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Constitution of the Progressive European Party

1. Name
2. Objectives
3. Membership
4. Organisation
5. Annual General Meeting
6. Party Branches
7. Operative Date


1. The party will be know as Progressive European Party, also known as

the Progressive party herein referred to as the party.


2.1. The aims of the party are to bring about by democratic means an
inclusive and balanced liberal society for all United Kingdom residents
regardless of their nationality race or sexuality and will work towards the
elimination of all forms of discrimination.

2.2. The party recognises having a safe place to live, a basic income and
free health care as a right for all citizens.

2.3. The party will promote Progressive politics at a local national and
international level.

2.4. The party supports the creation of a Federal European state.


3.1. Membership of the party is open to everyone from the age of 16 years
old and above regardless of disability, race, sex, sexual orientation, creed
or religion. Dual membership of the party and another political party is

3.2. All party members, especially officers of the party should conduct
themselves in an appropriate way in public and on social media. Members
that are considered to be not doing so may have their membership
suspended or revoked by the Executive.


4.1. The responsibility of running the party will rest with the National
Executive Committee (NEC). The Committee will carry out the business of
the party, including managing money raised. It will include Party leader,
Deputy leader, Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.

4.2. More than one role can be taken by one member of the NEC with the
exception of Leader and Deputy leader which by definition are separate
roles. The NEC should have a minimum of three and a maximum of ten

4.3. Party members from outside the NEC can be appointed by the Chair to
roles such as campaign manager or fundraiser. The NEC may also set up
policy groups and additional small groups to organise particular events and
activities. These additional appointees will report to the NEC but will have
no voting rights on the committee.

4.4. The NEC may invite (non-voting) experts and observers from outside
the party to attend its meetings at its discretion.

4.5. The NEC is responsible for writing a new manifesto, or for the
modifying of an existing one, whenever it deems this necessary. The
manifesto must always follow the party tenets of the Free-Test
methodology of is it: Fair? Responsible? Economical? Efficient?

4.6. The NEC meets as and when a majority of its members consider it
necessary, it must meet at least once per calendar year and the minutes of
the meetings shall be made available to all members.

4.7. NEC decisions are made by a simple majority vote. The Chair has a
casting vote if a vote is tied. The quorum for the NEC is three.

4.8. The NEC will be elected once a year by a national ballot of members at
least two weeks before the Annual General Meeting. Every paid-up
member of the party with at least twelve months continuous membership
and all lifetime members are entitled to stand for election as members of
the NEC.

4.9. The NEC will be elected by two ballots. The first ballot for the position
of party Leader is held then a separate second ballot held to elect the
remaining nine places. Once elected the NEC will decide who takes the
positions of Deputy leader, Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. The results of
the election and the positions help to be announced at the Annual General

4.10. If the post of Chairperson, Secretary, Party leader, Deputy leader or

Treasurer becomes vacant during the course of the year the committee can
appoint an unelected party member to serve in the vacant position until the
next Annual General Meeting.

4.11. Party spokespersons will be appointed by the party leader and will be
accountable to the NEC and any relevant policy group. Spokespersons
may also have any other role within the party.
Annual General Meeting

5.1. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is open to every paid-up member
of the party and to all lifetime members.

5.2. Places at the AGM shall be allocated on a first come, first served
basis, to those members who apply.

5.3. At the AGM the outgoing NEC will report on its work, present the
accounts and invite feedback from members. NEC members will then stand
down and the newly elected NEC members will take their place.

5.4. The partys constitution may only be altered at an AGM and by at least
a two-thirds majority of those members in attendance voting in favour of
doing so. The National Secretary must be provided with suggested
changes and they must be publicised to all members at least 14 days
before the AGM.

Party Branches

6.1. Local branches of the party may be established by a minimum of three

members. Once formed the contact details of the local branch should be
provided to the National Secretary.

6.2. If a local branch intends to raise funds it must appoint a Chairperson a

Secretary and a Treasurer and keep the minutes of its meetings. The
Treasurer of the local branch must maintain proper financial records and
submit a written report to the National Treasurer as and when required. The
Local Treasurer must also present annual accounts to their branch AGM
and lodge a copy with the National Treasurer.

6.3. The main functions of a local branch should be the selection of
candidates and campaigning on behalf of candidates in local and national
elections and the raising of funds for the national party.

6.4. In a constituency where no local party has been formed the NEC will
be responsible for the appointing and the fielding of candidates.

6.5. Only the National party will operate bank and other financial accounts
in the party name. Local branches if operating a bank account should use
their Constituency name.

Operative Date

7. This constitution comes into force on 1 September 2017. Any

interpretation of this constitution given by the NEC shall be final and
binding on the party membership.

2017 Progressive European Party All rights reserved

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