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G L O B A L I Z AT I O N : E F F E C T S O N I N D I G E N O U S P E O P L E S

AFRICA Nigeria nwl m Deh Cho First Nation (Dene f t Udege

Terneiles (Russia)
o f x Ogoni, Ijaw, Ogba, people)
Canadian Zinc Mine Russia Gov’t
Ekpeye, Anyama, Sangana, Okoroba,
Angola Greenland o Proposed Prairie Creek Mine upstream from Government has auctioned logging rights to more
Ijaw, Nembe, fisherfolk x o Nahanni National Park Reserve would impact ter- than 1 million acres of pristine Samarga water-
v Himba Shell (U.K.), Mobil (U.S.), Chevron (U.S.), Agip (It.), x o w on ritory of Deh Cho First Nation. shed without consent of local community. Bikin
Angola Gov’t
Nigeria Gov’t, World Bank d on o m x Dene, Cree
watershed is home to one of the last remaining
International tourism strains local resources and
Oil industry devastates the Niger Delta peoples x f intact Cherry Salmon runs; Udege depend on this
threatens Himba sacred sites.
with leaking pipelines, polluted water, ruined ml o Russia o
Cameco (Canada) intact ecosystem for subsistence.
m o Canada Gov’t.
o f Ul’ch
f o h Fisherfolk, tribal peoples fisheries, oil fires, and violence.
x Norway Dene uranium mine workers suffer premature
Chevron (U.S.), Texaco (U.S.), Total (Fr.), others x deaths from cancer; their lake is contaminated by ExxonMobil (U.S.), Rosneft (Russia),
Angola Gov’t Nigeria, Togo, Benin, m m radioactive materials. Sakhalinmorheftegaz (Russia)
Oil exploration threatens tribal traditional x m m Ul’ch indigenous community deeply alarmed
fishing livelihoods. Ghana f m dl m l Dogrib First Nation about oil and gas spills on coastal fishery.
o m Ogoni, Ijaw rx Diavik Diamonds (subsidiary of Rio Tinto—U.K.)
t Ul’ch, Udege
Botswana Chevron (U.S.), Shell (U.K.), Nigerian National w o o
NW Territories Chamber of Mines
Petroleum, others h Canada f Diamond mine within Dogrib traditional territory Rimbunan Hijau (Malaysia),
v l m h Gana, Gwi Nigeria Gov’t ft d dor t is approved despite vehement opposition from Rimbunan Hijau, known for ravaging
t t local communities. forest and abusing indigenous rights, offered large
Botswana Gov’t Proposed 1,000-km pipeline to carry offshore gas
l mtv payments to indigenous communities for logging
Campaign by Botswana Gov’t is driving Bushmen
off their lands by cutting off water supplies.
from Niger Delta to Benin, Togo, and Ghana
would cause massive environmental damage and
b r ml Kazakhstan l m x Dogrib First Nation rights, but has not lived up to its committments.
Royal Oak Mines (now bankrupt); Miramar Mining
Government wants to open up area to tourism expand destructive gold mining. Oil companies ro to x
and gain access to rich diamond deposits. have refused to consult with the affected commu- nz b omf
United States
nities. o Canada Gov’t
l v Basarwa (San) xf x Arsenic, cyanide and heavy metal tailings from b Anishinaabeg (Minnesota)
Botswana Gov’t m tf l mine harm traditional lands of the Dogrib. University of Minnesota
Basarwa forced from their homeland because the Rwanda, Uganda fx x d University of Minnesota attempts to genetically
m t l Haida code and patent wild rice native to Anishinaabeg
government opposes traditional subsistence hunt- l t Batwa z x Weyerhauser (U.S.) land.
ing in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. Logging companies x h vn l NAFTA
World Bank n x Turkey Haida challenge logging on their land; r o Blackfeet (Montana)
Botswana, South Africa World Bank funds commercial infrastructure and ro dhl l Weyerhauser may demand compensation under U.S. Gov’t
logging concessions. Batwa impoverished as forest xl U. S. A.
v l San lh l lo
NAFTA Chapter 11. Bush administration pushing for drilling on pub-
o xx nm
cover declines and access to newly-protected rv China lic lands. Drilling in the Badger-Two Medicine
South Africa Gov’t forests is prohibited.
Syria Iran f Haida
San expelled from Kalahari Gemsbok National m Morocco d
area would have a serious impact on the spiritual
Park, the San traditional homelands. They face
South Africa, Namibia m mm mmr Iraq Japan NAFTA practices of the Blackfeet due to noise, construc-
cultural extinction. l Pakistan
Industrial export fishing reduces Haida access to
local salmon stocks, primary source of protein
tion, traffic, and destruction of land.
b !Kung (San People) a o and integral part of Haida culture. x Colorado River Indian Tribes
Phytopharm (U.K.), Pfizer (U.S.) r l
Cameroon Phytopharm patents the Hoodia plant, tradition- tcv Algeria t l w Innu
(CRIT) (Arizona, Colorado)
o x Bagyeli ally used by the Kung, as a miracle diet pill. The a bx
Nepal d Canadian, British, U.S., Dutch, Italian militaries
U.S. Gov’t
Kung were never consulted. ot Toxic incinerator on indigenous lands.
Chevron (U.S.), ExxonMobil (U.S.), Petronas (Malay.) Mexico o Saudi Arabia d mlo Low-level military flight training over hunting/
wl x Myanmar fishing grounds met with protests and resistance. v x Dineh (Navajo) (Utah)
World Bank
Oil pipeline through Bagyeli homeland would Sudan Western o o we U.S. Gov’t
bring danger of leakage, groundwater contamina-
o l Dinka, Nuer Sahara
dl l hoe e
d Innu The Glen Canyon reservoir which surrounds many
tion, freshwater and marine pollution. m ol e wl Northern Johnston Canada Gov’t sacred sites and is used for tour boat cruises, is
t Bagyeli
Talisman Energy (Can.), Lundin Oil (Sweden), OMV lwv b m
India l a owl d Mariana Atoll The Lower Churchill hydro development project, filled with trash, petroleum, pollution, and

Thanry (Fr.), Bollore (Fr.), Coron (Fr.), Alpi (It.)

(Austria), Petronas (Malay.), CNPC (China)
Sudan Gov’t
sx o b tm Bangladesh lo l l
mt ml Islands x
on Innu land, is one of the largest such projects
ever proposed. Despite opposition, construction
human waste.

Cameroon Gov’t, IMF Government clears Dinka and Nuer lands to tap Hawaii o d Belize t l l d tfm Philippines nx may begin in 2003. Goal is energy export to U.S. m l Dineh (Navajo), Hopi
tba Chad b f da
Three quarters of Cameroon’s forest cover is vast oil reserves. m wl a w d Honduras Niger t hlm m Innu, Inuit
destroyed. Pygmy livelihood, medicine, and
s oca mdv Thailand a t Peabody Coal (U.S.)
a l Nuba, Baggara nomads o t x lh INCO (Canada)
Guatemalaf w ltmltlf
shelter endangered. U.S. Gov’t
Industrial farms t
Sudan h l t Canada Gov’t Peabody Coal mines in Dineh and Hopi territory,
Sudan Gov’t w El Salvador lftre f t m Nickel, copper, and cobalt mining projects
Central African Nicaragua fo ar
cause environmental problems, destroy sacred
Huge, mechanized farms drive Nuba off lands and threaten Innu and Inuit hunting and fishing,
Republic d Ghana Benin al l o grounds, lower water table, and threaten tradi-
threaten the environment. Baggara nomads lose
x od Panama w l Nigeria l b
Vietnam m ml
burial grounds, and religious sites. tional way of life. Majority of affected 2,000
l mtr d w lo v
pasture lands to industrial agriculture.
Venezuela l Togo o l
t Bayaka Guyana m inhabitants forced to leave their homelands.
r Costa Rica f x m ltmt x Inuit (Baffin Island, Nunavut)
WTK (Malay.), SESAM (Malay., Fr.) vbd m mt o o Central African m lz t n Goshutes (Utah)
Tanzania l Suriname t o o x Ethiopia fl U.S. waste incinerators
dm mlb x Republic em l
Central African Republic Gov’t, IMF Weather patterns carry U.S. toxics north to polar
Colombia w Liberia o Brunei t
Private Fuel Storage Coalition—including Northern
Logging roads into forests have increased animal t a Masai o French Guiana fo t t regions, threatening ecosystem and human health.
r rbm b Sri Lanka wo States Power, Con-Edison, GPU Nuclear, Southern
poaching, leading to conflict between Bayaka IMF, Tanzania Gov’t b b v Malaysia Nuclear Operating Co. (all U.S.)
communities and newcomers; logging is also b o t Cameroon v mt l l t m l Mohawk
Forests cleared for the expansion of export-ori- Uganda Eight utilities trying to construct radioactive
destroying local food sources. ented large-scale commercial farms, displacing wi b Equatorialot lmlt d a vl Niocan (Canada) waste dump in remote Skull Valley, Goshute
Masai inhabitants.
oo o o o b Guinea df lv t lx Québec Gov’t Reservation.
