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Its NOT the hours that you put in, Its WHAT

you put into the hours. Sam Ewing

8th Grade Pre-Algebra Syllabus

2017 - 2018
Teacher Information
Mrs. C. Thompson
Phone: 901-416-8980
(Please use email or remind text services, theyre the fastest ways to contact me)

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome back from the Summer Vacation and to Colonial MS. I am a proud former student
scholar-athlete of Colonial Jr. High School, many, many, many years ago (smiling). I hope that all of you
have enjoyed the time that you had off and are now ready to start this year with new challenges and
opportunities together as a class. We are going to have a very busy and productive school year with
exciting math concepts and activities that will prepare your child for HS Algebra 1.

The purpose of this syllabus is to inform you of my classroom expectations and procedures for the
school year. I look forward to working with you and our students and all this year has to offer. Please
review the syllabus below. Attached to the syllabus you will find a portion called Communication with
Parents that will need to be signed and returned to me acknowledging that you have read this syllabus.
This will count as one of your childs graded homework assignment.

Course Description/Objective: This math class is intended to provide a working knowledge of Pre-
Algebra concepts in an effort to prepare Students for Algebra I. The students will evaluate various math
functions; understand how math is changing in the workplace and society and implement practical
applications emphasized in their projects and assignments. This class is intended to help students in Pre-
Algebra as it relates to real world problem applications.

Text and Materials:

(items in BOLD are needed immediately in order for the student to be successful in this class)

Eureka Math workbook (has to be kept at school)

(1) 5 subject spiral notebook (any brand)
(2) highlighters YELLOW ONLY
#2 lead pencils (mechanical pencils ARE ALLOWED)
(1) 1.5 - 2 inches binder (NO larger than 2 inches)
(1) pack of dividers
(4) 2 pocket 3 prong folders (any color, preferably green)
(1) pack of at least 10 sheet protectors
Loose leaf notebook paper
(1) pack of index cards with lines
(1) expo dry erase marker (fine point, like a pen, to be used on practice sheet)
Colored pencils
BOYS ONLY 1 box of tissue
GIRLS ONLY 1 bottle of hand sanitizer

My Website:
Its NOT the hours that you put in, Its WHAT
you put into the hours. Sam Ewing

Evaluation and Grading:

Weight % System Used in Grading for Each Grading System Used in Determining Course
Quarter Grade
Tests/Projects.. 40% 93 100% . A
Homework/Participation.....10% 85 92% . B
Quizzes .15% 75 84% . C
Math Notebook- 10% 70- 74%- D
Classwork 25% Below 70% . F
Total Points..100%

Classroom Expectations/Procedures/Makeup Work/ and Homework Policies/Honor Code

NOTE: The classroom management system in place teaches students responsibility as well as rewards
them for being responsible for their behavior, classwork, and homework. This syllabus is not exhaustive
but is given to provide a framework of how my classroom operates.

Classroom Expectations for Student Behavior/Procedures:


1. Eat/Drink during lunch times only. Gum not allowed at any time.
2. Groom yourself at home, do not brush or comb hair in the classroom.
3. Be on time for class.
4. Show respect for others and their property by keeping all hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
5. Get permission to speak or leave designated area by raising my hand.
6. Bring all materials to class and be aware that going to another class or locker to get supplies is
7. Follow directions the FIRST time given.
8. Keep all negative opinions about Students, teachers, and all others to yourself.
9. Inform the teacher if there are any problems with your computer. Do not attempt to fix yourself
as you will be held responsible.
10. At the indicated end of class time, exit computer programs properly if they are being used,
throw away excess paper and push your chair under your desk/table before exiting the room.

Rewards (not given in any specific order)

1. Verbal Praise/ Recognition

2. Homework Passes*
3. Certificates/Awards of Achievement
4. Good Phone Call/Letter Home to Parents
*Homework Passes do not excuse students from doing the HW. It allows students to
turn in a HW assignment up to 3 days late WITHOUT a penalty.

