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Publisher: Mike Cook

On this day. . .
Vol. IX, No. 1 June 1984
Editor-in-Chief: Kim Mohan
Editorial staff: Roger Raupp
Patrick Lucien Price
Mary Kirchoff
Roger Moore On this day in 1976, the first issue of
Layout designer: Kristine L. Bartyzel DRAGON Magazine rolled off the press.
SPECIAL ATTRACTION Subscriptions: Mellody Knull (Which day? Oh, sometime in June. When
Contributing Editors: Ed Greenwood a magazine has a birthday, it lasts for a
Katherine Kerr
Great Stoney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 month.) Way back then, it was The
Ken Rolston
All the parts you need to make Dragon without the . It was produced
Advertising Sales Administrator:
a miniature cardboard castle Mary Parkinson by two people, and it was read by a healthy
This issues contributing artists: proportion of all the people who were de-
Denis Beauvais Harry Quinn voted to the new hobby of fantasy role-
Roger Raupp Dave Trampier playing.
Dennis Kauth Kurt Erichsen The name is different now, and the staff
Jerry Eaton Craig Smith is a little larger, but some things never
OTHER FEATURES Jeff Butler Larry Elmore change. DRAGON Magazine is still read
The ecology of the DRAGON Magazine (ISSN 0279-6848) is by the same kind of people. The hobby isnt
slithering tracker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
published monthly for a subscription price of $24 new any more, and a lot more people are
per year by Dragon Publishing, a division of
Dont look now, but . . . TSR, Inc. The mailing address of Dragon
involved in it, but the basic makeup of our
Publishing for all material except subscription readership is the same now as it was when
Familiars with a special use . . . . . . . . .12 orders is P.O. Box 110, Lake Geneva WI 53147; issue #1 was a reality (try to find one these
the business telephone number is (414)248-8044.
Matching pets with masters days!) and issue #86 was something that
DRAGON Magazine is available at hobby could only be envisioned with a wish spell.
The warrior alternative . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 stores and bookstores throughout the United Maybe thats an obvious point, but we
DRAGONQUEST game variant States and Canada, and through a limited
number of overseas outlets. Subscription rates cant take it for granted. The main reason
Five new enchanted objects . . . . . . . . . . .26 are as follows: $24 for 12 issues sent to an address that DRAGON Magazine has made it
in the U.S., $30 in Canada; $50 U.S. for 12 through eight years of continuous publica-
Magic items to surprise characters issues sent via surface mail or $95 for 12 issues
sent via air mail to any other country. All tion is because youve been reading what
Presenting the Suel pantheon . . . . . . . . .30 subscription payments must be in advance, and weve been printing. Whether youve been
More gods for Greyhawk campaigns should be sent to Dragon Publishing, P.O. Box with us for 86 issues or just a few, youre
72089, Chicago IL 60690.
Dragons and their deities. . . . . . . . . . . . .36 invited to celebrate your own anniversary as
Clerics with breath weapons! A limited quantity of certain back issues of a reader. We wouldnt be able to pat our-
DRAGON Magazine can be purchased from the selves on the back for making it this far if
Dungeon Hobby Shop. (See the list of available
Mzee..............................58 issues printed elsewhere in each magazine.) Pay- you had not come along on the journey.
A story about coming of age ment in advance by check or money order must You expect a lot from us high-quality,
accompany all orders. Payments cannot be made thought-provoking articles; artwork of
ORIGINS 84 preview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 through a credit card, and orders cannot be taken
nor merchandise reserved by telephone. Neither similar quality; and special features that
an individual customer nor an institution can be make the magazine worth having even if
billed for a subscription order or a back-issue you dont like anything else thats in a
purchase unless prior arrangements are made.
particular issue. We try to deliver, and in
The issue of expiration for each subscription is return we expect a lot from you the cash
printed on the mailing label for each subscribers it takes to buy this magazine, the money
REGULAR OFFERINGS copy of the magazine. Changes of address for the
delivery of subscription copies must be received
that could be (but isnt) spent on something
Out on a Limb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 at least six weeks prior to the effective date of the else instead.
Letters and answers change in order to insure uninterrupted delivery. This is a business, and of course we need
All material published in DRAGON
your cash to stay alive. But we realize that
The forum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Magazine becomes the exclusive property of the in order to deserve your money, we first
Opinions and observations publisher upon publication, unless special ar- have to earn your support and your appre-
rangements to the contrary are made prior to
Index to advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 publication. DRAGON Magazine welcomes
ciation. On this day in 1984, what were
unsolicited submissions of written material and really celebrating is the fact that we have
Game reviews: artwork; however, no responsibility for such sub- earned those things, and by giving us what
missions can be assumed by the publisher in any
Battlesuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 weve earned youre making it possible for
event. Any submission which is accompanied by
Phantasy Conclave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 a self-addressed, stamped envelope of sufficient us to keep giving you what you want. That
size will be returned if it cannot be published. is the stuff of which good relationships are
The ARES Section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 DRAGON is a registered trademark for
made. And it looks like this is a relationship
16 pages of SF gaming articles Dragon Publishings monthly adventure playing thats going to last a while longer.
aid. All rights on the contents of this publication
Convention calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86 are reserved, and nothing may be reproduced
from it in whole or in part without first obtaining
Gamers Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 permission in writing from the publisher.
Copyright 1984 TSR, Inc.
Wormy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Second-class postage paid at Lake Geneva,
Dragon Mirth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 Wis., and additional mailing offices.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to

Snarfquest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94 Dragon Publishing, P.O. Box 110, Lake Geneva
WI 53147, USPS 318-790, ISSN 0279-6848

D&D, AD&D, and GEN CON are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
designates other trademarks owned by TSR, Inc., unless otherwise indicated.

egular readers of this space
might have trouble swallowing
this, but it isnt easy to keep
coming up with superlatives to
describe the contents of every
issue of DRAGON Magazine. Read be-
tween the lines, and youre liable to see me
talking to myself with sentences like Thats
going a little overboard and Who are you
trying to kid, kid?
Oh, but not this time. This time we really
the active search column, then that chance should
mean it.
Weve never tried to do anything like Raise familiar? be 90% instead of 40%.
One more thing Id like to add. Have you ever
Great Stoney before, but the apprehen-
Dear Dragon: considered publishing a listing of RPGers? I
sion we feel at trying something new is I was very satisfied with A cast of strange think it would be a great way to get gamers in
dwarfed by our enthusiasm for the most familiars in #84. I have one question about touch with each other, and it would be invaluable
unusual and one of the best special inclu- familiars: Can they be resurrected? If so, are the to those of us in the military who are always
sions weve ever offered. hit points restored that were lost by the M-U moving. I recall that you published a similar
Its a castle that comes in cardboard when the familiar was killed? listing in #37, so why not now?
pieces that you can (you should) cut out and Chris Fredericks Eric Field
assemble, comparable in size and quality to East McKeesport, Pa. New Bern, N.C.
products of the same sort that sell for more
Based on our interpretation of the spell descrip- Apparently Eric, you read the article on poi-
than the price of this magazine. And you
tions for resurrection and raise dead, it isnt sons one more time than we did. The error in the
also get complete instructions, background possible to bring a familiar back to life by these listing for the poisonous toad was in the original
material, and floor plans so you can build means. Those spells, and other magic of a similar manuscript; what we published was a plain old
Great Stoney and then use it as a feature of nature, apparently only work on humanoids and mistake, not a typographical error. To fix it, I
your fantasy role-playing campaign. Were not just any sort of creature. The raise dead text think your first assumption is better; a 20%
grateful to Arthur Collins for coming up specifically lists the creature types that can benefit chance to detect it without searching seems to be
with the original plans, and to TSRs own from the spell, implying that other types of beings in accordance with the figures for other monster
Dennis Kauth for turning those plans into a cannot be raised. Depending on the DMs ruling, venoms given in the chart, and thats what we
a wish spell might be able to bring a dead familiar would have done to repair it if we had seen the
cardboard sculpture. And if you like it,
back to life but unless the wish was phrased mistake before you did.
theres more where this one came from; in a
very carefully and the DM was very generous, it Its a pretty sure thing that youll never see a
few issues, well do it again. wouldnt be able to get back the M-Us lost hit listing of RPGers in the magazine again.
In addition to the castle, which we know points. After all, the familiar did die, so the There are many, many more gamers and
you werent expecting, this issue includes penalty should probably be applied in any case. I many, many more readers of this magazine
some features were pretty sure youll like. suppose theres the possibility of a wish that says, nowadays than there were the last time we
Youve been wanting new monsters, and put things back so the familiar never died in the printed such a list. Even then, it was a mammoth
you get a good helping of them in Famil- first place, but thats a situation for each DM to chore to receive and catalog all the postcards from
iars with a special use by Stephen Inniss, a deal with individually. KM people who wanted to be listed. In this day and
age, we couldnt afford the time to do all that
sequel to his first article on familiars that we
paperwork, and even if that was possible, we
printed in #84.
couldnt spare the great number of pages it would
Youve been wanting new magic items,
and Five new enchanted objects should
Not the same thing take to print the whole list. Maybe someday well
come up with a method and a reason for printing
fill the bill. Many of you have requested Dear Dragon: a big directory of gamers, but if its ever pub-
information to expand the background of If a character is doing battle with someone lished it wont be between the covers of
the Greyhawk campaign, so this issue con- wearing a ring of lycanthropy (Rings that do DRAGON Magazine. KM
tains the first installment of a series in weird things, #82) and takes over half damage,
which Len Lakofka outlines the deities of can he become a lycanthrope?
Robbie Pennell
the Suel pantheon. And some of you have
pleaded for DRAGONQUEST game
Jenkins, Ky. Disturbing trends
coverage, so were trying to help by pre- Id say no, even if the wearer of the ring had Dear Editor:
senting Craig Barretts proposal for The been permanently changed into a lycanthrope by Prior to issue #72, I have been an avid reader
warrior alternative. the ring. The rings powers come from a form of possessing naught a gripe. Two of my three
In this months ecology article, Ed shape change or polymorph spell, not from the players have not purchased a DRAGON in six
Greenwood turns the spotlight on the slith- sort of disease/infection thats the actual cause of months. I wish to express my grievances in a
ering tracker. A spotlight wont necessarily someone becoming a lycanthrope. KM form of constructive criticism with the intention
of producing a better magazine for all of us.
make the critter any easier to see, but at
To begin with, I see no need for both the
least when it attacks your character, youll
Forum and Out on a Limb. Looking at the
understand more about whats happening.
The ARES Science Fiction Gaming
Poison problem remaining regular offerings of issue #83, I find
predominantly cartoons. Is the AD&D game such
Section covers a lot of ground in its 16 Dear Editor: a joke that we need four cartoon scripts? My
pages. James Ryan, whom we assume is not The article on poisons in issue #81 was the best players now rip open my magazine, turn to the
writing from personal experience, offers a Ive ever seen. After reading it several times, cartoons and ignore the remainder.
guide to supervillain groups in Know Your however, I came across one small mistake. In the Looking back to issue #57, I spy Leomunds
Enemy. Jim Ward, co-author of the Monster Venom chart for the poisonous toad, the Tiny Hut and From the Sorcerors Scroll. Is
GAMMA WORLD game, describes the chance for detecting the poison while actively Gary Gygax so busy that he cannot contribute an
searching is 40%. However, the chance to detect article once per year? Issues #58-62 are particu-
lunar environment in terms of that game as
the poison when not actively searching is 45% larly noted for their in depth coverage of the
A World Gone Mad. And knowing Jim, better than if one was trying to find it! Consider- various races. With the introduction of new races,
we arent entirely sure that he isnt writing ing the price of the poison, I believe the chance I could foresee an infinite amount of interesting
from personal experience. KM for detecting it when not actively searching literature.
should be 20%. If, however, there was a typo in Delving into issue #83, I enjoyed The test of

D R A G O N 3
the twins the most. It is my belief that pieces of We haven't published a lot of material for extended this to include materials on mineralogy
fantasy such as this should be incorporated into people with campaigns based in Greyhawk, Ill such as The Manual of Mineralogy by J. D.
every issue. Since the investigation of the mind admit but where was it ever written that Dana. After all, a good DM has to have accurate
flayer and doppleganger, I can hardly wait to turn people needed more material? If you play the information and in some cases this requires
to the ecology. Perhaps this space could be filled Greyhawk campaign on the continent of Oerth as research beyond the DMG.
with monsters more interesting than the catoble- outlined in the WORLD OF GREYHAWK Lori Adrian
pas, stirge, and piercer. Id be ecstatic to find an Fantasy Setting, youve got what you need al- Chippewa Falls, Wis.
ecology on the drow. ready in that product. If you want to use that
As an AD&D enthusiast, our best campaigns world as a foundation and modify it, you get a I was going to run this letter without a re-
were staged on the World of Greyhawk. Is the magazines worth of ideas every month on how to sponse; I know better than to argue with an
World of Greyhawk non-existent? Why not do that. Just because an article doesnt say expert, and Loris tangible criticisms seem valid
explore some of the other planes? I always find Greyhawk in it doesn't mean it can't be used and well expressed. Its the intangible criticism at
articles on the middle ages highly interesting. by someone who runs that type of campaign. the end of the letter that bothers me.
Who lives in that castle? (issue #80) was an For the record, we have explored other planes. I don't know exactly how or where Mike got
excellent article. And as I wrote in issue #82, were actively seek- his hard information on the gems covered in
Enough rambling, let us breach the subject ing other manuscripts of that sort. Ive been the article; if he didn't look at any books specifi-
incurring the most wrath. Being a member of our saying this for longer than most people have been cally on the subject of mineralogy, then it appears
school newspaper, I realize the importance of reading this magazine, and it should be obvious he should have. But I know that his research did
advertisements. However, 20 full page ads with a even if you havent read it before: We cant print go well beyond the DMG, especially in the
myriad of others spread throughout in a 78 page what no one writes. scouring for information about the (alleged)
magazine is pushing it. If TSR, boasting of With all due respect, you can't learn the im- mystical properties of the gems. If the criticism in
mammoth expansion, cannot afford to promote portance of advertisements by working on a Loris last sentence implies something different,
its product without 30%-50% of advertisements, school newspaper, and you cant get away with then I ought to point out that the roster of gems
something is seriously wrong. The greatest im- making gross assumptions about the publishing covered in the article did not go beyond the
provement of DRAGON has been not between business based on that sort of experience. The DMG, because it was our intention from the
the covers, but the covers themselves. I challenge revenue from advertising has helped to keep the start to only offer details about the gemstones that
you to justify the disturbing trends in the past ten price of this magazine at the same level for four were given in the official AD&D rules. KM
magazines. Contrary to past articles where you years. The amount of space we spend on ads is
have torn the authors apart, I believe that it comparable to many other magazines of the same
would be far more difficult for you to defeat these
Convention query
size and circulation, and less than many others.
convictions. And even with 30%-50% of advertisements,
Tom McCarthy you're still getting more non-advertising material
North Adams, Mass. in every issue than any other gaming magazine Dear Editor:
at an equal or lower price. I always read the list of gamers conventions in
Thanks for the many nice things you did say, I dont expect that this has defeated any of your magazine. Some of the entries say some-
Tom, even if some of them were like delivering a your convictions, Tom; the only person who can thing about special rates for members. My ques-
fistful of flowers with a right cross. I appreciate change your mind is you. KM tion is, members of what? What organization do
the compliments, but I wont dwell on them, and you have to belong to, if any? And how do you
I dont think you expect me to argue with you become a member?
Nathan Moon
More facets
about what you like.
As for what you don't like, lets take it from the Ripon, Wis.
top. You answered your own criticism about why
we print so many cartoons people like them. I Dear Dragon: In most cases, a member of a convention is
pass out magazines at home every month, and Id I am the editor of a gem and mineral club someone who has registered to attend the event
probably flip out on the spot if the kids did any- newsletter and an avid reader of DRAGON and has paid the admission fee (membership
thing but turn to the cartoons first. Im sorry that Magazine. Needless to say, I found issue #83 a fee) or donated money for the welfare of the
your players ignore the remainder, but that double delight. I do have a few technical remarks sponsoring organization. The term is often found
doesnt have anything to do with the cartoons. to make, though, concerning Michael Lowreys in listings for large gatherings, such as the World
Yes, Gary Gygax is so busy. And if he could The many facets of gems. Science Fiction Convention, where you become a
provide one column a year, wed still get gripes Regarding the mystical properties, only a true member by committing yourself to buying a
from people who want two or three or twelve. I stone would hold these, not those such as orien- ticket and planning to attend. In many cases,
am just as sorry as you that Garys name doesnt tal amethyst," oriental emerald, or oriental only members (those who have registered ahead
appear in print very often any more, but thats topaz. These are merely different colored vari- of time) can attend a convention, and applica-
neither our fault nor his, and not something we eties of carborundum. If these properties were tions are cut off when a quota is reached.
can rightfully be criticized for. Your comment transferrable, those stones which had been Sometimes, a member is simply one of the
about coverage of the various races is ill- dyed or heat-treated to alter their color would people who belongs to the organization sponsor-
considered, because our long-ago in depth also have to be considered as talismans. For ing the event although its hard to imagine this
coverage dealt almost exclusively with player example, lapis lazuli is commonly copied by kind of member getting special rates when the
character races, and no new player character dyeing cracked quartz (called Swiss lapis) and idea is usually to attract as many non-members to
races have been created in the meantime. jasper (called German lapis or blue onyx). If I a convention as possible. How much fun would it
I guess I can figure out what you mean by were to use lapis lazuli as a talisman, I certainly be for a gaming organization to sponsor a con-
more interesting monsters as the subject of wouldnt put my faith in something that wasnt vention slanted toward its members and what
ecology articles, but I think you're missing the the real McCoy. Incidentally, in the jewelry would be the point of announcing to the rest of
point of the series at the same time. You will trade the term oriental is used to denote an the world that the convention was going to be
never see an ecology of the drow because the imitation. held? To the best of our knowledge, weve never
dark elves are more than just a monster type Chalcedony is a fibrous, microcrystalline publicized a convention of this sort because its
thats a race which has its own subculture, and variety of quartz. The differences in color and not a convention, its a club meeting.
which (if we ever cover it in detail) will be done banding give rise to the following: carnelian, While were on the subject, DRAGON Mag-
in a manner much more extensive than our chrysoprase, agate, onyx, and bloodstone. The azine is interested in receiving notices of upcom-
standard ecology presentation. For similar rea- red patches in bloodstone are jasper (granular, ing conventions from any sponsoring
sons, you will probably never see the ecology of microcrystalline quartz). organization. Although we can usually tell when
the storm giant or the ecology of the hobgoblin, Most of the prices given in the article are a fair a notice is not entirely legitimate (and weve only
for instance. For monsters of those types, the representation of current market prices and the received a couple of questionable ones in all these
issues that need addressing don't pertain so much stones worth. However, azurite, lapis lazuli, years), we cannot take responsibility for problems
to their physical makeup but instead to their malachite, tiger eye, and turquoise should not that arise if a convention does not come off as
society, their culture, and their status as civiliza- have the same value as agate! They are all com- advertised in our calendar. But that doesn't
tions within the AD&D game universe. Its hard parable to opal in price and are purchased by the happen too often, either; you can bet that if
to fully describe the difference without going in to gram or carat, where agate is sold by the pound. people go to the trouble of announcing their
cumbersome detail, but I think you can see what The research into the mystical properties was convention to thousands of people, theyre also
I mean. excellent; however, Mr. Lowrey should have going to go to the trouble of holding it. KM

4 JUNE 1984
The forum
In preparing to re-open my AD&D campaign
Ive been going through my meager collection of
DRAGONS and have found nothing but contro-
versy over one of the linchpins of AD&D role-

Opinions and observations

playing: alignment. After all, a 25th level
magic-user is just like every other 25th level
magic-user, except for his/her outlook on life.
Thus, alignment is the major method of defining
Edward R. Masters contention that the official TSR, the magazine maintains a separation from a characters personality.
structuring of the elemental planes is nonsensical company policy and politics that is truly remark- Normally, I would have kept this to myself and
(Forum, #84) is well-taken; but then, by his able. The letter asked why TSR did not advertise the players in my campaign, except for two of the
reasoning, the entire AD&D game universe is and review GEN CON in the pages of letters in The Forum for issue #82: the ones from
nonsensical. If we were to apply a little serious DRAGON. S.D. Anderson and Ralph Sizer. Both show a
reasoning to the matter, we would be forced to Well, if TSR were in financial hot water, it tendency rife within the AD&D community to
admit that there is no way the AD&D cosmology might make sense. But TSR is not, and read more into alignment than what is in the
could operate the way Gary Gygax has set it up. DRAGONs hard-built reputation of being source material.
First of all, the Prime Material Plane and all of company-blind in reviews and ads is too valuable Basically speaking, alignment is a general
its alternates are purported to be infinite, just like to risk by plugging for GEN CON. Endorsing definition of where an individual stands in refer-
the real universe, but coexistent with the other one TSR product would lead to endorsing ence to the two great struggles: Law vs. Chaos
planes. This is obviously an unworkable assump- more, and that we dont need. and Good vs. Evil.
tion. Any infinite plane would, by definition, Not that I am against covering conventions. First, look at Law vs. Chaos. I feel this is a
displace or subsume all other planes. If the Prime They are a valuable part of gaming, and I poor choice of words, giving an undertone of
Material was an infinite plane or if we ac- wouldnt mind seeing more than just their sched- good vs. evil and value judgment. (How many
cepted one of Mr. Masters infinite elemental uled dates in DRAGON. But GEN CON is not readers would rather live in a chaotic society than
planes it would be the only plane. By this the only good convention around: theres also the a lawful one?) Perhaps better titles would have
argument Mr. Masters plan for the elemental Game Faire, Aggiecon, Onocon, Orccon and been Groupism and Individualism, for this
planes is absurd. GEN CON South, to name a few, which is basically what the question boils down to. The
Secondly, the entire notion of plane as used DRAGON would not do badly to review. Con- lawful person believes that the true path lies in
in the AD&D rules is erroneous. A plane is two- ventions deserve more mention than they have a strong central government, that the needs of the
dimensional, yet the AD&D universe is obviously been getting, but without any loss of the imparti- individual should be secondary to the needs of the
a three-dimensional place. ality which makes DRAGON so special. group. The chaotic person believes in the right of
Third, the construction of the outer planes is Jennifer Walker the individual to determine his/her own destiny.
laughable. Hell isnt particularly harrowing when Lake Oswego, Ore. A lawful person, then, will voluntarily submit to
one thinks of it as being nine contiguous boxes. rules and regulations because this will make
But thats exactly what Hell is. The ultra-cosmic society as a whole stronger. The chaotic will
impenetrable walls that Mr. Masters found so submit to rules and regulations mainly to stay out
insufferable between the elemental planes are the While reading Kevin Andersons article of jail and retain his/her freedom of action.
norm in the Outer Planes. The whole set-up looks Wounds and Weeds in issue #82, I couldnt Good vs. evil boils down to the value placed on
like the Cosmic Balances Filing System for help but think about combining the healing human life. (This also extends to other races as
Discarded Souls and Miscellaneous Beings (A effects of several of the different plants. well. Its up to the DM to determine which races,
for Asmodeus . . . Lets see oh, yes, ninth Though the variation of climate and terrain in but the players have to be informed!) Those of
drawer . . .). which the plants are found prevents characters good alignment value life highly and will not kill
Finally, the system as a whole has one great big from acquiring and using all of the plants at once, without good cause. Torture would not normally
flaw: Where is it?! If all of existence is contained many of these plants could be sought out and the be condoned, depending on the needs of a greater
in the Inner and Outer Planes, then where or effects combined by the smart player character(s). struggle. Truth is revered, but can be stretched if
what is all the space that surrounds them? Look Here are some of the guidelines I follow in our circumstances dictate. The evil one, on the other
at the diagram on page 130 of the DEITIES & campaign when allowing the characters to com- hand, feels no remorse at killing, torture, or
DEMIGODS book: It looks like two balloons bine the effects of some of these plants. lying. Again, circumstances may dictate saving a
floating around tied together by a string called First of all, plants like the Comfrey, where hit victim or telling the truth.
the Astral Plane. Is all that white space supposed points were never lost because of the applica- Seen from this viewpoint alignment becomes
to represent nonbeing? tion of the plant, could be combined with the quite clear. Although variations are apparent
The point is that AD&D is a game, and to play other plants like the Marsh-mallow or Aarons within each alignment, the lawful good character
that game we need a simple, understandable Rod, where hit points are either gained perma- will have his/her viewpoint unique from that of a
cosmology. The one in the game is at least con- nently or fade within a short while, with hardly chaotic good.
sistent, if not rational. By eliminating or limiting any chance of adverse conditions developing. Now on to the letter from S.D. Anderson,
the elemental planes, as Mr. Masters does, the The system works like this: When combining wherein the author cites the civilizations of Rome
DM is only limiting the scope of his or her cam- two plants with almost the same method of heal- and Greece as lawful. Rome I accept without
paign, and in more ways than simply losing those ing, there is a 5% chance of an adverse result question, but Greece ?! A civilization that fought
planes as setting for adventures. When you chuck paralysis for 1-2 rounds. When combining two numerous wars to avoid the ascendancy of one
the elemental planes, you kill lots of monsters: the plants with different healing properties, the city over the other and form a central govern-
elementals, djinn, efreet, xorn these and more chance of an adverse result is 10%, and that ment? One that felt that each individual citizen
all disappear from the campaign. And if you result is mild poisoning (save at +2 or lose 1-4 hit should be in on all decisions of central authority?
discard the system for the elemental planes, how points). If three or more plants are combined, the Granted, each city-state could be described as
can you keep the Outer Planes in good con- chance of an adverse result increases by 5% for lawful, but the whole thing never!
science? Im not saying that the games system is each additional plant. (It is suggested that the And as for Mr. Sizers Why there can never
perfect or that it should not be changed if the DM DM not allow more than six plants to be used be an Anti-Paladin letter, I find that one major
so desires (for example, all of the planes in my together.) point has been overlooked: choice. A person
campaign are infinite, existing in separate but If there are no adverse results found when chooses his/her alignment. Thus it is no more
interactive continuums of reality), but the official combining certain plants, then those plants may difficult to be lawful good if one chooses to be
one is the system the game is designed for and be combined at any time thereafter with no than it is to be chaotic evil if that is your choice.
works best in. chance of ill effects but the opposite is also And as for Mr. Sizers penultimate sentence,
Mike Beeman true: If an adverse result is found, then that chaotic evil gods would reward a character for
National City, Calif. combination of plants will produce an adverse having fun for the same reasons the lawful
result every time thereafter. good gods reward their paladins the character
* * * * If healing plants are combined with a healing is furthering the ends of the god(s).
potion, I feel that the effects of both substances I do agree, somewhat, with the lack of chaotic
In issue #84 there appeared in The Forum a could be combined with no ill effect, though some paladins. A chaotic could not submit to all the
letter asking why DRAGON didnt cover GEN DMs may decide differently. rules and regulations required of a paladin and
CON more thoroughly than it does. Although Russell Thorp still be chaotic. A neutral could barely squeak
DRAGON and GEN CON are both run by Tuleta, Tex. (Turn to page 66)

6 JUNE 1984
The ecology of the
slithering tracker
by Ed Greenwood

From the notes of the wizard Aluthandee:

It is called by such names as The Invisi-
ble Death or The Creature That Follows
The Doomed, and other fanciful phrases
that suggest a thing of claws, fangs, and
scaly limbs. When referred to by its mun-
dane name, the Slithering Tracker is not
nearly so imposing and, indeed, it is not
a vicious-looking creature, when it can be
seen at all.
Close examination of the beast reveals it
to be rather like a giant tadpole in appear-
ance. Its transparent, semi-fluid jellylike
body is customarily shaped into a blob with
a long, sinuous tail. The body is amor-
phous, enabling it to pass through small
gaps and holes, but it prefers to assume its
tadpolelike form whenever possible.
Almost invisible and quite intelligent
(especially for a slimelike creature), the
tracker will lie in wait for prey in an advan-
tageous location, such as in a cozy, appar-
ently safe sleeping cavern, or at the bottom
of a pit trap. It can grip and travel upon
walls and ceilings and apparently can drop
any reasonable distance without harm
because of its form. When it moves, a
tracker is almost silent except for the faint
slither of its tail.1 The creature exudes a
very faint, sweet, earthy body smell,
detectable only from inches away. The
subtlety of its smell, sounds of movement,
and appearance are such that it is virtually
undetectable in the dimly lit subterranean
areas it inhabits.2
A tracker feeds by first paralyzing an
opponent with a fluid produced by its body
cells, forcing this liquid into the victim
through the pores of its skin, and then using
a second fluid to actually erode the hide or
skin of its victim, so that the creature can
absorb the plasma from the victims blood.
Both the paralyzing substance and the fluid
which effects the draining of the victim are
produced automatically within the crea-
tures body from any meal the creature
consumes, the remainder of its fare being
converted to energy for bodily activity, and
sometimes being used to make itself
stronger or larger. I know of no alchemists
who can duplicate either of the trackers
fluids in the laboratory, but they eagerly
make use of the former as an ingredient in
the inks for the scribing of the paralyzation,
hold person, and slow spells. Assassins, and
alchemists in their employ, prize the skin-
eating substance for use in the manufacture
of caustic poison mixtures. These sub-
stances are present in each and every cell of
the creature, and not collected in specific

