Ripper Volnak

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Ripper Volnak (Thane) Run to Shadow

Level 9 Sceadugengan Amplify Amplify Amplify

3/3 Preform a move action and increase
Size 4 Speed 4 the shroud intensity by 1
Red, Blue, Green
Cleansing Attack
Run to Shadow (Green) Amplify Multi Weapon
Cleansing Attack (Blue) Preform a weak attack action and heal
Boars Posture (Red) yourself or an adjacent ally by 1 and
reduce the intensity of a condition by
Defy the Crowd 1
Combat Maneuverability
Render Helpless Boars Posture
Maintain Amplify Maintain
Escape Preform a Minor sacrifice +2 and gain
Sneak Evade +1
Silent Tongue
Defy the Crowd
Broadsword Parry is boosted by +1 for every 2
DF 2, Size 5, Parry 2 (Slash, Pierce) adjacent foes

Armor, PF 1, Parry +2 Combat Maneuverability

After preforming an attack action, if
there are no adjacent enemies,
preform a weak move action

Render Helpless
Your first attack of the combat round
applies the vulnerability condition +1
(Counter P)

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