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Chapter 6, Problem 13. Find the voltage actoss the capacitors in the circuit of Fig. 6.49 under de conditions. 302 Fignre 6.49 Chapter 6, Solution 13. Under de conditions, the circuit becomes that shown below: + > i= 0, i: = 60/(30+10+20) = 1A Vi = 30i = 30V, v2 = 60-204, = 40V Thus, yy =30V, v2=40V. Chapter 6, Problem 24. Repeat Prob. 6.23 for the circuit in Fig. 6.58. 60 wF 20 uF Jt 4 1 t 30 uF 14 uF 80 uF Figure 6.58 Chapter 6, Solution 24. 20uF is series with SUF = 20x80/(100) = 161 14uE is parallel with 16, = 30F (a) V3our= 20V. Venue = 30V. Vigie= SOV. 80 20+80 Vaour = 60 - 48 = 12V. ‘Voor = (b) Since w= 7 Woe Woour Wiyr = 1/2x 14x ‘0% 3600 = (2x 20x 10%x (48)° Weour = 1/2 x 80x 10°x 144 Wor ‘6m Chapter 6, Problem 32. Tn the circuit in Fig. 6.64, let i = 30% mA and v1(0) = 50 V, v2(0) Determine: (a) vs) and va(), (D) the energy in each capacitor at 12eF Figure 6.64 Chapter 6, Solution 32. (a) Coq = (12x609/72 = 10 wF 3 t y,-—2 ] 30e7 Mat + v4 (0) = -125067 |j, +50 = —1250e7" 4 1300V 12x10"° 4 “3 ot v, =12 q J 30e-*at + v2(0) = 25077" [5 +20 oxlo-° 5 ———_— (b) At t0.5s, vy =-1250e7! +1300= 840.2, vz = -250e7! +270 = 178.03 ue =F M1210 (0 15) 35_J Wor Sx20s10°$x(178.03) 0.3169 J W40nF = Lxsosi0-® x78 03)? = 0.6339 Find vc iz, and the energy stored in the capacitor and inductor in the circuit of Fig. 6.69 under de conditions. 202 3A S40 Figure 6.69 Chapter 6, Solution 46. Under de conditions, the circuit is as shown below: q ‘ By current division, 4 GB Chapter 6, Problem 60. In the circuit of Fig. 6.82, io(0) = 2 A. Determine i,(f) and vo(1) for > 0. TT i ee Achy suas Figure 6.82 Chapter 6, Solution 60 1, =3us di dm =L, 2 =“ (4e7 dt ¢ ait t t Trott ig = 2+ Lease Mat = 24157! 0 “0 Chapter 6, Problem 62. Consider the circuit in Fig. 6.84. Given that v(1) = 12e™ mV for r> 0 and in(0) =—10 mA, find: (a) i3(0), (b) i4() and in(0), 25 mH z jue wo 3 comm Figure 6.84 Chapter 6, Solution 62. 20x60 _ +20//60= 25+ 40 mH 10° 40x107 fr@ar +i) = [lear +H(0) =-0.(e* ~1) +110) ° Using current division and the fact that all the currents were zero when the circuit was put together, we get, , 60 == 80 4 4,(0) =310) — > 0.75i(0)=-0.01 —+ (0) =-0.01333 joe +0.08667) A= -25e" + 21.67 mA. i,(0) = -25+21.67==3.33mA Seo Je +0.08667) 4 =25e" 421.67 mA (b) Se™ +65mA Chapter 6, Problem 64. ‘The switch in Fig. 6.86 has been in position 4 for a long time. At = 0, the swite moves from position 4 to B. The switch is a make-before-break type so that ther is no interruption in the inductor current. Find: (a) i(0) for > 0, (b) v just after the switch has been moved to position B. (c) v(0) long after the switch is in position B. aon Py PmOA my Figure 6.86 Chapter 6, Solution 64. (a) When the switch is in position A, i--6 = i(0) ‘When the switeh is in position B, io) =12/4=3, T=L/R=18 i(t)= 0) +[i(0) — (Je =3-9e* A (b) -12 + 4i(0) + v=0, Le. v=12 -4i(0) =36.V (c) At steady state, the inductor becomes a short circuit so that v=0V Chapter 6, Problem 65. The inductors in Fig. 6.87 are initially charged and are connected to the black bos at r=0. IfA(0)=4 A, (0) =-2 A, and (0) = 500 mV, 72 0S, find: (a). the energy initially stored in each inductor, (b).the total energy delivered to the black box from = 0 to t= 7, (6). and in(), t2 0, (19), £2 0, i) + te Black box | 20H Figure 6.87 Chapter 6, Solution 65. (20-2)? = 405 (b) w=Ws+ Wao = 805 Jt soe-200t at + 115-2008 19-3)" + tc) ra S00? +i (0) { oo (0° x10 I 4 we tsa Wao = 590-2 a 44 1(a = 200t 1 97! \ = 50072 at 445 (0) = (59¢-2' x10 =rofy r+) 2000} an

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