8 JUNE 1984
areas or organs; however, they do readily on them are matters unknown to this optimum conditions to anyone not hav-
settle and separate one from the other if a chronicler. Some sages (Vaelenbras of Wa- ing a means of detecting or contacting an
trappers fluids are collected. terdeep, for one) believe that trackers in- animal mentality, or the ability to detect
Trackers seem to prefer dwarves, hu- stinctively fear strong currents and coastal invisible (in this case, transparent) objects
mans, and giants as prey, in that order, over tides and breakers, which may have the or creatures. No tracker will voluntarily put
other creatures, presumably because of the power to tear apart and forever scatter their itself in such optimum conditions few
physical make-up of their plasma.3 jellylike bodies, while others (notably Jar- will even venture outdoors at all, if they can
A tracker reproduces by budding. When riven of Koss) assert that it is simple pru- help it and the chance for detection is
specimens of full size gain further sub- dence: unlike those of the jellyfish, a usually much lower than the optimum 50%.
stance, they form excess body cells and trackers fluid defenses may be weakened or A trappers body takes on the same temper-
place these in a pseudopod. All excess food dissipated entirely by water, and in such ature as its surroundings; as such, the crea-
(unless the parent creature is injured and circumstances even small fish could readily ture is not detectable by infravision except
reabsorbs these needed cells to maintain devour it. (None of the adventurers I have during one of its attacks, or for a period of
itself) is converted into more cells for this spoken to will admit to success in neutraliz- one turn (10 minutes) after it has drained
bud. Such cells differentiate, and the ing the creatures paralyzing fluids with plasma from a victim.
pseudopod takes on the form of a second, water but then, neither have I ever heard 3. A tracker requires 6 uninterrupted
miniature tracker joined to the first. When of a tracker being encountered, or attacking turns to entirely drain a paralyzed victim. It
this is of sufficient size, the tracker produces an adventurer, when the adventurer was will not attempt its plasma-drain attack
brain-function cells for it, and these are immersed or swimming in water.) against a conscious target who makes a
passed into the baby, which acquires A tracker will move into a heavily popu- saving throw vs. paralyzation and is thus
limited sentience and begins to gain some lated area if it can find a place for a good still mobile; in fact, it will not attempt to
control over its own form and actions. lair, where it believes it can remain unde- make contact with conscious, mobile targets
When it has mastered its form and gained tected if it wants to. In pursuit of plentiful of halfling-size or larger unless it is starving
strength, the parent tracker shakes free of it, prey, it will leave its normal territory with-
and, after the initial shock of sudden, total out hesitation but will only do so in
self-control and loneliness, it will go its own pursuit of men or larger creatures, and only
way.4 out of starvation or desperation, not chasing
Trackers are solitary, never merge with or off after every animal that happens past.
fight other trackers, and inhabit a specific
territory or range that they come to know
Whether these creatures can hear, and if
so, understand speech, is a matter of great
A tracker will move
very well, patrolling it regularly and recog-
nizing instantly when some feature of it has
and continuing debate among local sages
and naturalists. I suspect that they do hear,
into a heavily
changed. The tracker tolerates scavenger
creatures who remove the bodies of its
in a limited way, but no unquestioned proof
has been set forth on either side of the de-
populated area if
victims, but before abandoning a body it
attempts to retain loose objects that might
bate. Much yet remains to be learned about
this creature; my fragmentary researches
it can find a place
be recognized as treasure, so as to lure more
prey in the future. A tracker lair is typically
have led my colleagues to give the creature
yet another name the Aluthander,
for a good lair, where
a tiny, irregular cavern too small for an
attacker to effectively harm its occupant,
after me and what little I have learned
can be set forth on these few pages.
it believes it can
located at the intersection of beckoning
trails of treasure. A tracker can burrow Notes
remain undetected
under loose objects and carry them along
for a distance before depositing them else-
1. A slithering tracker forms a tail to aid
it in rapid movement; the tail propels the
if it wants to.
where, and in certain circumstances might creature along with a snakelike gripping
lie dormant with treasure spread on top of and wriggling motion, at a rate of 12" per
itself. round. It will also form a tail or two
A trackers brain cells are located in protrusions, at opposite ends of its body
various areas of its amorphous body; it has with which to anchor itself by wrapping
no special, vulnerable area. It can re-form if around objects, so that it can form a barrier and desperate. If this happens, a mobile
its bulk is separated in battle or misadven- across a hole or a trail to stop and entrap victim can easily and quickly (by pulling,
ture, flowing together, or its various pieces small animals. If it is not employing a tail, a scraping, burning, etc.) break a trackers
attacking in combination, like fingers of a trapper can only creep like an ochre jelly, draining contact, leaving only a red, tender,
closing hand, as the fighter Nerouth once at a rate of 3" per round. It will always non-bleeding area where contact with the
put it. Such disembodied pieces will never form a tail and move faster than 3 per tracker has resulted in the loss of skin lay-
voluntarily go off to seek their own territo- round when it is tracking prey; the tail will ers. This reddened area is usually no larger
ries; although they can survive permanently disappear when the creature attaches than the circle described by an outstretched
if of sufficient size, they will first seek to re- itself to a victim, or when the trapper is hand, and this is roughly the amount of
form once more into the full creature. stationary for longer than one round. exposed skin that must be available for the
A tracker has apparently keen senses,5 2. Under outdoor conditions, not bril- tracker to attach itself. The slithering
and once tracking intended prey by scent, liantly sunlit, there is only a 5% chance of tracker does not wrap itself around a victim,
will leave its territory and travel several detecting a slithering tracker by normal except possibly to curl its body around a
miles, by dint of tenacity and perseverance visual means. This chance increases by patch of exposed skin on an arm, leg, or
in pursuit. It can think logically enough to 45% when the creature is on clear sand or face; and it does not attach itself along the
deduce the probable destination of a target stone of a solid color under bright sunlight. entire contacting surface of its body, even if
if the trail is wiped out by running water, (Subtract 5% or 10% if the undersurface is a large area of exposed skin (such as a bare
heavy rain, or other means, but will not mottled in hue or appearance, and further torso) is available. This is the main reason
pursue if a large body of water intervenes, 5% increments as the light grows fainter or why it can be detached with relative ease.
or if its quarry takes to the air. more diffused by overhead foliage, and for A tracker will always attack sleeping or
Trackers seem to have a marked aversion other conditions that inhibit full normal unconscious targets in preference to other
to large bodies of water, but why this is so visibility.) A tracker is thus, at best, only sorts. A victim who is sleeping normally
and precisely what effects water may have detectable on a 50% chance under (not under a magical effect) will awaken on

the round when the tracker attaches itself, tracker if a target meets the creature more die. When at rest, the body is in a flattened
whether or not the victim saves vs. paraly- than one day after the initial encounter. spherical shape; when in motion, it takes on
zation. An unconscious victim will not 4. Full size in this context means a a teardrop shape, bulkier at the leading
revive as a result of the trackers attack, creature with 5 hit dice, or 23+ hit points. A edge. The tail which the tracker sends out
unless the victim would have regained baby of 2 hit dice, or 9+ hit points, is of to aid it in movement is in addition to its
consciousness anyway at some point during sufficient size to acquire brain cells and body length, tapering away from the direc-
the 6-turn time span of the plasma drain. A limited sentience. The production of a tion of movement for a length of 4 or 5 feet
victim who suffers the plasma drain will lose pseudopod and specialized brain cells is in a full-grown specimen. The tracker can-
one-sixth of its then-current total of hit instinctive when the creature is under the not make abrupt changes of direction while
points at the end of every full turn following right conditions but only a full-sized in motion; to reverse its course, or even to
the onset of the attack (round fractions up) tracker of 5 HD can reproduce in this fash- make a 90-degree turn, it must come to a
for 5 consecutive turns; assuming the ion. A parent instinctively parts from its full stop for one round and then start off in
plasma drain continues uninterrupted. At pseudopod when the latter achieves 3 hit the new direction. When one is trapped or
the end of the sixth turn, the victim loses all dice size, or 14+ hit points. cornered, it will make the best possible use
remaining hit points down to zero. The If a tracker is split into two or more of its natural defenses (transparency, body
tracker will detach itself at this point, and if smaller portions, its disembodied pieces will flexibility, and near-silent movement) to
unaided the victim will continue to lose hit seek to re-form if possible, searching around attempt an escape.
points at the rate of 1 per round thereafter in a small area (about 12 diameter) for B. Even if a tracker is detected once, that
until one more turn has passed, at which their fellows. These disembodied pieces can doesnt mean the creature will remain visi-
point the victim (assuming a character or survive if of 2 hit dice (9+ hit points) or ble indefinitely. It is easier to see when it is
other humanoid) is dead. more, but if less than 2 hit dice, they will moving (add +10% to +20% to the base
The creature can always tell whether or die in 12-31 (d20 + 11) turns from lack of a chance of detection, depending on lighting
not its paralyzation attack has succeeded, sufficent number and balanced order of and terrain), but still may be able to slip
away from an attacker. It is very difficult to
keep track of a tracker long enough to kill it
with normal weapon blows, since several
different strikes over a span of several
rounds would be needed. One effective
tactic is to immobilize the creature with
hold monster or similar means, then suc-
The tracker cannot cessfully detect it where it lies (if that is not
already known) and smash away. Of course,
make abrupt changes the trackers natural transparency can be
easily offset by dousing it with dye or cover-
of direction while in ing it with soot or dust; this will not suffo-
cate the creature or inhibit its movement,
motion; to reverse but will certainly make it visible to anyone
within sighting range.
its course it must C. Two events can cause a tracker to be
split apart in battle; in either case, a hit
come to a full stop. from a slashing weapon (short sword or
larger) is required. If an attack roll is one
less than the minimum number needed to
score a hit, the tracker takes no damage but
is split into two creatures of identical size
and hit points. Or, if a hit succeeds and
does at least 6 points of damage, the crea-
ture is split into two equal-sized pieces, each
with half of the remaining hit points (assign
and it will not attempt to begin draining the body cells. Such doomed fragments will odd hit points to one half or the other).
plasma from an intended victim who makes be ravenously hungry, instinctively seeking Example: A tracker of 5 hit dice, with 26 hit
his saving throw; instead, it will move away sources of plasma, and will attack all likely points, is cleaved in half by a blow from a
as rapidly as possible, trying to get out of targets encountered (conscious or not) longsword that does 8 points of damage.
range of a sleeping target before it awakens. without caution for if they absorb The result is two smaller creatures with 9
The save vs. paralyzation which any enough plasma, they may be able to grow to hit points each, now effectively 2 HD mon-
intended victim is entitled to represents a stable size and survive. sters (figuring 4 hit points = 1 hit die).
the chance that the intended victim has a 5. Trackers have no eyes as such, but Note that when a tracker is forming a
temporary immunity to the trackers fluids, possess an infravisual sense that enables pseudopod, the entire body of the creature
because of the target bodys present chemi- them to locate warm-blooded bodies in a 6" may have more hit points (and, effectively,
cal balance, and because of the targets range. They are fairly keen receptors of more hit dice) than would otherwise be
innate resistance to paralyzation attacks; odor, able to home in on body scents from normally possible. A 5 HD tracker with
this natural resistance is stronger for those 12" away with enough accuracy to discern maximum hit points (40) could form a
of relatively high levels of experience or the general direction they must take to keep pseudopod and nurture that tracker-to-be,
large numbers of hit dice. A target that has on tracking their prey. They can sense even until the baby acquires 14 or more hit
proven to be immune for the moment will faint vibrations up to 16 away, even some- points, at which time it will separate from
not have to save again during the same thing as innocuous as the tapping of hard the parent. In the meantime, the reproduc-
engagement, and a tracker (unless desper- boots (but not soft ones) on a stone floor. ing tracker would be treated as a monster of
ate) is not foolish enough to attack the same as many as 7 hit dice, with a possible maxi-
victim twice in rapid succession. But if a Appendix mum of 53 hit points.
target is attacked twice by different trackers, A. The standard body size for a slithering D. A tracker can gain new hit points (or
he must save twice to remain unaffected. A tracker is 2 feet, or (for smaller speci- regain lost ones) by draining plasma from a
second save is required against the same mens) roughly foot of length for every hit victim, at the rate of 1 hit point per turn of

10 JUNE 1984
draining. (The rest of the plasma is simply so, will qualify as a 4 HD monster. Upon
used to enable the creature to eat its fill reaching 18 or more hit points, the tracker
and maintain normal bodily functions.) is entitled to another d8 roll for additional
Depending on its size (number of hit dice), hit points, and if the total of all the rolls is
each tracker has a maximum number of hit 23 or more, the creature will eventually be
points it can attain. This figure is deter- able to attain status as a full-sized 5 HD
mined by rolling a die or dice every time monster. Finally, when it gets to 23 hit
the tracker qualifies to grow into a larger points, it is entitled to one more d8 roll to
hit-dice category. The creature can then determine the absolute maximum number
absorb hit points from its plasma drain until of hit points it can attain. Note, again, that
it attains that maximum figure. If a tracker only a 5 HD tracker has the ability to form
has taken damage, plasma points are first pseudopods and reproduce.
applied to bring the creature back up to its E. In general, the intensity of a trackers
maximum number of hit points. When appetite depends on how many hit points it
there is no damage to be offset, these points currently lacks to fill its needs. A wounded
may be used (by a 5 HD creature) to begin creature, despite its condition, will be ob-
or accelerate the formation of a pseudopod, sessed with bringing itself back to full
feeding it until it acquires 14 hit points (3 x strength and trackers do not regain lost
4, rounded up) and thereby qualifies as a hit points by resting. As stated in note 4
3 HD monster that can live on its own. Hit above, tracker fragments of less than 2 HD
points that cannot be applied for one of will be ravenous, since they literally need
these specific purposes are simply wasted. food to have a chance of surviving. A
Example: A tracker pseudopod has just tracker that is not wounded but has not yet
reached 14 hit points and separated from its attained its maximum potential strength
parent. The DM rolls 3d8 to determine the (see the example in the preceding section)
maximum number of hit points this crea- will hunger to do so, and will leave its terri-
ture can attain as a 3 HD monster; if the tory in pursuit of prey. A creature currently
result is 14 or less, then the tracker is al- at its maximum strength will not be eager to
ready at its maximum strength and will take chances, but wont turn away from a
never grow any larger. If the dice roll is 15, meal. In any event, a tracker must consume
16, or 17, then that is the creatures maxi- a full meal (one M-sized creature worth of
mum hit-point figure, and it can never be plasma, or more) once per month, or it will
more than a 3 HD monster. If the roll is in lose hit points at the rate of 1 per day as its
the range of 18 to 22, the creature is able to body begins to atrophy. And the more hit
attain that many hit points and, upon doing points it loses, the hungrier it gets. . . .

Familiars with a special use
New pets that match the magic-users who call them
by Stephen Inniss
Vlademok, a chaotic neutral magic-user, another sort of animal. When he summons familiar who watches its master approach
tries to summon a familiar. Be nice to have a supernatural familiar, the spellcaster has destruction often consoles itself with the
a toad, he muses, with plenty of warts. actually captured the notice of his deity, or thought that at least its master will go to a
But the die roll grants him something spe- at any rate, a deity with the same align- deserved reward, beyond the reach of the
cial: a minor demon form called the quasit. ment. This deity sends one of its least min- material planes temptations. A neutral
Now, unlike poor Vlad, the quasit is an evil ions to guard and guide its summoner, to familiar tends to feel the same way, and
creature. While Vlademoks dismal new life see that the magic-user champions the cause doesnt forget that it may gain something if
continues, the quasit counts the days until of the appropriate alignment. Beyond these it brings another soul to its home plane. An
his masters death because then it can worldly duties, the familiar may actually evil familiar, of course, cares nothing about
fulfill its evil mission and deliver Vlads soul bring or guide the spellcasters spirit to the the welfare of its master. But it stands a
to the Abyss. Revenge will be sweet, appropriate plane after death. In return, the good chance of being promoted if it brings
thinks the quasit, who resents his servitude magic-user gains much power on the mate- its master to the proper lower plane. Fur-
to Vlad. All I wanted was a toad, whim- rial plane during his life, and he gains a thermore, it enjoys the thought of this tem-
pers Vlademok, who wonders how he useful servant and companion. Evil magic- porary superior undergoing torment on that
earned such a fate. . . . users are best known for making pacts with plane.
In the AD&D game, magic-users have supernatural familiars, but this is mainly A magic-user who has died and been
roughly a 576 chance of summoning a because ill repute spreads faster than other taken to the appropriate plane might be
special familiar a brownie, imp, pseudo- kinds of fame. difficult to raise or resurrect. A god or
dragon, or quasit with the first-level spell The magic-user and his supernatural demigod that has gone to so much trouble
find familiar. Unfortunately, this feature familiar have a complex relationship. Al- to secure a soul may not wish to risk losing
suffers from a lack of completeness, result- though the familiar has come to serve, it it again to the unpredictable material plane.
ing in an unbalanced (if not unfair) game. also has come to give advice, either directly The being may have some reason for want-
The alignment of a special familiar does not or through contact with its plane of origin. ing the magic-user to stay on the material
always match the alignment of its master. They may be among the least of beings on plane, but it will not take such a risk if the
The creatures differ in origin and strength, their respective planes, but the supernatural spellcaster shows signs of wavering in align-
and evil magic-users seem favored with the familiars are of purer and more unswerving ment. Evil powers are particularly reluctant
most powerful familiars. True, the evil M-U alignment than most residents of the mate- to relinquish a soul, since the magic-user
stands to lose more if his familiar is de- rial plane. In this sense, they are superior to has seen what lies in store for him, and may
stroyed, but his animals superior hit points their masters. All supernatural familiars are repent once he returns to the material
and special powers (especially regeneration) fully aware that in the end they must bring plane.
give it a much stronger grip on life, com- their master to his final home; no matter If by chance a cleric receives a supernatu-
pared to its good-aligned cousins. how the familiar feels about this, hell never ral familiar, the comments above still apply.
The least disruptive solution to these forget it. However, the clerics deity rarely grants
imbalances is to divide the familiars into Thus, in some ways, the supernatural such companionship; after all, the deity
two groups, natural and supernatural, and familiars are more like henchmen than already has the clerics devotion, and he
add new creatures to fill in the gaps. In this servants, if they dont become full associ- already spends a great deal of effort on the
way, regardless of alignment, a magic-user ates. On occasion, they may refuse orders; clerics behalf by sending spells.
may summon either type of creature. (In in fact, the familiar may attempt to give Supernatural familiars have a number of
the current system, only good guys get the them, particularly in matters concerning common characteristics, and they bestow
naturals and evils the supernaturals.) And alignment. Supernatural familiars use what- similar powers upon their masters. Perhaps
regardless of the creatures origin, the famil- ever methods they can to keep their masters these characteristics come from some un-
iar will always be a good match for its mas- on the right path, including subtle (or per- spoken agreement among the powers of the
ters alignment. Thus, magic-users who are haps not so subtle) persuasion. outer planes, or perhaps the different famil-
neither good nor evil will find more agreea- If the magic-user changes alignment, the iars have similar origins. Whatever the
ble familiars, and good magic-users will find familiar has the option of leaving. The case, they do share several traits:
creatures who can champion their cause masters unwillingness to reform is equiva-
against the evil imps and quasits. The lent to sending the familiar away. Whenever All supernatural familiars
result: more balance, and a few interesting this happens, the results are as described on FREQUENCY: Very rare
new creatures. page 44 of the Dungeon Masters Guide. NO. APPEARING: 1
Supernatural familiars fight when they ARMOR CLASS: 2
have to, but they probably wont risk their % IN LAIR: Nil
Supernatural familiars lives to do it. They observe their duty to TREASURE TYPE: Q(x3) or X
provide aid and advice, but they wont fill MAGIC RESISTANCE: 25%
The extraplanar special familiar differs in as general bodyguards. Supernatural SIZE: S
completely from its cousins of the material familiars are 90% unlikely to risk their lives PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil
plane. It is actually a lesser devil, demon, for their masters (as stipulated in the spell
deva, or other such being from the outer description for imps and quasits) and it Certain of these statistics apply only on
planes. A magic-user who summons such a is rare that their masters would want them the material plane. The creatures that serve
familiar enters into a pact far more grave to, considering the penalties the master as familiars may be found with greater
and important than one who accepts would have to pay in such an event. A good frequency and in greater numbers else-

12 JUNE 1984
where. Likewise, on the home plane they must locate the familiar before he can try to
may have a lair. harm it; these animals can all become invis-
While on the material plane, a supernatu- ible at will.
ral familiar may acquire treasure, either Supernatural familiars have several offen-
when serving as a familiar or when on some sive powers to complement the defenses
other mission. Motives for gathering trea- listed above. They can perform some spell-
sure vary widely among familiars, but when like actions at the 7th level of proficiency,
treasure is taken, it is portable and useful. including detect magic (as a magic-user)
This applies to magical treasure as well and detect evil/good (depending on align-
(though supernatural familiars have only a ment; as a cleric) both at will. These
25% chance of having type X treasure). familiars can also polymorph themselves
The magical treasure could be something into a limited number of shapes. When one
saleable, but it could also be a wand, for assumes a new shape, it has the senses,
instance. Supernatural familiars can employ movement rate, attack forms, and armor
any wands usable by all character classes: class of the creature whose shape it has
wands of enemy detection, illumination, taken. However, the familiar retains its
magic detection, metal & mineral detection, normal number of hit dice and hit points, as
magic missiles, negation, secret door & trap well as all magical abilities and immunities.
location, and a wand of wonder. In some cases, the familiar must choose its
None of the supernatural familiars exceed alternate shape from a limited selection
2 feet in height, but it is still difficult to when it arrives on the material plane. Once
harm them. All supernatural familiars can it has made this choice, it can assume no
regenerate 1 hit point per round, so only the other shapes unless the powers of its home
total destruction of their tissues can kill plane intervene. The familiar retains the
them. Given time, they can even replace same appearance for any given shape; if one
lost organs, as well as entire limbs. They becomes a little brown dog, then thats the
are immune to both cold and electricity, and only dog-shape it can ever assume.
have varying degrees of immunity to other In polymorphed form, a familiar can
forces. Ordinary weapons are worthless speak only if the animal it mimics can do so
against these familiars, though magical (+1 (e.g., a raven). In their unaltered form, all
or better) weapons harm them, and special supernatural familiars can speak. Each
weapons may also be effective. In addition knows its alignment language and the com-
to their magic resistance, supernatural mon tongue, as well as any other languages
familiars save vs. all spell attacks as 7 hit it may have learned during its life on the
dice creatures. Of course, an opponent material plane.

As aliens of a sort, supernatural famil- A supernatural familiar offers a number potential supernatural familiar screen out
iars are vulnerable to otherwise harmless of benefits to its master. Once a week, it can the summons of some hopeful prestidigita-
products of the material plane. Evil ones are contact its plane of origin for advice; treat tor destined for a short or (even worse)
harmed by holy water, good ones by unholy this as a commune spell allowing six ques- mediocre life.
water. A cleric of 8th level or higher can tions. Under the right conditions (which In terms of game mechanics: Even if a
turn away a supernatural familiar, using the arent difficult to achieve), a supernatural chaotic evil 1st-level magic-user makes the
special line on the Matrix for Clerics familiar endows its master with the same necessary roll to qualify for a special famil-
Affecting Undead, et al. (DMG, p. 75) 25% magic resistance it possesses, plus an iar, his chance of getting a quasit to heed
and note that this applies to good familiars additional level of experience and the ability the call is less than 14%) considering the
as well as evil ones. Magical diagrams can to regenerate 1 lost hit point per round. A creatures magic resistance followed by a
trap supernatural familiars within certain supernatural familiar can convey all it saving throw, if its magic resistance (75%
areas or exclude them from others. Certain senses to its master via a telepathic link, and vs. a 1st-level caster) happens to fail. Even
spells affect them, particularly those de- this link also serves as a conduit for the if an 11th-level caster is involved, the
signed to harm or drive away extraplanar special powers. However, the link grows chance of getting a quasit to come when its
creatures. A holy word spell or its reverse weaker with distance; if master and familiar called is still only about 40% again, not
can drive them off the material plane com- are more than 1" distant from each other, counting the slim chance of rolling a 15
pletely. (Note: familiars of neither good nor the familiar cannot bestow magic resistance during the casting of the spell. Clearly, a
evil alignment arent affected by the spell as or regenerative abilities; if the two are more special familiar will be readily inclined to
written.) Fortunately, they each have a than 1 mile apart, the familiar cannot send allow itself" to be pressed into service only
personal name that the hostile spellcaster sensory information, and the spellcaster if the summoning caster is of exceptionally
may have to know to make his spell work. loses the level he had previously gained. high level.
A familiars extraplanar nature is of If a supernatural familiar is killed, its The supernatural familiars plane of
course not a complete liability on the mate- master loses four levels from his current origin corresponds exactly to the magic-
rial plane. A supernatural familiar is useful level, as if he were drained by an undead users alignment. The new supernatural
for negating the effect of ahold portal spell. creature. This may mean the death of the familiars described below come in three
The familiar can attack and damage crea- master, but if he survives the level loss, then classifications depending on their degree of
tures that normally withstand all but magi- perhaps he can bring back the familiar with good or evil, although law and chaos are
cal weapons, provided that the familiar a wish spell. Otherwise, the familiar is just as important to them. The galadur
attacks with its body, whether in natural or forever lost to its master, even if it is not come from the upper planes, the lomendur
polymorphed form. (The familiar cannot utterly destroyed but merely returned to its from the middle planes, and the burzugdur
harm such creatures by wielding a non- home plane. If the master does not survive from the lower planes. Within each of these
magical weapon.) And, supernatural famil- the level loss but is later resurrected and/or groups, the lawful, neutral, and chaotic
iars do not age, so they are immune to a restored back to health, he can ultimately members share certain characteristics. They
number of unpleasant effects associated obtain a different familiar (perhaps even are first described collectively, then as indi-
with that phenomenon. another one of the same type, die roll per- vidual creatures.
mitting), but cannot regain the original
familiar, even by means of a wish.
All potential familiars are allowed a sav- THE GALADUR
ing throw to escape the effects of the find
familiar spell. Special creatures are even No one knows the origin of these lesser
more likely to avoid the spell, because all of minions of good. Perhaps their origin is
the supernatural familiars and most of the analogous to that of their evil counterparts,
natural familiars (see the section following or perhaps they are a lesser race of deva.
this one) have innate magic resistance that Although they may come to the material
must be overcome before the saving-throw plane for other reasons, they usually appear
roll can even be attempted. as familiars to magic-users or clerics of good
The potential supernatural familiar is alignment.
especially resistant to being summoned by All galadur have the usual supernatural
the find familiar spell because it may not powers, but they also possess a number of
want to take up hazardous duty on the distinctive powers. For instance, galadur
material plane, no matter how greedy, can surround themselves with a silvery
dutiful, kindly, or ambitious it may be. light. This light is as bright as that shed by
These lesser representatives of their planes a magical dagger, illuminating a 10 radius.
may well be more steadfast in their align- The light does not interfere with infravision
ments than the masters they would serve, or ultravision. Once per day, the galadur
but at the same time they are less steadfast can create a single blaze of light, though a
than their superiors from their home plane galadur who does this will be unable to
might be; they are relatively less devoted to produce any more light at all for one day
their cause and more vulnerable to fears thereafter. The effect of this blaze equals
and uncertainties. Most of all, potential that of the sunburst power from a wand of
supernatural familiars will fear that the illumination. This yellow-white blaze of
summoner is only weakly aligned and might light shines in a 2" radius around the crea-
even change alignment at some later date. ture. Those who are inside the area of the
The supernatural familiars tend to prefer burst or standing within 12" of the galadur
older and more powerful masters, con- while facing it must save vs. spell or be
firmed in alignment and more likely to blinded for 1 round. Undead caught inside
accomplish great things for which their the 2" radius of the blazing light will suffer
familiars may take some credit. Since the 2-12 points of damage (save vs. spell for half
power of the spellcasters magic is reflected damage) but are otherwise unaffected, even
in its ability to offset the creatures magic if they are looking at the light from a dis-
resistance, this resistance (over and above tance. A continual darkness spell will negate
the saving-throw odds) serves to help the a galadurs ability to produce light for one

14 J U N E 1984
day thereafter. A darkness spell negates the have a charisma of 16 in dealings with other telperi have the power to cast a magic mis-
ability for the duration of the spell. In either creatures. sile spell once per day. They have special
case, the spell must be cast directly upon Galadur may use small weapons such as resistance against any spell that causes fear
the familiar. A galadur cannot be blinded or those employed by pixies and sprites. A or despair, such as cause fear or a symbol of
dazzled by strong light of any kind. galadurs longsword strikes like a dagger, hopelessness.
Each galadur is especially resistant (treat and the creature wields it with enough Telperi maintain an attitude much like a
as 50% magic resistance instead of the speed and skill to strike twice per round. A paladins, though telperi from Arcadia place
usual 25%) to one particular type of magic: galadurs bow has half the range of a long- law above goodness in importance. They
either fear, illusion, or control. Once per bow, and its arrows do the damage of darts. are the most martial of the three types of
day, a galadur may attempt to extend some Because of their dexterity, they have a +1 to galadur. While they obey their masters in
of this protection to all within 3, calling hit with their bows. Galadur who have most cases, by nature they cannot know-
out in a clear voice that has an effect similar dwelt on the material plane for some time ingly perform an evil or unlawful act.
to the cleric spell remove fear. As long as may have silver, cold-iron, or even magical In their normal state, telperi look like
the galadur resists the spell, or has already weapons, but in general, the creatures are small but extremely handsome or beautiful
done so, recipients of this protection will rarely this well equipped. When they first humans, with golden-brown to golden-pink
save at +4 vs. the type of spell in question arrive on the material plane, they carry no skin, golden hair, and glowing amber eyes.
for the next turn, or if they have already arms. They have pure white hawklike wings.
succumbed, are allowed a second saving
throw (but with no bonus). A galadur can Telperan Glissan
also create food and water once per day, and MOVE: 12"/30//15 (MC:B) MOVE: 15/24//18 (MC:A)
can detect evil or use ultravision at will (in HIT DICE: 2+3 HIT DICE: 2+1
addition to keen normal vision). NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 NO. OF ATTACKS: 2
Galadur have several special immunities DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type
besides those they share with other super- INTELLIGENCE: Very INTELLIGENCE: Very
natural familiars. They do not take damage ALIGNMENT: Lawful good ALIGNMENT: Neutral good
from normal fire or non-magical weapons, SIZE: S (2 tall) SIZE: S (2 tall)
and magical fire or dragon-breath fire in- LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: V / 305 + 3/hp LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: V / 305 + 3/hp
flicts only half damage at best (save for no
damage). Telperi hail from the planes of Arcadia The glissi come from the planes of the
Every galadur has a dexterity of 16, and the Seven Heavens. Each one may take Twin Paradises, Elysium, and the Happy
which is taken into account for missile the form of a small human or demi-human Hunting Grounds. Their superiors nearly
combat and certain saving throws. (This child, looking about seven years old. It may always send them to the material plane to
does not further alter the galadurs armor also appear as a large hawk, a mouse, or a be familiars; only rarely do they come to do
class, however; it remains at 2, the figure dog (treat the latter as a wild dog). In addi- anything else. Like a telperan, a glissan can
for all supernatural familiars.) Galadur tion to the abilities common to all galadur, polymorph itself into the shape of a human

