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Mississippi Gaming Commission September 30, 1992

State Capitol
House Appropriations Committee Room Jackson, Mississippi 10:00 a.m.
I. Minutes/Regular Meeting - September 3, 1992 Minutes/Special Meeting - September 11, 1992
II. Request
Grand Casinos of Mississippi, Inc.
III. Site Assessments
A. Gulfside Casino, Inc. - Gulfport 1. Presentation
2. Public comments
3. Recommendation - Executive Director
B. Casino One Corporation - Biloxi 1. Presentation
2. Public Comments
3. Recommendation - Executive Director
C. Grand Casinos of Mississippi, Inc. - Biloxi 1. Presentation
2. Public Comments
3. Recommendation - Executive Director
D. Mississippi Gaming Corporation dba Back Bay Casino Biloxi
1. Presentation 2. Public Comments 3. Recommendation - Executive Director
IV. Recommendation on Finding of Suitability
A. Roger H. Frommelt
Application for a Finding of Suitability as a Member of the Board of Directors of Casino Magic corporation
1. Investigative Report
2. Public Comments
3. Recommendation - Executive Director

BE IT REMEMBERED that the Mississippi Gaming Commission met at 10:00 a.m., Wednesday,
September 30, 1992, in the Appropriations Committee Room on the second floor of the Mississippi State
Capitol Building, Jackson, Mississippi.
Staff in attendance and individuals providing comments were:
Ed Buelow, Jr., Chairman and Commissioner of MSTC, Presiding
William W. Tann, Associate Commissioner, MSTC
Lorenzo Creighton, Executive Director, MS Gaming Commission
Patsy Knowles, Investigator, MS Gaming Commission
Cindy Livingston, Investigator, MS Gaming Commission
Bruce Nourse, Deputy Director, MS Gaming Commission
Jason Statham, Investigator, MS Gaming Commission
Allen Godfrey, Tax Auditor, Miscellaneous Tax Division, MSTC
Bobby Long, Legal Division, MSTC
Judy Stein, Legal Division, MSTC
Kathy Waterbury, Miscellaneous Tax Division, MSTC
Wilson Carroll, Attorney General's Office
Carole Edds, Attorney General's Office
Sam Begley, Lady Luck Mississippi, Inc.
Bryan Bolson, President, Casino One Corporation, Biloxi, MS
Bobby Bourgeous, Casino One Corporation, Biloxi, MS
Tom Brosig, Grand Casinos of Mississippi, Inc.
Michael Cavanaugh, MS Gaming Corporation, Biloxi, MS
Jan Duker, Children's Advocacy Center, Jackson, MS
Roger H. Frommelt, Casino Magic Corporation
Terry Green, Gulfside Casino, Inc., Gulfport, MS
John Jeter, MS Paralysis Association
Hugh Keating, Gulfside Casino, Inc., Gulfport, MS
Wayne K. Lund, Casino Magic Corporation
Jose Marrero, IRS, Jackson, MS
Dan McDaniel, Heidleberg & Woodriff, Jackson, MS
Stanley McDonald, President, Gulfside Casino, Inc.
Keith Rogers, Chairman, Families for Quality Life
Tommy Shephard, Grand Casinos of Mississippi, Inc.
Marlin Torguson, Casino Magic Corporation
George Williams, MS Gaming Corporation, Biloxi, MS
Robert Wood, Tunica/Splash Casino, Tunica, MS

Other individuals were present but did not speak directly to

the Commission. The attendance sheet is attached as Exhibit "A".
Commissioner Buelow called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and the minutes of the September 3 and
September 11 meetings were approved as written.
For item .II. of the agenda, Tommy Shephard informed the Commission of two items that Grand Casinos
of Mississippi, Inc. on requesting from the Commission:
1) Commission approval of consideration for licensure applications for both the Grand Casinos, Inc.
Biloxi and Gulfport locations; and
2) 2) the Commission call a special meeting during the week of October 12 for the consideration of
both license applications together. After discussion, Commissioner Tann recommended to
approve the first request and the request was approved as recommended. Regarding the second
request, Commissioner Buelow informed the applicant that in all probability the Commission will
be meeting weekly on bingo matters, and if the applicant feels that it is prepared for licensure the
Commission will schedule this matter at one of these special meetings. Tom Brosig, Chief
Operating Officer of Grand Casinos, Inc., thanked the Commission for its assistance.