Chad b l t am e f Proposed underground mine will impact tradi-
Ecuador tooo o
l lvt a e r oal m tional territory of Mohawks of Kanesatake, who o Gwich’in (Alaska)
o Bagyeli, Sara, Massa, Mundani Uganda b ooo oio s Gabon Papua
ao o Dem. Rep. t wl o me l New Guinea
oppose the mine. ARCO (U.S.), BP Amoco, Chevron (U.S.), Exxon
and Hakka, the majority agricultural d f l Basoga, Baganda o e r o d d Congo Of Congo t t x t fmotx b Nuu-chah-nulth (U.S.), others
populations AES (U.S.) rb
b ottr d Rwandal a lKenya l exd m e Solomon Oxford University
U.S. Gov’t
Chevron (U.S.), ExxonMobil (U.S.), Petronas (Malay.) World Bank/IFC, OPIC, European export credit t to Oil exploration threatens land and caribou migra-
World Bank agencies Indonesia l b a Islands Blood samples taken from the Nuu-chah-nulth tions— foundations of Gwich'in life and culture.
b s Brazil Tanzania people for arthritis research used for other
Hundreds of oil wells in southern Chad and 650- Proposed dam would drown Bujagali Falls, with Peru t eomta m x Hualapai, Havasupai (Arizona)
mile pipeline through Cameroon threaten agricul- unknown impacts on fisheries. 2,000 people tc r m l t em b t
research, without their consent.
tural peoples. around Nile River would be forcibly resettled. fmh s h Shusawp Mining threatens canyon watershed.
xlo t m b t c lx
v l Ik l Angola American Global Water Corporations r l h Kickapoo (Oklahoma)
Democratic Republic Uganda Gov’t eomt t o l h o NAFTA Chapter 11 NAFTA
of Congo, Rwanda Samoa b Bulk water exports threaten regional water supply.
Ik evicted without warning for creation of Kidepo
Valley National Park.
b d b s a o v l Land and water resources of the Kickapoo Nation
are under threat by impending north-south super-
l v t Twa Bolivia t f m t r Temagami Anishnabai First highway from Canada to Mexico.
Congolese Wood Industries, Danzer (Germany), hw l t Fiji m Nation
Stabach (Germany), La Forestiere (Italy) Zimbabwe d im sr o Zimbabwe Madagascar ml
Liskeard Lumber (Canada) m Menominee, Oneida, Chippewa
Democratic Republic of Congo Gov’t
b Traditional healers to o o l d Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (Wisconsin)
Twa were expelled from traditional lands to create Planned clearcuts lie across First Nations sacred
Kahuzi-Biega National Park; they now live in Phytera (U.S.) University of Lausanne s cl r Botswana b sites, wildlife habitat, and last old-growth white
BHP-Billiton (Australia/S. Africa), Rio Algom
Swiss university and U.S. pharmaceutical com- b m b (Canada)/Crandon Mining, Exxon Minerals (U.S.)
squatter camps surrounding park. Pygmies driven
pany are attempting to patent the snake-bean
Namibia vl mt New Tonga
and red pine forests highly concentrated in the Proposed mine threatens trout habitat, wild rice
s to
further into forest as environment is destroyed. Temagami region of central Ontario.
tree, used by traditional healers for generations to a tc lmv Caledonia beds, and reservations located downstream.
treat a variety of health conditions. Easter Island m r x Tlingit First Nation
Democratic Republic (Chile) r Paraguay b h n Mescalero Apache (New Mexico)
lv v
v Red Fern Resources (Canada) Northern States Power (U.S.)
of Congo Chile
r lt Australia
Company wants to extract gold, silver, copper, U.S. Gov’t
lead, and zinc near the Taku River, and is propos-
m t Mbuti ing a road that will cut through the still-pristine
Storing high-level nuclear waste from NSP’s reactors.
American Mineral Fields, Eagles Wings Resources
(U.S.), Nokia (Fin.), Sony (Japan)
Rwandan Army
MEXICO, b South Africa
Taku watershed; large-scale acid mine drainage
will endanger rich salmon runs.
z x Modoc, Shasta, Karuk,
Wintu, Pit River (California)
Mining of coltan metal for high-tech products
threatens livelihoods of Mbuti and destroys
CENTRAL, Argentina
m Greenland
Calpine (U.S.), CalEnergy (U.S.)
U.S. Gov’t
Geothermal/energy development of Medicine
w n l Inuit
U.S., Denmark Gov’t
Lake desecrates sacred grounds and releases
arsenic, chromium, boron, and hydrogen sulfide;
Equatorial Guinea t
t Bakola AMERICA d a
U.S. seeks base in Greenland for missile defense
plan. Inuit forcibly relocated and face exposure to
leads to contaminated water, polluted air, distur-
bance of wildlife, and danger to plants used for
food and medicine.
Shimmer (Malayasia) tl
E. G. Ministry of Forestry Argentina o Inuit m f x Mohawk (New York)
Industrial timber production has rapidly New Zealand Statoil (Norway)
increased since mid-1990s. Forest people have o t r Kolla Greenland Home Rule Gov’t
Alcoa (U.S.)
Consorcio Norandino SA, Tractebel (Belgium), Aluminum production contaminates St. Lawrence
been excluded from decision-making concerning New oil/gas exploration will negatively impact
Southern Energy (U.S.) River with PCBs, Mohawks advised to eat less fish,
management and use of forests upon which they environment and local economy.
Argentina Gov’t, ENARGAS (Argentina regula- leading to collapse of traditional economy.
depend for their livelihoods.
tory agency)
o Bubi Gas pipeline would cut through one of the last Norway x Mohawk (Great Lakes Basin)
mountain forests of the Kolla people. NAFTA, WTO
ExxonMobil (U.S.) w d x Saami Great Lakes Region polluted by mercury, so fish
Equatorial Guinea Gov’t Norway Gov’t
Army harasses Bubi using financial support from t v Kolla Planned military fields and big dams threaten
and wildlife (main source of subsistence of indig-
Seabord (U.S.) neous peoples) no longer safe to eat. Also major
ExxonMobil. Saami reindeer winter pasture.
Argentina Gov’t accumulations of Persistent Organic Pollutants.
Eco-tourism development; clearcutting of Andean
Ethiopia forest in Kolla territory. Russia f v l Native Hawaiians
Century of colonization and tourism has
o e l Anuak (Anywaa) o r Altai
Gambela Petroleum (Pinewood Resources, Canada) o Mapuche destroyed sacred sites, harmed native fishing,
YPF Oil (Argentina) Gazprom (Russia) agricultural lands and culture.
Ethiopia Gov’t Siberia Gov’t
Argentina Govt.
Oil exploration threatens Anuak. Government
Oil contaminants in water have caused severe Siberian gov’t planning road and gas pipeline w Native Hawaiians
transmigration program brings 60,000 settlers through Ukok Plateau, sacred site to Altai people; U.S. Military
into traditional Anuak lands. medical problems among Mapuche children.
project would open up pristine area to industrial- U.S. military bases and bombing ranges on Native
b Traditional peoples t l Mbya Guarani ization and ship Russian oil and gas to China. Hawaiian land destroys ecosystems and protected
Moconá S.A. Forestry (Argentina) species, and causes chemical contamination.
University of Toledo (U.S.) d Altai
University patent on endod threatens tribal peo-
ple who have cultivated it for centuries and used
it as an intoxicant to trap and kill edible fish.
Company exploits forests and illegally occupies
Guarani ancestral territory. I N T E R N A T I O N A L F O R U M O N G L O B A L I Z A T I O N I N D I G E N O U S P E O P L E S’ P R O J E C T European Bank for Reconstruction and
m x Navajo (Arizona)
Hydro-Resources (U.S.), Tufflite (U.S.), Kerr McGee
r Wichí Katun Dam project of Altai mountains threatens (U.S.)
Argentina Gov’t, Mercosur, FTAA (Free Trade unique ecoclimate. Hydroelectric power capacity U.S. Gov’t
Gabon exceeds local energy needs. Decades of uranium and other mining have dev-
b Traditional peoples
Area of the Americas)
Major highway through indigenous territory has
This chart offers a partial list of places where economic globalization is negatively impacting the planet’s indigenous peoples. The map is part of a larger project that also includes a
a INDUSTRIAL e TRANSMIGRATION l LOSS OF LAND r ROADS w MILITARIZATION WTO, or by development banks and export credit agencies. All seek to separate indigenous peoples from control of their lands and resources, to feed the appetites of global trade
t Buriyat
astated Navajo health and sacred lands.