16 J U N E 1984
or demi-human child about seven years old. In addition to the powers that all galadur nities and special resistances, besides those
The glissan can also assume the shape of a have, the baltir has two unique abilities. shared by all supernatural familiars. None
songbird, a seagull, or a miniature unicorn First, once per day it can make all others are harmed by acids, alkalis, normal fire,
(2 high at the shoulder). As a unicorn it within 2 fall into a drunken stupor, unless natural poisons, or petrification. They take
becomes AC 4, runs at 24, and strikes with they save vs. spell. The results of this power half damage, at best, from magical fire or
horn and hooves for 1-4/1/1. are listed under greatly intoxicated in the dragon-breath fire (save for no damage).
Once per day, a glissan can cast a sleep table on page 82 of the Dungeon Masters Natural animals or plants harm them in two
spell. The spell affects a single creature, Guide. If anyone is even slightly drunk cases only: 1) if the plant or animal has
without restriction including those of before the baltir uses its power, he or she been attacked, and 2) if it is under a spell of
more than 4+4 HD, any undead, and cer- becomes comatose after the baltir does so. some sort (charmed, summoned, or other-
tain other creatures specifically excluded Only a neutralize poison spell can remove wise enchanted). The lomendurs immunity
from the effects of a normal sleep spell (see the effects of the baltirs power; otherwise, to natural poisons extends to the poisons of
the spell description and the Monster Man- the victim must recover as described in the giant creatures, but not to those of fantastic
ual). Any target is allowed a saving throw; DMG. beings such as the wyvern or extraplanar
those who are normally subject to sleep The baltirs second unique power is spe- creatures such as the imp.
spells save at -2. cial resistance against magical control, Lomendur also have an immunity to
Glissi are especially resistant (50%) to including all charm-type spells com- certain weapons. Only a magical or stone
illusions, such as phantasmal force and mand, hypnotism, suggestion, and the like. weapon can harm them. And not all stone
related spells. Note that the illusion itself All baltiri love freedom and happiness, weapons will work; the particular type
remains unaffected and may still be believed and they fight for the right of others to needed depends on the kind of lomendur
by others who fail to see through it. enjoy these things. Baltiri from Gladsheim being attacked.
Glissi are absolutely and unswervingly choose chaos over good if they must make a Lomendur can swim at their walking or
committed to the cause of good, although choice. flying rate, whichever is faster. On land or
those from the Twin Paradises or the Happy In size, baltiri dont quite measure up; in the air, they can use the same weapons
Hunting Grounds may have a lawful or theyre shorter than the rest of the galadur that galadur do, but lomendur strike only
chaotic bias. Glissi desire only peace, life, in their unpolymorphed state. Still, they are once per round if they use a sword, and
and happiness for all. They cannot commit broad of build and look like handsome, they gain no bonuses to hit with the bow. A
evil acts. muscular humans with somewhat flat faces lomendurs dexterity is 15, and its charisma
Glissi are slim and delicate creatures with and tufted pointy ears. A short, glittering, is 13 with respect to other creature types.
opalescent skin and large blue eyes. They fiery red fur covers their entire body. They
have fine, silvery hair that forms a halo have broad wings and glistening lionlike Tabur
about their head, and a double pair of manes that match the color of their fur. MOVE: 1 5
silver-white wings, shaped like a swallows. Baltiri have broad smiles and green or HIT DICE: 2+3
brown almond-shaped eyes. NO. OF ATTACKS: 2
Baltir DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-3/1-3 or by
MOVE: 9"/27"//21 (MC:B) weapon type
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 ALIGNMENT: Lawful neutral
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type It would seem that familiars from the SIZE: S (2 tall)
INTELLIGENCE: H i g h middle planes the lomendur have a LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: V / 275 + 3/hp
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good common origin, because they share a num-
SIZE: S (2 tall) ber of characteristics. They are perhaps Tabi come to the material plane from
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: V/ 305 + 3/hp better in tune with the largely neutral natu- Nirvana. Each tabur can polymorph itself
ral forces of the universe than are their good into three different forms from the following
The baltiri are native to the planes of or evil counterparts, and evidence of this list of four: hawk (large), badger, dog (treat
Olympus and Gladsheim. On the material lies within the properties they share. In as a wild dog), and hare.
plane, they may be hard to recognize, since addition to those characteristics common to Though it can use weapons in its unpoly-
they can assume different forms. A baltir all supernatural familiars, the lomendur morphed form, a tabur prefers to strike with
can polymorph itself into a human or demi- have both infravision and ultravision (range its hands, for 1-3 points of damage per
human child, as the telperi and glissi do. It 6" for each). They can detect good or detect hand. The damage figure is this high be-
can also take the form of a cat, an otter, or a evil at will, and speak with animals as often cause the tabur has an instinctive knowl-
miniature lion (AC 5, MV 12, D/Att 1/1/ as they please. edge of anatomy, like that of a monk. With
1-2 and rear claws l/l). Lomendur also have a number of immu- its hand attack, it can stun or kill an oppo-
nent of size S as a first-level monk (1%
chance to kill vs. AC 7, up to 4% vs. AC
10). Only magical weapons or those made
of white flint can harm a tabur, and it can
dodge magical missile weapons (but not a
magic missile spell) the same way a monk
evades non-magical ones.
The tabi have two powers that resemble
cleric spells. First, they can hold person
once a day, as a 2nd-level cleric, surpassing
the actual spell because they can affect any
number of eligible persons or creatures
within range. Second, the tabur can feign
death once a day for up to 14 turns.
Tabi are devoted to order and discipline
untainted by cruelty or kindness; good and
evil are irrelevant to them. They never let
other considerations get in the way of true
harmony and order.

18 J U N E 1984
At a glance, the tabi look like small, since it can assume gaseous form once per Quark
white marble statues. The creatures have day for up to 4 turns. This power works as MOVE: 9"/18 (MC:A)
perfect, symmetrical proportions; each the potion, but it applies only to the orrek, HIT DICE: 2
appears to be an idealized version of the not to any personal effects it may be carry- NO. OF ATTACKS: 1
human or demi-human race of its master. ing. The orrek can also trip, summon in- DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type
Their calm and unhurried movements sects, and produce flame, once per day INTELLIGENCE: Av e r ag e
enhance their statuelike air, though they can each, no matter what form the creature is ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral
muster extraordinarily quick and nimble in; however, the latter two powers will not SIZE: S (2 tall)
movements at will. A taburs hair matches function underwater (when the creature is LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: V/ 315 + 3/hp
the pure white color of its skin. When open, in salmon form), and even trip might not
its eyes look like silvery pools. With eyes work as intended, although it could still be Quarks hail from the ever-changing plane
closed in meditation, while standing per- attempted underwater. of Limbo. At the whim of themselves or
fectly still, a tabur gives no hint of life at all. Only magical weapons, or those made of their superiors, they come to the material
greenstone, can hit an orrek. Greenstone plane, but natives of that plane may not
Orrek is any green rock thats hard enough to be recognize them readily because they change
MOVE: 9" (1-6") made into a weapon usually an inferior forms quite freely. Quarks use a limited
HIT DICE: 3 grade of jade. version of the shapechange spell at will (as
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 Orrekin are devoted to balance; they often as once per round), imitating any
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4/1 -4 tolerate other forces as long as none of them normal plant or animal of size S or smaller,
INTELLIGENCE: Very show signs of dominance. Orrekin believe down to the size of a housefly. They may
ALIGNMENT: Neutral chaos is foolish, law is pretentious, and also mimic natural, unrefined materials
SIZE: S (2 tall) good or evil is just a waste of time. such as water, sand, or rock, taking the
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: V/ 290 + 3/hp An orreks general form looks human, shape and size of an amount equal to their
but its body is squat and muscular, with normal weight. As inanimate material, they
Of the many orrekin that dwell on the rounded shoulders and long arms. Its hands have a sense of touch and can feel vibra-
plane of Concordant Opposition, few come are large and tipped with iron-hard, retract- tions. In any other form, however, they only
to the material plane. When they do, they able claws. Orrekin are covered with short, have the senses of the being theyre mimick-
prefer to remain as inconspicuous as possi- soft fur, which is usually gray but may also ing. When shapechanged, they gain all the
ble. Each orrek can take on three forms be brown or black. Their glittering black powers of the new form except for mental
from the following list: salmon, owl (large), eyes, short necks, broad teeth, and rather and magical abilities, in which cases they
fox, and squirrel. In salmon form, the narrow heads suggest kinship to a rodent. retain their normal abilities.
animal can move in fresh or salt water. But if this appearance evokes any negative Quarks cannot imitate creatures from
In its own shape, the orrek can burrow reaction, this is usually soothed by the non-material planes, such as undead or
through rock or soil as quickly as an umber orreks lively manner and pleasant, if sim- natives of the astral or ethereal planes. They
hulk. Other barriers may not stop it either, ple, way of speaking. also cannot assume the form of humans,

monsters (fantastic or magical creatures), Three types of burzugdur can become those occurrences. While it is attached, the
demi-humans, or humanoids. They can, familiars: the imp, the quasit, and the nalg. nalgs armor class is worsened to 8, with
however, imitate giant spiders or frogs that The imp and quasit are described in the respect to attacks made upon it by anyone
are size S or smaller. Anything the quark is Monster Manual, but their colorations and other than the victim of the blood drain.
wearing or carrying at the moment of trans- some other details are not given. Imps are During the nalgs blood-draining attack, the
formation remains unchanged, dropping off dull red to black in color, with yellow eyes. victim must save vs. poison in every round
or falling away as the change takes place. Quasits are of a greenish hue that ranges or be blinded for 7-12 rounds thereafter
In addition to the powers they share with from pallid to nearly black. They have red assuming the victim lives that long. After
other lomendur, quarks have the ability to eyes, and yellow claws and horns. Imps draining blood, the nalg must rest for a day
cause confusion (as the druid spell, duration have a diabolic point of view, while quasits before it tries to do so again, regardless of
2 rounds, saving throw applies) in one are demonic. However, imps from Acheron how much blood it drained.
creature, by touch, once per day. Quarks care more for law than evil, and quasits The nalg can use phantasmal force as the
can only be harmed by magical weapons or from Pandemonium prefer chaos to evil if magic-user spell once per day. Of course, it
those made of obsidian. forced to choose. must concentrate on the illusion to maintain
Quarks acknowledge no rules, no conven- it. A nalg is harmed only by magical weap-
tions. They hate restraint and order, and Nalg ons or those made of nickel or a nickel alloy.
they keep promises only if it pleases them to MOVE: 9"//21 Like the imp and quasit, the nalg cares
do so. For reasons unknown to mortals, it HIT DICE: 3 nothing for the master it serves. It performs
pleases some quarks to serve as familiars for NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 as a familiar partly out of fear and partly
chaotic masters. DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1/1/1-3 because of its lust for power. A nalg strives
Quarks look like tiny humans of slender INTELLIGENCE: Low to bring woe to others and power to itself. It
build, with silvery skin and tangled, fuzzy ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil is little concerned with such abstractions as
hair that resembles a dandelion gone to SIZE: S (2 tall) law and chaos, though some nalgs have a
seed. They have glittering, butterfly wings LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: V/ 325 + 3/hp bias in one or the other of those directions.
that change pattern and color daily or even In its usual state, the nalg is a small hairy
hourly. Despite their strange appearance, Nalgs are little horrors from the planes of creature with clawed hands, froglike legs,
they have a certain charm and beauty. Gehenna, Hades, and Tarterus. They are and two-toed, webbed feet. It has a long,
minor demons that commonly serve as foxlike muzzle filled with razor-sharp teeth.
familiars to evil clerics or magic-users, Dirty pink skin surrounds its baleful yellow
THE BURZUGDUR though they may be found on the material eyes. Elsewhere, its pink mottled hide is
plane for other reasons. Each nalg can take partially covered with sparse, coarse hair of
At one time, all burzugdur were evil the forms of two of the following creatures: a dull black or dirty white color. Unless it
humans who died and sank to the lower stirge, horsefly, poisonous snake, or weasel. has gorged itself recently, the nalg looks
planes, where they became larvae of the In the form of a horsefly, a nalg flies at 18, somewhat like a skeleton.
same alignment. The most malign are has an AC of 0, and renders a painful but
chosen to form imps, quasits, or nalgs, harmless bite.
depending on the flavor of their evil. In its natural form, the nalg attacks with
All burzugdur have the abilities common claws and teeth. Its bite does 1-3 points of Natural familiars
to supernatural familiars. They also have damage, and a victim must save vs. poison
infravision (6 range) and can detect evil each time he is bitten; if a saving throw is The special familiars of the material
(range 12) at will. Fire cannot harm them, failed, the victim will be blinded for 2-12 plant are a diverse group, varying widely in
and the only weapons that can harm them rounds thereafter. This blindness attack their characteristics and the powers they
are magical ones or weapons made of spe- only affects a given target once during an confer upon their masters. The similarities
cial metals (cold iron for quasits, silver for encounter; subsequent bites will do dam- between them are (from the spellcasters
imps; see the Monster Manual for complete age, but will not extend or worsen the point of view) more negative than positive.
descriptions of these types). All burzugdur blindness. However, if a nalg chooses to do They do not add their hit points to those of
are venomous to one degree or another. so (or is ordered to do so by its master), it their master as do normal familiars, and
Each has 14 dexterity and 8 charisma. can hold onto a victim after a successful bite they do not confer regenerative powers as
Upon first examination, they may seem to and drain blood at 1-3 points per round do supernatural special familiars. On the
have a less formidable set of powers than thereafter. The blood drain will last until other hand, the master of a natural special
other supernatural familiars but what the nalg is killed, until it drains 12 hit familiar does not lose hit points or levels if
they lack in quantity, they make up for in points worth of blood, or unless it detaches the familiar is killed. The natural familiars
quality. itself at some point previous to either of are less concerned with alignment behavior
than their extraplanar counterparts; they
are natives of the material plane, and, as
such, are more familiar with the shades of
gray that abound in the material planes
alignment structure.
While natural familiars will serve more or
less faithfully, they are free-willed beings
and can think for themselves. They will
have had lives of their own before taking up
service, and ideas of their own, which may
be at variance with the outlook of their
master even if they happen to be an exact
match in alignment. They are in fact rather
like henchmen and should be considered as
such in cases that call for morale and loyalty
checks. While normal familiars are willing
(or at least unwitting) slaves or pets, and
supernatural special familiars have other
loyalties and purposes, the natural special

20 JUNE 1984
familiars occupy an intermediate position the individuals summoned) adventurous, who breaks the charm cannot be affected
between these extremes. they might be found anywhere. The DM again for at least one day afterward.
There are few strings attached if a magic- must rule on this, but it seems reasonable Usually slow and deliberate in its move-
user obtains the service of a natural special that a natural special familiar would be ments, the durocib is capable of sudden
familiar. In general, the familiar will require summonable anywhere in the imaginary darts and lunges, and has an uncanny abil-
good treatment, up to and including gifts of world of the campaign, with the possible ity to sense the intent of an enemy an in-
magic items they can use (there are a few) if exception of such places as polar ice caps stant before the enemy takes any action.
their loyalty is to be assured. A natural and the middle of an ocean. In most cases it Because of this characteristic, the durocib
special familiar will leave its master if condi- will not be too difficult to argue that some makes saving throws as a 7th-level thief.
tions become intolerable, and the effects of trick of fate has brought one of these poten- The creature has in addition a number of
this will be the same as if it had been sent tial familiars within range of the spell. After thieflike abilities, all performed with the
away (see page 44 of the DMG). If the all, the lives of adventurers abound with same chance of success as a 7th-level half-
familiar is killed, there is no ill effect on the strange circumstances and odd coinci- ling thief. They can move silently, hide in
magic-user beyond the loss of any special dences, of which this might be a relatively shadows, climb walls, and detect traps; the
abilities the familiar had bestowed upon its minor one. latter ability is limited to snares and pits
master. However, the chance for the same only. Because of their keen senses, durocibs
magic-user to get another familiar of the are never surprised and can surprise others
same type is drastically reduced. The kin- Durocib on a 1-4. Though they are clever with bolts
dred souls of the slain familiar will know FREQUENCY: Uncommon and latches and can use simple tools, duro-
instinctively that one of their fellows met a NO. APPEARING: 2-12 cibs are unable to become skilled with
tragic end while serving that magic-user, ARMOR CLASS: 7 weapons.
and they will understandably be reluctant to HIT DICE: These small horrors are fierce if cornered,
follow the same course. If another familiar % IN LAIR: 20% and will always attack when they have a
of the same type as the slain one is indicated TREASURE TYPE: See below clear advantage, but are also cowardly.
on a later casting of the find familiar spell, NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 They accomplish less evil than they might
the creature will have a 100% magic resist- DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-2 because they are so petty and greedy. Duro-
ance (instead of its normal resistance, if SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below cibs have a language of sorts, which can be
applicable) that must be overcome before SPECIAL DEFENSES: Save as 7th understood by someone using comprehend
the creature will hear the call. level thief languages but not otherwise learned or used
As pointed out earlier in the section on MAGIC RESISTANCE: As above by other creatures. Very seldom will a duro-
supernatural familiars, any creature is INTELLIGENCE: Low (high cunning) cib make the effort to learn the common
allowed a saving throw to escape the effect ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil tongue, and those that do are never fluent
of the find familiar spell. In the case of a SIZE: S (1 tall) in it; their harsh hisses and guttural sounds
natural special familiar, this represents the PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil make them very difficult to understand.
chance that the creature will have serious LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: III/ 60 + 1/hp Durocibs take great delight in tormenting
doubts about entering into service. Life as a
familiar can offer hazards as well as re- Though these nocturnal creatures are
wards, if the call comes from an adventur- most common in the trees of temperate to
ing spellcaster. On the other hand, life with subtropical lands, they are adventurous and
a sedentary magic-user could be boring and may be found almost anywhere after dark.
unsatisfying. Perhaps the creature being Despite their small size, they are feared for
called finds something objectionable in the their malevolence and for the effects of their
behavior or appearance of its would-be gaze. The durocibs gaze affects all types of
master; similar alignments dont necessarily creatures that are subject to the magic-user
make for a smooth relationship. Even po- charm person spell. Anyone who meets the
tential familiars with no other commitments gaze of a durocib must save vs. spell or
and little to lose might be reluctant, for become temporarily insane. Those afflicted
reasons that may be fully known only to will acquire a mental sickness of an immedi-
them. ately debilitating type (choose at random
It isnt necessary to postulate a different from the table on page 83 of the Dungeon
type of natural special familiar for every Masters Guide) such as hebephrenia, cata-
spot on the alignment spectrum, as was the tonia, or hallucinations.
case for supernatural familiars. Being resi- Victims of the gaze must immediately
dents of the material plans, natural famil- save vs. spell a second time, and if this save
iars generally have some inherent flexibility is also failed, the victim is not afflicted with
where alignment is concerned. For instance, insanity but instead will fall under the men-
although most brownies are equally con- tal control of the durocib, with effects iden-
cerned with law and good, some put a tical to those of a charm person spell. The
greater emphasis on obedience and order victim will not be visibly changed, and
than on happiness. The type of natural while receiving orders or carrying them out
familiar that can be obtained by a magic- will act and appear normal. The durocib
user of a certain alignment is as follows: must remain within 1" of its victim to main-
LG to LN Brownie tain this control, and usually accomplishes
LE to NE Durocib this by perching on the victims shoulder.
Neutral Haudhla The temporary insanity will last for 2-8
CE to CN Veeru hours, and the victim will not be subject to
CG to NG Pseudodragon the durocibs gaze again for one day after
The brownie and the pseudodragon are the insanity ends. Those who fall victim to
described in the Monster Manual. Descrip- the mental control effect of the gaze have
tions of the others are given below. Each the same chance of breaking free as if the
type of familiar has its preferred habitat, victim was under the influence of charm
but since they are hardy and (in the case of person. As with the insanity effect, a victim

the weak and helpless, when they can get gies for the intrusion. Haudhli love precious are usually near water. They are elusive and
away with it; in fact, little else can hold the metals and gems, and a community will generally avoid direct contact with other
attention of a durocib for any length of often have its own treasure trove. Some- intelligent creatures. Veeru make floating
time. times they can be bribed with gems or nests of reeds to sleep in, or lair in trees or
If a durocib scores a hit with its bite, it jewelry. caves if they arent near water or reeds are
can choose to hold onto its victim and drain Haudhli are handy with simple tools, and unavailable.
blood at the rate of 1-4 points per round can fashion small swords and bows and A veeru bites with its long, toothy jaws
thereafter. The durocib will maintain its arrows with which to defend themselves. for 1-2 points of damage per hit. Any crea-
hold until it chooses to retreat, until it is Their swords do 1-3 points of damage vs. S ture bitten by a veeru must save vs. poison
killed or rendered unconscious, or until it or M creatures, 1-2 vs. opponents of size L. or become confused for 13-24 hours thereaf-
drains 14 hit points worth of blood. Their bows have half the range of a short ter. The veerus other weapon is its song.
Durocibs enjoy hoarding jewelry and bow; arrows do 1-2 points of damage vs. S Once per day it can sing a tune with its
gems, and may even wear some baubles. or M creatures, and only 1 point against chimelike voice that will cause all within 3"
There is a 20% chance that a durocib will size L foes. The haudhli use no other weap- to be affected as if by an Ottos irresistible
have a small gem or piece of jewelry in its ons, but may employ traps, especially in the dance spell. Anyone within the area of
lair. vicinity of their lair. effect, or anyone who enters the area while
Durocibs resemble tailless, round-headed A haudhla can speak with plants once per the song is going on, is allowed a saving
monkeys, small but stockily built. They are hour, and once a day it may employ detect throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. The
covered with short, dense grey fur with a snares & pits, predict weather, purify water, veeru must halt its song if it is hit in combat
pattern of dark grey or black bands in it obscurement, snare, and audible glamer. or otherwise distracted, and in any event it
that is unique to each durocib. They have All of these spell-like powers are performed cannot keep up the singing for longer than
large, reddish-brown eyes that exude a at the eighth level of ability. In addition, three rounds. The dance effect on victims
reddish glow in the dark when they are haudhli can fall from any height or pass lasts for 2-5 rounds beyond the time when
employing their infravision (range 12). over any surface as if using the psionic the veeru stops singing.
A magic-user who acquires a durocib as a discipline body equilibrium. They can Like the pseudodragon (to which it is
familiar can receive all the sensory informa- survive extreme temperatures (-20 to +120 loosely related), the veeru can see invisible
tion the creature gathers, through a tele- degrees F.) with no protection, but this objects. It can become effectively invisible
pathic link that has a range of 12. The resistance is not proof against normal flame (80% undetectable, like the pseudodragon)
master also gains an 18 dexterity and a or magical heat or cold of any sort. by making itself transparent. In this state, a
bonus of +1 on all saving throws. If a neutral magic-user acquires the serv- veeru still reflects light, and when seen from
ices of a haudhla as a familiar, the spellcas- certain angles appears as a shimmering
ter gains the haudhlas resistance to magic rainbow of colors. Those able to detect
Haudhla and to extreme temperatures, as well as its invisible objects who succeed in the attempt
FREQUENCY: Rare body equilibrium ability but these will see the veeru in its true form, and not
NO. APPEARING: 40-100 powers are conferred on the master only if as a rainbow of colors. Veeru are near-
ARMOR CLASS: 5 master and familiar are touching. The perfect mimics, able to imitate words, short
MOVE: 15 magic-user may also receive telepathic phrases, and bird calls with 90% accuracy.
HIT DICE: communication of all the haudhla sees, They do not learn languages; communicat-
% IN LAIR: 10% hears, and senses, as long as master and ing instead (as does the pseudodragon)
TREASURE TYPE: C familiar are no farther than 12 from each through a form of limited telepathy.
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 other. All veeru are chaotic and unpredictable
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type Haudhli appear as minuscule humans in actions and motives. The majority (55%)
SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below with sharp and somewhat homely features, are neither good nor evil, 40% are of evil
SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below with skin color ranging from brown to dark inclination, and 5% are chaotic good. Evil
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 25% brown, and silvery-blue hair. They wear veeru like to mislead those foolish enough to
INTELLIGENCE: Very clothes of green, brown, or grey hues. They venture into swampy places, and they some-
ALIGNMENT: Neutral speak the haudhla language plus the times work in concert with will-o-wisps.
SIZE: S (1 tall) tongues of gnomes, pixies, sprites, halflings, If a chaotic evil or chaotic neutral magic-
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil and the common tongue. user acquires the services of a veeru as a
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: III / 65 + 1/hp familiar, it will be a type that matches the
masters alignment. (No chaotic good veeru
The haudhli are creatures of nature, Veeru will ever come as a familiar.) If master and
remaining close to plants and the earth FREQUENCY: Very rare familiar are touching, the magic-user gets
wherever they dwell. They live in small hills NO. APPEARING: 1 the benefit of the veerus magic resistance,
or mounds, each family of 2-5 having its ARMOR CLASS: 2 and the creature can transmit telepathically
own burrow with a concealed entrance. A MOVE: 9"/21"//18" (MC:B) whatever it senses, as long as master and
community of haudhli will normally have HIT DICE: 1+2 familiar are no farther than 24 apart.
20 families. Though they may dwell any- % IN LAIR: 5% In its natural (opaque) form a veeru
where because of their hardiness, haudhli TREASURE TYPE: Q (x10) appears much like a miniature gold dragon
are most likely to live near the habitations NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 with long, slender, bat-like wings. Its scaly
of men but the humans may not be DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-2 hide is gold, and it has glowing green eyes.
aware of them. Because they are swift afoot SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poison bite, singing
and can make themselves essentially invisi- SPECIAL DEFENSES: Transparency Editors note: This article can be used in,
ble in natural terrain, they may be locally MAGIC RESISTANCE: 30% conjunction with A cast of strange famil-
common in even heavily populated areas INTELLIGENCE: Av e r ag e iars (issue #84) in a total revamping of the
without ever being found out. ALIGNMENT: Chaotic (see below) find familiar spell. Or, these familiars can
The haudhli are not friendly with the SIZE: S (3 long) be used without also using the non-
larger races (to them, even a halfling is PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil special ones from the earlier article. And,
large), particularly if an intruder or group LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: IV/ 200 + 2/hp last but not least, these creatures can simply
of intruders discovers their lair. If they are be used as new monsters which ought to
discovered and approached, they will expect Veeru (singular and plural are the same be absolutely un -familiar to any characters
and perhaps bluntly demand many apolo- word) roam widely, but when encountered who encounter them!

22 JUNE 1984
The warrior alternative
Generating non-magical characters for the DQ game
by Craig Barrett
Of all role-playing game topics, my favor- Its not that the DRAGONQUEST game to start with some Ranked skills besides
ite is fantasy. I enjoy working with simula- doesnt allow for non-magical characters, languages may find this option intriguing.
tions of magic, provided that the magic is because non-Adepts abound. For example, If a player examines the game rules (up
treated as something special and is used in non-magical characters are described in the to Rule 8.7) for resources available to his
moderation. This statement seems contra- game rules (see 31.0 and 31.4), in game character, he realizes that his character must
dictory in light of the fact that the fantasy supplements (from Camp of Alla-Akabar pay something in order to be initiated into a
RPG I have worked with most frequently is to Blade of Allectus), and even in Gerry magical College. The most valuable clue to
the DRAGONQUEST adventure game. Klugs article DragonNotes (ARES this something is found outside the regular
Contradictory, because the DQ game sys- Magazine, issue #11), which deals with the DQ game materials, in Chaosiums
tem not only encourages every player to issue of randomizing NPCs. So, nothing in Thieves World. When Eric Goldberg, one
make his character a practitioner of magic the rules prohibits a players character from of the original DQ game designers, adapted
but actually penalizes a player who doesnt. being a non-Adept, but nothing encourages the game to fit the universe of Robert
Asprins fine Thieves World anthology
series, Goldberg directly contravened Rule
34.5, which prohibits Adepts from learning
the magic of a College other than his own.
The revised procedure goes like this: In
exchange for a six-month term of study and
5,000 Experience Points (EPs), the initial
magic of a College of the same alignment as
a character (see 34.1) can be learned; for a
twelve-month term of study and 7,500 EPs,
the initial magic of a College of a different
alignment can be learned.
In this setup, its easier to learn the magic
of a different but similarly aligned College
than it was for the Adept to learn the magic
of his original College, because, at this
point, the character is building on a familiar
foundation. A non-aligned College is more
difficult since the character is hampered by
the training gained from his first College.
By splitting the difference between the two
costs say, a nine-month term of study
and 6,500 EPs we arrive at the initiation
cost for a characters first magical College.
Lets suppose that, while a characters
classmates are busy with their spells and
potions, he decides to go a different route.
The character knows that he can always be
initiated into a magical College later (for
nine months of study and 6,500 EPs); how-
ever, he currently wants an education that
offers more tangible survival benefits. In-
stead of entering a school for magic, he
enters a different kind of school.
Unless the Gamemaster has created a
highly detailed DRAGONQUEST world, a
Those whove played the DQ game know it, either. The offer of a magical College for player does not have to worry about identi-
what I mean. Reading the Character Gen- ones character is a gift; forgo the gift, and fying this other school that his character
eration rules leads the player face to face nothing is offered in its place. attended, any more than he would if all
with Rule 8.7: The player may want to . . . This situation doesnt seem fair, because characters attended a magic-teaching
choose a college of magic for his character the courage required to engage in a DQ school. Instead, this player should follow
(see 34). . . . But what if the player doesnt campaign without the recourse of personal the standard Character Generation rules
want to choose a College for his character? magic deserves some reward. until he reaches Rule 8.5; at this point, he
Tough. No alternative is offered; no com- Hence, the warrior alternative offered stops. The player now has nine months and
pensation for not making a character an in this article. This option provides immedi- 6,500 EPs to spend on his character for the
Adept is provided. The rules trot blithely ate martial privileges for players who are development of skills other than magic.
on, and the player is left wondering why willing to sacrifice intermediate-range magi- These EPs cant be spent indiscrimi-
such an empty opportunity exists. cal advantages for them. Players who wish nately. Because players dont want to mess

24 JUNE 1984
up the play balance, some restrictions are in If the character is human (this variant is
order (see 87.7). mainly designed for humans), he is credited
First, every character who chooses the with being able to read, write, and speak
warrior alternative expends 2,500 EPs on Common at Rank 8 (see Rule 49.0, para-
characteristic points: either for one Fatigue graph 3, and Rule 49.6).
Point, which raises the characters total no When the character generation process is
higher than 23 and has no effect on Endur- completed, a player adds to the EP bank
ance (see 5.3), or for 3 Perception Points, those EPs hes been holding in reserve from
which are added to his initial 8 PC points. his characters education fund of 6,500
Second, a character selects one skill from EPs. Finally, the player assigns his character
Chapter VII that he majored in and ex- a name (see 8.8), and his work is done.
pends sufficient EPs to raise that skill to Gamemasters should deal with the newly
Rank 2. Then, he selects a skill he minored created non-Adept in a liberal fashion and
in and expends enough EPs so that the skill should be patient as the non-Adept works
is at Rank 1. Players should be able to out the duties of having sudden Rank. An
defend skill choices if the Gamemaster Assassin of Rank 2, for example, must pay
challenges the relationship of these selec- 700 Silver Pennies per year as hush
tions to the character being role-played. A money and such (see 51.9). Since the
school for Assassins, for example, might character wont be able to afford that sum
provide a supplementary course in Spying of money right away, the Gamemaster
or Courtesy (the character has to get close should give the new Assassin plenty of time
to his target if hes to kill him), but not one to gather the needed funds during his first
in Alchemy or Navigation. A school for year of operation. The Gamemaster must
Thieves could also train Merchants (this treat all skills with similar generosity.
way, a character could double as a fence for One final note: These Ranks should be
stolen goods), but not Military Scientists seen as fair just compensation for an auda-
(though soldiers are also foragers and, cious character who is willing to brave the
therefore, might minor as Thieves). dangers of a DRAGONQUEST world
Since the warrior alternative is the point without the benefit of personal magical
of discussion here, choices for a major skill powers. By the characters abstinence, hes
should be limited to Assassin, Beast Master, contributing to the value of the magic being
Military Scientist, Navigator, Ranger, Spy, used by others; therefore, he should be
and Thief. Neither the major nor the minor given a little bit of an edge in other areas.
skill should be a language.
Once the character has selected his major
and minor skills, he selects three weapons
consistent with these skills and expends
sufficient EPs to earn Rank 2 with one of
them and Rank 1 with each of the other
two. Thus, an Assassin must select either
the sap or the garotte as a tool of his trade,
and he probably wouldnt choose a broad-
sword or shield, while a Military Scientist
(particularly one from a family of the
Greater Nobility) probably would. These
weapon choices shouldnt be unduly re-
stricted, but should remain reasonable.
When weapons have been selected, all of
the characters 6,500 EPs may have been
used. Of any EPs remaining, only up to 500
can be held in reserve to be added to the EP
bank once the procedures in Rule 8.7 are
completed. Any EPs in excess of this
amount are permanently lost. Remaining
EPs can now be spent for more Fatigue or
Perception points, for Stealth to Rank 1, for
Horsemanship to Rank 1, for Hunting to
Rank 1 (see Paul Crabaughs article in
DRAGON Magazine, issue #78, p. 84), or
for any affordable combination of these.
When remaining EPs have been spent,
the player proceeds with Rules 8.5, 8.6, and
8.7. EPs acquired under Rule 8.5 can be
spent in any manner desired during this
process. (I recommend immediately using
the bargain price of 100 EPs for one skill
Rule 8.6 for a language skill. Under
Rule 49.6, this means a character begins
play with Rank 8 in that language. He
already has 7 to 10 Rankings in other skills,
so why pass up this chance if 8.5 has given
him the EPs to spend?)

