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Institute Of Engineering Studies (IES,Bangalore)

Control systems Old IES questions from Electronics & Telecom Department
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1. Determine the value of k so that all the roots of the following polynomial are to the left of the line
F(s) = +k
2. Sketch the constant M loci in the G plane for a unity feeback system and derive the equations
for the loci.
3. Find the output in the following block diagram having three input : R, and .


4. Enumerate the advantages of state space modeling. Derive relations to find the poles and zeros of
a system from the state space model. Determine the poles and zeros of the following system:
C=[ ] X + [1] r
5. Obtain the transfer function for the multi-loop control system shown.

R(S) C(S)

6. A unity feedback control system has a forward transfer function. Find the resonance peak
and the corresponding frequency for the closed loop frequency response. Derive the formal you
7. The pen loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is
G(s) =
Construct the root-locus diagram of the system and comment on the stability of the system.
8. For a proportional plus derivation (PD) controller plot the controller output and error vs time.
Specify the equation for the controller.
Calculate the controller output for the above controller at (i) t = 0 and (ii) t = 2 sec, if the error
begins to change from zero at the rate of 1.2% /s. The controller has a set point of 50%;
and = 0.4%s/%

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Institute Of Engineering Studies (IES,Bangalore)
Control systems Old IES questions from Electronics & Telecom Department
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Fixed structure

(t) Force F(t)

A dynamic vibration absorber is shown in the above figure. The system is seen in many
situations involving machines containing several unbalanced components. The parameters and
may be chosen such that the main Mass does not vibrate when F(t) = a sin t.
10. Obtain the differential equation describing the system.
11. Draw the analogous electric circuit based on Force current analogy.
12. What is the condition for Mass not vibrating at frequency .

A balanced bridge network is shown in the above figure.

14. Choose a set of state variables and write the state equations representing the network in the form
X = AX + BU.
15. Draw the state model flow graph of the above system.
16. State the advantages of state space analysis over the conventional differential equation methods of
solving system behavior.
17. The frequency response of a transfer function T(j ) is given below. Determine
(i) The transfer function
(ii) The step response assuming no initial energy storage.
dB T (j )



0.01 0.1 0.1 10 100 1000
18. Explain gain margin and phase margin from Nyquist diagram.
19. A closed loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is

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Institute Of Engineering Studies (IES,Bangalore)
Control systems Old IES questions from Electronics & Telecom Department
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Determine the response of the system when the excitation applied to the input terminal is
2t+ 3t22
20. For the system shown below, determine the characteristic equation. Hence, find the following
when the excitation is a unit step :
(i) Undamped natural frequency (iv) Maximum overshoot
(ii) Damped frequency of oscillation (v) Settling time
(iii) Damping ratio and damping factor
(vi) Number of cycles completed before the output is settled within 2%, 5% of its final value
(vii) Time interval after which maximum and minimum will occur.
R(s) C(s)



= Fixed Structure
x = Displacement No Friction

For the mechanical system of figure shown above :

(i) Obtain the differential equations of the mechanical system.
(ii) Sketch the mechanical equivalent representation.
(iii) Draw the electrical analogous circuit based on force current analogy.
22. (i) Write the transfer function of a PID controller and state the effect of integral control on the
performance of the system.
(ii) A closed loop system has G(s) = and H(s) = 1/s. Draw the Nyquist path for analyzing the
stability of the system.
23. A second order control system with proportional derivative controller is shown in Fig. 23. Derive
expressions for its (i) steady state error to velocity input (ii) natural frequency of oscillation (iii)
damping ratio in terms of the system parameters.

PD Controller
Fig. 23
24. By analytical method calculate the gain margin in dB of the unity feedback control system with
transfer function.
G(s) =

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Institute Of Engineering Studies (IES,Bangalore)
Control systems Old IES questions from Electronics & Telecom Department

25. For the mechanical system shown in Fig. 1 write has differential equation representing thy
system. Draw an integrator based electronic circuit to simulate this mechanical system to study
the variations of x for different values of the parameters.


Fig. 1 f x
Symbols used have their usual meaning
26. A control system is represented by the block diagram of Fig. 29. Find its characteristic equation
using block diagram reduction technique.
27. Calculate its damping factor and undamped natural frequency for = 10.
28. What should be the value of for critical damping?
29. For = 10, find the expression of C(t) and obtain the time at which the first overshoot occurs.
Also find the peak-overshoot magnitude.
R(s) C(s)

0.25 s

Fig. 29
R(s) C(s)

Determine the value of k and velocity feedback constant so that the maximum overshoot in the
unit step response is 0.2 and the peak time is 1 sec. With these values of k and , obtain the rise
time and settling time.
31. Consider a closed loop system whose loop transfer function is
G(s) H(s) =
Determine the maximum value of the gain k for stability as a function of dead time T.
32. Write the force equation of the mechanical system shown below. Draw the state diagram

M f(t)

B x(t)
33. Consider a control system with characteristic equation
s(s + 4) ( + 2s + 2) + K(s + 1) = 0
Draw the complete root loci labeling important values. Also find the angles of asymptotes and
the intercept of asymptotes.
34. Consider a third order system with characteristic equation + 3408.3 1.204 s + 1.5
K = 0.

