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1 by schering on Thu Sep 17 05:26:18 EDT 2015

USP 38 Reagents / Reagent Specifications 1843

ASSAYDilute about 200 mg of the solution, accurately Guanidine Isothiocyanate, C2H6N4S118.2

weighed, with 30 mL of water. Titrate with 0.1 N sodium [593-84-0]White powder or colorless crystals. Use a suita-
hydroxide VS, determining the endpoint potentiometri- ble grade.
cally. Perform a blank determination and make any neces- Guanine Hydrochloride, C5H5N5O HCl H2O205.60
sary correction. Each mL of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide is [635-39-2]White, crystalline powder. Melts above 250,
equivalent to 19.62 mg of C6H12O7. Not less than 49.0% is with decomposition. Slightly soluble in water and in alcohol;
found. soluble in acidulated water and in sodium hydroxide TS. Its
REFRACTIVE INDEX 831: between 1.4160 and 1.4180 at solutions are not precipitated by iodine TS or by
20. mercuricpotassium iodide TS, but form a precipitate with
SPECIFIC ROTATION 781: between +9.9 and +11.9, deter- trinitrophenol TS.
mined as is, at 20. RESIDUE ON IGNITION (Reagent test): negligible, from
Glucose, C6H12O6180.2 [50-99-7]Use a suitable 100 mg.
grade. A white, crystalline powder. Freely soluble in water; LOSS ON DRYING 731Dry it at 105 to constant weight:
sparingly soluble in alcohol. it loses not more than 10.0% of its weight.
D-Glucuronolactone, C6H8O6176.12 [32449-92-6] Hematein, C16H12O6300.26 [475-25-2]Prepared from
Use a suitable grade. logwood extract or from hematoxylin by treatment with
Glutamic Acid, C5H9NO4147.13 [56-86-0]Use a suit- ammonia and exposure to air. Reddish-brown crystals with a
able grade. yellowish-green metallic luster. Very slightly soluble in water
L-Glutamic Acid, C5H9NO4147.1 [56-86-0]White (about 1 in 1700); slightly soluble in alcohol and in ether;
powder or white powder with a faint yellow cast. Use a insoluble in benzene and in chloroform; freely soluble in di-
suitable grade. luted ammonia solution to form a solution of dusky pur-
L-Glutamine, C5H10N2O3146.15 [56-85-9]White, plish-red color and in an aqueous solution of sodium hy-
crystalline powder. Use a suitable grade. droxide (1 in 50), to form a solution of bright red color,
Glycerin (Glycerol) [56-81-5]Use ACS reagent grade Glyc- viewed in each case through a layer 1 cm in depth. Melts at
erol. a temperature above 200 and tends to decompose at 250.
Glycolic Acid, C2H4O376.05 [79-14-1]White crystal- Hematoxylin (Hydroxybrasilin), C16H14O6 3H2O356.32
line powder or chunks. [517-28-2]A crystalline substance derived from the heart-
ASSAY wood of Haematoxylon campechianum Linne (Fam. Legumi-
Silylating reagentPyridine, hexamethyldisilazane, nosae). Colorless to yellow prisms. Very slightly soluble in
chlorotrimethylsilane (9:3:1) cold water and in ether; rapidly soluble in hot water and in
hot alcohol. When exposed to light, it acquires a red color
Sample preparationWeigh approximately 25 mg and yields a yellow solution. Dissolves in ammonia TS and in
(about 3 drops) of the sample into a test tube. Add 2 mL solutions of alkali hydroxides and carbonates. When dis-
of the Silylating reagent and cap the test tube. Mix well solved in solutions of the following salts, it develops the
and allow to incubate at room temperature for a mini- colors indicated: in alum solution, a red color; in stannous
mum of 2 h. A white precipitate of ammonium chloride chloride solution, a rose color; and in solutions of cupric
will form. Centrifuge and use the clear supernatant for salts, a greenish-gray color. It gradually turns black in potas-
injection. sium dichromate solution. Store hematoxylin and its solu-
ProcedureInject an appropriate volume of the Sample tions protected from light and air.
preparation into a gas chromatograph (see Chromatogra- Hemoglobin, Bovine [9008-02-0]Use a suitable grade.

