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ti c
Aus t rolion U F O R e v i e w i r t h e o ficio l
public olion o f t h e U F O l n v e slig o lio n
Ce nt re, Syd n e y .
It is obf oln q b l e f r o m t h e Ed ito r lo l
Ofrce or through courlesy of Flying
Souc er Re r e o r c h S o c i e t i e s in Au s.
l rElion Cop i t o l C i t i e s .
An nuc l Su b s c r i p t i o n s - in clu d in g
U.F . O . l. C. M e m b e r s h i p . 9 5 .0 0 ( Au r .
frolian). S i n g l e c o p i e s . 9 1 .0 0 p lu s -Z
p os t oge.
(U.F. O . l. C. i s o n o n . p r o f i l o r g o n iso .
ti o n. )
R E r 'IE W
No. l0
P.O. Box E170,Si, JomesP.O..
E d i to r: E D IT OR IAL
.l t i s th re eyearssi ncethe l ast i ssueof U FOIC ' sR evi ew .One can onl y o f f er
N ev ille Dru r y , LA.(Syd.l, Dip .Ed .
apologiesand say that it is regrettablebut inevitablethat so long a time has
P ro d u cti o nCo- E dit or s : passedbeforethe appearance
(S ee E dito rio l)
ot the presentedition. UFOIC's task has beenmaoe
espec,ially difficult with the tragic death recenilyof its presidentand Co-Editor.
Dr. M. Lindlner/Neville Drury. D r. Mi ra n L i n dtner.l t i s hopeo,how ever, that rhi s R evi ewN o. l 0 i s a sui tabl6
L oyout ond Art Work:
reflectionof uFolc's programmeof researchinto unidentifiedflying objectsfor
aboveall others it was Dr. Lindtnerwho gave uFolc a sensedf oirectionand
Neville Drury/Dr. M. Lindtner. e n q u i ry .In a veryreal sense.thi s edi ti on-i sa tri buteto hi m.
UFOICdoesnot havea rigid policy in assessing the UFOphenomenon. That
is to say it doesnot regardufologyai a subjectwnich has a certainnumberof
answersdiscoverable only in a pre-determined way. while layingstrongemphasis
on .empiricaldata whereverpossible,it is und-erstood thdt, lotentially,'UFOs
includea widerunderstanding of the iJniverseand irs effectsih'an had pidviously
beenenvisaged.undoubtedly,someaspectsof the UFo questionmay n6t, at thi-s
s ta g e .b e d e monstrated or provedand,' i ndeed, the subj ecti tsel f i s-ri ddfedwit h
C O NTEN T S hypothesesrather than concretedata. Unlike most 6ther fields of scientific
endeavour,. the UFo.evidencedoes not alwayspresentitself for analysisin the
most suitableconditions,and neitherdoes ii alwayspresentitself to ihe ,,right"
Po i n tsOf V iew 4 people.
ls Sci e n ceQ uolif ied? . 5
.. . Uloq are.,in fact, veryunpredictableand not veryhelpful. probablythe main
W hy Sci e n c elgnor esF ly i n g tnrngtnat rs l(nownaboutthem is that they do exist. what their most likely expla-
So u ce rs natronis remarnsa matterof connoversy. The uFolc Review,therefore.iontiins
both information which is accurateand fictual, and alsodiffeientideas'andinter-
Ob i i u o ry: Dr . M . Lindt ne r 13 pretationswhich may lead eventuallyto speciiictnowliogeof unioiniitieJ tiving
objects themselves.
Aus tro l i o nS c ene,1966-19 6 9. l6
Austro l i o nNews 28 IN T R OD UCTION
Wo rl d Eve nt s 36 As many ufologists are fon<t of pointing out, it isn't really a question
SouthAme r ic o Rev is it ed 38 of what you can berieve about uFos, so much as what the evicte;ce suggesrs
actually happens. Ftying saucers ought not to be consiclered as another
P ro j e ctVenus 42 somewhat eccentric religion, and it is regrettable that in certain places in
california, for exampte, the cult of the rtying discs has acquireJ additional
Adv o n ce d Cult ur esA nd eclectic overtones of pseudo-occultism, seinces, Jesus, and th Hollow Earth
Fl yi n gTec hniques B ef o re theory (submerged At|antean species et al.). This asliect has been potitly
referred to as the "lunatic fringe", ancl sincere uFo researchere
Th e Greot F lood . 44 alarmed by comments
are often
appearing in the press which sugSst that thi6, in fact,
N ew Evi d e nc sO f S poc e ls the total scope of the subject. cluite obviously it-isn't. otherwise the
united states Air Force would not hav6 grantecl the University of colorado
Vi si to ti onsI n A nc ientT im e s 48 95oo'ooo to establish the condon commlttee ancr attempt to discover, once
T oke H i g her G r ound and for all' iust what the uFos are. pilots, scientists (even of the statua of
5l Dr. Clyde Tmbaughr who discovered pluto), trained military personnel ancl
Excerpts people holding responsible positions in society who do not neect, thergfore,
54 to cash in on the commercial aspects of what can easily become .cosmic
H o w T he Review ls Pro du c ed 57 lunacy" have all seen the non-conformist aerodynamic manoeuvres which
typify UFO behaviour, anct been puzztect by them.
B o ok R eview 57
Despite the fact that the Condon UFO Committee eventualty provd
negative in its'ability to reach worthwhile conctusions, for reasons which will
Aulhorr qnd UFO studentsthe world be discussed presently, there still remains a number of basic hypotheses,
oyer ore invited to tubmit conlribu. around which schools 0f opinion lrave formed. And it is important to remember
tions for publicoiion. Originol orii. that the UFO enquiry, as such, is over twenty years old, allowing time for
cles, digesls. bricf communicofions, the most reasonable theories to evolve.
neirspoper cllppinEsond ofher rele. It is possible, firstly, to differentiate between those theorists who hold
vont msteriol in cny lonEuoge ore that UFOS originate on the Earth, and those who believe they emanate from
welc,ome. out6id it. Ancl these groupg are not as tromogenous aB ono might xpect.
(Continued on poge l4)
P ro f. PAUL SANT O RI NI ,Fellow of New Yor k Ac ad e m y o l S c i e n c e ,p i o n e e ro l r a d a ra n d c l o s e c o l l e a g u eo f E i n s t e i n,
as se rtstha t fea r of public panic , br eac hesof nat i o n a l s e c u r i t y a n d u p h e a v a l o f t h e e s t a b l i s h e d c h u r c h e s ' d o c '
trine o f crea tion . ar e t he m ain f ac t or s in t he wo r l d b l a n k e t o f s e c r e c y r e g a r d i n g U F O s .

D r . GE0RGE KIS TI AKO W SKY,Har v ar d Univ er s ity , U . S . . s a y s : " s o m e w h e r e i n t h e U n i v e r s e m u s t e x i s t b e i n g s

end owe d with inte lligent pr oc es s esat leas t as go o d a s o u r s . "

D r . JAN GADOMSKI ,an em inent Polis h As t r onom e r , b e l i e v e s t h a t : " H i g h l y d e v e l o p e d c i v i l i z a t i o n s o n p l a n e t s of

th e Su ns in o ur Galax y s hould be t he r ule r at h e r t h a n t h e e x c e p t i o n"

P ROFESSORDAN O . PO SI N, phy s ic is t at De Pa u l U n i v e r s i t y , i n d e d i c a t i n g h i s r e c e n t b o o k . " L i f e B e y o n d O ut

P la ne t". inscrib ed it : "To t he lnhabit ant s of O t he r Wo r l d s . "

Dr. L EWIS W, BE CK, Univ er s it y ol Roc hes t er ,M a s s . , U . S . , b e l i e v e s t h a t : " T h e r e a r e m a n y a b o d e s o f i n t e l l i g e n t

lif; in th e Univer s e.and m any - of t hem ar e inhab i t e d b y o r g a n i s m s w i t h i n t e l l i g e n c e f a r h i g h e r t h a n o u r s . "

P ROFESSORJAM ES E. M c O oNALD. lns t it ut e of A t m o s p h e r i c P h y s i c s , U n i v e r s i t y o f A r i z o n a , U . S . , w r i t e s i n h i s

open letter to United Nations Secretary-GeneralU Thant: "After a year's extensive study of UFO problems, I
came to the conclusion that most serious consideration must be given to the hypothesis that these UFOs con'
stitute so me form ol ex t r a- t er r es t r ialpr obes . T h e U n i t e d N a t i o n s h a s . I b e l i e v e . b o t h r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s a n d
oblig atio ns to acc eler at e s er ious s c ient if ic s t udy o f t h e U F O p r o b l e m t h r o u g h o u t t h e w o r l d . P r e s e n t i g n o r a n ce ,
pr esen t n eg lect, p r es ent r idic ule, all c ons t it ut e r e g r e t t a b l ef e a t u r e s o f o u r c o l l e c t i v e a t t i t u d e s t o w a r d sw h a t m i g h t
be a ma tter of ur gent im por t anc e t o all m ank in d . "

coL oNEL MACLA UG HLI N,u' s ' M is s ile Ex per t , st a t e s ; " M a n v t i m e s I l r a v e s e e n f l y i n g d i s c s f o l l o w i n g a n d o v er -

t aking missiles in f light at t he ex per im ent al bas e a t Wh i t e S a n d s , N e w M e x i c o , w h e r e , a s i s k n o w n , t h e f i r st
ato m bo mb wa s tr ied out . "

LYNDON B. JOHN SO N,f or m er Unit ed St at es Pr e s i d e n t , s a i d a t a p r e s s c o n f e r e n c e :" l f w e k n e w w h o c o n s t r u c t ed

F lying Sa ucers,w e would gladly or der a f ew s qu a d r o n s . "

BARRY GOLo WATER,Unit ed St at es Senat or and f o . m e r j e t p i l o t , m a i n t a i n s : " F l y i n g S a u c e r s - U n i d e n t i t i e d F l y-

ing Ob jects-o r what ev er y ou lik e t o c all t hem , a r e r e a l . "

L OUIS BREGUET,Fr enc h air c r at t m anuf ac t ur er ,a s s e r t s : " T h e d i s c s u s e a m e a n s o f p r o p u l s i o n d i f f e r e n t f r o m

o u rs. The re is n o ot her pos s ible ex planat ion- F l y i n g S a u c e r s c o m e f r o m a n o t h e r w o r l d . "

PROFESSORCL YDE TO M BAUG H,As t r onom erat N e w M e x i c o U n i v e r s i t y a n d d i s c o v e r e r o f p l a n e t P l u t o . s t a t es:

"l ha ve se en mys elf , t hr ee obiec t s dur ing t he pa s t s e v e n y e a r s , w h i c h c a n n o t b e e x p l a i n e d a w a y a . s . V . e n u sn, or
optical ph en ome na,nor m et eor s , nor aiic r af t . l t i s t h e u n s c i e n t i f i c s c i e n t i s t s w h o d e n y t h e p o s s i b i l i t y o f t h e
e xisten ce of h um an beings in t he Univ er s e beyo n d t h e E a r t h . "

PROFESSORTHO M AS G O LD. Cor nell Univ er s it y , U . S . , s a i d o n h i s l e c t u r e t o u r i n A u s t r a l i a : " L i f e o n E a r t h m a y

ha ve sta rted wh en s pac em en landed her e billion s o f y e a r s a g o . "

SIR BERNARD LO VELL, Dir ec t or of J odr ell Ban k 0 b s e r v a t o r y ,b e l i e v e s : " T h e r e a r e m a n y c o m m u n i t i e s o f o t h e r

bein gs in diffe rent par is of t he Univ er s e. but t h e p r o b l e m o f m a n k i n d e s t a b l i s h i n g c o n t a c t w i t h t h e m i s a
f ormid ab le on e."

Dr. H. M. SINTON,As t r onom erat Yer k es O bs er v a t o r ya, g r e e s w i t h P r o f . I , S . S h k l o v s k y_ t h a tM a r t i a n M o o n P h o bo s

m ay b e a h ug e a it if ic ial s at ellit e f illed wit h m e n , w o m e n a n d c h i l d r e n . T h e s e c o n d , D e i m o s , m a y b e o n e , t o o.

Dr. J. J. KAL IZK EW SKI ,Cos m ic Ray Sc ient is t o n U . S . A . N a v y P r o j e c t , c l a i m s t h a t h e s a w , . t o g e t h e r _ w i t h <l t he ;'

scien tists, cig ar- s hapedUFO s near M inneapoli s . " T h e y w e r e s t r a n g e , t e r r i t i c a . l l yf a s t . I t h i n k t h e G o v e r n m e ;r t
should set uij a 24-hour alert with radar, telescopes, sky cameras and other instruments."


i.!, t.j,
t . (l
, F
. l)


Golileo demonslroles his (e/escope to the Doge ol Yenice. Scf,o/ors ql frrsl relused to look through
the instrumentbecoase tf,ey believed thst it vos bevitcfcd'

ls sclENcE
by Neville Drury
AFTER tw e n ty ye a rs, unidentified flying objects ar e In addition to these two views, there ls the borderline
s t i l l h e re , a n d th e y ar e still having to endur e r idicu l e in "mystical" aspect of ufology which, if not directly con-
scientific ci rcl e s. Many im par tial obser ver s who had a fus i ng, undoubtedl y br i ngs a gr eat deal of unc srt a i n t y
strong co n vi cti o n th a t the tr uth about uFOs would be- i nto the s ubj ec t.
come public kn o w l e d g e at the conclusion of the Co ndon It w oul d s eem r eas onabte, ther efor e, to c on s i d e r a
C o m m i t te e P ro j e ct, have become disillusioned bec aus e s et of v al ues w hi c h c oul d be us ed i n i nv es ti Sati ng flying
o f t h e n o w o b vi o u s bias which per vaded the whole s ur - s auc er r epor ts of al l ty pes ' r angi ng fr om the p u re l y
vey. The e vi d e n ce consider ed was not the whole ev i - phy s i c at to the I'm y s ter i ous and m etaphy s i c al " . We h a v e
dence a n d n e i th e r w as it necessar ily the best evidenc e. noted that there are both scientists who believe, and
An d . i n a d d i ti o n , a number of scientists involved, not al s o thos e w ho di s bel i ev e, that ther e i s s uffi c i e nt evi-
t h e l e ast o f wh o m was Condon himself' seem to hav e denc e to dem ons tr ate that the U F O phenom en o n is
made u p th e i r mi n d s about the outcome in advanc e' attr i butabl e tc ex tr a- ter r es tr i al ac ti v i ty ' R egar dl e s s of
Many p ro mi n e n t sci e ntists who have looked som ewhat w hi c h v i ew he hol ds , the s c i enti s t, i n deal i ng w it h U FO
more deeply i n to th e evidence, am ong them Pr ofe s s or evidence, accepts for examination only those reports
James Mco o n a l d , Dr . Allen Hynek, and Dr . David R' w hi c h c ontai n auffi c i ent data for s c i enti fi c anal y s i s . ln
S a u n d e rs (l a te l y o f the Condon Comm ittee itself and a qual i fy i ng the fl y i ng obj ec t " uni denti fi ed" , he r eg a rd s as
strong cri ti c o f i t), a re now r ebelling against the neg ati v e the di s ti nSui s hi ng featur e, the fac t that ei ther i ts p h y s i c a l
stand ta ke n b y th e i r colleagues. M eanwhile the m an i n appear anc e or behav i our i s unus ual . T he s c i enti s t thus
t h e s t re e t re ma i n s a s baffled as ever ' restricts UFO evidence to that which can be rationally
m ay anal y s ed i n ter m s of m ethods and r egul ati ons of mo d rn
T h e re a re b a si c ally two alter natives. One
that s c i enc e, but w hi c h, nev er thel es s , defi es c l as s i fi c a t i o n .
either a cce p t th e a sser tion of our or thodox science'
saucer s" ar e m is- inter pr etations of One obs er v ati on w i l l be i m m edi s tel y obv i ous h e re '
t h e s o-ca l l e d " fl yi n g
natural D h e n o me n a or , secondly, the conclusion of sys- however. Are we to Sive the power of absolute discri-
that ther e is a str ong likeli hooc l mination to modern science as it stands today? This
tematic UF O re se a rch ,
intelligence is visiting our Pl anet' would seem to be analogous to a form of absoluts iudge-
that extra -te rre stri a l

me n t . H o w e ve r. i t a l so o ver - r ides the fact that science
is it s e l f e v o l vi n g , b y co n sta ntly absor bing new infor ma-
t ion a b o u t o u r e n vi ro n me n t, both her e on Ear th and in
Outer Space, a n d i s co n se g u ently for ced to modify laws
w h ic h were p re vi o u sl y th o u ght to be cor r ect, Ther e is
t hus a d i f f e r en ce b e twe e n what one may call "scientific
acceptability o f fa ct" a n d "fact" itself, the for mer with
t he limitation of being established on obser vations
alre a d y m a d e. l n te l l i g e n tl y contr olled flying saucer s, if
a c c ep t e d b y th e sci e n ti fi c comm unity, would indicate a
t ec hni c a l a d va n ce me n t fa r beyond our s and could quite
li k e ly i n v o l v e ma n y " ra ti o n a l " pr inciptes of physics which
are a t p r e s e nt u n kn o wn . This does not m ake the ob-
s e rv e d p h e n ome n o n i rra ti o n al, it m er ely indicates that
moder n - d a y sci e n ce h a s n o means of adequately coping
w it h t h e U F O p ro b l e m. B e cause of this it has been both
s c ienti f i c a n d g o ve rn me n ta l policy to ignor e what cannot
re adily b e e xp l a i n e d .
While f ormu l a ti n g a u seful pr ogr am m e for gr ound
re s e a r c h , t h e sci e n ti fi c system of categor ising does not
af lo w f o r "r a di ca l " UF O re p or ts, which woutd have to be
dis c a r d e d as " i rra ti o n a l " for containing elem ents not
ac c ep t a b l e t o sci e n ti fi c co n cepts. At fir st look such an
a t t it ud e o f d i sca rd i n g th e "ir r ationat" m ight seem highly
ac c ep t a b l e an d b e re g a rd e d as a sign of pr ogr ess in UFO
re s ear c h , c o n si d e ri n g th e many,,lunatic fr inge" r epor ts
of a n o b v i o u s ly sp u ri o u s n a tur e. But, taking into account
t he difference i n sci e n ti fi c attainment between those
wh o make th e U F OS and us who obser ve them , then
t he r e j e c t i o n o f i n fo rma ti o n seen by us as .' intangible,
or f in o n - s c i e n t ifi c" ma y ca u se impor tant data to slip past
our e y e s , F o r th i s re a so n i t is pr oposed that the elem ent
of t h e s u b j e c ti ve , a s o p p o se d to the objective, is bound
to creep into UFO re se a rch sooner or later . lt m ay be
int ere s t i n g to add h e re th at in the histor y of mankind
th ere have been d i ffe re n t reactions by society to phen-
o mena not readily u n d e rsto o d at the tim e. Thus, in the
M iddle Ages a n d e ve n re ce ntly in str ongty Catholic ar eas
li k e P o r t u g a l (F a ti ma , 1917) and par ts of South Amer ica,
s t ra n lfe a e r i a l o b se rva ti o n s of what may have been UFOs lVhere did HE come lrom . . . . ? ,
h av e b e e n i nte rmi n g l e d wi th r eligious awe. A char acter - ,,
lst ic e x a m p l e
to ria d e St a tu
co me s
E ccte si a e
fro m Rober ti de Gr eystanes:
( 132O
questi on. They w ere si mpl y mi racl es. There i s esse n- ..-
Dunelmensis A,O.) ". tially no difference in the approach to the environmenti
"T h e Abbot d i e d o n the Feast of St. cr egor y , people simply had different criteria of evaluation in those .'r"
and w a s buried i n th e ch o i r of St. Leonar d, befor e the daysi w hat seems i l l ogi cal to us w as qui te i n order for ri
g re a t altar and, a fte r h i s death, ther e appear ed in the them. That w hi ch coul d not be expl ai ned by the Medi -
sk y a l i g h t l i ke th e ra ys o f the sun. lt seemed to shine eval mi nd w as rel egated to the real m of the di vi n an d
ov er t h e b u r i a l p l a ce . .A n on, it descended in the night supernatural . l s thi s any w orse than the present sci en-
a nd moved fro m th a t p l a ce to another as if passing ti fi c atti tude of di smi ssi ng the unknow n as [unsci enti fi c "
quic k l y from p l a ce to p l a ce M any saw this, and it when it is convenient to do so? ls it in the interests of
wa s harmless, b u t th e y f e ll on the gr ound in ter r or ". manki nd for an A i r Force or any other research-controF
ling body to establish a list of categories into which
Reports o f Ji e ry cro sse s , flying cr ucifixes and choir s observed phenomena must fit or otherwise be discarded?
of angels i n th e sky a re numer ous dur ing this per iod. ff a metallic disc is observed flying with a ziE-zag motion
However, t h e i mp o rta n t th ing to str ess is not so much against the wind, is it for the public's benefit that such
th e va l i d i t y o f su ch i n ci d e n ts fr om the pr esent- day point an object should be placed in an official file marked
of view, b u t fro m th a t o f the Middle Ages. Such hap- l 'w eather bal l oons", to prevent any di sturbance of cur-
p enin g s were a cce p te d i n the natur al r un of ever yday rently accepted notions (namely that zi8-zag metallic
events and interpreted in a religious context without di scs do not exi st)?
Science is supposed to be, and is accepted as, the
basis on which knowledge is evaluated. This is not a
permanent arrangement simply because of the "relativo"
factor involved in the evolution of science itself. What
was the myth of yesterday is explained by science to-
day, However, it is equally obvious that many thinga
acceptable to us now may tre seen to be on very Shaky
foundations when we consider them later from a more
knowledgeable viewpoint. Science is very likely to go
through such mutations in its evolution. All the time,
text books have to be re-written and already resoarch
into what victorian scientistg had discardod with horror
- namely clairvoyance and telepathy - is being under-
taken both i n the U .S ,S .R . and at such i nB ti tuti ons as
Duke University in the U.S.A. Clearly the attituds iE
changi ng.
with an increasing number of young people accept-
i ng U Fos w i th an open mi ndt and free from bi as, th i s
points to different, and probably more enliShtened
criteria of scientific acceptance in the future.
N everthel ess i t shoul d be obvi ous that the U F O
probl em i s far l arger than previ ousl y envi saged. ls it
true to say that atl U FO phenomena are purel y physi ca l ?
In contrast to the now famous Tully UFO "nest" (9e
R evi ew N o, 9) as an exampl e among many thousand s
of U FO cases w here i t w as cl ear that a physi cal agenc y
had been at work, there are also other cases offering
different kinds of information. Th oaily Express (Eng-
l and) of June 13, 1964, carri ed an i nterosti ng reportl
Sky phenome n oo v e r N u r e m b e r g ,1 5 6 1 : Cylin d r ico l o b ie cts r e le o sing Jim Tempfeton, a 44-year-old Carlisle fireman, took a
spheres, engoging in apporenl corn6o{. colour photograph of his s-year-old daughter, Elizabth,

on the marsh beside the Solway Firth. When it was which science today ngates, may bo Involvod, and oni.
processed, the picture showed a man about gevsn feet day established on a Bcientific be3b whsn an e)dsnrloal
tall in a white, padded suit standing behind her. When of human facultie3 ls sUJdied or now faculties dlscovorsd.
the snapshot wae taken .,there was nothing in sight for It would, thersfore, seem unwise to make any rigid
half a mile, ln fact - except for my wife and mt other statement concerning capabilities of Epace civitEationr
daughter. And they were behind me. There wasn't 6ven thousands of years in advance of ou6elve6. lt ls quita
a tree or anything on the skytine which could have concelvabls that unknown faculties have boen Ecignufi-
caused a reflection. Kodak aseur6d me that the film cally evaluated by them and are used in space travel.
must trave been perfect. The photograph was so good Although .it is reallzed that such hypotheses are of no
and clear. I don't think it could have been a technical practical use to the UFO reaearcher, it is w6ll to noto
fault." The most interesting point ln the case was that that any investigator is, nevertheless, attempting to solvo
the strange 'rwhite space-man" was looking in the direc- the UFO problem as a whole, and such things must b
tion of the Chapel Cross atomic station and NaTO radar- taken into account. lf he accepts only the ..known
t rac k in g b a s e ! physical" aspect, he ls not nocessarily accountinE for
everything .Jnusual in this fi6ld which is obsrvd. Att
Another incident involving .tnon-viaible" UFO phen- this amounts, a9 we have 3ald, to a certain elemont ol
what may be termed bjectivity" entering th field of
omena occurred on January 12 la8t year, when Universal
Pictures inadvertently captured a strange flying object research. This is not to say haphazard guea8work and
on their film while shooting 1,A Man Cailea Ca;no;", wild theorizing upon thoss aspects about which w lre
Camarillo, California. At a routins screening unsuror this 18, rathet, a broadening of scop whlch
oi the would benefit UFO rsssarch In general.
Technicolor/Techniscope film, diroctor James Goldstone
and his staff noticed a UFO sweeping from the right-
hand side of the screen across the sky behind fitm itar Probably what iE needed most of all ls r chang.
Tony Franciosa's head and away to the left. what macle of approach. For the first tlme ln 3t3 history, the ecleh-
the occurrence so surprising was the fact that Gold_ tific community is being faced with something potentillly
stone, his assistant and the camera crew had ascer- bigger than itaelf insofar as tschnical achievement lr
tained. that no planes, or sound of planes, were visible concerned. Thus, th egocentric approach of incra8ing
or within hearing distance. Accordina to c6ldstone, ,.the knowledge by modifying and tegulating it to laws alroldy
sky was unusually clear . absolutely cloudless, visi- "known" is of limited value because, according to our
bilit y w a s u n l i m i t e d an d n o th in g wa s in - sig h t in tn l sky scientific data, flying saucers should not b hore In th
. r . yt the camera saw something which we wene first place. Ths following statement by Wlillam M.rko,
unablE to see with our naked eye6!,' The director also witz, Prof. of Physics at Marquette university, u.s.A.i
checked th film and verified that thg UFO could not taken from an article in ..Science", is fairly typlcal. In
have been dlrt, or any artificiat mark mad in the tabora- it he says: "Reportod UFOg cannot be undir extra-
tory. lt was noted that far from being lens-glare, the terrestrlal control if ths law3 of physics ar valld." Hla
uniclentified object disappared from viCw behind Fran- main point is that lt would take a Bpaco-ship from !
cio8a's head on the film and thsn appeared again untit neighbouring galaxy 2,OOO,OOO yeara to reach Earthl
out of view of the cameras. Goldstone and Univereal travelling at nths hlgheet practlc.ble 3pod" (whlch b
Pictures, it may ba added, have offared cuts of the film the sped of llght: 1A6,0()() mils por 3econd), lnd
to the U.S. Air Forc. that collision with our atmosphere would be dl3.3troua.
However, he lgnores the posBlbillty that coamlc clvlllzr-
tlons could have mastered principles of propulsion, $m
barri6rs or other lawa completely undreamed of by ua,
including the technique of slowing down whn spproach-
ing Earth's atmosphera.

