Waste Gas Treatment in Biofilters

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Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association

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Waste Gas Treatment in Biofilters

Hsiu-Mu Tang , Shyh-Jy Hwang & Sz-Chwun Hwang

To cite this article: Hsiu-Mu Tang , Shyh-Jy Hwang & Sz-Chwun Hwang (1996) Waste Gas
Treatment in Biofilters, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 46:4, 349-354

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TECHNICAL PAPER ISSN 1047-3289 /. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 46: 349-354
Copyright 1996 Air & Waste Management Association

Waste Gas Treatment in Biofilters

Hsiu-Mu Tang and Shyh-Jy Hwang
National Tsing Hua University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan, ROC

Sz-Chwun Hwang
Union Chemical Laboratories, ITRI, Hsin Chu, Taiwan, ROC

ABSTRACT A biofilter contains filter materials (compost, peat, bark,

Biofiltration of polluted gas streams containing malodor- soil, or inert materials) on which microorganisms (mainly
ous triethylamine (TEA) was studied. The experiments bacteria) are immobilized to form a biolayer. When waste
were conducted in a laboratory-scale reactor with a mixture gases pass through the reactor, target organic pollutants dif-
of sieved compost and chaff particles as the filter material fuse into the biofilm as adsorption and instantaneous aero-
on which the microorganisms were immobilized. The bic biodegradation occur. In general, natural filter materials
concentrations of TEA in the inlet gas varied from 0.32 to provide sufficient inorganic nutrients for microorganisms;
3.45 g/m3 (78 ppmv to 841 ppmv), while the superficial ve- thus, the addition of nutrients is not required.2 Biofiltration
locity of the inlet gas ranged from 60.1 to 322.2 m/hr. The has been validated as an advantageous air pollution control
removal efficiency of triethylamine in the biofilter decreased technology for the purification of waste gases with large vol-
as the gas velocity or TEA concentration in the inlet gas umes and low pollutant concentrations, compared to other
increased. Moreover, the elimination capacity of this biofilter conventional physical and chemical methods such as in-
could reach up to 140 g/(m3 hr). When the loading of TEA cineration, scrubbing, and activated carbon adsorption.13
exceeded this critical value, substrate inhibition occurred The reasons lie mainly in low investment and operating
and the elimination capacity decreased. A mathematical costs, good operational stability, and high destruction effi-
model predicting the removal efficiency of the pollutant ciency of pollutants.
was also developed in this study. The inhibitory effect of Some experimental and theoretical investigations of
the substrate on the growth rate of the biomass was consid- the biofilters have been performed. 410 Ottengraf et al.
ered in this model. The proposed model could accurately studied the selection of the proper microorganisms for
represent the experimental data obtained in this study. the xenobiotic compounds, 4 kinetics of the biodegrada-
tion, 5 and reactor design.2-5 The inhomogeneous struc-
INTRODUCTION ture of natural filter materials such as compost and peat,
Amines are the major pollutants in the gaseous emissions and the tendency for the packing materials to be com-
of chemical manufacturing factories. Triethylamine (TEA) pacted or lumped, often induce nonuniform distribution
is a typical constituent of these organo-nitrogen pollutants. of the gas flow. This reduces the specific surface area,
Because amines have been demonstrated to be easily biode- and therefore the elimination capacity of the biofilter.
gradable, biofiltration is an excellent method to treat waste Several researchers2-6 have found new filter materials with
gases containing these pollutants.1 high porosity and adsorption capacity, hydrophilic prop-
erties, and minimum compaction. In addition, Peters et
al.7 modified the filter material with gypsum to prevent
the formation of clumps upon drying.
Biofiltration has been validated as an advantageous air
pollution control technology for the purification of waste
Leson et al.8 reported that the removal of ethanol in a
gases with large volumes and low pollutant concentrations, laboratory-scale biofilter was zero order with respect to etha-
as compared to other conventional physical and chemical nol. Ergas et al. 9 proposed that the removal of
methods such as incineration, scrubbing, and activated car- dichloromethane, trichloroethene, and toluene followed first
bon adsorption. Moreover, biofiltration generally creates
order kinetics. Moreover, in the development of the kinetic
no secondary pollution. This paper demonstrates that a
relatively high elimination capacity for triethylamine can be
model, they considered the effect of the diffusion of the
obtained using a biofilter with an improved filter material. substrates in the biofilm. Shareefdeen et al.10 derived and
In addition, the model developed in this paper can be used validated a kinetic model of the biofiltration process for the
to design the biofilter for the treatment of other waste gases, removal of methanol vapor. They took into account the ef-
especially when substrate inhibition occurs.
fects of substrate inhibition and the diffusion of both the
substrate and oxygen.

