Elements of Communication 6-1

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Elements of Communication 3.

When encoding a message, the sender has

September 16, 2012 by niyatimcms to begin by deciding what he/she wants to transmit.
Elements of Communication This decision by the sender is based on what
Communication is one of the most important factors he/she believes about the receivers knowledge and
for the existence of our society today. The assumptions, along with what additional information
importance of effective communication is he/she wants the receiver to have. It is important
immeasurable in the world of business and in for the sender to use symbols that are familiar to
personal life. Denis McQuail is one of the most the intended receiver. A good way for the sender to
influential scholars in the field of mass improve encoding their message, is to mentally
communication studies says Communication is visualize the communication from the receiver's
the sending of meaningful messages from one point of view.
person to another. According to Harold D
Lasswell Communication is discerning who says 4. Channel: Its the medium through which
what, in which channel to whom and with what communication is transmitted from one person to
effect. In simple words Communication is giving, the reliever. Most channels are either oral or
receiving or exchanging ideas, information, signals written. Common channels include the telephone
or messages through an appropriate media. It is a and a variety of written forms such as memos,
dynamic process involving a series of actions and letters, and reports. The effectiveness of the
reactions with a view to achieve a goal. The various channels fluctuates depending on the
importance of effective communication is characteristics of the communication. In case
immeasurable in the world of business and in of immediate feedback Oral Communication is
personal life. Communication is, therefore, a two convenient. In a situation where the message must
way process. Each element plays an important role be delivered to more than a small group of people,
in making the communication effective and can be written channels are often more effective. Although
classified as follows: in many cases, both oral and written channels
1. Sender: Sender is an individual, group, or should be used because one supplements the
organization who initiates the communication. This other. For Eg: A president delivering a Speech may
source is initially responsible for the success of the speak face to face with an audience, via the
message. A process by which the sender broadcast media or via print.
formulates an idea to communicate is selected For Ex : An audience receives the politicians
first. The first step the sender is faced with involves speech.
the encoding process. In order to convey meaning, 1. The child who is the recipient of the parents
the sender must begin encoding, which means lecture
translating information into a message in the form 5. Receiver: Receiver is the individual or
of symbols signs that represent ideas or concepts, individuals to whom the message is directed to.
which is then communicated. This process can be The extent to which a receiver comprehends the
influenced by external factors, or it can come about message will depend on a number of factors, which
internally by thinking about a particular subject. For include the following: knowledge of the individual
Ex: regarding the message, their receptivity to the
Ex. A politician giving a speech. message. All interpretations by the receiver are
A parent lecturing a child. influenced by their experiences, attitudes,
Customer of a restaurant writing a complaint letter knowledge, skills, perceptions, and culture.
to the management of the restaurant. Ex. An audience receives the politicians speech.
2. Message: A message can be an idea, Student receiving a lecture from the teacher in a
concept, emotion, feeling that a person wants to classroom.
share with another person. A message can be 6. Decoding: Decoding is the process where
verbal or non-verbal form of communication. It is the message is interpreted by the receiver . The
based on the source or idea, but the message is receiver begins to interpret the message through
crafted to meet the needs of the receiver. The words, signs, symbols sent by the sender
purpose to send a message is to evoke meaning to translating the message to its set of experiences in
the other person. A message can be intentional or order to make the message meaningful. Successful
non-intentional. Messages can be encoded into a communication takes place when the receiver
variety of formats oral, written or visual. correctly interprets the senders message.
Eg: Speech is a channel, signs, gestures,symbols Eg: A student searches the definition of
are different ways in which a message can be a word unknown to her in the
dictionary, interprets the meaning and gains Intrapersonal communication is a form of thinking
information. that goes on inside us which relies on language to
7. Feedback: Feedback is an integral part of express itself. It is similar to the Shakespearean
communication process that allows the speaker to soliloquy where the character in question engages
monitor the process and to evaluate the success of in self-talk to reflect on events that have transpired
the message communicated. This step conveys to (please refer to Figure 1.6). Intrapersonal
the sender that the message is understood by the communication often increases self-awareness and
receiver. After receiving a message, the receiver mindfulness, and hones critical thinking skills.
responds through a channel and signals that
response to the sender. For Ex: The signal may Top
take the form of a spoken comment, a written 1.3.2 Interpersonal Communication
message, a smile, rolling of eyes, a sigh or some Interpersonal communication is communication
other action. No response is also a form of between several people. This form of
feedback. Without feedback, the sender cannot communication may range from the impersonal to
confirm that the receiver has interpreted the the very personal. Impersonal communication is
