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RCC design B.C.


A retaining wall or retaining structure is used for maintaining the ground surfgaces at
defrent elevations on either side of it. Whenever embankments are involed in construction ,retaining
wall are usually necessary. In the construction of buildins having basements, retaining walls are
mandatory. Similsrly in bridge work, the wing walls and abutments etc. are designed as retaining
walls , to resist earth pressure along with superimposed loads. The material retained or supported by
a retaining wall is called backfill lying above the horizontal plane at the elevation of the top of a wall
is called the surcharge, and its inclination to horizontal is called the surcharge angle b

In the design of retaining walls or other retaining structures, it is necessary to compute the
lateral earth pressure exerted bythe retaining mass of soil. The equation of finding out the lateral
earth pressure against retaining wall is one of the oldest in Civil Engineering field. The plastic state of
strees, when the failure is imminent, was invetigated by Rankine in1860. A Lot of theoretical
experiment work has been done in this field and many theory and hypothesis heve benn proposed.


Retaining walls may be classified according to their mode of resisting the earth
pressure,and according to their shape. Following are some of commen types of retaining walls (Fig)

1 Gravity walls
2 Cantilever retaining walls a. T- shaped b. L- shaped
3 Counterfort retainig walls.
4 Buttresssed walls.

A gravity retaining wall shown in fig 1 is the one in which the earth pressure exrted by the
back fill is resisted by dead weight of wall, which is either made of masonry or of mass concrete .
The stress devlop in the wall is very low ,These walls are no proportioned that no tension is devloped
any where, and the resultant of forces remain withen the middle third of the base.

The cantilever retaining wall resist the horizontal earth pressure as well as other vertical pressure by way of beending of va
ressure by way of beending of varios components acting as cantilever s.A coomon form of cantilever retaining waal
etaining waal
horizontal back fill
Hieght of cantilever wall from ground level = 7.00 m
Unit weight of Earth = 18 KN/m3
Angle of repose = 30 Degree
Safe Bearing capacity of soil = 180 KN/m3
Coffiecent of friction = 0.5
Concrete M- 20
wt. of concrete = 25000 N/m3
Steel fe 415 N/mm2 s st 230 N/mm2
m 13.33 s cbc 7 N/mm2
Nominal cover = 30 mm
Foundation depth = 1.00 m
Counter forts width = 0.50 m
Stem thickness At footing #REF! mm At top #REF! mm
Heel width 2000 mm Toe width 1700 mm
Footing width 4100 mm Key #REF! x #REF! mm
Reinforcement Summary
STEM:- Main
(from top of
100% Reinforcement
wall) upto m #REF! 10 mm F@ 90 mm c/c
50% Reinforcement upto m #REF! 10 mm F@ #REF! mm c/c
25% Reinforcement upto m Top 10 mm F@ #REF! mm c/c

Distribution 8 mm F@ #REF! mm c/c

Tamprecture 8 mm F@ #REF! mm c/c
Main 10 mm F@ 100 mm c/c
Distribution 8 mm F@ 0 mm c/c
Main 10 mm F@ #REF! mm c/c
Distribution 8 mm F@ 180 mm c/c
### mm F
### mm F ### @ c/c
### @ c/c 7000
#REF! ### mm F
### mm F ### @ c/c
### @ c/c ###
### ### mm F
### mm F ### @ c/c
### @ c/c
### ### mm F
### @ c/c
### #REF!
### mm F

### Toe Heel ### @ c/c

### ###

### mm F 2000
### @ c/c 1700 400
1700 400 2000
### mm F ### @ c/c ### mm F
### @ c/c
### F 10 mm F
### ### @ c/c

10 mm F
### @ c/c

10 mm F
### @ c/c

Out side Earth side

Hieght of cantilever wall from ground level = 7.00 m

Unit weight of Earth g = 18 kN/m3 = 18000 N/m2
Angle of repose = 30 Degree
Safe Bearing capacity of soil q0 = 180 kN/m3
Coffiecent of friction m = 0.5
Concrete = M 20
Steel fe = 415
Nominal cover = 30 mm effective cover 40
Foundation depth = 1.00 m
Counter forts width assume = 0.50 m 500 mm

1 Design Constants:- For HYSD Bars Cocrete M = 20

s st = = 230 N/mm2 wt. of concrete = ### N/mm2 = 25 kN/mm2

s cbc = = 7 N/mm3
m = 13.33
m*c 13.33 x 7
k= = = 0.289
m*c+sst 13.33 x 7 + 230
j=1-k/3 = 1 - 0.289 / 3 = 0.904
R=1/2xc x j x k = 0.5 x 7 x 0.904 x 0.289 = 0.913
1-sin F 1 - 0.5 1
For soil, F = 30 \ Ka = = = 0.33 Kp= =
1+sinF 1 + 0.5 Ka

2 Diamension of various parts:-

Hence height of wall above base H = 7.00 + 1.00 = 8.00 m
The ratio of length of slabe (DE) to base width b is given by eq.
q0 180
a = 1 - = 1 - = 0.432
2.2 y H 2.2 x 18 x 8.00
Keep a = 0.43 . Eq (1)
The width of base is given by Eq.
b = 0.95 H x
(1- a)x(1+3 a)

b = 0.95 x 8.00 = 3.84
( 1 - 0.43 )x( 1 + 1.29 )

The base width from the considration of sliding is given by Eq.

0.7HKa 0.7 x 8.00 x 0.333
b = = = 6.55 m
(1-a) m ( 1 - 0.43 )x 0.5
This width is excessive. Normal practice is to provide b between 0.5 to 0.6 H .
Taking maximum value of H = 0.5 b = 0.50 x 8.00 = 4.00 m
Hence Provided b = 4.00 m for design purpose
The wall will be unsafe against sliding. This will be made safe by providing a shear Key at base .
Width of toe slab = axb = 0.43 x 4.00 = 1.72 m Provided toe slab = 1.70 m
taking the uniform thickness of stem = 300 mm = 0.30 m for design purpose
Hence width of heel slab = 4.00 - 0.30 - 1.70 = 2.00 m
Let the thickness of base slab = 300 mm = 0.3 m
H 1/4 8.00 1/4
Clear spacing of counter fort = 3.5 x = 3.50 x = 2.86 m
Clear spacing of counter fort = 3.5 x = 3.50 x = 2.86 m
y 18
keep them at 3.00 m apart. Let us provide counterfort over toe slab, upto ground level at
3.00 m clear distance.

