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The average permeability of the double-porosity system is given by

the following equation:


The skin factor can be determined from the transitional pressure segment
with slope mf = m/2 by using the following equation:


where Atx is read at the intersection of the two straight lines of slopes m and
m1. If the matrix block size, H{ft), can be estimated, the matrix permeability
can be determined using the following equation:


The parameter A is


where a is the shape factor controlling the flow between two systems and k
the effective permeability of fractures.

Example 7-2 14 Analyzing Pressure Buildup Test in Naturally Fractured

Pressure buildup test data for a naturally fractured well are given in Table
7-2. Other well and reservoir data are as follows: q = 2554 stb/day, <j> = 0.21,
Ii = 1.0 cP, /3 = 2.3 rb/stb, pfm at A r = 0 = 6352 psi, rw = 0.375 ft, tp = 8661,
cj)m = 0.21, km = 0.1 mD, hm = 17.0 ft, and ct = 18.7 x 10"6 psi" 1 . From well
logs and core analyses find matrix storage, Sm, and r]m, and from pressure buildup
(using Najurieta model) find the following:

Formation fracture permeability, k/.

Fissured parameter, u.
Fracture storage, Sf9 and parameter, r\co.
Skin factor, s.

Solution From Figure 7-12, find the following:

First straight-line slope, m\ = 32.0 psi/cycle
Table 7 - 2
Pressure Buildup D a t a for the Well 1 4

Shut-in time, Af (hr) Shut-in pressure, pm (psia) ^J^

0.00 6352
0.003 6617 8611
0.017 6632 143.52
0.030 6643 71.76
0.07 6650 35.88
0.13 6654 17.94
0.27 6661 8.97
0.53 6666 4.49
1.07 6669 2.24
2.13 6678 1.12
4.26 6685 0.56
8.53 6696 0.28
17.07 6705 0.14
34.13 6712 0.07

Beginning of 2nd slope will occur at Homer's

time = 2.10 hr, p^s = 6625 psi,
therefore r is 2.10.
Shut-in pressure, p (psi)

From well logs

and core data:

1st slope An1 = 32.0 psi /cycle

2nd slope
m2 = 32.0


Figure 7-12. Semilog graph of buildup test.

Ap = 24.25 psia

At the beginning of the second slope line, At = 2.10hr and p/ws = 6660 psi.
From Eq. 7-30, the ratio UJ is
Calculate matrix storage Sm from well logs and core data:

Because the reservoir is stratified



Parameter rjm from core analysis is

Estimate Tf from equation


Calculate parameter i)co from equation:

Estimate skin factor, s, such that


Important notes: If the shape of the matrix is cubic, use the following


If t = T, final straight line on semilog plot begins approximately at
t = T.
If t > r, naturally fractured reservoirs behave as a homogeneous non-
fractured reservoir.
If t < r, then rjm = r)co (it is not possible to detect natural fractures by
well testing).

7.8 Interpretation of Interference Tests in Matrix

and Fractured Reservoirs
Interference tests in fractured formation can provide very important
information related to the zone surrounding the well from which the pro-
duction comes.

Uses of Interference Tests

Figure 7-13 illustrates the uses of interference tests in matrix and frac-
tured reservoirs.

Dimensionless Fracture Pressure Solution

Figure 7-14 shows the solution for dimensionless fracture pressure, pfD,
versus tDlr2D for several values of u and 6, where parameter 0 is equal \r2D

Uses of interference tests

Provides information such as mobility-thickness, khl/u, and porosity-

compressibility-thickness, 0 ct h
Characterize and validate geological models
Valuable tool for the identification of continuity and faults
Analysis of pressure versus time data can provide information such as limits,
faults, closed boundaries and constant pressure boundaries such as aquifers
Shows the existence of geological fault between two or more wells and
effectiveness of sealing fault
Provide knowledge about preferential direction of flow for an efficient
recovery in planning secondary and EOR projects
Flow surveillance behavior studies in enhanced oil recovery projects

Figure 7-13. Uses of Interference tests in fissured and matrix formations.

Dimensionless matrix pressure, pjd

Figure 7-14. Dimensionless fracture pressure solution for several values of u

and o:

which is known as correlation group. If the value of u is equal to I5 then

reservoir behaves as homogeneous.
Short-time approximation for /?/>:


Dimensionless Matrix Pressure Solution

Figure 7-15 shows the solution for the dimensionless matrix pressure,
PmD, versus f/>/*/> for several values of parameters 0 = \r2D and LJ. Short-time
approximation for pmD'-


Note: At long times, the matrix solution and the fissure solution are the
same as the line-source solution.
d '9inss9jd xujeui ssafuoTsuauiiQ

Figure 7-15. Dimensionless matrix pressure solution for several values of u

and 0.10

Interference Test Analysis Using Type Curve

Match Equations
For a given match, UJ and A can be obtained directly using the type curves
of Figure 7-14. The following type curve match equations10 can be used to
estimate other fracture parameters such as



From pressure match points, fracture permeability can be found using



From time match points

Using Eqs. 7-43 and 7-45, find


Product akm can be calculated from equation10


7.9 Horizontal Well Pressure Behavior Curve Shapes

Figure 7-16 shows curves during various flow periods.

Identification of Various Flow Periods

Figure 7-17 shows various flow periods and their identification.

Double porosity model

(isd) dy '9ou9J3jjip 3JnSSSJ4J

log flowing time, / (hours)

Figure 7-16. Drawdown flow periods in a horizontal well with dual-porosity flow.9
Points between

First radial flow period Straight line in a semilog crossplot

Transitional period
H Flow from matrix into fracture. This is curve segment

Second radial flow period Second straight line in semilog coordinates parallel
to the previous one

First linear flow period Pressure data would yield a straight line on a
Cartesian crossplot of Ap versus P5

Pseudo-radial flow period Row occurs towards the wellbore in a horizontal well.
Straight line in a semilog crossplot

Late-linear flow period Pressure transient reaches outer boundaries. Straight

line in a semilog crossplot

Figure 7-17. Various flow periods and their identification.

y = infinity


Figure 7-18. Horizontal well model in a naturally fractured reservoir.9

Well Test Analysis Equations and Solutions

Figure 7-18 shows a horizontal well model in a naturally fractured
Pressure Drawdown Analysis Equations
for Dual-Porosity Systems
Average permeability of all fractures intercepting the wellbore in the zy
direction is given by


where m\r is the slope of semilog straight line in the first or third radial flow
period. (The two lines are parallel.)
From the first linear flow period, the permeability ky is estimated using
the equation


where m\L is the slope of semilog straight line in the first or third radial flow
period. (The two lines are parallel.)
Average permeability (kxky)05 is estimated from


Skin effect can be estimated from first, second, third, and fourth flow
periods using the equations given below.

First Flow Period


where fracture porosity is calculated using the following equation:


Fraction of the total storage within the fracture is calculated from

Second Flow Period
This flow occurs in very rare occasions.

Third Flow Period

Skin is calculated from Eq. 7-51 using total porosity and total compres-

Fourth Flow Period


where sz is a pseudo-skin due to partial penetration in the z-direction and is

calculated from the equation13


The values of F\, F2, i% and F^ are given by





Fifth Flow Period



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