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SQL Assignment 1

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Barem: Q1-30%, Q2.1-40%, Q2.2-30%

Question 1:

Consider the following relations for a database that manage book information in library. The
information include: Book title, Author, Publisher, Category and Book format.


- Primary Key is mark post-fix with #

- ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number

BOOK_TITLE (ISBN_Number#, Title, PublisherID, PublishedDate, BookFormat, Pages, Price)

BOOK_AUTHOR (ISBN_Number#, AuthorID#)

AUTHOR (AuthorID#, AuthorFirstName, AuthorLastName)

PUBLISHER (PublisherID#, PublisherName)

BOOK_CATEGORY (ISBN_Number#, CategoryID#)

CATEGORY (CategoryID#, CategoryDescription)

BOOK_FORMAT (BookFormat#, FormatDescription)

Draw a relational schema diagram specifying the foreign keys for this schema.

Question 2:

Given the Invoice table with following initial structure (Primary Key is mark post-fix with #)

StudentID# StudentName TeacherID TeacherName Teacher_Dept Class1 Class2 Class3

0122 Smith 142 Jones IT 101-01 106-09 113-02
0134 Tom 108 Davis IT 106-03 201-05 202-01


1. Normalize that table structure to the first, second and third normalization forms
2. Draw relational schema diagram for the tables defined in the third normalization form

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