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5/6/2010 Became Sun Certified, now sharing tips…

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Certification » Architect Certification

Became Sun Certified, now sharing
tips and hints for an exam
Dmitri Ericsson
posted Monday, March 01, 2010 10:27:17
Ranch Hand
Hello ranchers,
Joined: Feb 16,
I am glad to tell that today I’ve become a member of a SCEA family. I would like
Messages: 96 to share my preparation experience, because when I was preparing your notes
helped me a lot. Here comes a long-long story

First part

I’ve started to prepare for the SCEA in the past autumn and I’ve used the
follow ing materials:
Mikalai Zaikin’s notes is my primary source for
peparation. I’ve read it multiple times, it is not complete however the topics it
contains are covered very well. I’ve read here that there is an updated version
of that notes here http://ww
Study-Guide I haven’t read it, but this may be useful too.…/Became-Sun-Certifie… 1/7
5/6/2010 Became Sun Certified, now sharing tips…

Concerning softw are patters topic I’ve read MZ guide’s corresponding chapter,
they are complete and just have just revise what’s in there. I haven’t used any
special books as some recommend. In the first part there is not even need to
know pattern’s exact implementations; you should know that pattern A is used
for this and pattern B is used for that. However, I’ve also used as a reference for GoF patterns and
their Java implementations.

For EJB3 I’ve read EJB3 in Action, chapters w hich describe its features and
architecture, the implementation is out of the exam.

For JSF I’ve read Mastering JavaServer Faces, the concept is the same as with
EJBs – pros, cons, architecture, comparison with JSP

For JAX-WS I’ve read SOA using Java Web Services, the same w ith previous, no
implementation, just the theory.

There is no UML in the first part; however there are legacy connectivity topics,
such as IIOP, Java IDL, JNI and so on. To get familiar with this topic I recommend
you to go through the IBM’s “Java certification success, Part 4: SCEA” from here
http://w This book is for the
previous exam, however it is very w ell structured, I enjoyed it. I’ve also read old
Mark Cade’s book, both are quite thin, only the things you need for an exam.

Exam contains a lot of scenario questions with some technologies provided. You
need to select an appropriate. The hint here is not alw ays choosing the most
powerful and modern ones, but read the question carefully and address the
requirements. For example if they say that they have complex queries and need
performance, then you better choose DAO over JPA and so on.

SC EA 5, SC JP 6 My SC EA Experience

Dmitri Ericsson
posted Monday, March 01, 2010 10:28:01
Ranch Hand
Second part
Joined: Feb 16,
Messages: 96 After purchasing I’ve got an email from Sun w ith the credentials to the
Assignment Database http://w From
there I’ve download an assignment, it was about construction company;) It was
a typical one with 4 use cases and 2 external systems to integrate.
The most valuable material for me was Chapter 9 from the new book of
Humphrey Sheil, it’s freely available for dow nload from here
for.html. And I’ve learned UML a lot in the university, so the diagrams
themselves were quite easy for me. I’ve used a free StarUML for UML diagrams
and the w hole assignment is one html page with anchor links.

Another resource for the second part is a presentation of Humphrey Sheil, it is

available from here: http://w
SCEA-Presentation.…/Became-Sun-Certifie… 2/7
5/6/2010 Became Sun Certified, now sharing tips…
I hope that you’re familiar with the requirements; I’ve just highlight some
aspects of my implementation. I’ve chosen a typical set of technologies –
JSF/EJB3/JPA. I think it’s better to use them unless you have some special
requirements in your assignment. You can then alw ays say that I’ve chosen this
because it Sun’s leading technology and it can do this, this and more. Not one
size fits all, but if possible then choose them.

I’ve stated the document with background info, then I’ve put assumptions in
order that assessor is familiar w ith them when checking later parts. Assumptions
contained almost everything w here multiple meaning is possible.