The physical evidence for UFOS i6 conslderable,

and must be sought In books devoted specifically to it,
but the crucial point is that somewhera there must xi3t
loopholes which would allow science end the UFO5 to
co-exist, This difficulty is eliminatod if on accepts th
limitations of science and allowa for as-yet-unknown
possibilities of spacs and time which will mak cosmic
travel feasible. But, in spite of all denlals that an oxtr.-
terrestrial civilization ie posslbly visiting us and variour
explanations phrased in terms of mlslntrprotrtion ot
natural phenomena, no orthodox sclntist has yet bn
able to offer a foolproof explanation of thse obiecti,
which can often be verified as roal because th6y arc
plcked up by radar, detected on electro-magnettc appa-
ratuses, photographed, and observod to beh.vo lntell-
gentl y.
This last point wa6 partlcularly emphasized by
Aime Michel in his book, .,Flying Saucers and th6 Straight
Line Mystery", by showing that UF()S do not pur3ue
random flight, but change direction in an orderly and
methodical manner. t)r. David Saunders, In ,.UFO8?
Yes!", al6o supports the approach of orthoteny (ba3ect
on movements of UFOa in atraight-line paths).
Meanwhile, it may be worthwhils to sta.t from a
different angle, and ask what we msy exp6ct of th
unidentified flying object6. One important qustion iB tt
the UFOS are physlcal and under control, who flie3 them
and who ie responsibl for them? Equally importlnt hsro
is the fact that almost invariebly the witnessea who
Thc Calilornia UFO . . , report occupants in the UFOS describe them as ..hum!n-
oid" (i.6., human-like). h thslr book, ..Flylng Saucer
Occupants", Coral and Jim Lorenzen stat that, ..ln
general there are threo categoriea of UFO occupants; th
Since modern scierlce depends for its information humanoids, about four feet six inchos to Eix feet talli
on phenomena observed wlthin the normal visible spec- the three-foot-tall humanoids; and the animal-lik dwarf
trum, it will no doubt prove interesting later on, when of thirty-six inches.'r Humanoids are variations on the
dimensions of the ,,non-visible" are inveatigated. Although human pattern, sometimes having larger craniumg, ancl
UFOS are seen on the physical level, it i6 possible that exhibiting either larger or smaller body proportions, but
they might also vibrate on a wave-tength beyond our there are no reports of radically different creaturas, llks
visible spectrum, pasaing, for example, into the-realm of intelligent insects or amorphous of jlly, flylng
ultra-violet or beyond. On the other 3ide of the,Bpectrum these craft. Also, of the f6w ..mon3ters" that crp anto
there are indications that the objects also manate infra- UFO reports, there 15 nothlng to indlcato that thr
red racliation; for instance, some pople havs ben creatures couldn,t b either anlmals or robots used for
burned by UFOS although there were no vialble indica- specific experlmentat purpos3. There rr avoral crar
tions of hat, In addition, para-psychological phenomena, in addition where ths humsnolds havo actad like human

continues to re-occur in our skiea, such a priori denial
will have to be modified in the aamo way a6 was our
pa6t self-centred notion of our world in th6 cosmos.
Thus, if there are sufficient numbers of sightinga
of UFO3 to warrant that something intrinaically unknown,
but verifiable as real by scientlfic Instruments (see Ant-
arctica article in Review No. 9), ls going on, it wlll be-
come apparent that it is not ths fault with the UFOs,
but with science, that ha8 to b9 corrected.
What is needed at this crucial point In Earth's his-
tory, the period in which man stepc out into Bpace for
the first time, is a re-appraisal by the scientific commu-
nity of what possibilitis lie in store. At the momont,
five million residenta in the Unltd States, to quots an
example from only one counry, claim to have seen
objects in the sky which do not conform to known aero-
dynamic patterns. lf theas obJecb are coamic visitors
in phy8ical craft, whlctr aeomr to be the only plruslblo
hypothesis, th6n there should bo more Bclntlfic Interest
and less narrow-mindedness. All data posslbly related
to the UFOS should be examined, not by means of th
dichotomy "scientific or un-sclentlfic"r but in term8 of
For example, whether it provides any insight into the possibilitles of
99i.,g.. in the Boinai, New cuinea, case what we might expect.
(Ju ne, 195 9 ) , w h e n R e v . Wiilia m ci[, wh o wa s with 37 This would also include study
other witnesses of various aspects of ufology, at present considered
at the time, waved to some figures on
top of a hovering UFO! they waved back in return. thus 'rdubious", such as physical or telepathlc contactee
responding incidents,
intelligenfly, The number of cases in ihich
UFOS have swept close to airliners as if out of curiosity At the moment, ignorance and denial are two of the
is also significant. most widespread features of the UFO enquiry, occurring
largely among those who do not wish to know the signi-
_ Accepting that UFOg exhibit physicat characteris_ fica-nce of the UFO phenomenon.
tics, and that it is at leaat plausible that their occupants No doubt, alsor many
are of humanoid nature, it may be possible to adopt an curious observers are unnerved by the apparent gulf
anthropological between science and r.belif" with regard to these my3-
approach in determining what one irright terious intruders,
expect of such cosmic visitors, having only ths critsrla of th6 former
involve expanding th anthropological
This hypothesis
would to rely on, However, to say categorically that UFOa do I
in the not exist because the present Eclentific frarnework hag
ocen" model to another level, that of .,humanoid-
inhabited planets in outer 6pace." no plac6 for them, is untenable, for it accorda to scinc
One might find on a sense of harrowing finality whlch no sclentist, unloss
different land areas in the pacific, for example, people
whoae spscific customs, he considered himself omni6cient, would allow. How
language and modes of beha- long can such a Bituation laat?
viour were different, as were physical dimensions and
skin_colour, but who also exhibited what may be termed
"variations on a principle". Thus all theae p-eople would
have certain social characteristics oanguage, sociat struc_
ture, etc,), although the manifestation of these would
differ slightly, and sometimes radically, from place to
pl a c e.
Possibly this could be apptied to the humanoids in ;
a similar way, atthough there is one obviou criticism ,r
which needs to be answered straight away, and that is .:1
that 6uch an approach lnvolves committing the ancient
heresy of placing th6 Earth in the centre ot the'Unlverse.
ancl expecting the latter to foilow suit. lt can be pointeci
out, in contradistinction to the above, that to expsct
intelligent life to be radicaily different 6n planets which
may be substantially the same as our own environment-
ally, is the result of a certain empiricrl state of mind
which imposes needless categories of clifferentiation.
_ That is to say, the fact that other civitizationa may
be light-years away, ought not necessarlly inclicate tha-t
they are intrinsicatty separated and distinct from us,
only limited vision would insist upon this, and the uFo
evidence does not app,eai to support it, On the basis
that the humanoids might very easily resemble us on a
basis of social characteristics and possibly in motivation
(i .e. , inqu i s i t i v e n e s s f o r o th e r life - fo r m s, e tc.) , th e re
could be different races or nations from different planets
all visiting usr with various programmes of acientific anct
technigal enguiry. Th656 might engage in removing soit
deposits, watching industrial complexes, tracking aatel-
lites, capturing animals, etc. Other cosmic communities
may be interested in security, watching our progress
with rockets and space probes, to aee whether we are
l i k ely t o im p i n g e o n O u t e r Sp a ce .
Some societies could conceivably have sinister in-
tentions (militaristic conquest) and others may only be
interested In the inhabitants of ptanet Earth, Out not in
ma k ing c o n t a c t w i t h t h e m , An th r o p o lo g ica lly, it is r e al -
ised that contact between primitive and civilized nations
has often resulted in the society of the primitives being
modified, or even lost. lt is possible, though not very
flattering, that we coutd be regarded as ,,primitivesi'
(with the non-contemptuous meaning of .,technologicalty
aimple") by Outer Space inhabitants with a more comptei jj

society, and deliberately observed at a distance as a

ki nd of li v i n g m u s e u m ! ,:
This lnvolves an assumption that the problems of l.r
apace travel have been solved by these boings who fly
the UFOa and freguenuy it is this very point that lB used
by scientists as one of the main factors counting against
the reality of UFOS, Gradually, however, as th evidence

SCIENT|STS are sometimes accuaed of not studying
problems which they think they cannot solve. Th'rs wiu
be true in soms indlvldual cases where the gcientist
foresees difficulties that will take him a lifetim to Solvs
or longer, and without a guarantee of success, or for
subjecls lacking Ecientific elements on which modern
research methods could be based'
In the first instance, we have to understand that
a scientist as an individual in research is of no signifi-
cance, although he may be an "ideas man"' for present-
day scientific problems are so involved that teams of
specialists from different fields must be employed befors
any hope of success can be anticipated and concreta
results achieved. For such teams to operater tremen-
dous financial backing is required, which only some
Eovernments or extremely wealthy institutions can afford.
lf, with the solution of the problem, great benefits can
be foreseen, e.9., cancer reaearch, nuclear enefSy' "the
pitl", etc., and the lnterest of such bodies as3ured' th
broject will be carried out. lf, however, the oppo3ite i3
the case, no support will be forthcoming' despite the
fact that in some circles the solution of the problem is
viewed as extremely important. tn the light of this' if
there were !E1OO million available, the problems of "fly-
i ng saucers" w oul d be sol ved, say, w i thi n a year.
ln the second instance, however, where the subject
does not lend itself to investigation by ths present tools
of science. the tesearch is useless, for science has no
criteria on which to base its conclusions. To some degree
the subject of "flying saucers" may also fall into thls
category. lt has no measurements and it is not dis-
All measurements are subjected both to random
fluctuations from the motion of the universe and to an
unknowable amount of disturbance by the techniqug of
measurement itself, ln attempting to make the same

WH Y measurement
that the fluctuations
less than
over and over again, it has been found

in some types of measurement
In fact, by suitable techniques'
in value of some of these mea6urement3

can actually be made lesa than the value ltself.

SCIENGE The laws of physics are abbreviations
larities observed in larSe numbrs of measurements'
so they, too, have only a llmited accuracy and are only
for regu-

approximations to the truth. But, ln spite of this' if

IGNCDRES some new law ls proposed to supercede

must be an abbreviation
6n old one' it
for both some new measure-
ments and atl of the old onoa for which the old l.w
was an abbreviation.


A set of measurements
can bo abbreviatgd
Thus there are always
in many
many different
laws compatible with the same experimental resulta

SAUGERS within the errors of their meaaurement.

occam's Razor is applied to select the
used for a given 8t of results.
the simplest law. This choics is made for two reasona:
A rule called
This rul6 i3 to choo3e

(a) it saves unnecessary calculation when applying rnd

using the law;
by Dr. Herbison-Evons (b) it is the easiest of all th abov pos8ible lawa to
disprove (1,e., adding on to the next level of rpproxi-
mati on).
Thi! lattet princlple ls important. lf there b no
experimental method capable of disprovlng a proposecl
law, then no scientist will take any notice of it.
The proposition that UFO phenomena are due to
an extra-terrestrial civilization is rather of this undis-
provable nature (their super-science can always be
invoked to explain any unpalatabte facts). Th proposi-
tion that UFO phenomena are either deliberato or acci-
dental misinterpretations of terrestrial phenomena is
more 'di sprovabl e'because i t bri ngs U Fos i nto a phy s i c al
context *nich a scientist can deal with. This physical
basis is th present limit of the scienti6t's interest in
UFOS, since he is unwilling to speculats on intangible
i ssues.
A scientific measurement normally plocluces a
number. This number contains ttre result of some expri-
ment, lt is compressed infotmation about that exprl-
ment, The information in one such number is equlvalsnt
to that in a whole page of words. scientists are greecly
for information, 3o they collect numbers. Very flv
measurementE or numbers come from UFO5 and thi3
explains part of the scientista' Present apathy toward-a
Ufoloeiy. The numbers rquired of UFOS which will
arous6- the intereat of scientists are measurement3 of
thei r!
(a) f i e l ds: e l e ctri c, magnetic, gr avitational; of m atter . About hal f the m atter i n the U ni v e rs e is
(b) p a r ti cl e ra d i a ti o n : alpha and beta r ays, neutrons , l oc k ed w i thi n tem per atur es of 1oO m i l l i on degr ees centi-
m e so n s, n e u tri n o s; gr ade, w hi l e m os t of the r es t i s s c atter ed deep i n s p a c e ,
(c) e l e ctro ma g n e ti c spectr umr em ission of r adio wav es , far fr om any s our c e of l i ght or heat, thus under te mp e ra '
i n f r a -re d l i g h t, u l tra- violet, X- r ays, gam m a r ays. tur es of a few degr ees abov e abs ol ute z eto ( - 273 0 C . r.
T her efor e our fam i l i ar s tate of m atter s uc h as solid,
Co mmo n e sti ma tes of size and velocity ar e fai r l y l i qui d or gas i ar e al s o unus ual i n the U ni v er s e. T fre mo re
i n t e r e s t in g n u mb e rs, pr ovided that angular size and U ni v er s e ar e h a rd to
c om m on s tates of m atter i n the
angular ve l o ci ty a re given if the UFO is m or e than 50 thei r e n v i ro n -
s tudy on ear th for w e c annot r epr oduc e
f e e t a wa y (th e n o rma l limit of distance estimation of an of ti m e. T hes e other s ta t e s ' in
m ent for any l ength
u n f a m i t i ar o b j e ct b y an unaided pair of human eyes) . lf
w hi c h other ty pes of l i fe m i ght ex i s t, ar e:
a n u n f ami l i a r o b j e ct is mor e than 50 feet away, then
ar e m or e ( a) PLASM A. T hi s i s a gas , heated to s uc h a hiSh
estimates o f i ts a ctu al size by an obser ver
pr ejudi c es tem per atur e that the el ec tr ons ar e s tr i pped of the
t i k e l y to g i ve i n fo rma ti o n about the obser ver ' s
atom s . T hes e m ak e i t el ec tr i c al l y c onduc ti ng and
than ab o u t th e o b j e ct.
gi v e m any s tr ange pr oper ti es , es pec i al l y c on n e c t e d
THE RA R IT Y P R OB L EM w i th m agneti c fi el ds . Pl as m a i s c om m on. Sta rs a re
The associated with UFOS ar e the m ade of i t. Any one w ho has s een the m ov i es of the
only n u mb e rs
how - detai l s and m oti ons of the Sun's s ur fac e w oul d u n d e r-
sighting sta ti sti cs. A study of these is instr uctive,
s tand under w hat c ondi ti ons l i fe m i ght c l ev el o p in a
e v e r , a s th e y sh o w how r ar e UFOS ar e. Appr oximatel y
ptas m a,
1 O , O O O U F O si g h ti n g s wer e studied over a per iod o f 1O
( b) SU PER C ON D U C T OR S. T he el ec tr i c al c ond u c t o rs
y e a r s by th e U .S .A .F . This is enough to keep the pa per s
w i th w hi c h w e ar e fam i l i ar al l hav e s om e r es i s t a n c e
going a t th e ra te o f thr ee a day and m ay lead on e to
to the pas s age of el ec tr i c i ty . Super c onduc tor s have
believe th a t U F OS a r e an ever yday occur r ence.
z er o r es i s tanc e to el ec tr i c c ur r ents , al l ow i n g the
L e t u s sa y, fo r simplicity of mathem atical cal c ul a- c ur r ents to tr av el ar ound c l os ed c i r c ui ts for ev e r. Th i s
tions, th a t th e p o p u l ation of the U.s.A. is lOo mi l l i on, gi v es rise to a r ange of new phenom ena which
a n d t h at e a ch U F O was seen by 10 people. This woul d phy s i c i s ts ar e onl y j us t begi nni ng to ex pl or e. Th e y
result i n IOO,OOO p e ople out of 1OO million seeing one hav e a num ber of Pr obl em s to c ope w i th, as s u p e r'
U F O i n 1 0 ye a rs, A gain, any given per son thus out of c onduc ti v i ty onl y ex i s ts i n m ater i al s w hen th e y a re
1Oo million would h a ve an even chance of seeing a UFO w i thi n a few degr ees of abs ol ute z er o tem per a t u re '
once e ve ry IO,OOO year s. ( c ) N U C LEAR M AT T ER . T he nuc l eus of an atom is
people m ade of thi s , and s o ar e the r ec entty di s c o v e re d
lf we a ssu me conser vatively that w oul d
neutr on s tar s . Onty v er y hi gh ener gy par ti c le s a re
notice o n a ve ra g e a UFO in the sky only for 2.4 | - | our s
abl e to appr oac h c l os e enough to a nuc l eus t o i n t e r'
c e r d a y , th e n yo u ca n see that one r ecor ding instr um ent
gi ant and syn-
ac t w i th i t. T hi s i s w hy ac c el er ator s
( e . 9 . , a ca me ra o r magnetometer ) would detect a UFo
'l c r otr ons ar e bui l t to i nv es ti gate thi s s tate of such
once eve ry ,OOO year s. 1 ,OOO instr um ents would be
one UFO m atter ,
needed to h a ve a n even chance of obser ving
( d) SEM T C ON D U C T OR S. T hes e ar e us ed i n tr an s i s t o rs
i n o n e ye a r. A t 9 1 o O each that would r equir e $1OO,Ooo. na t u ra l l y '
w hi c h ar e us ed i n c om puter s , T hey oc c ur
I t i s c l e a r th a t sci e n ti s ts and other s who could all oc ate
e.8., the gal ena c r y s tal s us ed i n the ear l y days of
this m u ch mo n e y to the study of UFOS consider the
r adi o. T hi s , and the fac t that out of s em i c ondu c t o rs
i m p o r t a n ce a n d l i ke l i hood of definite r esults insuffici ent
w e c an c ons tr uc t m ac hi nes that al m os t di s pl ay inteF
to warrant th i s e xp e n ditur e.
a fair con-
l i genc e, m ak es the s em i c onduc ti ng s tate
OTHER E NV IR ONME NT S tender for the generation of extra-terrestrial life.
S ci e n ti sts a n d ufologists shar e a comm on int er es t Physicists also know of the existence of other states
T hi s of m atter bes i des thes e ( e.9., photon gas , neutr i no g a s )'
i n t h e p o ssi b i l i ty o f extr a- ter r estr ial intelligent life.
r a i s e s th e p ro b l e m th at the conditions on Ear th in w hi c h but even less is known about them. \^/e know so little
w e e v ol ve d a re ra th e r r ar e in the Univer se' Other l i fe y et any w ay that i t i 3 futi l e at thi s s tage to s p e c u late
i s m u ch mo re ' l i ke l y to have evolved, not only under on the for m s that l i fe m ay tak e or how it may a ri s e
d i f f e r e nt co n d i ti o n s fr om our s, but in a differ ent s tate i n any of thes e s tates .
one way a scientist looks at life is in terms of
inf o r m a t i o n . Ou r n e rve s typically can allow one im pulsr
of information to or from the brain every one-tenth of
a second. This d e fi n e s the shor test time on which we
a re a w a ? e , l f w e l i ve fo r about 1OO year s or 1O!' seconds,
t h is means th a t w e ca n exper ience about 1OI0 bits of
in f o r m a t i o n i n o u r l i fe ti me . Incidentally, it may be a co-
inci d e n c e , but we h a ve about 1Ot,, in our br ain .
Perhaps we d i e wh e n we do, par tly ""ttabecause we fr av e
ru n o u t o f b ra i n ro o m i n which to put infor m ation. We
m ig h t n o t e th a t th e l a rg e st com puter s in use at pr esent
have o n l y ro o m f o r 1 O. bits of inf or m ation, and so ar e
app r o x i m a t e ly e q u i va l e n t to the br ain of a fish.
Anyway oUr 1O gives a yar dstick to see how
intelligent l i fe ma',, y fit into the tim e scale of the
Universe i f w e a ssu me that other intelliBent beings m u6t
a lso have a l i fe ti me and stor age for 1O,,, infor m ation
in s t a n t s . How l i ke l y i s it that their tim e scale will be
sufficiently l i ke o u rs to p er mit identification and com m u-
nic a t i o n wi th u s?
The s h orte st ti me th a t physicists have found dur ing
which s o m e th i n g ma y h a ppen, is the time taken by light
to cross a n e l e ctro n : 1 O ' ll second. Ther e ar e a num ber
o f e l e m e n t ary p a rti cl e s, mesons, which br eak up 1O l 0
s eco n d a f te r th e y a re p ro duced. By our Standar ds these
par t i c l e s are sh o rt-l i ve d . In ter m s of the fundam ental
t ime instant th o u g h , th e y live for lOll instants ( longer
t ha n w e d o ), We w o u l d find it har d to com m unicate with
on t h i s t i me 6 ca l e , fo r l Oi gener ations ( equivalent to th e
lo.i y e a r s th a t ma n h a s been on ear th) would occur in
1 0 I s e c o n d s, T h e l o n g e st tim e known is the age of th e
Universe: 1 Ol ,r ye a rs (1 O l; seconds) . Again, we might
have d i f f i c u l ty co mmu n i ca ti ng with a being whose shor t-
es t p e r c e p ti b l e ti me wa s one year .
These a re e xtre me s, but even so it is not widely
rea l i s e d h ow d i ffi cu l t th i s time pr oblem is. Thus it ha6
bee n s u g g este d th a t l i fe could evolve elsewher e using
s ili c o n a s i ts b a si s a s we use car bon, Silicon has, lik e
c ar b o n , a n u mb e r o f ch e mical char acter istics that f avou r
t he f o r m a t i o n o f l a rg e molecules made fr om it, and it i s
one of the mo st a b u n d a nt elem ents in star s ( and so ,
pre s u m a b l y , i n th e Un i ve rse gener ally) , However , car bon,
ox y g e n a nd n i tro g e n (o u r m ain constituents) ar e peculiar
am o n g s t th e e l e me n ts i n that their electr onic str uctur es
onl y allow th e m to re a ct chem ically r ather slowly. The
ra t e a t w h i ch th e y re a ct gover ns the r ate of our ner ve
imp u l s e s a n d o f o u r ti me scale. Silicon, like most other
ele m e n t s (o th e r th a n ca rbon, oxygen and nitr ogen) r eacts Thus we might expect an extra-terrestrial that fill6
1O,r time6 mo re ra p i d l y, Life- for ms based on silicon th6 same ecological niche elsewhere in the Universe ao
wo u l d , w i t h o th e r th i n g s being equal, think and m ove at w do here to have a Bimllar Bhape to us.
1O'; tirnes o u r sp e e d .
The sizo of xtra-trrestrials iB lntrestinSf re ttre
Chemical reaction speeds also dopend on tempera- 6ize of any life-form ls determined by the confllct be.
ture. Typically they speed up by a factor of 2 for every twen the weight and the stren8th of lts body, lf you
lOc C e n t i g ra d e i n cre a se in temper atur e. \/e live at about double the siz6 of a being in genral you multiply it!
4O o C e n t i g ra d e . C o n si d e r the planet Venug, the nex t volume, and hence its weight by I, but you only multiply
pla n e t i n fro m u s to wa rd s the Sun. Measur ements m acl e the cross-section area and hence the strength of its
recently by rocket probes have shown its temperature bones (or skeletal supports) by ,4, Thus there is a limit-
t o b e a t 3 3 Oo C. L i fe ther e of our type would tte 1O 7 ing size in any environment determined by th gtrength
t im e s f a s t er th a n we a re, The temper atur e on Jupiter of the skeleton. But the strengths of possible skelstal
is - 1 5 O o . L i fe th e re o f our type would be lo,i tim es materi al s (bone, steel , ti tani um) are al l about the sa me.
s lo w e r than w e a re . However, if the gravity on another planet wers half that
H U M AN O I O 9
of Earth, a life form there would be able to be double
our si ze before bei ng l i mi ted thi s w ay. Thus the si mi -
I t i s i n te re sti n g to a scientist that contactees nor - larity in size of an xtra-terrestrial to one of us means
matty claim th a t e xtra -te rresttials ar e humanoid in size , that the gravity on the planet on which they evolvecl ig
Ghape, a n d th e w a y i n which they see. This m ay onl y the same as ours. Thus they are unlikely to lrav
dis p l a y a l a ck o f i ma g i n ation on the par t of the con- evolved on tho Moon (one-slxth our gravity) or Juplter
tactees but, nevertheless, it also fits a couple of sci6n- (2.6 ti mes our gravi ty).
tific ldeas. The vision of extra-trrBtrial6 ls likely to employ
The shape of extra-terrestrials is interesting be- the same wavelengths of liaht aa we use. Light, like
cause of an effect observed on Earth by biologists called radio and X-rays, is a form of electromagnetic wave. Ths
convergent e vo l u ti o n . l t seem s that in any given ter r es - different forms of wave diffr only in the frequsncy of
t ria l e n v i r o nme n t th e re ar e only a small number of ways their vibrations. Waves over most of the electroma8netic
in w h i c h l i fe ca n su sta i n itself. These ar e called eco- spectrum are absorbed by gases (e.9., the atrnospher
log i c a l n i ch e s. l f a fo rm of life tr ies to adapt to a new of a planet) because tho period of the waves corresponds
environment i t i s fo rce d to fill one of these niches, and to the periol of some motion in the molecules of th
so must ta ke o n th e char acter istics that t est fit it to gas. Low frequency waves c6n traverso an atmospheae
t ha t w a y o f l i fe . A n y si milar ity of the mar supial animals as they vi brate sl ow er than any normal mol ecul ar mo ti on,
in A u s t r a l i a to th e i r p l a cental equivalents in the r est of hence we are able to use these waves for radio commu-
t he world, e .g .! th e ma r supial mouse and the iumping nication and radar. lf we increase the frequency of our
mouse o f th e S a h a ra , the wallaby nd the iack r abbit , waves we will find them corresponding firstly to thg
t he Tasmanian De vi l a n d the wolf. Exam ples fr om th e frequencies of rotation of the gas molecules and then
plant kingdom are the Euphorbias of Africa and the to those of internal vibration of the molecules (the elsc-
Cacti of America, These plants have evolved quite sepa- tronic structure holding the atoms of a molecule togethet
rately from different families in the plant kingdom. Some i6 pretty springy). Then ther is a gap before the fre-
of the species of these families are now virtually indis- quencies become high enough to be similar to those of
tinguishable externally: globular and covered in apines. the motion of the electrons inside th6 atoms. At hiAher
I nte r n a l l y th e y a re sti l l q uite differ ent, e.9., no cacti ar e frequencies still, th waveE become unstabl and brlk
poisonous, a l l e u p h o rb i a s ar e ver y poisonous. uP into Particles.

The gap between vibrations and electron motions (two stars going around each other). lf one of thes6
is called light and is relatively unimpeded by gases. Thus becomes a supernova the other will capture some of th
extra-terrestrials that evotved on a planet with an atmos- disintegrating matter, which can condense into planetg.
phere like ours would use radio waves or light, if they S upernovae occur about once every l OO years, so that
used electromaSnetic waves at all. This would not apply this theory predicts about 1O? ptanetary systems in the
on, s ay , v e n u s , w h e r e th e a tm o sp h e r e is lo o tim es gal axy, i ,e., ten mi l l i on systems.
dens er t h a n o n E a r t h (e q u iva le n t to o u r o ce a n s a t a
dept h of 3 , O O O f e e t ) , Eve n r a d io wa ve s a n d lig h t are (3, S fMU tTT'JE OU S C O|V D E N S A TION
a bs orbed b y s u c h a t h i c k a tm o sp h e r e , Ve n u sia n s wo ul d lf a graph is made of the number of stars that we
h av e t o u s e o t h e r s e n s es in ste a d , e .g ,r so n a r ( like b ats see of a gi ven si ze, agai nst the si ze axi s, i t i s found
o r dolphin s ) o r c h e m i c a l ( i.e ,, sm e tl, like d o g s) . that little stars are much commoner than big ones; down
TH E P LA N E T P R O B L E M to the point where the stars get too smail to ignite, and
glow. Of course, we cannot observe how many non-
Extra-terrestrial life that looks like us probabty luminous
e v olv ed o n a p l a n e t r a t h e r th a n o n , sa y, a sta r o r d e ep stars there are. Nor can we estimate how
p l a n e t s many there would be from theory, as we do not know
i n s pac e. A r e common? l'low stars are born. But it does seem that the process
Planets circling stars other than our own Sun can- that produces stars produces more little objects than blg
not be seen directly with even the most powerful tele- ones and, hence, even mote objects of planetary sizE.
sc opes . S u c h p l a n e t s w o u ld b e m u ch to o sm a ll co m- Thug this theory suggests that all stars have planets:
pared with the stars they miEht circle and much too l Ol l i n our gal axy, i .e., one hundred thousand mi l l i ons .
feint (t he S u n i s l o : t t i me s th e size o f Ve n u s a n d 10$
times brighter). Three close stars have been found to (4' S P rt{ D OWt{
wo bble s l i g h t l y , i n d i c a t i ng th a t a fe in t, sm a il o b je ct i s A spectroscope anal ysi s of a star reveal s, amo ngs t
g oing aro u n d e a c h o f t h e m r b u t ca lcu la tio n s fr o m the other thi ngs, how fast i t i s spi nni ng. tt i s found that
size of the wobble indicate that the feint objects are young stars spi n rapi ctl y and Ol cl stars spi n sl ow l y. W here
still t oo la r g e t o b e c l a s se d a s p la n e ts, cl oes the spi n go? (l t cannot di sappear, because of th
Can we ctectuce the proport.ion of stars that have l aw of conservati on of angul ar momentum.) Our S un i s
p l a net s f r o m t h e m e c h a n ism o f fo r m a tio n o f p la n e ts, an ol d star and spi ns sl ow l y. Most of the an gul ar
This is ra t h e r a n e m b a rr a ssin g q u e stio n to p u t to an momentum of our sol ar system l s i n the pl anets. lt
astronomer. Astronomerg look out onto the universe seems as though stars at some stage of their evolution
a nd s ee t h r e e m a i n c l a sse s o f o b je cts: p la n e ts, Etars throw off a rapi dl y spi nni ng shel l , thus sl ow i ng cl ow n the
star's spi n. The shel l tfren condenses i nto pl anets. Thi s
theory al so predi cts that most stars end up w i th pl anets ,
i .e., 1Oi l i n our gal axy.
Thus all four theories predict at least lcl,', planetary
systems in our galaxy. The age of the Ealaxy seems to
be about 1O!r years, The di ameter of the gal axy i s 1O5
l i ght years. In about l OO years or so w e w i l l be abl e
to j ourney betw een the stars, Once a ci vi l i zati on evol v es
somew here w hi ch w i shes to expand i nto the rest of the
gal axy, i t w i l l expancl at the rate of, perhaps, one-t enth
the speed of light, so it will cover the Ealaxy in about
1O'i years, Thi s i s a qui ck thi ng compared w i th the age
of the gal axy: 10! years, so i t may w el l have al r eady
On these grounds, most sci enti sts accept that t here
i6 probably life elsewhere in our galaxy, including prob-
abl y, i ntel l i gent l i fe and advanced ci vi l i zati ons. H ow ev err
in spite of this, scientists do not accept current UFO
data as proof that such ci vi l i zati ons actual l y exi st and
are visiting our planet. Too many UFO reports have in-
sufficient data indicative of extra-terrestrial origin, too
many have turned out to be hoaxes.
Scientists are people who are paid to stucly prob-
l ems and, i f possi bl e, to fi nd thei r sol uti ons, Thi s how -
ever is not done in the case of UFOS, as explained early
i n the arti cl e, because there are no sci enti fi c data on
U FOS to study. A gai n, on the other si de, the sci enti s ts
are not seeki ng to obtai n appropri ate data. Thi s i s a
and galax i e s , A l l t h r e e cla sse s e vo lve ve r y slo wly a nd vicious circle which must be broken if some progress In
are observed in various states of evolution. Astronomers the U FO fi el d i s to be achi eved. What shoul d be d one?
are rat her l i k e p e o p l e o u tsid e a cin e m a , lo o kin g a t the Scientists require money for projects. Since im-
stills and trying to reconstruct the story. The embarrass- menge 6ums of money are needed for such an under-
ing pgint is that they are still uncertain how any of these taking, which only some governments can provide, tho
objects come into being. civilian authorities should press the governments to tako
There are, at the moment, four theories of planet action. However, they will not do so until a body of
formation and insufficient evidence to ctecide between methoclical information from civilian files is presnted
them, Sti l l , w e c a n c a l c u la te tr o w m a n y p la n e ta r y sys- w hi ch w oul d w arrant such governmental acti on. Thi s i s
tems each would predict exist in our galaxy: possible only with data obtained by instrumental masure-
{t, SrEt[..Rcottfstot{s ments, simple as they may be, but still providing scien-
This theory requires that two stars pass closer to tific information. With a little guiclance from scienists,
non-scientists could equip themselves with th| following
each other than lo-t light year (the radius of Jupiter's i nstruments and provi de qual i fi ed readi ngs:
orbit). The tides that each star would raise on the other
are supposed to separate off and condense into planets. . automatic cameras taking pictures of the sky every
Stars travel at lo-t light year per year and are separated 1O seconds, equi pped perhaps, as w el l , w i th ei thor
on the average by 1() light years. Thus the volume of (a) objective diffraction grating
space occupied by a star is effectively 1O:r light years, (b) vertically polarised filter
a nd a s t a r w i l l s w e e p t h r o u g h th is in 1 O3 /( 1 O- l) :, X ' lo-l (c) horizontally polarisecl filter
= 1O l5 t e a r s . T h e r e a r e lo ll sta r s d o in 8 th is in our o recording magnetometer
g alax y , s o t h e m e a n t i m e b e twe e n co llig io n s is 1 Or 5 /1 Ol r . recording electric field meter
= 1O l y e a r s . T h e a g e o f th e g a la xy is lo r ye a r s, 60 a recording gravimetsrg
th at t his t h e o r y p r e d i c t s 1 Or ,/1 Ol = lOi p la n e ta r y sys- . recording particle counterg
te m s in o u r g a l a x y , i . e . , lOO,OOO p ta n e ta r y syste m s,
Certainly, it will require some effort, both to maka
l2t BINAnYSUPEn'{Oy.rE such instruments and to engaB them systmaticalty,
When a heavy star reaches the end of its nuclear and also for civilian UFO organiaations to collect and
fuel it collapses. JuEt as when a TV tube collapses when present their entire findings. lt will be costly in money
cracked, the implosion turna into an explosion and the 6nd in time - can the varioug UFO research giroupg
atar disintegrates violently. This is a supernova, About afford this? Or rather, ca4 they NOT afford to become
half the stars we see in the sky, when examined with a ths catalysts of possibly the greatest icientific discovery
telescope or spectroscope, turn out to be binary stars of our time?
DIED - FRANKFURT, cERMAIyy _ 29.8.1969
By accidenton Frankfurt Railway Stationon his way to a conferenceof The World Veterinary
Associationat Belgrade.
These words were written by a Veterinary was a prime mover in this and he also coached
ResearchOfficer and Presidentof The Australian various soccerteams. He had the heart-warming
Veterinary Poultry Association, Clive A. W. ability to make his many friends feel they were
Jackson,B.V.Sc.,who workedcloselywith Miran specialfriends.
for some years past. They appear in an article He was Presidentof U.F.O.I.C. Sydney (the
about him in "The Poultry Fermer". The article, oldestexistingU.F.O. Group in the world today)
which also pays tribute to his work, mentions for 16 years and was well known on the world
"brilliant genius, diagnostic ability, ths never- scene, being very largely responsible for the
tiring help he gaveto the poultry industry,pains- respectin which U.F.O.I.C. is regarded.
takingapproachto details"and concludes,"Truly I have known Miran since shortly after his
we have lost an inspira- arrival in Australia and,
tion, a philosopher and while we first became
friend". "The Land" associatedthrough U.F.-
Newspaper related inci- O.I.C., I was privileged
dents telling of the very to share other interests
worthwhile practical con- with him. The breadth
tributions Miran had and depth of his inter-
made to the industry. ests, the brillance of his
It was amazing the insight, his various tal-
diversity of his interests ents and skills all spoke
and activities and the of the vital, searching
energy and time he de- man of unsatisfiedlearn-
voted to them. Miran ing he was, and his drive
was Vice-Presidentof the and example spurred
R.S.P.C.A., a performer others to do more t}tan
on the piano and violin they normally would
of professional profici- have done. All these
e n c y , ac om pos e r,a k e e n things are of importance,
chess player and a very but to all of us who knew
competent painter. him, we take greatest
He accumulated nearly pride that the wisdom of
1,000 hours' flying time his heart was so manifest
in the Yugoslavian Air in his sense of honour
Force during thc Sccond and kindncss.
World War and representedYugoslavia as a goal- We are all better men and women for having
keeper in international soccer. He played first known him. Our hearts go out to Lillian, his
grade tennis and squash.His scholasticbrilliance widow, and we trust that their children Sonya,
caused him to be nominated for tho Tito Prizc. Miranda and Miran, Jnr., will all abundantly
He socuredhis Doctorate of Veterinary Science, fulfil the high hopeshe had for them.
with extreme distinction, at Bologna University. A Memorial Servicewasheld at Christ Church
In the period of nearly twenty years he had been St. Laurence on Saturday afternoon, 27th Sep
in Australia he helped many migrants to settle tember, 1969. The 130 people present were
into Australian life. The Yugoslavian Soccer privileged to hear some of his beautiful compo-
Club was founded for this purpose and Miran sitions played on the church pipe organ.