3 Stability of wall:-
Full dimension wall is shown in fig 1a
Let w1 = weight of rectangular portion of stem
w2 = weight of base slab
w3 = weight of soil on heel slab.
The calculation are arrenged in Table
Detail force(kN) lever arm Moment about toe (KN-m)
w1 1 x 0.30 x 7.70 x 25 = 57.75 1.85 106.8375
w2 1 x 0.30 x 4.00 x 25 = 30 2 60
w3 1 x 2.00 x 7.70 x 18 = 277.2 3 831.60
Sw = 364.95 total MR 998.44
Total resisting moment = 998.44 kN-m

Earth pressure Ka x y x H2 0.33 x 18 x( 8.00 )2

= = = 192 kN
p 2 2
Over turning 8
Over turning moment Mo = 192 x = 512 kN-m
998.44 Hence
\ F.S. against over turning = = 1.95 > 2
512 safe
mSw 0.50 x 364.95
F.S. against sliding = = 0.95 < 1.5 Unsafe against sliding
PH 192
To make safe against sliding A shear key will have provid under base , Also increase
width of base will have to increase..
Pressure distribution net moment SM = 998.44 - 512 = 486.44 kN-m
\ Distance x of the point of application of resultant, from toe is
SM 486.44 b 4.00
x = = = 1.33 m = = 0.667
Sw 364.95 6 6
b 4.00 Hence un
Eccenticity e = - x = - 1.33 = 0.67 m > 0.667
2 2 safe
SW 6e 364.95 6x 0.67 183 > 180 Hence un
Pressure p1 at toe= 1+ = x 1+ =
b b 4.00 4.00 kN -m2 safe

In order to make it safe, increase the length of toe slab DE to 1.80 m, So that total wiodth is =
The revised computations are arranged in table
Detail force(kN) lever arm Moment about toe (KN-m)
w1 1 x 0.30 x 7.70 x 25 = 58 1.95 113
w2 1 x 0.30 x 4.10 x 25 = 31 2.05 63
w3 1 x 2.00 x 7.70 x 18 = 277 3.1 859
Sw = 365.70 total M R 1035.00
net moment SM = 1035 - 512.00 = 523.00 kN-m
\ Distance x of the point of application of resultant, from toe is
SM 523.00 b 4.10
x = = = 1.43 m = = 0.683
Sw 365.70 6 6
b 4.10
Eccenticity e = - x = - 1.43 = 0.62 m < 0.683 Hence safe
2 2
SW 6e 365.70 6x 0.62 170.1 < 180
Pressure p1 at toe= 1+ = x 1+ = Hence safe
b b 4.10 4.10 kN -m2
SW 6e 365.70 6x 0.62 8.30 < 180
Pressure p2 at Heel 1- = x 1- = Hence safe
b b 4.10 4.10 kN -m2
The Pressure intencity p1 under E is p1
170.10 - 8.30
p1 = 170.10 - x 1.80 = 99.07 kN-m2
The Pressure intencity p2 under B is p2
170.10 - 8.30
p = 170.10 - x 2.10 = 87.20 kN-m2
4 Design of Heel slab:-
Clear spacing between counter fort = 3.00 m
The pressure distribution on the heel slab is shown in fig 1b .consider a strip 1 meter
wide.Near the outer edge C. The upward pressure intencity = 8.30 kN/m2 witch is minimum at C.
Down ward load due to weight of Earth. = 7.70 x 1 x 1.00 x 18 = 138.6 kN-m2
Down ward weight of slab per unit area = 0.30 x 1 x 1.00 x 25 = 7.5 kN-m2
Hence net pressure intensities will be P = 138.60 + 7.50 - 8.30 = 137.8 kN-m2
Maximum negative bending moment in heel counter fort is
Pl2 137.8 x 3.00 2'=
M1 = = 103.35 kN-m
12 12
BM 103.35 x 10 6
Effective depth required = = = 336 mm
Rxb 0.913 x 1000
137.8 x 3.00
Shear force V = = 206.7 kN
For balance section , having P = 0.72 % tc = 0.33 N/mm2
V , 207 x 1000 this is
Hence depth required from shear point of veiw d = = = 626 mm
tc x b 0.33 x 1000 excessive
However keep = 500 mm providing effective cover = 60 mm d = 500 - 60 = 440
207 x 1000
tv = = 0.47 N/mm2 > 0.33 Shear reinforcement required
1000 x 440
103.35 x 10'6
Area of steel at supports is given by Ast = = 1130 mm2
230 x 0.904 x 440
3.14xdia2 = 3.14 x 12 x 12 = 113
using ### mm bars A =
4 4
\ Spacing A x1000 / Ast = 113 x 1000 / 1130 = 100 mm
Hence Provided 12 mm F bar, @ 100 mm c/c
Let us check this reinforcement for development length at point of contraflexure is situated at distance
of 0.211.L In over case, the slab is continuous, but we will assume the same position of contraflexure
i.e. at 0.211 x 3.00 = 0.63 m from the face of conunterforts.
pL l L l
Shear force at this point is given - x + = p - x
2 2 2 2
= 137.8 x - 0.63 = 119886 N
Assuming that all the bars will avilable at point of contraflexure,
M = sst x Ast x j x d = 230 x 1130 x 0.904 x 440 = 103350000
Lo = 12 F or d, witch ever is more = 440 mm
Ld = 45x F = 45 x 12 = 540 mm
M 103350000
\ + Lo = + 440 = 1302 > 540 Hence safe
V 119886
Cotinue these bars by a distance lo = d = 440 mm beyond the point of contraflexure. After that, curtail
half bars, and continue the remaining half throughout the length. At the point of curtailment,
length of each bar available = 630 + 440 = 1070 mm > Ld = 540 mm Hence safe
PL2 3
These bars will be provide at the top face of heel slab. Maximum Passive B.M. =
These bars will be provide at the top face of heel slab. Maximum Passive B.M. =
16 = 4
3 3
\ Area of Bottom steel Ast2 = x Ast1 = x 1130 = 847 mm2
4 4
3.14xdia2 = 3.14 x 12 x 12 = 113
using ### mm bars A =
4 4
\ Spacing A x1000 / Ast = 113 x 1000 / 847 = 133 mm
Hence Provided 12 mm F bar, @ 130 mm c/c
1000 x 113
Actual Ast = = 870 mm2
Let us check this reinforcement for development length crierion at point of contraflexur,
M Where V = Shear at point of contraflexure= 119886 N
Inherent in criterion : +Lo>Ld
V Distance from face of supports = 0.63 m
Assuming that all bars are available at point of contraflexure,
M = sst x Ast x j x d = 230 x 870 x 0.904 x 440 = 79531705
Lo = 12 F or d, witch ever is more = 440 mm
Ld = 45x F = 45 x 12 = 540 mm as before
M 79531705
\ +Lo>Ld = + 440 = 1103 > 540 Hence safe
V 119886
Thus continue all bottom bars to a point distance L o = 440 mm from the point of contraflexure,
i.e. upto a distance = 630 - 440 = 190 mm from the center of sports.
At this point half bars can be discontinued. Since this distance is quite small,
it is better to continue these bars upto center of counterfors.

