Name Group 4

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Name Group 4 :

1. Komang Lestari Dewi (15)

2. Ngakan Nyoman Bagus Pranatha (17)
3. Ida Ayu Metha Maharani (18)
4. I Wayan Dodi Kusuma Atmaja (19)
5. I Made Gita rajunayasa (20)

1.Laboratory Area, Authorized Personnel Only.

Prohibited to enter the territory of a laboratory other than personal member .
2.No bring alcoholic beverages!.

Forbidden to bring liquor in the school environment.

3. Activities are being monitored by cameras CCTV.

Prohibited steal anything because you are monitored by CCTV cameras. hunting.

Hunting is prohibited in protected forests.

2.No bring alcoholic beverages!.

Forbidden to bring liquor in the school environment. berburu.
Berburu dilarang di hutan lindung.
2.No membawa minuman beralkohol !.
Dilarang untuk membawa minuman keras di lingkungan sekolah.

3. do not take the drugs without a prescription.

tidak mengonsumsi obat-obatan tanpa resep dokter.

prohibited from taking any medicine, because it will lead to an overdose or an infection in the body.

dilarang minum obat apapun, karena akan mengakibatkan overdosis atau infeksi di dalam tubuh.

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