O R I G I N A T I NG ON T H E EARTH: Ex tr a- tc r r es ti al unm anned pr obes : R epor ts of
UFOS a r e sa i d to b e c r eatur es em er gi ng fr om uF Os on the gr ound a re
fr equent, par ti c ul ar l y in F r anc e and South ,A.m e ri c a .
..-.. Ho a xe s and lies; N um er ous hum anoi d c as eg hav e been l i s ted in the
.,_ ,,.... K n o wn animate or inanim ate phenom ena Lor enz en's book " F l y i ng Sauc er Oc c upants " , am ong wh i c h
se e n u nder unusual conditions, examples the Vi l l as - Boas i nc i dent i s per haps the m os t s pec tac u l a r.
being flocks of geese in ftight, anc t
o rd i n a ry air cr aft, Ins ofar as non- hum anoi d i nhabi tants ar e c onc er n e d ,
_r espectively; .monster
there is no evidence that the few creatures'
. S o me th i n g lar gely uninvestigated, but w hi c h oc c as i onal l y oc c ur i n s i ghti ng c l ai m s c oul d not
e n ti re l y natur at, e.9., bail tightning/anti-
be ex pl ai ned ( ac c or di ng to one's v i ew poi nt) ei the r as
matter i
fi gm ents of the i m agi nati on, or as r obots , andr oi ds and
..-,.,_ ._ S
. e cre t weapons fr om the East or Wes ti al i en ani m al s tes ted or ex per i m ented w i th i n our at mo s -
. S u p e rn a tur ally endowed beings fr o m pher e,
th e mi ddle of the Ear th ( The Holto w
E a rth theor y) ; T her e em er ge, fi nal l y , tw o es pec i al l y i m por t a n t
pos s i bi l i ti es . And i t i s m or e than l i k el y that the ,ans w e r'
,. P a th o l o g icat detusions and/or visions. to the U F O eni gm a i s v es ted i n one or the other of t h e s e
O R I G I N A T I NG OU T S IOE EARTH: tw or Ei ther the U F O s ar e the r es ul t of y et unk no w n /
_ E xtra -te rr estr ial unmanned pr obes; unr es ear c fted natur al c ondi ti on i n the atm os pher e, o r, i t
. E xtra -te rr estr ial pr obes manned by w oul d s eem , they ar e i ntel l i genfl y di r ec ted e x t ra -
cre a tu re s essentially unlike ( no n- ter r es tr i al pr obes m anned by hum anoi ds .
h u ma n o i d) ; N o doubt for s ec ur i ty r eas ons , and al s o bec a u s e
. Extra-terrestrial probes manned by numerous Americans claimed to have been pursued in
cre a tu re s r esem bling human beings their cars by UFOS, and even forced off the roads, the
(h u ma n o i d) . United States Air Force decided two years ago to do
Of the a b o ve , so me ar e conspicuously only par tial something specific. Fites on uFos had been co[ectinS
ex p l a n a t i o n s, E ve n i f th ey wer e taken as a whole, they dust in the archives for twenty years, but increasing
would n ot e xp l a i n th e total r ange of UFO phenom ena, pr es s ur e fr om an i ndi gnant publ i c ( ov er S,OO O ,OO O Ame ri -
I n t h i s c a te g o ry o n e could place: cans claim to have seen uFos) made it clear that a
H o a x e s: T o o ma n y r eliable people have seen UFO S, research body would have to be established.
sometimes u n d e r co n d i ti o ns wher e faker y, as such, wou l d On Oc tober 6, 1966, the c ontr ac t betw een the
b e l m p o s si b l e , e .9 ., mi d -air , U ni v er s i ty of C otor ado and the U S Ai r F or c e w as s i g n e d ,
P h e n o me n a a l re a d y known: UFO' S, by definition, and the Condon Committee enquiry, "free of all outside
in v o l v e ae ro d yn a mi c/vi su a l char acter istics believed by i nfl uenc e" , w as under w ay . But i t di dn't get far i n a n y
t h e o b s e r ve r to b e u n u sual and since ther e have been real sense, Although a dazzling range of academics had
re l i a b l e si A h ti n g s by trained Air For ce per sonnel the been em pl oy ed i n an adv i s or y c apac i ty , c ov er i ng phy s i c s ,
answer to th e U F O p ro blem has to be sought at leas t m eteor ol ogy , c hem i s tr y , as tr onom y , ps y c hol ogy and t h e
partially o u tsi d e th e o rdinar y exper ience. s oc i al s c i enc es , the ex tr em e degr ee of s pec i al i s at i o n
Secret we a p o n s: UF( ) S have m eant a c or r es pondi ng v ar i ety of appr oac hes to w h a t
been obser ved in the
U SA a n d p o ssi b l y i n th e USSR w as es s enti al l y onl y one topi c . T hi s topi c w as what
since 1947, if not ear lie r .
Aasuming th a t fro m that date onwar ds, Or. David Saunders, a member of the Committee and
UFOS we r e .,UFOS?
actually ma n -ma d e author of a new book entitled \|/es!',, refers to
a i rcr aft of advanced type, t he
technical kn o w l e cl g e a vaitable then woutd as the ETI hypothesis. There was already sufficient
have inva l i -
clatecl any later programme of tedious i ndi c ati on that Ex tr a- T er r es tr i al Intei l i genc e ( ET t) c o u l d
rocket develop-
ment, s i n ce th e UFO design which w el l be the k ey fac tor i n the UFO pr obl em , and t h e
is m ost comm only
re p o r t e d has l i ttl e sp a c e for fuel C ondon C om m i ttee's tas k w as pr i m ar i l y to as c e rt a i n
solids of any type,
a n d i s m u ch mo re e ffi cient in its m otion. w hether or not ther e w as any r eal s tr ength in the
ar gum ent. l f ther e w as , qui te obv i ous l y fur ther r es e a rc h
A , t l a n te a n s and su bter r anean beings: No one, u n- i nto UF()S w oul d hav e to be under tak en to deter mi n s
fortunately, h a s ye t managed to ask a UFO inhabitant i f the al i ens pr es ented a s ec ur i ty risk. Saunder s ' book,
f o r h i s p a ssp o rt, so such theor ies r emain, needless to r el eas ed i n paper bac k j us t pr i or to the publ i c ati on of the
sa y , p u r el y co n j e ctu ra l . 9OO page C ondon R epor t ( Sc i enti fi c Study of U ni dentif i e d
V i s i on s: Cro wd s of m any thousands, sometimes F l y i ng O bj ec ts ) , i s i m por tant bec aus e i t em phas i z es th
sc a t t e r e d o ve r a w i d e a rea, have been known to obser ve per s onal i ty tens i ons behi nd the appar eni l y unbi as ed ancl
the same UF O and so the possibility of th inctividual r es pec tabl e fac ade of the C om m i ttee. U nder l y i ng the
having t he sa me vi si o n as the next man becomes p r o- di ffi c ul ti es of fus i ng s pec i al i s t m i nds w as an appar e n u y
gressively l e 6 s. political attempt to distort the evidence from the start.


August 9' macle Meanwhile the condon Committee, or what was ]
ln a n o w fa mo u s me mo dated ' 66'
public i n ' L oo k'ma g a zi n e by colum nist John G' Fuller ' really a iungle of confused approaches in what purportecl
when to te a disinterested, scientific survey' struggled
hob e r t J , L o w, who b e came Pr oject Co- or dinator
t he c o m m itte e was established, advised Thur ston onw ards to an uni nspi red cl ose' l ts mai n fi ndi ng w as
that that there w as i nsuffi ci ent evi dence that uFOs might
Manning, who l a te r o n a ctualty signed the contr act'
Comm ittee wer e present a threat to mankind or to warrant any further
it w o u l J be a good i d e a if the Condon
negative evidence as possible' serious investigation. There were certain 'unexplained'
to build up a s mu ch smal l i n number' it
Low m e n t i on e d i n p a ssi n g , "The tr ick would be ' ' ' cases, but they w ere suffi ci entl y
th e p ro j e ct s o that, to the publict it would w as cl ai med, that i t w as l i kel y that they w oul d eventual l y
to describe purel y natural framew ork.
o b j e cti ve study, but, to the scientific be assi mi tated i nto a
ac ]r , e a r a to ta l l y
c omm u n i t y , would p re se nt the im a[ge of a gr oup of However, there is the opposite viewpoint' that if
non-believers tryi n g th e i r best to be objective but having onl y one U FO i nci dent i s real , then al l the effort of
an almost ze ro e xp e cta ti o n of finding a saucer . One way enqui ry w i tt have been w orthw hi l e' Or. S aunders bel i ev es
t o d o t h i s w o u td b e to str ess investigation, not of the that there exists what might be called a hard core of
phy s i e a l ph e n o me n a , but r ather of the people who cl o w ater-ti ght U FO i nci dents and that the C ondon C om-
in d o b s e r vi n g - th e psychology and sociology of mi ttee fai l ed to face up to them' A n i ncreasi ng number
persons and g ro u p s wh o r epor t seeing UFos' lf the of academi cs and sci enti sts (P rofessor James Mcoon al d
emphasis we re put h e re, r ather than on examination of the U ni versi ty of A ri zona ancl C ol eman V on K evi cs k y '
of t h e o l d q u e sti o n o f th e physical r eality of the saucer , sci enti fi c advi ser to the U ni ted N ati ons, for exampl e)
I think t h e sci e n ti fi c co m m unity woutd quickly get the are acti vel y expressi ng thei r convi cti ons that there i s
me s s a g e . " more to the UFO phenomenon than meets the eye.
S a u n d e rs and another member of the And independent UFO research groups around the world
Mr. Da vi d
Committee, e l e ctri ca l e n g ineer Dr . Nor m an Levine, wer e have been saying the same thing for years.
d i smi sse d fr om their positions because
both e v e n tu a tty Probably the best thing to believe about uFos is
of t h e p a r t th e y p l a ye d in making the m emor anclum - that the questi on i s sti l l oP en'
aecret p r op e rty - p u b l ic. Condon was fur ious when
he found o u t th a t i t h a d been r eleased. He told Saunder s
menacingly; a n a ct like that you deser ve to be
"For _N E V ILLE D R UR Y .
ru i n e d Pr o fe ssi o n a l l Y !"

of the lotePro{essor CHARLES A. MANEY,
os to/d by hisson,C. Ifomos ManeY,
on 8th Morch,1967
Csnnlps A. MrNev, 75 years of age, died on Tuesclay,8th
November, 1966, due to complications from a stroke and
a heart attack.
He was the author of numerous articles, including
ExperimetttttlStudy ol SlidingFriction,-which.appearedin.a
t9i2 edition of the American Journal of Physics' The article
demonstrateda number of new findingsin the study of friction
;;; ;ri;tii;h.d, experimentallv,a revision of the third law of
friction dealing with Coluomb forces.
Professor Maney, who was Head of the Department. of
phv.i..-ut-rjifianie C"ollege,Ohio, from 1946 until his retire-
f Sea, was the a-uthor of two books on unidentified
iiuinn oUi..t..' He was co-authorof the book' Tltc Cltallctrge
,li'0,,irtiutifrd FIying Objects,in 1961. and.had comple.ted
onottr., book in S#temUer'of 1966,which deals with physical
evidenceof UFOs.
Born lgth March, 189l, in Minneapo-li-s,. Minnesota, he
,"."iuJ iris Bachelorof Arts degreeat the University of. Min-
a Master of Sciencedegree at the Unive-rsityof
"..*t" ""JHe dicl gratlttatework at the University of Chicago'
Univeisity of Michigan and the University of Kcnttrcky'
Following service in World War I, he taught colleg-ein
Wi s c o n s i na n l l l a t " , a t K e n t u c k y ' l 9 2 O - 1 9 3 2 .F r o m 1 9 3 2 to
1940, Plofessor Maney studied and wrote a seriesof articles
on college enrolment trends for Kentucky Siale Department
oi EAu.ition. From 1940 until joining the DefianceCollege'
Ohio. staff in 1946, he served as a statisticianfor the Federal
American Government.
Prolessor Chorles A. ManeY. Professor Maney shared credit with the late Professor
Eclwin B. Frost, former Director of Yerkes Observatory-, for
the Iirst meastrrementof internal motions in the Nebula of
Orion in 1915.
In 1950 he submittedto the late SenatorBrien Mclvlahon
the flrst "Atoms for PeacePlan", now on file in the National
U.S.,A..nt.triuei, Washington, D.C. He was also-a member of
the board of governorsbf the National Investigations Com-
mittee on Aerial Phenomena(NICAP).
In August, 1918, he married the former Eva Wolansky,
who survivis. i{e also leavesa daughter, a son and six grand-
SCENE Numbarcd dots rcprcscnt /ocofr'oasol sightings inclodod in the
statistico/ diogron; gornc ol thom rolcr Io roprts leoturod ir.
dctoil on the lolloving pogcs.

l96Ci-1 969'

5 8l l
1213t4t5 16

8r 98
77445379 9240 4t 434685
70223436 9328 I 42455t
96 6332.33
35 3439517,550 59
6460 4S80 t8086s;5262
S28384 sO 7{ 73ii 65060t
888990 9l


IJ F O s igh t i n g sc l o s s i f i e do n b o sis o l sto lislicsco n p ile d b y
U F O I C on d t h e s p e c i o l c o n lr ib u tio no l M r . Co lin No r tis,
Y ic e-Pres i d e n o t l T h e A u s tr o lio n F lyin g So u ce r Re se o r cb
S o c i e t y,Ad e lo id e

L oc o lit y 5 l o te Do le Witn e sse r Ref. 5l ory

l. Norro b r l N . S . W. | /1 /5 6 M ir s G. Eu ch o n sn Erilliqnl dlss-lilc obi*l mon-

oeuvrlnE ond dlvlnq upon fhr
& G. No r n o n cqr for nomcnls. Sllmmcd oc-
ross lhc 6eld oad dlsopprorcd.

2. N owro N.S. W . 17/ l/ 66 Mr. & Mrs. D 9.30 p.n, Srilllonlly lightcd ob.
Willir & G. of i es l hov er ed l nl l e qw qy ,200
leel up. Moved upwords. vlb.
E. Postor roled. beoncd seorchllghl. shol
ofi ol ongle. glowlng rcd.

3. T ully 9 ld. 19ll / 65 M r . G . Pedley 25-fool disc seen lollng ofr from
logoon, lcoving behlnd 3O-foot
"nesf" of iolfened rceds.

4. K ot on n i n g W .A. li/\/5 6 M r . L . M q r sh o ll Lorgc obiecl hovarrd 50 t..l

obovc around. lop rrvolvod,
emllllng brlghl rcd. yollow oad
grccn llghfs. Arcrnded lo 2.000
feel, soond oi mollng hlshg

5. E uromo 10/2|56 Mr. & Mrr. A Slor-shqped. ilclrrlng orongr

9td. llqtf. drsccndrd lo fr.. top
Zonlo hvcl, fbcn rhoi of, lowordr rco,

5. A yr 0ld. l4/2/66 Mrs. Mossop, Mr. Two smoll llghfr opproochrd o

& Mrr. McQuillon lorger one. degcrlod togdhrr.

7. E qnl s l o w n N.S . W . l4/ 2/ 66 Denis& Lor r y C l r c ul or or c o. I9| fc et In dl o-

nelcr. of ffol"lcned rccds, clocl.
Slewori wise, lourd ln swonp. prlgtnl
:mell. Disopprored nerl doy.

8. Euro m o 9ld. 2 2 /2 /5 6 P. Po lcic Lor ge.:l l v c r y dl s c .30 l r el l n

diomeler, rwooped ovr hls bush
hul. floncs underlrolh.

9. T ully 9fd. 24/2156 Mrs. Cole. A Llqhted obiecls lrovollhq ocrors

Mrt. Wolpole, Mi, Mocloy. Two pulrollag
Mr. Lurd & Ercan llghlr. sloflclcry. Hcord
ec;lr nolsr.
Mr. Dew
10. T uliy 9ld. 24/Z/65 Mrs. Gillespie A Ororg..blc. llqhl obcy. fr..r.
rolollng. doscrndrd o brcn of
& chlldren llghf ol on. cnd, Drlffed rosf.

I l. Tully 0td. 28/2/65 Mrs. C Noble A Oroagc llghl lrovclled clorg flc
rldge ol Ml. Tyson In holf clrsh.

| 2. T ully 0 t d. 9/3/66 Mrs. Flower & A Brlghf. prlsotlng oroaer llghl

Mrs. Noble sbove Ml. Ty:oa ogprooched.
bcconlaq brllllonl. lhen dlrqp.
p.or.d b.hlnd lle nourloh.

I 3. Tully gld. ll/ 3156 M r c . J . W hif e A Slollorory, brlghl llghl ova lll.
Tysor srca lhrorgh bhccrlorr.
"A pol plolt" rhopr. kbasrd
lwo brlgtfrr llehk. on. descrld.
cd brhhd hlll. tt. ott.r rhcl rp.

14. T ullv 0rd. l8/t166 Mrs. J. Whlte A Ovol. reddlsh. prlrotlng llght
ovcr Ml. Tyron. lhrrt brcnr
uadrrrmlh. ovol chorged h
three llghlr h renl-elrch. olsc
Prltollrg. bccomlng norc brll.
lioal ond dlsoplrqred,

15. T ullv 9td. 2 1 1 3 /6 6 M r r . No b lc & A Llghf dcrcoded ovrr Ml. tysca

M o r r o p fq m ily iolrrd by thrrc olhrru. rlgiolr
wilh lorch rrspoaded lo by rnoll
liEhtr todirg oi, whlle lorgr crr
oarwsred In bcrsb of brlllloacy.
Loler fhof rlghl onc lorgr ord
onr lmoll. llghf.d obicfr 3.rr
hovdrg. ropolded fc lorcl
rlgaolr or bdore.
I6. T ullv 0td. 2813166 Mrr. J. Scoll A Brlllloaf llgtt, 50 feot obovr llt.
Tyror, bovmdt rwrrg ot t.r-
drlrn. beconr ydlcw. |to de.
pqrled brhhd fh nclllch.
17, W c u c h o p r x.s.w. 2?/3/66 Mrr. A, Worrell Ovql. cor-rhc oblrct wltt glerr-
lllo coropy, porlhclo glowh9
r.d. will rrd iqmo: fron lh
rror, movhg oloag otd obcvr
tolrgroph lhr. dlrcpprcrrd fe
wordr s lch.
Piclures A to F shov typicol leolures ol UfOs in tisbd sightings.
UFO sightings c/qssilied on bosis ol stotis{ics compiled bv t)Fotc ond the specio! conlribulion of

L o cclity 5 l ote D ote Wi tnerser Ref. S tory

Mrs. J' S cotl A Glowlng, pulsollng llghl hovercd

18. Tully Ql d. 3l /3 /66
lusl qbove lrees. lhen disoP.
peored In 20 secords,

1 9 . Bo lwyn Y i c. 2 /4 /66 Y .F.5.R .S ., Plqn-convex obiecl phologrsPhed

with poloroid comerq ql siorl
Mel bourne di s l qnc e.

2 0 . St. Ar n q u d Yi c. 4 /4 / 66 R . S ul l i von o 3- foof di s c of w hi te l i gh l w h i c h

benl c or heodl l Eht beqm s . C o n e
of r ol nbqw l l ghfs , l 5 fc e t h l g h
obove disc, Dlse osceaded lo
top of eone ond llghts wenl ocl.

N.S.W. 2214/66 P' Nielson. A Erltllont obiccl hovcred below

2 1 . M e n in d e e clouds, movlng sboul, shol rP
T. Murkins cnd dlsopprored, Wolshad
lhrough blnoculors.

22. Adeloide s.A, 25/4/66 Mrs. J. Sheldon c Long, glowlnE, cigor-shoPed ob-
iecl. oborl {orr mlles disfonl.
lqdio Inlcrference.

Yic. 1/t/66 Mrs. K. B. BrYonl A Erlremely brighl obiecl qwole

2 3 . Bq r in g h u p wilness ql 4.00 o.m. ll lii neor'
by rcservoir woler brillionllY'

Y i s, 6/5/66 S everol Dorrling, silvery obiect qbove

2 4 . We o stq ll rldge. l mile lron school. Flcw
school chi l dren oround plne lrecs on rldge old
do.led ocrors opea poddocl:.

2 5 , Ar o r o f Y i c. 10/5/66 Const. R. Kennedy D Crlmson globc wllh rilE orourd

& mony other equol or s c en 3.00 o.m . t o 6 . 3 0
q.m .
wif nesrer
Y i c. l 3/5/66 D ovi d, C l oude. A Eoll of green llEht seffled le
2 6 . Bo r in g h u p wqrdr qround. At 120 f.ef, llglrt
N oel & John chonged lo red. hovered over
Jenni nqs lheir vchlclc.

s.A. M. Gl eeson A Bright llght trovelled slowlY,

27. Elm hur s t 22/5/66
hovered over lhe lown, glving
& pol i ce off lomiro{s glow.
'M r . T hr ee el l i pti c ol , br i ghl re d o b '
2 8 . T h o r n le ig h N.S . W. 2 6 / 5 / 6 6 S . J . Wr i g h t
iecls in lriongle {ormqlion: lronl
l w o c om peti ng for l eo d , f e w
fowords wesl fosler thon o iei'
Si l enl .

5/6/66 Consls.D. Coghlon D Grcol, mulli-eolorrad disc scel

2 9 . L ism o r e N.S.W. hoverlnq over Grollon, 80 nllls
& P. Hobson dlstonl. Fiv. llmes h fwo wcck,

N.S.W. 5/6/66 Consts. E. Mercer A ObiGct slowly novlng sollh oed

30. Grofton chqnghq solour whlle-rrd.whlf ..
& P. Woodnon Altitrde 1,500 fset. 8.00 p.n.

1917/66 M e s s r s .G . J o h n r o n , D Brownlsh llghl. chqnglng lc

3 1 . Co p e Co p e V i c.
orongc in clrcle. emllled baon
R. Hsrris & of llght lo ground. Tower on
R. Connell lop.

32. Modbury S .A . 23/7/66 Mr. L. G. Obieql shc ol mool rose fron

E rodbrook ground ord sped ofi. 8.30 p,m.

S 'A ' 4/8/66 Mrr. A l i dq A . Two obicefs iying closr lo-

3 3 . Po r t No o r lu n Eo gclher, sllvo ord lorqe. Sora
Grootenboer 4.30 p.m . for 5 m l nuhs.

3 4 . Ad e lo id e s.A. 5/8/66 Mr. F. P. Sfone, A Lorge, glowhE. while obiect

Mr' & Mrs. J. sccn In wcsl neor run. llrr of
Yonderhoven moon. Sccn l0 mlnrlai.

N one w i thhel d D Lorgc, glowing, whlle obiocf

35. Lor Es S .A . 7 /8/66 qnd lwo blqcl bqlls, slollonory,
Wingr on sidr, knob on lop.

S .A . e/8/66 N ome rvi l hhel d A I l 35 q.m. lwo silvery-whlle

3 6 . Ad e lo id e obiecls pqsred 3oufh lc norlh.

37. Kununur r o W. A . l6/8/66 P. Johnston c Obi ec t 150 feet l ong, 6 l o 8

feel hiEh. {our rGd pilot lights
:rrroundlng brlllloat Inner whlt
llshl, secn lor {0 ninulc:, 300
furl obovr rood.
Mr. Colin Norris, Yice-Presidenl ol The Auslrolion Flying Soucer Reseorcf, Sociely, Adeloide,

Loc olily S t a le Do te Wiln e sse c Ref. 5l ory

l8/8/,56 Mr. B. Pridhom Obiect lite noon dorcendrd ond

38. Nhirl Y ic. poced cqr for slx mlla,

39. Wen l w o r l h v i i l e N . S.W. 2 6 /9 /6 6 M r . J. R. Blo tlmon A While liqhl hovcred ovr rlgnol
bor, 3.40 o.n. Spcd ofi lo fhe
s oul h.

40. W esl Pymb le N.S. W . 12/ 10/ $6 R. Ro m b lin g A Stor.lllc obiecl. chonqed colorr.
ffew eqst-wcst; 5ecn for five
m i nul es , 7.10 p.n. ( N o s otd-
l l l es dua - I.A.A.F .)

4I . West Pymble N.S. W 19/ 10/ 66 M r . & M r s . R. A

TonblinE Whlfe llght movlng 3oulh.iorllt,
slmllqr lo solellllc. lurnad ond
42. Enfield N.S . W . li/ 10/ 66 M r . & M r s . E. A w ent eos i . 8.00 p.m .
43. C on ley Yole N.S . W . 2l / 10/ 66 Mr. W, Woller A Brlghl obiccl In sotth chongrd
colour, red.ydlow.blle, noved
u9 ond down ond sldo lo sldc.
Seen l 0 m htl es ,

44. M od b u r y S.A. 23110/66 Mr. R. J. Kuhlmon. D Yellow.oroagc, ovol obloci wllh

brolher & lwo conr bencolh, hovrrrd 2 lo 3
friendr mlnrlos,

45. West Pyrnble N.S.W. 23110/65 R. Tonbling A Yellow-whlh obleel novlng

wesl-norl'i.watl. hrned lo rosl.
{ 6. E nfield N.S . W . 23l10/ 66 E. Geirhofer A norlh.oorl ond lhrn lurned norlh.

47. lrwi n W . A. 23/ 10/ 66 G . For llner Brlqht. fon.shoprd llghl lrovel-
llng obove wolor, rosa. fodrd
owoy, disoppeored ln eqsl.

48. lrwin W.A. 26/10/66 C. Foulliner & BriEht, fon-shoped llghl obovr
severql olher woler, oscended to hclght ord
witnesses heoded eqsl.

49. Ade l o i d e s.A. 4/ ll/ 66 M r . J . Howk e c ClEor.shoped oblecl, dorl

ocross cenlra. hovercd.
2 mlalles.

50. Culburro X.S. W . 15/ ll/ 66 M r . P. M ullor d A Obiecl ll&e Vrnus rlg.rogged ol
consloni spesd. Dlsopprorrd
& folher verllcolly. 8.00 p.n.

51. E nfie ld N.S. W . l5ll | / 65 E. Ge ish o fe r A Erlghl, whlfe oblccl mov.d lo

norlh-cost. crossad sty In 2l
52. Wert Pyrnble N.S.W. l5/ll/66 R. T cr n b lln g A mltrulGs.