Reinforcement near B :- The c/c spacing of reinforcement near B may be increased, because P decrease
due to increase in upward soil reaction. Consider a strip 1 m wide near B
Upward soil reaction at B is = 87.2 kN/m2 As found earlier.
Net downward load p' = weight of earth + weight of counterforts - upward soil reaction
\ Net downward load p' = 138.60 +( 0.50 x 25 ) - 87.2 = 63.9 kN/m2
This is about = 63.90 / 137.8 = 0.464 of load intencity at C
Hence spacing of steel bars = 100 / 0.464 = 200 mm c/c at the top face, near supports
Spacing of steel bars at the bottom face, at mid span= 133 / 0.464 = 300 mm c/c
Distribution steel = x 1000 x 500 = 600 mm2
P D2 3.14 x ( 12 )'2
Using ### mm F bars, Area = = = 113 mm2
4 4
1000 x 113
\ Spacing = = 188 mm say = 180 mm c/c
Shear reinforcement. shear stress at C = tv = 0.47
100 x 1130
% of steel provided = = 0.26 %
1000 x 440
Permissible shear stress for 0.26 % steel provided tc = 0.21 N/mm2 (See Table 3.1)
Safe if tv< tc Here 0.47 > 0.21 Hence shear reinforcement required
Vc = tc b x d= 0.21 x 1000 x 440 = ### N or 92.4 kN
Consider a section distance x1 from face of counterfort, where shear force is = 92.4 kN
92.4 1.50 - x1
The position is given by= = or x1 = 1.50 - 0.70 = 0.80
207 1.50
Hence shear stirrups are required upto distance = 0.80 m on either side of each counterforts.
The requirement is there form a strip of unit width paassing through C,
such that shear force at the counterforts isd = 92.4 kN
Net down ward pressure at C = 137.80 kN/m , 2
Net down ward pressure at B = 63.90 kN/m2
Lt net down ward pressure at B1=w1 x 3/2=1.5w1 This is equal to = 92.4
w= = 61.6 kN/m2 However at Y1 from C,
137.80 - 64
w1= 137.80 - y1 = 137.8 - 36.95 Y1 =
\ y1 = 2.10 m
Hence shear reinforcement is required in triangular portion on the other side of counterforts shown hatched in fig .
However, we will provide shear strirrups in reangular portion x1 x y1= 0.80 x 2.10 = 1.68 m on
either side of counterforts.
Let us provide 4 legged stirrups of mm F wire
PD 3.14 x (
2 8 )'2
Using 8 mm F bars, Area = = = 201 mm2
4 4
Asv.ssv.d 201 x 230 x 440
Sv= = = 178 mm
V - Vc 207 - 92.40 )x 1000
Hence provided thes 8 mm F 4 lgd strirrups @ 170 mm c/c either side of each counterforts.