dredged one of the world’s largest wetlands. new comprehensive report. We regret there was not room to list hundreds of additional examples that deserve attention. More than 5,000 distinct indigenous societies continue to and development interests.  Efforts by hundreds of indigenous groups to defend against these incursions have been too little noted by mass media, NGOs, and surely govern-
NeKtar Worldwide (U.S.), ProdiGene (U.S.) AGRICULTURE Illegal loggers f n x Nez Perce, Yakama,
University of Wisconsin, U.S. Gov’t
University has been granted exclusive U.S. market
exist today; most are eager to retain their ancestral lands, sovereignty, governance systems, and economic, cultural, and spiritual practices. Though some have been impacted for cen- f FISHERIES m MINING s SHIPPING x POLLUTION ments and agencies assigned to protect peoples and resources. We hope this project may help stimulate new effort to reverse this negative process. Demand in China, Japan and South Korea has Confederated Tribes of Umatilla
Belize turies by the global reach of colonizing societies, all now face an ever more aggressive effort by global corporations and bureaucracies seeking access to the resources and lands that been driving deforestation in Russia. Indian Reservation (Washington)
rights to brazzein, a protein extracted from the
berries of a West African plant, Pentadiplandra dMaya native peoples have protected for millennia, and on which they depend.  Notable among the impacts are incursions by global corporations to exploit forests, minerals, oil, fish,
b BIOPIRACY h WATER n NUCLEAR t LOGGING z ENERGY For additional copies of this map, or of the report, please contact: International Forum on Globalization, Indigenous Peoples’ Project, 1009 General Kennedy Ave. #2, o f Chukchi, Eskimo
U.S. Gov’t/Department of Energy
High-level radioactive and chemical wastetanks
brazzeana, found on native lands. The University Fortis(Canada)/Belize Electric Co. San Francisco, CA 94129. 415-561-7650; (fax) 415-561-7651; (website) Alaska State Gov’t from Hanford Nuclear Reservation leak about one
also controls the brazzein gene. Belize Gov’t wildlife, thus affecting the viability of native traditional livelihoods; development of giant infrastuctures like pipelines, dams, waterways, ports, roads bringing environmental dam- c CATTLE Commercial overfishing of Bering Sea and pro- million gallons of waste into the soil; some has
Chalillo Dam would flood Mayan community and age to native lands; forced displacement of native populations to make way for industrial agriculture, or for transmigration and settlement of new populations; military interdic- i DRUG INTERDICTION o OIL v TOURISM Thank you to our partners on this project: Amazon Watch, Arctic Peoples Alert, Cultural Conservancy, The European Center for Ecological and Agricultural Tourism, Greenpeace-U.S., Indigenous Environmental
posed offshore oil development jeopardize sur- reached groundwater. Indians who fish in the
Ghana destroy cultural heritage sites.
tions; culturally devastating tourism; and bioprospecting by genetic scientists.  Most such projects have been encouraged or financed by such institutions as the World Bank, IMF, d DAM
vival of Chukchi and Eskimo. Columbia River exposed to radiation.
Network, International Indian Treaty Council, International Rivers Network, Pacific Environment, Project Underground, Rainforest Action Network, Tebtebba Foundation, White Earth Land Recovery Project.
m t l Traditional farmers m x Evenk o Northern Arapaho, Northern
Goldfields Ghana (S.A.), Anmereosa Exploration Bolivia Kinross/Omolon (Canada) Cheyenne, Eastern Shoshone, Crow,
Ghana, Teberebie Goldfields (Ghana) h Aymara, Quechua European Bank for Reconstruction and Blackfeet, others (Montana)
(U.S.) World Bank, IMF, Ghana Gov’t Bechtel (U.S.) Development Anschutz Exploration (U.S.)
Thousands of traditional farmers evicted to make World Bank, IMF, Bolivia Gov’t Gold mine tailings threaten to contaminate drink- U.S. Gov’t
way for World Bank-sponsored gold mining. Privatization of Cochabamba’s water system dras- o Apurina, Paumari, Deni, Juma l t Mapuche d l Brunca o Quichua, Shuar, Achuar, Siona Guyana, Brazil w l Zapotec, Tzotsil, Tzeltal, v Kuna Suriname m Wiradjuri Aborigines d l Jharkhand Tribal People t Dayak Laos d Sindhi z l Bagobo m Subanen b Karen, traditional Thai farmers ing water supply for Evenk people. Mine has not Oil drilling is in a sacred site containing the conti-
El Paso Energy Int’l (U.S.), Halliburton (U.S.), Forestal Mininco (Chile), Bosques Arauco (Chile) Costa Rica Gov’t/Costa Rican Energy Institute Burlington Resources, Inc. (U.S.), Panama Gov’t, Plan Puebla Panama (PPP) Barrick/Homestake Gold (Canada) Vivendi (France) IMF, Indonesia Gov’t Pakistan Gov’t Philippine National Oil (PNOC); National Power TVI Pacific (Canada), Rio Tinto (U.K.) University of Florida paid promised dividends to Evenk shareholders,
tically increased rates and brought uprising by b Wapishana Tlapaneco, Mam, others m Aucaner Maroon d f l Montegnards/Lao who depend on this income.
nent’s largest collection of rock art.
Kenya indigenous communities. Contract reversed. Schlumberger (U.S.), Techint Engineering (Arg.)
Japan Export-Import Bank, Brazilian National
Chile Gov’t
Big forestry companies invade indigenous territo-
Forced relocation of indigenous peoples makes
way for dams.
Ecuador Gov’t
Oil exploration suspended due to opposition from British individual Mexico Gov’t, U.S. Gov’t
Increased militarization for “drug war”.
Kuna lands taken over for eco-tourism.
Golden Star Resources (Canada), Cambior (Canada),
Exploratory drilling threatens the environment
and community’s sacred sites and aboriginal com-
World Bank
100,000 tribal people would be displaced by
Massive logging for export has silted up rivers and
forced game deeper into forests. Theung
Constuction of Kalabagh dam threatens the Sindhi
people and would destroy much of their heritage.
Corporation (NAPOCOR)
Philippines Gov’t
Philippines Gov’t, IMF
Subanen people blockade road to prevent TVI
University of Florida trying to patent a variety of
jasmine rice, bred and used by Thai farmers for n x Pacific Islanders (Johnston
m l t Digo, Kamba d Aymara, Quechua Dev. Bank, Petrobras (Brazil state oil co.) ries. New pine monocultures grow where forest local indigenous peoples and environmental Indians seek to challenge patents registered on d Kuna, Embera-Wounan Canarc Resource (Canada) munities. Subarnarekha River dam project so privatized Transfield Holdings (Australia), Electricité de France, Indigenous people of Mindanao protest geother- Pacific from mining on ancestral lands. The centuries. University researchers suspected of o m x Evenk, Udege, Ul’ch,
Tiomin Resources (Canada) Pipelines to expand oil and gas production open diversity once provided Mapuche livelihood. groups. products isolated from Tipir, the nut of the s Zoque Panama Gov’t Suriname Gov’t, IMF water can be diverted to cities. o Dayak EGCO (Thailand), Ital-Thai (Thailand) mal plants on ancestral lands around Mount Apo, Subanen have withstood violence from police and illegally smuggling rice samples out of Thailand .
World Bank, Kenya Gov’t
World Bank
up indigenous lands to miners, loggers, ranchers, Ecuador Greenheart tree and Cunani, used by the
Mexico Gov’t, PPP Dam project forcibly relocated 3,000 people from Mining and logging concessions to foreign com- Unocal (U.S.), Vico (Indonesia), & Total Indonesie Laos Gov’t, World Bank, Asian Development Papua New Guinea the country’s highest peak. miners.
Russia Gov’t
U.S. Gov’t
Mining operations evict Digo and strip ancestral
Proposed projects would divert lake and stream
and colonists. d t Pehuenche o Amazonian tribes—Achuar, Shuar, o Tagaeri Wapishana for millenia. Waphishina have banned fertile traditional lands to marginal lands. panies threaten indigenous lands. Bangladesh o x Kaliapani tribal people Unocal and other oil/gas companies contaminate Bank, Japan Gov’t m Bougainvillean people Resource extraction, such as mining, oil and gas
Military waste shipped from U.S. bases in Japan
lands of all vegetation. Logging, road construc-
water from local communities.
ENDESA (Chile) Vintage Oil Ecuador (originally was Elf Acquitane of visits by “researchers” to their villages.
Proposed industrial waterway through Isthmus of
Tehuantepec, Mexico’s most biologically impor- h l e Chakma rice fields, fish/shrimp embankments, and com- Proposed dam would resettle 4,500 people; 40,000 Rio Tinto (U.K./Australia) m Banwa-on, Talaandig, Higaonon m o Tagbanua Tonga development, and environmental pollution, such
contaminates atoll with PCBs.
s Kaiabi, Munduruku
Huaorani, Quichua, Shiwiar, Zapara
b Guayami t Saramaka Maroon Oil India, Oil and Natural Gas (India)
other people living along the Xe Bangfai could be b Pacific Islanders
tion, and a power-generating plant also threaten i w Aymara, Quechua, others Chile Gov’t OCP consortium-Alberta Energy (Can.), Kerr McGee France) tant tropical forest, threatens Zoque land. NV Tacoba (China), Jin Lin Wood (China) Bangladesh Gov’t India Gov’t munity plantations. PNG Gov’t, IMF Climax Mining (Australia), Bonaventure, Assisi Shell Philippines Exploration B.V. , Occidental as acid rain, contaminate foods and territories. x Pacific Islanders (Northern
their livelihoods. U.S. Gov’t, Bolivia Gov’t Brazil Gov’t
Industrial waterway will facilitate soy-product
Dams would displace 1000 Pehuenche, flood river
valley, threaten plant and animal species, and
(U.S.), Occidental (U.S.), AGIP (It.), others Tagaeri live in voluntary isolation with little con-
tact from the outside world. Community under
Honduras b Indigenous groups
U.S. Dept of Commerce
Patent claim on the cell line of Guayami was with- Suriname Gov’t Inundation of Chakma lands has forced them to Two of India’s largest oil companies cited for dis-
v l Dayak
affected by increased flooding and reduction in
fish catches.
Environmental damage and social dislocation Mining
Philippines Gov’t
Philippines Govt.