53. Trrnmere S.A. 19 lll / 56 Mrr. E. Hclloron Thrcr dlscs. brlghl blur cld
yrllow, hfl sporlr bdhd,
crossad lha sly w*l.ao3l.

54. E or l v i l l e 7112/ 66 M r . A. L. A Obiect low ln fhr rky llle lqrgr,

9ld. Incondcrcrnl llEhl seen. dlrop.
Underwood pecred vctlcolly snd thu rr.
oppeorcd for 5 mlnlfer.

7/12/66 Drive.ln speclqiorr D 9.00 p.m. Brlght globr crcssrd

55. lJ q r e e b o 9td. lho sly. slopprd ovrrhrod ond
during inlervol ihrn novrd owoy.

56. Jrrvis 3oy N.S.W. 20112166 Robln Moy & A Clrculor, crong.-rad glow ovrr
b.ogh. ror. lo 1.000 feel. hov.
frlend rrod. movrd urollcolly bocl
crd fcrlh. Obrrvrd 5 nhtlg.

57. Toowoon Boy N.S.W. 25lt2166 R. Tcnbllng "Lhe of llght" movrd rorll lo
rorlh. rlrqlghf ond hvel. Sru
for lI srcoldr ol 9.10 c.o.
lhrorqh 55o of orc.

58. J c l o l l e n Q t d. 30/ r 2/ 66 M r s. R. Ch o cherl y F 7 or 8 glowlnq, boll-lltr oblrctr

ln fornqtlor ot a,000 furf. Yry
fosl, Trovrlhd ncrlh.wot lo
roufh-.oil, 11.30 p.n.

59. J c w e l s B e a c h N .S.W. - ll/6 7 Sfe ve n T o p p ing A kd.whlle oblrct wlth whlle

llsht shhhg lhroujh tiloll
:qroru la frclt, ll rnlhs dlc.
loal ond 1,500 fl. up. Sncll
ord nolsr ct ll lorrrd.

60. 6 l e a e l g s.A. 7ll | 57 Mrr. C. Croft Brlghl, sllv*y dlsc rlslng rborply
.... r.Gn ol 5.57 p,m.. l.odlng
UFO sightings clossified on 6osis oI slotislics compiled by UFOIC ond {Ae specio/ cor{riSstion ol

L o co lily D qte Wi tnesses Ref. S l ory

61. Eqs i G lods t one Q l d . 13/l/67 Mr. p. Moson & Errolic, slor-like obiesf slopp.d.
four otherr noved oft ond lhen followrd
s l r qi ghl c our s e. t,l 0 p . n .
62. Windole N . S . W. 14/l/67 Sst. A. Be[ & D 9U".f wllh red, f,oshing llghts,
Gonsf. F. Trocy hcight 400.600 ll.. shone beqn
of llqhl to ground, Spe.d 5.lO
m .p.h. 3 o.n.
63. Adetoide 5.4. 25/l/.67 Dovid Goutden & Disc-shoted obiccl wllh lhrer
prolrbronsas, croaEe ccalrc,
R e e sH u g h e s silvcr rim, moved in shcrp lur
ond slimbs.
64. Windsor Gordens S.A. 2 5 / 1/ 5 7 Mrs. L. Mqrks A Fost obiecl moving norih lo
sorth, chqnElng siro evcry ftw
seconds. Floslcd lo grcql brll.
llonce. Seen tor 30 seso.dt.
65, Polts Point N.S.W. 3/2/57 Mr. J. Audberi I 1.25 p.m . R ad, gl o w i n g , p l l -
sofing spherc srrounded by
smoller sph$es iust below lls
mlddh. Slow motlon.
55. Loflur N.S.W. r2/2/67 Mrs. V. Mitchell Slofionory whitr obicct, blggcr
lhon qny slor, begol lo nove
& molher ond occelcrofc lo ncrli.
67. Cremorne N.S.W. 12/2/57 Mirs M. Swoin Brlghl, oroogerrd light, lltr q
tootbqll. srcn lcr a5 r.cotrdr.
58. Woverlon N.S.W. 12/2/67 Mrr. Z. Robson& A Glowlag red boll :ron, 7,30 p.u.
Mr. & Mrs. Tomes Low oad drscrndlng lcwordl
6 9 . Wo llslo n e cr q fl N.S .W. 12/2/67 Mr. & Mrs. Lorge, rcd orb, sllcllly plhol.
F. J. ?yle Ing. behlnd blildtlgs
ncorby. Fou snollor glcbis
qround lls slrcunfcrmcc.

7 0 . Gle n e lg S.A. 23/2/57 Mr. Corron. D Iedoroagr. lrlonEulor obiccl of

A. Hoydon. E. Bryonl Increosing she. risinq from fle
req. ond rcluning to ll.
& S. Peorce
71. Woverton N.S.W. | /3 / 57 Mrs. A. Yon A Red, glowing s..t ol 8.55
de Groofi o.n. tor lhrer scconds. Appmr.
ed lo dcccend ovf Sydecy.
72. Hollom Yic. 5/3/67 John & Silvt-top. blqcl-botfon dlse
Miriom Coyle wllh dome, elrcllng for 2l nh.
ufes. Silenl. Sir pholos folcr.
73. Liverpool N.S.W. 12/3/67 Miss P. Smif} Pul5oling, orongc obircl sccl
& molher for 30 nlnulcs. hovcrcd. rlqr
rogged. dcsccnded ond dlsop.
peored. Obscrved lhrough toli.
74. Dolls Point N.s.W . r4/3/67 Mr. W. Wolter ! Goldcn globc. red lirr orolnd
9q{olor. movlag slrolglf cld
t.y.t. l.ovlng snclc ond sporlr.
7.!5 p... Ylrlbh two soioldi,
qoltrq ro5l.

75. Wcsl Pymble N.S.W. r4/3/57 Mr, R. Tombling D Gold.n globr, rcd llnr ororrd
lq{olor, moving glrolgil ord
l^rvel. lrovlng snolo ond spcrtt.
8.05 p.m .- Yl s l bl o f* s c i o rd s .

76. St. George 9ld. 16/3/67 Mr. B. Morris Silvrry "invclcd egE-cup,.. 1..
Yolylng ol 100 fcrt. novhc ol
qboul 50 n.p.h.

77. Pelerborough S.A. 15/3/57 M r . D . D u n n& ! Snoll, obiecl movhg

qbovc hllllops.
iir olhers
7 8 . L lve r p o o l N.S.W. 28/3/67 Miss ?. Snith Slor.lilc obiccl novirg la oll
mother & lwi dlrccllenr. iovthg, Jropphg.
Obrcrvrd lhrougi htrscog-
brolhers rourd. wlfh rhg oroud nlddtr. -
S.en tor 30 mhrler.
79. Pelerborough s.A. 30/3/67 Mr. K. R. Smith & D Srllllont-. bllr.purtle dlsc rlrlrq
Mr. A. W. Smilh vrrlleolly, cnlfllnq sporls. Alsi
{g!gr_ _o-biect or sonr rtsll. r .n.

Mr. C ol i n No rri s, Y i ce -Pr esident ol The Auslr olion Flying Souc er R es eqr c A Soc i el y , Adel oi de.

Loc olily S lo le Dcle Wiln e sse s Ref. S tory

80. P o ro Hills s.A. l/ 4/ 67 M r . W . W ils on Rornd. oronge obircl. sirc of
glolc, novrd from cloud. onlf.
led smqller obiccl oad noved
bqcl inlo cloud.
81, P elerb oro ug h s.A. 3/4/67 T. M. Prqtt & A Round, inlense, red obiecl. hov-
J. Segor er i nq, fi i c l er i nE, r ev ol v l ng, 8.I5
9. m ,
82, Alb e r l Pqrk s.A. r6/.4/6r J. C. M o lih e ws, A Oronge glow seen 500 ff, obove
ground, movinq wesl, from cor,
M o r ilyn M o llh ew s.
D. O' M o h o n e y &
L yn e lfe O' M o honey

83. Mif c h o m s.A. 16/4/67 Mr. & Mru. D Crlnson obiccl, hclf she ol
moorr seGn tor a0 rccondg. Lit
L. Ghocle up clocd.

8tl. Wolfle Pork s.A. 15/4/.57 Mr. & Mrs. Lorqe. oronqe obiecl. low lr sly.
rolnd undcrn.slh. chcnged lls
R. Scnt shopa.
85. Wesl Pymble N.S.W. 25/4/57 Mr. R. Tomblins " Gl or s bol l " oboul I /l O th
moon'r dlom.f.r possrd brlweon
moon ond observer. MovlnE
86. A de l o i d e s.A 27/4/57 Mr. R. Worrnon Silent lroil of whlle snoh.
wide ond doasc. Orolge lighl
reveoled In smole qs lf Dqssad.
Speed, 500 m.p.h.

87. A t c o l Porl 5.A. l/5/67 Mr. B. Horris A Obiect lltr hrge rlor, rnllllng
t llslrr. novlns scrtt.
88. Sescornbe | /5/57 Mr. C. Gregson Fol clgor ol bronrr-goldrn lur.
G or d e n s s.A. perprndlcrlor
movlng eosl.
obovr hcrLot,
Obscrvcd for iwo
89. Tronnere s.A. 2/5/67 Mr. & Mrc. L. R. c Whlfc, clqcr-shopcd llghl of on
Ghesler. ron & onqle lo horkon. liltrd flrfhcr
otlq desccnded wlth f,cshiag
witnessesin while light in fronl. DlsolorgrcJ
n e wsp o Pe r behi nd hl l l s .

90. A de l o i d e s.A. 6/5/67 Reinhordt Glosser, A Erighf, yellow-gold obiecl mov.

Fronk Shonnon& inq wesl lo eost, rira of peo ol
orm's lenEtlr. Durqlion, lcvrl
Mory Pender minrles.
91. Reyn e l l o s.A. 8/5/67 Mr. N. R. Fisher& S-otellite.llla obiccl wqvcrlng ln
Mr. W. O'Grody sly qnd suddcnly sloFolng. Flvc
minul3s loler. bqll ol llqhl eqoc
overheod, emllllnq fio:ho, A
lh'I{ obiccf . iwlaltlng y.ry
brlqhl rrd. olso Dorsrd.
92. Wesl Pymble N.S.W. 12/5/67 F. Diekrnqn& BriEht, ycllow.white li9ht, choag-
22 rcouls anq colour. hcqdinq soulh. dcs-
cending. dipping, slopplng ond
93. Terrey Hills N.S.W. l2/t/57 Mr. F. Lesler A lhen loting naw Gourse, Gross-
ing over power linas.
94. D s nd os N.S.W. -/5/,67 M r s. J. Se o r le c Obiccl lite bor-llle hovering,
ffoshing lighfs ond lolor
& n e iq h b o u r wesi.
Chonged cololr. Wos
visible for ll hours,
95. Mf. Newnon w.A. 14/ 5/ 67 M r . Hor r is & I 00 fl, diom, disc: rilvcr wllh
workmoles brighf-red scorchllEht. Tool of
oad hovered of 100 ft. Followod
o smoll, ororgc obircl, fhis
3 ft. obiecl lqfor opprosehrd
on oir-slrip.
96. Elizo b e l h s.A. 16/r/57 Mr. J. A. Ccrson A Glowins red llghf. 9-12 ft. h
diomtler. on opposlfu rldr of
rivcr Murroy. Yoalthrd wlthoul
lrqcc or morls.
97. Brisbone 9 td . 25/5/67 Mr. C. Llnd D 2.22 o.m. Awolcned by loud,
& folher whlrring nolse. sow lorgc, roltd
obiecl wllh fiorhlng llshk.
98. O 'H o l l o r q n Hill s.A. 27/E/57 Norner withhcld Srlqht-gold. elllpllcol obhct,
slsllonory In sly for l0 nlllfrr.
Snoll cblccf enrrged from lt
srd rclrntd fo li.
S C E NE Numbered dols represent /ocslrons of sigAtmgs included in the
stctrsticq/ dioErom; some o{ .thcm refar to rcports,

1966-lgcig, detoil on the lollowing poges.

rv|AP 2

10rl \
25112 ffiii$ilr#
lll 159144135192124fi3



UFO s i gh ti n g s cl o ssi fi e d o n 6osis ol stotislics compiled by
UFOIC o n d l h e sp e ci o l contr ibution ol Mr . Colin Nor r r ,
/ i c e - P r e s i d e n t o l T h e A u str clion Flying Soucer Reseor cA
Society, Adeloide

Loc olit y Siale Do ie Wilnesses Ref. S i ory

99, Muro y 8ridge s.A. 28/5/57 S. Ho p fo n , Two bright. round. yellow llqhls,
M . Ho ld e n . Ro ger & i oi ned by thi r d l i Ehl . m ov ed
ocross lhe roqd. hovered. dis-
Ro b e r f T o p sfie ld oppeor ed behi nd the hi l l .
| 00. Adel o i d e 5 . A. 8/ 6/ 67 J . Ar m s lr ong & Wolched white liEht wlth red
liqht on lop. riq-rqg lor 20 nin-
G. Polomko ules ond leoYc ol q fonlqsllc
s Peed.
l 0l. Tenn y s o n S.A. 2l /6/67 Mr. C. Hutton Two round, qreen llghls, one-
lhird sire of moon, novlng ot
qreol speed lo sorfh-wesl.

I 02. St. Moryr N.S.W. l/7 /6 7 No m e wilh h e ld Red. glowinq obiecl below the
clords. enlfliag longues ol fome
downword. Moving west lo eost,
lurned norlh.

I 03, Lowe n l q l l s.A. 2/7/57 T. Espiscno& Red Elobc noved ond slopped,
Iten dlsoppqred. Two
M is c 5. Hlll derccnded. both rcd qnd graar.
wlth lhc rcd llEhl ffoshlng. Fott-
.r l hon o i at: hl s s l ng:oul d.

104. Nt h. A d e l o i d e s.A. 4/7/57 Mr. R. Meodmore. A Slor.llh. whlt. chongrd

dlresllon *roflcolly. Mcvod up
Mr. G. Buchonon ond down. bccom. smollar. Sa.n
& others tor 30 mltrrt.r.

105. Welli n g t c n N.S.W. 6 /7 / 57 . Mr. f,.. Shepherd 8-rlghf-rrd oblrcl, pllrollno

a-rlghl-r.d pltrollno 300
-rP, 3perd
3pe.d {00 m.p.t.
m.p.l. An<
obicct wlth
oblcSt wllh o rad,
prlsqllng llghi or fronl soptorrj
qnd trrn.d to follow thl ir:t
ota. secord oblecl rnollrr.
1 06. Belrn o n l N.S.W. 1 3 /7 /6 7 M r s. A. Ro b in son A Brllllont ttqht
Brllllonl. llght ,.rn
s.rn d**nf,illl
Levclled oul ond Gonllnu.d ot
200 fr. orrrrudc. biiii-it-Jp"a.
)een tor one mlnuh.
| 07. Cronullo N.S.W. 13/ 7/ 67 M . At len & D Glowing _orb desccndinq ond
G. Mitchell rorcrng in nsrshc:. llluml-
noled oll slrroundlnqs.
| 08. Woikerle s.A. 30/ 1/ 57 K. M, Atkinson & A Oronge, slor-llke obhcl movod
qlorq hlghwqy qt 50
R. & S. Bqrnell n.p.h. ln
trcnt of cor lor 5 mlle:. Chsngtd
| 09. Brool v c l e N.S.W. 2/8/57 G. Wlgqenr A pllEh.f l-lght po:scd ovcr horsc,
Irrmtnqtad slrroudlnqs. lllf-
rupted llghf qnd TV foi ieeonds.
| | 0. Collo r o y 4/8/ 67
li'i:li,'i .ii,i:r:'j:: srobr
M r . Ho le
P loleo u N.S.W. ?;ifi
I I l. K eet h S . A. lt /8 /6 7 D. M o r kh o m p Oronqe obieel, lg-lnch ovcl wlth
yelow rlm ood sports bcaeolh,
slddenly disoppeorod.
I I 2. Loc k l e y r s.a. r 4 / 8/ 67 M lsr L . J. Co le Lorge,-round. brlghl-rrd oblrcl.
rle gf ploh. posrrd brlwru
oDseryer ond hlllr. rlg.rogglng.
I | 3. Breworrino N.S.W. 18/8/67 W. Turnbutt & -
-obircf, 22 by 5
J. Moore teet dJ qD .,6 fc ef fhl c l , hov c r -
helsbl' srddrnlY
| 1 4. B inolo n g B c y Tss. 29/8/67 M r . Jo h n Sln g lin e Rocad obiecls In fornoflol. wllh
qround ond q brlqll
& h u n lin g p o r ly :lqlls ol
ilErt- ln-dcrneqlh, shonc ol wll,b blqcl on lop atrd whil"
l l 5 . Pei River Dom Tos. 29/8/6,7 M r . M . B. Ho ye s c isqr.shqped, obiect lllc llghted
r.orwoy corrlqEe. oppror. I0 r
srte 0t possengcr plone, hover-
tng- qt conmarciql olrcroll olll-
tude-.. Fiory.rGd llghts llf lp ot
crott'_s reqr end ond smoll.
--_ obiccfs
rocl.l-lilc shot oul oi
foll, disopDeqrlng. Crofl lhrn
crossed horhon lo horhon ln
scconds, glowlng hlllolly, fhrn
b-econlnq slnglc polnl of llghf.
No sornd hcord ol ony llnr,
8.30 p.m .
UFO sightings clossilied on 6osis ol slolis{ics compil,fi by UFOTC ond thc speciol conllibulion ol

L o co lily Slol e D ql e Wi i n esses R ef, S tory

ll5 . Ho b o r l Tos. 29/8/67 Mi ss C armel Wotsh. C Liqhfed, ciqqr.shopsd obiocl.
Mrs. D . H ul l , 600 leel obove qrourd. occeler.
oled qnd disoppcorcd.
Gonri , O. J. Innes,
J. S hopmcn-Morl i mer
| | 7 . Ee n d ig o Yic. 30/8/67 M e s s r r .H . , D . & T . C Silcnt obiccl, wilh cvrnly :pocrd
ororqe liqits, rcscnbllng o
Hohnberg & roilwoy corriogc. Floshrd oc.
Mr. F. Seddon rors thc sly. S".r for l0 srci.
| 1 8 . We ilm o r in g le N.S.W. r0/i / 67 Mr. & Mrs. Disc-shoped souccr hovcrlag
over irrigolion plonf, spmdlaE
J. Gortner
ll9 . Ho r sh o m Yic. l 9/9/67 Gorry Troi ter Red ond while. glowlnE llg}1,
hoverinq obove clouds. seml.
circulor wiih fot bollcm qrd
dome. Inl.rter?ne wilh cor
rodio. Followcd eor ond l{rn

| 20, Junee N.S.W. 23/9/67 Betty Compbetr, Foolboll.shoprd obirct lcllowrd

Jconelle Withers & cor for I 5 milcs, nqaoruvrrd
ov er ond hl l l s . go v e o i
Diole Honds - r ound
yellow lisit. doscrldrd lo :k
leel obov. .lccfrlsily wlrat.
| 21. Wqtlle Pork s .A . | /t0/6, G. Norrls R ound. y el l ow obi .Gl i o v . ra d
l 0 m i nul r r . Li nr s ql v l ag rmo t r
efrect ond qrccn lletf ol bcllon.
T el ev i s i or of,c c fed. :r r l c ol
beeps heor d-
1 2 2 . M o yo n u p - 13/10/67 L. J. Locl e c Cor inmobillscd. fubo-llh llglt,
Xo io n u p w.A, iridescenl bluc {rom o clgor.
s hoped obi ec l l O 0 ft. !D , l h .
optorcnf corsc. Eltclrlccl tys.
ren oad rodio DUI oul of qcllor.
Cor holted by dcgrces froa o
sp"ed of 60 n.g.h. Drlvor lrcro.
lysed, sease ol limc dllcled.
| 23. Seaforlh N.S.W. 22/10/67 Mr. R. Ingrorn D Two obiccls posrhg fron clr
clord lo orolh.r, lwo ltlcl
discs with llghhd pcrl.loht
olong lhc circrmlcrelco. rllgllly
corvcr on lop. 100 ft. la dle
ncler. 6,000 ft. up, 12.00 nl&
ai qhf.
124.Wolfslonecrott N.S.W. 30/lO/67 Mrs. F. J. Pyle 8.30 p.m . T w o l or gc . o ro l g o
red ovolr, grcol dlsfolcr b*
lwcea lhem. Orc stcody, ol'lrrr
ogprooching, lh.n one nqioarvr-
ing oround in scmi.sirclcs. bofl
disopgeorilg ovor horlron.
I 25. Solisbury s . A . 30/r0/67 C. Norris C l us l er ol s l r l i ghts nc v l n q h
onli.cloclwlsr direcliol. tosr.
169: one obi ec l m ov hg o w o v
ond rcmoining slollorcry fcr 30
m i nut.3. 10,00 p.m .
I 26. Perth w.A. r7lrr /67 Mr. A . P ool Souccr-shopcd obiccf lsndrd h
i .l d. O bi ec t w q: l 5 l o 20 f mt
ocross, ffol-boflomrd qnd dcnr.
tloped ot loD.
I 27. Perth w .A. 20/rr/67 Mrs. Moi r Sllvrry-topped disc srrn fron
9or. Obiect hod porl-holes h
lfs- _lowcr hol{ ond lrcvdhd
Qllclly norlhworcls.
| 2 8 . Pe r th W.A . 30/l l /67 Mr. M. S i ncl oi r A Srlghl, sfor.lil. obircl wttt
& Peter Sinclair lhre" liqhts ol coch ond. l{ov-
crld lor i hour. lhu dlsca.
paorad obrlplly.
| 2 9 . M cM q h o n ' r 6/r2/67 Mr. P. C. L. Lyonr. F Slofloror_y, . brighf-omber llqll,
? o in l il.s.w. Mr. L. A. Lyonr. onc..lghth sire o{ moor, reoJ ld
taal al"vot.d over roulh-wcslarn
M. A, W. Lyons. irburbr tor l0 ninrla3. Twc
Mr. & Mrs. F. J. slnllqr llghls ioiaed thr irsl crr
Iiordon ol or .- ni nufc i nl ar y ol 3. g,Ss
| 30. Moitlond N. S. W . 2 j / t 2 / 6 7 Morie Williorns 7.47.r.58. Whlte. stor.lftc llgll
srl cosl.roll{1.rqrl
tor .l ghl m i nul c r , l h.r l rrr. d
8..2a--8.26. f wo lolat-ycllow
21 rovautrg
llqht h cenlrl
trod soulh lo norlh.
M r. Colin N o r r i s , Y i c e - P re sid e nol f T h e Au slr o liq n F lyin g Soucer R eseorch S oci e{y, A detoi de.

Loc oliiy Slcle Dq le Wifn e sse s Ref. S l ory

l3l. Wot tq n o l l o l3/1 /68 A. Tory liEhf descended neor compers.
B es c h N.S.W. J. Rizzo Silent ond errqlie in f,ichf. 8c.
cqmc lorEer snd brlghlcr. Llght
J. Smith wos reolly drql. locls, clc.. lll
M. Zines uP. then obiecf "swlfched cff"
ond hovered 400 yds. owoy. 200
fi. up. Cleor disc sllhorcife
with dim red bond olong rim;
liqhls showing ia o row. Grs{t
responded fo lorch slgnols.
Qrqft moved slowly owoy.
1 32. E qs l S y d n e y N.S.W. re /t /6 8 M r . R. Wiih n e ll D Shqrply defined roundish obiecl,
inlensely brighl whilc light
wifh Yery pole tonc of llght
green lo blue. Dlsoppeored
fron onc slde lo fhG ofhcr lllr
on c c l i ps c . 8,10.8.I5 p.m .

133.Green Poinl 2r/r /68 Mrs. l. Mcl(imm A Erlghl obiact, eololr ol brll.
5.E. Gosford N.S.W. llont hcodllght, hoy3..d lh.r
shol sidewoys ol greot spad
ond disqppcqred lo south. 8.I5
p.m ,

134. Budgewoi N.S.W. 25/l/68 Mr. B. White & D Brilllqnl whlte lighi lile rmqll
moon. monoouvrhg up ond
fofher down. Three other long, rod
lighls oppcorcd In wesfcin rly
noved ln formqlloa
iolned by lwo olhcrs in on
or c hed l r oi ec l or y {r om N .W ,3
o. m .

135.Liverpool N..S.W. l2/2/68 Mrr. M. Neil F 4 brilllotrt whife liqhts h tor.

molion, choaging poifern, ilrrn Invlrlbh brl
olwoyr wlfh lwo showlnq.
Monoeuvred ond pulscfud lolr
opproxinolely 4 mirllcs, fhrn
"swllched ofi'.. 9.30 p.m.
I 36. BriEl,ton.Le. 13/2/58 Rev. A. Horrir T"yo nclolllc, rhhlac :llver
Sqndr N.S.W. obi c s fs y c r y hl gh In:l y . nov r d
N. fo S. Sire of loiec rior.
.Monoeuvred ond pulsclld. lta
iovere.l, slopped, dlsoppcorod
to nor l i .2.30- 3 p.n.

137.Beverly Hills N.5.W. 20/2/68 Mr. G, Worlond D Wft! defined light-bluish sphcrc,
bright qs moon wilh Gonslorl
tighl. Cone-shoped, fopcrinq fo
obiect. Sped lo wcst. lighfJ or-
tinguished, lhen sporls dnd
di s oppear ed. g.55 p,m .

138. Bqeromi Creek N.S.W. 22/2/68 M r . M . L in d le y A Obiect in eoslern rly. brltht-

greenish, sLe of vcry lorgr
slor. MolinE polfern ln thc sly,
descending, hovcrlni.
Wcf shed with wilnlss for 3b
mln{les. Dlsoppccred lo w.$.
I0 p.n.

139.E osi lprwich Qtd. 24/2/68 Mr. R. Phillips C S.moll, brilliont white, cigor-
shoped obieel moved dtc north
inlo clouds. Emerged. lhcn
slopped, block orb visiblc be-
neqlh. relcrned lo clouds lhen
di s oppeor ed i n N .W . 12,30- l
p. m .

l{0. Xillorney Vole N.5.W. 11/3/68 Sisier G. Ad<rm E Yery lorge. disc-shoped, nqlql.
ti! obiect, sliced sidewoys
lhrou_gh sly, descended, slcpped
nid.sly, shot ofr In horlroitol
D l qne dow n c os s l .7.25 q,n.

l 4 l, M os n o n N.S.W. 17/3/68 Mr. A. Overs & Silvery grey obiecl. rpherlcol

s hope. " l ool ed s ol i d," ec m i ng
!r_o-m N,W, ot opprorimolelf
600 m .p.h. s pc ed, ol obor l i
mile olliludc, No vopour lroil
or sornd. Disoppeored inlo
N .E. 10.30 o.m .

1 42.F inlo y N.S.W. li/3/6e Mr. D. Borcloy A Bright light lrovelling vcry high
itr norl'herl.y directiol. pulsoting,
otmmlng In sequence. olnosl
disoppcoriag lhen prlsollng
ogoln. Sped owoy lo north. 8,{5
P. n.
UFO sightings clossilied on 6os i s oI s l ol i s ( i c s c om pi l ed by tl F ol C ond the s pec i ol c onl r i bu{i o n o f

L o co lily Stoie D ol e Wi l nesser Ref. Story

143.Ros e Boy N.S.W. 6/4/68 Mrs. D. Webber Five slor.llle obiecfs. Flrsl enc
pulsoled fron brlghl lo brilli.
& witnesses snl whife, lrovelllnE from
west lo eott. The olhers fot-
lowed ql 5.ninule inleryql3
esch one nol os brighl os 6rsf -
one. 6.00- 6.30 p.m .
I 44. Yos s N. S . W. ll /4/58 Mrs. M. Kindred Disc.shoped obiecl with curolo
ond lighls lhe site of soicer
& wilness bolls. Appeqred 2,000 fl, olti.
tude, l r qv c l l i nq es s l .5.40 p . m.
I 45. W illoughby N. S . W. 20/4/68 Mr. R. Fluke Well def,ned disc. wilh nos.
rcsiu_m.lilc luminoslly, opprcri.
mqfery 300 tt. otiltudi,- de
scendirE lowords {or horLol
ond dlsoFpcored qulctly. t0.15
P.m .
| 4 6 . M o lr q ville N.5.W. 2s/4/ 68 Mr. P . Moson D Shlny, melqllic. dlsc-shocrd
& w i fnesses obiecl._ wilh slighl doinr.
?ro-velling-_sorlh. opprorimolGly
600 ft. oltilude. chonging dir*.
tion errqlicolly, 90-degree
turns 6 times. Finqlly foded
oul . 8- 9 p.m .
I4 7 . Alb o n y w.A. 4/t/68 Mr. F. Toytor A A s hor pl y oul l i ned l i qhl l g rn -
ing from red lo oronge, sit-
houelfed lrees on Mt. Metvilte
os il mqved wesl, Seen for l0
s ec onds .10.20 p.n,
I4 8 . Wo r r q d o le Yis. 1 7/ s / 6 8 Mr. & Mrs. l. Grey, mrshroom.shgped obiecl
Robinson rolqied in o rqdius oi qbcut o
mile, ther cqme lowcrds fha
c or .ond hoy er c d bofor e ro p i d l y
mcvrnet or,
1 4 9 . [in d fie ld N. s .W. 20/5/68 Mr. N . B eckett Twin. dull-whitc lights, l'hcn
& w i l nesses dork bockground visible. port.
hol es . hov er i nq ov er C hon n e l 9
m os t. Ac c el er oted qw o y q t
lerrific speed in upword. curv-
inE molion leoving lwin lrqils of
vopour, lhen merEed to one
briEht liqht-becqme molionlest
lhen sped off lo lhe eosf. 8.40
9. m .
1 5 0 . M e lville w.A. 6/6/68 Mr. & Mrs. A. E. Pinkish glow become brighler
R om qno ond took o hol{-sphere shopc,
Then lull sphere. wilh siodowy
seporolion ocross lls cenlrc. li
lull shopc ll wqs ororEe-red. No
sound; obiecl ronk from lhe wsl
lo lhe soulh. Seer for 20 sess,
2.15 o.n.

l5 l. L ive r p o o l N.5.W. 7 / 6/ 6 8 Miss P. Smith A Lorge. briEhl, lridescent red

l i qht; pul s ol l nq, m onoeu v ri n g ,
& wiinesses slopped srddenly in on orc wilh
erlreme speed. disoppeored S.
to S.W . 9,20 p,m .
I 5 2 . Go sfo r d N.s.w. iitt t ri Mi ss J. S i ddl e p D i s c .s hoped obi ec f w i l h p u l s o t -
& w i tnesses i n9 l i ght c er l r ed ql bol to m o f
obi ec f. H oy er ed i n qi r ov e r c q r
l or 2 m i ns ,; s w ept upw or ds o n d
s ped ow qy , l 0 p.m .
I 53. Per t h & s ubur bs W . A . 19 /7 /68 Mr. l . B onney 50.loot disc. grey In colour.
emltling o fiery slreot. Moviaj
r opl dl y , hei ght t,000 fl , 4,55
q.m .
Mr, S. Bubis D Elre/qreen soucer wifh q nulll-
c ol our ed H od o b ri g h l
oronge rirg - l r qi l .
which could hovc
been o w i ndow . 5.57 o.m .
Mr, B. Mqrsden Brlghl obiecl with lonq loil.
Angle of enlry nof correci for
q meleor, olthough obiecl re.
sembled one ond scened lo
| 5 4 . Be lm o n t N, S. W. 25/8/68 Mrs. A, Roberlson c Gigor.shoped obiccl cominE
from lhe norlir ond heqdinc foi
& children l he oc eqn, O bi ec l s eem ed i e n i .
lronsporenl qad resenbled o
neon lube. Yery lorce. Seen
26 dur i nq doy fl ne ( nor nl ng).
Mr. Colin Norris, Yice-President ol The Auslrolion Flying Soucer Sociely, Adetoide.

