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Martes de prueba

Fecha: martes, 28 de febrero de 2017

Asignatura: Ingls

Grados: 7 y 8

Docente: Diana Marcela Benavides Lpez

Preguntas de seleccin mltiple con nica respuesta:

Complete the sentences below:

1. He ____ ____ tennis on Friday

a. are playing
b. is playing
c. am playing

2. ____ are ____ at 4 oclock.

a. They / meet
b. He / meeting
c. They/meeting

3. I ____ ____ a film with a friend.

a. Is / seeing
b. am / watching
c. are / watch

Read the sentences below and select whether it is PRESENT or FUTURE

4. Tomorrow evening, mums taking me to the new restaurant.

a. Future
b. Present

5. Sorry, Susans not here. Shes buying clothes with Nancy.

a. Future
b. Present.

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