Metron (March 2011)

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A Measure of your heart beats



Indias manufacturing in- try in India requires well- trajectory. Instrumentation is
dustry, which is spurring the trained instrumentation engi- a well-established technology,
Our prestigious groups in VJEC
countrys GDP (gross domes- neers having knowledge of both in the manufacturing
tic product) growth, is under- computers and instrumenta- sector and infrastructure. He
going a major transformation. tion, opines Prof. Rekha feels that Indias hope of
This sector is scaling up and Agarwal, head of Department emerging as an economic
beginning to seek global com- of Instrumentation and Con- superpower depends a lot on
petitiveness through a wider trol Engineering, Amity how we groom our engineers
application of instruments. School of Engineering and to leverage this technology.
This trend is contributing to Technology.
the robust growth of the in- An instrumentation engi-
strumentation and control Instrumentation engineer- neer can find a wide range of
market. According to a sur- ing is one of the complicated career opportunities in all
vey conducted by FICCI on but sophisticated branches of sectors of industries ranging
Emerging Skill Shortage in engineering discipline that from automotive to health-
the Indian Industry, few sec- may be studied as a separate care. The pass out are ab-
tors have been highlighted branch or along with elec- sorbed in power plants, fertil-
with shortage of manpower. tronics engineering. The izers and chemicals industry,
Out of which, many cater to study mainly focuses on the petrochemicals industry,
GO GREEN. the need for instrumentation design, configuration and pharmaceutical industry, ce-
engineers alone. The shortage automated systems. ment factories, healthcare
of instrumentation engineers services, consulting services,
According to Rohit Sinha,
is more due to less number of navigational and aerospace
headhuman resources, L&T
colleges offering B. Tech de- organizations, food process-
Engineering, E&C Division,
gree in instrumentation and ing industry and weather sta-
The Indian automation mar-
control in India. tions to name a few.
ket has acquired the critical
Apart from this, automa- momentum to propel the in- Report from Electronics
tion of the small-scale indus- strumentation and control For You, April 10
industry to a higher growth



Yokogawa India is a big idea in the area of automation March 2011. The interested
Manufactures for PLC & DCS. in industries. The workshop students from other depart-
Yokogawa started their train- was handled by, Mr. ments can also participate in
ing works for last 5 years. The Senthilkumar T, M. Tech this program by registering
department of AEI & i Zone, and Mr. Hemagiri C, M. their names to the AEI de-
the departmental Association Tech from Yokogawa Banga- partment.
organized a 5 days training lore section.
Workshop contains full
programme for the 8th se-
As the programme had hands on sessions and the
A view From the Yokogawas mester students from 25th to
become a big success the de- materials was provided to the
DCS/ PLC Training @ Virtual 29th of January 2011. As per
partment is planning to or- students by the company for
Instrumentation & Simulation the students feedback, train-
ganize the same training for their further references.
Lab (Newly named as CAD Lab) ing had given them a good
6th semester students in


Since the inception in with the divine hands of the tual Instrumentation Lab.
2005, the Department of management was the po- As a part of continuous as-
Applied Electronics & In- dium. sessment, we implemented
strumentation has brought a new methodology of
Survival of the fittest,
laurels to Vimal Jyothi Engi- Comprehensive Test that
was the motto that gave us
neering College. It is perti- helped our students to excel
the inspiration to win the
nent to point out that the in their academics.
battle of excellence. This
academic structure in com-
incredulous inspiration has But still the race to
pliance with the syllabus of
given birth to fully equipped perfection continues and we
Kannur University has
technical laboratories. Our are looking forward to
brought many Rank holders
laboratories include Process achieve our motto
into this Heavenly Garden.
Control & Instrumentation Perfection is our Tradi-
Well Equipped Laboratories are
The growth of AEI was Lab, Industrial Instrumen- tion.
one of the important feature of
spontaneous & steady till to tation Lab, Transducer Lab, the Department
Dept. of AEI
date. The co-operation of Advance Digital Lab, Ap-
students and faculty along plied Electronics Lab, Vir-