Locolity 5 io le Do le Witnesser Ref. S l ory

| 55 . J e r r o m u n g u p W.A. l6/9/68 Mr. K. R. Mqrlion Triongrlor. diomond.shogcd ob-

i ec l ( pr ofl el , or onge In c ol our ,
pulsoling. Resenbled o brlghl
slor. Seen for l0 secs. sl sboul
7.30 p.m .

I 56 . N y n g o n N.S.W. 23/9/58 Mr. G. Brqndon " F r l l M oon" obi ec l w i l h gr ean.

blue, iridcscenl lighls loperlng
behind if llle qn ice craom con..
Spqrl erhousl. Obiecl movhg
ol qbor l 100 m .p.h,. 30 d:qr ec s
fo horironlol. Mr. Erondon wqr
hilhcrfo s scepllc. Secn for I0
l o 15 s ec s , 8.25 p.m .

f 57. Muswellbrook N.S.W. 28/9/58 Misr 5. Noble D Two reclongulor oblcets trovd.
ling loqeiher ond rmllflng ol
& Misr Cuneen orqnEc glow, bcconlng rrd. Ar
fhc, objrcls 9ol eloser. o brlohl.
whlle lighl shone fron ihe undr.
slde o{ orc of lhc oblccls.

158.Ch ipp ing 3O/9/58 Miss Joon Myers Brillionl whih llght, very hlgh.
Norlon "lhrowirg spcrlr" whrn rra
lhrough blnoculors - sfollolsry,
ihrn lrovclling bqclword: oid
lorwords In o pqll.rr - lusl
discppcorcd, 6.30.7 p.m.

159. Kaloonbo N.S.W. 30/i/68 Mr. C. Nooel 5olld, sllvcry (Rlqby) footboll-
shopcd oblrct, oppror. 50 fcet
& molher diomelo, obout 1,000 ft. oltl-
iudc - shol ort elow of llght
- sped ofi lo lhc soulh. 7 p.m.

I60. Gyneo Boy N .S .W. 1 4 l rl /5 8 Mr. P. Morsholl Erlllioat, blue-whllc obicct wllh
blurred orllinr. hlgh spccd bul
loslng ollil{dc - sped oll of
s i ght behi nd bui l dl ngs . 8,49 p.m ,

| 61. Si. Moryr N. S. W . l7/ ll/ 68 M r . A. Dy k r n o n BriEht obiect lile boll of fire,
I,000 {t. olllfude, lrcvclllng
& wilnerses very fosl; red died owoy ond
one sinEle brilllonf llght rG.
pslagsl dlsoppeorcd ln soulh-
eqs l di r ec fi oa.9 p,m .

162.?t. Yiclorio S.A. 26/11/68 Mr. J. A. Wyott Briqht liqhi opproqchlng cor,
chonglng from whlle lo oronge-
Mr. G. Bolton red. Rodlonl ond clrcllor.
Gonrt. D. Guerin
163 . B e l l o t c N,S.W. 9l12/68 Mr. Morrhouse Lqrge. brllllonl-red, slor-lllr
obiecl grodlclly lrcreoscd rh:
& witnerses qad lurned lo grcel-opprored
lo revolvc, lhrow ofr f,ngors of
llghf whilc trovcllllg o lcw. rl9.
rqE course. Moloervred cld
chqnged lo c polo yrllow -
disoppeored ovcr ncrlhcrn horl.
:on. 9.15 p.m .

164. Cofgombolly N.S.W. 22/12/68 D. Scott. molher Firslly o red glow whlch begon
lo pllsolc sllghlly. Then q sec-
& brother ond glow oppcored wlrich ncvcd
In ond oul of lhe f,rsl. Sollr
swung closer, ond c disc shcpr
becomc opporcnl. Obiecl rosr.
fornrd qn orongc cresccnl, wral
bock lo corllcr shopr old dlr.
qgpeored. No sound. 5ol fcr
8 m i nul c s , 9.57 p.m .

165 . N e w N o r f o l k Tos. 2ill2/68 Ma P. Murroy 15 to 20 yellow obicck In f*.

mollotr. lroYclllng soulh-lorlh.
& 3 others Vqried h inlensity. rcnqhcd h
fornqlion. Scen for 2 nhlh:,
1.00 q.m .

1 56 . R i c h l c n d s 91d. l0/l/69 Mr. N. Eather, Yellow/orqnge cylinder movlng

slowly In fhe sly. frovcllcd
wife & doughler wesl lo eosl oad cmilled no
sound. Secn lhrorgh blnoctlors
lor 7 mlnrles. Obicct hod lorgc,
sqrora "windows".
I67. Norenon W.A. 20/2/69 Mr. J. Rore Gor fully fuelled "bcAol lo
qosp" qs lf oll of gelrol. Gigor-
shoped obiecl then seen 80 ferl
qwqy, neqr lh roqd. Obicct
wqs 30 fcct long. moyad owoy
obove frccs, llclinq rp dlsl old
lcoYcs, Gqr lhen spcd ohcod.
Obiecl disoppoored very quielly.
toling l0 scconds lo rlsc ond
dlsqppcor. 27
l: :
^,; :-
.t \.


Above lell: UFO photo loken sit yeots ogo in lhe t!.S.A., shoving o light beom shining lrom i"iJfrll" .fi""f.

UFO BEAMS CAR ing, keeping his foot pressed hard down on the accelerator
until.thy arrived at their friends' house. There they poured
ON rhe night of July 25, 1965, at abour. l0 p.m., a young our. their story., bur_their friends dismissedit as a piod'uct of
- couple, Danny Ryan, 20, and Cheryl.Baker, 18, of Parra- vrvrd lmagtnatron. Later, others also laughed at their experi-
matta, went visiting some friends at Westmead, an outer. ence so they stopped talking,
western suburb of Sydney. They took a short cut through Only recently, since UFOs havo been more seriouslv
Kingsdene Estatc which, at the time, was still a developnrent considered, has the event been referred to UFOTC, and ai
area and,, consisted mainly of virgin bush and a unbiased interview with the couple undertaken. Dinny .and
few 5g611s1s6 houses under construction. They were driving Cheryl still recalled the event aciurately. Cheryl saia-ihatli
along a recently bulldozed and unlit road which, ar one point, ..scare1'
dipped sharply into the creek-bed, before crossing a narrow 19ok.he.r-{aV9ro.recove,rfrom the and Dinny iOmitieO
lhat he'd had "rhe fright of his life".
culvert bridge.
Just as the car was approaching the bridge, the motor
suddenly stalled. Automatically, Danny switched cff the lights
and tried to restart the engine, but the motor wouldn't fire.
Trees and low brush, which skirted the road, shrouded the
immediate surroundings in darkness, even though the night CITIZENS of _Ballarat and environs are used to looking at
was clear and starry. Suddenly, Danny and Cheryl became tlrg nlCqt. sky, because the commanding position of their
aware of an intense beam of light coming from above and Muntctpal (Jbservatory on Mt. pleasant reminds them con-
behind the car and shining on the road, 100 to 150 yards trnuousty of the marvels of the heavens. And indeed. they
ahead. It was an extremely bright, bluc-white light, splashing have seen many unusual things in recent vuui.. On -i"taii[
an area of 20 to 30 feet in diameter. Startled, Danny ceased 25, 1963.,..ar3.30.a.m., over the slopes o-f Mt. BuninyonC,
attempting to start the engine, and both he and Cheryl stared three brilliant,. pulsating lights_--appearedthrough drlizlin:C
at the strange glow. At first they thought it must be a car rarn-,hoverrng tor an hogr and, illurninating the slopcs. Latei
approaching, but a quick glance to the rear revealed nothing in the year, three miles from the city, on iire ftamiiton ftigtr-
and swept aside this assumption. 'fhey sensedthat the light yayr a schoolmaster'sfamily stopped their car to watch- a
was coming straight from the sky, but the roof of the car luminous object. To them it looked like a full moon and it
kept them from actually seeingits source. "We didn't think appearedto descendand cross the road. The craft, apparently
to look out of the window and upwards; we were just in a as large as a house, seemed to land behind the fdrni-nearby.
sort of trance", Cheryl related afterwards. But not until | 965, when the Ballarat Astronomical
The beam of Iight was motionless for some seconds,but Society sponsored the first Australian Flying Saucer Conven-
then started to move very slowly towards them, illuminating tion were such incidents taken seriously. Sinie then, howevJr,
the surroundingbush as it approached. As the great oval of several UFO sighrings were confirmei and reporti of disc-
light came ominously closer,Cheryl implored Danny tearfully shaped.objects were freely discussedin the Ioc-al press. But
to start the car. Tbe light was now almost upon them. Danny not a single-incidenthas caught public and scientifii imagina-
jerked into action, and with a couple of turns of the ignition tion as much as the extraordinary Sullivan case.
key, the engine roared into life . just as the beam was the night of April 4, 1966, Mr. Ron Sullivan,3g,
beginning to feel its way into the cabin. He slammed into -On
steel construction businessman from Maryborough, Vicioria,
lst gear, switchedhis lights on and took off "as if all the bats was travelling in hjs car towards St. Arnaud. While'approach-
of Hell were after them." At the very moment the mysterious ing the town at 60 miles an hour, he noticed in the'riistance
beam disappearedas if it had been turned off. Danny glanced a light which he thought was a tractor in a field. As he came
hastily into the rear vision mirror to see if anyone was follow- closer he noticed in amazement that the beams of his head-

l i ght s were b e n t o t t t h e r o i r d a s th e y p a sse d th e lig h t. As h c An inspectionof the ground revealedthat a strangehole,
l ook ed along s i d e t h e r o a d he co u ld se e th e p a d d o ck' s fe n ce three feet across and five inches deep, in the same spot where
a nd, bey ond i t , n o t f a r a w a y, a b r illia n t wh ite d isc o f a b o r .rt Mr. Sullivan had earlier seen the light hovering. The hole
th ree f eet in d i a m e t e r . T h e o b je ct wa s h o ve r in g ju st a b o ve was 50 yards from the roadway in a bare paddockand cleanly
th e ground a n d , f r o m i t s r . r pp e rsu r fa ce , it p r o je cte d a co n ical scooped out of sandy soil without any debris around. No
a rray of s hi m m e r i n g r a i n b o w lig h ts e xte n d in g to a h e ig h t o f human or animal tracks were found,
about l5 f ee t . T h e n , s u d d e n ly, th e co lo u r e d co n e r o se to a
hei g ht of 20 f e e t a n d t h e d i sc b e lo w clim b e d a b o ve ir . In th e
Investigators believe that police have gathered other. sup-
porting evidenceand that witnesseswho had seensame strange
next m omen t t h e w h o l e l i g ht co m p le x va n ish e d .
lights on the night of Taylor's accident did come forward.
" E v ery t h i n g s e e m e d t o be in th e fo r m o f lig h t," sa id M r .
Sul l iv an and h e i s i n c l i n e d to b e lie ve th a t h e a ctu a lly in te r -
From the astronomical point of view, this is a most
interestingsighting,becauseit may be interpretedin terms of
rupt ed s om e t h i n g w h i c h w a s in te llig e n tly co n tr o lle d . With h is
Einstein'stheory that light is a sub-atomicsubstancesubjected
ca r's headlig h t s b e n d i n g a w a y fr o m th e r o a d , h e n a tu r a lly
to magnetic attraction. Light beams from the stars are bent
thought t hat h e w a s d r i v i n g i n th a t d ir e ctio n , so h e a u to m a tic -
while passingthe Sun - and it would seem that the brilliant
al l y s t eered t o t h e o p p o s i t e sid e . In ste a d h e fo u n d h in r se lf
white disc seen by Mr. Sullivan was actually an extremely
dri ving of f t h e b i t r - r m e n a n d o n ly h is p r e se n ce o f m in d a n d
powerful magnetic field - a sun in miniature.
ski l l s av ed h i m f r o m a n a c cid e n t. A sh a ke n m a n , h e sto p p e d
to c hec k t he c a r l i g h t s , b u t fo u n d th a t th e y we r e in p e r fe ct
order. Lat er h e r e p o r t e d t h e e xp e r ie n ce to p o lice . T h r e e d a ys
l a ter t hey re q u e s t e d h i m t o co m e to th e sp o t wh e r e h e h a d
ma de t he s ig h t i n g , b e c a u s e du r in g th e n ig h t, l9 - ye a r - o ld Ca r y
Ta yl or had d r i v e n o f f t h e ro a d , cr a sh in g in to th e tr ce s a n d
ki l l i ng hims e l f a t t h e v e r y sa m e p la ce . Mr. Ron Sullivon o( tfe si{e ol the "UFQ ho!e"


OUTER.SPACECR,AFT Near midnight he cut his finger on the harrows so badly that
he had to rush home to seek first aid attention. While driving
WATCHES FARMER at about 30 miles an hour over the bumpy road, he suddenly
saw through the windscreen a bright light coming towards
ON the night of August 16, 1966, cotron farmer philip him, a few hundred yards away.
- Johnston was working late with a tractor on his farm. Just
In his own words: "I thought it may be the saucer, so I
before, midnight his attention was caught by a bright light stopped the car. I took the torch from the glove box and
appearing in the moonless sky, which looked'like a itar, bur shone it in that direction, without getting out of the car. At

was about three times larger. He concluded that it couldn't this time it was only about 100 yards awav from me, moving
be a star, for it had red lights behind it. On getting closer to slowly, parallel to the road. It seemed to me as if it was
the Earth the lights slowed down, then stopped and the red keeping deliberately low so as to avoid detection. My torch
lights went off, leaving only the white lighi. It then moved lit it up quite well. It was at least 160 to 180 feet long and
behind the hill and disappearedfrom view. about 6 to 8 feet high, of shining metal. It was travelling very
Mr. Johnston's curiosity was arous'ed and he pondered slowly and quite silently. Then the rear light went out, there
what it might be. He stopped the engine and switched off was a faint swish, and it accelerated to about five miles an
the lights. Suddenly the bright light reappeared. It moved hour. I kept shining the torch right along its length, because
from near the hill towards him, seemingly focusing an increas- it stayed 100 yards away from me for quite some time. I
ing brightness upon him, so much so that he was dazzled by could see two doors, many windows, and what looked like a
it. Everything around was bathed in an eerie, moonlight-like front window, or a windscreen. After some time it gave
glow. His heart was pounding madly and he was in the grip another swish, and the rear light brightened quite a bit. The
of fear. In his own words: "I was reallv scared and I felt object increased its speed to about 15 miles an hour, then
like crawling under the tractor ro hide." fhe light then went slid beyond the reach of my torch beam. The whole thing
out and four red-coloured pilot lights seemedto come towards lasted three or four minutes. It left me shaken and perplexed."
him and then turn awav towards the next farm. Thev were
-Then Mr. Johnston re-started the car and sped home.
about forty feet apart. the white light came on- again, Mrs. Johnston added her part to the story.
brighter than ever. It lit up the whole area while it hovered
200 yards away, staying there for about five minutes. Then "We were all fast asleep when there was a screech of
it rose slowly and banked and, while it straightenedup, three brakes outside, waking us suddenly. It was Philip. He was
or four sets of white vapour trails came out. Against the shouting, "l have seen the space ship again." We all jumped
background of the starry sky he could clearly see the outline out of bed, got a flash camera and piled into cars. Philip's
of a long object about 120 to 160 feet long, but only about finger had the nail torn off and I was trying to fix it with
6 to 8 feet high. "It must have been a tremendously large, bandages and sticking plaster as we went. We charged along
flat body seen from the profile", Mr. Iohnston concluded. at about 70 miles an hour over the rough roads, flying from
The object then slowly moved away and gradually disappeared, bump to bump. When about six miles away, off to our left,
but this was not the last that Mr. Johnston was to see of it. we sighted a bright white light in the bush. It could have
Half an hour later the "visitor" returned. been a tractor doing an all night shift, so we didn't stop, but
charged on in the direction where Philip had seen the thing
"I saw three red lights coming towards me and a vague earlier. When we arrived there we saw nothing. Disappointed,
shape, rather ghostly, about 500 feet in the air-the height we went back to the place where the white light had been.
the crop-duster planes fly at. The object circled slowly around There was nothing there either, only bush and no cotton fields.
the valley and then, at about 2.00 a,m., flew towards the Some friends had also jumped out of bed and followed, well
mountain range some seven miles away, where it settled down. behind, in'other cars. They also saw the bright white light,
It was seen in the distance as a bright light with a string of and one of them said she saw a string of little yellowish lights
reddish lights, resting on the slopes. It stayed there until dawn, along the sides of it,"
when it disappeared,"
Mr. Iohnston later reported this story also to the police.
Mr. Johnston was badly shaken by his experience, He and spoke to othef people in town. The subject of flying
drove home and told his mother, Mrs. Beverley lohnston. sauce$ was already a local topic. Many people rpere scep-
Later in the day he also reported the event to the police. He tical and thought it may have been a hoax. Several people,
thought this would be the end of the whole matter. however, came forward and claimed that they also had seen
However, the next night while again working late on the strange lights and the object, but had refrained from reporting
farm, a similar nerve-shaking experience happened to him. it for fear of ridicule.
Photool o similor cigor-UFOloken in tic U.S., 1957.
ffN tbe evening of March 30, 1967, brothers Kerry and
" Adrian Smith decided to go rabbit-shooting. They drove
out of Peterborough,S.A., towards grasslandcountry known
for its excellent hunting grounds. As they turned from Orry
Road onto a dirt track about four miles out of town, their
car suddenly stalled. They also noticed that the two cars
which were-following them had stopped, too. Kerry, being
mechanically minded, immediately optned the bonnet to look
for the trouble.
While he was busy inspecting the distributor, his brother
suddenly shouted, "Quick, quick, look at that", pointing.up
Clanced out from under the bonnet just
into the sky. Kerry'brilliant
in time to see a orb rapidly disappearing in the
distance. It was about three-quarters of a mile away and
about 3,000 feet up. Then the ignition kicked up and.the A chotscleristic,gtoving UFO.
engine roared back to life. At the same time they. noticed
thal the other two cars began also to pull away. Although proceeded on a new course. It then became quite small io
perplexed and wondering what the.sphere may have been, the eye as it travelled in the general direction of Dural until
lnd why all the cars 'had stalled simultaneously, they con- it disappearedfrom sight.
tinued tieir hunting trip and cruised for miles along tracks
and through fields. By coincidence,some of the scouts mentioned the sight-
ing to a poultry farmer, Mr. Frd Laster of Terrey Hills, who
Then at one stage. when nearing a fence gate in a pad- told them that he, too, had been watching a light that night
dock, they noticed in the distance a light not unlike car and wondered what it could be.
headlights; which approached for a while and then suddenly
retreaGd and disappeared. "somebody must be drunk to drive By comparing the details of both sighting parties, the
like that", they rimarked as they continued along the trac^k- conclusions were drawn that the object was one and the same
A few moments later, however, a reddish glow about 400 and was about four miles distant from West Pymble and
yards away caught theii attention.-Surprised by the eerie light. about two miles from Terrey Hills. Plotting the angles of
ihey stopped the car, switched off the,lights and went out to elevation showed that the UFO must have been about 3,000
invistigaii. As they crept behind shrubs,gradually.becoming feet high at first and then about 2,000 feet when it descended
closer, they could see that the glow was not actually situated and remained stationary for two minutes. It descendedagain
on the ground, but was diffusing along a creek, suspended and started to follow a power line running in the direction
above itl Frigirtened, and not brave enough to shinc their of West Pymble. After about a mile, it dipped and switched
-in to another power line leading north towards Dural.
hunting torch that direction, the boys rushed back to the
car and hurriedly drove off. When the object moved off from the stationary position
When they were some distanceaway, Adrian constantly it descendedwith a speed, which according to Mr. Laster.
watching the mysterious light through the rear window. a was as "an aircraft coming in to land". The apparent changes
bie burit of flame suddenlv illuminated lhe entire area' A of the object's luminosity were understood as being caused
riig of reddish-green"fire"'gushed up to a height of abour either by light revolving or changing direction of its bam,
25 feet. It remained there for a few moments.then tooK otr for at one moment it was very bright and the next one only
with tremendousspeed,disappearingin the distancewithin a a third its original size. Throughout the observation no sound
few seconds. was heard.
The "fairy-ring" looked like a number of jet exhausts
joined in a circle oF about l5 feet in diameter;only-a circular
hre could be seen. but without any structure. Adrian com-
mented: "The scene was like a huge rocket taking off, but
without the actual rocket or its roar being apparcnt" The MRS. HELEN ALDRIDGE lives in an isolated part of
boys dicl not realizewhat they saw. They mer.elyregardedth.e "^ Belmont North. a suburb of Newcastle,N.S.W., not far
exierience as a mysteriousevent thal they will rernemberall from the cliffs overlooking the ocean. One night in August,
t h e i r lives. 1960, between 1.30 and 2.00 a.m., she was awakened by a
buzzing sound. Upon opening her eyes, she saw a bright
light shining in through her bedroom window. Curious, she
got up to look. She saw a most unusual thing.
UF O s N O W l N S C O U T S ' There, not more than 50 to 70 feet away, in the space
CURR I C U L U M stretching betweenher back yard and the cliffs, was the source
of the bright light. It was a round object, not unlike a ldrge
ltr/HATEVER Scoutmaster F. C. Diekman, of Pymble' musical top, sitting right in the paddock beside her home.
N.S.W., saw on the night of May 12, 1967' it was moving Mrs. Aldridge at first thought that some semi-trailer must
aUoutin the sky and rrnidentifiedand' therefore,a UFO by have entered the place, but then she remembered that there
definition. were no gates, and that the object did not really look like a
By the very nature of their vocation, most people count semi-trailer. After watching for a while she tried to call her
scouli'amonghonestobservers,and thc 24 witnesses, all a-grce^- son out of bed, but got no response.
i;;-;p* iti" details, make this sighting a valuable UFo Then her attention was drawn to a movement in the
document. garden below. She was shocked to see a person walking
On that evening, shortly before 9 p.m" senior scouts iowards the house, looking at the ground as if searching for
Robeit Coutts and Rodney lanson were on their way home something. When the being was only about l0 feet away, she
Scouts'Hall' Sud<Ienly' quickly shut the windows. The noise caused the nocturnal
from a meeting at First Wcst Pymble-
their attention-was caught by bright light in tho north- visitoi to glance up at her and then quickly retreat towards
i"it"rn sty, moving doivnwards at an angle of what they the side fence, whiih is about 18 inches high. As he reached
to'6,e 65 de[rees and stopping at about 35 degreesjust the fence and stepped over, the visitor kept watching her.
above the tree-line. Mrs. Aldridge waited no longer. She rushed to the bed-
Robert ran back to the hall to fetch the scoutnrasterand room of her son to get him out. Together they sped to the
othei bovs. l"It, Diek-"n and his scouts rushed out and window, but found both the person and the object gone. The
uiii""O oh the scene in time to see this extraordina-ry--light' only thing they could see was a bright, glowing ,spot., much
ii *;; ; yellow-white glow. about twice .the size of Venus' larger thaln ani star, moving slowly low in the sky, about a
;'h;!i"; iir-lntensity ani colour; it dipped. stoppedand then mile away.
Mrs. Aldridge describedthe object in the paddock as a or keep quiet. He finally decided to inform the New Norcia
very large top with a light similar to a car's searchlighton police who, in turn, advised him to telephonethe C.I.B. in
its apex. The light rotated and projected a yellowish-white Perth. He also reported the incident to the R.A.A'F. base at
beam, illuminating the paddock,house and garden as it swept I)carce.but was nlet by sceplicism.
around. The object itself, however,glowed red and gold and Questionedas to his own views on flying saucers,Mr.
showed a surface pattern like that of a camouflagedtank. I)oole said that he had always been very scepticalabout their
It gave out a continuous, low-pitched buzzing sound. The reality. "But this thing was not of this earth. I am not
whole structure was about 14 feet across and about 4 feet oltering any theories about it. Alt I know is that it was
high. A one-foot-high,lighted strip ran around the object, unlike anything we know on this earth."
and looked like a panoramic window. There were no
When discussingthe event with his wife, Mrs. Poole said
supports,landing gear or other protrusions.
that she was watching TV at approximately 6.30 p.m', the
Referring to the being walking through her garden, Mrs. time when her husbandreported having his frighteningexperi-
Aldridge describedit as 3| to 4 feet tall, with body propor- ence, when she noticed the picture suddenly start to roll.
tions normal to our standards. The mannerism and appear- "The only other time that this had happened,"she said, "was
ance were also normal. The being appeared to be dressed in when a satellite,or what we thought to be a satellite,was
an olive-green, skin-type suit of a dull material, withotrt passingoverhead."
fasteningsand had a helmet of the same material, but with
orangey,plastic-likesubstance. Alan Poole's employer, Mr. D. V. Waters, of Yerecoin,
a face-pieceof non-transparent,
stated that Mr. Poole had worked for him for I I years, and
The hands were not clearly seen,but appearedto be covered "If Alan says he saw a flying saucer, you can take it from
with gloves of olive-greencolour. The boots were whitish'
grey and looked like our basket-ballshoes. me that there was one there!"
Mrs. Aldridge's experiencelasted about l5 minutes and,
after the first shock, she remained acutely aware of all that
had happened. She kept the event unreported for years fo_r
fear of iidicule, but revealedthe story only now to our UFO
investigators-because her experiencecoincides with many
reports around the world referring to UFO landings involving
small beings as their occupants. f)N February 12, 1967, it was already widely known in
- Svdncv thlt the Amcrican Bio-Satellitehad been lost soule-
where ovcr N.S.W. Newspapersand radio splashingthe news,
urged civilians to report any likely object to the authorities.
It is, therefore,no wonder when Miss M. Swain, of Cremorne'
Sydney,saw on that day about 7.30 p.m., a large, disc-shaped
UFO B LO CK SC A R objcct approachingabove the roof tops, that she contacteda
MR. ALAN POOLE, a farm manager of Yerecoin, about government department, suggestingshe might have sighted the
^'^ 80 miles north of Perth, W.A., remembersthe eveningof missing satellite. It was a bright orange-redlight, well defined
November 15, 1967, as one of the most astonishingand and the size of a round football. With uniform speed,slower
frightening experiencesin his life. It was a cloudy day and than an aeroplane, the object appeared to slant gently, taking
rain and drizzle pounded down on the road as Mr. Poole about three-quartersof a minute to drift sile4tly across her
finished work mustering sheep and prepared to go home in view. It disappearedbehind roof tops of the houses.
his Land Rover at 6.30 p.m. About a mile from the farmhouse Only a few minutes later, two miles to the west, Mrs. Z.
a loud, penetratinghumming sound, similar to that made by Robson, Postmistressat Waverton, and Mr. and Mrs. Tames,
an electiic motor, caught his attention. At first he thoug}t noticed something unusual above the railway station. While
somethingmust have gone wrong with his car engine, but he they were waiting for a taxi, Mr. Tames just happenedto look
discardedthis notion when a glimpse into the air revealedan tup when an eerie, moon-like oval floated over the building.
object about half a mile away, about 400 feet up, approaching Mr. Tames immediately alerted the ladies and then all three
rapidly in his direction. "I thought it was an aeroplane,"Mr' togetherwatched a bright red object about 350 feet up, glid-
Poole explainedlater, "but it kept on coming towards me and ing above them. It took 15 secondsbefore it "went around
suddenly landed beside my Rov-er,nearly against the door, the corner of the houses" and disappeared,with Mr. Tames
say about four feet away. I wondered what was happening; following it for a while along the street. Viewed from under-
I was completely perplexed. The whining noise was very neath the object was convex, smooth and bad no protrusions
loud and frightening." or any attachments. The bright red colour appeared to be a
He describedthe object as being an inverted saucer of surfacequality rather than an emission. Mrs. Robson thought
a grey metal colour, about 12 feet in diameter and about 6 that she heard a buzzing sound coming from the object, but
feel trigh. There were no jet motors or prop:llers, rro landing she could have been confused by the noise of passing cars.
gear or any other protrusions. "All I could s3e was this Meanwhile in neighbouring Wollstonecraft, Mr. and Mrs.
saucerwith four visible windows-two round and two square, Pyle were watching the TV news in their second-floorapart-
but I was unable to see into them. I didn't know what to do. ment, which has an extensiveview over Sydney Harbour. The
I partly opened the door in order to get out, then said aloud news had just finishedat 7.30 p.m. when Mrs. Pyle, a former
to myself, 'to hell with you, sportl' To my astonishment,the senior Iecturer at Sydney University, noticed through the
wordi echoed back to me. I'm sure it was my own voice' panoramicwindow a shimmeringobject approachingthe block
But this could not have been an echo for there was a strong of flats across the street. It seemedas if the glowing orb
wind blowing away, and it would also be impossibleto pro- intendedto land on the roof of the building.
cluce an echo in that position," Mr. Poole said. No electro- "I noticed it when it was already at eye level and very
magnetic efTectswere noticeable, although his wife stated close, gliding very slowly in a shallow slant towards the roof,"
thai the TV set had acted up at about that time, for no Mrs. Pyle commented.
apparent reason,
Calling her husband'sattentionto the object,they quickly
"As I put one leg out of my car, the object suddenly rushed to the balcony to view the object from there. At a
took off verlically. I was so frightened that I thought I was distance of about 180 yards and straight ahead, they saw a
going ma<!. I sat back in the seat and, trying to rela-x, I perfect sphere, two or three times the size of the moon at
iolled myself a cigarette. I soon got out of the car to have that angle, gently gliding above the roof line.
a look al the ground for signs of where the thing had -been'
The object wai already out of sight, although I could still "It was a very beautiful soft orange red, with tangerine
hear the humming noise." Mr. Poole said that the grasswas and a hint of blue in it and pulsatedslightly," they said.
undisturbed and ihere were no burn marks. He remembered Torn between the desire to get a camera from inside the
then that the object did not actually touch the ground, .but houseor watch the object through binoculars,Mrs. Pyle chose
hovered just above, Altogether, the object itself was visible the latter. She said: "Tlre luminous quality of the sphere
' for about 10 seconds. seemed to be contained within itself and did not throw oft
Mr, Poole did not know whether to report his sighting any glow, becausealternately watching through binoculars, we
could not notice any light reflections on the roof tiles, which
were clearly visible by that magnification.
"The whole thing appeared to be vibrating and pulsating
very slightly as the colours intermingled and rotated clock-
wise. The luminous sphere was surrounded by a belt of
identical but smaller spheres across the middle." Mr. Pyle
believes that these spheres were just below the middle, but
appearedin the middle from the viewing angle. There were at
least three of them in their view and they vibrated in exactly
tbe same rhythm as the large sphere.
"Whether they were fixed to the main body or were jusr
floating close to it was impossible to judge. The object was
very beautiful and appeared almost as though one could see
into it and through it, yet that was impossible becausear the
same time the object seemed to be solid. We tried to see if
anyone or anything was in it, but we did not succeed,because
the object was substantial,yet it did not appear to have a
skin like a balloon or a soap bubble," Mr. and Mrs. Pyle
The incident lasted about half a minute until the object.
still descending,passed from their sight beyond the roof top.
Taking into consideration the approximate size of the object
as seen from assumeddistance of 180 yards, the diameter
would be about l0 feet. However, the true position of the
object seemed rather to be behind the roof, thus at greater
distance from the observers than believed. Therefore, the
diameter of the object must have been much larger. This
sighting is very important. for it involves several witnesses
placed in different positions along the object's east-westlrajec-
tory and within the time period corresponding to the speed
of the object's travel.


