT
region is closed. These facts suggest the closure defects for BMP2 embryos, and the
possibility that the forebrain region because loss of Pax3 may not be a direct cause of
of its physical size and shape requires more those NTDs, but rather a result of the
BMP2 Is Required for BMP2 to support the proliferation of NTDs. Future experiments to elucidate
mesenchy-mal tissues and surface mechanistic insight of apoptosis in the
Normal Cephalic Neural Tube
ectoderm. mesen-chyme may help to understand the
Closure di-rect cause(s) of the NTD in the ce-phalic
Another important aspect of neural tube It is believed that morphological changes region. It would be interesting to include
closure is physical kinetics in-cluding cell of the neural plate to form paired colony development using this treatment to
movement, cell prolifera-tion, and cell dorsolateral hinge points (DLHPs) are show a possible in-crease in survival for
shaping (Padmanabhan, 2006). Closure necessary for NT closure at the spinal level heterozygous mice, and a potentially
defects in the cephalic region for (Copp et al., 2003). Recently, it has been important fu-ture clinical application.
heterozygous embryos for Bmp2 ranges reported that the antagonism of BMP2
from completely open to specific opening stimulates forma-tion of DLHPs in the
in the midbrain and forebrain, and then, the spinal region of the NT (Ybot-Gonzalez et
least severe case, open only in the forebrain al., 2007). However, in the cephalic region,
region of the NT. These openings may forma-tion of DLHPs is not required Cephalic Mesenchyme
reflect the faulty physical kinetics of NT (Copp, 2005; Ybot-Gonzalez et al., 2002).
clo-sure in embryos lacking BMP2 expres- These reports support the role of BMP2 in
sion. It is important to note that for the neural tube closure including the need for Signaling
cephalic region, the forebrain is the most regulated and organized expression for Null embryos for Bmp2 that survive
expansive region required for closure. It normal neural tube closure. beyond gastrulation stages still suffer in the
would require the most pro-liferation of next stage of development. From E8.5 to
mesenchyme, neural ecto-derm, and Apoptosis plays a role in NT defects for E9.5, the anterior neural ridge needs to
surface ectoderm to close. Closure point 2 many mouse models (Padmanab-han, 2006; proliferate, close, and differentiate into 3
in the mouse is found near the midbrain Pani et al., 2002). Pax-3-deficient embryos distinct regions: forebrain, midbrain, and
region and from this point the NT zips in (Phelan et al., 1997) suffer from NTDs and hindbrain. Mesenchymal tissue in the head
opposite di-rections toward the forebrain to apoptosis. How-ever, these embryos were that surrounds the developing NT shows an
meet closure point 3 or toward the hind- rescued (Pani et al., 2002) by down- interesting pattern of development with
regulating p53 protein using pifithrin- treat- condensation occurring over time
Fig. 8. Analysis of apoptosis. TUNEL assay as performed on WT (AC), Category 2 Heterozygous (DF), Category 3 heterozygous (GI) and
homozygous (JL) null embryos. Sections from left to right are from anterior to posterior within the cephalic region for each set. Apoptosis (green) was
increased in heterozygous mice with both open NT defects (yellow boxes GI) and postneurulation defects (red boxes, DF) when compared to WT
(respective boxes, AC). Homozygous nulls with abnormal neural tissue (arrowheads K,L) show an increase in apoptosis but nulls with no
recognizable neural tissue (J) in the forebrain region show no apoptosis in the cephalic region. Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). Red box
emphasizes the hindbrain region, while the yellow box emphasizes the forebrain region.

TABLE 2. Pifithrin Treatment Does Not Rescue Abnormal Phenotypesa

Heterozygotes (%) Homozygous Nulls (%)

Categories PFT treated DMSO treated PFT treated DMSO treated
1. Normal 27 (79) 18 (46) 0 (0) 0 (0)
2. Postneurulation partial open NT 6 (18) 15 (38) 0 (0) 0 (0)
3. Hypomorphism, heart defects, open NT, 1 (3) 5 (13) 1 (14) 0 (0)
failure to turn
4. No development beyond E8.5 stage 0 (0) 1 (3) 6 (86) 7 (100)

