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Anne Bradstreet Puritan Writing Assignment.

A Part of the 50% Test grade section

Start August 21st 2017 Dates we will work on it in class: 21,22,23,24,25, 28 Due: August 31st on Showbie

Ideas 95 Distinguished 85 Proficient 70 Developing 50 Beginning

Thesis The student has a complete N/A The student has a partial The student
thesis statement. thesis. does not have
a thesis

Evidence The student utilizes evidence The student utilizes The student utilizes The student
from both poems evidence from both evidence from only one does not utilize
appropriately. poems, but does not poem. evidence
do so with skill.

Explanation The student explains fully The student explains The student attempts to The student
with evidence partially with evidence vaguely but leave out two does not
The use of a literary but leaves out one of of the following explain
device (the same in the following The use of a evidence. The
each poem or two The use of a literary device (the student makes
different) literary device same in each claims without
The use of a specific (the same in poem or two substantiation
tone (the same in each poem or different) or simply
each poem or two two different) The use of a summarizes
different) The use of a specific tone (the poems.
The presence of a specific tone same in each
Puritan theme (the (the same in poem or two
same in each poem each poem or different)
or two different) two different) The presence of a
The presence Puritan theme (the
of a Puritan same in each
theme (the poem or two
same in each different)
poem or two
Ogganization 95 Distinguished 85 Proficient 70 Developing 50 Beginning

Introduction The student has a complete The student has a The student has a partial The student
introduction with an complete introduction introduction with a does not have
appropriate attention with a complete complete thesis, but is an
grabber, through background thesis, but it may lacking the other introduction.
information, and a complete seem rushed or components of an
thesis statement. disjointed. introduction.

Body The student has a complete The student attempts to Body

Paragraphs body paragraphs with construct body paragraphs
Topic Sentences paragraphs with several are ill
Supporting flaws with constructed
Sentences Topic Sentences
Detail or Example Supporting
Sentences Sentences
Explanation Detail or Example
Sentences Sentences
Concluding Explanation
Sentences Sentences

Conclusion The student writes a The student has an The student

complete conclusion incomplete conclusion has no

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