THE night was still on July 13, 1967, just before midnight.
^ Maurice Allen and Glen Mitchell, of Sydney, were drifting
in their boat 'on the placid water about two miles off Boat
Harbour, south-east of Sydney. About four miles to the west
the lights of Cronulla twinkled, The two men were waiting
for the fish to start biting and they knew this would happen
as soon as the moon, which was low above the horizon, would
disappear. Suddenly, however, the monotony was broken.
"What's that, Maurie?" snapped Glen Mitchell, grabbing his
mate's arm,
The men gazed in silent astonishmentas they watched a
stationary, yellow-reddishball of light hover just over the
silhouette of the Cronulla Hotel, The ball becamepear-shaped,
like a gigantic blob of jelly about to drop away-but then
it stiffened and became round again. The light was so brilliant
that their eyes ached from looking at it. They figured that if
it was above the hotel, it must'have been of tremendous size,
for it was about the same width as the hotel's facade, which
they knew was about 80 feet. They also estimated.that it
must have been at an altitqde of about 1,500 feet, judging
from the angle of vision which was about l0 degrees.
Suddenlythe light began to come down like.a heliiopter.
It levelled off just above the beach and glided along it almost
at water level, illuminating the whole area. Then it turned
north, passing over the golf links and dipped to disappear
behind the bushes of Woolooware Bay swamps.
The whole fantastic event lasted about l3 seconds.
Maurice and Glen were familiar with airline routes but, apart
from the fact that the light didn't look lik: a plane, they were
convinced that here was something highly unusual. They
knew there was a helicopter base nearby, but in their many
years of fishing in the area, they had never seen any heli-
copter activity at night.
Thc boat hatl now nroveclinto Botany Bay and the fish
A s th eir bo at drifte d nor t h t owar dsBot any Bay ' a qr l a r t e r all seemeclnormal' Then'
late r, the s am e light r c - appear edat abotl t t h e
of an h ou r -btit -i r;i,i t"it- t'iring. nU was well and
half a nrile fLrither north. lt made a similar ;ii .tit ri.rir..lar"to lhc sotith-westtowardsTaren Point Bridge'
i,i"*'h.igtti. i'rrt not lar- away from the previotts spots, thel'e was that
i",inu",iui", followed the samc cotrrse.and disappearedat the ,trvrt"riu,'i- figftt-ig,iin. Since there was no moon now, the
;;;;;-;;;a'".t- before' This tinre the light renrainetlspherical -
iignf t""n't.a- n.t,,ci ntot" brilliant than before' lts edges
for thc whole twelve secondsof the observation' hazv antl flickeringas if flanreswire rotating-arottnd
Clen Mitche ll's imaginut ionc anr e int o play ' . 11es a i d " 'l s
-a itack ii.' t'" ccnre of the light-was a mttch darker red than the
t his an o n Sydn ei or s om et hing?" M at r r ic e Allen s t i l l tiiigt't rcd ctlgc. The liiht then dropped towards the bridge,
;;ii';<'1 i" iur." anyt'hings3rior.tslv and replied."Well, if ,Svdncy l c v i l l e d l b o v J t h c w a t e i 'a n t l p r o c e i i l e d i n t h e d i r ecti o n o f
for fishing'"
.".;.;:-;;-.;; ii*,ivt shoot dowh to wollongong Woirloowarc swamps. They coirld not see whether it landed
t h c r c t t r n o t , b c c a t i s et h e s a n d h i l l sh l o c k c d t h e i r v i e w'
'l'hr: two ntcn were nrystifiedby the experienceantl dis-
crrssccl thc eventsat length-while heading the boat for home'
N"^i .lry Clen Mitcheli reported the strange.sightingto the
n o l i c c . c v c n t h o t r s h h e f e l t 't h a t m a n y p e o p l e i n t h e C r o n u l l a
l,ic,i.titt have sein the strangelight and have alreadyreported
Subsequcntinvestigationestablishedthat no civil or Air
Force planLs hatl been-in the area' nor had helicoptersbeen
in rhe iir that night. The C.S.I.R.O.said that no experimental
tralloons were rileased during that night, and neither were
flarcs uscd duling the whote week. In the next few days' -l5
othcr witnesscsJome forward reporting the mysteriotlslight.
antl thc dctails of lheir observalionscoincided with Allen's
nnd Mitchell's own descriPtion.
Variotts convcntional explanationswere soon forwarded
'ancl among these. of course. lhe famotts "marsh gas" theory
was favouied becauseof the proximity of Wooloowareswamps'
llut Matrricc Allen. Glen Mitchell and l5 other witnessesare
firmly convincedthat if marsh gaseswere at -play.they would
not bc descending,but rather ascendingand' if the sw-amps
were examined iext day, there wotrld certainly be found
nrirrks similar to the TJllv "nests". which a UFO has left

FOUR Sydney, N.S.W. boys, confronted by a large antl
s i l e n t t l y i n i o b j e c t a t 2 . 0 0 a . m . o n J a n u a r y -1 3 , 1 9 6 8 ' i n
Watt.rmolla'Nitional Park, blinked their powcrful torch and
the nrystcriouscraft blinkcd back I lnitially' the- boys
were rilt,ctant to talk abotrt their experiencefor fear of ridi-
cule. bur belief in their own sanity and their senseof respon-
iiUifitV p.or"pt..l them to tell the whole story, unbelievable
as lt maY seem.
Andrew Tory, Michael Zines.John Smith and John Rizzo'
all aged 16, weie spending their holidays-camping near the
beach-at Wattamolla, about 20 miles south of Sydney'
It ha<l been raining all night and the boys were unable
to sleip, becausethe water, galhering in prr^ddles, had. begun
to seep in under the tent. Then. arotrnd 2.00 a.m.. the rain
ri"tp;i antl the boys decirleclto use this opporttrnity to dig
a *uter-course,channellingthe water away .from the tent' A
ihree-quarter Moon peeped through the clouds, giving- just
.nn.ieh iight for tni ubys to sei what the.y. were doing'
nn.r.i* aiso usecl his powerful torch to guide the dlesgr;
anil occasionallyshone it into a nearby lagoon to wrtch fish
convergingupon the light-beam.
Su,Jclenly,a bright light appeared in the north-eastern
skv. not t.rv h;eh aboue the ouifine of the nearby slopes' It
i'as five stars pttt together" and was descend-
wrii ls bLillirnt
ing rt.i*ty- " Wc in ri jerky m.rnner'towardsand behind lhe top of
lh; hill. t h o r r g h ta t f i r s t t h a t i t n r i g h t - b e a p l a n e o r .a
helicopter,but the lerky movement.and lack of noise made
iii i";tct ihi. asstrmption."said Andrew. describing.hq*. lhq
iit'i".i ii ,igttt thcir atlention. 'fhe lighr disappeare'Jbehind
the crcst. []ul soon reappearedon the other sid-e.still continu-
i.g in lti jerky desceni. Then' it ttrrned to the left. crossed
if'E il.fg. ind'swept lower in the direction of the beach' It
grew bigger antl bigger as it approached.
"At this stagewe realizedlhat the.light was not-one light
only,'.fi* but actualiy two; one powerful light at the front' and
recl at ihe back. They appeared to be p'irt of an
obiect or attached to it," Michael said. By now the boys
::., ,r+:xs.

the "lYottonollalncident"vith Dr. Lindtner

Mr. J. Kunst dircusses

were really frightened and some of them started to retreat, obiect switched off its lights, too. The boys waited for a few
but soon ihey ialmed down and found the courage to stay' moments and then decided to try again' As the torch was
ihe 'fhing"
-was moving very slowly with its lights-.beamed switched on and off again, the Craft blinked back. Andrew
in the geieral direction- of the boys,--b-utnot actually upon did this a third time. Now, however, the objsct turned on its
;We looked directly into the light, but the light was Ights but did not switch them off again--instead, it began
noi it ining upon us; it must have been fixed on some other to- move slowly. It acceleratedto 30 miles per hour, gliding
oUject, ma-ybe'in front of us, or behind us. .I don't know, we off in the same direction as it had come' It rose towards the
di<i not dare turn around,;' Andrew recollected. Suddenly edge of the hill before turning left in a westerly-directio.n'
an area of ground between the object and the-boys became fleiv along the contour of the hills, then it dipped and dis-
briehtlv itlu;inated as if lit by a spotlight. "There was no appearedbehind them.
beim ieen coming from the object - the ground was just a The boys, with mixed feelings of gladness and disap-
Lriiti""t *trit., rd that bushes, trees and rocks were clearly pointment n6w that the craft had gone, returned to their
visible in a span of a few hundred feet." ient. There they discussedthe event at length and re-enacted
After a few moments, the whole light-complexsuddenly all phases. It was decided that on the next morning -an inve.:-
switched off. The only thing that could now be seen was a tisaiion should be carried out on the other side of the hill
darli shape hovering motionless,400 yards^away.and 200 feet *"nere ttre object disappearedand might have larrded. But it
up. It silhouetted against the grey sky. Once the boys' eyes was raining iontinuouily and the boys concluded that even
became accustomed-to the daikness,they were able to dis- if there weie marks, they would have been obliterated. Instead'
tinsuish that the obiect was disc-shaped,with a flat bottom' they went to examine ihe immediate surroundings where. the
anJ with what lookid like a dome on top. The outline was croit had beed seen hovering. John remembered exactly a
triangular and bell-like, and the base, about 50 feet across' laree. rockv formation, about 200 yards away and midway
The height of the object was abotrt 25 beiween thim and the craft. In calculating the size of the
feei and a hat-like dome about one-fifth of the object'stotal otrject, they hurled up at arm's .length a 20c piece, whic.h
diameter. The dome was turret-like and withotrt windows' would'just the object. Taking -into account the angle
'lhere were no antennae,landing gear or any other appsnd- oi the stretchedarm, they catculatedthe approximateheight'
ages. No sound was heard throughout the observalion' "We ihe approximate size of the craft and its position were further
i6ulo ... the shapevery clearly, 6ecauseon the left and right estimat;d from the data. All boys agreed that there was no
-the sound coming from the craft, that they had smelt no unusual
sidesalong the edge of object there was a string of small'
dim, reddGh lights running down from the-dome to the base, smell, that tfiere were no apparent signs of life, and that the
thus outlining the silhouette. There must have been at least oUl."i *ut hoverins for about half a minute- None of the
ten lights in1 row on each side, but the main bulk Uovi to hav; any psychologicalafter-effectsother than
of thi object, unless they were lights which could only be a feeling of complete bafflerilent. Andrew explained that after
i.." in piofil'e, as is the- case with certain motor-cars' The tr" tua"U""n stailng at the light, the water, beach and hills
iiehts. rhouet dim, were just strong enough to render the r".*"J pu.flt to h'is vision, but this is a normal effect after
iu-ifui. of
-the object visible, indicating a dark' metallic staring at a very bright light source.
surface,"the boys rePorted. They mentioned their experiencenext morning to an. old
Perplexedby the sight, but somehow n-ot-scaredany more, rnun *ft'o ran a small kiosli on the beach side, enquiring
they staied at the hoveiing body. Two of them even wanted *niin.. tt" *igttt have seenanything unusualduring the-night'
to move closer, but were called back by the others' Andrew, Ai. uni*.i wa-s"who would go oui on such a night," but he
iimembering his torch, hastenedto shine it at the oblect To said that some years earlier he had seen a number ol strange
their surprisi and alarm, the object responded- by switchingon iights coming in from the sea, but had not bothered about
its own iigtrtl Ue immediatelyiwitched off the torch ancl the thenr.
E\'ENTS 23,6,-INCH
[-OR nearly l0 years the U.S.S.R. has been working on the
^ construction of what will be the largest and finest optical
telescope in the world. The mirror itself will be three feei
bigger than that of the 200-inch giant at Mt. Palomar. Other
features will incorporate refinements of precision comparable
only with the ultimate in optical mechanics. In spite of the
great excitenrcnt and interest that the project has created
among world scientists and astronomers, very little informa-
tion has been obtained about its progress.
According to the Director of Pulkowo Observatory and
the Chairman-of the Project's Committee, Professor Mihailoff,
the mechanical parts of the ,telescopehave been completed in
Leningrad and the new observatory in the
Caucasus Mountains. In massive sections the machinery was
loaded on specially designed "mammoth" trailers which were
embarked onto motor barges on the River Neva and shipped
through 900 miles of rivers, canals and waterways to Rostov
on the Don. From there tandems of prime movers of 500
horsepowereach began pulling their preciousburdensinch by
inch through plains and treacherousmountain passes,nego-
tiating 66 bridges before reaching the observatory site 80
miles east of Sochi. This location,6,000 feet high, was chosen
in preference to the originally intended site in the Crimea
after years of intensive study of climatic and atmospheric
conditions. For housing the telescope,a 208-feet-hightower
was constructed incorporating a cupola of aluminium panels
and of unique design.
sIR FRANCISCHICHESTER, The "tube" of the telescopeis 75 feet long, weighs 270
tons and is made of an interlacedgrid of heavy steel bars.
sAw uFo lN t93l This colossalframe is mounted on a massiveunderstructure
incorporatingdriving mechanismsof such precisionenginecr-
lN his b o o k , " f h e L on e ly Se a a n d th e Sky", p u b lished i n ing that' cven the smallest irregularitiesof nrovement which
^ 1964 , o n p a g e 1 8 5 , Sir F r a n cis Ch ich e ste r d e scr ibes an
s t i l l t r o u b l e M t . P a l o m a r w i l l b e e l i m i n a t e d . T o a c h i eveth i s.
ev ent o c c u r r i n g i n l 9 3 l d u r in g h is so lo flig h t fr o m l- o r d H ow e (:0 clcctro nrotors wcrc fitted at various joints of the tele-
I s land t o S y d n e y a n d ab o u t I4 0 m ile s o u t fr o m Syd n e y. 'I'he
scope'stwo axes, transferringthe force to over 10,000micro-
ex c erpt r e a d s a s f o l l o w s: nlovement regulators. The whole complex will be controlled
" S u d d e n l y a h e a d an d 3 0 d e g r e e s to th e le ft th e r e w ere by a photo-electriccell which will automaticallyfix the tele-
bright f l a s h e s i n s e v e r a l p la ce s, like th e d a zzle o f a h e lio graph. scope on any selectedcelestialobject and follow it along its
I s aw a d u l l , g r e y - w h i t e a ir sh ip co m in g to wa r d s m e . It s eemed palh.
impos si b l e , b u t I c o u l d h a ve swo r n th a t it wa s a n ai rshi p Thc mirror, 236 inchesin diameterand weighing70 tons,
nos ing t o w a r d s m e l i k e a n o b lo n g p e a r l. Exce p t fo r a cl oud will be another wonder of optical precision. When finished
or t wo, t h e r e w a s n o t h in g e lse in th e sky. I lo o ke d a round, in 1970 it will contain surface qualities of an exactitudeto
s omet im e s c a t c h i n g a f la sh o r g lin t, a n d tu r n in g a g a in to l ook l/2500th of an inch. To nrake the nrirror. three separate
at t he a i r s h i p I f o u n d th a t it h a d d isa p p e a r e d . buildingswere constructed;one with furnacesfor melting and
" I s c r e w e d u p m y e ye s, u n a b le to b e lie ve ' th e m, and c a s t i n g o f t h t 'g l a s s , a n o t h c r f o r c o o l i n g o f t h e g l a ss b l o ck
t wis t ed t h e s e a - p l a n e t his wa y a n d th a t, th in kin g th a t the ai r- requirirrgtwo years to completeunder controllcd temperatures,
s hip m u s t b e h i d d e n b y a b lin d sp o t. Da zzlin g fla sh es con- a n d o n c f o l g r i n d i n g a n d p o l i s h i n go f t h e m i r r o r . T hi s l a st
t inued i n f o u r o r f i v e d ilfe r cn t p la ccs, b u t I still co L rl cl not opcrution, on r.r'hichhinges the successor failure of mirror
pic k ou t a n y p l a n e s . T h e n , o u t o f so m e clo u d s to m y ri ght q r r a l i t y ,w i l l b c c a r r i c d o u t w i t h p a d p r c s s u r e sp e r m i tti n g n o
f ront , I s a w a n o t h e r o r th e sa m e a ir sh ip a d va n cin g . I watched nrorc than 0. loC friction-temperaturevariation. This will
it int en t l y , d e t e r m i n e d n o t to lo o k a wa y fo r a fr a ctio n of a elin-rinateany possibleheat distortion of the surface. With
s ec ond . I ' d s e e w h a t h a p p e n e d to th is o n e , if I h a d to chase i t. such trealmenta nearly perfect curvature is anticipated,allow-
" I t d r e w s t e a d i l y clo se r , u n til p e r h a p s a m ile a wa y. w hen ing the best photographic and observation capabilitiesever
s udden l y i t v a n i s h e d . Th e n it r e a p p e a r e d , clo se to where i t achieved. It is estimatedthat the mirror will be powerful
had v an i s h e d . I w a t c h ed with a n g r y in te n tn e ss. It d r e w cl oser enough to pick up a single candle light glimmering 15,600
and I c o u l d s e e t h e d u l l g le a m o f wh ite o n its n o se a n d back; miles from the Earth. The optics, when combined with the
it c ame o n , b u t i n s t e a d o f in cr e a sin g in size , it d im in ished as spectroscope,will provide the largest spectroscopeon Earth
it appr o a c h e d . W h e n qu ite n e a r , it su d d e n ly b e ca m e its ow n and the picture will bc transrhittedto a panel in the central
ghos t , o n e s e c o n d I c o u ld se e th r o u g h it, th e n e xt i t had roonr. l-he telescopewill have a number of finderscopes,the
dis appe a r e d . largestnreiisuring?1 inches in diameter.
'l'heseare just a few intercstingfacts availableabout this
" I d e c i d e d t h a t i t co u ld o n ly b e a d im in u tive clo u d, per-
f ec t ly sh a p e d l i k e a n air sh ip a n d th e n d isso lvin g , b u t i t w as ncw telcscopewhich, when completed,will certainlycontribute
unc ann y t h a t i t s h o u l d r e su m e e xa ctly th e sa n r e sh a p e after greiltly lo our further knowledgeof cosnrosand possiblyper-
it . I t u r n e d t o w a r d s t h e fla sh e s, b u t th o se , to o , h a d va ni shed. mit discoveriesnow hidden beyond the limitations of our
present instruments.
"All this was many years before anyone spoke of flying
-Ililltam E. Moser.
saucers. Whatever it was I saw, it seems to have been very
much like wirat people have sincc claimed to be flying saucers."
STRANCE lights were seen in the sky over Wanaque Reser-
" voir, New Jersey,U.S.A., on successive nights during Janu-
ary, 1956, by many responsible persons including the Lord
Mayor, engineers, teachers and several police officers. Some
sightings were also reported to the authorities, but were ridi-
culed and the reporting stopped. But the UFO of October ll' Wonaguc is located' in hcmtily woodtd country
1966, surpassedall that Wanaque had ever seen before and south of the Neu Yorh-Neu lcrscy linc,
has thus, by its significanceand impact upon the public mind,
broken through the barriers of ridicule and silence. it lit up an area of about half a mile in diameter, making trees
On that particular night at 9.10 p.m., Police Sergeant on both sides of the reservoir clearly visible.
Robert Gordon was relaxing at his home near Pompton Lakes' "It seemedto me as if I was looking into an arc-welding
Suddenly his wife interrupted him by bursting into the room light, making me blind for a considerable time after," Sgt.
shoutingwith excitementand agitation,"Bobby, Bobby, come Thompson said.
out quickly, there is a UFO you must soe!" But the most spectacularfeature of this sighting was that
With reluctance, for he was cynical abotrt UFOs. he when the object flew close to water level, the surface would
followed her, noticing on thc way out that their neighbotrr, suddcnly rise in a sheet, a few hundred feet in diameter, to
Mrs. Lorraine Varga, was in her garden also staring at the a height of about three feet, just as if it had been sucked up
sky. or been drawn up by a magnet. Then the water would drop
back again.
"There it is, it's moving now," his wife cried, pointing to Similarly, when it passedover the forest, the tops of the
the object. What they saw was a very brilliant light, high trees would converge as if pulled togethr by a gigantic loop,
above the nearby 500-feet-tall television tower, slowly moving embracing about 400 to 500 trees at the same time. They
in a north-easterlydirection, towards the Wanaque Reservoir. would then gently revert to their original positions. The effect
The object or the light source was perfectly round with a
of the UFO upon water and trees could be seen clearly
clearly defined edge and of a kind of mellow brilliance. It because of the intensity of light.
moved silently and with a speed of about 20 miles per hour.
"I was tmpted to leave the car, but thought better of it,
Sergeant Cordon, realising immediately that the object so I just sat there watching this thing perform. At last I got
was of some "extraordinary nature", dashed back into the out but, as soon as I came to the front fender, I cbanged my
house to call police headquarters. He did not actually report mind and edged back inside. I was really shocked!" Sgt.
the sighting, but asked one of the police officers to come to Thompson explained.
his house urgently. "Before reporting .it, I wanted someone '
else to see it beside myself, my wife and Mrs. Varga," he "Finally, I switched on the car's red dome flasber and
explained. got out of the car. It secmed as if the object noticed the
rotating beam, because at once it took off across the lake
Just as the police car arrived, the object, which was seen towards the Cooper Swamp Mountains and disappearedas if
for about six to seven minutes, passedout of sight behind a the light had been switched off."
hill in the direction of the reservoir. Next, they radioed the
reservoir police, informing them to watch out for a UFO The whole event which Sgt. Thompson witnessed lasted
approaching in their direction. The messagewas passed to about three minutes. It left him perplexed and temporarily
SergeantBen Thompson, who was already patrolling the reser- blinded.
vorr area, Soon the air was filled with the sound of aircraft engines.
"When I received a radio call at about 9.15 p.m. to Seven helicopters and at least 10 or 12 aeroplanes flew in.
check up if there was some kind of flying object in the air, They criss-crossed and kept circling the area as if searching
I was about a five-minute drive away from the spot indicated for something. Then they departed.
lo me where the object was heading," Sergeant Thompson Meanwhile Sgt. Gordon, his wife and Mrs. Varga had
describedthe beginning of his experience. "I drove over there arrived at the scene. They had contacted Sgt.-Thompson by
and already from a distance I saw what was meant. There policc car radio and obtained his position. But they camo
was a brilliant light hovering about 250 feet up in the air, too late. The UFO had vanished several minutes earlier. All
possibly as big as a car or around eight feet in diameter. I they could watch together was the heavy traffic of belicopters
drew closer, stopped on a clearing and switched off the lights. and planes in the Wanaque skies.
"Suddenly the light, which was steady for about two Subsequent investigations brought furtber information. It
minutes. began moving. It went to the right, ascendeda few was found that Sgt. Thompson nas not the only witness of
hundred feet, dashed acrossthe lake, suddenly turned forward, the object at close range, because a Mrs. Oldman was driving
dipped, veered left and repeated these various manoeuvres at her car not far away from his location and saw the UFO
tremendousspeedand at 90-degreeangleswhen changing direc- pass over her car and descend towards the lakc. She was
tion. There was no sound. On one occasion, when it camc greatly frightened, turned her vehicle and raced for.home.
within 250 feet of the patrol car, the shape of the object Later her husband reported her experience to the police,
could be clearly distinguished. It was spherical like a basket- which in many respectscorroborated the story of Sgt. Thomp.
ball at the bottom and cone-shapedon top. The cone or son.
possibly an elongated dome was protruding from the middle
It also became known that the Air Force denied any
of the sphericalbody, which rotated rapidly, giving the impres- knowledge of an air investigation being carried out in the arca
sion of a gigantic luminous bearing spinning around its axle. at that time. However, in spite of the denial it seems clear
When it moved in an easterly or westerly direction, it was
that the Air Force must have been informed about the UFO
seen as a luminous disc while, when heading south and seen and must have acted promptly because aircraft appeared on
from a different angle. it appearedas an enormous 'sombrero'.
the scene within 15 minutes of the object being first seen and
The light that the object emitted was of such brilliancc that
that is the shortest flying time from the Air Force base at
FOLLO\,VING the events that took place ln Argentina in
1964 and the bi g year, 1965, dramati c changes hav e
taksn place within immediate governmental clrcles ln
argentina. E|y the end of 1967, few officials could be
found to speak of UFOs in terms of "swamp-gas". For
this, a targe portion of the credit must go to the
Argentinian press. Without its powerful influence' it i3
hard to imagine any real or significant step being taken
spontaneously by the government of Argentina or, for
that matter, any government, especially when entrusted
with a problem such as that involving the UFOS. Eefore
examinlng the UFo scene for 1957-64 chronologically'
however. let us first see how the more crucial changes
in official attitude took place and the way in which this
re-thinkinS was shaped.
on 2nd Jul y, 1967, the "D ai l y C roni ca"' B un os
Aires, carried an official request from the Aeronautlcal
Intelligence Service (A.l.S.) on behalf of the Argentine
Alr Force. lt adviged all people observing strange bodies
or unusual Phenomena In the Bky to contsct its UFO
DlvlSlON from now on. From this and slmilar reporta'
It appears that the Argentin Air Force ia now Senuinely
preprrd to do a thorough study of saucer slghtings -
a marked contrast to it3 policy of previoua years and
that maintained by tho U.S. Air Force today.
The following months saw South America vlsited
by the Lorenzen family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lorenzen'
neaos of the 25o'OOO-member-strong organi zati on'
A,P,R.O. (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization)' an
the U.S.A. They arrived in Argentina to conduct' among
other things relatecl to their interst in UFO resarch,
an lnterview with Jesuit priest' Father Segundo Reyna.
Father Ryna ia a wll-known rBsarcher on UFO3 and
the Dirgctor of A.D.H.A,R.A. Obsorvatory in san MiSul'
Buenos Aires. In August of that yar' Fathr Royna
addressed the Command School and Aeronautics Staff'
asrurlng those present that th mysterious flyinS objects
were Indeed real and represented the work of intelligent

SCDUTH belng3 from outsr space.

there is convincing
sence in our skies."
seen UFOS and emphasized
ln additlon, he stated: "to dats
The astronomer
evidenc of their pre'
said he had often
that "flying saucers may
well indicate that the human race is visitod by extra-

AlulERICA terrestri al enti ti es."