Volume 46 April 1996 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 349
Tang, Hwang, and Hwang

For this research, the biofiltration of TEA was conducted (Hamilton). TEA concentration of the gas flowing into the
in a laboratory-scale biofilter. Effects of the gas flow rate and biofilter was varied by adjusting the injection rate of the
inlet TEA concentration on the removal efficiency of TEA solution and the flow rate of the air stream.
were analyzed. The possibility of achieving higher elimina-
tion capacity in the biofilter with an improved filter mate- Operating Conditions
rial, a mixture of narrow-sieved compost and chaff, was also The concentration of TEA in the inlet gas varied from
studied. Furthermore, a mathematical model was developed 0.32 g/m3 to 3.45 g/m3, while the superficial velocity of the
to predict the elimination capacity, maximum elimination inlet gas ranged from 60.1 m/hr to 322.2 m/hr. The overall
capacity, and removal efficiency of TEA in the biofilter un- loading of TEA increased from 18 to 261 g/(m3 hr). The
der a wide range of operating conditions. water content and pH of the filter material were kept at about
50% and 7%, respectively. It was found during the experi-
MATERIALS AND METHODS ments that ammonia formation was not significant. Most
Experimental Apparatus of the nitrogen in TEA became N2 and soluble ammonium
The biofiltration experiments were conducted in a labora- salt. When the operating condition was changed, more than
tory-scale reactor shown in Figure 1. The inner diameter three days were always required to reach the new steady
and the overall height of the reactor are 8 cm and 155 cm, state, and the new steady-state TEA concentration profile
respectively. The biofilter was divided by perforated plates along the column was measured about four days after the
into four 35 cm sections, and each section was packed with new steady state was reached.
25 cm of the filter material. A 5 cm distributor section filled
with 8 mm spherical glass beads was located at the bottom Filter Material and Inoculum
of the column to ensure uniform distribution of the gas flow The filter material was a mixture of an equal volume of
across the biofilter. sieved compost (equivalent diameter: 1.2 mm to 2.5 mm)
Compressed air flowed through an air filter (Hankinson, and chaff (equivalent diameter 4 mm to 5 mm). The average
A20-04F-16P) before entering the humidification column. diameter of the compost particles was 2 mm. The compost
The humidifier was an 8 cm ID acrylic column, 80 cm in contained 45% digested sewage sludge and 55% yard trash.
height, filled with 40 cm of 1/2-inch plastic pall-ring The addition of chaff served to decrease the pressure drop
packings (Norton). The relative humidity of the effluent air across the filter bed and prevent channeling. It also contained
stream from the humidifier was 95% to 99%, and its tem- certain nutrients that could be utilized by the microorgan-
perature was controlled at 20 C to 25 C by using the water isms. NaHPO4 and NaHCO3 were used as buffer salts to main-
in the humidifier. tain the pH of the filter material in the range of 6 to 8.
Artificial waste gas was made by injecting pure liquid The inoculum was activated sludge obtained from the
TEA into the effluent air stream from the humidifier using a wastewater treatment plant of a fertilizer factory where
syringe pump (Sage, Model 34IB) and a gas-tight syringe amines are the major pollutants treated. Microorganisms in
the activated sludge had been ac-
climated to the target pollutant;
thus, the required adaptation time
for microorganisms was reduced
Sampling and Analytical
Five sampling ports separated by
equal distances were located along
the biofilter. Gas samples were col-
Purified gas lected simultaneously from the
o o oo o
sampling ports with Tedlar bags
over an approximate three-minute
period. After the bags were plunged
into an oven (50 C) for one
minute to prevent the condensa-
tion of TEA, SOOu, gas samples were
then taken from the bags using a
Figure 1 . Schematic diagram of the laboratory-scale biofilter unit: 1. air filter; 2. rotameter; 3. pall-
ring packings; 4. nozzle; 5.water reservoir; 6. pump; 7. gas-tight syringe; 8. syringe pump; 9. tem- gas-tight glass syringe. Concentra-
perature controller; 10. glass beads; 11. filter material; 12. sampling ports. tions of TEA in the samples were