My class diagram contained about 20-25 classes, at first I had 30-35, but later
I’ve optimized it. I didn’t show JSF Managed Beans there, however I’ve shown a
controller and JSF pages (like in the book is done). This solution can be
discussed but I’ve alw ays follow ed that sample from the book. Why not to do
like an author of an exam and assessor suggests? I’ve show n methods and
major attributes, patterns and EJB types were show as stereotypes. I didn’t
show design pattern implementations if it requires multiple calluses and/or
interfaces. I’ve just written – this is done according to this pattern. It should be

This chapter also contained some paragraphs about logging, framework,

exception handling and about security. I’ve used Java EE Security for this
Component diagram w as pretty simple and similar to the chapter 9’s. In this
chapter I’ve also described technologies used in every layer and why I’ve
chosen them. This helped me a lot when I’ve done the third part.

Deployment diagram was also close to chapter 9’s but w ith some additions. As it
is expected I’ve presented hardw are configurations and explained e.g. why I
need such RAID here and another there and why here is to be more memory
than there. I’ve also described test environment and client computer
requirements, such as brow ser capabilities.
Sequence diagrams contained JSF pages, Managed Beans and so on, with
methods from the class diagram used. It’s quite a large part (4 diagrams) and it
makes only 16 points.
In the risk part I’ve described quite obvious risks, w ith obvious solutions to
them. Only one of them was my-system dependent. They were technical risks; I
didn’t describe not meeting some of non-functional requirements. If you need to
read about the risk management, here is a good document:

And here comes the funniest part. I w as quite lazy to finish my second part,
almost 90% were done, but in order to motivate myself I’ve scheduled my third
part to the end of the w eek and decided that I’ve complete and assignment
during the week and upload it Thursday evening. But at the time I w anted to
upload the system said that… I do not have an upload rights. And I should
request them by mail. What on earth upload rights when I’ve paid my money
and already dow nloaded the assignment? Don’t they think that I want to upload
it after I’ve dow nloaded? Why this is a special favor for me?
I had no other variant rather than send an email to the mentioned address and…/Became-Sun-Certifie… 3/7
5/6/2010 Became Sun Certified, now sharing tips…
request those rights. I’ve also sent them a checksum of a jar file, to guarantee
that I haven’t changed anything. The third part w as the next day and I thought
they w on’t be so quick to send them before the third part.

The lesson learned it that you should follow the rules and it is better to request
upload rights right after you’ve got dow nload rights. But it’s silly!

SC EA 5, SC JP 6 My SC EA Experience

Dmitri Ericsson
posted Monday, March 01, 2010 10:28:23
Ranch Hand
Third part
Joined: Feb 16,
Messages: 96 In the testing center there were no problems to take third part before the
second one. The exam itself is quite simple; you have 8 questions about your
architecture. They primarily address the technologies used for different tiers and
the reasons for choosing them, the meeting of the NFRs and some scenario
based questions, e.g. how will you system function If a bomb is throw n onto
data center? It took me an hour to finish it.

I’ve received a letter with upload rights 3 days after I took the third part. What
is extremely positive that it took only 5 days to check my assignment and mark it
passed. Oracle optimizes Sun’s processes very well.

Once more thanks for your help and if you have any questions please feel free
to ask them.

SC EA 5, SC JP 6 My SC EA Experience

deepak adlakha
posted Monday, March 01, 2010 10:36:42
Ranch Hand
Joined: Jul 27,
Messages: 217 And thanks for sharing your experience and i am sure it will help many readers.


posted Monday, March 01, 2010 15:37:38
Greenhorn Congrats.

Joined: Feb 21,

Thanks for sharing your experience.
Messages: 17

sivan jai posted Monday, March 01, 2010 15:38:59

Ranch Hand
congrats! - good to know your exam w as scored in 5 days. Funny I thought the
Joined: Feb 24, process is slower now - but ofcourse you have more experience in this. May be
your assignment downloading experience w as worse than mine? Now, I hear it
Messages: 82
may take 10 business days for them to setup the download, even though it says
2 business days in their email. (waiting for another 6 days now )…/Became-Sun-Certifie… 4/7
5/6/2010 Became Sun Certified, now sharing tips…

Dmitri Ericsson
posted Monday, March 01, 2010 15:49:02
Ranch Hand
Perhaps I w as lucky, I've got download access w ithin 1 day (I've purchased on
Joined: Feb 16,
Friday and on Monday I've got a letter). One thing here is that local Sun office is
Messages: 96 involved here. It seems like it w orks this w ay: you order it through the w ebsite,
it sends mail to the local office, they forward it to the head office and then head
office sends it to you.