Autogen (Australia) Indigenous peoples across Russia face epidemics Marianas)
Coca growers face eradication/fumigation of coca Ecuador Gov’t migrate to India. charging effluents from drilling sites into nearby caused by copper mining catalyzed a civil war Tonga Ministry of Health of tuberculosis, cancer, gastro-intestinal and
w l Masai crops despite legal uses, traditional cultural and exports to Europe. increase access to logging. Oil pipeline endangers ecosystems and indigenous pressure due to oil exploration/pre-production. v Garifuna Pod-Ners (U.S.) drawn due to international protests. Chinese logging company operations deforest,
water systems, tea gardens and rainforests. Hotel industry from 1988 to 1997 between Bougainvilleans and Government allowed mining surveyors to enter 480-km offshore natural gas pipeline from Biotech company arranged to collect blood sam- immune diseases.
U.S. Gov’t
Honduras Gov’t, Plan Puebla Panama pollute water, and threaten indigenous commu- PCB wastes contaminates soil and leaks into
Kenya, British, U.S. militaries medicinal roles. communities by opening up frontier forests. In 1999, the company won the patent for the w e Jumma, Marma, Chakma State Gov’t Malaysia the government. Residents filed a class-action area without consulting the indigenous peoples, Malampaya to Batangas will be constructed, ples for genetic database on the people of Tonga groundwater. High incidences of cancers,
Kenya, U.S. and U.K. military units use Masai land c Guarani-Kaiowa v Rapa Nui o Tetetes Garifuna defend their lands against development nity access to hunting, fishing, and farming areas.
m l Kondh, Santhal, Saura, Tourism industry projects appropriate and exploit causing skirmishes. affecting Tagbanua lands. o Evenk, Buriyat
for training maneuvers with severe environmental t Chimane, Mosetene, Tacana Large-scale ranchers Chile Gov’t o Amazonian tribes—Achuar, Shuar, Texaco (U.S.) and tourism.
Enola bean from Mexico and demanded that all
U.S. importers of Mexican beans pay royalties. An
Paraguay Bangladesh Gov’t
Government has sought to dilute tribal cultures Gond, Munda, Parja, Bhuiyan Dayak land. d l Penan, Kayan, Kenyah, lawsuit in the U.S. against Rio Tinto, for interna-
tional environmental violations and crimes
without public debate. But opposition from
church and human rights groups stalled the plan. Russia Petroleum (BP-Amoco owns 43% of stock) leukemia, chromosomal changes, and reproduc-
h l Bugkalot, Igorot a Yogad, Ibanag tive disorders reported among islanders.
consequences; pastoralists forced to marginal Berna Sucesores Large-scale ranchers have taken over Guarani and
Kaiowá land, evicting indians from their remain-
Rapa Nui threatened by increased tourism and
development on Easter Island.
Huaorani, Quichua, Shiwiar, Zapara Ecuador Gov’t
Oil development forced the last Tetetes Indians m d Lenca immediate drop in export sales out of Mexico l ct a Enxet, Ayoreo Venezuela by settling non-natives in the region. Norsk Hydro (Norway), Alcan (Canada), Hindalco
a e l Dayak
Kelabit, Lahanan, Ukit
Bakun Hydroelectric, Lahmeyer International
against humanity.
CE Casecnan Water and Energy Co. Inc. (CE- Monsanto (U.S.)
Kovytka pipeline threatens communities that rely
grazing lands. Logging threatens hunting grounds and liveli- (about 90 percent) has gravely injured 22,000 Ranching, logging interests, Forestal Paraná on hunting and fishing for livelihoods. Proposed x Pacific Islanders (Samoa)
hoods. ing territory.
Ecuador Gov’t
Ecuadorian Gov’t is selling 2 million hectares of off their lands near Lago Agrio near Texaco oil- Greenstone Resources Ltd (Canadian; now bank- farmers in northern Mexico who had depended (subsidiary of Shell Paraguay) and PROFOR S.A.
m Pemon, Karina o Jumma, Bawm, Khumi
(India), Indico (India), Balco/Sterlite (India)
State Gov’t of Orissa Bomer Ltd (Swiss-Malaysian) (Germany), Harza (U.S.), others b Hagahai CWECI) Local Governments in the Philippines Turkey pipeline area violates land designated as a
U.S. Private Research Group
v l Samburu field, hastening the Tetetes extinction. rupt), Entre Mares (owned by Glamis Gold, U.S.) on sales of this bean. Paraguay Gov’t Placer Dome, other Canadian mining companies Occidental (U.S.), Unocal (U.S.), Petrobangla, Cairn Indonesia Gov’t, IMF Malaysia Gov’t U.S. Gov’t/Nat’l Institutes of Health Philippines Gov’t, World Bank Ambiguous laws permitted Monsanto to carry out d h l Kurds Territory of Traditional Natural Resource Use.
Kenya Gov’t d Chimane, Tacana, Mosetene d Kayapó, Parakanã-Apiterewa, Colombia Amazon rainforests to oil companies to expand
heavy crude reserves.
General Mining Law, IMF (pressured Honduras Indigenous land occupied by export beef ranchers; Venezuela, Brazil Gov’ts Energy (U.K.), Shell (U.S.), Halliburton (U.S.)
Bauxite mine on sacred lands brings confronta-
tion between villagers, companies, and police. Rice self-sufficiency project has devastated peat- 9,000 members of the Kayan, Kenyah, Lahanan, Hagahai peoples subject of a patent application. The Casecnan Irrigation and Power Project forces trials of Bt corn in Isabela province in the Turkey Gov’t
Research group plans to develop an experimental
anti-HIV/AIDS compound from bark of the
Sambura peoples displaced by tourism develop- Bolivia Gov’t Araweté, Ipixuna, Asurini do Xingu, w Arhuaco Ecuador, Peru
to eliminate export tax on mining products.) logging companies illegally exporting wood. Electric infrastructure development threatens World Bank swamp forests and sparked deadly forest fires. Ukit, and Penan ethnic groups were forcibly reset- The patent was later abandoned, but the Hagahai indigenous people from ancestral lands. Northern Philippines in 2001. o Khanti
ment in Shaba National Reserve. New dam would flood Pilon Lajas Reserve, caus- Arara do Pará, Juruna, Xipaia e Colombia Gov’t, U.S. Gov’t o Cofán IMF-imposed General Mining Law (written by Mexico, Central lands with mining. Oil companies and foreign donors pressure gov-
2,100 families may lose their land.
Project was officially cancelled. But plans to turn tled from traditional lands in 1999 for Bakun Dam. cell line remains available to the public.
Southeast Anatolia Project would construct 22
dams and 19 hydroelectric plants which would Lukoil (Russia), various Samoan mamala tree.
o Achuar, Shuar, Quichua, Shiwiar, U.S. and Canadian companies) gives corporations
America b Naga over 1.3 million hectares to oil palm plantations d Ibaloi, Kankanaey and Russia Gov’t
l v Masai Mara ing irrevocable damage to one of the most biodi-
verse areas on Earth, and would displace
World Bank (withdrew from original project),
Tribe faces threats and encroachment from guer-
rillas, paramilitaries, Colombian army, drug traf-
Petroecuador, Lumbaqui Oil (Ecuador)
Ecuador Gov’t Huaorani, Tagaeri power to petition for removal of indigenous peo- Peru o Warao ernment to export gas.
Private researchers are being developed. Transmigrants brought into t a Penan, Kayan, Kenyah, o a e t Imawe Bogasi, Kalanguya Saudi Arabia forcibly resettle thousands of Kurds and destroy
archaeological sites. Oil industry destroys rivers, forests, and sacred
m Picuris Pueblo (New Mexico)
Tourism industry thousands of people. Two road proposals also Electronorte (Brazilian state dam company) fickers, and drug runners. Cofan peoples occupied and closed down an oil Alberta Energy (Canada)
ples near mineral deposits. o mt a ls w z d r f l m h x Andean Citibank (U.S.), Conoco (U.S.), Louisiana Land o e w Jumma, Chakma, Marma, India Gov’t the area; Dayak communities have been left to Kelabit, Lahanan, Ukit Fasu, Foe and Kikori clans San Roque Power—consortium of Marubeni (Japan), o l Bedouin sites.
Oglebay Norton Speciality Minerals (U.S.)
Kenya Gov’t, World Bank (U.S.), Benton Oil & Gas (U.S.), British Petroleum Pueblo fighting against expansion of mica mine
threaten rich ecosystems. Expansion of hydroelectric production would well in 1998 to protest oil-industry activity in Ecuador and Peru Gov’ts w l Maya Chorti
Maya and other indigenous peoples indigenous groups Tripura, Bawm, Mru, Lushai, Pankho, Naga misled about government-backed gathering cope with the impacts. Novelpac, Empressa, Rimbunan Hijau, Shin Yang, Chevron Niugini, BP (U.K.), Ampolex PNG, Merlin- Sithe Energies (U.S.), others Oil industry l o Kurds on their aboriginal lands.
