Free Medical Help Setup

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Free medical help setup

A comparatitve analysis of ramusa and health for all

Stan brock founder and president of remote area medical in USA.

Their mission is to prevent pain and alleviate suffering by providing free, quality health
care to those in need.
Remote Area Medical (RAM) provides medical care through mobile clinic events in
underserved, isolated, or impoverished communities.
RAM work on four fundamental Principals Serve Humanity, Empower Communities,
Generate A Movement, Provide Free Quality Services.
RAM is funded through donations and relies on volunteers from the can
handel thousands of patients at a time.

Health for all

WHO representative to India Dr. Henk Bekedam suggested the idea of health for all
There mission is to bring quality health care to every Indian citizen.
Some Schemes under health for all involves free diagnostic facility offering free
medicines; others are government-funded health insurance schemes.
despite a decade-long work under government run several scheme a vast majority of
Indians remains out of the heath care-for-all umbrella.
High-level political commitment to invest in the health sector is essential for advancing
the universal health coverage agenda at both the Centre and the states.

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