Commissioner Buelow requested that the next item on the agenda to be covered be item X
--Bingo Matters.
Bobby Long recommended that the Commission approve the final draft of the Bingo Regulations to
enable the Commission to file these regulations with the Secretary of State's office today. Commissioner
Buelow stated that the intent of the Gaming Commission with regard to bingo is to allow for legitimate
charities to operate bingo in a manner that is consistent with the intent of the legislation and to provide for
a regulated usage of electronic machines on a limited basis in fraternal organizations and other clubs.
Commissioner Buelow called for public comments and Keith Rogers, Chairman, Families for Quality Life,
expressed his concerns regarding teenage gambling problems and video bingo [slot] machines, and then
requested reconsideration of the adoption of the regulations. John Jeter, MS Paralysis Association,
inquired as to the possibility of changes being made in the Regulations after they have been adopted. Mr.
Jeter stated that he felt parts of the Regulations, mainly the Session Reporting Requirements, are too
strict. Commissioner Buelow told Mr. Jeter that the Regulations could be amended through the
Administrative Procedures Act, and stated that the Commission will attempt to be as accommodating as
possible. Jan Duker, Children's Advocacy Center, expressed her appreciation to the Commission and her
support of the Regulations. Dan McDaniel inquired as to the legitimacy of "route operations" and was
informed that the Regulations do not make "route operations" legal. Commissioner Buelow reiterated that
the Legislature legalized the machines and the Gaming Commission regulates them. Commissioner Tann
motioned to adopt the Bingo Regulations as presented, and this motion passed unanimously.
Tax Commission staff distributed a list of applicants seeking issuance of conditional bingo licenses to the
Commissioners. [This list is on file with the Gaming Commission Secretary.] Commissioner Buelow
informed all present that the Gaming Commission will issue letters, which are certificates of authority, to
almost all who have applied for licensure and this letter can be revoked at any time if the entity is not in
compliance with the Regulations. The charities which have applied but do not have a licensed facility
because their lessor has not applied for a license will not be issued a certificate of authority until their
lessor has applied for licensure. The Commission also will issue letters of authority to some charities that
have multiple sites in which they operate although this matter is not addressed in the Regulations.
Hearing no objections, the Commission authorized the issuance of these certificates of authority.
Returning to Item III. of the agenda, Site Assessments, Hugh Keating, representing Gulfside Casino, Inc.
of Gulfport introduced Stanley McDonald, President and Chairman, and Terry Green, then proceeded to
give a presentation on this entity. Upon questioning by Mr. Creighton, Mr. Keating informed the
Commission that there is no longer any problem with the parking situation. Commissioner Buelow called
for public comments and there being none, turned the floor over to Bruce Nourse for his recommendation.
Bruce Nourse recommended the approval of the site for Gulfside Casino, inc. at Gulfport: this site does
meet all statutory and regulatory requirements of the Mississippi Gaming Control Act. The Commission
voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of Mr. Nourse as to the site approval for Gulfside
Casino, Inc. at Gulfport.

For the next site assessment, Casino One Corporation at Biloxi, Scott Leavenway introduced Bobby
Bourgeous, Vice President, and Bryan Bolson, President, who then gave a presentation on this entity.
Commissioner Buelow called for public comments, and there being none, returned the floor to Bruce
Nourse for his recommendation. Mr. Nourse recommended the approval of the site for Casino One
Corporation at Biloxi: this site does meet all statutory and regulatory requirements of the Mississippi
Gaming Control Act. The Commission voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of Mr. Nourse as
to the site approval for Casino One Corporation at Biloxi.
For the next site assessment, Grand Casinos of Mississippi, Inc., Tommy Shephard informed the
Commission that this entity stood on the recommendation of the Executive Director. Commissioner
Buelow called for public comments, and Keith Rogers stated that he thought the revenues of the two
casinos, both owned by the same people, should be aggregated so that no tax revenue is lost. Mr.
Nourse, to clarify Mr. Rogers' concern, stated that the site of Grand Casinos is next door to the Casino
One Corporation site. Mr. Nourse then recommended approval of the site for Grand Casinos of
Mississippi, Inc. at Biloxi: this site does meet all statutory and regulatory requirements of the Mississippi
Gaming Control Act. The Commission voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of Mr. Nourse as
to the site approval for Grand Casinos of Mississippi, Inc. at Biloxi.
