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Bene Ha Elohim The Sons of God (or The Nephilim)

The phrase sons of God refers to disobedient angels (called divine beings in the Hebrew translation
above) who took on human form and entered into sexual union with human women. Their offspring
were the Nephilim, or fallen ones, of which we speak, huge and powerful beings who may have actually
taken over the pre-flood world.

According to tradition, in addition to being very large and strong, the Nephilim had enormous psychic
abilities. They performed out of body experiences, levitation, mind control, time travel, mind reading
and remote viewing. They had the power of pronouncing and removing curses and diseases, and had
ways of knowing and predicting the future. Having aligned themselves with Satan, the source of their
powers, they controlled and enslaved mankind and perverted Gods creation almost beyond

They were also extremely intelligent. They knew all about science, architecture, and engineering. Some
believe they combined these skills with their powers of levitation to build the Great Pyramid and other
great monuments around the pre-flood world. They sacrificed human beings all over the planet in
temples and pyramids they built in Central and South America, the Far East, the British Isles, Egypt and
other places. They drank our blood and slaughtered our babies, and were almost certainly tampering
with both human and animal gene pools to pervert the creation and make our redemption impossible.
They were the heroes of old, the mighty men of renown, memorialized in every mythology, and the
primary reason God had to destroy the world and all its inhabitants in the Great Flood.

The facts that the Bible describes Noah as being perfect in his generations, and that his was the only
family saved indicates that Noahs bloodline hadnt been contaminated by the genetic tinkering, and
that his was perhaps the only pure human strain left from which a Redeemer could come. (Gen. 6:9)
If so, it explains why the entire world population had to be destroyed, lest Noahs line eventually be
contaminated, too.

And Also Afterward

But Satan wasnt deterred that easily. By the time of Abraham there was a large population of Nephilim
in the world again, mostly located in the Middle East from as far south as the southern end of the Dead
Sea to Syria in the North. Since the original Nephilim had all perished in the Great Flood, Satan
apparently began a new breeding program situated specifically to prevent the Israelites from occupying
the Promised Land. Look at these references.

In Gen 14:5-6 a coalition of 5 kings from around the southeastern shores of the Dead Sea fought and
defeated three groups of warriors known as the Rephaites, the Zuzites, aka Zamzummites, and the
Emites . The Rephaites were descendants of Rapha, which means giant in Hebrew. The name Zuzite
means roving creatures, and Emite means terrible ones.

In Deut 1:26-28 & 2:10-11, we find references to the Anakites, (long necked giants) and Emites again,
both identified as descendants of Rapha, the giant.

In Deut. 3:11 reference is made to Og, the King of Bashan, a descendant of Rapha whose bed was 13
feet long and 8 feet wide.
In Numbers 13:33, the account of the 12 spies includes sightings of Nephilim, saying that the
descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim. Fear of the Nephilim is what made 10 of the 12 spies give
a bad report, persuading the Israelites not to go into the Promised Land. All this took place in the time of

In Joshua 14:15, at the end of the conquest of the land, Caleb is given Hebron, formerly known as Kiriath
Arba because it was founded by Arba, called the greatest of the Anakites.

And of course in 1 Samuel 17 & 2 Samuel 21:15-22 theres the defeat of Goliath and his four brothers,
all descendants of Rapha, in the time of King David.

A Parallel Story
In our attention to Israels conquest of the Promised Land, its easy to overlook the fact that God gave
the descendants of Esau and Lot (Moab and Ammon) land grants as well. Theirs were on the Eastern
side of the Jordan River Valley in todays Jordan. As it was with Israel, their goal was to rid the lands
theyd been given of the nephilim who dwelt there. In addition, He had the Capthorites (Philistines) wipe
out the branch called the Avites (perverters) in Gaza. (Deut. 2:2-23)

In this way God judged the Nephilim a second time, supernaturally empowering His people to defeat the
much stronger and more fearsome forces of Satan, and admonishing them to kill every man woman and
child so as to leave no remnant of these abominations alive to repopulate the world a third time. It took
until the time of King David for all this to be accomplished.

For the ensuing several thousand years the Nephilim have survived only in mythology, sometimes
known as demi-gods or Titans. Hercules is an example of a mythological character whose father was a
god and whose mother was human.

By the way, the word Titan comes from Shaitan, a Babylonian derivative of the Hebrew word Satan.

Excerpt from The Nephilim - A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

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