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Institute Of Engineering Studies (IES,Bangalore)
Control systems Old IES questions from Electronics & Telecom Department

Find the critical value of K for stability using Routh-Hurwitz criterion. Also find the undamped
frequency corresponding to the zero input response and the critical value of K.
35. For a single loop feedback control system
G(s) = and H(s) =
Evaluate the steady state errors for three basic types of inputs.
36. The following experimental results were obtained from an open-loop frequency test for an
automatic control system :
rad/sec 4 5 6 8 10
Gain 0.66 0.48 0.36 0.23 0.15
Phase angle 134 143 152 167 180
Plot the locus of the loop transfer function and measure the gain and phase margin.
37. A three term controller is described by the equation

Where e(t) = system error

= controller output
= reset time
= derivative time
This is used to control a process with transfer function
G(s) =
Unity feedback is used.
(i) If integral action is not employed, find the derivative time required to make the closed-loop
damping ratio unity.
(ii) If this value of derivative time is maintained, determine the minimum value of reset time that
can be used without instability arising.
38. Consider the following control system

r c
+ K

(i) Sketch the root locus diagram for 0 < K < .

(ii) Determine the value of K that gives the system characteristic equation a damping ratio of 0.5.
39. A phase lead compensator has a transfer function
G(s) =
Determine the maximum value of the phase lead and the frequency at which it occurs. Sketch
the Bode diagram for this network.
40. Construct a signal flow graph for the following equations and evaluate / :

41. The characteristic equation of a closed loop control system is =0

Find the range of K for which the system is stable. Show all steps clearly.
42. Consider a mechanical system as shown. Write the force equations and draw a fully labeled state

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Institute Of Engineering Studies (IES,Bangalore)
Control systems Old IES questions from Electronics & Telecom Department

(t) (t)

M f(t)
43. State and explain the terms gain margin and phase margin. With neat sketches, explain how
you can obtain gain margin and phase margin from Nyquist diagram and Bode plot.
44. Find the value of gain k for the feedback control system shown in fig. 44, such that the system
will be underdamped and will respond with 16% overshoot.
R(s) G(s) =
+ C(s)

Fig. 44
Then calculate the following parameters of the system :
(i) Undamped natural frequency,
(ii) Damping ratio,
(iii) Time required to reach the first maximum or peak ,
(iv) Time required for the transient to reach within 2% of the steady-state value, i.e., settling time,

(v) Damped natural frequency, .

45. Using the root-locus technique, discuss the stability of unity feedback first-order and second-order
control systems of gain k.
46. Draw the asymptotic Bode diagram for
G(s) =
and determine the value of G (j 1000).
47. A unity feedback system has a forward loop transfer function :
(i) The range of k for closed-loop system stability ,
(ii) The frequency of oscillations when the system is marginally stable.
48. A system is represented by the signal flow graph as shown in the figure. The variable T is the
torque and E is the error. Determine
(i) the overall transfer function, if = 5, = 1 and = 5.
(ii) The sensitivity of the system to changes in for = 0.

E T T 1
1 5

49. A closed-loop system is represented by

= 144e
Where, e = r 0.5c is the actuating signal. Find the value of the damping ratio, damped and
undamped frequency of oscillations. Draw the block diagram of the system.
50. A system employing a proportional and an error rate control is shown in the figure. Determine
(i) the error rate factor , so that the damping ratio is 0.5;
(ii) the settling time, maximum overshoot and steady state error for unit ramp input.

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Institute Of Engineering Studies (IES,Bangalore)
Control systems Old IES questions from Electronics & Telecom Department

51. (i) For the system shown in the figure, obtain the values of k and a, to satisfy, = 1.04 and
11.55 rad/sec.

(ii) A unity feedback system has an open-loop transfer function

G(s) =
Determine the steady-state error for r(t) = 3 + 10t.
52. Determine the open loop transfer function, G(s) H(s) of a feedback control system whose Bode-
Plots magnitude characteristic is shown in the Figure.
0 dbs/dec
20 dbs/dec
40 dbs/dec

20 dbs/dec
G(j ) H (j )
0.5 1.0 5.0 (rad/s)
53. If a unity feedback system having G(s) = is critically stable and oscillates with a
frequency of 2.5 rad/sec, calculate the corresponding values of K and p.
54. For the block diagram of a unity feedback control system, define :
(i) the steady error for K = 400 and unit ramp input.
(ii) the value of K for which the steady state error for unit input will be 0.02

R(s) C(s)

55. For the tachometer feedback control system shown in the figure. Determine the value of to
make the systems damping ratio equal to 0.8. Calculate the corresponding peak time, peak
overshoot, damped frequency and settling time taking 2% of the steady state valued.

R(s) C(s)

56. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is G(s) = , where K and T are
positive constants. How may times the gain of the system, should be increased the peak
overshoot from 40% to 60%?
57. State and explain minimum phase and non minimum phase transfer functions with examples.
58. Obtain the overall transfer function of an armature controlled d.c. shunt motor. Explain the
difference between armature controlled and field controlled d.c. motor.
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Institute Of Engineering Studies (IES,Bangalore)
Control systems Old IES questions from Electronics & Telecom Department

59. Explain the difficulties involved in the application of Routh-Hurwitz criterion and also bring out
limitations. Find the stability of the control system whose characteristic equation is given by :
= 0.
60. Explain the effect of additional poles and zeros of G(s) H(s) on the shape of the Nyquist plot.
Sketch the Nyquist diagram and determine stability of the transfer function :
(i) G(s) H(s) =
(ii) G(s) H(s) =
61. Obtain the overall transfer function C/R from the signal flow graph Fig. 61(c).


Fig. 61

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