B y S eptember,
that the Argentine
1967, i t had become qui te obvi oug
authorities had undergone
in its UFO policy, for, in sharp contrast
a radical
to its originat attitude, there was now a conspicuous

RE\'ISTTED absence of indifferent dismissal of UFO phenomena.

longer were they
known riatural
planets seen under unusual conditions,
as misrepresentations
viz., aircraft'
balloons and

At a conference before tho ColeSio Aleman on gth

'1967, Omar Paganai, military con-
by OscorA. Gqlindez September,
sultant to the Argenune
Navy snd UFO re8archer of 15
years'standing, spoke of what h consldered to be ths
most amazing mystery of our tim. In summing up hia
address, he said:
. The so-called "flying saucers" or "UFO3" ar th
object of carful and intn3lve 3tudy.
o we do not dismis3 the poBsibitlty of th exlstence of
a auper civilization an outer 3pace.
. The evidence at our dlsposal suggests that the UFO
activity over Argntine i3 organized and tht visita-
tions are plannsct and frequent'
. Several well-documentecl ca3e3 in Ar8ntina are still
a We think w6 ar uncoverlng the gxiatnce of a nw
This rather bold re-appral36l waa carried by th6
,,Cordoba t)aity", ,.La Voz Dl Intgrior" the following day.
Thus we have in the abovo summary a glimpse of at
least a more hopeful trend regarding attitudes. Let us
hope the trend continueg In more wld66pread directions.
There is very little to lose.

lf the UFO scene in ArSontine in 1967 3emed

more subdued than in previoua years' lt was only so
from a superficial aspoct' for international wire aervic
lnterest was on the decllno in thi3 field. ln aotu.l fact'
the activity was atill quite vigoroua and the Argntln
wire services sustainoct Intoreat at a domeatic lvg!. ln
fact, as we shall 3ee from th6 following pre33 excerPts'
a lot of air was moved In the yar-lon8 'rflapil of sight'
ings, landings, mystrious blackoutt rnd Powr fsilurs'
firebatls, UFO flsetB, liShts and all mannor sf flying,
glowing, exploclins and vsn aubmerged object3. Lot u3
38 consider the reporta ao they came to hancl;-
Oscar Molina lives in Choele Ch.oel, Flio Negro. At
about 4.45 p.m., February 23, he daahed outside, He
thought he heard the sound of a motor car. About 60
yards away h saw a revolving metallic disc, about 36
feet in diameter, which descended slowly to within a
few feet of the ground. .A,s well as realizing that thig
thing was not manufacturect by any motor company, he
noticecl that hi6 five dogE were barking their full worth
at the object. This was all the information he needed,
Ouring his sprint back to the house he glanced back to
see the obiect shoot straight up and disappear from
sight. lt wes a long time before Oscar Molina and his
five dogs settled down.
O n M ar c h 1 O , a t a b o u t 1 O.OO p .m ., th e r e sid e n ts o f
Mendoza City and its suburbs reported a huge, phos-
phorescent craft manoeuvring silently above the city for
about 15 minutes. They told how it crossed th sky
from east to north and were in markd agreement that
the roundr intensely luminous craft made no 6ound.
S ix day s l a t e r , o n M a r ch 1 6 , M e n d o za wa s p a id
a nother c all. M r , A n t o n i o R. Ah u m a d a to td th e ,,Da ity
Los Andes" newspaper in Mendoza how, on that night,
he had witnessed from his home in Neuva Ciudad. san
Jose, Province of Mendoza, a large, luminous object
crossing the sky above the city from south-east to north-
we st about 1 1.15 p.m. T h e sa u ce r - sh a p e d cr a ft o f
"about one and a half feet" had a strong and permanent
reddish light.
O n May 2 1 , a t a b o u t ll,OO p .m ., a str a n g e , lu m i-
noug body wag watched over Moreno Cityr province of
Eluenos Aires, Two hours later, four boys in. nearby
Escalada told its newspaper, the ,.Daily Sur", of a huge,
recl fireball that hovered noiselessly and then made a
low 'rfighter-pass" over their city. None of the four wit-
nesses heard it make any noise.
O n M ay 2 9 s o m e w i t n e sse s with h ld th e ir n a m e s
f rom an arti c l e i n t h e ' , O a ily L a T r ib u n a ,' o f Ro sa r io ,
Province of Entre Rios. The item said that the witnesses
saw a huge, glowlng object pass over Concordia. They
described the object as a disc-shaped craft that hat
al te rnat ing r e d , g r e e n a n d ye llo w lig h ts. T h e y sta te d
that in travelling from west to east, the obtect had
stationed itself for a few minutes above the city and
then had zoomed out of sight over the horizon.
To the west of La Rioja City lie the Velazco Moun-
t ai n s. At abo u t 7 . 3 O p . m . on Ju n 6 lg , a str a n g e sp h e r i-
cal body was reported over these mountains. The report
stated that the object emitted yellow ftashes as it moved
slowly along, disappearing in a north-westerly direction.
Five uneventfut days ticked by and for a while it
seemed as though the action waE over. And then came
June 24, On this day the Argentine press services were
bombarded with 14 UFO reports within 24 hours. The
reports came in from eight major Argentinian and
Uru guay an c i t i e s a n d t h e i r p r o vin ce s, 1 3 o f th e m o ccu r -
r ing a lm os t s i m u l t a n e o u s l y a b o u t f O.OO p ,m .- IO.1 O p .m .
o ve r an area o f c o n s i d e r a b l e m a g n itu d e . Ce r ta in ly it wa s
a n ex plos iv e d a y . A c l o s e r e xa m in a tio n will a lso r e ve a l
that a distinct pattern evolved. Not only from the sight-
ings of th6 June 24 fireballs, discs and glowing lights
and objects, but in the seemingly specific direction
chosen by the objects, They tended to move generally
in a northerly direction towards paraguay, Od-ty, per-
haps even coincidentally, few, if any, of thege sightings
were reported any farther north than the provinces of
Paraguay, Perhaps the speculations about UFO bases
or "nests" deserve more than a passing glance. Let us
now turn back the calendar and have a closer look it
what happned on the evening of June 24, 1967.
. The bulk of sightings arrived from Argentina's capi-
t a l , B uenos A i r e s :
1O . O O p , m . - 1 O . 1 O p . m . Witn e sse s in Ju n in o b se r ve d
two silent, disc-shaped objects traverse the sky in a
northerly direction. Veinticinor de Mayo residents
watched a large, rain-drop-shaped object cross the city's
sky and disappear in a north-easterly direction.
A silent, luminous object, leaving a briltiant trait,
crossed the sky from south to north, leaving a viotet
trail that remained visible for seconda afterwards.
A high-speed, bail-shaped ftying object caught the
attention o,f Permanino rsidents. tnitialty the object was
observed moving west to east. However, it suddenty
accelerated towards the north over the ho.izon, leaving
a long fire trail for about a minute.
Villagers of San Nicolaa reported a brighily shining
disc move slowly and silenily towards the east. At about
the same tim6 in nearby Concordia, a laige, luminous
body wa8 seen hovering in a northerly aspect over the
ci ty. 39
Coinciding with this event, residents of Monte
Mievas, Province of La pampa, *ere siartieo __ Cordoba was again visited on August 17. At 9.Og
by a brit- that evening, many observers witnesse? a glowing, red-
liantly lit object travetting at irigt .pLLJ-fr"m
south_west dish-yellow object traverse the sky from thJ south--west,
to north-east. witnessei said-an bra"c;
f or s e v e r a l s e c o n d s . trail remained hover over Cordoba City momentirily and then continue
on to the north-east. A grey trail coulcl be seen over-
ln the Province of Santa Fe, a priest, Father Adolfo head for about half an hour after. No sound was heard.
Lucchieto, claimed seeing a disc_sha'peO o'Uiect over San
Genaro.. The sighting was corroboraied Four days l ater, on A ugust 21, E duardo E , R ui z
pendent witnesses. The craft had by-several inde- w as.w atchi ng the ni ght sky. tt w as about 1O.OO p.m.
apparenily crossed the and the weather was unusually fine. Visibility was hear
sky from south-east to north_ast, ];t;iri; -a white trait. perfect,
The object the sky clear, atarlit anct cloudless.- Suddenly
was sitent, aisappearing in -setonos aOout an object shaped like a r,cobbtestone" appeared from the
rO . O O p . m .
south-west, over nearby Mar del t'lata. Summoning his
p , m ,, te le p h o n e ca lls p o u r e d in to pol i ce mother and two friends, th four watched as th6 oOject
s t at io n s i-nl O .FOeO d e r a c i on , p r o vin ce o t g n tr e Cio s. eta.-ed hovered-ovr ttre city, blinking red and green lights for
res ide n t s r e p o r t e d an o b je ct h ig h o ve r ifr J' city, tt w as about eight minutes, Then ths object ;bruput moved
emitting orange and yeilow tiehts, fotfoweO 6y sparii off and disappeared at a leisurely late over the north_
and . co.nsecutive explosions, As the ob.iect cruised western horizon.
slowly towards the south-east, it suOOenil veered off
t owar d s t h e n o r t h - we st, Cordoba received a repeat performance of an
le a vin g a sh in in g tr a il. Mean_ unusual phenomenon w hen
while, in the provinces_ of ViilagJay, prani,-Cuateguaychu on S eptember 4, s ev eral
people were attracted by a brilliant liAht in the sky.
and c o n c e p c i o n c l e l Ur u g u a y, En iie Rio s,' r e sid e nts-w i t_ tt
w as about 1.OO a.m. The l i ght w as l ater ctes c ri bed as
nessed a st.ange, luminous body of fantastic brilliance. a well-defined
People in the Uruguayan ba|l-shaps, Eilowing bright red. lt hovred
town of Salto confirmed this over tfie city for almost half an hour.
report. ln the process it
was obscured by patches of stratocumulus clouds. How_
At Monte Casero6i Airport, flight control ever, the clouds in its vicinity were strongly
reported seeing a gtowlng object hov;ring
by .the object'B glow, untit ii disappeareJ -asiltuminated
in the sky. A suddenly
spokesman said the sighting took ptacie about tb.OO as i t came.
p. m. . l t . h a d d i s a p p ea r e d q u ickly to wa r d s th e
n o r th. He . In the enslring 24 hours, a series of baffling, large-
emphasized that it was not a bllloon. scale power failures occurred. On Spternber e,'intnou-
Hundreds of pople sands of homes plunged
- _.
at Mojon -of Grancte, province of
wer6 into darknesa the
observed a formation intenseli illuminated, of Tucman. Hours later a gigantic blackout
fast-moving UFOs disappear in a north-west;rly direction. knocked out vast areas of San Juan. Ei-perts found no
At noon on the same day, airport control tower clues to clarify the mystery.
staff and residents of Rosario iiinultaneously sighted a Then, on September I I, tho Salvarezza family
squadron of five gtowing objects that crossed thJ skv ai reported a frightening experience.
extraordinary speed towards the north. Ouring the lt-was raining heavily all day ovr th province
minute-long flight, four photographs were taken 6y an ^ of
sanra Fe and tfre rain waa pouring down on Villa Consti-
independent observer. While the objects were overliead, tucion at 9.3O p.m.
- suddbnty i urirriani,- orange light
the city's radio, television and air control towers reported detached -itself from heavy clouds and swifily descencted.
complete communications disruption. in a srass paddock and staved therl four hours,
raorattng an eerie glow.
T w o d a y s l a t e r , o n Ju n e 2 6 , co m m u n ica tio n s fai l _
ures- were again reported, this tirne at Junin. Airport From the house about 35O ysrdF sway, ttre Salva-
officials and tocal residents say a glowing object, emit- rezza family gathered
ting multi-coloured at the window and iiatchsd the
lights, was seen to hove-r toi aO6ut t5 spectacle in consternation. They saw a glowin3,
minut e s . dis6_
shaped obiect with four antennaltite protruaions 6n top,
E x a c t l y a m o n th la te r , o n Ju n e 2 5 , a t 1 O.3 O p.m., sitting on the ground. lt emittd d fuminositv wfriCti
f our p e o p l e a t C h a s co m u s, Bu e n o s Air e s, cla im e O si el ngi yllpp-"d strange craft in a yeilowish aura extending
two. bright, ball-shaped objects, one larger than its com_ Inro the .the immediate suroundings and making the gras-
panion,. howering motiontess in the nlAhasky. They were and..puddtes ctearty vi si bl e, The gtow w ae shl mmi ri ng
then startled to see the objects change itrape irom a gently as the rain poundect the object's surface.
spherical .to a triangular type, remain stationary foi For four long hours the Salvaressas
several minutes and then take off over the horizon. - watched the
strange device, until finally it ,ose genuy ancl took off
It would be hard to find a better word than ,,impres_ at tremendous speed to clisappar Jnto clouda.
sive" for the next two accounts. From the news cover_ Nobody dared to go out.
age they received it is not hard to imagine why. In the morning, whn
they thought it was safe, they all went to the spot
. On July 26, several people observed a violet- where the object had been. They found a circular
coloured craft near Colon. The object's luminosity inten- impression of several yards in diameier, which sppeared
sified as it descended and came io rest on the -ground, to
.have been made by a very havy b6dy with a-rounct
leaving visible impressions in the earth. The witnesses bottom. All grass on the spot was burniand scorched.
stated that a small human-like being emerged from the Looking around, to their surprise, they saw on a
craft, blrt quickly re-entered. During this time they were .
paddock- a few hundred feet away, t*o oi their cows
physically unable to move. The story was pubtished in dead with burst abdomens.
t he B u e n o s A i r e s da ily, ,' L a Vo z d e Co lo n ' ;, two days
lat er. "They were ative and well in the evening until that
thing came down and something really uncommon must
O n A u g u s t 2 th e d a ily, ,,L a Ra zo n ' ,, p u b tished an have happened to ki u them i n thi s w ay," Mr. Sal v arez z a
ac c ou n t : reasoned.
.. A ! a b o u t 6 . 0 0 p .m . ( Ar g e n tin e tim e ) o n Jul y 30, The police were called.
t he s h i p ' , N a v i e r o " ( Ar g e n tin e M a r itim e L in e s Co.l w as They, too, were puzzlecl
about the death of the ani mal s and, w hen e x ami ni ng
about 1 2 0 m i l e s o f f th e Br a zitia n co a st, so u th o f 'S anta viscera,- they
Cat ali n a c u l f . :he.:ow.:j found them comptetety destroye-
by "multiple cracks". Th6 impregsion and surroundiirgs
Officer Jorge Montoya was on deck when he hur- were tested for radio-activity, but proved ngative.
- .. s u m m o n e d t h e
riedly sh ip ' s skip p e r , Ca p ta in Ju lia n Lucas Strange, small, charcoal-like pellets which smelled
Ardanza. The two men were stunned as they watched of sulphur were also found and taken away,
a cigar-shaped object about sO feet off the ;hip,s star_
board side in the water, They calculated its size as some_ The Salvarezzas' experience was discussed at
where a r o u n d l O O - l lO fe e t in le n g th a n d o b se r ve d that length, but the police would not believe the story-s66
the strange machine was illuminated by a powerful, blue the only thing they could agree on was ,.that it hjd been
glow a n d l e f t n o tr a it o r wa ke in th e wa te r . rai ni ng heavi l y al t ni ght."
l t w as
c ompl e t e l y n o i s e l e s s a n ct h a d n o e xte r n a lly visib l e con_ Further, on S eptember 17, resi dents of Mar del
t rols , o r p r o t r u s i o n s , T h e y stu d ie O tn e o Uje ct for 15 Plata (Buenos Aires) reportect an object mgving horizon_
minut e s , t i l l f i n a t l y it su b m e r g e d , p a sse d u n d er the tally over the Auantic earty that morning. tne tight
'rNav i e r o " a n d d i s a pp e a r e d a lto g e th e r , T h e g lo w w as em.ittecl from the object was bright enough to impair
v is ible t h r o u g h t h e w a te r . vi si on. Then, seconds l ater, the obj ect pl unged i nto the
on August 6, severat people in santiago del Estero sea and did not reappear.
saw two clisc-shaped objects hovering ovei the city at Four days l ater, on the 21st, they saw a rhombus -
7, O O T h e y we r e site n t a n d r a d ia te d a bri l l i ant, shaped object with orange and yellow lights heading in
greenish - p . m ,light.
They sped off to the north-west, a southerly direction. Hovering over the city for gome
mi nutes . it v a n i s h e d a l g r e a t sp e e d in a n o r th - e a ste r ly their car, They dicl not find anything of this nature and
were quite mystified. Meanwhile, the vidals went un-
cl i rec t ion. lt w a s n o i s e l e s s a t a ll tim e s.
heard of for two days before they suddenly turned up'
Policemen were present when witnesses saw a After they had left Chascomus, they had f-ollowed the
saucer-like object over Empalme de Villa Constitucion rear lighti of their friends' car until they ran into a patch
( Sa nta F e) on N o v e m b e r 1 . F o r a fe w m ln u te s th e o b je ct of thick mist and had to slow down considelably. They
emitted green rays of light. lt then shot vertically into remember nothing elge unusual, xcept for the fact that
t h e air at d d i s a p p e a r e d i n a m a tte r o f se co n d s' There when they awoke in broad daylight, ttley wero on a
w as no s oun d . strange country road. c,r. Vidal got out of his car and
a ball- iout"J that all ihe paint wa3 burnt, but apart from this
The following day three observers watched the car was in a satisfactory condition. The couple
shaped object from their motor car. lt emitted a strong drove around to try to determine their whereabouts'
r igni ana ii d i s a p p e a r e d s i l en tly a t tr e m e n d o u s sp e e d ' eventually finding to their amazement, although they
A day l a t e r , o n N o v e m b e r 3 , M r . Ca r lo s Sp in i a n d could no-t believe it, that they were in Mexico' 4'5OO
his workrriate were inspecting a herd of cows on the mi l es from Mai pu.
Aqqi l i f arm a t c e n t e n e ( s a n ta F e ) . Su d d e n ly th e y sa w The Vidals were taken to the Argentine Consulate
an itluminated saucer-like object on the ground some
it' th e cr a ft' in Mexico, where they related their strang story' and
di stanc e aw a y . A s t h e y ra ce d to wa r d s ihen 'phoned their worried friends in Maipu. or' vidal's
illuminated with blue lights, took off and disappeared' car was taken to an American laboratory for a thorough
On reaching the spot they found an oval mark' examinaticn and he wa8 Eiven a new ono. The Argen-
At 2.2O a,m. on Decemtter '14, thousands of lromes tine Consul requestod strict silence of the Vidals and
Fiv minutes earlier, a ih"y *"te put on t plane for Argentlna, bing met at
in Cordoba were blacked out'
gl""ti"8 disc made a 'rfighter-pass" over the city' iiie'airport by their frllnds. Tho cause of thls mystrlous
ii"iJi"E io. lorn" minutes, and then shot out of siSht' incident remains unknown.
Residents sait the craft had given a remarkable spec- South
UFos were seen in vast numbers throughout
taCle of multi-coloured lights before it disappeared'
ameri ca i n June. A t 9.17 p'm. on June 4' tw o vete?an
The following night a huge, black' disc'shaped pitots and a number of passengers watched a reddish'
craft, wit h b r i g h t i e d l i g h ts o n its cir cu m fe r e n ce , sp e j
snining cylinder from their aircraft, above Punta Arnas'
noiselessly over the city. southE rn-C hi l e' The cyl i ndri cal U FO w as fl yi ng at abou t
i,ooo-'-etres, twice {ne neignt of the commercial air-
Finally , o n t h e 1 7 t h , F a th e r Re yn a r e p o r te d se e in g in view for five minutes' The object
luminous craft pass over San Miguel that .i"ft, 'ifso ieniaineo
an extremEiy *"i ""o photographed from the Chilean airport of
e ve ning. lt w a s s i l e n t a n d b tin ke d its lig h ts'
C havunco, w here the ai rcraft l anded.
T hus e n d e d 1 9 6 7 , b ut 1 9 6 8 wa s ju st a s e xcitin g ' on June 12, in Santiago, Chile, Professor Gabriel
on January 23, several people reported seeing an un' Alvial, Director of the Cosmic Radiation Centre at ths
lo"ni'ri"o, iuminous object land nar Termas Gle copahue of Chile, announced that some photographs
(i n the Prov i n c e o f N e u q u e n , Ar g e n tin a ) a t 1 ' 4 5 a ' m ' university
of a UF-O, taksn over the Andes at nlght-time by a
boming to rest in an inaccessible reglon near the town' scientific team, had tndicated th pr3enc of an object
t-trl oo]ect remained on the Sround for four hours' lt
intirety inexpliiable in terms of present-day knowledge'
i-n""-i,j"i or straight upwards and was out of sight in it e o-oject,
had hoverod over the mountains for
geco nds .
was briSht and shaped like a lens' while its
Two days later, a number of people interested in ""-noui,
undersid'e appeared conical in shape' "w ar Sure it was
finding out inat hacl gone on in the area concerned' gi ant i n si ze,'and can't be sci enttfi cal l y gxpl ai nod aw syt "
an unusual patch Jiio tne Professor, aftr examining tho film closely' Th
i""a"n-"o out the site ano discovered
lome s9O feet in diameter, which was charredi pnotograpn shows the object on a moonles: night' hovet-
"ii-""o hot and the had solidified in a i"J oEwi"en tho profiles of two mountains' with ths
ifre-earth was still Srit
miss. In addition, a viscous substance was recovered lilre ot Valaparaiso's night lights in the background'
in Buenos Aires. some military officers
foi examination
said At Colon, ln Uruguay, on Jun -14, four pople
\tno ft"O witnessed the UFO in the first instance' saucr-strapid craft flying very rapldly
power failures in Copa- watched two
that there were two unexplained tne town, heading towards th east' The next
hue at the time of the landing. "Oo"" in Buenos Airas, residents 9!-t!
day, 3uburbs of Bou-
Anothel mysterious power blackout meanwhile roe'nv ano San Martin watched a UFO apparontly landing
during the night-tim, causing electro-
o""ri."o ini nexl day in the whole parl.of Concepcion i"-ir,"- distance
i; the Frovince of Entre Rios, Argentina' marnetic disturbanceJ with apPliances' compasses
At the very same tim.a considerabl num- clodks while it was in th vicinity.
.i r r pl-'-
tbe skv'
f,".-"r b"obr" watched a nuge, glowinq obje-ct in Further north, pollce at Et Choro' Bolivia' saw
wnicn movea south-east. tiwai erratic in -flight' remain-
then flyinS at great U pogOui i ng thei r ni ght duty on May 29 and on June 19'
ini stationary lor a few moments' RoJna, Chiet of tha Provincial Police, and Polics
sp-seo. At ail times it was quite silent' rwrajor Niceforo L6on, said that in a siShting which thy
O n F e b r u a r y 1 , r e s i d e n ts o f Pu e b lo L e d e sm a '
Pr o - tnl'msetves had witnessect, a round object with a vivid
Jujuy, Argentina, watched a disc-shaped
vince of'o"6i5'mid;isht.
object Olue rieht had landect for a while and left bhind a
iir.lirv The uFo was extremelv brisht strange anct pungent odour. Surrounding Sregg and
Back in Argentina' on
i nO ions is t e d o f a b l u e n u cle u s with a n o r a n g e b a n d inruo-s were burnt by the obiect.
w as l oadi nS
i ro una t he c e n t . e . A s i m ila r o b je ct, p o ssib ly th e sa m e June 27, a man named Lui s Gul i covi ch
s e e n a o m i n u t e s la te r o ve r th e sa m e city' cases on a truck in santa Fo, whgn he euddenly looked
""".'* " i up in tne sky to notics a silvr disc emitting red flame
But these sightings were only herald8 of what was iiom a.ouno ita rim. lt was some digtance away and
wer seen
to become a lat$e UFo-flap. -May saucrs
with level with a local radio transmitting tower' moving to-
occasions throulnout j! venezuela' waids nearby Alvear. He lmmdiately shouted to his
incident occurring at to glimPse it
"" unueual and Possibty ietatea
an "l""t"i p 'm'' work-mates ind four of thm managd
C"r" c " s on t h e 2 o t h o f t h at m o n th ' At a b o u t 2 ' 3 O All five agreed that the obiect
thrown into before it disappeared.
in" *tt"fJ township of Eastern Caracas was was larger tnan an aircraft and noted that it changed
f"niJ ov a very I'oud rumbling noise like a iet aircraft in speeJ from very slow to quite rapid' lt also had a
6"ssl"t-oJerneio. Nothing could be seen in the skv' red light which flashed brlghtly at intervals.
ino nJ aircraft were in the vicinity'
The next day, ln the vicinity of Mar del Plata' also
May was also the month of the somewhat sensa' at 6mi.tent lawyer' his wlfe (a profesol in
in argentina,
tionat vi-dat "UFo-transportation" incident' Two couples ;;; rreht), nis daughtr and a numbr of othr
we i e 't rav erri n g in their cars fr o m M a ip u , Ar g e n tin e ' to peopfe, att Eaw' a UFO stationary over an area of oPn
chas c om us , 1 5 O m i l e s a wa y, to a tte n d a n a fte r n o o n [".rito.v at outlying El sosniego. Dr. Matclo Betnaza
ce l e brat ion p a r t y . A t a b o u t m id n ig h t th e two co u p le s cliscovired his whole family watching the obiect whn
o""-ioeo io ietuin along the same route- to Maipu' Maipu he cam3 home, and rushed for a pair of binoculars'
niJ driving a t'rltle anead, arrived safely in aLr" t" picf oui detail mor clearly, he noted that the
anJ waiieo'there ?or their friends, who went under the b-ril""{ shaPed "like a mushroom or a spinning-top"'
i n t h e p r ess, a lth o u g h th is is n o t th e il tho ground and emitting
".-" name. " i-v io a l
ii';; -isno"irin'g -iust aboveThe cupola was constantly
real vlried bursts 6f colour.
grlen, while the undr-sectlon Save off red and yellow
when the vidats did not turn up after some time' iiasnes. soon afterwards the objct liftd to an
their friends oecamJ worried and drove back slowly ol 25o and then dropped suddenly downwards' lt 'ngl
iii""ori""ii"" ot praipu to see if the couple had crashed
began a seris of wobbly movements, which impressed UFos gravitate around Argentina and northern countries'
the lawyer as being of an intelligently controllecl type, it could be concluded that this evidence stronSly points
Dr, Betnaza approached closer by means of a cat, in favour of the theory that UFOS might actually have
w at c hing i t f i n a l l y a t a d ista n ce o f 1 ,OOO m e tr e s. His bases in the upper Amazon. tn this light, what can we
wlfe, Professor of Geography at a local college, had seen expect from South America in 1970? Or for that matter,
a similar object the clay before and reports concerning what can South America expect?
the UFO had also reached the "La Razon" newspaper
from ot he r i n d i v i d u a l s .
An exceedingly ironical pair of UFO incidents
oc c urred o n J u l y 2 , a t Sie r r a Ch ica , n e a r Ola ve r r ia i n
Ar gent ina. T o b e g i n w i th , l5 - ye a r - o ld Osca r lr ia r t went
o ut riding h i s h o r s e a t 1 1 .3 O a .m ,, wh e n h e wa s b e ck-
oned by two men to approach them.
white hair and semi-transparent
They had short,
legs, allowing grass to
be s een t h r o u g h t h e m , a n d a lso a n u n b lin kin g g a ze ' l n
the conversation which followed they offered to take the
boy for a ride in their machine on a future occasion
and pointed out their craft, standing in a muddy drainage
dit c h. lt w a s s i l v e r y i n co lo u r a n d e tlip tica l in sh a pe,
with three equally spaced landing legs. The men gave
Oscar an envelope, said that it contained a message for
him and beckonecl him to dip it in a nearby puddle of
water. He did this ancl found to his considerable amaze-
ment t ha t b o t h t h e e n ve lo p e a n d h is h a n d s r e m a ined
completely dry, He read the message, which was written
with a spelling error and crude grammar. Translated
from the spanish, it read: r'You are going to know the
world. F. Saucer." The strange beings then climbed
aboard their vehicle, lifting the top to get in. The craft
rook off vertically at great speed with flashes of light,
was almost instantaneously just a tiny 6peck in the sky,
and then disappeared entirely.
Subsequent inspection of the landing site showed
three holes, 12 centimetres d6ep, forming the pattern of
a perfect isosceles triangle, mathematically precise. (Two
metres base and 1.58 metres side.) That aftrnoon the
boy's father, convinced of his own son's honesty, went
to see sergeant Raul Coronel, the police official in charge
at seirra Chica. The sergeant laughed at the story ancl
refused to initiate any official enquiry, That night, at the
Sierra Chica Social Club, Sergeant Coronel and four other
UFO sceptics, including the aergeant's brother, sat
around jo v i a l l y d i s c u s s i n g th e in cicle n t. F in a lly, a t 1 I ' 15
p . m. , jus t f o r a j o k e , th e y d e cid e cl to visit th e la n d i ng
site. The small band arrived at the spot, Sergeant Coro-
nel flashed his powerful torch around a little and jokes
were made about the triviality of the stupid hoax, How-
ev er, Ca r l o s M a r i n a n g e l i , wh o h a p p e n e d to b e lo o ki ng
around at the night sky at the time, noticed a strange,
zig.-zaggingt luminous liSht gliding acrogs the meadow
towards them. ln psnic, th five sceptics hurled them'
selves to th Eround, and the UFO Passed over them'
ln fury, Coronel drew his revolver and was about to
s hgot , b u t M a r i n a n g e l i , su d d e n ly a m u ch wise r man,
advised him not to. Meanwhile, the UFO continued to
wind its way across the field and then, Sathering speed,
climbed straight up and was gone. Questioned by
superiors at Azul, Coronel ancl his friends had no alter-
native but to explain their newly formed convictions
a bout UF O r e a l i t y ,
On August