Five new enchanted objects
Magic items you wont find in the AD&D books
Many AD&D game campaigns reach a couatl is summoned to fight against insur- level, so long as the attacks come from the
state where the Dungeon Master and the mountable odds, or if the combat does not users front and sides. Attacks made from
players become too accustomed to the magic seem to be favoring the side of the couatl the rear cannot be parried.
items listed in the official rules. More than and the cleric, the couatl will wrap its tail The scepter is useless as a parrying im-
200 are given in the DMG, and while it around the cleric and transport both of plement against non-humanoid creatures
may be virtually impossible to bring all of them to a place of safety elsewhere on the like dragons or black puddings, against
them into play, theres nothing to prevent Prime Material Plane (by traveling through blows from humanoid creatures larger than
players from reading the descriptions, either the Ethereal Plane). This destination is not an ogre, and against attacks from creatures
because they want to be one up on the under the control of the cleric. In any event, using weaponless combat (such as ogrillons,
DM, or maybe simply because theyre the couatl will vanish back into the Ethereal trolls, or wrestlers).
interested. Either way, the end result is a Plane 5-8 turns after being summoned, or The users strength bonus to hit (if any)
lack of suspense and surprise that takes sooner if the cleric commands it. This may be subtracted from an opponents
away some of the appeal of the game. power may only be used by lawful good chance to hit the scepters wielder. No sort
One way for a DM to get around this clerics or clerics who worship Quetzalcoatl. of attack can be made in the same round
problem is to modify the appearance or 2) So long as the staff is carried, the cleric that the scepter is used as a parrying device.
nature of magic items, so that players gains a +2 bonus to his saving throw vs. The scepter will function as a +1 club if
advance knowledge of the DMG doesnt do magical effects in general, and a +4 bonus to used offensively. And, so long as it is car-
them any good. Another way is to use en- his save vs. all poisons. These bonuses are ried, it confers a +1 bonus to the holders
tirely new magic items and thats where cumulative with those offered by other saving throw vs. all magical effects. This
this article comes in. Heres a selection of devices, as per a ring of protection. bonus is cumulative with other saving-
enchanted objects that DMs can choose 3) The staff may be used to effect the throw bonuses, as per a ring of protection.
from to add an element of the unexpected to casting of certain spells: detect evil and Experience Point Value: 1,000
the next NPC or treasure trove that adven- snake charm each three times per day; Gold Piece Sale Value: 4,000
turers come upon. And even these can be neutralize poison and sticks to snakes each
modified, to foil players who might see this once per day; and wind walk once per
article before their characters have a chance week. All spell effects are at the 8th level of Rust Dust
to experience the items described in it. ability.
Taking a good idea and making it better (to 4) The staff is +1 to hit and damage when by Woodrow Smith
suit your needs) is the essence of creation, used in combat.
and thats what the AD&D game is all A non-good, neutral-aligned cleric (lawful Rust dust looks like a fine metallic pow-
about. neutral, chaotic neutral, or neutral evil) der similar to dust of appearance or other
who grasps the staff will not be harmed, but magical dusts. It is usually contained in
cannot use any of its powers (except for small silk pouches for dispersal by hand, or
Staff of the Couatl clerics of Quetzalcoatl, as noted for power in hollow bone tubes for spreading by blow-
#1). An evil cleric who picks it up will take ing through the tube. If it is shaken out by
by Pat Reinken 2-5 points of damage each round the staff is hand, one pouch will cover a 10 radius
held. If a cleric of Tezcatlipoca, Quetzal- area; dust blown from a tube will create a
The Staff of the Couatl is a device much coatls chief rival, is struck by or picks up 20 long cone, 1 wide at the start and 15
appreciated and used by good clerics, par- this staff, all damage received is doubled, wide at the end. From 1-10 containers of
ticularly those who worship the few good- and that cleric must save vs. poison each either sort may be found at one time.
aligned deities of the Central American round the staff is grasped or be slain. Any non-precious metallic materials
mythos. The lawful neutral clerics of Quet- Experience Point Value: 7,500 within the area of effect of rust dust will rust
zalcoatl, however, may use staves of this Gold Piece Sale Value: 20,000 (or otherwise deteriorate) and fall into use-
sort normally. less scraps one round after being contacted
A Staff of the Couatl is about 7 long, by the dust. Precious metals (gold, plati-
with the top 3 of the staff fashioned in the Scepter of Defense num, and silver, for instance) are not af-
shape of a winged couatl. Such staves are fected. Objects of iron, copper, bronze, tin,
usually made from precious materials such by Susan Lawson and similar metals or alloys thereof
as ivory over a silver core, and are magi- including mithral and adamantite will be
cally strengthened so they can be used in The Scepter of Defense is a rod like in- affected automatically if the item of which
combat (as quarterstaves). This powerful strument about 3 long, with a handgrip on the metal is made is non-magical.
staff has the following abilities: one end. It may be used by all fighter Magic items (swords, armor, shields,
1) It can be used to summon one couatl classes, clerics, druids, thieves, assassins, rings of protection, etc.) must save as if
per month to serve the needs of the cleric and monks as a parrying device. When its struck by a rust monster, gaining a 10%
possessing the staff. The couatl will have user is in combat against a human, demi- chance to withstand the dust for every
randomly determined hit points and psionic human, or humanoid opponent, the scepter plus of enchantment; thus, a +4 sword
abilities. It will light on behalf of the sum- may be wielded to cause all attacks against has a 40% chance of not corroding. Magi-
moning cleric until the opponent is van- the user to be made at a -4 penalty to hit. cal items or objects without a plus rating,
quished or escapes, or until the user of the The scepter can parry two attacks in one such as an iron flask, iron golem, or ring of
staff commands the attack to cease. If the melee round, regardless of the users spell storing, have a 10% chance to save

26 JUNE 1984
against the dust. All such saving throws perhaps using a smaller die (d8, d6, etc.) indoors or 4" outdoors) to save vs. spell,
must be re-rolled every time a new dose of when several of the globes become used up. with wisdom bonus applicable, or flee from
rust dust is encountered. Die Armor the wearer in terror for 3-12 rounds. This
Experience Point Value: 1,000 roll Material & color class fear aura has no effect on beings with six or
Gold Piece Sale Value: 5,000 1 Sandstone; light brown 8 more hit dice/levels.
2 Mithral; blue-silver 0 The helm counts as +3 armor against all
3 Gold; gold 6 head-directed attacks (such as those made
Necklace of Alteration 4 Iron; dull grey 1 by vorpal weapons), and saves as hard
5 Platinum; silver 4 metal with a +3 bonus to the die roll. It
by Jerome Mayard and Bill Birdsall 6 Granite; dull grey & red 3 does, however, have certain disadvantages.
7 Coal; dull black 9 Because certain items like dragon scales and
This mystical item appears to be a cheap 8 Salt; dull white 10 bone are incorporated into the helms mak-
necklace, like any other sort of magical 9 Bronze; bronze 2 ing and the helm draws power from them,
necklace, until it is put on. It then turns 10 Adamantite; green-silver -1 certain elements of a dragons personality
into a chain of silver with twelve small 11 Lead; dark grey 5 will begin showing up in the wearer. After
globes of unidentifiable material suspended 12 Wood; brown 7 keeping it in continuous use for one month
from it. Each globe appears identical to the The necklace of alteration can be worn (putting it on every day, even if for only a
others, but if a globe is pulled free of the and used by a member of any character moment), the wearer will begin to hoard
necklace (which may be done in one round), class or any humanoid of S or M size. Once money and valuables, refusing to part with
the globe turns into a particular type of used, the globes are generally worthless the smallest copper piece unless absolutely
material and the wearers body takes on the except as curios. The globes of gold, plati- necessary. The wearer will spend less and
appearance and armor class of that sub- num, mithral, and adamantite have values less on equipment, food, and clothing.
stance. Though an identify spell, wish, or of 1, 5, 20, and 50 gp respectively. Instead, the wearer will try to get other
similar magical effect will reveal something Experience Point Value: 1,000 people to purchase such items, or may turn
of the nature of the necklace, no magic will Gold Piece Sale Value: 5,000 to theft and robbery if the character is neu-
be able to divine which globe of the neck- tral or evil. The wearer will also be less
lace will have which effect. likely to respect or even listen to the opin-
Each of the twelve globes has a different Dragonhelm ions of others, will grow increasingly egotis-
effect. Once removed, a globe cannot be tical, and will tend to want to lead rather
replaced on the necklace; its effects last for by Roger Raupp and Roger Moore than follow. After the wearer uses this item
2-8 turns and cannot be dispelled. Only continuously for two months or longer, he
after one globes effect is ended can another Dragonhelms were created for warriors must make a saving throw vs. spells each
globe be removed from the necklace. The who wished to have some of the special aura time the dragonhelm is donned or become
necklace cannot be removed while its and powers of dragonkind. All such helms permanently afflicted with megalomania.
wearer is under the effect of one of the appear to be normal metallic helmets until Another disadvantage is this: If the
globes, except by the casting of remove worn; then they take on their true form of wearer comes within 120 yards of a true
curse or wish, in which case the entire steel, with inlays of precious metals and dragon (excluding wyverns and chimera,
necklace will vanish but the effect cur- gemstones. Some of these helms have drag- but including oriental dragons, faerie drag-
rently taking place will still run its course. onlike features or engravings upon them. ons, and the like), the wearer will find such
The necklace can be taken off, exchanged, All fighter types, clerics (but not druids), a creature irresistible and will obey the
and put on at will as long as one of the and bards are able to wear these helms. dragons commands as if charmed. This
globes is not activated at the time. Anything When worn, a dragonhelm confers in- effect usually ends immediately if the helm
being worn or carried by the user of the fravision on the wearer to a range of 60, is removed, but if the wearer has used the
necklace that normally affects his armor and the wearers senses are so heightened helm continuously for more than a month,
class will be overriden by the effect of a by the helms powers that invisible, ethe- the charm effect will last for 1-4 days even
globe for as long as that effect lasts. real, astral, out-of-phase, and hidden ob- after the helm is removed. If the wearer has
When a globe is pulled from the necklace, jects become detectable at a range of 10 megalomania, the charm is permanent.
the DM should roll d12 and consult the per users level (if multiclassed or dual- Dragons generally know all about drag-
following table to determine the composi- classed, the users highest level as a fighter onhelms, and sometimes leave them lying
tion of the globe and the armor class be- or cleric is considered). about in their treasure hoards for unwary
stowed on the wearer of the necklace, as The wearer may also radiate fear once adventurers to find and use.
well as the wearers temporary skin and hair per day at will. The aura will cause all Experience Point Value: 2,000
color. Re-roll to prevent duplicate results, beings (even allies) within 120 (12" Gold Piece Sale Value: 25,000

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28 JUNE 1984
Presenting the Suel pantheon
Adding to background for Greyhawk campaigns
by Lenard Lakofka
1984 E. Gary Gygax. All rights reserved. creator of the Greyhawk campaign, upon campaign will be included here; or, the
which the published WOG material is deities could be modified and perhaps re-
EDITORS INTRODUCTION based. His descriptions are repeated in named for use as the members of an indi-
In several installments beginning with essentially the same form in the Glossogra- vidualized campaigns pantheon. But their
this issue, DRAGON Magazine will phy, one of the two bound volumes included intended use is as what they are: the gods
publish Len Lakofkas descriptions of the in the boxed Greyhawk set. big and not so big, good and not so good
deities of the Suel pantheon an expan- The Guide (the other volume, intended who by their existence shape the lives
sion upon the material presented in the for players information) contains a listing and the destinies of the Suloise peoples and
newly revised and updated WORLD OF of all the significant deities and demigods of others who worship them on the world of
GREYHAWK Fantasy Setting. The the central Flanaess, but does not offer Oerth.
deities worshiped by the Suel peoples are as further detail on any except those that are The list of Standard Divine Abilities
diverse and interesting as those chronicled also described in the companion volume. given on the following page is reprinted as it
in DRAGON issues #67-#71 under the Its not necessary but probably is advisa- appeared in issue #67 of DRAGON Maga-
heading Deities & Demigods of The World ble, to use this material in conjunction with zine. These abilities apply to all Suel dei-
of Greyhawk. Those personages were the WORLD OF GREYHAWK Fantasy ties, just as they do to other deities of
designed and described by E. Gary Gygax, Setting. Everything a DM needs to incorpo- Oerth.
author of the AD&D game and rate these deities into a Greyhawk-based


Greater God
The Prince of Time, Master of Tedium

MOVE: 15
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 4-40 + 7, and
see below
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Time magic, and
see below
banishment and similar attacks
SIZE: M (6'2", 260 lbs.)
ALIGNMENT: Lawful neutral
WORSHIPERS ALIGN: Lawful figures,
also magic-users and astronomers
SYMBOL: Crescent moon crossing a full
moon surrounded by 14 stars
PLANE: Nirvana
CLERIC/DRUID: 12th level cleric
FIGHTER: 13th level fighter
M-U/ILLUSIONIST: 19th level magic-user
Attack/Defense modes: None/None
S: 19 (+3,+7) I: 23 W: 21 D: 19 lawful neutrality, and no character or crea- but at a penalty of -20%; also, take into
C: 19 Ch: 20 ture of a different alignment can wield it. It account Lendors high level as a
is +3 to hit vs. any kind of creature, and magic-user.)
Lendor appears as a husky older man does 4-40 points of damage (plus Lendors Lendor can cast time stop three times per
with white hair and a long white beard. He strength bonus) on every hit. It does full day, over and above any 9th level spells that
wears a large diamond ring (worth 500,000 damage even to those creatures that are he can cast as a magic-user. This spell will
gp) that will act as a ring of protection +5 for resistant or immune to fire. If it hits a cha- negate up to 45% magic resistance in an-
anyone he may lend it to. He can recall the otic figure in melee, that figure will take other creature or deity, and then the figure
ring at any time with 100% certainty. damage and must also make a saving throw obtains no ordinary saving throw. Ordinary
Lendors sword, named Afterglow, is a vs. paralyzation at -3 or be paralyzed for mortals have no escape from the spell.
flame tongue sword with an ego of 18 and 4-16 rounds. (The victims magic resistance He is also able to reverse time for a tem-
intelligence of 18. It is aligned for absolute is applied prior to the saving throw, poral distance of up to one hour in any area

30 JUNE 1984
as large as a cube 100 feet on a side. All STANDARD DIVINE ABILITIES
creatures in the confines of this cubic area All deities have the following abilities and powers in common, each usable at will:
must be present when time is reversed in Astral & ethereal travel Know alignment
order for them to be affected; someone who Comprehend languages Levitate
enters the area on the round after the power Continual darkness Mirror image
is invoked will see things as they will be Continual light Polymorph self
after the reverse time effect wears off. If the Cure (blindness, deafness, disease, feeblemind, insanity) Read languages & magic
power is used to bring life back to dead Detect (charm, evil/good, illusion, invisibility, lie, magic, traps) Teleport (no error)
creatures, their remains must be present in Geas Tongues
the area of effect when the power is in- Infravision & ultra vision
voked. The figures inside the cube will have In addition, each group of deities has other particular powers and abilities, as described
full knowledge of what has occurred (during below. A number in parentheses after a listing indicates the times per day the power can be
the hour, or less, that they have to live over) used; lack of a number means the power is usable as often as the deity desires.
and thus can act to prevent something that
previously took place. Greater Gods:
Lendor will use his reverse time power Anti-magic shell (2) Holy/unholy word (3) Restoration (3)
sparingly, usually only employing it to serve Command, 4 rd. effect (2) Improved invisibility Resurrection
his personal purpose or on behalf of the Control environment1 Improved phantasmal force Shapechange (3)
most faithful of followers, and in any event Cure critical wounds (3) Polymorph any object (1) Summon2
he can only use the power once per day. Death spell (2) Polymorph others (3) Symbol (3)
Every time it is used, there is a 20% chance Dispel (evil/good, illusion, Protection from evil/good, Time stop (1)
that the fabric of time inside the area of magic (8 each) +3, 30 radius Trap the soul
effect will be torn asunder. If this occurs, Fly True seeing (5)
each creature in the area will be thrown Gate (3) Remove curse Vision (1)
backward in time from 10 to 1,000 years Globe of invulnerability (1) Remove fear Wish
(roll separately for each figure affected). Heal (3) Regenerate
In addition to a greater gods normal
ability to summon, Lendor can call 3-6 Lesser Gods:
spectators (see Monster Manual II), and the Anti-magic shell (2) Holy/unholy word (2) Remove curse
monsters will come within 4-16 segments. Command, 3 rd. effect (1) Improved invisibility Remove fear
This power can be used up to three times Control temperature, 10 r. Improved phantasmal force Restoration
per day. If anyone makes an attempt to call Cure serious wounds (3) Minor globe of
upon Lendor or gate him into their pres- Death spell (1) invulnerability (1) Summon3
ence, he is certain to send at least one spec- Dispel (evil/good, Polymorph others (2) Symbol (2)
tator before himself to determine the need, illusion, magic) (4 each) Protection from evil/good, Trap the soul
if any, for Lendor to materialize himself. Gate (2) +2, 20 radius True seeing (3)
Lendor is the father-mother of the gods Heal (2) Quest (1) Wish (1)
and goddesses of the Suel pantheon, and as
such he may banish any the other deities Demigods:
back to his or her plane of existence for one Anti-magic shell (1) Heal Raise dead (3)
month. This power can be used once a Command, 2 rd. effect (1) Holy/unholy word (1) Remove curse (3)
week. In addition, he can undo any wish or Cure light wounds (3) Invisibility Remove fear
limited wish cast by another member of the Dispel (evil/good, Limited wish (1) Summon4
pantheon, if that act is performed within 24 illusion, magic) (2 each) Phantasmal force Symbol (1)
hours of the first casting. Lendor cannot be Finger of death Protection from evil/good, True seeing (2)
sent back to Nirvana by any of the other Gate (1) 10 radius Wall of force
deities of this pantheon, nor do they have Notes:
any effect on a wish spell that he may use. 1 Control environment subsumes both control temperature and control weather. It
He is able to shapechange at will, with his actually allows the greater god to adjust the surroundings of his or her immediate environ-
favorite forms being a huge silver dragon ment to suit his or her desire, even if the change is radical. The area of control extends from
and a female elf. a 12" radius to a 72" radius depending on how radical the change required is.
Lendors clergy are not common on 2 A greater god can summon from one to six creatures of the same alignment as the
Oerth. The few that are present are un- god, and all of the same type, with the total hit dice of the creatures so summoned not to
swervingly lawful and seldom interact with exceed 40.
others. His clerics vestments are always 3 The summon power of a lesser god can bring from one to three creaturses of the same
silver, and the garment is adorned with a alignment as the lesser deity. Each must be of the same sort as the others summoned. No
black circle containing Lendors symbol. more than 25 total hit dice of creatures can be so called.
Clerics of Lendor acquire certain special 4 For demigods, the summon power is limited to one or two creatures of not more than
abilities, as follows: Upon reaching 7th 20 total hit dice. Again, creatures must be of the same alignment and (if more than one is
level, they can perform long, tedious tasks summoned) of the same type.
in half the time it would normally take
another person, and at this point in their Clerics experience penalties
advancement they become able to cast all In many cases, clerics who worship a deity of the Suel pantheon are rewarded with certain
their first-level spells in one segment less special powers. As compensation for this privilege, a cleric must pay experience points, in
time than other clerics (except for com- the form of a penalty that forces the character to earn more points to advance in level than
mand, which already has a 1 segment cast- are required for a normal cleric. The recommended way to administer this penalty is to
ing time). Upon reaching 11th level, clerics deduct the required percentage of experience points whenever experience points are
of Lendor can steadily perform any task awarded. For instance, a cleric who must pay a 10% penalty throughout his level progression
without needing food or rest for twice as will have 10% of his earned experience continuously deducted prior to the awarding of expe-
long as other characters, and gain the abil- rience (usually at the end of an adventure). A cleric who must pay a penalty to advance to
ity to cast their second-level spells one seg- one particular level will do so after every adventure during the time he is rising through the
ment faster than normal (except for slow next lower level.

poison, which already has a 1 segment Although Norebo generally only has 3rd
casting time). Upon attaining 16th level, level ability as a cleric, druid, and magic-
clerics of Lendor become immune to the user, he can cast three spells knock,
effects of time stop spells that are cast by dispel magic, and wizard lock at the 25th
anyone except Lendor. These special abili- level of ability. A wizard lock cast by
ties are paid for by special experience Norebo cannot be negated or removed by
point requirements that all clerics of Lendor any method except physical breaking or by
must meet. They must earn 5% more a successful casting of dispel magic.
points than usual to reach 7th level (so that Norebo enjoys visiting taverns and gam-
points are deducted throughout their time at bling houses in the guise of a cheerful,
6th level); 5% more to attain 11th level innocent stranger and setting up dice games
(deducted while they are at 10th level); and against other patrons. He possesses a form
5% more to reach 16th level (deducted of telekinesis that enables him to control the
while they are at 15th level). result of any roll of a single die, varying it
Temples to Lendor exist only in large by as much as +3 or -3 from what the result
cities, notably Lo Reltarma and Iron Gate. would have been subject, of course, to
the limits of the numbers on the die. (Imag-
NOREBO ine a die being thrown and almost coming
to rest on a certain number, then making
Lesser God one or two more turns so that the final
The God of Luck and Gambling result is altered from what it otherwise
would have been.) Norebos skill with this
ARMOR CLASS: -7 power gives him a 95% success rate; when
MOVE: 18"/36" he fails, the die result will be the opposite of
HIT POINTS: 145 what he intended (-1 instead of +1, etc.). He
NO. OF ATTACKS: 5 will use this power to try to control die rolls
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8 +5 (sling whenever he gambles but when he be-
bullets), 5-8 +8 (dagger) comes intoxicated, his power goes sour and
SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below is only 50% accurate. The power is never
SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below good against more than one die at a time; if
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 55% two or more dice are rolled at once, only
SIZE: M (58", 175 lbs.) one of them can be fixed. It is impossible
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral (evil for a mortal to detect when this power is
tendencies) being used, just as it is impossible for some-
WORSHIPERS ALIGN: Thieves and one to know Norebos true identity unless
assassins of any alignment; gamblers the deity wills it.
SYMBOL: A pair of B-sided dice Norebo is the patron of thieves and assas-
PLANE: Pandemonium sins. He does not care for overly lawful
CLERIC/DRUID: 3rd level in each actions, but he believes in planning and is a
FIGHTER: Nil staunch advocate of neutrality as opposed to
M-U/ILLUSIONIST: 3rd level good or evil. He is the lover of Wee Jas and
magic-user; also see below is often in her company.
THIEF/ASSASSIN: 25th level thief On very rare occasions, Norebo will
MONK/BARD: 7th level monk utilize his ability to alter the dexterity of
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil any mortal humanoid or demi-human. Such
Attack/Defense modes: None/None a change is permanent unless counteracted
S: 20 (+4,+8) I: 19 W: 18 D: 25 by some other form of magic or by Norebo
C: 18 Ch: 11 himself. Norebo will almost never change a
figures dexterity by more than 1 point, and
Next to Kord, Norebo is likely the most when he increases or decreases it by more
popular god in the Suel pantheon. He ap- than that amount, he will only allow the
pears as a man of average height, weight, effect to last for a few days at best. He
and facial features. In any human form he, cannot lower a figures dexterity below 3 or
assumes, he can blend into a crowd easily. raise it more than 1 point above the normal
His tunic has the properties of a displacer racial maximum for that character. He will
cloak, when he wills it to act as such, and never reduce the dexterity of a thief or
also serves as a robe of eyes. His boots allow assassin below the minimum required for
him to fly at will. the class, as long as the character in ques-
Norebo can polymorph himself into any tion is one of his worshipers. Likewise, he
animal up to the size of a horse. He often He has a dagger that is +4 to hit and dam- will not lower the dexterity of one of his
chooses to assume the form of a mouse, a age, and does an additional +8 to damage clerics below the minimum required for that
raven, or a cat so he can blend into his because of his strength. Norebo is so agile character to remain as a follower unless
surroundings and escape rapidly if desired. that he can attack five times per round with the cleric has committed a transgression
In his humanoid form, he can alter his body either of these weapons, or twice per round that warrants his excommunication from
proportions by as much as 20% and even with each one if he chooses to change weap- Norebos worship. It must be emphasized
change sex if it suits him. In this manner, ons during the round. He can use his sling that he employs this power only very rarely.
he can assume the body structure and gen- five times per round even while flying. He Norebo enjoys minor magics, but he
eral appearance of any humanoid or demi- can pick up any other sling and immedi- abhors multi-classed thieves and assassins
human larger than a gnome and smaller ately cause it to become a +3 weapon to hit; who use spells to help harm or kill a target
than an ogre. that enchantment will remain with the (for instance, casting hold person, then
He bears a sling that is +5 to hit and weapon for as long as 24 hours after he puts slitting the throat of the held victim). He
damage because of its magical properties. it down, or it can be cancelled immediately. finds such actions unsporting and if he

32 JUNE 1984
becomes aware of a multi-classed follower
doing such a thing, Norebo will do every-
Name of firm or product
Index to advertisers Name of firm or product
thing in his power to prevent that follower Page(s) Page(s)
Adventure Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Hand Crafted Computer Products . . . . . . . . . . .20
from ever again using spells. AMAZING Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Hobby Game Distributors, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
Clerics who worship Norebo dress in Amulet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Indicia Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
brown or dark green robes. Churches and Armory, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38, 39 Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc. . . . . . .1, back cover
temples dedicated to his worship are often Atlanticon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 Mayfair Games Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
located on the outskirts of a town or city, or Avalon Hill Game Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Nova Game Designs, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
even further isolated out in the country. Bard Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Origins 84 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87
Norebo prefers natural settings for his Companions, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Pacesetter Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
Diamond Dice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Prestige Hobby Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
places of worship, and services in his honor
Dunken Co., The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Quest Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84
always involve drinking and gambling. Entertainment Concepts, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 RAFM Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Norebos clerics, including the occasional Fantasy Games Unlimited. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 17 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Inside front cover, 35
druid (10% likelihood that any cleric of Game Designers Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 Sleuth Publications, Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Norebo will be a druid), must each have a Game Systems Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 Strategists Club ballot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
dexterity of 9 or better. They must be either Gamelords Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Stryke Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
human, half-elven, or half-orc, and the Gamers Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90-91 Task Force Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81
demi-humans can be multi-classed. All of Games Workshop Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 TSR, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
GEN CON Convention. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 Victory Games, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Norebos clergy are non-lawful, and none
Graaf Simulations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Wargames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
can be of neutral evil alignment. They all Grenadier Models Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 West End Games. . . . . . . . . . . . .Inside back cover
have the ability to hide in shadows, move
silently, climb walls, and remove traps with
the same success as a thief of equal level. As
compensation for their special abilities,
clerics of Norebo must earn an additional
10% in experience points to be able to
advance from one level to the next.
In the world of Oerth, shrines to Norebo
are known as Churches of the Big Gamble,
and they abound in the barbarian states.
There are known to be isolated churches on
Lendore Isle (see AD&D Module L1, The
Secret of Bone Hill), along the Wild Coast,
in Greyhawk and in various cities of the
Iron League.