SC EA 5, SC JP 6 My SC EA Experience

posted Tuesday, March 02, 2010 00:56:12
venkata naga
yelugula Congratulations
Ranch Hand
Joined: Aug 13,
2008 Prathap
Messages: 228

Pawel Piwowar posted Tuesday, March 02, 2010 04:41:19

Congratulations and thanks for sharing your experiences.
Joined: Feb 12, Also thanks for the link to Humphrey Sheil blog w ith Chapter 9 of JEE Study
Messages: 17
Guide. Unfortunately in PDF version, w hich I bought from Safari Online, diagrams
in this chapter are not readable (I already reported this problem to Safari Online
and they promised to solve it). I compared the solution from this book and
ePractize study lab for SCEA II/III, and in my opinion it is more clear. ePractize
divides nearly every diagram into smaller parts (most probably because of
limited space of their application), w hich makes them harder to read.


Pawel Piw owar

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Tuesday, March 02, 2010 04:46:44
by Pawel Piwowar

SC JP 5, SC WC D 1.4, SC BC D 5, SC EA part1

Jothi Shankar
posted Tuesday, March 02, 2010 07:03:26
Ranch Hand
Joined: Sep 26,
2006 SC JP 1.4, SC WC D 1.4 - Hints for you, SC BC D Hints - Demnachst, SC DJWS - Auch
Messages: 7283 Demnachst
Did a rm -R / to find out that I lost my entire Linux installation!

Dmitri Ericsson
posted Tuesday, March 02, 2010 10:48:50
Ranch Hand
Thanks to all
Joined: Feb 16,
Messages: 96 Pawel, yes I also enjoyed chapter nine's solution and moreover I've looked in…/Became-Sun-Certifie… 5/7
5/6/2010 Became Sun Certified, now sharing tips…
the properties of the PDF of my assignement and the author w as Humphrey
Sheil, so I decided that the books solutions should generally suit my project too.

SC EA 5, SC JP 6 My SC EA Experience

posted Tuesday, March 02, 2010 11:55:16
Ranch Hand Congratulations! Thank you for detailed explanation about your experience and
links to the material.
Joined: Jul 12,
Messages: 223 Sreenivasa Majji
Sun C ertified Java Programmer

Alim Atar posted Wednesday, March 03, 2010 01:26:40

Ranch Hand
!!! Congratulations !!!
Joined: Oct 06,
Messages: 84
Thanks lot of sharing your tips. They are really very helpful

How many years of experience you have?

Dmitri Ericsson
posted Wednesday, March 03, 2010 02:50:06
Ranch Hand
Thanks I have 4,5 years of Java experience and some years of PHP stuff
Joined: Feb 16,
before that. The exam w as not easy nor difficult. I've learned a lot, that's a good
Messages: 96 opportunity to lean, it motivates you. When you've paid the money you try to
achieve the best possible results not to loose it When no motivation then you
become lazy and don't want to learn new thing out of the scope of the work.

SC EA 5, SC JP 6 My SC EA Experience

guru prasanth posted Thursday, April 01, 2010 01:03:56

Ranch Hand
Is there any format for submitting design in part2.All i see in the book is that it
Joined: Aug 20, tells that you need to have class diagram,sequence diagram,deployment
Messages: 47
That's all.I have not yet purchased voucher for part2.

Dmitri Ericsson
posted Thursday, April 01, 2010 02:47:58
Ranch Hand
In the end of the assignment you will get a list of diagrams and other stuff what
Joined: Feb 16,
they expect to find in your solution.
Messages: 96 Basically it is 1x class diagram, 1x component diagram, 1x deployment diagram,
1x sequence (or collaboration) diagram per use-case (there are typically 3-4
use-cases in the assignment). Plus you need to describe hardware
configurations, find 3 major risks and describe solutions for them and you have
to put down all your assumptions during this project. That's all. You are free to
add more diagram if you think they may help. I've also added a short summary
of the task and described w hy I've chosen concrete patterns or framew orks.

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