Most Masai land taken over for private farms,
flood part of the Xingu indigenous park, affecting w Embera Katio, U’wa their ancestral territories. Two new pipelines are planned to link oil fields in of Mesoamerica Newmont (U.S.), Condesa (Peru)
(U.K.), ARCO (U.S.), Norsk Hydro (Norway),
Khumi, Chak, Khiyang of their blood samples for human genome project. Rawood (all Malaysian) Pacific, BHP- Petroleum, others Philippines Gov’t, Japan Bank for International Saudi Arabia Gov’t Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria Gov’ts o Nenet
ranches, government projects, and national parks. o Chimane, Yuracere, Mojeno, 25 groups. U.S. and Colombia Gov’ts Ecuador with northern Peruvian pipeline. Pipe -
Large landowners Oil, mining, timber, agribusiness Phillips Petroleum (U.S.) m x l Dusun Malang, Dusun Malaysia Gov’t, Sarawak State Gov’t PNG Gov’t, World Bank Cooperation Development leads to abolishment of communal Kurdish people seeking autonomy have been Arktikmorneftegas (Russia), Arktikneft (Russia)
o Cofán lines are part of Peruvian and Ecuadorian
Honduras Gov’t Mexico, U.S. Gov’ts; World Bank, Inter-
Peru Gov’t, International Finance Corp. Venezuela Gov’t Shell (U.S.), Texaco (U.S.), Cairn Energy PLC
d l Naika, Tadavi, Vasava, Bayan, Penyawung, Punan, Dohoi, Dayaks suffer brutality from government forces Petroleum project brings transmigration, indus- 2,000 Ibaloi families will be impacted by rights of tribal peoples to grazing land. pushed off their lands by state governments, in EBRD reviewing possible funding o Ponca Tribe (Oklahoma)
t l Ogiek, Masai Ignaciano
r t c l Nambiquara
U.S. aid supports Colombian military and aerial
bi-national border development plan.
Chorti people fighting to protect land and envi- American Dev’t. Bank (IDB), Central American
Yanacocha gold mine forces indigenous peoples to Oil projects on ancestral lands result in loss of (Scotland), Unocal (U.S.), others
Others while defending their forests from logging, oil trial agriculture and logging to Lake Kutubu hydropower project; downstream residents will Oil and gas development threatens migratory Conoco (U.S.), Continental Carbon, Taiwan Cement
Pan African Paper Mills (Panpaper), Raiply Timber, Repsol-YPF-Maxus consortium (Argentina) fumigation, endangering human health and the Texaco-Gulf (U.S.) ronment are attacked by Honduran military. relocate to urban centers as pollution and loss of territorial rights, traditional knowledge, culture, Bangladesh Gov’t Dungari Bhil, Rathwa, Goval some cases because of their strategic location on Oil refinery and waste products dangerously
Dev’t Bank, NAFTA, Plan Puebla Panama (PPP) PT Indo Muro Kencana (owned by Aurora Gold of palm, and eucalyptus plantations. see erosion and destruction of fisheries. reindeer routes, pasturelands, and water quality.
Timsales Oil well at Apere River endangers indigenous
water supply.
Logging industry, ranchers
World Bank, Brazil Gov’t
environment. Ecuador Gov’t
The Plan Puebla Panama megaproject would dis-
water destroy traditional livelihoods. and delta ecosystems. Resources of Chittagong Hill Tribes usurped; World Bank, India Gov’t
Australia; Aurora is 35% owned by Rio Tinto)
wilderness. Citibank loans enabled Chevron to
drill development wells, install extensive field
Solomon Islands oil fields.
Shoddy pipeline construction has resulted in impacting environment and community health.
Kenya Gov’t
d Embera-Katío
Oil development starting in 1970 has reduced
Guatemala Mexico place indigenous communities, force small farm- o Ashaninka, Nomatsiguenga,
transmigration of ethnic Bengali into the region Sardar Sarovar Dam potentially displaces 60,000
Indonesia Gov’t m Ifugao, Ibaloi, Kankanaey, m l e x Pacific Islanders frequent spills. Nenets people are interested in
Logging companies operate in protected forests r l Chiquitano, Guarayo,
Highway project reduces indigenous land and
increases intimidation from loggers and settlers. Skanska (Swiss), Conciviles (Colombia)
Cofan territory, and brought a 315-mile pipeline,
increased migration from settlers, and new f Fisherfolk ers into maquiladoras, and threaten areas of high
d Yekuana, Pemon, Waimiri- encouraged; army intimidates and terrorizes
Jumma people.
indigenous peoples. World Bank withdrew under
international pressure but India is proceeding. Ancestral lands have been taken over, villages
Myanmar facilities, and construct an 8-km pipeline.
Bugkalot, Gaddang Ross Mining (Australia) Vietnam ensuring standards. r Pueblo Indians (New Mexico)
and ancestral lands, illegally sold or granted to
Ayoreo, Guarani Colombia Gov’t, Canadian Export Development unknown diseases. After 30 years, Cofan popula- Camarones S.A. (Camarsa), Pesca S.A.
o x Chontal Maya biodiversity from Mexico to Panama.
Yanesha Atoari, Karina, Arakawa, Akawaio, burned to the ground, rivers polluted by cyanide m t l Karen t a Maisin Climax Arimco Mining (Australia) The people of Guadalcanal have been forced off a l t Montangard, Jarai, Albuquerque City Gov’t
developers by government. Pemex Consortium—Elf Aquitane Hydrocarbures Perou (Fr.), o Nenet Petroglyph Nat’l Monument, largest known unex-
Timber, mining, agriculture s Parintintim, Munduruku, Mura Corp., Nordbanken (Swiss), Nordic Investment tion has shrunk to 650 from 15,000. Guatemala Gov’t
and Warao t Onge and heavy metals, and traditional miners harassed Ivanhoe Mines (Canada) Malaysian logging companies Philippines Gov’t their land for development projects. Ross Mining
Bolivia Gov’t Piraha, Mura Bank (Nordic countries) Shrimp farming companies have closed access to
Mexico Gov’t, NAFTA
Eurocan Venture (Bermuda), Anschutz Overseas
(U.S.), Great Western Resources (U.S.), Enterprise
Marubeni, Hitachi, Toshiba, Mitsubishi (Japan) Cambodia India Gov’t or killed. Human rights violations inflicted with State Peace and Development Council (Myanmar Forests clearcut for palm oil plantations. Indigenous peoples protests temporarily shut relocated 25 different settlements; accused of pol-
Bahnar, Ede
Nestle (Switzerland), Procter & Gamble (U.S.),
Gazprom (Russia), Fortun (Finland) reviewing cavated pueblo in the region, with more than
three hundred other archaeological sites, now
Liberia Proposed highway would give Brazil access to Andre Maggi Group (Br.), Merchant Marine Fund, Urrá Dam built on native territory without per- o Cofán, Secoya, Siona wetlands traditionally used by local fisherfolk.
In the Tabasco and Veracruz regions oil produc-
tion pollutes large areas of land belonging to o f Indigenous fishing
Oil Exploration (U.K.)
Venezuela, Brazil Gov’ts, Japan Export-Import
Bank, Andean Development Corp.
t a r Highlanders Large-scale logging threatens indigenous peoples. the support of the local military officials. Gov’t)
l t Wowoi Guavi
down CAMC in 2000. luting rivers with cyanide. Philip Morris (U.S.), Sara Lee (U.S.)
The Northern European gas pipeline, projected to
run 1,200 km from northern Russia to Germany threatened by plans for two commuter highways.
Pacific; open up indigenous lands to colonizers. Hermasa (S.A.), CIAMPAR mission floods land and deprives Embera-Katío of Texaco (U.S.) Mining and illegal logging prevents indigenous
t Kpelle, Bassa, Gio, Kru, others d Maya Achí indigenous peoples, fisherfolk and farmers. Exploratory oil drilling destroys indigenous lands Expansion of power generation capacity and Vietnamese illegal loggers
t Onge, Adivasi, Jarawa, o e x Inanwatan, Soub, peoples from returning to their land. Logging companies f m Igorot t Pacific Islanders Vietnam Gov’t via the Baltic Sea, crosses Nenet homeland.
Shelman (Ger.), Oriental Timber (Malaysia) Brazil Gov’t (Ministry of Transportation), state fish. Ecuador Gov’t communities of the North and and protected reserves. related projects on indigenous lands bring Illegal logging by Vietnamese loggers for export; Export coffee plantations spread into highlands, m o Quechan Nation (Arizona)
Liberia Gov’t
o Chiquitano, Guarayo, Ayoreo, of Amazonas, Superintendency for the Billion-dollar lawsuit filed by indigenous leaders Consorcio Lami (Cogefar—Italy, Lahmeyer— t c a v Huichol, South Atlantic coast of Nicaragua
increased mining, logging, and oil development. Highlanders rely on forest for survival. Settlers Gottikoyas, Jharkandis, others Wamesa, Uri, Irarutu, Simuri, PNG Gov’t Newmont (U.S.) Kumpulan Emas Group, Rimbunan Hijau, flattening forests and taking over indigenous land. o Nenet, Komi, Sel’kup Glamis Imperial Gold (Canada)
Illegal logging for European markets. Incidents of Guarani, Weenhayek Development of Amazonia (regional dev.