34 JUNE 1984
Dragons and their deities
The lowdown on how and why they worship
by Alan Zumwalt
Evil dragons worship Tiamat, and good simple as persuading a dwarven metal- whatever reason), the newborn dragon is
dragons worship Bahamut. That is, for all worker to forge one, or as difficult as put- tutored by the cleric for the first five years
practical purposes, the extent of common ting ones life on the line to perform a of its life, gaining the spell casting ability of
knowledge about the way dragons worship service for the deity. Either Tiamat or Baha- a first-level cleric at age three if it is still an
their deities. This article, a combination of mut may reward an aspiring cleric by sim- apprentice at that time. Both Bahamut and
deductive reasoning and logical assump- ply bestowing a holy symbol upon the Tiamat are prejudiced against small drag-
tions, is an attempt to develop a system for dragon, and they will also reward a cleric ons as clerics (but Bahamut is not as preju-
dragon-worship that fits into the AD&D by upgrading its holy symbol to a more diced as Tiamat). They are generally
game system and explains some things preferred type. considered runts, not able to grow strong
about dragon psychology and sociology at Its (un)holy symbol is usually the most enough to be staunch and powerful clerics.
the same time. valued and most fiercely guarded of all the The offspring of a dragon cleric is more
items in a dragon clerics treasure hoard. It likely to be accepted as an apprentice cleric
For each type of dragon described in the is a symbol of the clerics status among than another dragons offspring, mainly
Monster Manual, there is a small chance other dragons, and of the clerics devotion because of tradition, parental preference,
that any creature encountered will be a to its deity. And its necessary for a cleric to and the parents knowledge (as a cleric) of
cleric. These dragons have access to cleric be in possession of its holy symbol in order what type of sacrifice pleases its deity the
spells (in addition to their chance of possess- to cast cleric spells (in effect, taking the most. And since in this case the parent is
ing magic-user spell ability), and are more place of material components). The losing also the tutor, the offspring of a dragon
devoted than others in the homage they pay of a holy symbol is considered near- cleric usually turns out to be an above-
to their deity. All dragons respect and wor- blasphemy; a clerics failure to recover a lost average cleric itself.
ship (in some way) either Tiamat or Baha- or stolen symbol is even worse than that A dragon cleric has the same chance for
mut, but for dragon clerics this devotion is and if the cleric (for some unthinkable magic use as other dragons of its type; those
more intense, and helps to dictate the way reason) doesnt even try to get it back, even who are (in effect) cleric/magic-users are not
they conduct themselves in their lives. The at the risk of its life, its days as a cleric will held in higher esteem than those who are
chance for a dragon of a certain size and be ended on the spot. If a dragon clerics only clerics. A dragon cleric has a 10%
type to be a cleric is given in the accompa- holy symbol is stolen, the cleric will hunt to better chance than normal of being able to
nying chart, along with the maximum level the ends of the earth to find and kill the speak other languages besides its own,
a dragon cleric can attain depending on its thief. because many clerics receive language
age. A dragon cleric makes a sacrifice to its instruction as part of their apprenticeship
As might be expected, the methods of deity once a year. Not surprisingly, the training. And, because of their vigilance in
worship of the two dragon gods are similar sacrifice is one of treasure always a gen- the protection of their holy symbols, dragon
in many respects. In each case, the deitys erous tithe (at least 10%-40%) of the trea- clerics are only half as likely as non-clerics
(un)holy symbol is in the shape of a minia- sure the dragon has acquired over the last to be found sleeping in their lairs. (They do
ture dragon claw, about the size of a human year. If the cleric has lost treasure, or sleep, but a lot more lightly than other
hand. Bahamuts holy symbol is ideally gained nothing new for its hoard in that dragons.)
made of solid platinum (preferred) or some time, the cleric will give up part of what it All dragon clerics have wisdom scores of
other metal plated with platinum. Often, a already had. During the ritual, the sacrifice at least 9. If desired, specific wisdom scores
younger and relatively poor good dragon will usually disappear, presumably going to can be determined by using the figures on
cleric will have a claw-symbol made of its the deitys home plane. If it doesnt disap- page 79 of the Dungeon Masters Guide,
own metal type. Tiamats unholy symbol is pear, that means there is something seri- adjusting the minimum for each range so
an iron claw set with five gems (preferred) ously wrong in the clerics relationship with that it is not lower than 9. (For instance, a
or crystals of red, blue, green, black, and its deity, and some serious prayer, medita- black dragon cleric, which has average
white. A younger and poorer evil dragon tion, and treasure-grabbing is in order. intelligence, will have a wisdom of from 9-
cleric will have only one crystal (of its color) While Bahamut works with his clerics 12, not the 3-12 range given in the book.)
set in the center of the claw. A dragon cleric quite a bit, Tiamat cares little for dealing As with other clerics, dragon clerics with
will wear or carry its holy symbol at all with her clerics. She delegates most of that exceptionally high wisdom will be entitled
times outside or inside its lair; most often it work, and much of her authority in these to bonus spells.
is hung around its neck on a stout chain. tasks, to her consorts, only intervening if Dragon clerics have no ability to sum-
One of the main goals of any dragon cleric the communication involves a cleric of great mon, turn, or control undead beings. By
is to acquire the most preferred type of holy power or advanced age. their very nature, dragons are materialistic
symbol for itself. As stated above, most dragon clerics are and egotistical, and they have little concern
The actual acquiring of the (un)holy designated shortly after their birth. The for human, demi-human, or humanoid
symbol is a test that must be passed in order parent of the newborn dragon must give a spiritual matters, good or evil. Dragons
for a dragon to become a cleric. A dragon sacrifice (usually a valuable piece of trea- prefer to avoid undead in all cases, unless
can attempt to become a cleric at any age, sure) to the nearest dragon cleric and ask the undead beings can be gotten rid of
subject to the will of its deity, but more the cleric to ask its deity to accept the new- quickly and painlessly.
often than not, clerics are nurtured from born dragon as an apprentice cleric. If the It is possible for dragon clerics to be
birth. The danger of difficulty of obtaining deity thinks that the newborn dragon is the granted assistance from the home planes of
a holy symbol varies according to the age of paramount of dragon perfection (or if it their deities, however. Good dragons may
the would-be cleric; the task might be as perceives a need to nurture a new cleric, for be sent the service of a couatl, while evil

36 JUNE 1984
ones may receive the help of an abishai sacrifice, loss of the clerics subdual point cleric will carry out this duty willingly, if its
devil of their own color. The chance for bonus for 2-8 months +1 month per age deity has made some pronouncement that
such service to be rendered equals the cler- level, or the partial or complete loss of cleric needs to be spread throughout the populace.
ics level expressed as a percentage, multi- abilities, depending on the deeds done while Such a directive often involves the demand
plied by 5. Aid of this sort can only be subdued and the length of subdual. of a sacrifice, and when a cleric receives a
received once a year, and in payment a In addition to their likelihood of being sacrifice it is usually allowed (in fact, ex-
dragon cleric must immediately tithe half of resistant to subdual, good dragon clerics as pected) to keep part of the offering for itself
its treasure to its deity making clerics a rule are also especially resistant to bribery before the deity takes the rest. Thus, these
reluctant to resort to this plea for aid except and manipulation. Among gold dragon trips around the parish to spread the
in extreme circumstances. clerics, 80% of them have this resistance (as word are usually undertaken with vigor,
Both dragon deities view their clerics as described in the Monster Manual for all because they turn out to be profitable for
tools for combating and attempting to elimi- gold dragons). The proportion of silver the cleric.
nate the great weaknesses of dragonkind dragon clerics that have this resistance is The spells given to dragon clerics are
but each deity has a different impression of 60% (up from the 40% figure for non-cleric usually curative or divinatory in nature,
what those weaknesses are. To Bahamut and silver dragons), and 40% of all other good rather than spells that cause damage; even
his retinue of good dragons, the weaknesses dragon clerics are similarly resistant to evil dragon clerics operate under this stipu-
are the tendency of good dragons to per- temptations that prey on their greed. lation. All dragons (and especially dragon
form questionable acts because of greed or A dragon cleric performs several func- clerics) are very egotistical about the
subdual, and the existence of the evil drag- tions that are important either to its deity or amount of non-magical damage they can do
ons (which are somewhat more numerous to dragonkind in general, or both. A con- with their jaws, their claws, and their
than good dragons because of Tiamats stant and all-encompassing function is to breath weapon(s), and at the same time are
incredible ability to bear young) that give serve as a role model, representing the painfully (literally) aware of the damage
all of dragonkind a bad name. Tiamat sees ideal dragon to all others of its kind. A they can expect to suffer during their lives.
the great weaknesses of dragons as the dragon cleric is required to project an image So, a dragon cleric will tend to pray for and
innate cowardice that allows them to be of fearless power, lord over all it surveys, receive spells with which to protect itself
subdued into servitude, and the indefensi- and to be steadfastly true to its alignment. (and its mate and offspring, if any) rather
bility of a dragons treasure, which becomes A second function is to be a messenger to than spells, that would boost its own ability
harder to protect the larger it gets. its deity. Most dragon clerics have a par- to do damage.
Both deities see subdual as a problem to ish which can range in size from one hun- Note that the cleric levels given in the
be dealt with. Part of the training of every dred to several thousand square miles, chart are maximums. Only about 25% of
dragon cleric, good or evil, is an infusion of depending on the population density of a all dragon clerics of a certain age actually
willpower that makes them more difficult to certain dragon type within an area. They reach maximum level in that age group (not
subdue than non-clerics. When the training have a responsibility to patrol this area including those whose maximum level is 1).
takes hold (in 75% of all dragon clerics), a thoroughly at least once a year, following up For instance, it is not uncommon to find an
dragon cleric can only be subdued as if it the patrol with a status report (transmitted ancient gold dragon who is only a third-
was of the next highest age level. For in- by prayer or by spell) back to their deity or level cleric. This underachievement is
stance, a young, huge blue dragon cleric a minion of their deity, either to say that all primarily caused by the many times dragon
(with 20 hp) is considered a sub-adult (with is well or to reveal the existence of a threat clerics give in (or are forced to submit) to
30 subdual points) on any attempt to of some sort. Many clerics of a chaotic or subdual, greed, and other behaviors that
subdue it. (An ancient dragon cleric is evil nature view this responsibility as a their deity finds offensive. The punishment
considered to have 9 subdual points per bother, since they derive no direct benefit for such offenses varies from type to type of
hit die.) And if a dragon cleric is subdued, from it themselves but those who are lax dragon, and differs according to whether
it usually doesnt stay that way for long; the in this duty and are found out usually live the offense was minor or premeditated. It
likelihood, of one remaining subdued cannot to regret their transgression. (And there is can range from a higher requirement on the
be defined as a strict percentage chance, but more turnover among the ranks of chaotic yearly treasure sacrifice, to a demand to
most clerics will be as difficult to keep sub- and evil clerics than among other dragon perform some special service for the deity,
dued as any highiy intelligent, spell-using types, primarily for this reason.) to the loss of one or more levels of cleric
dragon and those with special resistance The third responsibility of a cleric is to ability. Repeated flagrant violators are
to subdual (as described above) will be even serve as a messenger from its deity to the stripped of all cleric abilities, if the dragon
more resistant to continued servitude. other dragons in its parish, delivering direc- cleric worships Bahamut, or devoured by
Subdual is considered a great disgrace for tives from Tiamat or Bahamut in the course Tiamat or one of her emissaries, if the cleric
a dragon cleric, and depending on the cir- of its patrol to all other dragons of the same worships the chromatic dragon.
cumstances will possibly require a great type. Usually even a chaotic or evil Being a dragon cleric is probably one of
the toughest jobs in the AD&D game uni-
verse. It has its rewards, to be sure usu-
ally the sort of rewards that only a dragon
Dragon clerics for every color can understand and fully appreciate and
this is why dragons continue to take up
Chance of clerical apprenticeship, and why Bahamut
being cleric, and Tiamat can afford to be so choosy
Type by size Maximum cleric level, by age about which dragons they will accept as
S M/H VY Y SA YA A O VO Anc. their representatives on this plane. Good
Black 02% 05% 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 dragon clerics must fight a constant battle
Blue 02% 06% 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 against the instinctive greed and cowardice
Brass 04% 06% 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 that they share with the others of their type.
Bronze 06% 08% 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 Evil dragon clerics dont have to worry
Copper 06% 08% 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 quite as much about battling their instincts,
Gold 08% 10% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 because bad deeds are easier to justify
Green 02% 07% 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 when theyre done in the name of evil, but
Red 07% 10% 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 7 they have to live in eternal fear of retribu-
Silver 05% 10% 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 tion from Tiamat for any wrong thing
White 01% 03% 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 they might happen to do.

38 JUNE 1984
Your Vote Counts
in the 10th Annual
Strategists Club Awards
For the tenth consecutive year, outstanding companies in the hobby gaming
industry will be presented with Strategists Club Awards for the Best New Prod-
uct of the year. We again need your help in determining which companies
offered these Best New Products during 1983 in a number of categories.

Only new products released during 1983 are eligible for the 1984 Strategists
Club Awards. New products do not include second or subsequent printings, or
re-releases, of products available in 1982 or earlier.

You are invited to vote by mail for the most deserving product in each of the cat-
egories described below.

Winners of the awards will be announced at a Special Awards Ceremony on

Thursday evening, August 16, 1984, at the GEN CON Game Convention in
Kenosha, Wisconsin.

To vote, simply complete the ballot at the right and mail it by August 1st to the
address shown on the ballot. Vote for the products of your choice by printing the
name of those products in the appropriate spaces provided on the ballot. If you
know the name of the manufacturer of that product, indicate that as well. It is not
necessary to vote for one product in every category, nor is it necessary that you at-
tend the GEN CON 17 Game Convention to vote.

If you would rather not tear the ballot out of this publication, you may submit a
photocopy of the ballot. Each person is allowed only one ballot, and only one vot-
ers name may appear on each ballot. To be counted, each ballot must include
the voters name and address. Ballots not properly completed will be discarded.
Awards will be given in the following categories:


Any game designed to utilize a playing surface to regulate or
record position or movement of playing pieces during play. Not
included are games which have a playing surface but which use
the surface only as a graphic device or visual aid.
Any game requiring role-playing on the part of participants, and
which does not require a playing surface as described under Cate-
gory I.
Any game which does not qualify as a Board Came or Role Playing
Game as defined above.
Any product (excluding magazines, newsletters, and other periodi-
cals) designed to assist, expand, or otherwise facilitate the playing
of an existing game.
Any entire line of figures or major portion thereof that was released
during 1983.
Any monthly or bi-monthly publication consisting of 16 or more
pages per issue, having published 6 or more issues during 1983.

40 JUNE 1984
Great Stoney
Build your own cardboard castle
A grand tour This view of Great
Stoney shows the
main gate in profile,
with the drawbridge
lowered to an
by Arthur Collins almost-horizontal
position. The tall
The original name of this awesome struc- rectangular structure
ture was The High Keep of the Grand in the center is the
Chapter of the Order of St. Raphael. Since great hall and
that was a little too elaborate for everyday
use, the castle became known as Great
Stoney. It is a fortified monastery, such as
might be maintained by a band of ecclesias-
tical knights or an abbot who is also a tem-
poral lord. While not a large castle in terms
of area covered, it is quite tall and very well
built, easily capable of housing a great
number of folk of all degrees. The main
chapel has a seating capacity of about 330,
taking the balcony into consideration.
Great Stoney was designed to provide The great central tower rises eight stories height of the walk-wall, with crenellated
maximum security for its inhabitants with- (from the basement through the seventh battlements. The outer wall towers are three
out having to depend upon any natural story), with a watchtower going three stories stories high, crowned with conical timber
defenses of the terrain. It is assumed that higher. Supporting the central tower are roofs. The main entry to the castle is
Great Stoney sits upon open meadowlands, four more towers, each five stories tall, through a barbican. A barred double door
surrounded by the fields that feed the mo- grouped about the center in cloverleaf fash- and portcullis form the outer gate, and
nastic community. The surrounding area ion. Giving further support to this huge between them is a small space covered by a
has no hills, cliffs, lakes, or other outstand- volume of outward-pressing stone are eight murder hole above. If intruders breach the
ing features to enhance the defendability of two-story walls radiating out to the outer outer gate and get into the barbican, they
the castle. Therefore, it was built as concen- wall towers. Various other structures com- can be fired upon from the outer gate wall
tric rings of stone, each parts defense easily plete the complex. and the three towers surrounding the entry
supplemented by others, affording easy and Outer defenses: The outer walls of Great area. Exit from the barbican into the central
rapid communication of forces within its Stoney are very strong. They average about bailey is by way of two normal-sized doors
perimeter. 10 feet in width, and rise two stories to the between the three gate towers. A well-
guarded postern gate is at the other end of
the complex.
The castle as seen
from the rear. The Foundation level: Supporting such a
most prominent rockpile as Great Stoney requires massive
features in the fore- foundations. Here in the bowels of the
ground are the castle are the places where food and arms
postern gate along are stored, meat smoked, wine and ale
the outer wall and made, and (yes, even here) criminals con-
the chapel with its fined. In three of the towers, the foundation
sharply angled
walls have been hollowed out to make extra
timber roof and
storage hatches a few feet high.
windows. Down here is also the crypt and its
chapel, behind a wrought-iron gate. Corri-
dors leading away from the crypt chapel
traverse the foundation. Dead brothers are
buried here by prying stones out of the
floors and walls, then sealing up the bodies
behind cenotaphs.
Basement level: Here on the main (first)
level are the great public rooms of the com-
plex the kitchen, great hall, grand gal-
lery, infirmary, sacristy, chapel, and chapter

Complete instructions and floor plans inside

house. There is also a lavabo, or bath area,
The closeup view at
where water from the cisterns can be run
right shows the large
into a large pool for bathing. Garderobes central tower and
(medieval toilets) and middens (cesspits) are two of the four
everywhere throughout the complex. The towers that surround
middens have to be cleaned out every so it. Atop flagpoles
often, and this is the single most obnoxious made from straight
job of castle life. pins, pennants add a
The chapter house is a small chamber touch of color to the
where senior members of the order gather massive stone and
wood structure. The
for business meetings. The main chapel is
detail photo below
the great worship area for the whole com- and to the right
munity. The altar has a hidden safe built shows the draw-
into its back. Great windows are set into the bridge, made more
exterior walls of the chapel. Font, pulpit, realistic-looking by
and chairs for the presiding officers are in attaching it to the
the front. Seating is augmented by a bal- gate with short pieces
cony in the rear of the chamber. of small chain.
Certain other conveniences are built into
the complex, such as a dumbwaiter from
the kitchen to the upper levels. Unlike
many castles, this one has plenty of fire-
places. Altogether, it is a very comfortable
First and second stories: These tower
rooms and the wing containing the great
hall serve to house the cloister for junior
brothers, the better living quarters, class-
rooms, guestrooms for hospitality (a medie- and an exercise area. The great central
val duty), a laboratory, and a library. The tower continues on up, giving further living
main business of the community is carried and working space. On the very top of the
on in these areas. central tower, beside its conical timber roof
Third and fourth stories: On these and close to the base of the watchtower, is a
floors are the living and working quarters of storage shed where astronomical equipment
the officers of the community, the treasury, is kept.
the meditation chapel, and so forth. Large Conclusion: It is perhaps no coincidence
window seats set in the tower walls are that Great Stoney resembles something like
found throughout. A great solar (sunroom) a beehive, for it is a tightly organized,
with balconies is a major feature, packed community of very busy people.
Upper levels: The open areas around the Well designed for defense, it nevertheless
edges of the conical roofs atop the cloverleaf has many features for recreation and wor-
towers are used for various purposes: a ship that one would not find in a secular
carpenters shop, a greenhouse, a smithy, lords castle.

From concept to cardboard

The cardboard version of Great Stoney For instance, the walls of the cylindrical The roofs of the four cloverleaf towers
that you can construct from the parts in this towers are thick in the drawings, but in were designed as flat surfaces, but Dennis
magazine is not identical to the castle thats cardboard theyre only as thick as the card- supplied conical timber roofs for them
depicted in the accompanying floor plans. board itself. It would have been possible to similar to the ones on the outer towers and
Rather than being a disadvantage or a construct thick-walled towers in cardboard the center tower. One of the main reasons
weakness, that fact is an indication of how by nesting one cylinder inside another, but for this was aesthetic to give it a little
the creation process differs depending on that would have taken more space on the color, in Denniss words. If you want those
how many dimensions youre working in. sheets than we had available and it towers to have flat timber roofs, leave off
When Arthur Collins drew up his original would have meant twice as many crenella- the timber cones and use markers or brown
floor plans for Great Stoney, he based the tions for you to cut out. paper to color in the center of each roof
two-dimensional construction on his exten- Arthurs design included flying buttresses section so that it looks like a flat timber
sive knowledge of how a castle is laid out that extended from the cloverleaf section surface instead.
and built. When Arthurs floor plans were down to the outer towers. In an actual stone Despite the minor differences between
rendered in pen and ink for publication, we construction, the buttresses would be essen- them, the floor plans and the cardboard
adhered to the design in that form. tial to keep the massive center section from structure can be used in conjunction with
But when Dennis Kauth turned Great collapsing outward under its own weight. In each other as a gaming aid, to help monitor
Stoney into a cardboard sculpture, he cardboard, the parts would have been diffi- the location of people and objects within the
deemed it necessary to change some design cult to form and assemble; they would serve complex. In most cases where the floor
elements. Certain things that work in a no structural purpose, since the center plans and the sculpture are in conflict over a
drawing on graph paper werent feasible or towers stand up quite well all by themsel- specific point, the floor plans should be
even possible to translate into parts that ves; and again, there was the problem of considered the final authority unless, of
would fit together properly and could be space on the sheets. So . . . no flying but- course, you have a reason for deciding in
squeezed onto four sheets of cardboard. tresses (unless you make your own). favor of the opposite viewpoint.

42 JUNE 1984
How it all goes together
I. THE BASICS score each part along the black lines to (see the diagram). Then, using a very small
In addition to this copy of DRAGON make folding easier. (The black lines are amount of glue, attach each half to the side
Magazine, youll need: only printed on the colored surface, but if of an open doorway. The door halves la-
A 12-inch ruler or straightedge, you score the parts on that surface the col- beled 3 go at the base of the central tower
preferably metal. ors might break up. Its safest to do the and on the great hall. The door labeled 1 is
A pair of sharp, pointed scissors, not too scoring on the non-printed side, as long as for the doorway leading from the central
big (so you can wield them easily). you line up the straightedge carefully before tower to the roof of part #5. The doors
A modeling knife with a sharp blade. scoring each line.) labeled 9 go at the base of each of the outer
A tube or bottle of high-quality glue 5. Fold each part so that it forms the wall towers.
for paper. three-dimensional shape its supposed to, Outbuildings: Because a castle often had
A ball-point pen (one without ink is okay) then apply glue to the surfaces that will such things in its vicinity (and because we
or some other object to be used as touch (only one surface, or both, depending had a little extra room on the cardboard
a stylus for scoring along fold lines. on the kind of glue you use) so the part will sheets), weve provided three outbuildings,
Paper clips, spring-type clothespins, or stay in that shape. Refer to the schematic each in one piece, that can be folded and
similar items that can be used to hold drawings to see how certain types of parts attached to their own small bases and then
parts together while the glue dries. are constructed. If youre using a fast- displayed outside the castle walls in any
A few straight pins. setting glue, be sure the parts are aligned location you choose.
properly the first time you touch the con- Balconies: The parts labeled B (on the
1. Separate the two large sheets of card- necting surfaces. If youre using a slow- sheet containing the base) are used to form
board from the center of the magazine. The setting glue, you may find it handy to the balconies that jut off the central tower
best way to do this without damaging the clamp surfaces together with paper clips or along the tops of the cloverleaf towers. For
paper is to pry up the ends of the staples, clothespins until the glue dries. added support and to be sure theyre
lift out the sheets, and then push the staples 6. Attach each part in its proper place, aligned properly, its best to attach them
back down to hold the rest of the pages either on the base or on another part. Put after the cloverleaf towers are in place.
together. down the center tower first, then the clo- Tower roofs: Most of the flat roof sec-
2. Cut the pages apart into smaller sec- verleaf towers around it, then the great tions that fit inside the cylindrical tower
tions for easier handling. Cut out the base hall (location #3), then the chapel (#4) and pieces should be fixed to the insides of the
first; this is the part that will hold all of the so on, working your way toward the perim- cylinders so that each roof is about 1/16 inch
others, except for the small outbuildings eter of the castle. Attach small parts as you below the battlement. Exceptions are the
(which have their own small bases). go along to avoid being hemmed in later by roofs on the cloverleaf towers, which fit
3. Cut out the individual parts of the other parts; for instance, put the doors on somewhat lower inside the cylinders so
castle, one at a time as needed; notice that the great hall before gluing down the two theyll be at the right height when the clo-
parts and groups of parts are numbered in walls that run parallel to the hall. verleaf towers are fitted against and under
the order of assembly. If you have a steady the central tower. Whenever youre not sure
hand, you can use scissors for most of the SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS how two pieces are supposed to fit together,
long and straight edges. To cut out small Doors: Many of the doors of Great try them on for size before applying any
detailed areas, such as the crenellations on Stoney are designed to be shown in the glue. The conical timber roof on each tower
the tops of the walls, a modeling knife and a opened position. Each of the open-door is designed to fit over the uncolored area in
straightedge to guide it are the best tools for pieces is actually half of a door. As you cut the center of the flat roof piece there is
true and accurate cuts. each one out, fold it in half and glue it to no need to cut out the uncolored sections,
4. Using the stylus and straightedge, make a piece thats colored on both sides and the structure will be weakened if you do

44 JUNE 1984
so. Each of the timber roofs on the clover- opened position, as in the prototype. Cut a custom touch, design your own pennants,
leaf towers is marked with a small notch the chain to fit, then bolt it to the door and try cutting them out of cloth but
that must be cut out to make the roof fit and the wall with straight pins, clipping off first, seal the cloth with liquid glue to keep
snugly against the central tower. the shaft of the pin with pliers or scissors. the edges from fraying.
Wherever straight pins are used in the By working very carefully, you can cut
ADVANCED TIPS construction, try to get the type with col- out any doors or windows you think should
Anyone whos experienced at scratch- ored heads that will match the color of the be opened; likewise for the portcullis gates
building and detail work will think of sev- part the pin is used with. along many of the walls. Simulate bars and
eral ways to make Great Stoney even more The pennants fluttering from the higher latticework with thin wire attached to the
realistic-looking. Here are a few of the ideas towers are made by folding and gluing each inner surfaces of the wall or tower in ques-
weve thought of, including some things paper pennant around a straight pin, then tion. As with many detailing projects, you
that were incorporated into the prototype poking the pin through the black dot in each should finish this work before proceeding
model shown in the photographs. roof piece. To keep the pins at the proper with the construction of the part being
With a couple of pieces of small chain heights, stick each one in the roof and fix it detailed for instance, it would be very
and four straight pins, you can build the in place with a spot of glue before attaching tough to cut out the windows on the central
drawbridge (door part #11) in a partly the roof to the tower. For added realism and tower after the central tower is attached to
the base.
This photograph The stable area offers several opportuni-
offers a good view of ties for detailing. You can build hitching
the main gate area. posts from toothpicks, and feed troughs
Three towers ring from cardboard or balsa. Use flocking mate-
the main entrance, rial or fibers of twine, or check out the spice
making it very
and herb rack in the kitchen, for something
difficult for hostile
visitors to penetrate
that looks like straw.
further into the castle Because the printed sheets are not colored
grounds. on both sides, several uncolored areas will
be visible on the finished product partic-
ularly on the inside surfaces of walls and
battlements. You can fix this by coloring
those surfaces with a felt-tip marker in a
shade of gray that will match the exterior.
Markers will also be handy for covering up
places on the exterior that get slightly dam-
aged during construction.
As suggested in the section on the stable
area above, you can build new parts and
accessories for anything you consider appro-
priate. For instance, the roof of the central
tower could use a three-dimensional storage

shed instead of the two-dimensional image
shown on that surface. You could build Anyone with a fear
of heights was proba-
sloping staircases from the walls to the tops
bly not required to
of each of the outer towers. You may find
work a shift in the
good uses for small parts and bits of scenery lookout tower, which
from model railroad accessories. extends three stories
It is possible, but not recommended, to higher than the roof
go so far as to cut out the arrow slits on the of the central tower
crenellations along the walls. Even if you and a dizzying 165
can do this with precision, the hole thats feet (at 15 feet per
left behind will make a flimsy part even story) above ground
flimsier. With any extra cutting or detail level.
work you attempt, be sure you arent losing
more than youre gaining because youve
created a structural weakness in the process.
When youve got Great Stoney looking
the way you want it, spray the entire con-
struction with a dull coat finish to give the
castle an appropriate flat luster, add some
strength, and cover up any glue spots that
may have found their way onto the exterior
surfaces. When youre done, Great Stoney
will be useful as a gaming accessory (if
anyone in your campaign is lucky enough to
encounter or own such a grand place)
or a display piece, either as the focal point
of a diorama or sitting on a shelf all by

Typical wall piece;

glue sides first,
then top

Chapel construction;
note piece that
attaches to wall and roof

Where credit is due

Original design and floor plans: Arthur Collins
3-D design and instructional drawings: Dennis Kauth
Graphic rendering: Roger Raupp
Everything Arthur didnt write: Kim Mohan