5 Design of toe slab :- Since the toe slab is also large, provide counterforts over it, upto ground level at
3.00 m clear distance face to face. The toe slab will thus bend like a contious slab.
Assume total depth of toe slab = 500 mm or 0.5 m
Total weight of toe slab = 0.50 x 1 x 1 x 25 = 12.50 kN//m2
Net upward pressure intencity at D = 170.10 - 12.50 = 157.60 kN//m2
Similarly Net upward pressure intencity at E = 99.07 - 12.50 = 86.57 kN//m2
Cosidering strip of unit width at D.
wl2 157.60 x 3.00 2
Max. negative B.M. = = 118.2 x 10'6 kN/m2
12 12
BM 118.20 x 10 6
Effective depth required = = = 359.8 mm
Rxb 0.913 x 1000
157.6 x 3.00
Shear force V = = 236.4 kN
Taking a permissible stress tc = 0.30 N/mm2 assuming % steel 0.5 % table 3.1
The depth of slab required from shear point of view is given by d= V / (b x tc)
236 x 1000
d = = 788 mm
1000 x 0.300
This is excessive ,However we will keep the same depth as that of heel
and provide shear strirrups to take up excessive shearing stress.
However keep = 500 mm providing effective cover = 60 mm d = 500 - 60 = 440
118.20 x 10'6
Area of steel at supports, at bottom is Ast = = 1292 mm
230 x 0.904 x 440
3.14xdia2 = 3.14 x 12 x 12
using ### mm bars A = = 113
4 4
\ Spacing A x1000 / Ast = 113 x 1000 / 1292 = 87.5 mm
Hence Provided 12 mm F bar, @ 80 mm c/c
1000 x 113
Actual Ast = = 1413 mm2
Let us check this reinforcement for development length crierion at point of contraflexur,
Inherent in criterion : +Lo>Ld Where the point of contraflexure occure at = 0.63 m
V distance x rom supports
Hence shear force at the point of contraflexure is V =
w L 3.00
V= - x = 157.6 x - 0.63 = 137112.0
2 2
M= 230 x 1413 x 0.904 x 440 = 129239020
Lo = 12 F or d, witch ever is more = 440 mm
Ld = 45x F = 45 x 12 = 540 mm
M 129239020.21
\ +Lo>Ld = + 440 = 1383 > 540 Hence safe
V 137112
Hence satisfied , continue these bars, at the bottom of toe slab, beyond the point of contraflexure
by a distance of Lo= 440.0 mm i.e. by a distance of 630 + 440.0 = 1070 mm
from the face of counterforts
3 3
Again, positive B.M. x M1 = x 118.20 x 10'6 = 88.65 x 10 6 N-m
4 4
3 3
\ Area of Bottom steel Ast2 = x Ast1 = x 1292 = 969 mm2
4 4
3.14xdia2 = 3.14 x 12 x 12 = 113
using ### mm bars A =
4 4
\ Spacing = A x1000 / Ast = 113 x 1000 / 969 = 117 mm
Hence Provided 12 mm F bar, @ 110 mm c/c
1000 x 113
Actual Ast = = 1028 mm2
Let us check this reinforcement for development length crierion at point of contraflexur,
Inherent in criterion : +Lo>Ld Where V = Shear at point of contraflexure= 137112 N
Assuming that all bars provided at top face,are available at point of contraflexure,
M = sst x Ast x j x d = 230 x 1028 x 0.904 x 440 = 93992015
Lo = 12 F or d, witch ever is more = 440 mm
Ld = 45x F = 45 x 12 = 540 mm as before
M 93992015
\ +Lo>Ld = + 440 = 1126 > 540 Hence safe
V 137112
Thus continue all bottom bars to a point distance L o = 440 mm from the point of contraflexure,
i.e. upto a distance = 630 - 440 = 190 mm from the center of sports.
At this point half bars can be discontinued. Since this distance is quite small,
it is better to continue these bars upto center of counterfors.
Reinforcement at E :- At a section distance 1 meter from E,
170.1 - 8.30
upward soil pressure = 170.1 - x 0.80 = 138.50 kN/m2
\ Net upward pressure = 138.5 - 12.50 = 126.0 kN/m2
This is about = 126.0 / 157.60 = 0.80 of w at D
\ Spacing of bottom steel = 87.5 / 0.80 = 109 mm say = 100
Spacing of top steel = 117 / 0.80 = 146 mm say = 140
Distribution steel = x 1000 x 500 = 600 mm2
P D2 3.14 x ( 12 )'2
Using ### mm F bars, Area = = = 113 mm2
4 4
1000x 113
\ Spacing = = 188 mm say = 180 mm c/c
Shear reinforcement shear force at D = 236.4 kN
shear force 236.40 x 1000
Shear stress tv = = = 0.54 N/mm2
Beam Ht.x beam wt. 1000 x 440
100 x 1413
% of steel provided = = 0.32 % \ tc = 0.24 N/mm2
1000 x 440
Permissible shear stress tc for 0.32 % steel provided tc = 0.24 N/mm2 (See Table 3.1)
Safe if tv< tc Here 0.54 > 0.24 Shear reinforcement required
Vc = tc b x d= 0.24 x 1000 x 440 = 105600 N or 105.6 kN
Consider a section distance x1 from face of counterfort, where shear force is = 105.6 kN
105.6 1.50 - x2
The position is given by= = or x2 = 1.50 - 0.70 = 0.80
236.40 1.50
Hence shear stirrups are required upto distance = 0.80 m on either side of each counterforts.
The requirement is there form a strip of unit width paassing through D, Let us consider a strip through E1,
distance y2 from D, such that shear force at the counterforts is 105.6 kN. To find the position of Y2
consider the net pressure distribution below the toe.
Self weight of toe slab = 12.50 Hence net pressure intencity below D an dE are
below D = 170.1 - 12.50 = 157.6 kN/m2, and below E 99.1 - 12.50 = 86.6
Let the net pressure intencity at E1 = w2 x 3/2 = 1.5 w2 kN/m2
\ Shear force at the counterforts at E1 = w2 x 3/2 =1.5m w2 kN/M2 This is equal to = 105.6
w2= = 70.4 kN/m2 .(1)
157.60 - 86.6
However at Y2 from D, w2= 157.60 - y2 = 157.6 - 39.46 Y2 (2)
Equating the two we get, = 157.60 - 39.46 Y2 = 70.4 \ y2 = 2.20 m
This is > than DE DE = 1.80 m
Hence shear force at E is more than = 105.6 kN/m2
Actual shear forceat E = 1.50 x 86.57 = 129.8 kN/m2
Considered a section distence Z from the face of dounterforts (Point E), where S.F. is 105.6 kN
105.60 1.50 - Z
The position of Z is given = = = or Z = 1.50 - 1.22 = 0.30
129.85 1.50
Hence shear stirrups are to be procided for a region DEE2D1, where EE2 = 0.30 m only.
However, we will provide shear strirrups for whole of rectangular area (shown dotted),
for width DD1,= x2 = 0.80 m and length DE = 0.30 m
Let us provide 8 legged stirrups of mm F wire
PD 3.14 x (
2 8 )'2
Using 8 mm F bars, Area = = = 402 mm2
4 4
Asv.ssv.d 402 x 230 x 440
Sv= = = 311 mm
V - Vc 236.4 - 105.60 )x 1000
Hence provided thes 8 mm F 8 lgd strirrups @ 300 mm c/c either side of each counterforts.