For the final site assessment on the agenda, Michael Cavanaugh and George Williams gave a
presentation to the Commission on Mississippi Gaming Corporation, doing business as Back Bay Casino,
located at Biloxi. Upon questioning by Mr. Creighton, Mr. Cavanaugh informed the Commission that this
entity is currently in the process of negotiating to obtain all the property in close proximity to the proposed
site, and it does anticipate acquiring this property, including the Community Center known as the Back
Bay Addition. Commissioner Buelow called for public comments, and there being none, turned the floor
over to Mr. Nourse for his recommendation. Mr. Nourse, stating that this site does meet all statutory and
regulatory requirements of the Mississippi Gaming Control Act, recommended approval of the site for
Mississippi Gaming Corporation, d/b/a Back Bay Casino, at Biloxi with the following conditions: the
Community Center be relocated; and the site receives appropriate zoning approval from the Biloxi City
Council. The Commission voted unanimously to accept this recommendation with the stated conditions
for the site approval of Mississippi Gaming Corporation, doing business as Back Bay Casino at Biloxi.
For the next item on the agenda, the Recommendation on Finding of Suitability, the Commissioners had
no questions on the investigative report of Roger H. Frommelt and there was no public comment. Mr.
Nourse recommended that Roger H. Frommelt be found suitable to be associated with the licensee,
Mardi Gras Casino Corporation, as a member of the Board of Directors of Casino Magic Corporation, the
licensee holding company, with the condition that the Executive Director give final approval once the FBI
fingerprint check is received and reviewed. This recommendation for the finding of suitability for Roger H.
Frommelt passed unanimously.
For the next Recommendation on Finding of Suitability, the Commissioners had no questions on the
investigative report of Wayne K. Lund and there was no public comment. Mr. Nourse recommended that
Wayne K. Lund be found suitable to be associated with the licensee, Mardi Gras Casino Corporation, as
a member of the Board of Directors of Casino Magic Corporation, the licensee holding company, with the
condition that the Executive Director give final approval once the FBI fingerprint check is received and
reviewed. This recommendation for the finding of suitability for Wayne K. Lund passed unanimously.
For Item V. of the agenda Recommendation for Final Approval to Commence Gaming Operations, Mardi
Gras Casino Corporation, doing business as Casino Magic at Bay St. Louis, Mr. Nourse read the
conditions placed upon the license. All conditions except condition e. have been net. For condition e., Mr.
Nourse recommended approval of the independent gaming accounting firm of Piersey, Bowler, Taylor
and Turner to perform annual audits of this entity. Hearing no objections, the Commission unanimously
approved this recommendation. The only approval lacking at this point is approval of the surveillance
system, and that is scheduled to be handled this afternoon. Commissioner Buelow called for public
comment, and Keith Rogers expressed his concern regarding the scheduled open house occurring on the
vessel which will allow children in the casino. Mr. Nourse recommended approval of the Mardi Gras
Casino Corporation application to commence gaming operations with the following conditions: licensee
will not commence gaming operations until the licensee has certified to the Executive Director that all
required permits have been received and approval is granted by the Executive Director. Commissioner
Tann moved to accept this recommendation, and the recommendation was unanimously approved.
For the Gaming Licensee Status Report of Lady Luck Mississippi, Inc., Sam Begley informed the
Commission that this boat is presently being constructed in Greenville, and is on schedule for a March,
1993 opening at Natchez.
For the Gaming Licensee Status Report of Tunica Casino, doing business as Splash Casino, Robert
Wood updated the Commission on the status of this entity, and stated that the estimated opening date is
between October 10th and 15th.

For Item VII.A. of the agenda, Legal Matter Update, Carole Edds informed the Commission that a hearing
on the Ladner appeal is scheduled for October 5th, and the Pratt matter is scheduled for hearing on
November 9th.
For Item VII.B., IRS - Memo of Understanding and Waiver Update, Mr. Creighton informed the
Commission that this Memorandum is a two-way release of information. Jose Marrero, Chief of Criminal
Investigations, IRS, informed the Commission that this memorandum will cover all of the gaming industry,
including bingo. Mr. Creighton recommended that the Commission approve this Memorandum of
Understanding and the supporting documentation. The Commission unanimously approved this
recommendation, and Commissioner Buelow thanked the IRS for its coordination with the Tax
Commission and stated that the Tax Commission looks forward to a good working relationship between
the two agencies.
For the Update on Gaming School Regulations, Mr. Creighton requested that the Commission approve
the proposed Gaming School Regulations and stated that these regulations can be changed as needed.