54 JUNE 1984
Scale: 1 square = 5 feet
56 JUNE 1984
the morning light of Jua the sun,
red-brown bodies swaying like reeds
dancing in a gentle wind, the
women of the Ilyassai formed a wide
circle in the yellow grass of the
by Charles R. Saunders
Tamburure. Within the circle, two
ngombe cows lay in the posture that signalled the
imminence of their calving. One of the ngombes lay
quietly, only the rhythmic bunching and relaxing of
her flanks betraying the effort of birth. The other
tossed her long-horned head and groaned in pain.
Spasmodically, her hoofs kicked clumps of grass from
the Tamburure.
The women exchanged troubled glances.
Sifa will have a difficult calving, said one. She
may die.
We must sing, said another.
A soft, sweet chant rose from the throats of these
Ilyassai women. It was the song that welcomed new
life to the Tamburure. It was the same song that would
have heralded the birth of a human child, for among
the Ilyassai, ngombe, woman, and man were all one
within the tribe.
Not far from the singing women, a group of boys
clustered with barely concealed impatience. Most of
them were six and seven rains of age, still neophytes in
mafundishu-ya-muran, the rigorous warrior-training
that molded Ilyassai youths into men fit to be masters
of the Tamburure. With almost painful anticipation,
the boys awaited the double calving. None of them had
yet been given a ngombe to tend. Before this morning
ended, two of them would receive their first calf. And
they would begin their journey on the herdsmans path
all Ilyassai followed.
One boy sat apart from the others. He was older than
they were. At ten rains passing, he was a sullen-eyed,
dark-skinned changeling of a boy, hard muscles
already swelling on his sturdy frame. His name was
Imaro, and he was the only boy his age who did not yet
have at least one ngombe.
I dont see why he even came here, one of the
younger boys said loudly. Hell never have a
The boys laughed. Imaro refused to look at them,
even when the wind carried the familiar taunt son-of-
no-father toward his ears. These words were as true as
they were familiar. Nine rains ago, his mother had
brought him to the manyattas, the oblong leather
dwellings of the Ilyassai. She was Ilyassai, but the
father of her child was not; and she refused to name
him, thus violating one of the most inflexible of
Ilyassai taboos. Only her aid in ridding her people of a
sorcerer who had sought to corrupt and enslave them
had spared her and her infant son from death.
But when Imaro reached the age of five rains, his
mother was forced to depart from the tribe, and the boy
was left behind to struggle toward manhood among a
people who disdained him.
Imaro closed his ears to the taunts and focused his
eyes on the circle of women. Maybe this will be the Illustrations by Jerry Eaton

time, he thought wistfully while the younger boys consistency of Masadus rebuffs.
enjoyed their game of mockery. But there was another ngombe giving birth. Masadu
Look! one of the boys cried suddenly, pointing would return. And again Imaro would pit his hopes
toward the women. Two of them had broken the circle against the iron shield of Masadus indifference.
and were hurrying toward the manyattas. The singing Again, Imaro ignored the whispered derision of the
stopped. younger boys. Again, Masadu emerged from the circle.
The ngombes are born, the boys whispered This time, however, his arms were empty.
excitedly. The women are going to get Masadu. Where is the calf? Imaro thought uneasily.
That last word silenced the youthful chatter. For Sifas calving is troubled, Masadu said to the
Masadu was the teacher of mafundishu-ya-muran, and warriors-to-be. The women say her calf may be born
although Ilyassai warriors boasted that they knew no dead. If the calf lives, it will be weak and useless. it
fear, all had at one time in their lives feared Masadu. will probably die before the rains come.
And it was Masadu who allocated the first ngombes to Then Masadu looked directly at Imaro.
warriors-to-be. This one will be yours, he said.
A swarm of unspoken prayers soared to the sky, In his ten rains of life, Imaro had achieved ironclad
intended for the ears of Ajunge the Spear-God: Let me control over his feelings. But iron can bend. Iron can
be the one to have one of these calves! None of the break.
silent entreaties was more fervent than Imaros. But A ngombe that would die before it had a chance to
Imaro had prayed to Ajunge countless times before, live tears welled in Imaros eyes and a cry of despair
and each time he had been answered only with bitter.. welled in his throat. The laughter of the other boys
disappointment. Inside in that deep and secret place stung like the barbs of hornets. Masadus gaze stabbed
in which he hoarded his hurts a voice said to Imaro: at him, probing for weakness. Another moment, and
You will not be the one. . . . Masadus probe would be rewarded.
Yes I will! Imaro whispered with the fierce Imaro spun on his heels and began to run. Oblivious
intensity of a child who wants. to the shouts that rose behind him, the youth raced
The two women returned from the manyattas. away from the humiliation that threatened to shatter
Masadu accompanied them to the circle. The boys the iron inside him.
strained forward like lion cubs sighting their first prey. Lets go after him! a boy shouted.
Yet they remained where they were; Masadu would No, Masadu said sharply. Let him go. He may
never countenance open displays of eagerness outside not come back.
of training Sessions.
After several moments had stretched into an eternity HE TAMBURURE ENFOLDED IMARO
of expectation, Masadu emerged from the circle. In his in a golden embrace. Juas heat cradled him
arms, he carried a newborn calf, wet, wriggling, like a mothers arms. Tall yellow grass
bawling in a high-pitched voice. whipped softly against his legs as he ran. The
He carries only one, Imaro thought anxiously. Tamburure teemed with life. Grazing beasts of a
Where is the other? hundred kinds lifted their heads at the sound of
Masadus approach was slow and deliberate, as befit- Imaro's passage, then returned to their fodder. A lone
ted a senior warrior of the Ilyassai. With cruel clarity; boy posed them no threat.
Juas light picked out the parallel rows of scars that Predators flared their nostrils at the acrid tang of
disfigured the left side of Masadus face. Ngatun the man-scent. Some ignored the familiar, disquieting
lion had left that mark but Masadu had slain odor. Others, growling deep in feline throats, bared
Ngatun. their fangs in anger at the smell of a human intruder.
Beneath a helmet of braided hair caked with red Of these, some began a leisurely yet purposeful stalk.
ocher, Masadus dark eyes flicked like knifepoints from Imaro made no attempt at stealth. His kufahuma,
youth to youth. I will be the one, Imaro hoped. the unity of senses that enhanced his awareness of all
Masadus gaze settled on one of the younger boys. that surrounded him in the Tamburure, meant
Keju, he called. Come. This one will be yours. nothing to him now. Imaro did not care that Ngatun
Barely able to contain his happiness, Keju the lion or Chui the leopard would be alerted by the
approached Masadu. The warrior knelt and lowered sound of his passage through the grass. The snap of a
the calf to the ground. The newborn ngombe tottered predators jaws seemed far more welcome a fate than
to its feet. Kejus small arms encircled the neck of the the prospect of more abuse from the Ilyassai.
calf. Although the expression on his face did not He ran on. Sweat bathed his umber skin and soaked
change, Masadu nodded approval as the calf ceased its the single garment he wore about his loins. His hand
crying and licked at Kejus face. brushed against the hilt of his knife that was his only
Then the warrior lifted the calf again and said to weapon. He did not intend to use it if danger struck.
Keju, Come back with me now. Your ngombe needs If the Ilyassai would not take him, perhaps the
his mothers milk. Tamburure would.
As Masadu led Keju back to the circle of women, It was then that Imaro heard a sound unlike any he
Imaro fought down a surge of blighted hope that had ever imagined he could hear on the Tamburure. It
twisted his heart with a strength undiminished by the was a high, twanging sound that stitched through the
60 JUNE 1984
muted cacophony of animal voices like a needle Masadu returned as Imaro made his way toward the
through yielding fabric a thoroughly human sound compelling sound. The danger into which he had
that the throat of neither animal nor bird could have thrust himself became ominously apparent: he was a
shaped. boy, armed only with a small knife, and he was alone
A combination of fascination and curiosity shoul- in the Tamburure. But he was not truly alone: the
dered Imaros depression aside. The twanging sound melodic twanging drew him onward and soothed the
has to come from an instrument of human design, he emotions boiling inside him.

reached the
origin of the music, he
stared in wide-eyed
wonder. Seated in the
midst of a stretch of
ankle-high grass was an
old man. The mans fin-
gers plucked lightly at an
instrument fashioned
from a gourd, a stick,
and a single string. This
man was not alone. . . .
Ngatun the lion was
there: two females and a
full-maned male. The
lions sprawled lazily,
paying no attention to
the man who sat so casu-
ally among them. They
gazed at Imaro, who had
just emerged from a
screen of higher grass.
But the glint of the hun-
ter was gone from their
yellow eyes. Like Imaro,
Ngatun had been lulled
by the peaceful sound the
instrument made.
The old man looked at
Imaro and smiled. His
black face was seamed
with wrinkles, but his
eyes shone with a vitality
that could not be
dimmed by age. His hair,
receding from his tem-
ples, was a tight, kinky
cap, white as the clouds
of the dry season. His
reasoned. The Ilyassai made such instruments, but they body, naked save for a length of bark-cloth gathered
rarely played them. Imaro realized that the music he about his loins, was lean and gaunt. Yet he was far
was hearing could not have been made by an Ilyassai. from feeble. Like an acacia tree standing alone on the
For the tones were peaceful and there was nothing Savannah, he had been weathered by many rains, but
peaceful about the Ilyassai. those rains had not withered him.
Imaro strained his ears to locate the source of the Neither ornaments nor distinctive hairdressing
sound. It came from the direction of Juas rising. The marked the man as a member of any of the tribes of the
youth scanned the Tamburure in all directions. None Tamburure. This one is an outsider, Imaro thought,
of the animals in the great herds paid any heed to the like me. . . .
alien sound. It was as though the music were meant for Then the boys attention shifted to the lions. And a
Imaros ears alone. new thought struck him: Ajunge! The elders of the
The kufuhuma deeply ingrained by the teachings of Ilyassai often said that the Spear-God walked with the
spirit of Ngatun. Yet this man carried no spear, nor Mzee saw the terrible, naked pleading in Imaros
any other weapon Imaro could see. eyes. The old man regretfully shook his head. He
Still, Imaro spoke the Spear-Gods name. And the spoke before Imaro could voice his protest.
old mans fingers stilled, and he laughed. Child, there is something you are forgetting. You
Child, I am no god, he said in a low, resonant do have a ngombe Sifas calf.
voice. I am only an old man, trying to live another But Masadu said it would be born dead, or else too
rain. weak to live! What kind of ngombe is that? Oh, you
But if you are only an old man, why does Ngatun are like all the others!
not kill you? You dont want me!
I know Ngatun, and Ngatun knows me, the man Face twisted in hurt
replied enigmatically. Now sit, child. You have run and frustration, Imaro
far and are in need of rest. sprang to his feet and
The truth of the old mans words was made apparent whirled away from Mzee.
by Imaros abrupt awareness of his own fatigue. He But before his legs could
sank down in the grass, but he kept a wary eye on the carry him away, the old
three lions. None of the great cats moved. As though mans voice cut through
from a great distance outside himself, Imaro wondered the anger that roared in
how he could sit so close to Ngatun, taker of cattle and the boys ears.
tester of courage, without feeling the slightest stir of As you do not want
fear. your ngombe?
The lions will not harm you, the old man said. Slowly, Imaro turned
Not as long as I am here. to face Mzee again. There
If you are not Ajunge, who are you? Imaro asked. was no hint of reproach
I am called Mzee. in Mzees eyes. But those
Imaro frowned in puzzlement. Mzee was not a name; eyes were as compelling
it was a title given by the tribes of the Tamburure to as the old mans words
elders who had gained wisdom from their rains. were. And those words
Before Imaro could voice his perplexity, Mzee spoke, hung almost tangibly
Child, why do you run alone in the Tamburure? Does between man and boy
your life mean that little to you? long after the sound had
Imaro looked at the ground. He had no intention of faded. And Imaro knew
peeling away the scabs that had encrusted the wounds what he must do.
the Ilyassai had carved in his soul. But now there was I must go back, he said softly, giving voice to his
the old mans smile and the soothing sound of the first major decision. But Sifas calf may be dead.
gourd-and-string instrument. And Imaro found him- No. I promise you, your ngombe lives and awaits
self raising his head and meeting Mzees peaceful gaze. you now.
He began to talk, words tumbling swiftly from his Mzee stood then, his body unfolding with a fluid
mouth. He told of his life among his mothers people, grace that belied his age. Imaro looked up at Mzee,
from the day she had departed the manyattas to the who suddenly seemed to tower as tall as a tree. The
moment Masadu had said: This one will be yours. three lions also rose and rumbled deep in their throats.
As the boy spoke, Mzee listened quietly. From time For a single moment, that sound brought a metallic
to time, he plucked a random note from the string of taste of fear to Imaros mouth. Then Mzees hands
his instrument. The three lions slept. reached down and gently cupped the face of the youth.
When Imaros tale was done, Mzee sighed. Child, you have seen too much pain; and you are
So young. . . yet you want the Tamburure to take afraid to go on living. But there is more to living than
your life, he murmured. what you can see. You cannot see now what you will
Mzee, Imaro said, suddenly straightening. Who grow to become. There is greatness within you, child.
are your people? Where do you come from? But you must push aside your pain to find it.
My people are all who raise no hand against me. I Now you must go to your ngombe and forget me.
come with the wind and go with the rains. I am one For if you think of me too much, you will want to fol-
with the land and the water, the things that grow and low me. And that cannot be. . . I can feel it in the
the things that kill to eat. I am Mzee, and I follow the wind. I must go, and you will not remember me. But
path of Ingulu. one day, when you become what you are meant to be,
Imaros eyes widened at the mention of the High you will see me again.
Gods name. Ajunge was the god of the Ilyassai; Slowly, Mzee passed his hands over Imaros eyes.

Ingulu was the god of the sky.
The boys small strong hands reached out and MARO BLINKED IN THE SUNLIGHT. ALMOST
clutched those of Mzee. instinctively, his hand curled around the hilt of his
Mzee. . . will you take me with you? I want to knife. His eyes searched the grass surrounding
come with the wind and go with the rains and never him, but they found nothing unusual there. Then he
have to see Masadu and the others again. realized that some of the grass was slowly unbending,
62 J UNE 1984
as though someone or something had been there only again. . . .
moments before. And the sharp smell of Ngatun the A hand clamped heavily on the boys shoulder and
lion reached Imaros nostrils. His kufahuma told him hurled him away from the calf. Imaro fell hard, then
Ngatun could not be far, since he could see a trail of rose immediately to face Masadu.
straightening grass leading away from him. You told me this one would be mine, Imaro said,
What happened Imaro wondered. He tried to struggling to keep his voice steady.
remember, but could not. Then another thought struck And when I did, you ran away, Masadu returned.
him with the force of a well-hurled spear. My His face was like a marred mask. Your ngombe
ngombe! needed you, and you ran like a whipped dog.
The sun was beginning to sink as Imaro sprinted I am here now.
madly across the Tamburure. It was as though he were Masadu drew his simi, the short sword all Ilyassai
racing Jua toward the manyattas. The animals of the warriors carry at their sides. He extended the point of
Tamburure followed him with their eyes, but none the weapon until it touched Imaros throat.
not even the fanged ones hindered his progress. It Are you willing to die for your ngombe? Masadu
was as though time had paused. asked quietly.
When he reached the manyattas, Imaro saw that the Yes.
women still formed their circle. Keju and some of the Something flickered briefly in the warriors eyes. It
other boys ran toward him, but he easily outdistanced might have been a hint of grudging approval it was
them. He heard the women singing. It was a sad song gone by the time Masadu lowered his simi.
of death hovering near on vulture wings, preparing to There will be a beating for you for deserting your
descend. Above the womens voices, he heard the cry of ngombe, Masadu promised. Do not let that happen
a calf. again.
Imaro pushed his way between two of the women. Imaro nodded. He had taken many beatings from
They cried out at the strength in the arms that shoved Masadu and had yet to cry out. Another such beating
them aside. Sifa lay in the grass. Near her, a woman would not matter.
and a man bent, peering closely at a small, unmoving See to your ngombe, then.
shape. The man was Masadu. Imaro looked again at his new charge. The calf was
Sifas calf lives! Imaro exulted. He covered the weak, yes but it was alive. He, too, was weak once.
few remaining strides toward the calf like a leopard But he had made himself strong. His ngombe would
pursuing a gazelle. also be strong. He would care for it with the part of
The newborn ngombe attempted to stand, as most him that had not yet been burned away by bitterness.
calves do within moments of birth. But this ones legs He lifted his calf and carried it toward Sifa. A sud-
were too feeble. Bawling piteously, the calf collapsed. den wind blew against his face, and for a moment
Imaro brushed past Masadu and the woman and Imaro could hear something a deep soothing voice,
enfolded the young ngombe in his arms. the strains of distant music. Then the wind was gone,
I am here, kulu, Imaro murmured, speaking the and the last trace of memory of Mzee vanished like a
Ilyassai word for friend. You will not be alone ever whisper of dying magic.

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line at Out on a Limb, P.O. Box
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select certain letters of general in-
terest for publication maybe even

Game review

Battlesuit salutes infantry

No matter which era in history one exam- The components are eye-catching, if powered-armor infantry when fighting
ines, the poor bloody infantry are the nothing else starting with a snazzy box unarmored infantry, involving 33 units.
ones who secure and hold territory during cover that vividly depicts what elimina- Each of the scenarios is fairly well balanced
warfare. This axiom holds true in future tion means in combat. The mapsheet and requires about an hour to play.
histories as well, as demonstrated by the offers the first clue that the Battlesuit game During the play of the game, both players
BATTLESUIT game. This product, from is something different. It is an ugly lime- are busy even when one of them isnt shuf-
Steve Jackson Games, presents a man-to- green colored thing with brown-tinted ter- fling counters around the map. The non-
man, futuristic combat system based in the rain features and no hexagonal pattern moving player has to be alert for reaction
same world as the Ogre game. For those superimposed on it. In place of the hex grid fire openings; gambling on whether your
of you who were stored in closets several are staggered points that regulate move- opponent will move closer could cost you a
years back, the Ogre game (also produced ment and define ranges. This change is target if he ducks into the forest instead of
by SJG) is a cybernetic tank combat system aesthetically pleasing, but is really just into easier firing range. The moving player
has to wait about one second before moving
his piece on to the next point or firing; this
gives the non-moving player a chance to get
the jump on firing first. During a turn,
each unit may move and fire, fire twice, or
target an enemy (giving friendly units a
Guessing and luck bonus to hit the targeted unit) and fire.
Each unit may also fire during the moving
are a part of the players turn, as described above, but does
so at a penalty.
game, but players Combat, which occurs frequently, is very
simple and bloody. To resolve an attack, the
have to be on their players subtract the targets ECM rating
from the firers attack strength. Modifiers
toes continually are added or subtracted for range, morale,
terrain, and targeting (they are not over-
watching for done, though; no rules give a -3 to hit be-
cause someones shoelaces were untied).
openings. The final modified attack strength is cross-
referenced with a two-dice roll on the Com-
bat Results Table to get the end result.
Combat results range from no effect to
outright elimination (as shown on the box
cover). More often the target is affected
that helped to launch the microgame another method for accomplishing the same either physically or psychologically, and
phenomenon. The Battlesuit game shows purpose as a hex grid, not an innovative sometimes both results occur at once. Dam-
the what wartime activity between infantry system. age takes the form of shock, which can
forces was like when high-powered vehicles Most of the playing pieces are " lead to panic (if a morale check is failed),
like the Ogre are not around. square, but some are smaller and used for or physical deterioration of a battlesuit by
This game uses the same historical bookkeeping purposes. Each piece repre- degrees. After a few games it becomes
background as the Ogre game, but this sents one man (armored or unarmored), a readily apparent that having a damaged
appears to be more of a sales vehicle than a piece of equipment, a building, or a wreck. battlesuit is more of a handicap than being
useful aspect of the game itself. Nowhere The counters are very nicely done with unit unarmored, and for a damaged unit elimi-
does the game box say that Battlesuit is not identification printed at the top, a silhouette nation isnt too far behind. The attacker is
compatible with the Ogre game, though it of the unit in the center, and containing the never affected by the result on the CRT
does say that it uses a new tactical mapping important characteristics of the unit but a retaliatory strike can be murderous.
system. Prospective buyers of the Battlesuit attack strength, ECM (Electronic Counter- The Battlesuit game has extremely simple
game should disregard that it is a historical measures) rating, and movement factor. mechanics, but the hidden tactics make it a
sequel to the Ogre game, because the two The black-on-red and white-on-black color game of cat-and-mouse as both players feint
systems arent compatible. schemes are very easy on the eyes. and probe, each looking for weaknesses in
The Battlesuit game does play very well. The rules booklet is practically glitch-free the opponents force. Guessing and luck are
It stands on its own merit as a game that and covers almost every aspect of play that a part of the game, but players have to be
can be played several times before all of its might need consideration. It has a pull-out on their toes continually watching for open-
possibilities are exhausted. (Can you say sheet (which comes in very handy) showing ings. This is not a beer-and-pretzels game;
that about the last game you played?) And, all of the combat and line-of-sight tables, its too high-keyed for that classification.
its easy to see that the game is expandable. and supplies six scenarios ranging from Blood and guts or cardboard carnage
In the final analysis, its a game well worth training drills involving only 14 playing would be more appropriate.
picking up. pieces to a lesson in the deadliness of The game does lapse in its logic at some

64 JUNE 1984
points. Not all infantry should react to prior to play and not have control over the scream for inclusion.
stress situations in the same way, but the mental stability of their troops. As the rules Nitpicking aside, Battlesuit is a fun little
game treats morale very simply: everyone stand now, a man will never recover from game. Those who are looking for a realis-
acts the same. This game is about men, not panic if the optional loss of command tic simulation will be disappointed, but if
cybernetic juggernauts who werent pro- control rule is used and the force has you like shoot-em-up games, this one
grammed for retreat. A little more work already lost a command unit. So much for fills the bill well. Hopefully future expan-
could have been put into the morale rules heroes like William Mandella (of The For- sions of it will highlight the personal facets
without dirtying the game system unduly. ever War) in the world of Ogre. of combat rather than treating humans like
One quick fix would be to give each infan- It also seems strange that anyone can programmable death machines.
tryman a self-preservation rating that distinguish a command, ranger, assault, or The Battlesuit game is available from
would be added to or subtracted from the standard battlesuit from any other, but retail hobby shops for $5, and from the
morale-check die roll, giving each counter a cannot tell the difference between recon, publisher (add 50 cents for postage and
mini-personality. Players would then attack, and bomb drones. A rule that covers handling on mail orders).
randomly pick units of the various types spotting or identifying units seems to Reviewed by Jerry Epperson

Game review

Phantasy Conclave: Only phair

Evolving from its origin as the house
rules for a gaming club of the same name,
PHANTASY CONCLAVE is now available
in a professionally produced format. The
product consists of three 20-page booklets
(fully typeset and illustrated), an 8-page
No ranges are
Gamemaster Guide produced on a dot-
matrix printer, a single page of dot-matrix
supplied for missile
Players Notes, and an assortment of ten
high-impact dice made by GameScience.
weapons, leaving up
The components are contained in an illus-
trated, one-piece cardstock box.
to the GMs
To some extent, the rules of the game
seem to have been derived from the
judgement whether
ADVANCED D&D game system, though
many departures from that game exist as
a sling with stones
well. However, little effort has been made to
fill in the background for the Gamemaster.
outranges a sling
The system consists mostly of rules and
descriptions of player character races; no
with bullets.
support material (descriptions of monsters
and treasures that can fill up a dungeon, for
instance) is provided, and the playability of
the system is substandard as a result.
The physical product is equally substan- occurs. In these respects the product stands alteration was the loss of inherent racial
dard. Two pages of rulebook errata, pro- up somewhat better when compared to magic in mankind, while another result was
duced on a dot-matrix printer, are pro- other FRP systems on the market, but it the appearance of new forms of life, both
vided. Ambitious game owners with a de- still suffers from superficiality and a lack of monstrous and intelligent, adding the races
sire to be organized may find a way to cut completeness. The world of Phantasy Con- of aerlings and meren to the sapient society.
the errata sheets into sections, pasting the clave is called Arth, an environment similar The brief descriptions of each race are the
strips over the incorrect pieces of text in the in many ways to the Earth of A.D. 1300, only background given. A system of coinage
original version of the rules. This technique with the so-called known world correspond- is mentioned, as are a brief list of prices of
of physically covering up errors could be a ing to Europe, Africa, and Asia of that time common objects and an indication of wages.
blessing in disguise if one could also use the frame. The one map provided with the But neither statistics nor characteristics for
errata to hide the interior illustrations, game depicts some geographical alterations, monsters or animals are available, and
which are so poorly crafted that they are though. precious little guidance is provided for
almost painful to look at. Other than the geographical information anything else. The GM Guide contains a
Another drawback to the quality of the provided, the only background material very brief scenario for three players, as well
components is the lack of character sheets. supplied is a brief history of the races of as some sketchy notes for creating a town in
The game rules state that these sheets are Arth men, halflings, elves, dwarves, and which to set more action. Advice on con-
available if so, why wasnt a sample gnomes. At one point in this history, a city- verting other game systems scenarios into
included? but no information on how to state of conquering wizards had devastated terms usable with Phantasy Conclave is also
obtain them is given. its enemies with an invention called the given. Nevertheless, this is definitely not a
Quibbling, however, about the physical Power of Thunder. To stop these wizards, a game for the GM who is reluctant to roll up
components of the game is simply that. The magic-working conclave of all the races was his sleeves and work at or experiment with
more important aspects of the game are the formed; the conclave succeeded in altering the system.
rules and background materials that serve the world so that such inventions would no In this game, only four character classes
to create the fantasy world in which play longer be possible. One of the results of this exist: fighter, scout, healer, and wizard.

Characters are assumed to have been raised Combat is not simultaneous: one party is especially when considering the games
from childhood as members of one class the attacker, a status determined at the start price of $19.95. The package of dice in-
only, and are forever cast in that mold. of each six-second melee round and depen- cluded is a $10 retail value. But, even at
Magic comes in colors, and each color is dent largely upon the luck of the die. At the that, $9.95 for the remainder of the compo-
peculiar to a particular race or class, with start of the round, players declare any nents is no bargain. The game, to the ex-
some exceptions. Humans have no racial intent for their characters to use magic. tent that it has been developed, has some
magic, but an individual man can learn, Then action is resolved in this sequence: interesting ideas, but so little of the neces-
under the right circumstances, one racial 1) attacking missile fire, 2) defending mis- sary supporting detail has been delineated
magic spell from each of the other races. sile fire, 3) attackers weapon attack (includ- that the game cannot really compare to
Halflings also have no racial magic but are ing a, fighters crimson magic), 4) attackers other products of this type on the market.
largely resistant to magic and poisons used magic use (all other forms of magic), Phantasy Conclave is overpriced for what it
against them. Halflings cannot use any 5) defenders magic use, 6) defenders supplies, so buyers should not casually
magic at all, though, and so tend to become weapon attack (again including crimson purchase it.
scouts, since this character class is likewise magic), 7) defenders movement, and 8) The game is available by mail order from
unable to use magic. Members of the race attackers movement. The rules state that, Phantasy Conclave, P.O. Box 861, Bensa-
of meren are forbidden to be scouts, but the with the exception of users of crimson lem PA 19020.
other classes are open to them. magic, any magic caster who is hit in a Reviewed by Steve List
Racial magic consists primarily of spells round cannot use magic later in that round.
that are helpful to the everyday activities of There is a notable advantage to being the
each race; some specific spells are useful in attacker because the player of this character
combat, though. Each race has about half a resolves all of his attacks (including magic)
dozen such spells available, with little or no before the defender takes any action other The forum
overlap. For example, fighters use crimson than shooting missiles. The use of magic in
(From page 6)
magic; there are nine of these spells, and all combat is limited mostly to the fighters
through. But there is nothing to stop the gods of
are combat-tactical in nature. Golden magic crimson spells for example, Death Touch the other eight alignments from bestowing
is the province of healers. There are 38 and Magic Missile and to the wizards paladin-like powers on those who champion their
spells in this category, counting those with cobalt blue spells Energy Whip or Cobalt cause, too. It would require the character to
reversible effects as separate spells. Some of Blast, for instance. To cast a spell merely adhere just as strictly to his/her alignment as the
these spells are useful in combat, but most requires stating the intention to do so, true paladin and similar penalties for backslid-
are better employed at other times. Wizards expending the appropriate amounts of PAR ing. So all you anti-paladins can breathe a sigh of
use cobalt blue magic, which includes seven or MAR points, and avoiding the taking of relief you can exist after all.
minor cantrips, eight detection spells, and Jeff de Remer
damage, in that round of combat. The ef-
Jefferson, Ore.
fifteen major spells some of which are fects of the spell are always felt by the tar-
devastating in combat. get, and range from annoying to * * * *
Characters have six primary attributes, devastating.
each of which is determined by rolling, 4d6 Combat can proceed fairly quickly, but I would like to applaud Peter Bregolis state-
and totaling the three highest results. The only once the players and the GM have ment in The Forum of issue #84. However, it is
primary attributes are physique, intellect, settled on what they are doing. The rules also true that The Forum is needed for the more
wisdom, dexterity, endurance, and appear- are really very sketchy. No system for regu- lengthy letters of criticism and comment. Else-
ance. From these scores, various secondary lating movement is given, except to allow where in that same issue is a letter to Out on a
attributes are calculated, the most impor- Limb saying that that column has changed for the
attackers the opportunity to move twice as
worse to a worthless place where nit-picking
tant of which are physical aptitude level fast as defenders: In one round an attacker
letters are printed and the Forum a mere replace-
(PAL), physical aptitude rating (PAR), can move one-fifth of the distance he could ment, a poor one at that, under a different,
magical aptitude level (MAL), and magical normally move in one minute (note that a unfitting name. But it seems to be that Out on a
aptitude rating (MAR). A characters PAL melee round is one-tenth of a minute). Limb, besides being a relatively traditional space
is the total of his physique plus endurance, Weapons are classed as type I through V, where minor errors are corrected, is more a
plus any bonus he is due for high endur- with all weapons in the same category in- column where letters are directed to the editor(s)
ance; PAL represents the maximum level of flicting the same damage (1d4 to 1d12) specifically, whereas the Forum is where gamers
the characters PAR, which diminishes as regardless of actual type. No ranges are can speak their mind to other readers. Take
another look; do you see any editorial replies in
the character expends strength and suffers supplied for missile weapons, leaving up to
the Forum? Give the editors a chance, I think
physical wounds. Similarly, MAL is the the GMs judgment such questions as
theyve thought through their choices well.
sum of intellect plus wisdom plus any bo- whether a sling with stones outranges a Definitely the Forum is a place for new ideas,
nuses; MAL represents the maximum level sling with bullets. but these new ideas must be the briefest of the
of MAR, which decreases as spells are cast This sort of sketchiness in the combat bunch. Most new ideas worthy of being printed
or the character takes damage from magic. rules is not limited to this area; it appears in grow quickly to become full-fledged articles that
The reduction of PAR to less than zero all aspects of the game. Learning new spells grace other pages of the magazine.
means that the character is dying, and his or skills and gaining weapon training are The Forum is absolutely necessary as the
PAR will continue to drop unless he is location for the more lengthy letters of criticism,
only perfunctorily treated. Life when not
and thats why those letters are most commonly
aided. Death results when a characters adventuring is hardly addressed, and a lack
found there. Look at your most recent issues of
PAR reaches -10. PAL and MAL can be of care is seen in those elements that are the magazine, the ones without the Forum; see
increased by experience rolls at the discre- discussed. For instance, the daily wage for a the astonishing lengths of those letters, which are
tion of the GM; lost PAR and MAR points laborer is one silver coin, which happens to more directed at other gamers, and you feel pity
are recovered by rest and healing. be the cost of a days field rations. A change for the publishers in their hunger for space.
Combat is resolved by the roll of decimal of clothes a concept which remains unde- So let the Forum contain what the editors think
dice (d10). The PAR of the attacker is cross- fined costs two silver coins, but a light needs to be there. Most certainly, new ideas from
indexed with the armor class of the defender cloak costs five times as much. Even more readers represent an important part of DRAGON
Magazine, but if your ideas are really that good,
on a chart to determine the roll needed to preposterous is the fact that a backpack
think about writing full articles on them. Re-
score a hit. This value may be modified by costs 15 gold coins, or 75 times the cost of member, criticism and commentary on previous
racial characteristics, training, or other the clothes. In modern terms, it would cost issues or present concerns are a vital part of any
temporary conditions; If a hit is scored, $1500 for a pack to cart around a $20 outfit. magazine DRAGON even more so.
weapon damage is rolled, and the result is The overwhelming reaction to this game Kirk Everist
subtracted from the defenders PAR. is a feeling of Is that all there is? Dubuque, Iowa

