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The ARA/Antifa (Anti-Racist Action and Antifacists)

The Anti-Racist-Action (ARA/Antifa) is a loose decentralized network of anarchists that

organize demonstrations, and protests via the internet and social media. They are similar to
Anonymous and other computer hacktivists who are loosely connected around North and
South America. Wikipedia defines ARA as

The Anti-Racist Action Network (ARA) is a decentralized network of anti-

fascists and anti-racists in North America. ARA activists organize actions to
disrupt neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups, and help organize activities
against fascist and racist ideologies. ARA groups also oppose sexism,
homophobia, heterosexism, anti-Semitism, and the anti-abortion movement.
ARA originated from the skinhead and punk subcultures.

Background on the Love Park 4

On July 23rd 2007, four members of the Philadelphia area Anti-Racist-Action (ARA)
were arrested on multiple charges stemming from a counter-demonstration against a Ku
Klux Klan rally that was scheduled to take place in Center City that morning.

Two men (undercover law enforcement) wearing neo-Nazi T-shirts were verbally
confronted by anti-racists (ARA) and forced to leave. The two men then boarded a
waiting SUV, at which time another verbal confrontation ensued, at the end of which one
of the SUV's windows was damaged. Police personnel waited until this point to break
their cover and identify themselves - the driver of the SUV was a Philadelphia Police
Detective while the passenger and owner of the vehicle was an FBI special agent. (from
Philly Independent Media Center
appeal-status-and-court-solidarity )

Four individuals were arrested. The fourth person (unknown) was from the Progressive Labor
Party. The initial charges against each activist consisted of 4 felony and misdemeanor counts, but
were reduced to 8 misdemeanor charges.

Three individuals arrested are members of the ARA/Antifa/Anarchist group collective. (Pictures

Tom Keenan
Jared Schultz
Jason Robbins

Since 2007 and as recent as 2011 (David Irving book tour) these three individuals (and other
members of the ARA/Antifa) have disrupted David Irving's speaking engagements in New York,
Chicago, and elsewhere. They physically assault and confront anyone who attends Mr. Irvings
lectures and harass folks to discourage entry into the venue. Darlye Lamont Jenkens of
Philadelphia organizes the ARA/Antifa who video records individuals attending David Irving's
lecture. Anyone who attend Mr. Irvings lecture is viewed as a "neo-nazi" or "racist".

At a Polish-American meeting at the Morristown Public Library, in New Jersey, 5 or 6 ARA
members disrupted the meeting. Tom Keenan and Jared Schultz assaulted me, punching me on
my head and breaking my eyeglasses at the Morristown Public Library. During the melee Daryle
Lamont Jenkins rushed in with a video camera to record anyone in attendance. Daryle L. Jenkins
is the founder of One Peoples Project in Philadelphia and is part of the ARA network.

The police were called and 5 ARA members were detained. I wanted to have them arrested for
assault. We had five days to press charges. Alex Carmichael did not follow up on formal
charges. I originally became associated with Alex Carmichael, Esq. after I was referred to him to
create a website for his law practice and another project he was involved in, an American Patriot
web site (which is now defunct.) Alex Carmichael is non-violent and active in politics.

Anti-Racist Action Los Angeles / People Against Racist Terror
POBOX 1055
Culver City, CA 90232

Arch City Anti-Racist Action (Columbus)

Calgary Anti-Racist Action

Calgary ARA

Central Texas Anti-Racist Action

Hoosier Anti-Racist Movement (Indiana)

Twitter: @IndianaAntifa

Kent Anti-Racist Action
Box 8 Office of Campus Life
226 Kent Student Center
Kent State University
Kent, Ohio 44242

Montreal Anti-Racist Action

Pennsylvania/Philadelphia ARA/Antifa

Daryle Lamont Jenkins

One Peoples Project

Quebec City Anti-Racist Action

Quebec ARA Myspace

Rose City Antifa (Portland)


South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action

Toronto Anti-Racist Action

Vancouver Anti-Racist Action

Trenton, New Jersey ARA

(The above list is incomplete.)

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