In lieu of approving these regulations, Bobby Long suggested and the Commission agreed to authorize
the filing of the notice of intent to file these regulations with the Secretary of State's Office and the
Commission would look at these proposed regulations at the next Commission meeting.
Additional applications include: Bertrand F. Hull, Distributor, Las Vegas, NV; CHIPCO International Ltd.,
Manufacturer, Windham, Maine; Grand Casinos of Mississippi, Inc., Gaming Operation, Harrison County,
MS; Mississippi Gaming Corporation, doing business as Dockside Casino, Gaming Operation, Warren
County, MS; Riverside Amusement Company, Inc., Distributor, New Orleans, LA; and Riverboat
Corporation of Mississippi, Gaming Operation, Warren County, MS.
For the Investigative Status of Grand Casinos of Mississippi, Inc. Gene Hill informed the Commission that
the Gulfport Development plan should be in front of the Commission by October 12. The investigations on
all but one individual should be complete by October 12. Tommy Shephard noted that both vessels have
basically the same development plans.
Commissioner Buelow called for public comments, and Keith Rogers expressed his concerns about
underage gamblers, stated that the taxation of casinos is important, and questioned the withholding of
winnings. Commissioner Buelow explained that all winnings beginning at $1,000 are taxed at 5%. Andy
Halbrook, Washington County Convention and Business Bureau, stated that Washington County is
looking forward to opening a casino. Commissioner Buelow answered questions from T.J. Rant,
Chairman, Center for Independent Learning, regarding the Bingo Regulations.

Commissioner Johnson was not present at this meeting.
B&S Enterprises Dillard Enterprises MS Leasing & Mgmt.Serv.
Old Crisis Burn Center AMVET #355 Imperial Palace Bingo
2548 Marshall Road 601 E. President St. 3243 Medgar Evers Blvd.
Biloxi, MS 39531 Tupelo, MS 38801 Jackson, MS 39213
Bagley Leasing First Bingo, Inc. MS Leasing & Mgmt.Serv.
Good Samaritan Center 707 Highway 90Skate City Bingo
622 Kingwood Circle Waveland, MS 39576 Highway 98 West
Jackson, MS 39212 Summit, MS 39666
Bingo 51 Leon Jawg-Assoc.of MS Leasing & Mgmt.Serv.
Mart 51 Retired Citizens Tracetown Bingo
1700 Terry Road 1925 Hwy. 49 East Tracetown Shopping Cen.
Jackson, MS 39204 Yazoo City, MS 39194 Natchez, MS 39120
Casino Coast Enterprises Mike Vosburgh-Family Partners Home Supply
Broadway Shopping Plaza Fun Center One and One
Hattiesburg, MS 39401 224 Wilson Drive 995 South West Street
Senatobia, MS 38668 Jackson, MS 39225
Casino Coast Enterprises Moonlake Ent. Paul Lacoste AMVETS #1
Highway 49 North Old Lula Elem. School 1221 Ellis Avenue Gulfport, MS 39503 PO Box 3034
Jackson, MS 39209 West Helena, AR 72390
Casino Coast Enterprises MS Leasing & Mgmt.Serv. Robert Pope Bingo Town
3517 Denny Avenue 1525 Terry Road 1225 Sunset Drive
Pascagoula, MS 39567 Jackson, MS 39204 Grenada, MS 38901
Columbus Investments MS Leasing & Mgmt.Serv. Robert Pope-Cleveland
5918 W. Courtyard Dr. Bingo Depot 409 South Street
Austin, TX 78730 Jackson Square Center Cleveland, MS 38732 2460 Terry Road
Jackson, MS 39204
D&D Construction, Inc. MS Leasing & Mgmt.Serv. Robert Pope-Village Sq.
Desoto AMVETS Bingo-Rama 2727 Old Canton Road
6768 Hwy. 51 North 2460 Terry Rd. #27T Suite 173
Horn Lake, MS 38637 Jackson, MS 39204 Jackson, MS 39216
Smith Company James StockstillTupelo Industries, Inc.
2510 Goodman Road Bingo Palace 5918 West Courtyard Dr. Horn Lake, MS 38637 1309 S. Haugh
Avenue Austin, TX 78730 Picayune, MS 39466
WHE Limited FCUOA WHE Limited Western, Inc.
