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Words You Should Know

Ironing to straighten you clothes by passing a warm metal iron over them
Bathing suit clothing you use to swim in
Birthday suit an expression we use to refer to being naked (you are born naked)
Infamous famous for doing something bad
Homie a gangster way to call someone from your neighbourhood (home boy)
Streed cred a reputation of respect from other gangsters (cred = credit)
To cap someone a gangster way to say to shoot someone
Compliment to say something nice about someone else
Mother tongue your native language
To get the wrong idea to interpret something incorrectly
Inherent something that is natural, subconscious knowledge
Ambiguity something with an unclear meaning
Back in the time a time or era in the past
Get the ball rolling to get things started, gain momentum
Graceful to move with beauty like a dancer
The light bulb went on when you have a sudden realisation or idea
Cozy a small and very comfortable place
Cheeks the side of your mouth that get red when you are embarrassed
Opposites attract people with opposite personalities commonly really like each
other (expression)
Creepy very annoying and unpleasant, makes you feel uncomfortable (generally
a man with a woman)
To feel warm and fuzzy a feeling of happiness and joy inside you
messed up to not be working well, or not be normal

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