66 JUNE 1984
68 JUNE 1984
Some of us are natural pessimists (like your editors) and
CONTENTS believe the worst outcome will develop from any situation.
Some people, however, are optimistic pessimists: the worst
might happen, but it would be a real gas to see it. Everyone
ARES Log . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
who cheers when the Martians start blasting away in War of
the Worlds knows what were talking about.
KNOW YOUR ENEMY With that cheerful thought in mind, we offer an apocalyptic
James Ryan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 vision of the Moons future, A World Gone Mad, for the
A guide to super-villain groups. GAMMA WORLD game system. Heft your lasers, lock your
bubble car doors, and get set for a wild ride.
A WORLD GONE MAD Also in this issue, superhero game players will find some
James M. Ward . . . . . . . . . . . 74 thoughts on constructing supervillains from scratch; these
The Moon of the GAMMA suggestions will work well for those playing the new MARVEL
WORLD game. SUPER HEROES game. New starships for the STAR
FRONTIERS Knight Hawks game are given a going-over, and
FAST AND DEADLY the athletes of the Imperium make their appearance for the
Carl Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 TRAVELLER game. Our regular StarQuestions column
New starships for the STAR answers some readers questions on the GAMMA WORLD
FRONTIERS Knight Hawks game. game as well.
The mail that weve received on the ARES Section to date
INTERSTELLAR has been quite good. A number of people are sending in arti-
cles for the STAR FRONTIERS game and other science-fiction
game systems. What science-fiction games would you like to
Michael Brown . . . . . . . . . . 80
see covered here? What topics would you like for the ARES
A TRAVELLER game variant career.
Section to cover? Pick up your pen and write a letter to:
ARES Department, Dragon Publishing, P.O. Box 110, Lake
STARQUESTIONS Geneva, Wisconsin 53147. We listen to our readers.
James M. Ward . . . . . . . . . . . 83 The editors
GAMMA WORLD game questions are

ARES Section 86

Editors: Mary Kirchoff & Roger Moore

Design director: Kristine Bartyzel
Editorial assistance: Georgia Moore
Graphics and production: Roger Raupp, Marilyn Favaro
All materials published in the ARES Section become the exclusive prop-
erty of the publisher upon publication, unless special arrangements to the
contrary are made prior to publication. Unsolicited manuscripts are
welcome, but the publisher assumes no responsibility for them and they
will not be returned unless accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed
ON THE COVER envelope of sufficient size and volume.
ARES is a trademark of TSR, Inc.s science-fiction gaming section in
Superhero game campaigns would not be
DRAGON Magazine. All rights on the contents of this section are
complete without a nice assortment of
reserved, and nothing may be reproduced from it without prior permis-
supervillains to make superheroes lives sion in writing from the publisher. Copyright 1984 TSR, Inc.
more complicated. Ideas for creating GAMMA WORLD, DRAGON, STAR FRONTIERS, and POLYHEDRON are
super-villains and supervillain groups are trademarks of TSR, Inc. Traveller is a trademark of Game Designers
discussed in Know Your Enemy, by James Workshop. Marvel Super Heroes is a trademark of the Marvel Comics
Ryan. Cover art by Jeff Butler. Group. Grav-Ball is a trademark of FASA.

70 J U N E 1984
No group of supervillains can exist in a leader leads, the group will follow. This to kidnap a rich man for a rival com-
vacuum. Each such group must have villains motives will need to be devel- pany in an attempt to force his corpora-
both a purpose in life and the resources oped in detail, for it will be that beings tion to pay a large ransom, these villains
to carry out its plans. These factors aims that dictate what the group will go found they worked well together as a
determine how such a group fits into after and what this will mean for the team. Even though the heroes rescued
the world, what crimes it commits, and superheroes facing him. the kidnap victim, the Smashers were so
how it deals with superheroes. In my superhero game campaign, the successful in beating the stuffings out of
Two types of supervillain groups are heroes all dread the name of Terminator, them in the process that they decided to
dealt with here. A small group is a who is the leader of a few evil groups stay together.
maverick organization, usually tightly scraped together to further his aims: Revenge: Revenge-motivated groups
knit with no more than ten members extermination of all superbeings (and to are composed of villains who feel that
(six is average). The supervillains in this this end, he has had a few successes). In they were wronged in some way, and
group are each about equal in terms of some cases, as with Terminator, the have banded together to take revenge
powers and experience with the supervillain leader may be powerful against a common enemy. One of the
superheroes they most frequently fight enough to reappear without a group of most popular themes in comic book
against. The members are generally criminals to back him and still give the literature concerns those villains who
autonomous, relying upon their own heroes trouble. have been defeated by certain superhe-
personal resources. A small group tends Fraternal: Villains in these groups roes getting together to end the careers
to surface only as the opportunity to share a common bond that affects their of their nemeses once and for all.
commit crimes arises. These groups rely criminal style, and likewise their aims Although these villains can be formida-
upon close contact between the mem- and reactions to their law-and-order ble to deal with, it should be noted that
bers and their interdependence to keep competition. Some examples of frater- they will be familiar to the heroes so
everyone in line. nally oriented supervillain groups characters will have a good idea of how
A large group, by contrast, relies on include those built around villains who powerful the opposition is. Referees, on
a fixed and constant income. This group are all martial arts experts, all inventors, the other hand, get a break because
is essentially a gang of mobsters which all mutants, all aliens, all of one national- they dont need to worry about coming
may or may not have superpowered ity, all from similar origins (perhaps the up with a new supervillain for a while.
members. What the gang lacks in super- same origin), or all hold the same reli- In my own campaign, Terminator often
villains, it makes up for in numbers of gious and political beliefs. These groups recruited help from the ranks of the
personnel and in the widespread nature will be similar in size and structure to vengeful.
of its operations. Although a superhero those motivated by personal gain, A small supervillain group may fit
group can easily handle a few muggers, although what involvement they will under several of the above classifica-
an army of pickpockets is another thing have with superheroes will depend on tions at once. None of the above catego-
entirely. their general nature and bent. ries excludes any other one from a
The reasons for forming a small super- Some fraternal orders may be so groups development. The Academy of
villain group will determine the direc- offended by one type of superhero (the Supervillains, for one, is a prime exam-
tion such a group will go and what sort way a group of Communist superbeings ple from my campaign. First founded by
of modus operandi it will follow. The would react against superheroes who the Mind Worm, this set of neophytes
following are some possible reasons why uphold a capitalist American way of life, was pitted against the superheroes as
a small group might be brought into or the way religious villains feel about the Mind Worm attempted to train vil-
being in the first place. heretics) that they will not be satisfied lainy for his own ends (superleader).
Personal gain: One common reason until that superhero is wiped off the When the Mind Worm died at the hands
for forming a supervillain group is face of the earth. of the superheroes, his students stayed
merely for the want of booty. The super- An example of a fraternal villainous together (fraternal), hoping to avenge
villains will go after new and different gang from my own campaign is Merce- the death of their teacher (revenge)
treasures, moving on to bigger and bet- naries Unlimited, a group of women while endeavoring to support themsel-
ter things as they become more success- who were trained in the different ar- ves by their criminal abilities (personal
ful and greedy. These groups generally mies and terrorist organizations of the gain).
try to avoid heroes, fighting the heroes world. Their bond is their sex and their Large groups, as stated before, are
only when challenged and attempting to powers, all of which pertain to well- subservient to their income. How much
leave the scene quickly, as opposed to trained soldiers. they make per week helps to determine
using the defeat of a superhero to their Mercenaries: These groups are their goals, personnel, and equipment.
advantage. Unless there is a very charis- brought together by some outside force There will occasionally be those groups
matic member who can give the group to accomplish a job. They will be united that do not rely upon an accountable
direction, leadership and group cohe- for the sake of money and set to accom- income, such as invaders from space
sion will be very shaky. plish a task that they were paid for. and the like: these, however, are the
Superleader: This group exists Their powers will be specified for the exceptions that prove the rule.
because one villain wills it into exis- job in mind and will most likely be Listed below are some classifications
tence. This villain should be very power- powers that directly counter the powers of the weekly incomes of large criminal
ful, having more experience and of the superheroes who will face them. groups built along these lines. These
proficiency than any individual These groups rarely stay together after groups will have their membership,
superhero (although lower-level villains a few missions, although individual equipment, and aims determined by
working for the leader will generally be members will pop up now and then. their income. It is fair to assume that for
weaker individually than the super- One exception in my campaign world every $150 per week the group takes in,
heroes they face). Wherever the super- are the Smashers. Originally organized a non-super character (thug, hit man,

72 JUNE 1984
etc.) will be hired by the group and superhero continually bothers the (though not necessarily superpowered),
armed with common weaponry (pistols, racket, operations may be curtailed for a and their personal defenses will be very
knives, etc.). This assumes that there has while as funds are marshalled for a tough.
already been an initial investment in supervillain to be hired to handle the Over $1,000,000 per week: The
forming the group, that the gangs per- groups problem. ultimate criminal groups, these organi-
sonnel have enough funds to provide $10,000 to $100,000 per week: This zations can harass superheroes for
their own upkeep, and that the $150 group carries over many of the trap- entire campaigns. Such groups typically
provides for funds incurred in the line pings from the above group. Such a wish only one thing: absolute power and
of duty only. group will have the run of entire cities, dominion over everything they can
For non-super personnel armed with even several of them, and will have a grasp. They will also have great influ-
"super" weaponry (laser pistols, anti- very well rooted leadership. Arming this ence in the world, extending their tenta-
grav bikes, and other such equipment group is conducted much like arming a cles into the highest positions of
governments around the world if
powerful enough.
These groups will have unlimited
resources, and are able to hire anyone
they want and arm them with anything.
Such is their power that even a local
branch office will be an almost impen-
etrable superfortress (to say nothing of
the main headquarters building). Such
groups will often have a standing legion
of supervillains at their call. The leader-
ship of these ultra-groups will be almost
impossible to trace and extremely well
protected globally.
An example of these most dreaded of
evil groups is OPATSEG (Operatives
ATtaining Supreme Effectiveness Glob-
not commonly available to the populace smaller one. Some groups in this earn- ally), a group perhaps as old as ancient
at large), assume $750 per week per ings range ($75,000 per week and over) civilization from my campaign. It has
person so equipped. Equipment of this will curtail their operations to have a key personnel in the Eastern Bloc and
nature is not available to any group few superpowered hit men hired to on the boards of many Western corpora-
earning less than $75,000 per week. take out lawful opposition. These hit tions. The ties this group has to every-
Below $2,000 per week: Such men are villains paid a commission per thing are so well hidden that the heroes
groups are only small-time operations. job performed. in the campaign miss links to this group
They will not be well armed, have no Probably the best such hit man in the most of the time.
superpowered individuals in their ranks, business in my game world is Simula- It should be noted here that villains in
and confine their activities to muggings, crum, a transforming villain who works a large group will not always have
theft, and other small crimes. They are freelance. He prefers being hired by their membership based upon their
included here because such individuals larger groups, as they can pay him more ability to hire people. Supervillains may
may be hired by rich supervillains in than smaller organizations for his serv- join a group of almost any size because
order to help out on a crime, whether to ices. His rates are a bit high, but there of personal reasons, such as loyalty to a
do some legwork or to soften up a are a number of individuals who plague particular leader, the fulfillment of a
superhero before they deal with him the different rackets that make his fee debt that must be paid in service, or
themselves. Rookie superheroes may for putting someone on ice seem like a even as the result of outright coercion.
have to deal with such villains early in bargain. It is always possible for a supervillain to
their careers as well. Such groups are $100,000 to $l,000,000 per week: run such a group; the higher the groups
usually your typical street gang or An ultra-powerful group, this is a potent income, the greater the likelihood that
motorcycle gang. force that attempts to control whole the group is headed by a superpowered
$2,000 to $10,000 per week: This sectors of society for its own gain. A individual. Although a small mob run by
group is a small- scale syndicate that may group like this works in the shadows for a supervillain is a rarity, a group with
run numbers or vice operations and the the most part, garnishing vast amounts world-wide influence like OPATSEG will
like in a section of a major city. Their of funds from well-respected, rich insti- definitely have one at its head.
leadership is fairly secure, and often tutions like major corporations, as well Such are the general traits of orga-
such groups are well entrenched in the as from many dirty sources. These nized opposition to your supergroup,
community. This gives them some immu- groups will have many members, and but this is far from the end. What is
nity from law-enforcement agencies and may even have a few supervillains who presented here is only an outline. Many
other civic groups, although a concen- work for a regular commission. combinations of the above principles can
trated effort on the part of a group of The leadership of such groups is often be formulated with a little thinking, and
superheroes would easily put the group hard to track down, as the trail to the even some possibilities not dealt with
out of business, for a while at least. The top will be well hidden. Direct confron- here may be developed. A superheros
membership of such groups will be well tation with the leaders will be difficult at life is not easy and referees can make
armed with common weaponry. If a best; often they are of great power it all the harder (and more fun)!

The Moon of the
g a m e
By James M. Ward
Eons before mankind existed, an aster-
oid slammed into the northern hemi-
sphere of the Moon and formed the
crater later known as Tycho. This par-
ticular asteroid had a very high metallic
content and internal density. When
humans scouted and explored the bar-
ren lunar surface, they found that
Tycho Crater contained large amounts
of high-grade ore that could be pro-
cessed into the toughest and most dura-
ble metal known: Duralloy.
A major lunar base was built at Tycho
Crater in A.D. 2014. Its original function
was to mine the ore used to produce
Duralloy; because of the bases impor-
tance, it was expanded from generation
to generation until the base became the
only human-inhabited outpost on the
moon. The resources of the Earths small
satellite were not adequate to support a
human population of greater than
50,000 people; Tycho soon had them all.
When Tycho Center became the only
human-populated center on the Moon,
all other lunar bases were completely
automated and were crewed by robots
and androids. These outer bases were
controlled by the Cybernetic Installation
at Tycho Center. Scattered across the
Moon, these bases included astronomical
observatories, crystal mines, water-
processing plants, android and drug
factories, and two heavy industrial man-
ufacturing complexes.
All good things must come to an end.
In A.D. 2322, the people stationed on the
Moon watched Earths civilization go
down in war, plague, and a host of other
disasters that followed the start of the

74 JUNE 1984
Social Wars. Many colonists elected to Operating from existing programs, the
go back to Earth to find loved ones or CI could do nothing about the destruc-
help those who might still be alive. Many tive power of the plants. It was pro-
more stayed behind, content with the grammed to continue feeding and
Moons relative security and fearful of monitoring operations in those sections,
what horrors might be found on their and that is what it did.
blasted and ruined homeworld. The best the CI could do against the
Those who returned to Earth did so plants was to plow a single three-meter
using a number of bubble cars assigned lane through every hydroponics area for
to Tycho Centers transportation section. the cargo and transportation robots to
Most of the fifty or so bubble cars that move through. This was accomplished at
returned to Earth were never seen the cost of three horticultural robots
again. A few of them did make it back to ruined each month in plant-cutting oper-
Tycho Center, but they brought infected ations. Replacement robots had to be
crews and passengers with them. Within manufactured from materials in Tycho
hours, plague viruses were spread by Centers mining and manufacturing
the automatic ventilation system departments.
throughout Tycho Center. Long exis- It was the same story in the biolabs.
tence in a virtually germ-free artificial The huge, mutated (but still single-
station had rendered the lunar colonists celled) creatures took over the labs and
vulnerable to the slightest infection, and created environments in which they
a host of diseases ravaged them. grew and prospered. New abilities
Unable to escape in time, the 50,000 enabled these bizarre creatures to work
colonists died quickly. At last, only one in the lab areas and many of them devel-
human being was left alive at Tycho oped incredible talents. Where the
Center. His name was Ren Odinson, the mutated plants were aggressive by nat-
colonys commander. Ren programmed ure, the macrobes (huge microbes)
the stations Cybernetic Installation to developed defensive mutations that
continue all normal operations in the became nearly unstoppable. Engineering
event the station could be reinhabited; robots sent into the biolabs to clean up
after putting the Tycho CI on contin- what were thought to be batches of
ually-sustaining mode, he died in his debris were depowered by one type of
command chair. single-celled macrobe and eaten by
For the first fifty or so years after the another.
Social Wars, the Tycho CI maintained Despite all this, the CI stuck to its
almost everything at the station in per- programs and continued feeding the
fect order while waiting for the humans mutant macrobes. A three-meter wide
to come back. Worn-out equipment was lane through the macrobe colonies in
replaced from the engineering shops. the biolabs was kept open (just as in the
Mining operations beneath Tycho Cen- horticultural areas) at the cost of nine
ter continued and huge stockpiles of heavy engineering robots ruined each
refined duralloy metal were set aside, month in the operations.
ready for use. Normal observations From about A.D. 2360 to 2400, various
were made on all the ongoing biological plants and single-celled macrobes left
and chemical experiments that were their home sections and spread slowly
started in the Centers laboratories throughout Tycho Center. Colonies of
before the wars. mutated life entered and settled down in
Only two unusual (but major) events newly discovered chambers and crawl
occurred: the horticultural growths of spaces wherever they could be found.
each and every hydroponics section The inevitable happened around the
were allowed to mutate unhindered, year 2400, when the two expanding
and many biological radiation experi- biosystems came into immediate contact
ments caused accelerated growth and with each other. Each somehow recog-
mutation in various forms of single- nized that the other was competing not
celled creatures. These two events com- only for living space, but for control of
bined to create a strange and unending the Tycho CIs bio-programming. It was
war for control of the main station unspoken war from then on.
computer. The plant and macrobe forces devoted
By A.D. 2360, the irradiated plant life all of their resources in the fight against
had gained full control over the environ- each other. Whole new lifeforms were
ment of the hydroponics sections. Plants created and wiped out in the battles
mutated into lifeforms that could between plant and giant bacteria. Vast
destroy bothersome robots or manipu- sections of Tycho Center were burned
late the Tycho CI to generate more food out and destroyed in the fighting, and
and water for their root systems. the lethal vacuum of space filled entire

areas near the surface of the complex ride of their lives. One by one, the cars the engineering section to make more
and destroyed the combatants. landed at Tycho Center; the Tycho CI, robots. Note that the housing centers
The severely damaged sections of gratified to have visitors at last, automat- were designed to support 50,000 people,
Tycho Center were fixed by engineering ically brought the cars into the base and it might be easier to have most of
and repair robots controlled by the proper, pressurized the docking facility, these areas be overrun by mutant plants
Tycho CI. It knew what was happening and opened the main doors into the and macrobes to discourage PCs from
in the plant-macrobe war, but it only Center. investigating them thoroughly. The com-
allowed itself to take steps to ensure its For the first time in over 100 years, mand center for the colony is in one of
own survival. Its programming would intelligent beings walked the halls of the the housing centers, however, and may
not take the nature of the mutant plants base. They looked in upon a world gone prove to be a valuable prize.
and bacteria into consideration to mad. The atmosphere inside Tycho Center
destroy them. is very stale but quite breathable. Artifi-
The unmanned outer bases around Adventuring at Tycho Center cal gravity generators are set through-
the Moon continued to operate after the out the station, so the characters will
Social Wars. The operations of all indus- Setting up an adventure at Tycho Center not have to worry about hopping about
trial factories were turned to the manu- may appear intimidating, but it need not in one-sixth normal gravity (unless they
facture of spare parts for Tycho Center be. The entire base does not need to be go outside). The viruses that killed off
as it began replacing its damaged sec- drawn out; the referee can exclude the population of Tycho Center have
tions when the plant-bacteria wars some sections if desired and fully draw since died off themselves, and present
began. The other bases continued their out others. no danger whatsoever to characters
routine functions, generally unmanaged Because of its size, a general layout of (though they wont know that at first).
by the Tycho CI which had other things Tycho Center is not shown with this The Tycho CI will accept programming
to worry about. Several times over the article; the referee is free to design his and will communicate with any pure-
years Earth-bound CIs and Think Tanks own base (think of it as an extra-large strain human, mutant humanoid, or
were able to contact and communicate dungeon). Tycho Center consists of a mutant animal; the computer has taken
orders from plants and macrobes for so
long that it no longer makes distinctions
about who is programming it.
The CI will happily provide anyone
with information on the stations cur-
Tycho Center may serve as the focal rent situation, but it will know little or
point for a long, high-level GAMMA nothing about sections of the station
that have been sealed off. It may also
WORLD game campaign. The Center know very little about the deep interiors
of the plant and macrobe homelands
is full of Ancient artifacts, including except for the 3-meter wide highways it
plows through them.
vast quantities of processed duralloy. Tycho Center may serve as the focal
point for a long, high-level GAMMA
WORLD game campaign. The Center is
full of Ancient artifacts, including vast
quantities of processed duralloy, but
transporting the material back to Earth
with other lunar bases and even with surface landing area with underground may prove to be a terrible problem.
the Tycho CI, but such contact was docking facilities, a surface storage area, Remember that if the PCs got to the
sporadic and unpredictable at best, and the computer complex for the Tycho CI, Moon as one of the Cryptic Alliance
little came of it. an underground storage area, two teams (or as an independent force),
This was the picture in A.D. 2452 when hydroponics labs (both infested with other bubble cars will be showing up
several Cryptic Alliance groups were mutant plants), two biological laborato- soon (or are already there).
independently able to figure out the ries (infested with macrobes), a nuclear The mutants at the Center must also
workings of some abandoned bubble power plant, an engineering and repair be dealt with. The referee should have a
cars they had discovered. Some of the center that now houses most of the field day designing other mutant mon-
vehicles had been pre-programmed to robot manufacturing equipment and sters to horrify and torment lucky PCs,
return to the Moon and Tycho Center; spare parts, and several small housing though some appropriately pleasant
the Cryptic Alliances either missed the centers and business zones for the rewards might be discovered as well.
programs or decided to use them and human colonists. Three mining zones Between the wild mutant plants, giant
visit the lunar station in hopes of gaining branch away from Tycho Center, each bacteria, and hostile (and heavily-armed)
access to more powerful technology and worked continually by robots and Cryptic Alliances charging around the
knowledge. By strange coincidence, each avoided by the plants and macrobes. base, player characters should find the
Alliance launched its expedition to the Some sections may have been sealed off Moon of the future quite amusing. It
Moon within the same three-day period. by the plant-macrobe war or by com- certainly isnt Kansas, Toto.
Whether they went knowingly or as puter error.
the prisoners of the bubble cars guid- The duralloy produced from the Look for a list of mutant macrobes and
ance systems, the passengers on the mines is stored in the underground plants that adventurers might encounter
half-dozen bubble cars were in for the storage area, and it is eventually used in at Tycho Center, in the next issue.

76 JUNE 1984
The six types of interstellar yachts vary
in size. Some are as big as light cruisers
while others are only marginally larger
than assault scouts. Each yacht listed
below is representative of an entire class
of yachts, and is described with all rele-
vant game statistics. Abbreviations are
used for hull size (HS), hull points (HP),
acceleration/deceleration factor (ADF),
maneuver rating (MR), and damage
control rating (DCR).

Belvedere Class HS 9, HP 45, ADF 2,

MR 3, DCR 47; Weapons: laser battery, 1
laser cannon; Defenses: reflective hull;
one lifeboat.
Astro-Blaster III Class HS 6, HP 30,
ADF 1, MR 2, DCR 38; Weapons: electron
beam battery; Defenses: reflective hull,
interceptor missile battery; no lifeboats.
Imp Class HS 4, HP 20, ADF 4, MR 3,
DCR 32; Weapons: laser battery;
Defenses: reflective hull; no lifeboats.
Nova Class HS 5, HP 25, ADF 2, MR

and Deadly
2, DCR 35; Weapons: laser battery, 3
assault rocket batteries; Defenses: reflec-
tive hull; no lifeboats.
Rim-Song Class HS 3, HP 15, ADF 4,
MR 3, DCR 29; Weapons: laser battery,
New starships for the assault rocket battery; Defenses: reflec-
STAR FRONTIERS Knight Hawks game tive hull; no lifeboats.
Nebula Class HS 7, HP 35, ADF 2,
MR 2, DCR 41; Weapons: laser battery, 2
by Carl Smith Engines firing at full speed, Lightspeed assault rocket batteries; Defenses: reflec-
Lady soon left the closing vessel far tive hull, masking screen; one lifeboat.
behind and vanished into space.
Viyizzi the Yazirian blinked and adjusted The UPF frigate searched the area
the rangefinder. A blip had appeared on around the planet for twenty minutes Privateers are privately owned or corpo-
the scanner where nothing could be before giving up the hunt for the Lady. rate vessels especially outfitted for one
seen before. Keeping her eyes on it, she The captain sighed, recorded the inci- job fighting! Privateers are usually
called Captain Llewellyn. dent, and gave orders to resume the yachts, freighters or obsolete military
Bogie closing, she said, omitting the ships regular patrol patterns. Once vessels which have been re-armed and
sir as usual. more a privateer had managed to run upgraded. They vary in size from that of
Llewellyn left his command chair and the blockade at Theseus. an assault scout to ships almost as large
moved over to her station. Is it a as a cruiser.
Sathar? New starships will be available on Privateers hunt down pirates, protect
Viyizzi squinted and fiddled with her June 1st, 1984, for all gamers who use corporation vessels from Sathar and
goggles. Hard to say. Seems a little small the STAR FRONTIERS Knight Hawks
for one. She ran up the magnification in game system. The ship miniatures will
hopes of making an identification, but include yachts and privateers for inter-
shrugged. stellar businessmen, adventurers, and
That only leaves UPF vessels, Lle- pirates to use for transportation and
wellyn remarked. Can we outrun it? space warfare.
If we dont outrun it, Lightspeed Lady Interstellar yachts include commercial
gets sold at auction, and we do time for vessels as large as liners, as well as
blockade running over corporate lines." smaller, privately owned craft that cor-
Viyizzi bit her lip. Whatever were porations and wealthy citizens might
going to do, lets do it now. use. Privateers are privately owned
Llewellyn nodded grimly. Lets go, vessels outfitted as protective escorts for
then. Lightspeed Lady is a lover, not a company freighters, as government-
fighter unless we get cornered. Going supported raiders which prey on enemy
back to his grav-couch, he punched a commerce or Sathar vessels, or as pirate
few buttons on the console before him. ships that prey on anyone and everyone.
78 JUNE 1984
other enemy ships, and sometimes act as fled after taking damage). When last III. Incident 329-J Raid on
pirate ships themselves. They can be seen, the surviving ship (Midnight Wasp) commercial vessel
armed in many different ways. If you was headed in the direction of Mad- The Nebula-class yacht Chtkl, com-
wish to alter the ship statistics given derlys Star. A pirate base is generally manded by Captain Vlik Clikk, a Vrusk,
below, consult the rules laid out in the believed to be in that area but has not was heading into the Scree Fon system
STAR FRONTIERS Knight Hawks games been located as of this date. from Dixons Star when it was inter-
when creating your variant ship. Each Set up: The Gaston begins the game 5 cepted by two Sathar fighters from the
vessel below is representative of an hexes (50,000 km) away from the two assault carrier SAV Deathknight. The
entire class of ships. other vessels. The two pirates should Deathknight was operating on a deep
appear at the 4 oclock position with penetration mission into that frontier
Rollos Revenge HS 10, HP 50, ADF regards to the Gaston. All ships are fully area. The fighters closed from a distance
3, MR 2, DCR 50; Weapons: laser battery, armed; the pirates fire first. The Gaston of 80,000 km, having been screened by a
proton beam battery, 2 electron beam has an initial speed of 2; the pirates start minor asteroid while waiting for the
batteries, 4 torpedoes; Defenses: reflec- at a speed of 3. yacht.
tive hull, masking screen, 3 interceptor Victory conditions: The Gaston must The two fighters (Horror and Fear)
missile batteries; 1 avoid taking over 35 hull points damage, closed from Chtkls 10 oclock position
lifeboat. or else will surrender. Each pirate will and raked the vessel with rockets. The
Condor Class HS 13, HP 65, ADF 3, fight until it takes 25 hull points damage, Chtkl sent out a distress call and
MR 3, DCR 59; Weapons: disruptor beam at which time it will attempt to flee. The received a faint reply from a distant UPF
cannon, 2 laser batteries, proton beam pirates must stop firing once the Gaston assault scout. The ensuing battle lasted
battery, electron beam battery, 3 torpe- surrenders; the Gaston may continue less than an hours time. The UPF assault
does; Defenses: reflective hull, electron firing at all targets until it surrenders. scout arrived only to find the shattered
screen, proton screen, masking screen, and sundered hulk of the Chtkl. Tapes
II. Incident 114-T Intercep- recovered from her hull reveal that she
2 interceptor missile batteries; 1 lifeboat.
tion of blockade runner
Moonbright Stinger Class HS 9, HP severely damaged one fighter and
45, ADF 3, MR 2, DCR 45; Weapons: A Dauntless-class assault scout, the UPFS traded shots with the other until a
laser cannon, 2 seeker missile batteries, Devastator, was on routine patrol lucky shot destroyed her propulsion
electron beam battery, 2 torpedoes; around Theseus when it intercepted an system and sent her into an asteroid.
Defenses: reflective hull, masking unknown starship attempting to enter Set up: The Chtkl begins the game
screen, interceptor missile battery; 1 the Theseus system. Approaching the with an asteroid set 8 hexes to its 10
lifeboat. vessel as it was 70,000 km from the oclock position, moving at a speed of 2.
Thruster Class HS 2, HP 10, ADF 4, planet Minotaur, the captain demanded The two Sathar craft begin at a speed of
MR 4, DCR 26; Weapons: laser cannon, 2 that the vessel identify itself as dis- 0 (zero), in the same hex as the asteroid
assault rocket batteries; Defenses: reflec- tressed or leave the restricted area (they were only 500 km behind it).
tive hull; no lifeboats. under escort. Victory conditions: The Sathar win if
Lightspeed Lady Class HS 4, HP 20, The vessel, later identifed as the Light- they manage to disable the Chtkl by
ADF 4, MR 3, DCR 32; Weapons: laser speed Lady (of the same class of yachts), inflicting at least 30 HP damage on it, at
battery, 3 assault rocket batteries; took evasive action and headed planet- which point the Chtkl will surrender.
Defenses: reflective hull, masking side. The vessel was intercepted on the The Chtkl wins if it can put 15 hexes
screen; no lifeboats. Devastators 10 oclock position. The distance between it and the Sathar craft,
Golden Vanity Class HS 4, HP 20, blockade runner evidently sighted the or if it can destroy or disable the Sathar.
ADF 3, MR 4, DCR 32; Weapons: 3 laser UPF vessel closing in a 2 oclock position
Creating new scenarios
batteries, 2 assault rocket batteries; and opted to escape. After a running
Defenses: reflective hull, masking battle, the UPFS Devastator ran into New scenarios may be easily developed
screen; no lifeboats. some asteroidal debris, took moderate for the STAR FRONTIERS Knight Hawks
damage to her guidance system, and game, using some of the above situations
New Scenarios allowed the Lightspeed Lady to escape. as guidelines. The forces in a game
Rumors support the theory that the should be evenly matched, though (as
I. Incident 47-Q Attempted
Lightspeed Lady was transporting illegal may be seen above) they dont have to
armaments to residents of Theseus and be set up that way. More experienced or
The Belvedere-class yacht Gaston, out of did not complete its mission. daring players may decide to pit a
Fromeltar, was carrying supplies bound Set up: The ships may be set up as reduced force against a more powerful
for Kaken-Kar. Entering the Kizk-Kar described above and begin the game 7 attacker or defender managed by one or
system, the Gaston was approached by hexes apart. Minotaur lies 10 hexes more less experienced opponents.
two vessels. Bokan Yorb, the Yazirian directly ahead of the Lightspeed Lady at It should be noted that during both
captain of the Gaston, demanded that the games start. The Devastators statis- the First and Second Sathar Wars, nei-
the vessels identify themselves; no word tics are common to all UPF assault ther side massed starship forces larger
came back but the starships opened fire scouts. The privateer has an initial speed than ten or so ships per side in a single
moments later from 50,000 km. The of 3; the UPF vessel travels at 4. battle. Of course, theres nothing to keep
attackers were identified as Moonbright Victory Conditions: The Lightspeed players from setting up titantic battles
Stinger-class pirates. Lady wins if it can get 10 or more hexes with twenty or more ships per side, and
Captain Yorb sent an S.O.S. to all UPF away from the UPF scout. The scout with two or more players per team each
vessels in the area, then managed to wins if it can inflict 12 or more hull controlling part of a fleet. Let your imag-
destroy one vessel (Darkstar Warrior) points damage on the privateer, which ination run free, and enjoy the new
and severely damage the other (which will force it to surrender. Knight Hawks miniatures.