message correctly. For Eg: Employee surveys, when you talk with a person you do not really care
company news letters, e-mails. about there is often a coldness or an indifference
8. Noise- There are certain barriers present in in your attitude when you engage in this kind of
the communication process. These factors may communication.
have an impact on the communication process. Then, there is social communication where you
Noise is one of the most common barriers, that engage in niceties with people you meet in a social
influence the feedback in this process. Noise context. The most personal type of communication
essentially is anything that distorts a message by occurs when you talk with people who are close to
interfering with the communication process. Noise you, for example, your best friend, family members
can take many forms it can be external or internal and colleagues. Such relationships are
factors. Noise as a barrier may originate from the interdependent, meaning that the actions of one
source or the receiver, from the channel used in party very often directly affects the other party.
sending the message, or outside the source and Interpersonal communication can take place face to
receivers control. face as well as through electronic channels like
Eg: Internal factor- Involves mental forces within a video-conferencing, chat rooms, e-mail and
receiver or sender that might affect his or her ability Twitter.
to either encode or decode a message Top
correctly. Eg: Daydreaming, fatigue, exhaustion. 1.3.3 Small Group Communication
Eg: External factors: Anything around the person Small group communication takes place in a group,
that disturbs the communication process. Eg: usually comprising five to 10 people (please refer to
Sights, sounds, smell. Figure 1.7). This form of communication serves
Conclusion: relationship needs (like companionship, family
Successful and effective communication for an bonding and affection or support) as well as task-
individual, group or an organisation starts with the based needs, for example, deciding on disciplinary
right implementation of the communication process. action or resolving conflict in the workplace.
Effective communication leads to In academic institutions, students often form small
understanding. Through this process that the groups which meet regularly for study discussions
sharing of a common meaning between the sender or to work collaboratively on projects. At the
and the receiver takes place. Communication is workplace, small groups may meet to discuss
important for us. For effective communication we issues related to work, or for problem-solving or
need to understand how various elements work. team-building purposes. Learning to communicate
Intrapersonal Communication effectively in teams contributes to success and
Intrapersonal communication is self-talk or a advancement in many careers. Small group
conversation you hold with yourself under certain communication allows you to interact with others,
circumstances for example, when you need to be it at home, in school, at the workplace or in
make an important decision or learn something public. You learn to exchange ideas, solve
about yourself. You may wonder whether problems and share experiences.
intrapersonal communication is just another way of
describing the thinking process. In a way, that Top
would be correct. 1.3.4 Public Communication
Public communication, also known as public communication skills enhance corporate image and
speaking, involves communication between a impact positively on morale, commitment, and
speaker and an audience. This audience may productivity in corporations.
range from just a few people to thousands or even Is corporate communication compatible with
millions of people. The aim of the speaker is usually morality and ethics? Please view the following
to inform or to persuade the audience to act, buy, thought-provoking video and form your own
or think in a certain way. A teacher may address an opinions on this matter:
assembly of students on codes of behaviour or
school rules. A politician may make speeches on
how he will be dealing with certain issues in order 1.3.7 Intercultural Communication
to win their votes. An executive may give a Intercultural communication is communication
business presentation to get more sales. It is between people of diverse cultures and ethnicity.
important to understand some of the basic The world is increasingly becoming a global village
principles of effective public speaking so that you and every country has people of various ethnicities.
are able to influence, persuade as well as entertain Thus, it is important to note differences in the
your audience when you communicate with them. communication practices of different cultures if
Top intercultural harmony and understanding is to be
1.3.5 Mass Communication maintained. For example, in many Asian countries,
Mass communication is communication that is sent students will seldom contradict or disagree with a
out from a source to many receivers all over the teacher in the classroom as this shows disrespect.
world. It takes place through media like films, radio, In Western academic institutions, however, it is the
videos and television. Modern avenues of mass norm for students to think for themselves and
communication like the Internet and blogs can be engage their teachers in debate and discussion. It
very powerful indeed as information is is important to make efforts to recognise and
disseminated instantly. respect the communication practices of people from
1.3.6 Corporate Communication different cultures
Corporate communication is communication that
takes place among members of an organisation, andnationalities
within that organisation. Interacting in teams,
conferencing with co-workers, talking with a
k,noise. Yunh mga yan. Saka yung
supervisor or manager, giving employees interpersonal,intrapersonal,dyadic,public communication.
explanations and directions, interviewing and
making presentations are some examples of
corporate communication. Effective corporate

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