My Website:
Its NOT the hours that you put in, Its WHAT
you put into the hours. Sam Ewing


1. Verbal Warning
2. Verbal Redirection/remove from peers
3. Student-Teacher Conference
4. Call parent(s)/Guardian
5. Parent-Teacher Conference
6. Guidance /Behavior Specialist/ Family Engagement Specialist Referral
7. Referral to Office

Zero Tolerance Behaviors (Automatic Office Referral)

1. Checking, "Name Calling, or Bullying"

2. Fighting
3. Threats
4. Vandalism (destroying school property/my property
5. Repetitive Misconduct/Behaviors

Daily Classroom Procedures:

any assignments. Students are not to use calculators on any assignment. This rule has been put in place
to help Students build their math skills and make sure that they have a solid foundation in mental
computational skills. I will provide in class calculators as needed.

Using the computers for non- class related activities: During class time, you may not use the
computer for anything that is not related to the daily lesson. This includes, but is not limited to,
accessing the Internet, checking e-mail, or playing games.

Written Assignments Unless otherwise stated by me, Mrs. Thompson, all written assignments are to
be the original work of each Student, being completed by the Student alone and using only class notes
and other appropriate and approved resources, reference tools.

Take Home Tests/Projects/Quizzes/Packets: Unless otherwise stated by me, Mrs. Thompson,

Students may not work with another Student nor consult with any teacher without the expressed
permission of myself. Class notes and textbooks ONLY may be used in completing a Take Home tests and
quizzes. All other resources should be listed and identified, when applicable.

In Class Tests/Quizzes: Unless otherwise stated by me, Mrs. Thompson, NO ASSISTANCE may be
sought or given by any Student and NO CALCULATORS, NOTES, TEXTBOOKS, OR OTHER WRITTEN
MATERIAL may be used during the tests.

My Website:
Its NOT the hours that you put in, Its WHAT
you put into the hours. Sam Ewing

Homework Policy: Homework is given DAILY. Homework is an extension and reinforcement of

classroom instruction. Each homework assignment is worth 100 points. 20 points will be deducted for
each class day it is late. (Maximum late homework accepted is up to 3 days) Students can accomplish
these assignments independently and should address each Students needs and abilities. Learning is
independently more than just memorizing information! Students need to work on the exercises in order
to really acquire a firm understanding of the subject matter.

Duplicate homework assignments: If any Student is caught turning in a homework assignment that is
an exact replica, identical of another Student, each of those Students will receive a 0 on that
assignment. If this occurs more than once, the proper disciplinary actions will be taken.

Missed Work/Make-up Policy: If your child is absent from school all class work (when applicable) and
homework will be sent home with the Student upon his or her return to school. Work and tests for both
excused and unexcused absences should be made up as soon as possible. The Student has 3 days to
make-up missed assignments and no later than a week after the Student returns to makeup a test.
TESTS will have to be scheduled to be made up before or after school. Each makeup assignment for
UNEXCUSED ABSENCES will be MARKED DOWN one letter grade.

If a Student fails to make up the work and test, the deficiency shall be averaged
with the other grades.

Cheating policy: I examine all exams, quizzes, and homework assignments for indications of cheating.
If you are caught cheating, I will pursue punishments to the fullest extent possible in compliance with
Colonial Middle School and SCS policies.

Honor Codes address issues like cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, multiple submissions,
misrepresentation, and unfair advantages. It also is helpful so that Students know exactly what I
expect and want on any particular assignment.

Honor code for Math: The honor code is a statement that is used to prevent or deal with cheating.
The Student will be required to write/sign-off on the following statement when completing tests,
projects, papers, reports, or long term assignments.

I pledge on my honor that I did not lie or cheat on this ________ nor did I receive or give any
help to any other student. I also pledge that I will inform Mrs. Thompson if I witness any of these
things and that I will encourage others to do the same.