350 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association Volume 46 April 1996
Tang, Hwang, and Hwang

then measured in a gas chromatograph (Varian 3400) equipped Material Balance

with a 15ml x 0.53mm SPB-5 fused silica capillary column The material balance equations were established on the ba-
with an immobilized polydimethylsiloxane liquid film 15(j,m sis of the following assumptions:
in thickness, and a flame ionization detector (FID). Nitrogen (1) A steady state was reached in the biofilter for each
was used as the carrier gas, and its flow rate was 12 ml/min. operating condition.
A solution was made containing 2 g of the filter mate- (2) The diffusion of the pollutant within the biofilm can
rial and 20 ml of distilled water. Its pH value, measured by a be represented by an effective diffusion coefficient,
pH meter (fenco, Model 6201), was defined as the pH value De(m2/hr).
of the filter material. In addition, water content of the filter (3) The biofilm dry density was constant throughout the
material was determined by drying the filter material at filter bed.
105 C for 12 hours. (4) Mass transfer resistance in the gas phase was negli-
gible. Moreover, at the gas-biofilm interface, the pol-
THEORY lutant concentration in the gas phase was in
A schematic representation of the biofilm model is given in equilibrium with that in the biofilm, i.e., S{ = Sg/md,
Figure 2. The overall kinetics in the biofilter were represented where Sg is the substrate concentration in the gas
by the interactions among the microkinetics of the biodeg- phase (g/m3), and md is the distribution coefficient.
radation of the target pollutant in the biofilm, mass transfer (5) Triethylamine was degraded by aerobic microbial ac-
in the biofilm, and the flow pattern of the bulk gas phase. tivity. The thickness of the aerobic layer in the biofilm
Because the biofilm thickness is much smaller than the par- or the effective biofilm thickness, 5e(|xm), is assumed
ticle size, planar geometry can be used. to be 15% of the actual biofilm thickness, 8.12
(6) Triethylamine was the only growth-limiting substrate
Microkinetics in the aerobic layer, while all other nutrients were in
The generalized form of the Monod equation11 is used in excess.
this study to describe the microkinetics; thus the growth (7) The flow pattern of the bulk gas was plug flow.
rate for the microorganisms is given by:
The material balance for the biofilm is:
[ iT (1)
V ! L SlmJ d2S,
De- (3)
where |x is the specific growth rate (1/hr), p,m is the maximum dx^
specific growth rate (1/hr), ^ is the half saturation constant
(g/m3), S, is the substrate concentration in the liquid phase The boundary conditions are:
(g/m3), and Slm is the maximum liquid-phase substrate
concentration above which growth is completely inhibited h (4)
x=0, Si =-2-
(g/m3). The reaction rate for the substrate is given by:
1 md
(2) (5)

where rs is the substrate utilization rate (g/(m3 hr)), Xv is The mass balance for the bulk gas phase is:
the biofilm dry density (g/m3), and Y, is the yield coefficient dS^
(g biomass/g substrate).