Department Celebrated
Need Soft Copy of In-
Engineers Day on 15th of strumentation Related
September 2010. Text Books !!!
>> A VHDL Primer: J. Bhaskar Instruments rule
As in the memory of Mr.
Visweswarayya, Famous Civil >> Instrumentation Hand Books for Engineers:- the world, but we
Engineer of India the depart- Vol1, 2, 3 By Liptak
ment celebrated the engi- rule instruments.
>> Study PLC/DCS
neers day. An invited talk on
Renewable energy was >> Basics of Electronics
presented by Prof. Kumara- - Instrumentation
>> Digital Signal Processors
vel, EEED, NIT Calicut as a Engineers
part of the celebration. Many >> Study of PLC & DCS, Yokogawa
newspapers including Mala-
>> Electronic Circuits, Digital Electronics, Proc-
yala Manorama reported the
ess Control Instrumentation, Instrumentation
same on 16th of September.
Laboratory Lab manuals.

Contact Department of AEI


Shone Jose of S6 AEI activities as a Link Hub
was honored with 2 awards Driver. His achievement
by IEEE Kerala section. were formally recognized
For the notable ser- 2010 outstanding contri- at the inaugural function of
vices and contribution bution for the hub activi- IEEE Malabar subsection
ties award and the prestig- at NIT Calicut. The awards
towards the advance-
ious certificate of apprecia- were given in the prestig-
ment of IEEE and the tion was given for his ious Annual General Meet-
engineering profes- achievement in integrating ing of IEEE Kerala Section
sion engineering professionals conducted at Muscat Hotel
in Malabar region of Kerala Trivandrum on 16th Janu-
and also his successful ary of 2011.
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 1 Page 3


The department of in the 2 day workshop. The alumni venture of IIT Mum-
Applied Electronics & In- program was conducted in bai.
strumentation in association the Computer Center of our
All participants have
with Instrument Society of college.
shown interest to partici-
India Student Chapter con-
An all in one robotic pate a next level program of We are programming the Fu-
ducted a Technical National
Kit worth Rs 2400/- were the same. As the world is ture: Picture of New MP kit
Level Workshop in AVR
given to the team as for their going through an automated from Applied Electronics Lab
based Robots on September
future research and develop- century the department is
25th and 26th. A total of 80
ment. The experts from the more concentrated on these
students from different de- Time of Blessings
Technophilia handled the type of programs and thus
partments are participated
session. The company is an the development of the stu-

Inauguration of AEIs new Labs:

Advanced Digital Lab, Applied
Electronics Lab, Transducer

Comprehensive Test UNIVERSITY
ARTS PRIZES TO d e a l s w i t h
Toppers : S3 AEI
There will be plenty measurement of
of time to sleep when Prize List: various physical
1. Ms. Prabitha Balakrish-
you are dead. Life is nan Event: Group Song West- quantities like
for living, so wake up 2. Ms. Aswini V. temperature, pressure,
& perform. Ms. Donia Jose
3. Ms. Anagha P. V level, flow, speed,
Benjamin Franklin Mr. Sreelesh Sreeni- sound, light intensity
4. Ms. Daliya C Abraham vasan
and control of the
5. Ms. Chaithanya Chandran Mr. Ben Baby same in various
industries. An
Department of AEI again AGAIN 3 RANKS!!! instrumentation
bagged 3 ranks in Kannur Uni- engineer is invariably
versity in the year of 2010. required where there
Congratulations to the rank
is an engineering
holders. Medals & certificate of
honours were distributed on activity.
6th January 2011 at VJEC cam-
Prof. R.D. Kokate, head
of Department of
1st rank: Shafna MTP Instrumentation Engineering,
MGMs Jawaharlal Nehru
2nd rank: Joyal K Jose
Engineering College
3rd rank: Lexu Jose


The Robotic Team of had become a grand suc- ent competitions.
Applied Electronics & In- cess as per the feedback
Team Members: Jithin
strumentation department from the participants. A
M Alias, Shone Jose, Kiran
those who scored a 3rd total of 250 students par-
Hareesh, Sachin Francis,
prize in the robotic compe- ticipated in the session.
Fenil P Cyriac and Arun
tition conducted at NIT-C
The team has already Jacob.
in the year of 2010, has
proven their capabilities in
handled a two day work-
the different competitions
shop on Robotics at Co-


and workshops conducted
operative Institute of Tech-
inside and outside the

nology, Vadakara. The pro-
campus. The team was
gramme was conducted as
guided by Mr. Sunil Paul,
a part of their annual tech-
Sr. Lr., MED, VJEC and
nical fest, QUASSO
Mr. Jerry James, Lr.,
LIBEROM. The workshop
AEID, VJEC for the differ-