6 Design of stem (vertical slab)

The stem acts as a continuous slab. Considred 1 m strip at B .
The intencity of earth pressure is given by. ph = KayH1 = 0.33 x 18 x 7.50 = 45.0
Hence revised H1= 8.00 - 0.50 = 7.50
L2 45.00 x( 3 )2
B.M. = ph x = = 33750000 N-mm
12 12
BM 33750000
Effective depth required = = = 192 mm
Rxb 0.913 x 1000
Providing effective cover = 60 mm, so total depth = 192 + 60 = 252 mm
However provide total depth d = 300 mm and effective thickness = 300 - 60 = 240
this increased thickness will keep the shear stress within limit so that additional shear
reinforcement not required.
45.0 x 3 67.50 x 1000
Shear force V = = 67.5 kN \ tc = = 0.28
2 1000 x 240
this is less than = tc = 0.3 N/mm2 at 0.5% reinfocement (see Table 3.1)

Area of steel near conuterforts is = = 677 mm2
230 x 0.904 x 240
Reinforcement corresponding to p = 0.50 % is = pbd/100
0.50 x 1000 x 240
= = 1200 mm2
= = 1200 mm2
P D2 3.14 x ( 12 )'2
Using ### mm F bars, Area = = = 113 mm2
4 4
1000 x 113
\ Spacing = = 94 mm say = 90 mm c/c
113 100As 100 x 1256
Actual AS provided= 1000 x = 1256 mm2 and = = 0.52
90 bd 1000 x 240
Let us check these bars for devlopment length, near points of contraflexure, so as to satisfy the criterion
M For fixed beam or slab carrying U.D.L. , the point of
= + Lo > Ld
V contraflexure is at a distance of 0.211 L
contraflexure point = 0.211 x 3.00 = 0.63 m from the face of counterforts ,
shear force at this point given by V= pL/2(l/2-x)+(L/2)
pL l L l 3
V = -x + = p x - x = 67.5 x - 0.63
2 2 2 2 2
= 58.7 kN Assuming that all the bars will be available at the point of contrflexure,
M = sst x Ast x jc x d = 230 x 1256 x 0.904 x 240 = 62661343
Lo = 12 F or D , whichever is more = 240 mm
Ld = 45 F = 45 x 12 = 540 mm
M 62661343
+ Lo = + 240 = 1307 mm > 540 Hence safe
V 58.70 x 1000
It is thus essencial to continue all the bars upto a point distance= 240 mm beyond
point of contraflexure, i.e. upto a point 240 + 630 = 870 mm say = 900 mm from the
face of counterforts. These bars are to be provided at the inner face of stem slab.
3 x M1 3
Maximum positive B.M. = = x 33750000 = 25312500 N-mm
4 4
3x Ast 3
Area of steel = = = 1256 = 942 mm2
4 4
P D2 3.14 x ( 12 )'2
Using ### mm F bars, Area = = = 113 mm2
4 4
1000 x 113
\ Spacing = = 120 mm say = 120 mm c/c
113 100As 100 x 942
Actual AS provided= 1000 x = 942 mm2 and = = 0.1
120 bd 1000 x 942
Let us check these bars for devlopment length, near points of contraflexure, so as to satisfy the criterion
M Assuming that all reinforcement is extended upto poin
= + Lo > Ld
V of contraflexure.
M = sst x Ast x jc x d = 230 x 942 x 0.904 x 240 = 46996007
Lo = 12 F or D , whichever is more = 240 mm
Ld = 45 F = 45 x 12 = 540 mm V = 58.7 As before
\ M 46996007
+ Lo = + 240 = 1041 mm > 540 Hence safe
V 58.70 x 1000
The spacing of reinforcement at B, found above can be increased with height .
The pressure ph and hence the bending moment decreaases linearly with height.

\ Ast h

Hence the spacing of bars can be increase gradually to say 300 mm c/c near top.
\ Distribution reinforcement = x 1000 x 300 = 360 mm2
P D2 3.14 x ( 10 )'2
Using ### mm F bars, Area = = = 79 mm2
4 4
1000 x 79
\ Spacing = = 218 mm say = 200 mm c/c
\ Spacing = = 218 mm say = 200 mm c/c
7 Design of main counterfort.
Let us assuming thickness of counterforts is = 500 mm. The counterfort will thus
be spaced @ 300 x 50 = 350 cm c/c. They will thus receive earth pressure from
a width of 3.5 m and down ward reaction from heel slab for width of 3.5 m
At any section at depth h below the top A, the eerth pressure acting on each counter forts will be
= x 18.00 x h x 3.5 = 21 h kN/m
similarly, net down ward pressure on heel at c is
= 7.50 x 18 + 0.50 x 25 - 8.30 = 139.2 kN/m2
and that at B = 7.50 x 18 + 0.50 x 25 - 87.2 = 60.3 kN/m2
Hence reaction transferrred to each counterfort are will be
At C, = 139.2 x 3.50 = 487.20 kN/m
At B, = 60.3 x 3.50 = 211.05 kN/m
The variations of horizontal and vertical forces on counterfort are shown in fig.
The critical section for the counterfort will be F, since below this, enormous depth will be available to resist bending.
Pressure intencity at h = 7.00 m is = 21 x 7.00 = 147 kN/m
Shear force at F = x 147 x 7.00 = 514.5 kN
B.M. = 514.5 x 7 / 3 = 1200.5 kN-m or 1200500000 N-mm
Conterforts act as a T beam. However, even as a reactangular beam, depth required
BM 1200500000
Effective depth required = = = 1622 mm
Rxb 0.913 x 500
Providing effective cover = 60 mm, so total depth = 1622 + 60 = 1682 mm
However provide total depth d = 1700 mm and effective thickness = 1700 - 60 = 1640
Angle F of face AC is given by Tan F = 2.00 / 7.50 = 0.3 \ F = 15
\ sin F = 0.259 and cos F = 0.966
Depth F1C1 = AF1 sin F = 7 x 0.259 = 1.82 m or 1820 mm
\ Depth FG = 1820 + 300 = 2120
Asssuming that the steel reinforcement is provided in 2 layer with 20 mm space
between them and providing a nominal cover 30 mm and main bars of 20 mm F dia
the effective depth will be = 2120 -( 30 + 20 + 12 + 10 = 2048 mm
Area of steel at supports, at bottom is Ast = = 2820 mm
230 x 0.904 x 2048
3.14xdia2 = 3.14 x 20 x 20
using ### mm bars A = = 314
4 4
\ No. of bars 2820 / 314 = 9 No. provode these in 2 layers
M d 2048
Effective shear force = Q - tan F where d' = = 2120
d' cos F 0.966 =
\ Effective shear force = 514500 - x 0.27 = 361606.132075
\ tv = = 0.341138 N/mm2
500 x 2120
100xAs 100 x 9 x 314
area of steel = = 0.3 % \ tc = 0.21 N/mm2
b xd 500 x 2120
thus the shear stress tv is more than permisssible shear stress tc. However, the vertical
and horizontal ties provided in counterforts will bear the excess shear stress.
the height h where half of the reinforcement can curtailed will be equal to H H = 8.00 = 2.8
below A, i.e. at point H. To locate the position of point of curtailmenton AC, draw Hl parallel to FG.
Thus half bars can be curtailed at l. However these should be extent by a distance 12 F = 240
beyond l, i.e. extented upto l1. The location of H corresponding to l1 can be locate by drawing line l1H1
parallel FG. It should be noted that l1G should not less than 45 F = 900 mm similarly, other bars can be
curtailed, if desired,