i w Guambiano, Paez, Inga, charged that Texaco caused widespread devasta- Canada), Impreglio (Italy), others
Tarahumara PETRAD (Norwegian) m t Mashco-Piro, Yoro, Ese’eje, moving in, oil palm plantations constructed. World Bank, India Gov’t Sebyar/Kamberam and Mbahan Myanmar, Thailand Forests Management Agreement grants logging Philippines Gov’t Golden Springs International, Marving Brothers
Benton Oil & Gas (U.S.), Gazprom (Russia) U.S. Gov’t
human rights abuse and arms trafficking reported. Shell, Enron, Transredes, Petrobras agency), Business Council for Sustainable Dev. tion to the rainforest environment and dramati- World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank,
Logging companies, ranchers
Nicaragua Gov’t Amahuaca Adivasi have suffered violent attacks by police as BP (U.K.), Pertamina (Indonesia) companies access to Wowoi Guavi peoples’ land, Heavy water use for mining leaves locals with (all Malaysian) d l Dao, Tay, Khanh Hoa, Oil and gas fields negatively impact the Nenets Gold mine and gas pipeline will destroy sacred
Overseas Private Investment Corp., World Bank Waterway facilitates industrial agriculture, Cofán, others cally increased the risk of cancer for tens of Guatemala Nat’l Inst. of Electrification Oil exploration threatens traditional fishing com- Venezuela, Brazil forest officials try to expel them from their home- Indonesia Gov’t o w l e Karen, Mon, despite their ardent opposition. inadequate drinking water and scarce irrigation Solomon Islands Gov’t
Construction of gas pipeline between Bolivia and increases truck and ship traffic, impacts indige- Monsanto (U.S.), Dupont (U.S.) thousands of people. First class-action lawsuit Villagers refuse to leave their ancestral lands for Indigenous groups face invasion of their lands by
ExxonMobil (pulled out in 2001), mahogany loggers
Peru Gov’t
China land. Natural gas fields developed to supply gas to Asia- Tavoyans, Chin for rice paddies. Logging and runoff by Malaysian companies
Hmong, Kinh
Vietnam Gov’t
people and reindeer herds. sites, and desert plants and animals essential to
Madagascar Brazil has affected 6 million hectares of Chiquitano nous livelihoods. U.S. Gov’t filed by foreign plaintiffs in a U.S. court, will construction of dam, leading to Guatemalan lumber companies and cattle ranchers. Culture is r Waimiri-Atoari, Satere-Mawe, d l Chinese peasants and Pacific markets, mainly India and China. Pollution Total (U.S.), Unocal (U.S.), Petroleum Authority of m Yonggom described as the worst seen in any tropical forest.
Quechan culture.
U.S. eradicates drug crops by aerial spraying, also threatened by tourism, industrial agriculture. t Mayangna (Sumu), Miskito
Forest communities threatened by mining and
Wai Wai, Karafawyana, Piriutiti l m x West Khasi Hills tribal BHP-Billiton (Australia/S.Africa), Inmet (Canada) m l Igorot, Bontoc, Ibaloi, Fragile coral reefs and sea life, the main source of
Gov’t plans hydropower dam on Gam River, o f Nivkh, Evenk, Uil’ta
m t Tribal people Forest, inhabited by 178 indigenous and peasant determine whether persons in other countries can army’s massacre of 400 Mayans. logging demand reversal of concessions. indigenous groups from the BP site devastates their shrimp, crab, Thailand Exploration & Production, Myanmar Oil & which would flood Na Hnag Nature Reserve and Sakhalin I: ExxonMobil (U.S.), SODECO (Japanese m Quechan Nation (California)
communities. Communities are strongly opposed l Pataxó severely impacting environment and health sue in U.S. courts for contamination by American
o t c w Lacandon Maya PRADA (formerly SOLCARSA Korea) Isol, others Financed by Morgan Stanley Dean Witter (U.S.), people fish, and mangrove resources on which their Gas, Halliburton (U.S.) PNG Gov’t, IMF Masadiit protein for the local people, was destroyed. 45 villages. consortium), Rosneft (Russia), ONGC Videsh Ltd. Newmont (U.S.)
Rio Tinto (U.K.)
to projects due to river contamination, reduced Brazil Gov’t corporations abroad. a Maya, other indigenous groups IMF, IDB, Nicaragua Gov’t t o Mayoruna, Capanahuas WTK Group, Sam Ling, Rimbunan Hijau, and Solomon Smith Barney of Citigroup (U.S.), Chase Uranium Corporation of India livelihoods depend. State Peace and Development Council (Myanmar BHP announced its intention to end involvement Newmont (U.S.), RTZ Mining (U.K.), Newcrest Biodiversity, and diversity of cultures under Destruction of sacred areas, cyanide poisoning.
World Bank
fish and game supply, and increased colonization. New national park forces Pataxó from traditional o Inga, Siona, Cofán Monsanto (U.S.), Bayer (Germany) Mexico Gov’t, NAFTA, Plan Puebla Panama (PPP)
IMF changed investment laws to make it easier Malaysian logging companies Mingo (all Malaysian), Taboca Mining (Brazil) India Gov’t Gov’t) with Ok Tedi mine, due to protests against envi- (Australia), Benguet, Montanosa (majority-owned extreme threat. w l Tai, Hmong (India), Sakhalin II: Royal Dutch/Shell (U.K.),
Manhattan (U.S.), others
Villagers are strongly opposed to World Bank pro- territory. Texaco (U.S.), Ecopetrol (Colombia) o Huaorani NAFTA, WTO Logging, cattle operations, oil exploration and
for foreign investors to access Nicaragua; they Logging and oil prospecting destroys Amazon Venezuela and Brazil Gov’ts, Andean World Bank, China Gov’t, export credit agencies Plan for uranium mine includes removal of 30,000 t a Mentawai Gas pipeline runs through indigenous communi- ronmental devastation. Filipino companies), others Vietnam Gov’t
Mitsui (Japan), Mitsubishi (Japan)
x Siberian Yupik (Alaska)
posed mine that would deforest the area. Colombia Gov’t Perez Companc (Ec.), AGIP (It.), Vintage Oil (Ec.), Many Central/South American countries encour- thousands of Mexican troops besiege the
have begun logging indigenous ancestral lands. forests. Development Corp. Citigroup (U.S.), Asia Pulp and Paper (Singapore), ties; Burma forced relocation of 11 Karen commu- Philippines Gov’t b Pacific Islanders 70,000 tons of drilling muds from Sakhalin oil
Bolivia, Brazil d Surui-Aiwekar In southern Putumayo province, Texaco and Alberta Energy (Canada), Repsol YPF (Spain) age the use of pesticides, including DDT. Lacondon jungle, comprising 50 percent of North Mercosur Highway cuts through indigenous reser-
of Switzerland, France, Germany and Canada
Three Gorges will be the largest dam in the world;
indigenous people; clan leaders refuse to leave.
Mining could pump radioactive material into PT PP London Sumatra (Indonesia) nities which resisted the project. Philippines Mining activities displace indigenous people from U.S. Dept of Commerce
Hoa Binh Dam reservoir displaced 58,000 people,
many of whom are indigenous peoples.
exploration have been discharged into the U.S. Military
Siberian Yupik suffer from high rates of cancer
America’s remaining tropical rainforest. m l Miskito, Mayangna Okhotsk Sea; unprecedented fish die-offs in the
Morocco o Guarani, Guarayo, Ayoreo, GESAI Consortium (Alcoa, BHP Billiton, Campania
Vale do Rio Doce, Camargo Correa, Votorantim)
Ecopetrol have contaminated the fresh water sup-
plies of the Inga, Siona, and Cofan Indians, forc-
Ecuador Gov’t
Oil impacts include high malaria and hepatitis B
Indigenous peoples from the entire region suffer
high incidences of cancers and other heretofore Recursos Nicaraguenses y Australianos S.A., Mars
t Nahua vations, parks, and ecological reserves. one million small farmers forcibly resettled. rivers that flow into Bangladesh. Indonesia Gov’t
Forests under threat from logging and palm oil t Aeta
ancestral lands, destroy sources of livelihood,
bring massive environmental damage.
Agency has filed patent claims on the cell lines of
indigenous peoples. Nivkh traditional fishing grounds. from toxic and industrial wastes left behind by
o l r Amazigh Chiquitano, Kinikinao, Guaxi,
Brazil Gov’t ing them to evacuate their territories. epidemics, cultural degradation, pollution, colo- unknown diseases.
b Maya Geosciences (Australia), Nycon Resource (Canada)
Newman Lumber (U.S.), illegal loggers
plantations. Influx of workers further marginalize Nepal Philippines Gov’t, Asian Development Bank Yemen abandoned military base.
Lonestar Energy (U.S.) Terena, Kayapó, Ophayé-Xavante, Quest Int’l (Netherlands) Illegal logging has taken more than 600,000 feet
Fiji Indonesia l e t Lumad, Mangyan, n o Saami
Morocco Gov’t Guadaxo, Layana
Santa Isabel dam will displace 7,000 people and
o Nukak
nization from oil-related infrastructure and access
University of Minnesota
Nicaragua Gov’t of mahogany and cedar, depleted the wildlife on the Metawai. l t Chhetri People ADB projects restrict Aeta from traditional use of
Sri Lanka o Jahm, Murad, Bakeel Tribes Norilsk Nickel (Russia) and ONEK-SIM Bank poten- f Tlingit (Alaska)
flood the Serra dos Martirios ecological reserve, roads. Gold mining activity in Bosawas Reserve endan- w o l Acehnese forest resources without compensation or viable Tagbanwa
Guyana Patent granted on pozol, a traditional Mayan which Nahua livelihood depends, and threatened m Fijians m Molo Nepal Gov’t Hunt Oil (U.S.), ExxonMobil (U.S.) tial backers, Minatom (Ministry for Atomic Energy— Large-scale commercial fishing and corporate log-
Oil exploration/drilling and road construction
displacing Amazigh from their land.