phy 621) equipped with a flame-ionization detector, [NOTEA suitable grade is available as Bovine Hemoglobin
helium being used as the carrier gas. The following con- substrate powder from Sigma-Aldrich, www.sigma-aldrich.
ditions have been found suitable: a 0.25-mm 30-m com.]
capillary column coated with a 1-m layer of phase G2. 1-Heptadecanol, C17H36O256.48 [1454-85-9]Use a
The injection port temperature is maintained at 250; the suitable grade.
detector temperature is maintained at 300; the column Heptafluorobutyric Acid, C4F7O2H214.04
temperature is maintained at 100 and programmed to [375-22-4]Use a suitable grade.
rise 10 per min to 250. The area of the peak corre- Heptakis-(2,6-di-O-methyl)--cyclodextrin (2,6-Di-O-
sponding to C2H4O3 is NLT 98.5% of the total peak area. methyl--cyclodextrin; Dimethyl--cyclodextrin) C56H98O35
Gold Chloride (Chlorauric Acid), HAuCl4 3H2O393.83 1331.36 [51166-71-3]Use a suitable grade.
[16903-35-8]Use ACS reagent grade. n-HeptaneUse n-Heptane, Chromatographic.
Guaiacol (o-Methoxyphenol), C7H8O2124.14 n-Heptane, Chromatographic C7H16100.21
[95-05-1]Colorless to yellowish, refractive liquid. Soluble [142-82-5]Clear, colorless, volatile, flammable liquid con-
in about 65 parts of water; soluble in sodium hydroxide so- sisting essentially of C7H16. Practically insoluble in water; sol-
lution; miscible with alcohol, with chloroform, with ether, uble in absolute alcohol. Miscible with ether, with chloro-
and with glacial acetic acid. form, with benzene, and with most fixed and volatile oils.
ASSAYWhen examined by gasliquid chromatography, it Use a suitable grade, chromatographic or HPLC, with a con-
shows a purity of not less than 98%. The following condi- tent of not less than 99%.
tions have been found suitable for assaying it: a 3-mm Heptyl p-Hydroxybenzoate (Heptyl 4-Hydroxybenzoate; N-
1.8-m stainless steel column containing liquid phase G16 Heptyl 4-Hydroxybenzoate; Benzoic Acid, 4-Hydroxy-, Heptyl
on 60- to 80-mesh support S1A. Helium is the carrier gas, Ester), C14H20O3236.31 [1085-12-7]Use a suitable
the injection port temperature is maintained at 180, the grade with a content of NLT 98%.
column temperature is maintained at 200, and the flame- Hexadecyl Hexadecanoate (Hexadecyl Palmitate; Cetyl Pal-
ionization detector is maintained at 280. The retention mitate), C32H64O2480.85 [540-10-3]Use a suitable
time is about 8 minutes. grade.
REFRACTIVE INDEX 831: between 1.5430 and 1.5450, at [NOTESuitable grades are available commercially as
20. Hexadecyl Palmitate and Palmitic Acid Palmityl Ester from
Guanidine Hydrochloride, (Aminoformamidine Hydrochlo- Sigma-Aldrich,, and Cetyl Palmitate,
ride; Aminomethanamidine Hydrochloride), CH5N3 HCl Catalog number C1203, from Spectrum Chemical Mfg.
95.53 [50-01-1]White, crystalline powder. Freely solu- Corp.,]
ble in water and in alcohol. Use a suitable grade with a Hexadecyltrimethylammonium BromideSee Cetyl-
content not less than 99%. trimethylammonium Bromide.
Hexadimethrine Bromide, (C13H30Br2N2)n [28728-55-4]
White to off-white powder, hygroscopic, amorphous poly-

Official from August 1, 2015

Copyright (c) 2015 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention. All rights reserved.
Accessed from by schering on Thu Sep 17 05:26:18 EDT 2015