Biofilm The boundary condition is:

sg Aerobic Anaerobic z = O,Sg = Sgi (7)

Layer Layer
where Ug is the gas superficial velocity (m/hr), Sgi is the inlet
gas concentration (g/m3), z is the position along the biofilter
(m), As is the specific surface area (biolayer surface area per
unit volume of the biofilter, m2/m3), and N is the mass flux
of the substrate into the biolayer interface (g/(m2 hr)). Note
0i0M, that N is given by:
dx x = 0
e (8)
Figure 2 . Schematic representation of the model.

Volume 46 April 1996 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 351
Tang, Hwang, and Hwang

Numerical Method is assumed to be that of water, the biofilm thickness can

Sg and S, were obtained from equations 1 to 8 by orthogonal then be calculated from the following equations:
collocation, 13Newton-Raphson, and Runge-Kutta methods.
These methods were also used by Baltzis et al.14 (9)
Determinations of Model Parameters
The values of the parameters used in the model are shown (10)
in Table 1. The specific surface area, As, was obtained by the m

data fitting method,10 while the values of K^, Yit p.m, and n in where rp is the average radius of the compost particles, m p is
Table 1 are typical values reported in the literature.11'15 The the average weight of a single compost particle, and Np is
value of md is obtained from vapor/liquid equilibrium data the number of compost particles in the sample. The biofilm
for the triethylamine/water system.16 Since water is the ma- dry density was obtained by the following equation:17
jor constituent of the biofilm, md for triethylamine/water
system can be used for triethylamine/biofilm system with x=
negligible error. The maximum allowable substrate concen-
tration in the gas phase, Sgm, was obtained experimentally Note that the value of Xv obtained in this study lies in the
in the biofilter. It was defined in this study as the concentra- range of the values reported by Fan et al.18
tion at which the removal efficiency approaches zero at very The diffusivity of TEA in water at 25 C is estimated to
low gas superficial velocity (3.6 m/hr). Moreover, Slm is ob- be 6.8xl0-6 m 2 /hr by the Wilke-Chang equation.19 Fan et al.18
tained from Equation 4. proposed an empirical equation for predicting the diffusivity
The biofilm thickness and biofilm dry density (dry of a substrate in a biofilm relative to that in water:
weight of biomass of the biofilm/volume of the wet biofilm) 0.43 X'
were determined by the dry weight method. 917 Equal 11.19+0.27 X 0 J (12)
amounts (0.4 g) of compost particles were taken from each
where De and Dw are the diffusivity of TEA (m2/hr) in a
section of the filter bed and mixed together. The weight of
biofilm and in water, respectively. According to this correla-
this sample was defined as Wj. It was dried in an oven at
tion, the major factor influencing diffusivity in the biofilm
105 C for 12 hours. The weight of this dried sample was
is the biofilm dry density. In this study, the experimental
defined as W2. It was then put in a furnace at 600 C for
value of the biofilm dry density (125000 g/m3) was substi-
one hour to burn off the biomass surrounding the compost
tuted into the correlation and a relative diffusivity of 0.18
particles. The weight of the sample after burning was de-
was obtained. Thus, the effective diffusivity of TEA in the
fined as Wo. Because the ash weight of the biomass was small
biofilm was 1.2 x 10 6 m2/hr.
compared to the weight of the compost particle, Wo could
represent the weight of the dried compost particles. Another
experiment with the same drying and burning processes was
In order to understand the start-up process of the biofilter
also conducted for the raw compost particles to determine
and the physical adsorption capacity of the filter mate-
the possible loss of weight because of these processes. The
rial, experiments were performed in active and in poi-
results showed that this weight loss was negligible. The to-
soned (sterilized by HgCl 2 solution) biofilters. The
tal biofilm weight was obtained by subtracting the weight
biofilters were operated at a gas superficial velocity of
of the dried compost particles, Wo, from the weight of the
60.1 m/hr, corresponding to a residence time of 1 minute.
wetted bioparticles, Wa. If the physical density of the biofilm
The concentration of TEA in the
inlet gas stream was 0.32 g/m3.
Table 1 . Notation of the symbols and the values of the parameters used in the model. It was found that for a biofilter
to be effective, degradation
Parameter Value Ref Denotation rather than adsorption of the
A s (m 2 /m 3 ) 180 Biofilm surface area per unit volume of reactor target pollutant must take place
De (m2/sec) 3.5 *10- 1 0 Diffusivity of triethylamine in the biofilm
in the biofilter. In addition, ac-
10.0 15 half saturation constant
md(-) 0.0038 distribution coefficient climation of the microbial
n(-) 1.0 11 constant population to TEA was relatively
slm(g/m3) 3290 substrate concentration with complete inhibition rapid. It took only eight days for
Xv(kg/m3) 125 _ biofilm dry density the removal efficiency to reach
Yi(g/g) 0.53 15 yield coefficient
(x m (1/hr) 0.216 15 maximum specific growth rate
6 e (m) 1.65*10-5 effective biofilm thickness Figure 3 shows the effect of
the inlet TEA concentration on