A simple method of former HOD of AEI for the drilling, and soldering
PCB designing and Its development of Students in processes.
manufacturing process was the areas related to Design-
introduced to the S4, S6 ing & development of new
students as a pre-project technical instruments.
training by the department
30 early registered
of AEI and its design club
students participated in
ISDC. The programme
the programme. The first
was handled by Mr. Rahul
session of the programme
Antony, HOD In charge
was conducted at the CAD
AEI and was co-ordinated
Lab and was about the
by Mr. Sreeraj P. V, Lr.,
designing and drawing of Watch Video Lectures
ISDC Staff In charge, Ms.
PCB using Express PCB. for all subjects from For More Details Please Contact
Sruthi P P, S6 AEI, ISDC
The second session con- Mr. Jerry James, Lr. AEI
Student In charge. The the masters of differ-
ducted at the Applied Elec-
design club formed in the ent IITs on:
tronics Laboratory in- Published By,
year of 2009 and was inau-
cluded the etching, cutting, Department of AEI
gurated by Mr. Sujith D. K
Ms. Amrutha T. P, Lr. AEI


Layout & Design:

Mr. Rahul Antony, Lr, HOD AEI

Staff Coordinator:

Mr. Sreeraj P.V


Mr. Shone Jose.

For more details contact: Mr. Justil Jose, S6 AeID
Page 5

FACTS ABOUT INDIA The value of "pi" was first calculated by the Indian
Mathematician Budhayana, and he explained the
The name `India is derived from the River Indus, the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean Theo-
valleys around which were the home of the early settlers. rem.
The Persian invaders converted it into Hindu. The name
`Hindustan combines Sindhu and Hindu and thus refers Algebra, trigonometry and calculus also originated
to the land of the Hindus. from India. Quadratic equations were used by Srid-
haracharya in the 11th century.
The number system was invented by India. Aryabhatta
was the scientist who invented the digit zero. Until 1896, India was the only source for diamonds
to the world.
Chess was invented in India.
The Baily Bridge is the highest bridge in the world.
Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus are studies which It is located in the Ladakh valley between the Dras
originated in India. and Suru rivers in the Himalayan mountains. It
The' place value system' and the 'decimal system' were was built by the Indian Army in August 1982.
developed in 100 BC in India. Sushruta is regarded as the father of surgery. Over
The World's First Granite Temple is the Brihadeswara 2600 years ago Sushrata & his team conducted
temple at Tanjavur in Tamil Nadu. complicated surgeries like cataract, artificial limbs,
cesareans, fractures, urinary stones and also plastic
India is the Largest democracy in the world .
surgery and brain surgeries.
The game of snakes & ladders was created by the 13th
Usage of anesthesia was well known in ancient In-
century poet saint Gyandev. It was originally called
dia medicine. Detailed knowledge of anatomy, em-
bryology, digestion, metabolism, physiology, etiol-
The world's highest cricket ground is in Chail, Himachal
Pradesh. Built in 1893 after leveling a hilltop, this cricket
pitch is 2444 meters above sea level. One Nation!!!

Different People!!!
India has the most post offices in the world !
One Technology!!!
The largest employer in the world is the Indian railway
system, employing over a million people !
The World's first university was established in Takshila
in 700 BC. More than 10,500 students from all over the
world studied more than 60 subjects.
Department of AEI is Planning to conduct a Poster Compe-
Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to tition on the Latest Technologies related to electronics, con-
mankind. trol & instrumentation. Those who are interested to submit
the digital copies/ for more details of the poster please con-
The art of Navigation & Navigating was born in the river tact Ms. Amrutha T P on or before March 24.
Sindh 6000 over years ago. The very word 'Navigation' is
Dept. of AEI
derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH. The word
navy is also derived from the Sanskrit word 'Nou'.
Bhaskaracharya rightly calculated the time taken by the
earth to orbit the sun hundreds of years before the as- Is cultural Events needed in a technical
tronomer Smart. His calculations was - Time taken by Institution???
earth to orbit the sun: ( 5th century ) 365.258756484 All the students may conduct Group Discussion
days. about this topic.
Failure is the condiment that gives success its fla-
Team Metron
Department Of Applied Electronics & As the Phoenix raised from its ashes METRON 2 is on its
Instrumentation way to eminence. On the 5th anniversary of our department,
Gallery View Block, we usher our Metron 2 as a souvenir to Vimal Jyothi...