Design of Horizontal ties:-

The vertical stem has a tendency to saprate outfrom the counterforts, and hence
should be tie to it by horizontalties. At any depth h below the top, force causing sepration
x 18 h x 3.00 = 18 h kN/m
here h = 7 \ force = 18 x 7 = 126 kN/m
126 x 1000
\ steel required = = 548 mm
using ### mm f 2 legged ties, As = x( 10 )2= 157 mm2
1000 x 157
spacing = = 286 mm
however provide 200 mm c/c at bottom and gradualy increase to 300 mm at top
Design of vertical ties:-
Similar to the stem slab, heel slab has also tendency to seprate out from counterforts,
due to net down ward force, unless tied properly by vertical ties.
487.20 x 3.00
The down wars force ar C will be 417.6 kN/m
211.05 x 3.00
The down wars force ar B will be 180.9 kN/m see fig.
Near end C, the heel slab is tied to counterforts with the help of main reinforcement of counterforts.
417.6 x 1000
steel required at C = = 1816 mm
using ### mm f 2 legged ties, As = x( 12 )2= 226 mm2
1000 x 226
\ spacing of ties = = 124 mm say 120 mm
180.9 x 1000
steel required at B = = 787 mm
using ### mm f 2 legged ties, As = x( 12 )2= 226 mm2
1000 x 226
\ spacing of ties = = 287 mm say 280 mm
Thus the spacing of vertical tie can be increase gradually from 120 mm c / c at C to 280
8 Design of front counterforts :-
Refer fig 1 The upward pressure intencity varies from 170.1 kN/m2 at D, to 99.07 kN/m2 at E.
Down ward weight of 500 mm thick toe slab = 0.5 x 25 = 12.5 kN/m2
hence net w at D = 170.1 - 12.5 = 157.6 kN/m2
and at E = 99.07 - 12.5 = 86.6 kN/m2
The center to center spacing of counterforts, 500 mm wide is 3.50 m.Hence upward force transmitted
to counterforts at D 157.6 x 3.50 = 551.6 kN/m and at E 86.6 x 3.50 = 303
The counterforts bent up as cantilever about face FE. Hence DF will be in compression while D1E1 will be
in tension, and main reinforcement will be provide at bottom face D1E1
( 551.6 + 303.0 )x
Total upward force 1.80 = 769 kN/m
303 + 2 x 551.6 1.80
acting at x = x = 0.99 m from E
303 + 551.6 3
\ B.M. = 769 x 0.99 = 759 KN-m OR 759000000
\ d = = 1289 mm
500 x 0.913
Providing effective cover = 80 mm, so total depth = 1289 + 80 = 1369 mm
However provide total depth d = 1400 mm and effective thickness = 1400 - 80 = 1320
Thus project the counterforts 400 mm above groud level,to point F1 as shown in fig 4
Area of steel near conuterforts is = = 2767 mm2
230 x 0.904 x 1320

P D2 3.14 x ( 25 )'2
Using ### mm F bars, Area = = = 491 mm2
4 4
2767 provide these in one layer and continue by a
\ No of bars = 6 No
distance of 45 F beyond E
M 0.90
Effective shear force = Q - tan F From fig 4 tanF =
d' 1.80
759 0.90
V = 769 - x = 481.5 kN 481500
1.32 1.80
482 x 1000
and tv = = 0.730 N/mm2
500 x 1320
100xAs 100 x 6 x 491
area of steel = = 0.45 % \ tc = 0.280 N/mm2
b xd 500 x 1320
since tv > tc shear reinforcement is required
using ### mm f 2 legged ties, As = x( 12 )2= 226 mm2
Vc = tcxbxd = 0.280 x 500 x 1320 = 184800
V1 = V - Vc = 481500 - 184800 = 296700 N
ssv.Asv.d 230 x 226 x 1320 subject to a maxi.
\ sv = = = 231 mm 300 mm
Vs 296700
However providethese @ 230 mm c/c provide 2 x 12 mm f bars on top for holding.
9 Fixing effect in stem, toe and heel :-
At the junction of stem, toe and heel slab fixing moment are included,which
are at right angles to their normal direction of bending. These moment are not determine , but
normal reinforcement given below may be provided.
(I) In stem@ 0.8x0.3 =0.24% of cross section, to be provided at inner face,
in vertical direction,for a length 45 F
\ Ast = x 1000 x 300 = 720 mm2
P D2 3.14 x ( 10 )'2
Using ### mm F bars, Area = = = 79 mm2
4 4
1000 x 79
\ Spacing = = 109 mm say = 100 mm c/c
Length embedment in stem, above heel slab = 45 x 10 = 450 mm
(II) In toe slab @ 0.12% to be provided at the lowae face
\ Ast = x 1000 x 500 = 600 mm2
P D2 3.14 x ( 10 )'2
Using ### mm F bars, Area = = = 79 mm2
4 4
1000 x 79
\ Spacing = = 131 mm say = 130 mm c/c
Length embedment in stem, above toe slab = 45 x 10 = 450 mm
(III) In heel slab @ 0.12% to be provided in upper face
\ Ast = x 1000 x 500 = 600 mm2
\ Ast = x 1000 x 500 = 600 mm2
P D2 3.14 x ( 10 )'2
Using ### mm F bars, Area = = = 79 mm2
4 4
1000 x 79
\ Spacing = = 131 mm say = 130 mm c/c
Length embedment in stem, above heel slab = 45 x 10 = 450 mm
Each of above reinforcement should anchored properly in adjoining slab, as shown in fig 5