3 5 2 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association Volume 46 April 1996
Tang, Hwang, and Hwang

the concentration profile along the biofilter and the re- velocity on the concentration profile along the biofilter
moval efficiency of TEA. As shown in this figure, the and the removal efficiency of TEA is shown in Figure 4.
concentration of triethylamine throughout the biofilter The total amount of TEA entering the biofilter increased
increased with increasing TEA concentration in the with an increase in the gas velocity. Therefore, the removal
inlet. As a result, the removal efficiency, RE (defined as efficiency decreased as the gas velocity increased. The
1- Sg/Sgl), decreased as the inlet TEA concentration in- predicted values shown in this figure agree well with the
creased. This is similar to observations by Shareefdeen experimental data, except for higher gas velocity. The
et al.10 and Deshusses et al.21 in their studies of purifica- model underestimates the substrate concentration at
tion of the methanol and ketones (methyl ethyl ketone high gas velocity. This may be due to gas backmixing
and methyl isobutyl ketone), respectively. Also shown in and channeling.
this figure is the comparison of the experimental and Figure 5 compares the experimental data with those
predicted values for TEA concentration in the biofilter. predicted by the proposed model and Ottengraf's model.5
This figure indicates that the predicted values agreed It is seen in this figure that the proposed model predicts
with those obtained experimentally. The effect of the gas more accurately than Ottengraf's model, particularly for

1.0 0

0.9 10
U =75.6 m/hr
0,8 20

0.7 30

" 0.6 40
^ 0.5 50

Pred. Expt. S gi 70
1.25 g/m3 80
0.2 A 1.84 g/m3
2.69 g/m 90

0.0 100
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.S 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Figure 3. Effect of the inlet substrate concentration on the concen- Figure 4. Effect of the gas superficial velocity on the concentration
tration profile along the biofilter. profile along the biofilter.

1,0 (g/m3)
Ug=60.1 m/hr, Sgj-3.45 g/m 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 21 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.9
0.9 proposed model 180
Ottengrafs model
0.8 9 experimental data 160
U =75.6 m/hr
T 0-6
K* 0.5

0.3 80 proposed model
Ug=322.2 m/hr, Sgi0.32 g/m5 -- Ottengrafs model

0.2 proposed model experimental data

Ottengrafs model - / *
0.1 A experimental data

0.0 0.1 0.2 0,3 0.4 0.S 0,6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1,0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 30C

Loading [g/(m3hr)]

Figure 5. Comparison of the experimental and predicted values Figure 6. Effect of the loading on the elimination capacity of the
for the substrate concentration in the biofilter. biofilter.

Volume 46 April 1i6 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 3S3
Tang, Hwang, and Hwang

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ter than Ottengraf's model, especially at high inlet TEA About the Authors
concentration or loading. S.-J. Hwang and H.-M. Tang are professor and Ph.D.
candidate, respectively, at the Department of Chemical
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3 5 4 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association Volume 46 April 1996

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