800 Highway 1 South FCUOA
Greenville, MS 38701 Highway 49 South Sidon, MS 38930
Bobs Amusement Collins Games of MS Hancock Amusement
1203-A 105th Avenue 2829 Lakeland Drive 620 North Central
Amory, MS 38821 Jackson, MS 39208 Waveland, MS 39576
Henley Entertainment Roberts Amusement
2666 Airport Road South 509 8th Street
Naples, FL 33962 Amory, MS 38821
LICENSE: 09/30/92
i Malone Sales, Inc.
Bingo King
3211 Nebraska Avenue 2113 East Canal' 1625 Handy Avenue
Council Bluffs, IA 51501 Picayune, MS 39466 Jackson, MS 39204
Roy, Inc. US Amusements Video-Tab, Inc.
dba Jones Brothers 3350 Stone Bend Drive 2460 Terry Road #27-P
3 Braswell Road Hermitage, TN 37076 Jackson, MS 39204
Hattiesburg, MS 39401
Arrow International, Inc. American Games
9900 Clinton Road 504 34th Avenue
Brooklyn, OH 44144 Council Bluffs IA 51501
Bingo King
3211 Nebraska Avenue Council Bluffs IA 51501
Infinational Technologies MAST Optical Systems
9335 N. 48th Street 4673 Aircenter Circle
Omaha, NE 68152 Reno, NV 89502
Trade Products, Inc. 2807 Lincoln Way Lynwood, WA 98037
Universal ManufacturingClarence J. Venne
5450 Deramus 1425 Hanford St+t
Kansas City, MO 64120 Levittown, PA 19057
Paralyzed Veterans of America-Bayou Chapter 25194 Discovery Bay Drive
Pass Christian, MS 39571-5507
1. Broadway Shopping Plaza/Hattiesburg, MS 39401 2. 3517 Denny Avenue/Pascagoula, MS 39567
3. Highway 49 North/Gulfport, MS 39503 4. Highway 51 South/Brookhaven, MS 39601
1. Children First, Inc./2460 Terry Road/Jackson, MS 39204
2. Children First, Inc./2460 Terry Road #27P, Jackson, MS 39204 3. Children First, inc./2460 Terry Road
#27P, Jackson, MS 39204 4. MCPCA Children's Advocacy Center, Inc./753 North President
Street/Jackson, MS 39202
5. MS Committee For Prevention Of Child Abuse, Inc./2460 Terry Road #22/Jackson, MS 39204 6. MS
Committee For Prevention Of Child Abuse, Inc./2460 Terry Road #22/Jackson, MS 39204
1. Former Cocaine Users of America/PO Box 846/Greenville, MS 38701 2. Former Cocaine Users of
America/PO Box 846/Greenville, MS 38701


American Legion Post #11 American Legion Post #13
PO Box 964 PO Box 628
Laurel, MS 39440 Starkville, MS 39440
American Legion Post #139 American Legion Post #225
PO Box 68 869 Highway 11 North
Bay St. Louis, MS 39520 Petal, MS 39465
American Legion Post #90 kAMVETS Post #20
Highway 98 Bypass/PO Box 531 PO Box 568
Columbia, MS 39429 Vicksburg, MS 39180
Boys Baseball Association BPOE/Natchez Lodge #553
3325 Albermarle Road PO Box 574
Jackson, MS 39213 Natchez, MS 39121
Citizens For Better Law Enforcement Clarksdale Elks Lodge #977
616 E. Peace Street PO Box 576
Canton, MS 39046 Clarksdale, MS 38614
Desoto Shrine Club Disabled American Veterans #5
2888 Gwynn Road 2600 23rd Avenue
Nesbit, MS 38651 Gulfport, MS 39506
Escatawpa Volunteer Fire Dept. Good Samaritan Center
1710 Market Street Delta Bingo/3257 Medger Evers
Pascagoula, Ms 39567 Jackson, MS 39213
Good Samaritan Center Grenada County AMVETS
Plaza Bingo/986 N. 16th Ave. 16878 Highway 8 West
Laurel, MS 39440 Grenada, MS 38901
Jackson Gray Panthers Knights of Columbus
2541 Coronet Place St. Joseph's Council #8760
Jackson, MS 39204-55-6 PO Box 115
Holly Springs, MS 38635
Knights of Columbus Knights of Columbus
St. Ann Council #9958 St. Vincent DePaul Council
23529 Highway 53 PO Box 925
Gulfport, MS 39503 Long Beach, MS 39560
Loyal Order of the Moose #1532 Loyal Order of the Moose #1804
PO Box 925 PO Box 231
Cleveland, MS 38732 Hattiesburg, MS 39401
Magnolia Chapter, MS Am. Ex POWS Magnolia Chapter Ex POW's
Players Bingo 920 Parkview Place
920 Parkview Place Gulfport, MS 39507 Ocean Springs, MS 39507
Magnolia Commodores Pup Tent 2 Mercy Cross Booster Club
Military Order of the Cooties PO Box 1154
PO Box 4017 Biloxi, MS 39530 Gulfport, MS 39502
Millard Hunting Club Mississippi Child Abuse
Route 3 Box 109 A PO Box 910
Picayune, MS 39466 Meridian, MS 39310
National Energy Task Force National Order of Trench Rats
PO Box 4816 2600 23rd Avenue
Meridian, MS 39310 Gulfport, MS 39506
New Hope Foundation Northwest Shrine Club
PO Box 706 PO Box 244
Jackson, MS 39205 Coldwater, MS 38618
Olive Branch Shrine Club Resurrection Catholic School
Drawer 3 c/o Annie Cook
Olive Branch, MS 38654 803 Kell Avenue Pascagoula, MS 39567
Scholarship Fund Skipper Comm. Dev. Assoc.