A TRAVELLER game variant career
by Michael Brown

Competitive sports are a way of life on Aging: Athletes may ignore the aging rolling once on either the Material Bene-
many worlds in the inhabited galaxy of roll for the fourth term of enlistment. fits or the Cash Benefits Tables below. A
the future, and athletics are usually an They gain a DM (die modifier) of +2 for +1 DM is applied to the Material Benefits
integral part of many societies. But what the fifth-term roll and a DM of +1 for the roll if the characters SOC is A+; A +1 DM
of the participants of such activities? sixth term, but make all subsequent rolls is given on the Cash Benefits roll if the
How do athletes fit into the larger life of normally. character has any gambling skill. The
interstellar travelers? This unofficial Cash table can only be consulted three
character career may help gamers times at most.
answer that question. One would sup- Athletes gain an automatic skill of Sport-
Sports of the Future
pose that athletes often retire rich and 1 when first enlisting in this career.
famous in galactic empires, just as they Thereafter, they may roll two skills on Z-G (Zero-Gee) Ball: An anti-grav sport
do on Earth, A.D. 1984; at the very least, the Acquired Skills Table for their first played on worlds of tech level B+. It
they may end their careers in very good term of enlistment, and one skill for consists of two four-man teams in light
shape. each term served afterwards. plastic armor, a four-kilogram steel ball,
The athlete class is detailed here, with New Skill: Sport. Sport is a general term and an enclosed null-grav court. Grav-
a few sports commonly played within for any type of known sporting event. ball players must have a dexterity of 10+.
the Imperium described afterwards. The referee and player should confer as Gravball skill allows a DM of +1 for
Character generation and progression is to what type of sport was formerly every two skill levels of the sport when
performed as per the usual TRAVELLER played by the athlete, according to the engaging in zero-G combat.
game rules, using the tables below. characters ability scores and the play- Slaughtersphere: A more violent form
ers whim. The athlete may or may not of Z-G ball which uses a ten-kilogram
Athlete Prior Service Tables
have DMs in activities related to his or steel ball. Slaughtersphere is illegal in
The prior service of an athlete character her particular sport. A rating of Sport-3, most areas, and private enterprises are
is determined in exactly the same man- or Sport-2 and Instruction-l, is sufficient often the only sponsors of such teams.
ner as is any other TRAVELLER game to be able to coach teams in that sport- Slaughtersphere players have the same
career, as outlined in Book 1, Characters ing event. The exact benefits gained requirements as gravball players, except
and Combat, with the substitution of the from a Sport skill should be determined for a strength requirement of 8+. They
following tables. Athletes begin their by the DM, but the possibilities of fame, gain the same zero-G combat benefits as
careers at age 18, and advance in four- increased chances of winning sporting Z-G ball players The survival roll is 5+.
year terms like regular characters. events, and in winning money should Lightracquet: A racquetball-like sport
not be overlooked. played on worlds of tech level D+. The
Enlistment: 5+ ball is replaced by a holographic image
Mustering Out
DM of +1 if STR 8+ and light trail. The racquet is a light
DM of +2 of DEX 10+ Once an athlete fails to make a reenlist- sensor/refractor that sends the holo-
Survival: 3+ (see below, however) ment roll or decides to leave his career gram ball off in the desired direction.
DM of +1 if INT 9+ (which can be done at the conclusion of The walls perform the same functions as
Re-enlist: 5+ any four-year term), he musters out by the racquet.

Table One: Acquired Skills Table Two: Benefits

Personal Service Advanced Advanced Die Material Cash
Die Development Skills Education Education (+8 EDU only) 1 low psg 2,000
1 +2 STR brawling streetwise medical 2 mid psg 5,000
2 +2 DEX blade cbt bribery electronic 3 vehicle 10,000
3 +2 END sport jack-o-T sport 4 weapon 25,000
4 carousing vehicle gambling +1 INT 5 +1 STR 50,000
5 +1 INT sport sport instructor 6 +1 INT 70,000
6 +1 SOC sport mechanical computer 7 Travellers 100,000

80 JUNE 1984
Rumors abound in the Imperium that various types of
psionic sports are played on the more permissive
worlds. Of course, if such sports exist they would be
quite illegal.

Gladiatorials: Highly illegal on some repel the ball, and the court can gener- Games seen on TV, in the movies, or in
worlds, gladitorial combat is a way of ate random magnetic bottles to alter books could be adapted and used (nota-
life on others, particularly on low-tech its flight. Magnaball is played on worlds bly FASAs GRAV-BALL game, or the
worlds. High-tech worlds that allow of tech level 9+. Players must have a famed Rollerball sport created by
gladitorials sometimes pit men not only dexterity of 8+ and an endurance of 9+. William Harrison).
against other men or animals but also Hyperball: A variant of magnaball The guide to what sport the character
against robots. Robot-versus-robot com- played on worlds of tech level D+. played (or plays) should be the personal
bat is also popular on many worlds, the Hyperball equipment differs from that statistics of that character. For instance,
contestants remotely controlled by the used in magnaball; a set of plastic body a character with a UPP of B59259 could
players. A skill level in a gladiatorial armor with reflex-enhancing bionic possibly have been a heavy-weight
sport is equivalent to a weapons combat relays, effectively doubling ones speed boxer, a wrestler, a gladiator, or any-
skill, either brawling or a specified gun as though they were taking slow drug, is thing else which calls for great strength
or blade weapon. The survival roll for worn by all players. Hyperball players and endurance. If a character seems tall,
this sport is 6+. must have an endurance of A+ and a thin, and nimble, he could have been a
Magnaball: Magnaball consists of an strength of 8+. basketball or Z-G ball player, and so on.
enclosed, magnetic-flux court (some Other sports can easily be used or Rumors abound in the Imperium that
varieties allow for the use of an outdoor created, such as existing games, futuris- various types of psionic sports are
court), padded uniforms for the players, tic versions of these games, or even played on the more permissive worlds.
and a two-kilogram steel sphere. Gaunt- hybrid games. A couple of interesting Of course, if such sports exist they
lets are provided which can control suggestions would be futuristic versions would be quite illegal and only privately
magnetic fluxes sufficiently to attract or of football, skeet shooting, and racing. endorsed.

82 JUNE 1984
Questions, answers, and advice on GAMMA WORLD gaming

by James M. Ward

This edition of StarQuestions looks at the characters with strange objects A: This reflects how helpless a being
the GAMMA WORLD game. Some of that would be immediately recogniz- can be in an ambush situation. It
the questions and answers used here able to us today. also gives player characters advan-
were generated for POLYHEDRON tages against the many powerful
Newszine and appear here with permis- Q: Why are characters automatically hit creatures of the game, and can work
sion of the editor of POLYHEDRON when struck by surprise? for the characters more often than
Newszine. against them. If you are getting sur-
prised too often, be more careful
Q: Can cyborgs be influenced by muta- with your next character!
tional attacks?
A: Cyborgs have organic brains, Q: My referee isnt checking for reaction
which can be influenced by most with the NPCs we meet. She says she
attacks that would work on flesh- has them already planned out.
and-blood enemies. Mental Blast, for A: In all role-playing games, the ref-
example, is effective against cyborg eree calls the shots, right or wrong.
brains. Referees may use scores of This case is perfectly acceptable if
18 for mental strength and intelli- the breaks go with the group as
gence for cyborgs, Think Tanks, etc. often as against them. When it stops
Similarly, a Life Leech attack will being fun, then its time to get a new
effect the brain of the cyborg just as game referee.
it would another living being. Use
scores of 12 in all relevant catego- Q: I have a list of weapons I would like
ries, like Constitution, for cyborg to use in the game. What Weapon Class
brains. Note that some mutations, should they be, and what damage would
like Allurement, would not work they cause?
against cyborgs, as they depend A: The following are some suggested
upon the victims having a sense of values for the weapons you sent to
smell, etc. Other mutations, like us. How your referee wants to han-
Actual Metamorphosis, would dle these weapons could be vastly
require touching the cyborg brain different, however.
itself (which is not possible with
Bolo: W/C 1, DAM 1d8
most cyborgs).
Sheriken: W/C 2, DAM 1d4
Quarterstaff: W/C 2, DAM 1d6
Q: Why do the characters have to try
Machine gun: W/C 11, DAM 4d8
and figure out things? It should be obvi-
Vibro Sword: W/C 5, DAM 40 pts.
ous to any being how a gun or similar
Thrown human body: W/C 1,
high-tech item works.
DAM 1d6
A: It shouldnt be obvious how
Fist: W/C (per attackers HD),
things work. The devices of the
DAM 1d6
Ancients are years ahead of what we
have today. Consider how much the Q: I have some questions on the muta-
rifle has evolved in 300 years and tions in the GAMMA WORLD game:
apply that to the rifle of 300 years 1. In Absorption, is a laser a heat
from now. Game balance also plays a weapon or a light weapon?
part. The characters cannot have 2. In Aromatic Powers, can the charac-
everything handed to them on a ters resist the desire for their favorite
silver platter. Also, a great deal of food if they are not hungry?
fun can be had by presenting 3. In Chameleon Powers, what is a
jutation? 4. Copy was dropped here. It should like swords and arrows do minor dam-
4. In Direction Sense, can a mutant read or locate any owned object age. This isnt very logical, is it?
really locate any object he/she wants? held in the last eight hours. A: Sometimes its necessary to sacri-
5. In Displacement, can the mutant 5. The movement action happens fice realism in the interest of game
actively face danger and not let himself/ even if the mutant tries to avoid balance and playability; this has
herself be displaced? being displaced. been done in the combat system of
6. Does Energy Metamorphosis make a 6. Energy Metamorphosis does make the GAMMA WORLD game. Remem-
mutant immune to the harmful effects a mutant immune to radiation. ber, however, that right along side
of radiation? 7. Since the power is a conscious one bows and swords are things like
7. In Electrical Generation, can the in humanoids and mutated animals, death rays that kill on contact or
mutant turn off this power so that allies they may turn off the effect if they stun whips that render the victim
and friends may safely touch the object? desire. unconscious at a touch with no hope
8. Is there any way to tell if a Force 8. The use of the Force Field Genera- of resistance (unless the referee has
Field Generation power is in use? tion mutation usually causes the designed a new mutation against it).
9. How hot is the heat from the Heat user to glow slightly. This is not the Logic can often render a referee
Generation mutation? case in areas of continual darkness defenseless, but it doesnt stop a
10. In Kinetic Absorption, is it 25 points where mutants have been raised. game designer long. Swords do what
per weapon or a total of all weapons Here, the mutation is not noticeable. they have to do in the game so that
used in that attack round? 9. The heat from the Heat Genera- every mutant Conan in the land is
A: The following should take care of tion mutation is approximately 480 not more powerful than men in
these problems. degrees F. Although the mutant is powered armor.
1. All laser attacks are considered immune to the blasts from its hands,
light weapons. it is not immune to the damage of Q: Im trying to establish a timeline for
2. The desire to acquire the food fire caused by the heat. the GAMMA WORLD game. What year
transcends being hungry or in dan- 10. The 25 points per attack is from is it when the game takes place?
ger, etc. The mutant should be told all weapons. If the mutant took a A: The old edition of the rules said
right away that it is being drawn in total of 27 points of damage from the game begins in A.D. 2471; the new
the direction of the smell and should maces and clubs, it would take 2 edition starts the campaign in A.D.
be allowed to react with all weapons points that round in actual damage. 2450. You may use whichever date
or mutations at his/her command. you wish, though the latter is prefer-
3. The word jutation is a typo. It Q: Considering the hit points of all of the red. For your information, an article
should read mutation. player characters in the game, weapons on the past history of the GAMMA
WORLD game environment is being
prepared and may see print in the
near future in the ARESTM

Q: In DRAGON Magazine #75 (July

1983), an article appeared which
described a new robot type called a
Cyber-Netter. What do these things do
with PCs they manage to capture?
A: The author of the article (Roger
Moore) left this problem open for
the referee to solve. Adventures may
be designed around the home base
of the Cyber-Netters, which will
probably be a heavily fortified
Ancients site where captives are
being used for biological experi-
ments or some other mad purpose.
Its all left up to you to develop as
you like.

Q: Can the GAMMA WORLD game be

linked up with the old Metamorphosis
Alpha game?
A: The former game was derived
from the later, and the systems are
similar enough that a good referee
could substitute the improved
GAMMA WORLD game mechanics
for the older MA system; all that
would be needed would be the plans
for a 50-mile long starship. . . .
SF/gaming convention calendar
X-CON 8, June 8-10 recreation groups will also be provided. For ATLANTA FANTASY FAIR 10, Aug. 3-5
This convention will be staged at the further details, send a self-addressed, Touted as the Souths largest gaming
Olympia Resort in Oconomowoc, Wis. Ac- stamped envelope to SEAGA 84, P.O. Box convention, this event will be held at the
tivities include sports, a masquerade ball, an 930031, Norcross GA 30093. Omni Hotel and World Congress Center.
art show, and feature-length movies. Guests Guests include Larry Niven, Chris Clare-
of honor are Wilson Bob Tucker, Robert SUMMER MINICON 84, June 23-24 mont, Richard Pini, Robert Bloch, Forrest
Lynn Asprin, Jo Clayton, and artist Rowena To be held at the Gateway Auditorium at Ackerman, Al Williamson, and many more.
Morrill. For further information and 66th and O St. in Lincoln, Neb., this event Activities include Champions, Star Fleet
registration rates, contact: X-Con 8, P.O. will feature role-playing games, board Battles, and D&D tournaments. A
Box 7, Milwaukee WI 53201. games, and miniatures events. For more in- costume contest, model and sculpture com-
formation, contact: Merl Hayes, c/o Hobby petitions, an amateur film festival, an art
GENGHIS CON 6, June 15-17 Town, 134 North 13th Street, Lincoln NE show, a dealers room, and twenty fantasy
Sponsored by the Denver Gamers 68508, or call (402) 476-3829. films are also scheduled. Pendragon
Association, this gaming event will be staged Galleries will have a special art exhibition
at the University of Denver, 2055 East WILCON, June 23-25 with paintings by all top fantasy artists, in-
Evans, Denver, Co. Over 150 different tour- Fifty free events will be featured cluding Boris Vallejo, Michael Whelan, and
naments, events, and demonstrations deal- throughout this convention, which will be Rowena Morrill. Registration fees are $19
ing with board games, miniatures, and role- held in Wilmington, Ill. Memberships are $4 by June 30, and $25 at the door. For a free
playing adventures are scheduled. Admis- per day, or $10 for the weekend. For more 16-page progress report, send a self-
sion is free on Friday, $12 for the entire information about this gaming convention, addressed, stamped envelope to: Atlanta
weekend, $9 for Saturday only, $6 for Sun- contact: Donald Heck, 1790 Vista Drive, Fantasy Fair, P.O. Box 566, Marietta GA
day only; and it is available at the door. For Wilmington IL 60481, or phone (815)476- 30061, or call (404) 425-8095.
further information about the convention, 7385.
telephone: (303) 797-8368. MYSTICON 3, August 3-5
WINDSOR GAMEFEST II, July 7 To be held at the Holiday Inn Tangle-
DESOLATION CON, June 16 This gaming convention is hosted by the wood in Roanoke, Va., this convention will
This convention will offer board and role- Windsor Role Players Association and will include an art show, role-playing games,
playing games, miniatures, costume con- be held at St. Clair College, 2000 Talbot video movies, and a masquerade. Guests of
tests, an art show, and a movie room. For Rd., Windsor, Ontario, Canada. For more honor will be Karl Wagner, Somtow
more information, send a self-addressed, information, send a self-addressed, stamped Sucharitkul, Paul Dellinger, and Rudy
stamped envelope to Desolation Con, P.O. envelope to: Windsor Role Players Assoc., Rucker. Registration fees are $15 at the
Box 297, Richland WA 99352. c/o Eric Johnson, R R #1, Hwy #3, Oldcas- door; tickets for the luncheon buffet banquet
tle, Ontario, Canada NOR 1L0. are $12 each. For more details about the con-
MICHICON GAMEFEST 84, June 16-17 vention, contact: Mysticon 3, P.O. Box
The Metro Detroit Gamers are sponsoring OCTACON I, July 13-15 1367, Salem VA 24153.
this event to be staged at the Southfield The Staff of Giza will be coordinating this
Pavilion in the Southfield Civic Center, convention; all proceeds will be donated to OMACON 4, August 3-5
located just north of Detroit. Exhibitors, the Augustana Speech and Hearing Center. Sponsored by the Omaha Beach Gaming
seminar speakers, tournament masters, and Donations at the door will be $5 (which in- Club, this convention will be staged at the
advertisers are all welcome to participate. cludes one free game). For further informa- Holiday Inn Old Mill, 108th and Old
Activities included are board games, role- tion about this event, contact: Staff of Giza, Mill Road in Omaha, Neb. Science-fiction
playing tournaments, miniatures events, P.O. Box 772, Rock Island IL 61204, or call Guests of honor include Poul Anderson,
and seminars. For additional information, (309) 788-8450. Karen Anderson, and Melinda Murdock;
contact: Michicon Gamefest 84, Metro Dan Charleston will be toastmaster.
Detroit Gamers, P.O. Box 656, Wyandotte BANGOR AREA WARGAMERS Featured events are a NASA display, a buf-
MI 48192. CONVENTION, July 21-22 fet banquet, fantasy role-playing games,
This eighth annual convention will be board games, miniatures, a dealers room,
POLYCON 84, June 22-24 staged at the Orono Recreation Center in an art show, and panel discussions and
This convention will be held at the Cal Orono, Maine. Arrangements have been demonstrations. Registration are $13 until
Poly Campus in San Luis Obispo, Cal. It made for participants to stay over the night August 1, and $15 at the door. Banquest
will feature events to satisfy every wargamer of July 21 in the Recreation Hall, so anyone tickets cost $10 in advance. For additional
and fantasy role-player, including planning to attend should bring proper details concerning this event, contact:
Kingmaker, Ace of Aces, Cosmic En- sleeping gear. Registration for the weekend Omacon 4, 2518 So. 167th St., Omaha NE
counters, and AD&D tournaments. is $5 at the door; no preregistration is 68130.
Dealer booths and positions for game available. For more details, send a self-
masters are also available. For more infor- addressed, stamped envelope to: Edward F. TIMECON 84, Aug. 3-5
mation, contact: SAGA, Box 168, Julian A. Stevens, Jr., 32 Masonic Street, Rockland This convention will be held at the San
McPhee, University Union, Cal Poly State ME 04841, or telephone (207) 596-0338. Jose Convention Center in San Jose, Cal.,
University, San Luis Obispo CA 93410. Events include board games, video games,
SUMMERCON 84, July 27-29 science-fiction and fantasy role-playing
SEAGA 84, June 22-24 To be staged at the MIT Student Center, adventures, Doctor Who games, an art
This gaming convention will take place at Cambridge, Mass., this convention will show, a costume contest, and a dance. John
the Holiday Inn located on Delk Road in feature FRP games, board games, and Pertwee, James P. Hogan, Eric L. Hoffman,
Marietta, Ga. (a suburb of Atlanta). miniatures. Door and event prizes will be and Dave Smeds will be among the guests of
Featured are FRP, miniatures, and other awarded. For information, contact: Sum- honor. For further information, contact:
gaming tournaments. A video room and merCon 84, 122 Bowdoin St., Apt. 77, Timecon 84, 1025 Jefferson St., Santa
demonstrations by medieval and Civil War Boston MA 02108. Clara CA 95051.

86 JUNE 1984
ARCANACON II, Aug. 23-26 WINGAMES V, Oct. 5-7 Stellation III, P.O. Box 4857, Hunts-
To be staged at the University High This convention centers around a large ville AL 35815.
School in Parkville, Melbourne, Australia, AD&D tournament, with prizes and
this convention will include board games trophies for most events. Admission is free at CRUSADER CON IV, Oct. 19-21
and role-playing games and tournaments. the door, though a small charge (50 to $3) This event will be held at the Metropolitan
For further information, contact: Ar- exists per event entered. For details, contact: State College campus in Denver, Colo.
canacon, C/- 105 Cardigan Street, Carlton University of Manitoba Gaming Club, Box Events will include Diplomacy,
3053, Australia. 80, University Center, University of Kingmaker, AD&D, Traveller, Squad
Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Leader, Car Wars, and Star Fleet Bat-
EARTHCON IV, Sept. 7-9 R3T 2N2. tles tournaments. Registration is $8 until 1
This convention will be held at the October, and $10 thereafter. For more
Holiday Inn in Cleveland, Ohio. Events will LIN-CON VI, Oct. 12-14 details, contact: The Auraria Gamers Club,
include workshops, panels on game design To be held at the Gateway Auditorium at P.O. Box 13395, Denver CO 80201-3395.
and scenario writing, tournaments, board 66th and O Streets in Lincoln, Neb., this
games, role-playing games, a masquerade, convention will feature board games, ICON IX, Oct. 26-28
"filksinging, an art show, a Star Trek miniatures events, and role-playing tour- This annual science-fiction convention
festival, and much, much more. Poul Ander- naments. For additional details, contact: will be staged at the Abbey Inn in Iowa City,
son, Steve Jackson, Rebecca M. Meluch, Merl Hayes, c/o Hobby Town, 134 North Iowa. Guests of Honor will be Dean Ing and
Margaret Middleton, and Tom Moldvay 13th St., Lincoln NE 68508, or call Wilson Tucker. Registration fees are $10
will be among the guests of honor. For more (402) 476-3829. until Qctober 1, and $15 thereafter. Art
information about this convention, write to show and huckster inquiries are welcome.
Earthcon IV, P.O. Box 5641, Cleveland OH CONSTELLATION III, Oct. 19-21 For further information about the conven-
44101. This convention will be staged at the tion, contact: Icon IX, P.O. Box 525, Iowa
Sheraton Inn located in Huntsville, Ala. City IA 52244-0525.
TENTH ANNUAL COUNCIL master of ceremonies will be Frank Kelly
OF NATIONS, Oct. 5-8 Freas, and guests of honor will include Gor- R-CON 1, Nov. 2-4
This special anniversary convention will don R. Dickson, Mark Maxwell, Maurine This gaming convention will be held at the
include open fantasy role-playing gaming, Dorris, and Tim Bolger. Featured events are Genesee Plaza Holiday Inn in Rochester,
mini-battles, a mini-painting contest, game readings, panels, autograph sessions, a mas- NY. Guests include David Gerrold and For-
instruction, a costume contest, an auction, querade, hearts and gaming tournaments, rest J. Ackerman. Featured will be role-
and numerous tournaments. For further in- an art show, and an auction. Registration playing and board games, panels, films, an
formation, send a self-addressed, stamped fees for the convention are $13 until art show, and a masquerade. Registration
envelope to I. M. Lord, SWA 10th Council, September 15, and $16 at the door. For ad- fees are $10 until September 1, and $12 at
1639 Eastern Parkway, Schenectady NY ditional information about this event, send a the door. Contact: R-Con 1, P.O. Box 1701,
12309. self-addressed, stamped envelope to Con- Rochester NY 14603.

ORIGINS 84: A Texas-sized show
Maybe, as Texans tell us, everything just represented a total of more than 175 tures painting contests with dozens of differ-
naturally grows bigger in the Lone Star booths with new and existing products ent categories; a trivia contest; a unique
State. But whether thats always true or not, for sale. All seminars and demonstrations Champion of Champions tournament;
the ORIGINS 84 Gaming Convention just will take place at the Market Center, as will and lots more activities.
happens to be in Texas and its shaping the Awards Ceremony where the winners of Considering the number of special guests
up as the biggest ORIGINS convention yet. the Charles Roberts Awards and the H. G. scheduled to appear, the odds are pretty
The Dallas Market Center and two auxil- Wells Awards for 1984 will be spotlighted. good that youll be able to rub elbows with
iary sites will be filled with the sights and Therell be plenty of room available for at least one of them. The list includes
sounds of gaming from June 21-24, when open gaming around the clock, and a video Richard Pini, author of the Elfquest saga;
the ORIGINS convention will be staged for room on the premises. The Market Center C. J. Cherryh, noted fantasy and science-
the tenth consecutive year. The anniversary will be the site of all single miniatures fiction author; Robert Asprin, author of the
show has everything you could expect to events. Thieves World series; Fred Saberhagen,
find at a big gaming gathering, and a few The rest of the conventions competitions author of the Berserker series; Richard
things you might not expect. will be fought out at two nearby hotels. The Berg, well-known game designer; Chris
The sponsors of the show, the Dallas-Fort Holiday Inn-Brookhollow will house all Crawford, designer of East Front and other
Worth Gamesters and the Game Manufac- role-playing events, and the Regent Hotel Atari games; Dave Arneson, co-author of
turers Association, have put together an will provide the battlegrounds for all the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game;
agenda that includes more than 250 events boardgames and miniatures tournaments. Marc Miller, creator of the TRAVELLER
(tournaments and other sorts of competi- Both of the hotels are only a five-minute game; Jennifer Roberson, author of Shape-
tions) covering all aspects of gaming, and ride from the Market Center, and a free changer; and just about everybody whos
more than 200 admission-free demonstra- shuttle bus service between the Market anybody in the gaming industry.
tions, seminars, and displays. Center and each remote site will operate At-the-door admission prices are $20 for
Its possible to not enter a single tourna- continuously during the conventions offi- the weekend or $8 for a one-day pass. Ac-
ment and still find yourself with enough to cial hours (2 p.m. to 1 a.m. Thursday, 8 cording to the sponsors, plenty of free park-
fill up four days worth of convention- a.m. to 1 a.m. Friday and Saturday, 8 a.m. ing is available at each of the three sites, so
going. The Dallas Market Center will be to 6 p.m. Sunday). anyone who decides to come at the last
the site of the largest Exhibit Hall in the The list of special events and significant minute need not worry about getting turned
history of the convention, where every happenings is too long to present in detail. away for lack of a place to put the car. After
major adventure gaming company will be There will be auctions, of course; minia- all, this is Texas. . . .

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