10. Design of shear key:-

The wall is in unsafe in sliding, and hence shear key will have to be provided, as shown in fig. 6
Let the depth of key =a intensity of passive pressure P p devloped in front of key depend upon
the soil pressure P in front of the key
Pp = K p
P = 3.00 x 99.07 = 297.20 kN/m2
\ total passive pressure Pp = Pp x a = 297.20 a
Sliding force at level D1C1 = 0.33 x x( 8 + a )2
or PH = 3.00 x( 8 + a )2 .(2)
Weight of the soil between bottom of the base and D 1C1 = 4.10 ax 18 = 73.80 a
\ SW = 364.95 + 73.80 a Refer force calculation table
Hence equilibrium of wall, permitting F.S. = 1.5 against sliding we have
m Sw+Pp 0.5 x ( 364.95 + 73.80 a)+ 297.20 a
1.5 = =
PH 3 x( 8.00 + a2 )
0.5 x ( 364.95 + 73.80 a)+ 297.20 a
1.5 x( 8 + a)2 =
3 x 1.5
( 8 + a) 2
= 182.48 + 36.9 a+ 297.20 a
( 8 + a) 2
= 40.55 + 74.244 a
64 + 16 a + a 2
= 74.24 a- 16 a + 40.55 - 64
a 2
= 58.24 a -23.45
or a = a2 - 58.24 a + 23.45
or a = 0.4054 m say = 410 mm
Hence keep depth of key = 400 mm. and width of key 400 mm
Now size of key = 400 x 400 mm
PH = 3.00 x( 8.00 + a )2
= 3.00 x( 8.00 + 0.40 )2
PH = 211.68 kN
= 297.20 a = 297.20 x 0.40
= 118.88 kN Hence
SW = 364.95 + 73.80 a
= 364.95 + 73.80 x 0.40
= 394.5 kN
Actual force to be resisted by the key at F.S. 1.5 is = 1.5PH - mSW
= 1.5 x 211.68 - 0.5 x 394.5 = 120.29 kN
120.29 x 1000
\ shear stress = = 0.30 N/mm2
400 x 1000
120.29 x 200 x 1000
Bending stress =
1/6 x 1000 x( 400 )2
= 0.90 N/mm2 Hence safe
The details reinforcement shown in fig 7

Eq (1)

y at base .

design purpose
ound level at

ent about toe (KN-m)



gainst sliding

Hence un
Hence un


ent about toe (KN-m)

Hence safe

Hence safe
Hence safe

nimum at C.

this is

cement required



Hence safe

After that, curtail

Hence safe




as before

Hence safe

use P decrease


ace, near supports


ground level at
ontious slab.

table 3.1



Hence safe



as before

Hence safe




cement required

through E1,






ditional shear


of contrflexure,

Hence safe

mm beyond
mm from the


As before

Hence safe
fort will thus




ever, the vertical

ear stress.

er bars can be

orts, and hence




kN/m2 at E.

force transmitted



subject to a maxi.
300 mm

ine , but
shown in fig 5

as shown in fig. 6
ey depend upon


lculation table

1.80 2.00


1.70 2.00 D1 C1
D E B C 1.00
x2 x1
1.80 2.00 E1 E B B1 C1 C1
4.10 D y2 y2

4.00 x2 x1







FIG. 1 FIG. 2
0.30 A

G.Level F
21 h kn/m
0.50 1.40
7.00 8.00 D F E
7.50 1.00

G D1 E1

F 147.00 kN/m
F1 F2 551.6
1.00 E B kN/m
FIG. 4
2.00 168.00 kN/m

211.05 487.2
kN/m 1.80 300 2.00
FIG. 3
0.50 4.10

10 mm F
100 mm c/c 450 D1 C1

450 10 mm F 170.10
130 mm c/c
FIG. 5 FIG. 6


300 300

12 mm F 10 mm F 20 mm F
300 mm c/c 300 mm c/c 5 Nos.

12 mm F 1 10 mm F
240 mm c/c 265 mm c/c 20 mm F
0 4 Nos.

12 mm F 10 mm F 12 mm F
180 mm c/c 230 mm c/c 2 lgd vertical ties
8000 120 to
0 mm c/c
12 mm F 10 mm F
120 mm c/c 200 mm c/c
10 mm F
12 mm F 0 mm F 200 mm c/c
110 mm c/c 12 mm F 0 mm c/c
3 900 180 mm c/c 2x12 mm F
Holding bars 12 mm F
2 2 100 mm c/c
12 mm F2 lgd
500 2000
1800 230 mm c/c
3 12 mm F 12 mm F 12 mm F
400 400
12 mm F 130 mm c/c 80 mm c/c 180 mm c/c
130 mm c/c 400 1 25 mm F 400
0 mm F 6 No.Bars 0 mm F
0 mm c/c 0 mm c/c
Cross -section mid way between counterfoorts Cross -section mid way between counterfoorts

(e) Sectional elevation oftoe slaband front counterforts at section 3 - 3


Front counterforts


Grade of concrete M-10 M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40

Tensile stress N/mm2 1.2 2.0 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.4