1844 Reagent Specifications / Reagents USP 38

mer. Soluble in water up to 10% to give a colorless to light sal, and an inactive protein(s) to prevent adsorption on the
yellow solution. Use a suitable grade. surface of the container. Use a suitable grade. Store at 20.
Hexamethyldisilazane, C6H19NSi2161.39 [999-97-3] Hydrazine Dihydrochloride, (NH2)2 2HCl104.97
Clear, colorless liquid. [5341-61-7]White powder.
ASSAYWhen examined by gasliquid chromatography, it ASSAYDissolve about 34 mg, accurately weighed, in
shows a purity of not less than 95%. The following condi- 50 mL of water. Add carefully while stirring, 1 g of sodium
tions have been found suitable for assaying the article: A bicarbonate. [CAUTIONThere may be a rapid evolution of
2-mm 1.8-m glass column packed with phase G3 on carbon dioxide.] Titrate with 0.1 N iodine solution, deter-
support S1. Helium, flowing at a rate of about 40 mL per mining the endpoint potentiometrically. Perform a blank
minute, is the carrier gas; the detector temperature is determination, and make any necessary corrections. Each
about 310; the injection port temperature is about 100; mL of 0.1 N iodine solution is equivalent to 2.63 mg of
and the column temperature is programmed to start at (NH2)2 2HCl. Not less than 98% is found.
35, hold for 5 minutes, then rise at a rate of 8 per min- Hydrazine Hydrate, 85% in Water, (NH2)2 H2O50.06
ute to 200. A flame-ionization detector is employed. [7803-57-8]Colorless liquid.
RESIDUE AFTER EVAPORATIONTransfer 200 g to a tared dish, ASSAYTransfer 600 mg, accurately weighed, to a 100-mL
and evaporate on a steam bath to dryness. Dry the residue volumetric flask. Dilute with water to volume, and mix.
at 105 for 1 hour, cool, and weigh: not more than Pipet 10 mL into a suitable beaker, and add 1.0 g of so-
0.0025% of residue is found. dium bicarbonate and 50.0 mL of 0.1 N iodine VS. Titrate
Hexamethyleneimine (Homopiperidine), C6H12NH99.17 the excess iodine with 0.1 N sodium thiosulfate VS, using
[111-49-9]Colorless to nearly colorless liquid. starch TS as the indicator. Perform a blank determination,
REFRACTIVE INDEX 831: between 1.4640 and 1.4660 at and make any necessary correction. Each mL of 0.1 N io-
20. dine is equivalent to 1.252 mg of (NH2)2 H2O. Not less
HexamethylenetetramineSee Methenamine. than 83% is found.
n-Hexane, C6H1486.18 [110-54-3](for use in spectro- Hydrazine Sulfate, (NH2)2 H2SO4130.12
photometry)Use Hexanes. [10034-93-2]Use ACS reagent grade. [CautionGreat
Hexane, Solvent (Petroleum Benzin; Petroleum Ether, Ligroin) care should be taken in handling hydrazine sulfate because
[8032-32-4]Clear, volatile liquid. Practically insoluble in it is a suspected carcinogen.]
water; soluble in absolute alcohol. Miscible with ether, with Hydrindantin (2,2-Dihydroxy-2,2-biindan-1,1,3,3-tet-
chloroform, with benzene, and with most fixed and volatile rone), C18H10O6322.27 [5103-42-4]Sparingly soluble
oils. in hot water; soluble in methoxyethanol. When heated
[CautionIt is dangerously flammable. Keep it away from above 200, it becomes reddish brown.
flames, and store in tight containers in a cool place.] MELTING RANGE 741: between 249 and 254.
Use ACS reagent grade Petroleum Ether. Hydriodic Acid, HI127.91 [10034-85-2]Use ACS re-
Hexane, Solvent, ChromatographicUse ACS HPLC rea- agent grade (containing not less than 47.0% of HI).
gent grade. [NOTEFor methoxy determination (see Methoxy Deter-
Hexanes (suitable for use in UV spectrophotometry); usually mination 431), use hydriodic acid ACS reagent grade 55%.
a mixture of several isomers of hexane (C6H14), predomi- Use this grade also for alkoxyl determinations in assays in
nantly n-hexane, and methylcyclopentane (C6H12)Use ACS the individual monographs.]
spectrophotometric reagent grade. Hydrobromic Acid, HBr80.91 [10035-10-6]Use ACS

Hexanitrodiphenylamine (Dipicrylamine), C12H5N7O12 reagent grade.