Vimal Jyothi Engineering College Metron, sprouted from the vibrant brainiac of our
Chemperi Dept. on August 2010. As a first venture in VJEC the news
Kannur-670632 letter didnt get the permission to circulate because of some
financial matters. The aim of this news letter is to percolate
the news from the department to the student community.
E X P L O R E Y O U R I D E A S & The second volume of Metron concentrates more on the
I N N O V A T E N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S technetronic updates of the last 4 months.

Next Issue: July 2011

Go Green..! What is Green Engineering and economic benefits. Development and test of
and for what...? While Green is green products and technolo-
the prior focus, there are gies.
no fundamental differ- Science and technol-
We all know that, global climate changes,
ences between perform- ogy will play a fundamental
we are living in a fast increasing energy price
ing the green engineering and vital role in advancing
growing world and the and the actions from the
and any other type of en- global sustainability by en-
technology is also chang- Government lead the
gineering innovations. As gaging in next generation
ing day by day. Because of small or big companies,
we do in all cases we have design of fundamental prod-
the population growth around the world, to think
to find out the variables ucts, processes, and systems
and industrialization, we different and they were
concerned first. Then necessary for maintaining
have to depend more on compelled to find out
starts the fixing or design- and enhancing quality of life
modern technology to some plans for sustain-
ing of processes to while protecting the planet.
satisfy the increasing ability. In technical view,
achieve the goal desired. If the challenges of sustain-
needs. The main energy sustainability has been
While going ability are seems to be a great
sources which we depend defined as, meeting the
green, we have to look for problem for the industrial-
on for the last few decades needs of the current gen-
good graphical designing ized countries as well as the
were our non-renewable eration without impacting
platform, high resolution developing nations, a sys-
energy sources. Being the needs of future gen-
measurements and some tematic incorporation of new
they are non-renewable, erations to meet their
advanced control systems. technologies like Green Engi-
the excessive use will lead own needs. This leads
Because of the great neering in the next genera-
to an energy scarcity con- the engineers and the sci-
growth in semiconductor tion of products and proc-
dition. entists to face the largest
technology and the avail- esses, is the answer.
The industries or challenges made by the
ability and improvements So as a conclusion,
technologies which uses global climate changes
in the tools of high speed all the future Engineers or
the non-renewable energy and the government poli-
graphical designing plat- scientists please note this
sources, pollutes the envi- cies by creating some
forms made Green engi- line, It is better to prevent
ronment with poisonous newer techniques for pro-
neering more profitable. waste than to treat or clean
gases and affects the hu- duction without disturb-
The main appli- up waste after it is formed.
man health dangerously. ing the needs of future.
cations of green engineer- This is one of the basic and is
Thus to avoid all these The term Green Engineer-
ing include Renewable one of the main principles of
problems and to save our ing opens a great oppor-
power generation; Power Green engineering!
nature or environment tunity to those enthusi-
quality, Environmental - Mr. Sreeraj P. V, Lr
from pollution, we have to asts.
monitoring, Machine and
find out technologies Green Engineer-
process optimization and
which uses energy sources ing means designing a
other than non-renewable process or technology
energy sources, and is one
of the main challenges
which is feasible and eco-
nomical, while reducing
William Shakesphere
faced by our scientists or the environmental pollu-
engineers. But hopefully,
the changing environ-
mental conditions give the
tion and risks to human
health. In other words,
Green engineering is the
Three sentences for getting success:
solution, with a variety of use of measurement and
renewable energy sources control techniques to de- A. Know more than others.
and this opens wide op- sign, develop, and im-
B. Work more than others.
portunities for our scien- prove products, technolo-
tists. gies, and processes that
The continuous result in environmental C. Expect less than others.

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