Northgate Shopping Center Route 2, Box 202A
Picayune, MS 39466 Magee, MS 39111
Snowlake Community Center St. Joseph Catholic Church
PO Box 38 PO Box 532
Ashland, MS 38603 Meridian, MS 39302
St. Michael Catholic Church VFW Post #6731
PO Box 523 PO Box 6128
Biloxi, MS Biloxi, MS 39532

VFW Post #5699 VFW Post #6473

PO Box 612 PO Box 10772
Ocean Springs, MS 39564 Jackson, MS 39289
VFW #4526 VFW #5931
PO Box 3426 410 East Beach
Gulfport, MS 39505 Pass Christian, MS 39571
VFW #2539 VFW #4490
2518 23rd Avenue Route 1 Box 275
Gulfport, MS 39501 Aberdeen, MS 39730
WWIS Community Action Agency PO Box 1813
Greenville, MS 38702-1803
Franco Distributing Co. Instant Ticket Factory, Inc.
PO Box 927 PO Box 544
Montgomery, AL 36102 Black Eagle, MT 59414
Dees Amusement Co., Inc. M & M Operators
3508 Highway 90 1563 E. County Line Rd #300
Gautier, MS 39553 Jackson, MS 39211
Nicolet Partners, Inc. Wallace Amusement Company
125 S. Congress, 14th Floor 605 Alabama Street
Jackson, MS 39201 Columbus, MS 39702
International Gamco's Inc. Ram Star
9335 N. 48th Street 21210 Highway 60
Omaha, NE 68152-1541 Platteville, CO 80651
Aequistopace, David B & B Amusements
Amvets-Scholarship Fund Bingo Rama
19200 Wildwood Lane PO Box 336
Covington, LA 70433 Ridgeland, MS 39158
B & B Amusements, Inc. Central MS Construction
PO Box 336 1541 Torrence Drive
Ridgeland, MS 39158 Jackson, MS 39212
E.I.F. Enterprises E.I.F. Enterprises
Bingo Palace Petal Bingo
2812 Lee Pierce Road 1710 Market Street
Pascagoula, MS 39581 Pascagoula, MS 39567
Founder, Inc. Hart, Dorothy P.
5123 Forest Hill Road 747 E. Kathy Circle
Jackson, MS 39213 Canton, MS 39046
Kilgore Leasing Scott, James R.
Plaza Bingo Cloverleaf Bingo
986 N. 16th Avenue 100 Holly Trail
Laurel, MS 39440 Brandon, MS 39042
Scott, James R. Scott, James R.