439.21 [131-73-7]Yellow-gold powder or prisms. Explo- Hydrochloric Acid, HCl36.46 [7647-01-0]Use ACS
sive. Usually contains about 15% of water as a safety pre- reagent grade.
caution. Insoluble in water, in alcohol, in acetone, and in Hydrochloric Acid, Diluted (10 percent) [7647-01-0]Pre-
ether; soluble in glacial acetic acid and in alkalies. pare by mixing 226 mL of hydrochloric acid with sufficient
WATER, Method I 921: not more than 16%. water to make 1000 mL.
Hexanophenone, C12H16O176.25 [942-92-7]Yellow
liquid. Add the following:
ASSAYInject an appropriate specimen into a suitable gas
chromatograph (see Chromatography 621) equipped Hydrocodone Diol, C18H23NO4317.4Use a suitable
with a flame-ionization detector, helium being used as the grade. [NOTEA suitable grade is available as catalog num-
carrier gas. The following conditions have been found suit- ber 1584 from]USP38
able: a 0.25-mm 30-m capillary column coated with a Hydrofluoric Acid, HF20.01 [7664-39-3]Use ACS re-
1-m layer of phase G3; the injection port temperature is agent grade.
maintained at 280; the detector temperature is main- Hydrogen Peroxide, H2O234.01 [7722-84-1]Use
tained at 300; the column temperature is maintained at ACS reagent grade with an assay content between 29.0%
180 and programmed to rise 10 per minute to 280. The and 32.0%.
area of the C12H16O peak is not less than 98% of the total Hydrogen Peroxide, 10 Percent, H2O234.01Dilute
peak area. 30 mL of 30 percent hydrogen peroxide with water to
REFRACTIVE INDEX 831: 1.511 0.002 at 20. 100 mL.
Hexylamine (1-Aminohexane), C6H15N101.19 Hydrogen Peroxide, 30 Percent, Unstabilized H2O2
[111-26-2]Use a suitable grade with a content of not less 34.01 [7722-84-1]Use ACS reagent grade, with an assay
than 99%. content between 29.0% and 32.0%, without an added sta-
Histamine Dihydrochloride, C5H9N3 2HCl184.07Use bilizer.
USP Histamine Dihydrochloride RS. Hydrogen Peroxide, 50 Percent in Water, H2O234.01
L-Histidine Hydrochloride Monohydrate, C6H9N3O2 HCl [7722-84-1]Use a suitable grade.
H2O209.63 [5934-29-2]Use a suitable grade. Hydrogen Peroxide SolutionUse Hydrogen Peroxide Topi-
Horseradish Peroxidase Conjugated to Goat Anti-Mouse cal Solution.
IgGAffinity purified polyclonal antibody to Mouse Im- Hydrogen Sulfide, H2S34.08 [7783-06-4]Colorless,
mune globulin (IgG) heavy and light chains (whole IgG) poisonous gas, heavier than air. Soluble in water. Is gener-
produced in Goat and labeled with horseradish peroxidase. ated by treating ferrous sulfide with diluted sulfuric or di-
Available either as a lyophilized powder or as a solution in a luted hydrochloric acid. Other sulfides yielding hydrogen
suitable buffer, generally 10 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.4, sulfide with diluted acids may be used. Is also available in
containing a suitable preservative, such as 0.01% thimero- compressed form in cylinders.