Enron (U.S.), Shell (U.K.), BHP Petroleum
(Australia), others Petrobras (Brazil), YPFB (Bolivian
state oil), Andean Development Corp.,
affecting the Surui-Aiwekar people, who depend
on the Araguaia River for their livelihoods.
Occidental Petroleum (U.S.), Ecopetrol (Col.), others
Colombia Gov’t
Oil exploration threatens community survival.
a r t Awa, Quichua, Shuar, r Akawaio, Arawak, Macushi, drink derived from fermented corn.
gers fresh water sources of indigenous commu-
community members.

o t e Nahua (Yora),
ASIA, OCEANIA Nittetsu-Nippon (Japan)
Fiji Gov’t
ExxonMobil (U.S.), PT Arun (Indonesia)
Indonesia Gov’t PT Karya Asta Aslam (Indonesia)
Gov’t of South Central Timor
Chhetri evicted from land to make way for Lake
Rara Nat’l Park.
h l Agta-Dumagat
Philppines Gov’t
Settlers, loggers, farms, and industrial develop-
ment push indigenous people off ancestral lands.
f x Fisherfolk
Commercial aquaculture companies
Sri Lanka Gov’t
Yemen Gov’t
Tribes protest lack of basic facilities in their com-
Russia)), oil industry.
European Union, Russia and Norway Gov’ts,
ging for export impact native livelihoods, sacred
sites, and land rights.
o Saharawi World Bank, Ex-Im Bank (U.S. & Japan) l Tupinikim, Guaraní
Cofán, others Patamona, Wapishana b Tzeltal, Tzotzil, Tojobal, Chol, l t Miskito, Rama, Sumu Proposed mine would impact 40 indigenous Militarization against indigenous peoples by munities, despite government and corporate UNESCO
m w l Tabaco indigenous/ International Monetary Fund Paranapanema (Brazil), Homestake Int’l Mining Kugapakori (Nanti), Kirineri, Yine, Australia states and corporations has resulted in environ- Marble is being quarried at two sacred mountains. National Power, through MADECOR firm (Phil.) Commercial aquaculture has destroyed lagoons, m Tohono O’odham (Arizona)
Kerr McGee (U.S.), Total (Fr.), TGS-NOPEC (Nor.) Bolivia-Brazil pipeline will connect Santa Cruz gas Aracruz Celulose (Brazil) Indigenous peoples demand end to IMF austerity (U.S.), Omai Gold Mines Ltd. (Cambior subsidiary—
Zoque Timber, ranching interests Machiguenga
villages, threatening traditional practices and rich
regional biodiversity. mental degradation, destruction of indigenous
New Caledonia Philippines Gov’t m l Mamanua estuaries and mangrove forests for export shrimp
investment in oil exploration/drilling. Abandoned nuclear reactors, nuclear waste, aban-
doned submarines, and proposed nuclear dump Asarco (U.S.)
Morocco Gov’t fields to Porto Alegre, Brazil, damaging lands and Tupinikim and Guaraní lands taken over for huge campesino community, Wayuu measures. Canada), timber industry
Univ. of Georgia-Athens, The Colegio de la Frontera Nicaragua Gov’t, Plan Puebla Panama (PPP) Citigroup (financier) (U.S.), Pluspetrol (Argen.), o l Kauareg, Barada, Kaanja, cultures, and displacement of indigenous peoples.
o t x Nduga, Amungme m Kanak Hydroelectric project will submerge Dumagat Surigao Gold Mining (Philippines) production. After construction of shrimp farms, Mining on indigenous lands.
Government contract with oil companies for oil livelihoods of many indigenous groups. eucalyptus plantations. Intercor (previously owned by ExxonMobil), Sur (Mexico), Molecular Nature Ltd (Welsh) ancestral lands. Rush of mining companies to area displaces 20,000 traditional fisherfolk lost their livelihoods threatens Saami dependent on lands for subsis-
Brazil Gov’t, State Gov’t of Roraima, Guyana IMF structural adjustment programs force Hunt Oil (U.S.), SK Corp. (S. Kor.), others Bindal (Damal), Nakai (Asmat Keenok), INCO (Canada)
i Quichua U.S. Gov’t tence. Oil and gas terminals also planned for the
exploration viewed by Saharawi as endorsement
of the annexation of their territory by Morocco. s t m o Indigenous groups s Xavante, Karaja, Javaé, Avá
Glencore (Swiss), BHP Billiton (Australia/U.K.),
Anglo-American (S. Africa/U.K.)
Gov’t, Guyana Defence Force, IDB, EU, World Bioprospecting of Mayan medicinal plants and
Nicaragua to open up to natural-resource extrac- Peru Gov’t, U.S. Export-Import Bank, IDB Chevron (U.S.), Exxon-Mobil (U.S.), Oilsearch (PNG) India f m e Amungme, Dayak Sempan, others New Caledonia Gov’t, France Gov’t t Agta-Negritos
Mamanuas from their ancestral domains. and migrated to the city. Commercial shrimping
region. m h n Western Shoshone
DynCorp (U.S.) tion by foreign companies. has also polluted drinking water.

in the Chimore and Yapacani regions
as well as the Chiquitano, Guarayo,
Canoeiro, Tapirapé, M’bya, Krikati,
Xerente, Apinayé, Munduruku,
Colombia Gov’t, IMF
El Cerrejon open pit coal mine has devastated
U.S. Gov’t, Colombia Gov’t
A class-action lawsuit by 10,000 Ecuadorian
New road part of Brazil’s infrastructure plan to
aid exports of Amazon resources.
traditional knowledge has been terminated after
mass opposition from indigenous groups. l f t Rama
Camisea gas project impacts territory of several
indigenous groups and could destroy pristine
tropical rainforest. Natural gas facility planned for
Papua New Guinea Gov’t (Mineral Resources
Dev’t Corp.), Queensland Gov’t
Chevron’s proposed gas pipeline would traverse
l a Chatisgarh
World Bank, India Gov’t
Freeport McMoRan (U.S.), Rio Tinto
Indonesia Gov’t
Conoco (U.S.)
Indonesia Gov’t
Oil exploration in UNESCO Biosphere Reserve
Indigenous peoples fight to stop large-scale nickel
mining. Corporations vie for world's largest and
richest laterite nickel reserves, threatening ancient
Foreign logging companies
Philippines Gov’t
t Mandaya
PICOP Resources (Philippines) l Wanniya-laeto (Veddah)
CANADA, o n Saami
Russia Gov’t, World Bank, IMF
Newmont (U.S.), Nuclear power companies
U.S. Gov’t/Department of Energy
d r Himbas
Namibia Gov’t
Ayoreo and Guarani people of the
Santa Cruz region of Bolivia,
Midland (U.S.), ADM (U.S.), Cargill (U.S.)
lands. Construction of roads from the mining area
to the port has destroyed burial grounds, houses,
corrals. Protests met with military oppression.
Indians and farmers charges DynCorp recklessly
sprayed the herbicide glyphosate on homes and
farms, causing illnesses and deaths, destroying
m Creole a Tzeltal, Tzotzil, Tojolabal,
Chol, Zoque, Mam, and other
C.I.N.N. (Consorcio del Canal Interoceanico de
Nic.); SIT-Global (Nicaragua)
Nicaragua Gov’t, PPP
export to U.S. Future roads will open region to
loggers and settlers.
the Kikori River Valley, Gulf of Papua, and the
Torres Straight to Cape York Peninsula. The region
Chatisgarh pushed off their land for giant steel
plant. World Bank insists on eliminating tradi-
tional rice growing for conversion to industrial
Amungme forcibly relocated to make way for
influx of outsiders; Indonesian army commits
has razed villages, logged forests, and polluted
forests, coral reefs, and indigenous lands.
Foreign logging companies linked to the govern-
ment ravage forests.
Philippines Gov’t
Company has been logging illegally since 1995.
Mandayas face military retaliation to protests.
Sri Lanka Gov’t
Aboriginal people expelled from Madura Oya
National Park by government’s Mahaweli
EUROPE, Russian and foreign corporations aggressively
pursue fishing and other rights in traditional
Gold and copper mining contaminate water,
destroy sacred sites. Nuclear weapons testing;
Omai Gold Mines, a joint venture of Cambior
Brazil, Chile Brazil Gov’t (Ministry of Transportation) is a key biodiversity conservation area and bisects human rights violations. high-level nuclear waste dump on indigenous
Planned dam would devastate the pastoralist Logging, mining, oil, agriculture sectors Indigenous communities oppose industrial water- crops and displacing thousands of small farmers. (Canada) and Golden Star Resources (U.S.)
indigenous groups Proposed canal would cut through Rama tradi- large number of Aboriginal lands.
agriculture of exotic fruits and vegetables for o e t Sakai New Zealand m Alangan, Tadyawan Development Programme. Saami areas.
Himbas, flood grazing lands and ancestral grave- o U’wa, Guajibo Grupo Pulsar (Mexico), Planfosur (U.S.), others tional lands and disrupt subsistence activities. Peru, Andean countries export..
a l Banjarese, Dayak Temuan CREW Minerals Philippines t Mangyan groups
IDB, Chile, Brazil, Bolivia and Japan Govt’s way. Xavante won a court injunction blocking it.