New Hope Bingo Delta Bingo
100 Holly Trail 100 Holly Trail
Brandon, MS 39042 Brandon, MS 39042
Simpson, Ralph Unlimited Investments
Players Bingo PO Box 159
2904 Bienville Blvd. Jackson, MS 39205 Ocean Springs, MS 39564
Whatley Building WHE Limited
16878 Highway 8 West Delta Plaza Mall
Grenada, MS 38901 800 Highway 1 South Greenville, MS 38701
American Flag Foundation American Legion #0001 Assoc. For Retarded
PO Box 2593 3900 W. Northside Dr. Citizens-MS
Bay St. Louis, MS 39520 Jackson, MS 39209 2727 Old Canton #17 Jackson, MS 39216
American Legion #0003 American Legion #0032 SPO Elks #0095
PO Box 1064 PO Box 370 US 61 South
Vicksburg, MS 39181 Greenville, MS 38701 Vicksburg, MS 39180
American Legion #0033 American Legion #0077 BPO Elks #606
131 Lameuse Street 206A Coleman Avenue 1778 Beach Blvd.
Biloxi, MS 39530 Waveland, MS 39576 Biloxi, MS 39530
American Legion #0077 Aux. American Legion #0119 SPO Elks #1120
Coleman Avenue 111 Courthouse Road 114 Krebs Avenue
Waveland, MS 39576 Gulfport, MS 39507 Pascagoula, MS 39567
American Legion #0160 American Legion #0165 BPO Elks #2501
1109 Market Street PO Box 1041 2501 Beachview Dr.
Pascagoula, MS 39567 Cleveland, MS 38732 Ocean Springs, MS 39564
American Legion #24 American Legion #00112 Bell's Educare Preschool
298 Green Street I-55 South and Daycare Center
Hattiesburg, MS 39401 Jackson, MS 39212 Jackson, MS 39284
American Legion #26 AMVETS #1 Boys & Girls Club of
Commerce Street 1219 Ellis Avenue the Gulf Coast Aberdeen, MS 39730 Jackson, MS
39204 346 Beach Boulevard Biloxi, MS 39530
American Legion #77 AMVETS #19 Briarwood Country Club
PO Box 380 409 South Street Highway 39 North
Waveland, MS 39576 Cleveland, MS 38732 Meridian, MS 39303
American Legion #134 AMVETS #0355Cathedral Unit School
2510 Goodman Road 229 East Franklin 701 Martin Luther St.
Hornlake, MS 38637 Tupelo, MS 38801 Natchez, MS 39120
Coalition For Disabled Holy Trinity Catholic Knights Columbus #2134
Citizens Church East Reed Road
2727 Old Canton #173 1427 Park Avenue Greenville, MS 38701
Jackson, MS 39216 Columbia, MS 39429
Child Assistance Relief Hub City Shrine Club Knights Columbus #5654
Effort Highway 49 North 421 Washington Avenue
1601 Highway 45 North Hattiesburg, MS 39401 Ocean Springs, MS 39564 Columbus, MS 39701
D'Iberville Recreational Inner Man Bingo Knights Columbus #6872
League 7852 Craft Road 408 Carroll
429 Central Avenue Olive Branch, MS 38654 Picayne, MS 39466 D'Iberville, MS 39532
Dead Tiger Hunting Club Knights of Columbus Knights Columbus #7087
Ridge Road 227 East Cherokee Highway 603
Route 5, Box 742-A Brookhaven, MS 39601 Picayune, MS 39466 Picayune, MS 39466
Desoto County AMVET Knights of Columbus Lealon C. Credille
6768 Hwy. 51 North Highway 19 North VFW #6112
Horn Lake, MS 38637 Meridian, MS 39307 107 Green Street Belmont, MS 38827
Elmer Joseph Grant #3373 Knights Columbus #4472 Loyal Order Moose #1581
4203 Shortcut Road 126 Henderson Avenue 2100 Fisher Perry Rd.
Pascagoula, MS 39581 Pass Christian MS 39571 Vicksburg, MS 39180
Fleet Reserve Assoc. of Knights Columbus #1522 Mons.JJ Igoe Assembly
Harrison City 315 Main Street East Reed Road
VFW Hall Bay St. Louis, MS 39520 Greenville, MS 38701 E. Railroad Street
Long Beach, MS 39560
(continued) i
Good Samaritan Center Knights Columbus #1583 MS Paralyzed Assoc.