Official from August 1, 2015

Copyright (c) 2015 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention. All rights reserved.
Accessed from by schering on Thu Sep 17 05:26:18 EDT 2015

USP 38 Reagents / Reagent Specifications 1845

Hydrogen Sulfide Detector TubeA fuse-sealed glass tube of the C7H8O2 peak is not less than 99% of the total peak
so designed that gas may be passed through it and contain- area.
ing suitable absorbing filters and support media for the indi- MELTING RANGE 741: between 83 and 85.
cator, the latter consisting of a suitable lead salt. 4-Hydroxybutane-1-sulfonic Acid (4-Hydroxy-
MEASURING RANGE: 1 to 20 ppm. 1-butanesulfonic Acid), C4H10O4S154.19 [26978-64-3]
[NOTEAvailable from Draeger Safety, Inc., www. Use a suitable grade with a content of NLT 95%. [NOTEA, or from Gastec Corp.,, dis- suitable grade is available as catalog number RM-967-C50
tributed in the USA by] from]
Hydroquinone, C6H4(OH)2110.11 [123-31-9]Fine, N-(2-Hydroxyethyl)piperazine-N-(2-ethanesulfonic acid),
colorless or white, needle crystals. Darkens on exposure to C8H18N2O4S238.3 [7365-45-9]Use a suitable grade.
air and light. Soluble in water, in alcohol, and in ether. Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride, NH2OH HCl69.49
ASSAYAccurately weigh about 250 mg, and dissolve in a [5470-11-1]Use ACS reagent grade.
mixture of 100 mL of water and 10 mL of 0.1 N sulfuric 10-Hydroxynorandrostenedione (10-Hydroxy-19-noran-
acid in a 250-mL conical flask. Add 3 drops of a 1 in 100 drost-4-ene-3,17-dione), C18H24O3288.38Use a suitable
solution of diphenylamine in sulfuric acid, and titrate with grade.
0.1 N ceric sulfate VS until the solution is red-violet in 4-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-2-butanone, C10H12O2164.20
color. Each mL of 0.1 N ceric sulfate is equivalent to [5471-51-2]White powder.
5.506 mg of C6H4(OH)2. Not less than 99% is found. ASSAYInject an appropriate volume into a gas chromato-
MELTING RANGE 741: between 172 and 174. graph (see Chromatography 621) equipped with a flame-
4-Hydroxy-2-butanone (2-Hydroxyethyl Methyl Ketone), ionization detector, helium being used as the carrier gas.
C4H8O288.11 [590-90-9]Use a suitable grade with a The following conditions have been found suitable: a 0.25-
content of NLT 94%. mm 30-m capillary column coated with a 1-m layer of
Hydroxy Naphthol Blue (1-(2-Naphtholazo-3,6-disulfonic phase G43; the injection port temperature is maintained at
Acid)-2-naphthol-4-sulfonic Acid, Disodium Salt), 280; the detector temperature is maintained at 300; the
C20H12N2O11S3Na2598.50 [165660-27-5]Deposited on column temperature is maintained at 180 and pro-
crystals of sodium chloride in the concentration of about grammed to rise 10 per minute to 280. The area of the
1%. Use ACS reagent grade. C10H12O2 peak is not less than 98.5% of the total peak
3-Hydroxyacetophenone, C8H8O2136.15 area.
[121-71-1]Light brown powder chips and chunks. Melts MELTING RANGE 741: between 81 and 87.
at about 96. Sparingly soluble in chloroform, yielding a 3-Hydroxyphenyldimethylethyl Ammonium Chloride
clear, light yellow solution. [Dimethylethyl(3-hydroxyphenyl)ammonium Chloride]Use
ASSAYInject an appropriate specimen into a suitable gas Edrophonium Chloride.
chromatograph (see Chromatography 621) equipped D--4-Hydroxyphenylglycine, C8H9NO3167.16
with a flame-ionization detector, helium being used as the [22818-40-2]Shiny leaflets. Sparingly soluble in water, in
carrier gas. The following conditions have been found suit- alcohol, in acetone, in ether, in chloroform, in ethyl acetate,
able: a 0.25-mm 30-m capillary column coated with G1; in benzene, and in glacial acetic acid; soluble in alkalies and
the detector and the injection port temperatures are main- in mineral acids; freely soluble in warm 20% v/v hydrochlo-
tained at 300; the column temperature is maintained at ric acid.
180 and programmed to rise 10 per minute to 280 and MELTING RANGE 741: between 220 and 247, with de-