Table 1.16.. Permissible stress in concrete (IS : 456-2000)

Permission stress in compression (N/mm2) Permissible stress in bond (Average) for
Grade of Bending acbc Direct (acc) plain bars in tention (N/mm2)
(N/mm2) Kg/m2 (N/mm2) Kg/m2 (N/mm2) in kg/m2
M 10 3.0 300 2.5 250 -- --
M 15 5.0 500 4.0 400 0.6 60
M 20 7.0 700 5.0 500 0.8 80
M 25 8.5 850 6.0 600 0.9 90
M 30 10.0 1000 8.0 800 1.0 100
M 35 11.5 1150 9.0 900 1.1 110
M 40 13.0 1300 10.0 1000 1.2 120
M 45 14.5 1450 11.0 1100 1.3 130
M 50 16.0 1600 12.0 1200 1.4 140


Grade of concrete M-10 M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40
31 19 13 11 9 8 7
Modular ratio m (31.11) (18.67) (13.33) (10.98) (9.33) (8.11) (7.18)


Grade of concrete M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40
Modular Ratio 18.67 13.33 10.98 9.33 8.11 7.18 Grade of concret
scbc N/mm 2
5 7 8.5 10 11.5 13
m scbc 93.33 93.33 93.33 93.33 93.33 93.33
kc 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
(a) sst =
140 jc 0.867 0.867 0.867 0.867 0.867 0.867
N/mm2 Rc 0.867 1.214 1.474 1.734 1.994 2.254
(Fe 250) P (%) 0.714 1 1.214 1.429 1.643 1.857

kc 0.329 0.329 0.329 0.329 0.329 0.329

(b) sst = j 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89
190 Rc 0.732 1.025 1.244 1.464 1.684 1.903
Pc (%) 0.433 0.606 0.736 0.866 0.997 1.127
kc 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.289
(c ) sst =
230 jc 0.904 0.904 0.904 0.904 0.904 0.904
N/mm2 Rc 0.653 0.914 1.11 1.306 1.502 1.698
(Fe 415) P (%) 0.314 0.44 0.534 0.628 0.722 0.816

kc 0.253 0.253 0.253 0.253 0.253 0.253

(d) sst =
275 jc 0.916 0.916 0.916 0.914 0.916 0.916
N/mm2 Rc 0.579 0.811 0.985 1.159 1.332 1.506
(Fe 500)
(d) sst =
(Fe 500) Pc (%) 0.23 0.322 0.391 0.46 0.53 0.599
Table 3.1. Permissible shear stress Table t c in concrete (IS : 456-2000)
100As Permissible shear stress in concrete tc N/mm2
bd M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40
< 0.15 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.20 0.20
0.25 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
0.50 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.32
0.75 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.37 0.38
1.00 0.37 0.39 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.42
1.25 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.46
1.50 0.42 0.45 0.46 0.48 0.49 0.49
1.75 0.44 0.47 0.49 0.50 0.52 0.52
2.00 0.44 0.49 0.51 0.53 0.54 0.55
2.25 0.44 0.51 0.53 0.55 0.56 0.57
2.50 0.44 0.51 0.55 0.57 0.58 0.60
2.75 0.44 0.51 0.56 0.58 0.60 0.62
3.00 and above 0.44 0.51 0.57 0.6 0.62 0.63

Table 3.2. Facor k

Over all depth of slab 300 or more 275 250 225 200 175 150 or less
k 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30

Table 3.3. Maximum shear stress tc.max in concrete (IS : 456-2000)

Grade of concrete M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40

tc.max 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.3 2.5

Table 3.4. Permissible Bond stress Table t bd in concrete (IS : 456-2000)

Grade of concrete M-10 M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40 M-45 M-50
tbd (N / mm2) -- 0.6 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Table 3.5. Development Length in tension

Grade of Plain M.S. Bars H.Y.S.D. Bars

concrete tbd (N / mm2) kd = Ld F tbd (N / mm2) kd = Ld F
M 15 0.6 58 0.96 60
M 20 0.8 44 1.28 45
M 25 0.9 39 1.44 40
M 30 1 35 1.6 36
M 35 1.1 32 1.76 33
M 40 1.2 29 1.92 30
M 45 1.3 27 2.08 28
M 50 1.4 25 2.24 26
Value of angle Value of angle
Degree sin cos tan tan Degree sin cos
10 0.17 0.98 0.18 0.18 10 0.17 0.98
11 0.19 0.98 0.19 0.19 11 0.19 0.98
12 0.21 0.98 0.21 0.21 12 0.21 0.98
13 0.23 0.97 0.23 0.23 13 0.23 0.97
14 0.24 0.97 0.25 0.25 14 0.24 0.97
15 0.26 0.97 0.27 0.27 15 0.26 0.97
16 0.28 0.96 0.29 0.29 16 0.28 0.96
17 0.29 0.96 0.31 0.31 17 0.29 0.96
18 0.31 0.95 0.32 0.32 18 0.31 0.95
19 0.33 0.95 0.34 0.34 19 0.33 0.95
20 0.34 0.94 0.36 0.36 20 0.34 0.94
21 0.36 0.93 0.38 0.38 21 0.36 0.93
22 0.37 0.93 0.40 0.40 22 0.37 0.93
23 0.39 0.92 0.42 0.42 23 0.39 0.92
24 0.41 0.92 0.45 0.45 24 0.41 0.92
25 0.42 0.91 0.47 0.47 25 0.42 0.91
30 0.50 0.87 0.58 0.58 30 0.50 0.87
35 0.57 0.82 0.70 0.70 35 0.57 0.82
40 0.64 0.77 0.84 0.84 40 0.64 0.77
45 0.71 0.71 1.00 1.00 45 0.71 0.71
50 0.77 0.64 1.19 1.19 50 0.77 0.64
55 0.82 0.57 1.43 1.43 55 0.82 0.57
60 0.87 0.50 1.73 1.73 60 0.87 0.50
65 0.91 0.42 2.14 2.14 65 0.91 0.42

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