My Website:
Its NOT the hours that you put in, Its WHAT
you put into the hours. Sam Ewing

Consequences for Violation of Honor Code:

1st Offense 2nd Offense +

Assignment will be taken up from all parties 0 pts grade of F
involved with no credit issued for that
Students will have to redo the assignment or an Same as 1st offense, with the exception of the
assignment on the same skill level and can only grading
receive up to 80% credit
Notification home to the parent Referral to Guidance OR Discipline referral to
Student will be referred to detention/ISS Disciplinary consequences determined by
(if applicable) teacher/administration

Note: Each lesson may use one or more of the following assessments: Practice, Reteach, Lab Activity,
Journal, student developed TNReady note cards and teacher developed hands on activities. All lessons
are subject to change based on Students needs and time allotments.

Projects: Projects are given each nine weeks. They will be given a Rubric and Project Description
detailing the projects components.

Opportunities for Success:

Academic Tutoring I will send home additional information regarding my tutoring

availability at a later date (if applicable). In the past my tutoring was from 7:00am 7:45am.
Students must be supervised at all times and escorted in the building prior to the school start

Students who were not at the front of the school by 7:05 for me to escort into the building are
not be permitted to enter into the building due to safety and security concerns.

Students must sign up and receive approval from me, Mrs. Thompson, at least 24 hours in
advance to attend the tutoring session. Students will need to get a tutoring form signed by
parents regarding my tutoring guidelines before attending their first tutoring session.

My Website:
Its NOT the hours that you put in, Its WHAT
you put into the hours. Sam Ewing

Communication with Parents:

It is my belief that positive interactions between the teacher and the parent strengthen the feeling of
support for all students' need for success in the classroom. My goal is to create a classroom conducive
to learning and an atmosphere of open communication regarding your childs progress in class.

Progress of Grades Reports: I will be using an online grade book provided by the school system that will
allow you to have up to date access to your Students progress in my class. Progress reports will be
distributed and sent home in compliance with the dates in the Student handbook. I also will send home
Individual Student Reports In between Progress Report and Report Card Periods.

Remind: I will be sending out text reminders when assignments are given and when they are due using
REMIND texting services. Feel free to contact me via email or using this service, if you have a particular
concern. Hopefully this will assist you in finding out a little more of what is happening in the class
instead of hearing, What did you do in class today?, Nothing, or How are you doing in math?,

Parents are welcome to contact me by e-mail with questions or concerns. Conferences, if needed, will
be held with all parents by appointment only. If parents have concerns, I will be happy to arrange a

I am confident these procedures will lead to improved communication between us. By working
together, we will be able to best meet the needs of your child.

My Website:
Its NOT the hours that you put in, Its WHAT
you put into the hours. Sam Ewing

Please sign and detach this section showing that you and your child have read Mrs. Thompsons syllabus which
includes Classroom Rules/Procedures/Makeup Work/Homework Policies/No Calculator
Policy/Projects/Opportunities for Success/Communication with Parents and the MATH HONOR CODE and
understand ALL the policies/procedures of Mrs. Thompsons class as stated in the syllabus available on the class
website at We further agree to adhere to the requirements of Mrs.
Thompsons class and put forth every effort to enhance learning.

Please sign and return to Mrs. Thompson on Friday, August 25, 2017. This is your Students homework grade. NO

Students Name (print) Date:

Students Signature (write in cursive) Date:

Parents/Guardians Name (print) home phone cell phone

Parents/Guardians Signature (if available)

Parents/Guardians email (if available) Date:

1. Is there a computer available to use in the home? 2. If you answered yes to #1, do you have
Yes or No access to the internet? Yes or No
3. Do you have an email account? Yes or No 4. Are you able to receive text messages on
your phone? Yes or No
5. If you answered yes to #3, please list all email accounts you have below where you would like to
receive emails or communication and the name of whom they belong.

Email Account #1 Owner Name of Email Account # 1

Email Account #2 Owner Name of Email Account # 2

Email Account # 3 Owner Name of Email Account # 3

6. List all cell phone numbers where you would like to receive texts about your child or updates in this
Cell Phone #1 Owner Name of Cell Phone #1

Cell Phone #2 Owner Name of Cell Phone #2

My Website:

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