held at that temperature for 10 minutes. The area of the composition.
main peak is not less than 97% of the total peak area. 2-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-5-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-2,5-bi-
4-Hydroxyacetophenone, HOC6H4COCH3136.15 1H-benzimidazole Trihydrochloride Pentahydrate
[99-93-4]Gray powder, melting at about 109. 623.97 [23491-44-3]Dark yellow to tan powder with a
p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid, C7H6O3138.12 [99-96-7] green cast. Use a suitable grade.
White crystals. Hydroxypropyl--cyclodextrin (Hydroxypropylbetadex),
ASSAYTransfer about 700 mg, accurately weighed, to a C42H70O35(C3H6O)x with x = 7 molar substitution
suitable container, and dissolve in 50 mL of acetone. Add [94035-02-6]Use a suitable grade with a substitution de-
100 mL of water, mix, and titrate with 0.5 N sodium hy- gree between 0.40 and 1.50.
droxide VS, determining the endpoint potentiometrically. 8-Hydroxyquinoline (Oxine), C9H7NO145.16
Perform a blank determination, and make any necessary [148-24-3]Use ACS reagent grade 8-Quinolinol.
correction. Each mL of 0.5 N sodium hydroxide is equiva- Hypophosphorous Acid, 50 Percent (Hypophosphorous
lent to 69.06 mg of C7H6O3: not less than 97% is found. Acid), HPH2O266.00 [6303-21-5]A colorless to faintly
MELTING RANGE 741: over a range of 2 that includes yellow liquid. Miscible with water and with alcohol.
216. ASSAYAccurately weigh about 4 mL, dilute with 25 mL of
4-Hydroxybenzoic Acid Isopropyl Ester, water, add methyl red TS, and titrate with 1 N sodium
HOC6H4COOCH(CH2)2180.18 [4191-73-5]Use a suit- hydroxide VS: each mL of 1 N sodium hydroxide is equiva-
able grade. lent to 66.00 mg of HPH2O2. Not less than 48% is found.
[NOTEA suitable grade is available from TCI America, CHLORIDEAdd 0.2 mL to a mixture of 10 mL of silver ni-] trate TS and 5 mL of nitric acid, and heat until brown
MELTING RANGE 741: between 84 and 87. fumes are no longer evolved: any white, insoluble residue
2-Hydroxybenzyl Alcohol, C7H8O2124.14 [90-01-7] remaining is negligible.
Off-white flakes. Very soluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and PHOSPHATEDilute 1 mL with water to 50 mL, render alka-
in ether; soluble in 15 parts water and in benzene. line with ammonia TS, filter if a precipitate is formed, and
ASSAYInject an appropriate specimen into a gas chromat- add to the filtrate 5 mL of magnesia mixture TS: not more
ograph (see Chromatography 621), equipped with a than a slight precipitate is formed within 5 minutes.
flame-ionization detector, helium being used as the carrier SULFATE (Reagent test, Method I)Dilute 1 mL with water
gas. The following conditions have been found suitable: a to 50 mL: 20 mL of the solution shows not more than
0.25-mm 30-m capillary column coated with a 1-m 0.2 mg of SO4.
layer of phase G2; the injection port temperature is main- Hypoxanthine, C5H4N4O136.11 [68-94-0]White to
tained at 250; the detector temperature is maintained at yellowish-white powder. Soluble in 1 N sodium hydroxide.
300; and the column temperature is maintained at 150 Use a suitable grade.
and programmed to rise 10 per minute to 280. The area IgG-Coated Red CellsRed cells coated with human im-
munoglobulin (IgG). The reagent must be obtained from

Official from August 1, 2015

Copyright (c) 2015 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention. All rights reserved.

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