Using pifithrin- treatment on pregnant females, we were able to find a partial rescue for heterozygous mice but none for homozygous nulls.
in ectoderm head me for fixed in Environmen
proliferatio itself. mesenchy proper 4% tal Health
n and an Overall the me are all condensatio paraformal Sci-ences,
from the increase in mesenchym neural tube. crucial for n and the Bradley, dehyde, NIH.
center of the apoptosis e within Since neural neural tube pre-vention 1996). dehy-
head near in head these em- crest cells closure. As of apoptosis These mice drated, and
the ventral mesenchy bryos was migrate we allowing for were embedded
portions of me (Soo et reduced. In through the revealed, nor-mal NT maintained in paraffin
the NT al., 2002; very high head mesen- the closure. in a mixed (Kishigami
outward Zhao et al., con- chyme mesenchy background et al.,
1996). The tribution me does 2004).
In Situ
toward the during this of C57Bl/6 Hybridiza
surface opm chimeras stage, it is not and Seven-
mutants and severely condense micro- tion
ectoderm impor-tant EXPERI 129SvEv.
and the show no af-fected to recognize or is poorly ES cell lines meter-thick Embryos
change in homozygous condensed MENTAL sections
dorsal their were created were
these nulls, the surroundin PROCED were harvested at
portions of migration from
the NT. Of parameters cephalic may be g the URES blastocysts counter- E9.5 and
the nu- but suggest region is affected by dorsal Generatio of crosses stained fixed in 4%
merous an actual either abnormal portion of n and between with Eosin paraformald
mouse movement entirely mesenchym the NT in Bmp2 Y such that ehyde in
models with of neural tissue al Bmp2 null heterozygou blasto- PBS for 2 hr
neural tube mesenchy or entirely developmen embryos s males cyst- and then
me to mesenchym and in Bmp2 derived
defects t and neural containing dehydrated
support the al-like chimeric Chimeras cells and stored at
(Brook et tube closure. one copy of
growing tissue, embryos. and Bmp2 stained 20C in
al., 1991; However, a ROSA26
Ju-riloff and forebrain implying Correia et In Mutant reporter pink and 100%
Harris, region at that without al. reported abnormal Embryos after Cre ES-derived methanol.
2000; Soo et the BMP2 that BMP2 heterozygo recombi- cells Whole
al., 2002; expense of signal-ing to is important us mice, nation and stained mount in
Stumpo et the the for neural the mes- Bmp2 blue. Bmp2 situ
s mice were
al., 1995; midbrain proliferating crest cell enchyme heterozygou heterozygo hybridizatio
region and mesenchym condenses kindly us mice in
Zohn et al., migration s fe-males. n was
NT closure e the relatively provided by a mixed
2005), the but not Wild type performed
(Ybot- boundary nor-mally Allan back-
impact of induction blastocysts as described
Gonzalez between in the Bradley ground
normal (Cor-reia et from CD1 (Wilkin-son
et al., mesenchym midbrain (Zhang and were and Nieto,
develop- al., 2007). It females
ment of the 2002; Zohn e and would be an and were intercrosse 1993) using
head et al., neuroepithel im-portant hindbrain, injected d to obtain the follow-
mesenchym 2007). ium is lost future but less so with 5 to 15 ho- ing probes:
e on neu-ral Both Bmp2 resulting in endeavor to in the Bmp2 / ES mozygous Shh
tube closure heterozygo disorganizat address the forebrain cells and and (Echelard et
is highly us and ion, loss of function of in mice reim-planted heterozygo al., 1993)
relevant homozygo identity and, BMP2 in with open into us embryos
(Soo et al., us null ultimately, migrating NT defects. pseudopregn for Bmp2.
2002; Zhao embryos, failure to neural crest Moreover, ant females Plugged
et al., 1996; however, close the cells and we never to generate females
Zohn et al., show whether or observed Bmp2 / 7 / were
2007). normal not it embryos chime-ras. scored as
Changes in pro- impacts with a Chimeras 0.5 at noon
proliferation liferation neural tube closed were of plug
and with an closure. neural tube harvested at date. All
apoptosis increase in while the E9.5 and animal
have also apopto-sis surface stained for procedures
impacted targeted Our ecto-derm -galactosida were
the head specifically results show remained se activ-ity approved
mesenchym to the through open. (X-gal by the
e of mouse mesen- SEM and Therefore, staining Institutiona
models but chyme near histological we believe hereafter) as l Animal
in different the surface analyses that BMP2 de-scribed Care and
ways. ectoderm that the from the previously Use
Homozygou and dorsal develop- surface (Kishigami Committee
s mice for portion of ment, ectoderm et al., 2004). at the
Twist or the NT, organization signals to Stained National
Cart1 show and within , and the embryos Insti-tute
a de-crease the surface amount of mesenchy were post- of
munohisto mg/kg at of Gruss, the KV. 2002.
chemistry day 8 and 9. Liechtenstei Richard NIEHS/NIH Mouse
and Wnt1 using a Dispatche Copp AJ,
was Em-bryos n). Em- Harland, (ES071003- d
(Wilkinson Hummer X Greene
performed were bryos were Andrew 10) and a homolog1
et al., 1987) Sputter ND,
as harvested at mounted on Mc-Mahon, gift from is Murdoch
pro-vided described day E10.5. aluminum Coater Janet RIKEN required JN. 2003.
by Andrew (Anatech for long-
(Caspary et (Correia et SEM stubs Rossant, Brain range, but
The genetic
McMahon, al., 2002). al., 2007; with Ltd., Yasuhide Science basis of
Otx2 (Ang Alexandria mammalian
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provided by were and sputter- Sam-ples Hogan for in signaling.
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Richard bridoma using an Pathol-ogy region: Mallo M.
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(Walther du/). Alexa distance of Carolina at of neural
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Dietrich S,
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Following and to Schubert
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Hogan rescent LEO support and brain. Altered Pax
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phos-phate 122:243 in murine
were cap- y, Inc., Stumpo, developin
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tured using Thornwoo Ms. Diane mutants:
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Immunohi samples tube
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