Occidental Petroleum (U.S.), Repsol (Spain), o Quichua, Sarayacu, Zapara
World Bank, Guyana Gov’t
PT Caltex (jointly owned by Chevron & Texaco) a Maori Philippines Gov’t o Selkuti, Khanti
yards, and destroy river ecosystem. Indigenous groups oppose transport corridor that In 1995, the Omai tailings pond spilled millions of b e Quechua, Aymara m Adnyamathanha Aborigines f Jarawa and Melayu Raiu Provincial Gov’t New Zealand Gov’t
Oriental Wood Product
Thailand z Yakama Nation, Klickitat
would facilitate growth in international trade of b Indigenous groups of the Amazon Ecopetrol (Colombia) CGC (Argentina) gallons of wastewater contaminated with cyanide Large eucalyptus and African-palm plantations in r f e Karata (Miskito) Appropriate Engineering and Manufacturing (U.S.) Heathgate Resources (U.S.) CDC (British private investment agency), PT Agro Timber extraction and transmigration results in Communities strongly oppose CREW’s plan to Philippines Gov’t Canada/NW Territories Yukos Oil (Russia)
Foreign fishing fleets The Maoris campaign fervently against genetic
Niger, Algeria timber, oil, and minerals. Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia Gov’t Ecuador Gov’t and heavy metals; poison found its way to the southern Mexico produce genetically engineered Delasa L.C. (U.S.) Australia Gov’t Indomas (owned by Sri Lankan Carson conflict between Caltex and the Sakai peoples. start mining operations. Philippines government permits logging on the t l Akha, Karen, Hmong, other Oil project will stretch through wetlands in area
Enron (U.S.)
Proposal to build pipeline through U’wa land Quichua and Zapara peoples are resisting oil Essequibo River which serves as the source of fish seedlings. Nicaragua Gov’t, PPP Patent granted on an Andean popping bean to
Recurrent radioactive liquid spills from Beverly
India Gov’t
engineering; they declare Aotearoa as “Nuclear whole island of Mindoro. hilltribes t Cree inhabited by indigenous groups who have not
U.S. Gov’t
m o Tuaregs Venezuela, Colombia, Suriname, brought massive international protest and project exploration activities. and drinking water for indigenous Creole and Proposed megaport on indigenous land in Puerto U.S. food processing company. Local fish stocks threatened by government’s Deep m r f x Simpang Empat and GE Free Nation.” t Ata-Manobo Thailand Gov’t-Royal Thai Forestry Department U.S.-Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement, been informed of project, nor of their rights asso-
Bechtel (U.S.), BHP (Australia), BRGM (Fr.), Brazil Guyana, French Guiana delays—a temporary victory for the U’wa. Amerindian communities.
a Yaqui Nation Cabezas would impact fishing industry and cause
uranium mine. Sea Fishing Policy, which promotes foreign Plantation has destroyed tropical forest, depriving
up to 1,000 people of their land and primary Sumpol people Alcantara and Sons (Phil.) m Mansaka Royal Thai Forestry Department relocates commu- Canada Gov’t, WTO ciated with development in their region. Yakama Nation opposes wind farm in sacred areas.
Elf (Fr.) t c m Awá U.S. private party, U.S. Gov’t o Quichua, Secoya, Siona, Shuar Agro-chemical companies displacement, transmigration. Peru, Brazil m Waanyi, Gungalida investors to the detriment of local peoples.
PT Arutmin (majority owned by BHP-Billiton) Pakistan Philippines Gov’t Echo Bay Mines (U.S.), Toronto Ventures (Pacific) nities to make way for forest plantations. 60% of Quebec softwood comes from forests on Threatens fishing economy.
m Zuni Pueblo (New Mexico)
Niger, Algeria, Mali Gov’ts Ayahuasca patent accepted by U.S. Patent Office o Yariguie, Motilon Occidental (U.S.) l m Wai Wai, Wapishana, Mexican Rural Bank, NAFTA, WTO means of support. Ata-Monobos people opposing tree plantation Inc., and Benguet Mining (Philippines) Cree lands; logging impacts 4,000 Cree subsis-
Logging industry despite the fact that thousands of indigenous peo- Transnational oil corporations Ecuador Gov’t Pesticides, including DDT, have been found in the r t Poyanawa, Kaxinawa, Pasminco (Australian, bought mine from RioTinto) l v Jarawa, Sentinelese Building and use of haul roads that transport coal t o Forest dwellers project have been targets of military attack. Philippines Gov’t h x Fisherfolk tence hunters. m t l v Shor, Teleut Altai Salt River Project (Arizona electric utility)
Foreign companies exploit minerals and oil/gas Nomadic hunter-gatherers under threat from log- ple use it for religious and healing purposes. Colombia Gov’t
Macushi, Akawaio (Kapon), Arecuna
bodies of the Yaqui Peoples throughout their Panama Katukina, Shanenawa, Kulina, Century mine will become the world’s largest zinc India Gov’t d l Bauzi/West Papua from the mining location to the stockpile impact- Premier Oil (U.K) Kingking Project on 1,656 hectares of Mansaka Mining, timber companies Catron County Gov’t
deposits in Tuareg territory. gers, ranchers, and settlers. Occidental is conducting oil exploration and pro- producer, though it has been strongly opposed by Indonesia Gov’t ing local communities. Rivers polluted from Asian Development Bank, Overseas Economic Zunis fight proposed coal-strip mine that could
Oil projects exterminated the Yariguie and the duction on native lands in four protected areas of
(Pemon) traditional lands. m t r Emberá-Wounan, Jaminawa unions and local Aboriginal people.
Isolated tribes face sudden influx of tourists and
wastewater no longer provide shrimp and fish.
Pakistan Gov’t m l B’laan ancestral land has been prone to flashfloods since Cooperation Fund (Japan), Thailand Gov’t d l Cree Russia Gov’t
drain the Zuni Salt Lake, a sacred religious site.
Vannessa Ventures (Canada), Golden Star Resources settlers who poach game Jarawa depend upon. Mamberamo Dam project expected to force relo- Oil exploration threatens Kirthar National Park.
d Caraja, Awá Chile Motilon tribes. Amazon including Yasuni National Park, the Cuy
(U.S.) a Zapotec, others Kuna, Teribe, Ngobe-Bugle Maple Gas (U.S.), Oderbrecht and Andrade
cation of indigenous groups in the area. Illegal timber smuggling terrorizes forest dwellers.
Western Mining Corporation (Australia)
Philippines Gov’t
mining began. Local villages are concerned that effluents from Manitoba Hydro
Manitoba State Gov’t
Export coal, iron, gold, and timber industries
greatly alter traditional ways of life. Land set aside
Alcoa (U.S.), BHP Billiton (Australia/S. Africa, l t Huilliche
Abeno Wildlife Reserve, the Panacocha and Western Keltic Mines, Tiomin Resources, Inmet Gutierrez (Brazilian construction companies) l m Mirrar Aborigines m Jharkand tribal people proposed wastewater plant will damage the
Costa Rica Limoncocha protected forest. Occidental plans 32
World Bank, Guyana Gov’t ADM (U.S.), Cargill (U.S.) State Gov’t of Acre (Brazil), Peru Gov’t, Japan m t l Bungku, Dongi, Japan 7,000 B’laan in 14 villages in Columbio, Sultan m l Pala’wan Manitoba Hydro diverts flow of Churchill River; for traditional use is currently under threat, as

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CVRD (Brazil) Gold and diamond exploration desecrates ances- Mining, (all Canadian) Energy Resources of Australia (subsidiary of Rio Uranium Corporation of India v r Kalasha coastal ecosystem and livelihoods that support
Chile Gov’t new wells as well as 90 kilometer pipeline. U.S. Gov’t, NAFTA Gov’t, World Bank, IDB (last two no longer Kudarat will be displaced by new government- Fenway Resources (Philippines), Central Palawan 3.3 million acres of Cree lands become unusable. large deposits of phosphorus have been discovered.
Tucuri dam floods indigenous reserves and threat- Highway megaproject facilitates logging and con- o f Bribri, Cabecar tral territories. Genetic contamination has been found in maize .
Panama Gov’t
Tinto) Atomic Energy Dept. of India Bahumotefe d l Ainu Pakistan Gov’t backed mining operations. Mining and Industrial (Philippines)
20,000 people.
ens animals and forests. Industrial logging, road construction, and mining Australia Gov’t Radiation from uranium mines in the Jharkand Inco/PT Inco (Canada) Japan Gov’t Opening of territory to modernization and
version to coastal forest plantations. Huilliche Harken Energy (U.S.) Highway project impacts indigenous groups and Philippines Gov’t
have brought environmental degradation, affect- Proposed mine would result in millions of tons of tribal belt of India linked to genetic mutation and Indonesia Gov’t Nibutani Dam, completed in 1996, inundated tourism has marginalized Kalasha people in their
communities were not consulted. Costa Rica Gov’t, Plan Puebla Panama protected areas; new port development would Proposed cement plant complex in an area of
ing indigenous groups. radioactive waste stored at the mine. life-threatening health disorders among thirty INCO has seized indigenous lands for open pit lands of Ainu in Hokkaido. Sacred sites and dam- own homeland.
Oil development in one of the most biologically- increase logging. ancestral homelands totalling 15,000 hectares.
indigenous tribes. mining. Forest destruction, flooding, and involun- age to ecosystem of the Saru River (the cradle of Pala’wan people protest.
rich areas in the world threatens fishing and Ainu culture) obliterated.
farming. tary settlement/transmigration will result.

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