3257 Medgar Evers Blvd. 34th Street & 8th Ave. 3975 I-55 North G-1
Jackson, MS 39213 Gulfport, MS 39502 Jackson, MS 39216
His Way Homes, Inc. Knights Columbus #1605 One & One Care Center
2306 Frontage Road 3604 Magnolia Street 995 South West Street
Meridian, MS 39301 Pascagoula, MS 39567 Jackson, MS 39201
PoagviLLe Volunteer Fire Van Cleave Fire Dept. VFW Post #02572
224 Wilson Drive 5117 Ball Park Road 1918 Washington St.
Senatobia, MS 38668 Van Cleave, MS 39564 Vicksburg, MS 39180
Quest For Truth Min., Inc. VFW-Hamlin-Durrett#2098 VFW Post #03036
Tupelo MaLL #120 Hwy. 45 Alt. North 219 Ronnie Street
Tupelo, MS 38801 West Point, MS 39773 Hattiesburg, MS 39401
Regular Veterans Assoc. VFW Post #687 VFW Post #03937
319 Pass Road PO Box 2688 521 E. Railroad St.
Gulfport, MS 39507 Jackson, MS 39207 Long Beach, MS 39560
Recovery Lodge VFW #3042 VFW Post #04057
1005 Country Club Dr. Highway 11 SouthV Mitchell Road
Jackson, MS 39209 Laurel, MS 39440 Tupelo, MS 38801
St. Francis Xavier Church VFW #4272 VFW Post #04100
1200 Highway 26 East 2870 7th Avenue North Highway 315 North
Wiggins, MS 39577 Columbus, MS 39703 Water Valley, MS 38965
St. James Catholic Church VFW Aux. #5395 VFW-Lions Bldg. Fund
312 E. 3rd Street 259 Arrington Road PO Box 415
Box 352 Pontotoc, MS 38864 Tunica, MS 38676 Leland, MS 38756
St. John Catholic Church VFW Post #01983 Whitney Woods Pleasant
724 Bradford Street Box 405 Post #201
Biloxi, MS 39530 Kosciusko, MS 39090 145 Martin Luther King Yazoo City, MS 39194
St. Martin Lioness VFW Aux. #06285
15900 Le Moyne Blvd. PO Box 65
Biloxi, MS 39564 Kiln, MS 39556


American Legion #0091 AMVETS, Post #0020 AMVETS Post #1986
1999 Hwy. 80 West PO Box 568 Northgate Shopping Center
Jackson, MS 39204 Vicksburg, MS 39180 Picayune, MS 39466
BPO Elks #553 East Memphis Catholic Magnolia Chapter Ex-POWs
241 Lower Woodville Rd. Club, Inc. Highway 49
Natchez, MS 39120 5231 Helene Road Gulfport, MS 39501 Memphis, TN 38117
Picayune Shrine Club Regular Veterans #20 Scholarship Bingo Fund
PO Box 774 Highway 82 East AMVETS
Picayune, MS 39466 Greenville, MS 38704 Northgate Shopping Center Picayune, MS 39466
Wayne County Volunteer Fire Dept. Court Street
Waynesboro, MS 39367
Gaming Commission Special Meeting
House Appropriations Committee Room
September 30, 1992
10:00 A.M.

In Attendance:
1. Judy Stein, Legal Division, MSTC, Jackson, MS
2. Bobby Long, Legal Division, MSTC, Jackson, MS
3. Patrice Crogen, Collins Games of Mississippi, Jackson
4. John Green, Childrens Assistance Relief Effort, Incorporated
5. Terry Green, Gulfside Casino, Gulfport, Mississippi
6. Hugh D. Keeting, Attorney, Gulfside Casino Incorporated
7. Stanley B. McDonald, Gulfside Casino Incorporated
8. James White, Grand Casino
9. Thomas J. Brosig, Grand Casino, Incorporated
10. Lenny Sawyer, Sawyer
11. Joe Salor, Grand Casino
12. Tommy Stephens, Watkins, Ludlam, & Stennis
13. Michael Cavanaugh, Mississippi Gaming Corporation
14. George Williams
15. Jan Dukes, Child Advocacy Center
16. Mike Farrell, Attorney for Child Advocacy Center
17. Debbie James, MS Committee for Preventing Child Abuse
18. Carl J. Chaney, Heitelberg & Woodliff
19. Dan M. McDaniel, Heitelberg & Woodliff
20. Scott Lummery, Attorney
21. Sam Begley, Attorney
22. Marlin Ferguson, Casino Magic
23. Roger H. Frommet, Casino Magic
24. Andy Halbrook
25. George Boo Hollowell
26. Bill Langian
27. Ray Baker, WJTV
28. Mal Leggitt, Daily Journal
29. L. Kay Johnson, City of Bay St. Louis
30. Jim Peterson, Ramstar
31. Eddie Faurg, Mayor City of Bay St. Louis
32. Herman H. Piner, MS V.F.W. Legislative Chairman
33. Wayne Lund, Casino Magic

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