they sighted
luminous, multi-coloured
a group
1 9 , s tu d e n ts

of black,
a t a sch o o l a t Vie clma,
B ahia Bl a n c a , A r g e n t i n a, we r e r o u se d wh e n , it n ight,
circular objects
At first it seemed as if
with \'ENUS
the objects wer separate, but they then seemed to
merge in a single mas6, moving north-weaterly in direc-
tion. Among the witnesses were a physician, a chemist' wlTH a record of five convictions since 1947, and a
several gracluates and the President of th Astronomical divorce, M6ki6 felt the world against him and decidd
Centre there. On the same night, the Oirector of a TV a change of climate might Eult hlm. Thus it wa3 that
station, two hlgh-ranking officialsr a newsman and the hc found himself on a ateamsr bound for South Amsrica.
former Mayor of Rawson, Argentina, all reported lraving Aboard ship, another oqually dubious charactr, one
seen a group of uFos in the sky. A large object Weber-Richter, was ttavolling. A con-man par excellsncs,
appeared to hesd the procession and an indeterminate Franz weber-Richtor was nursing his biSSest schgme.
number followedi the group as a whole left a multi- He called it "Project Venus",
coloured l i g h t - t r a i l b e h i nd it, Naturally, it was not long before Weber-Richter and
The pilot of an A,ustral Airlines plane reported see- Karl Mekis got acquainted, Soon they were firm friends
i ng a lum i n o u s r e d , g r e e n a n d wh ite lig h t m a n o e u vr i ng and, havi ng sw opped both vi ew s and gaol remi ni scenc es ,
over a TV station in Buenos Aires a month later on wober-Richter conficled his master plan to Mekis.
September 22, Eloth pilot and crew were unable to In brief, the plot was to convince a gullibl portion
explain the object away as a man-made craft. And on of the public that th Earth was in imminent danger of
that same day, another fleet of UFOS, once again round invasion from Venus.
and luminous, crossed the sky atrove Chascomus (the "lt must be obvious to you that in ordr to run ttre
site of the Viclal "UFo-transportation"). A trlackout of Earth proprly, key men and women will be required
electrical power in the area lasting for fifteen minutes among our own people. ln othr worcls, 'collaborators',"
coincided with the presence of the aerial discs, Weber-Richtr said.
So here were the highlights of the South American The 'collaborators' wre the milk cow3. ..We shalt,
UFO scene for 1967-68. What can be dduced from for a fee, of course, offer them appointmsnts with the
this large amount of sightings is that South America new Venusian Worlcl Republic Civil Ssrvic,'r Weber-
again has been possibly one of the most favoured conti- Richter went on, ,'and, of course, trer are counuess
nonts for UFO excursions. Sinco the itinerarios of most side iaiues capable of bringing an the boodle."
Hav ing f u r t h e r e x p l a i ne d th a t th e ir a tte n tio n wo u ld ,
of course, be directed towards only those already con-
vi n c ed " F lyi n g S a u c e r F a ns", We b e r - Rich te r , a s a sig n
of good f ait h a n d , t h e r e f o r e , with o u t ch a r g e , a p p o in te d
hi s new-f oun d f r i e n d a n d p a r tn e r Se cu r ity- Co m m issa r of
th e World R e p u b l i c o f V e n u s.
Arriving at Santiago, the two r'of,ficial" representa-
ti ve s of t he W o r l d R e p u b lic o f Ve n u s we n t to wo r k.
Hi ri n g s ev e r a l s e c r e t a r y - s te n o g r a p h e r s, th e y b e g a n to
churn out p r o p a g a n d a , i n clu d in g a va st, 6 3 o - p a g e Co n -
sti tut ion of t h e W o r l d R e p u b lic o f Ve n u s. In th is a sto u n d -
ing document was listed the main plan for the future
takeover of the Earth. Regional Commissars were to be
appointed and all the necessary r'Officials" required to
run a conquered country.
The plans included also thel establishment of so-
called 'tLove Camps", To these, young women would
be recruited, destined to produce a super-race through
their union with picked Venusian men.
Having prepared the propaganda, the two con-men
now turned their attention to the manufacture of ,,official"
documents, Including Venusian passports, special passes
a nd ident it y c a r d s . F i n a l l y, r e a d y fo r a ctio n o f a m o r e
direct kind, Weber-Richter, known as r.Michael" to the
Venusians, and his partner Karl Mekis began to adver-
Carefully selecting all the magazines and news-
papers dealing with science fiction and reporting flying
saucer incidents, they inserted th6 adverti6ements in
Austria, ltaly, Switzerland and West Germany. Theae
offered jobs in the new world administration the Venu-
iians proposed to set up on Earth.
A typical advertisement read: Vacancy - Adviser
for Ecgnomic Affairs in the World Republic of Venus
Ci vi l S erv ic e . I n c r e d i b l y , s u ch a n a n n o u n ce m e n t brought
doze ns of r e p l i e s , ' K a r l M e kis wo u ld th e n m a il o ff ih e
Constitution of the World Republic of Venus, together
w i th a mas s o f o t h e r c o n vin cin g p r o p a g a n d a .
Hav ing f i n a l l y h o o k e d th e ir victim s, th e co n - m e n
w ould proc e e d t o r e e l t h e m in . Ho w th is wa s d o n e is
best ex plain e d b y c i t i n g th e e xa m p le o f o n e , He r r The trial of the arch-grafter at times more resembled
Fres c hner, a h o t e l k e e p e r of Ba va r ia , a scene in a musical comedy than one at the Palac of
Herr Freschner, a staunch supporter of the flying Justice. Even the learned judSe was reduced to tears
saucer brigade and an assiduous reader of science fic- of l aughter.
ti on, s pot t ed a n a d v e r t i s e me n t wh ich , to p u t it m ild ly, l\n Austrian factory worker, Helmuth Mille, who
excited him greatly, lt said! r'World Republic of Venus had been subpoenaed to give evidence, reluctantly ad-
Civil Service Commission seeks suitable applicant for mitted he had paid 924 to be appointed to a clerkship
appointment as Adviser for Economic Affairs, Write i n the R epubl i c of V enus C i vi l S ervi ce. H e had, h6
\/vorld Republic of Venus Headquarters," The addresg agreed, also been issued with a Venusian passport, as
Siven was that of the offices rented by weber-Richter indeed had other recruits to the "Service".
and K arl M e k i s , o v e r a s m a ll la u n d r y in a b a ck str e e t o f The prosecution alleged that Karl Mekis and Weber-
Sa nt iago, C h i l e . Richter falsely represented they had made flights in
Herr F r e s c h n e r , a t y p ica l Ba va r ia n in n ke e p e r a n d spaceships, had been entrusted by the leadership of th6
fa mi l y man, w a s t e d n o tim e in co m m u n ica tin g . The planet Venus with taking over power on Earth. On X-
re su lt of t h i s r a s h n e s s w a s a n o ffe r o f a p p o in tm e n t, day in the near future, the prosecutor accused, Karl
p rov ided, a s a d i s p l a y o f h is b o n a fid e s, h e wo u ld p a y Mekis and his accomplice, Weber-Richter, had stated
an appoint m e n t f e e o f $ 1 OO, that the Third Venus Space Fleet would land at the
Herr F r e s c h n e r , b y no m e a n s a we a lth y m a n , a t E|erlin-Tempelhof Airport and install Franz Weber-Richter
first demurred, but a further batch of propaganda, mailed as President of the Supreme Government of the Earth
post-haste by the conniving pair in Chile, clinched the World Republic.
cleal. Herr Frschner was "officially" appointed Adviser As the case proceeded, it was disclosed that Weber-
for Economic Affairs (Food and Consumer Goods) in the Richter and Karl Mekis had, between them, nettd
World Republic of Venus Civil Service. 94O,OOO annually, ln the short term of their operations
In similar circumstances were recruited local com- they had gulled their dupes into partlng with a grand
missars, speciat administratorsr clerks and even secre- total of 912O,OOO.
taries and chauffeurs for top-brass Venusian generals, Throughout th trial and the lnvostlgation which
preceded it, Karl Mekb undeviatin8ily doclargd his inno-
About this time the Chilean police began to show cence. In court, h warngcl tho judgs thrt, one day soon,
intorest in the two repre6ntatives for Vnua, who d- when the Venualans invadod the Earth, h, tho judge,
cided it might be better to hot-foot it out of Chile while would be called to account for his actions and his atti-
the going was good. tude towards 9o important a member of the Rpublic's
Their move from Chile to Rome caused a certain Government.
amount of comment and, in xplanation, Mekis an- Sadly, anyway, the judge was unimpressed, and th
nounced there had been a delay in the Venuslan invasion still-protesting Mekis was sentonced to fiv years' hard
plans, owing to insufficient Btaffing of the Clvil service. labour. On appeal, the Suprom Court reduced th sen-
It was thus vitally necessary that, before the final take- tence to four yeara. Mekis wa3 rolasd on Septmbr
over of the Earth, more recruits should b signsd on, 3, 1964, since the Entnce took Into account the timo
These were to fiu the vacancies which were, in the main, he had spent in custody beforo the trlal.
for clerks and the like. For these less elevated positions,
a fee ot only $24 wae asked. Of Weber-Richter, tho PrBident of th Republic,
nothing ha6 sincs been hsard. He vanished as mysteri-
For a time all went well, but tho pretence could ously as he had appeared, Some say he was taken
not be kept up indefinitely, Soon their victims once aboard a flying sauc6r and whisked away to the planet
again began asking awkward questions and they were of his masters. Othrs blieve him to be living in com-
becoming increasingly hard to pacify. fort in some quiet backwater, whils clevising somE nw
Mekis, for some reason known only to himself, now tri cks.
decided to pay a visit to his home town, Vienna. The Be what th6 answer mayr one thing is certain! be-
police, who had been alerted by th6 ltalian Criminal tween themr Weber-Richter and Katl Mekis hatchod out
Invostigation opartment, as well as th border police, and perpetratsd one of the most incredible frauds of all
hurrid around to the Meki6 menago and arrested him. time and certainly the fir6t concernod with outer Bpacg.

Detoil ol Aatorclico lrcm the chorls ol Piri Reis (1513). The coosl/ine of Queen Moud Lond Aos 6een only meosured,in 1960, thtough echo
soundings underneoth the mile-thick ice loyer, vhich hos covered Antorctico lor oboul 5.000 yeors. The Piri Reis vorld rnop sAowsihir coos(-
line lree ol ony ice in o quite precise lorm. One must think, therelore, thot this chort wos originolly drcvn oboul 5,000 yeors ogo.

WHEN a layman starts to think about the history of

manki nd he fi rst remembers w hat he w as t aught at
school about the cultures of Romans, Groeks, Egyptians
and Sumerians. Then he finds himslf before a great
mental barrier consistinEi of throe terms - the lron Age,
Bronze Age and Ston Age. Beyond that, however, h9
can only imagine that m6n were just inteuigent enough
to bash each other's simian heads with lumps of stone.
Even an intellectual cannot think much differently about
our past, Anthropologists have convinced him that no
raclical changes hve occurred to mankind for the last
5OO,OOO years and that onl y i n thi s mi l l eni um , due to
sudden enlightenment, man has elevated himself to the
present level of civilization.

AD\'ANCED The i dea that ci vi l i zati ons w i th hi ghl y d ev el oped

technologies could have existed before the Stone Age
may seem absurd to many thi nkers, B ut, cou l d i t not
be possi bl e that the human race, l i ke a bad s c hool boy ,

CUL TUR ES has actual l y forgotten al l i ts previ ous know l edge?

not enti re ci ti es and countri es
gi ganti c
natural catastrophes?
races have annihilated
have been b uri ed by
A nd, coul d n ot s ome
C oul d

in terrible

AN D FL YIN G w ars?
si ti on?
l s there any evi dence to support such a s uppo-

of C atastrophes",
to zoologist Cuvier and his "Theories
vi ol ent chnges i n N ature, s uc h as

TECHNTCIUES earthquakes,
gical periods.
maintains that
volcanic eruptions,
for tho destruction
floods, 6tc., have been
of life in various geolo-
In contrast to thiB is Lyell's th6ory, which
no violent changes have occurred on
Earth since time immemorial and that all the changes in

BEFCDRE Earth's topography have resulted from erosions by wind,

w aves, frost and rai n. Thi s theory i s sti l l accepted today
as the basi s of our offi ci al thi nki ng i n Geol ogy , des pi te
much evi dence i n N ature contradi cti ng i t.

T HE GR EAT height.
A ccordi ng to the offi ci sl vi ew s for exampl e, th
level of the sea has never deviated
Yet, Lake Titicaca
ln South Ametica,
almost three miles above the sea level, contains
its present
water and ocean flora and fauna. Evn hiSher up in the
FLC'CDD Andes there are found chalk deposits xtending for 4OO
miles and consisting of sea shells, From thia observa-
tion alone it can be deduced that either the sea l6vel
has once reached thes6 heights or that the mountains
lrave once been submerSd. In conttast, the estuarieg
of many continental rivrs, such as tha Congo, Mi6sis-
sippi, Hudson, etc., have their river becls xtendlng far
By ProfessorH. Molthoner out into the sea along deep valleys carved in the ocean
floor, The submarine canyon from th river Con8o, for
instance, ends 't oO miles from the shore and 1 mile
dep. Since a river can only b carved on dry land and
not under the water, the 6ea levI, thoreforo! must trave
once been lower, or the Continental shelf has sub-
sequentl y sunk. From these exampl es al one i t s houl d
be evident that great ehifts ot land masses, frgssibly
involving entire continsnt-, have taken plac in 3ome
geological tims.
A classical example of auch gubmerged landg rnd
culturs resulting from Sl8sntic catastrophes id Atlantis.
44 Plato had already described this event In "Critias" and
ilTimaeus", when he referred to an historical account achs, As mammals could live only in areas with abun_
g iv en t o S o l o n ( 5 O O B .C.) b y th e Eg yp tia n Hig h p r iest dant vegetation, it means that Si5eria must once have
P s onc his . Accordingty, 9 IOOO ye a r s a g o , J m ighty been _almost a tropical region.
kingdom west of cibrattar disappeared A sudden shift of th;
un?er the sea in Farth's poles could explain- the abrupt climatic
a s ingle n i g h t f o l t o w i n g ca ta clysm ic cnange
e a r th q u a ke s and in today's. arctic region, which rapidly'filteO tne animai-s.
deluges. Although a multitude of books have been The-people of that time, about f Z,OOO years ago, who
written about this catastrophe, and some presenting surv;ved such a world catastrophe'must-
quite acceptable views about the cause of the sinking] have certainly
believed that the Sun and stari had suddenty changei
n one c a n s a y w i t h a u th e n ticity wh a t r e a lly fr a p p e neO, their positions in the sky. To thiE effect they recorded
foday! however, one thing is certain - fieg onty one the event stiil preserved in ancient tegenls-and
Great F lo o d , b u t a n u m be r o f th e m h a ve a t va r io u s times folklore.
d ec im at ed m a n k i n d a n d n o t o n ly o n e Em p ir e , b u t m any A,lso our written history records such cosmic events,
l ie buried u n d e r w a t e r an d ta n d .- In the sth century B,c. the creek historian Herodotus
reported a conversatign he_ had with Egyptian p.i"!t!,
A similar historical mystery may also involve our w ho assured hi m that i n the l o,Ooo
moon. Some old stories from Greece, Central America vJi is ot Le y pt,j
four in the sun,s -oruii hact been
and Polynesia give accounts of ancient times when !tjs-t9ry,
recorded, . Further, .changes
there was no moon and not all the planets were yet in the geographer pomponius
Meta, a of-Roman
christ, -writlJl66ut
the sky. Ancient creeks referred to the inhabitants .contemporary the. sami
of Esyptia.ns are proud to be the otdest peopto
Earth in those times as ,,proselenes", meaning those i_"9llt:-lltl9
rn En_ewortt. They have reported in their chronicles
who lived before the coming of the moon. From this thg.Sun and the stars have changed ai.ection that
we can presume that our moon was once an independent ---'-' four tir.nes
since the foundation of their kin;dom;;
celestial body which only after being capturecl by the
Eq+l-r'" gravitational pu|l became a satellite. lf our q-uieily lf we wish to quote the Bible, there are references
orbiting Moon can today still lift gO to 70 fe6t of seas indicating that several disturbances have occurred in the
and even continnts one to two f6et, then the moon ln orbits of cetestial bodie6. This clo6s not mean, of cours6,
those earlier times, when forces were not yet in equi_ that the stars themselves have deviated from theii
librium, could cause earthquakes, volcanic er-uptions and course, but merely indicates that Earth has shiftecl in
floods bringing disaster to humanity, its relative position. For example, in lsaiah 39 and in
Also numerous
records from ancient times indicate that the length of .e-ZO, it is reported that duting the reign of Kin,
lunar months was repeatedly altered, suggesting th;t the Ahas the Sun sank 10 degrees betot its noimal orbit]
moon had not setfled into its final orbii until ;bout and. that during the reign of hig son, Hiskia, lt returned
the to its position,
7 t h Cent u r y B , C . -former In Joshua fb we read quits a
sensational account in which Joshua, after praying for
There were, of course, also other causcrs of catas- in a batue, i,Sun stan<t gtill in
trophes Ii.clory catts to heaven:
in our dim past, such as the shift of Earth'g you.Moon
crust, l:,:_"_"1 .and in the valtey of ljalon.,' And,
for example. lt is weu known that the Earth's Inoeeor If we read further, r.The
crust is about 65 mites thick and compares Sun and the tvtoon stooci
with the still in their orbits until the victory w"s ,ron.
interior as an eggshell does to an egg. Since the crust Th6 Sun
stopped in the middte of the sky and did not hurry to
literally floats on a liquid magma, it can, therefore, be set al l day."
shifted to a relatively different position to its magmi, if
a gigantic external force woulct act upon it, lexamfte: Plato, when refsrring to cataclysms, said In his
a conglomeration of ice masses at one pole.) The magma dialogue .,potiticus", .,at certain times
the Universe has
itself, meanwhile, woutd continue to revolve unaffected its present orbit and at other times it tutng in the oppo-
in impetus and direction. Such slidinge of the crust site direction. Of ail the changes in the sky this is ihe
and the subsequent changea in the position of the potes greatest. lt is an act of grave destruction. At that ilme
were revealed by geotogists Kreichgauer in 1926 and the extermination of animals is common and onty a small
S uball in 1 9 5 8 . T h e m o st p o p u la r a r g u m e n ts in su p p ort p9r!!9"
of humanity survives", l\tso, in his - OiafoluJ
of t his t h e o r y a r e t h e r etics o f fr o ze n m a m m a ls fo u n d i n "Critias", Plato quotes priests as saying: ,.f,r5ni
Siberian i c e , s t i l l c o n t a i n in g fr e sh g r ss in th e ir sto m- and varied exterminations -EeVOtian
of Man have occurred, the
worst being through fire and water. The story you
creeks know about phaeton, the son of Helios, oriJing
his father's Sun chariot anct 6urning everything on Earth
because he did not know how to arive it, seems like a
fable. But, it h6s a truth in it. lt refers mainly to the
changed motion of the celestial bodies and ihe sub-
sequent destruction of lifs on Earth. From each catas_
trophe onty a few psople who livcl in high mountains
survived. These were uneducated and ilnorant ones
ylg nothing about either their own- or previous
trmes."l:r,"y.ptato thus explains the reason why knbwleatSe
oJ earlier civilizations has been so completeli obliteratet.
The civilized nations in cities and coasts vJere drowned
or buried - white the primitive dwetters sur_
vi ved. -ountain
And what are the bad school boys doing when
wishing to forget their time spent in tn6 scnootZ .rhey
are burni ng thei r tedi ous books. S uch anal ogi es w e fi ni
in our history.
China's tradition goes far back into antiquity. The
records of the most ancint times, howverr ar very
sJsrge, for they were systematically destroyed by the
first Emperor of the Tschin Dynasty. The Emperor, Schi-
Hung-Ti (2O9 B.C.), builder oi the first creat \/vail ot
China, wanted to be remembered as the first, the eldest
and the most famous rulr in the annala of history. To
this effect, he ordered the burning of all books pertaining
to history and astronomy. Throughout the whole Empir-
a systematic iearch and dstruction of books was car-
ried out. lt has been relatct that only through the
memory of an old man, som remnants of anciont
literature wers latsr rs-written.
Around 25O B,C. the scienilfic tibrary of Alxandria
in E8lypt, the largest and . most famous collection of
antiquity, contalned ovr TOO,OOO papyrus roua. Durlng
Julius Cae6ar'r onslaught ln 48 8.C., the library wa-
totally destroyed by fire, Only with areat cfifficutty a
much smaller tibrary was re-established, containing about
43,_OOO scripts. A8ain, howver, this survived only
unti l 391 A .D ., w hen . rabbl of rl i gi ous fanati cs. rai
Moving ol,lhe North Pole in eorlier geologicol periods, During riot, destroyinS
- Nqtionol all within. lt la hard to imagin how
lhe Geophysicol Year this curve vos colciloted by meois much pricaleas knowledge of early human hiCtory has
ol the direction ol mogneli*d iron-oride ore. been destroyed forever in tho3e burned scripts.
1440 Furtherdow n,N i vendugthrougha|ayel ..of.vo|cani cash of build-
a '-multitude
the fourth King of 4ztecs-.-(:t'out and round at the o"oiii ii'{z--tt'
from history his low
In all, over- gieei"-e-". were made
A.o.), wanted at all fo r h im - inss, .tiL.r'"it"J'tis! t?:yJt"' that t'he
""=L'i"-nia" tir t",.e sta b lish "
ori ci n of birt h a n d , -all throush the sraver, ","?.iliii"Jsimira-iLartttcuaxes' Entering
" . i i J s " =HE-oroereo
-" records prior to were o"=t'o'y-J-'6f
self a glorious traoitlon-' ourne.d for' according
t'"6tE" giie'.Niven camo to a room
his ascension to the t'rti'"iii to- ul through a petrifiect
workroom con-
to him, they were i""""Li"l--" Lno iurt of. lies'. The codices filled with ashes' tt iii-'"-golismith's- made
others _written later' taining a terra'cotta il-ti"E""i"o many
that survivect ttzxoatls--iE"i"", ""o after conquest of a number -moulds'
of aold pieces'
were burned anyway 6vGp""litos either of clay or ta"ttJ,'"-tta colours
heathens' The *"rr paintings-.with
Mexico. Allegedly tn"7*-Jt"-inJworx an adjacent .oo- too'
which were i""tij"o--Lv now be seen in great "onilii"J
in a state of perfect rliiib*tti""'-
This civ-itization'
very few th,o-usands of years
world museums. must have mot suctdS;-lestruction
of his historical records'
So, Man has clesttoyed
priceles-s--doclments before our era a"o
illuminating sxistence
in tnt- E"E" representing to sustain the case-for-the
But if we wish -itti"iour we
achievements o"t modern
or niitri"aeJeiopeo ii"-iiit"it"ns In ancient timss'
answers to manv pt"-riiJ-L""iiions. oc the technique of
:f j:"";;ijr;"1:'""i"?*":t'.i.'1!
!'.'JiL-J"-i".i-vilg-'*l.f must not omit to "t"'#ii5-ti't-"'-"g"
f#5f wlie -nrao.enIonE-
:"J1'r;'Si"$';;JJ enoushto
are now
;;;;: itl ot wanton destruction' 'Thev
ii-pi5"i"i"b, aTtnougn not fuuv understood'
of a
One has onlv to consider- th9.
p ol i s hed s t e e l c u b e , i i " i 1V" 2 in ch e-u]1e.3rthing
s' .in 1 8 6 6 in a n
i lump of le1tiarv coal' The
austrian collrerv, doubt faced with the
discoverer, naturarist-6iiltl'J"J"6
problem ol nit'tt the presence of this
difficult "tplil" or an
cut steel, i"di"iii"L - L v"tlathe
oerfectly o f.-workmanship
co a l. 1 o o ' o o o ' o o o
adv anc ed t e c t r n o r o e v , - i i - " fact would
vears old' The onlv lJvpitn"tG-"Tpl?ilr1-8-the
be that some civilizaii6i or that time has been destroyed
rpn""i"f leaving this artifact
by cataclysmi" -"}-iniir and achievementg
as the sole evidenc"
in metallurgy.
the shores of
Further, the ruins of Tihuanacu-ori harboure'
Lake Titicaca in th;';is;- anoes 99"!1i:-L^'"
co ille cte d with 3n
e ac h abou t g o y a r i s ' i t i ' i e "g tn .a n dth.ese
entrance channel' ri"""ii" 6r Ports is suggestive antiquity than
of being built rathe;' b Jfo-t-J"""tt i l l o *i"i' a tjo - tn a t L a ke T itica ca
th e lak e' s b a r s e s . to deduce that
contains o"".r., *"tJ'l"itE'i3"J"table. -J"rt
ot the Pacific ocean
the lake and port ;:;"';;;; the
shores. rne narooJri,-tn1't"r"i"' y^"'=^..:Y"* before
pushecl tFd ti"" from sea-level to its present
cataclysm ',5iti"-i a cutting
height. Nearbv .n" rin!"oasses- tlroush
*nicn contains the bones
of a 12-feet ray"r oi-ieo-t-itett between the
of humans .r.,o -111,Ipieces' shards of
rails may oe tounJ'miitiJns ""iin-J't--"ni-ars'or bone
*?3'o,Lt"Jfr."t5iti'3 very prace' t"-""m" readirv
r"l :l':':
a silver-plumb-bob was found'
assembled building'"iottLt Here
this was I" 6e-uieo in tire construction'

lies a civilization noiielJtJ"alt the annals bf our history'

andror ."*;
wars which'-
of aerial- ij'_li::*
an aerial bombardme
.'we beheld in the sKy
of scarlt cloud rsel
lng fire. From this rr
and tromendous roa
drumE beating at onc
winged with gold an
uv thas
l_.J,f"i::'""fl3".?"ffi."1i-# riiiiic hgr:?-stain
i-dJ6'-,-",d"r-rci"{=irTl"S|;#;*"P""$i^!Ff-. mound'
?'f,l* .Il'?",lTi'-3i;;;a ir'J rr'ipe-nJ"-"
then produceo
in the ;1; rr-ero -xlrna-
stationed lhiny--pr-oictile 3oaroct
iiid-ji'a -inlo
his own "t'yii
tn-.":*Jj i:f.""S" iT;'.?3o",*L"Jiff!::
to ashes. With a ter
to earth." weapon is
tn the book "orona PraY-a"'
-rii'di"E""ote-oarxnesr over
-'ii retr
#: ".fi:' .h,*i",ltfterribG'*li"Ej-u"gtn--to-.ltlow' cloudt
the armv' ancr
Mop ond height ptofrteol Per.u-'
-- 2l miles
'todoy obove it'ii
The liticocs tole is siluoled
to.t" conloinssolt voter' The
i o,L'o,"o P ;'"""'s"ii'-'J"i,"".';llfrl,"ittlt'r::1iff
i'1 ft;rqi[:i''Y*3inr;q;f'l$u[sr*;:
and their charreo. tlii"rtit'ri-im19q -1a
strmpr con-

differnt Pla3terecl lt)
the whol army.''

matter of hours and pots broke into shards for no
rgq:gn. This passage in the very ancient report has
striking similarities with what we woulct term today as
the effects of radio-activity. lt may be that even then
atomi c pow er had i ts share i n cri ppti ng human ci vi l i z a-
tions. \^r'hoever seeks proof in this respect should look
at Stonehitt fortifications in tretand, anci on the western
parts of Scotland, These constructions look as though
they had been metted through the extreme heat of a
w el di ng machi ne.
. . Another matter, which represents even today a great
headache for science, are Tektites. These stoneJ re_
semble molten black glass and are sometimes radio-
active. In size the Tektites are sometimes as big as a
fist and come in a variety of shapes, such as drops,
pears, dumb-bel l s or bai l s. They are found i n many
c oun-
tri es, but mai nl y i n Li bya and A ustral i a. l t i s consi ctered
that a giant meteorite ln impact with Earth,s surface
caused molten rock to spray, The puzzle of these Tek_
tites could be more readily solved if one were to read
the A nci ent l ri sh Tal es, In these are reports about dr ead-
ful w eapons used i n w ars, and si mi l ar to i hose i n the
lnc,ia-n "Veda". They speak of giant birds ,,spitting ost
fire from the clouds, burning the green trees ahd mEtting
These horrifying stones down to pebbles." So offective were these superl
. reports of super-weapons used on weapons of tens of thousands
the grouncl and in aerial batues were certainly written of years ago, that toiay,
many tens of thousands the only existing witnssses ot ttt-eir awiul'powers are
of years before Hiroshima and the few glazed stones and drop-shaped
Na gas ak i, B u t t h e r e a r e m a n y m o r e su ch a cco u n ts i n roiks. The6e
the "Vecla". For example, the following ancient men certainly knew thsir trade of devastation
report strongly so thoroughly,
suggests that atomic weapons have been used for the that even today the most intettigeni
c.onquest of a city. ,,The projectile .Agneya',
p:ople on_
planet dolibt if there ever existed -any
the power of the Universe, is fired a;d thr;e higher civitizations In antiguity, So, foi us today ther;
parts of is one sole hope, and tht i6 th;t no one, nof even ih error,
the city began to burn . . and fire, as from ten thou_
sa nd s uns b l a z e d u p i n sp le n d o u r presses that fatal r,red button", And didn't one of the
, ," greatest
O ne o f t h e w e a p o n s m e n tio n e d in th e ..Ve d a " was
intellects of our times say, ,,after a general
atomic war, any further batiles wiil be fought with-spears
60 t errible t h a t , e v e n wh e n ctisin te g r a te d in to d u s t, and stone axes," ,,E verythi ng has happened
proc luc ed t e r r i b l e c o n s e q u e n ce s. Hu m a n s to st th e ir h ai r ,,r[ win-depe"d -Jdi;it bei ore,,,
Ben Akiba once siid. on human
and f inger n a i l s , T h e p l u ma g e o f b ir cts tu r n e d wh ite a nd insight whether
their f eet b e c a m e c o l o ur le ss. the stone axe becomes a tonventional
F o o d wa s sp o ile d in a i mpl ement or not."




"UFOs" in Hindu Mythology; o picture by on unknownlndion ortist (lith century), depicting {l|e veficles oI the gods.
Moyon engroving shoving o mon piloting o 'spoce <rolt'.

IA/HEN in 1870 the archaologist Heinrich Schlimann

started digginA in Asia Minor for what proved to b the
finding of tt|e tegendary city of Troy, a majority of scholars
rrdiculed his idea, for Schliomann botived in the ancint
writings of Homri whom modern knowledge had already
rejected as a writer of fantasy anct mythotogy. eut Schlie-

NEr,lf mann was right and proved that Homer indecl recorded
a.n event that actuaily
ti ms.
happened in creek
Similarly, many other discovries were macte ranging

from lost cities and civilizations to troasure islands or

E\'IDENCE :u_lk9n sea vessets, for which legends, ancient writings,

folk tales, or secret rites wr instrunientative.
thereforo b clear to any open-minded
that evonts recorcled in ancint
lt must
aeeker of truth
tims were written with
mphaais on their truth and lmportancs. so as th docu_

CDF SPAGE mnts would be worthy

myth -
mesaages to posterlty.
findinga or lrtif.cts

but tet them b6 postponed

If crtain
do not fit into our present
tet u3 not rejoct thsm aa ancignt fan-tary or
for vatuation lntir

our. better knowledge of history woulcl onable us to iudg
their veracity. A conaidr.ble amount ol evldence nis
already been collocted pointing to ths possibility that our
Earth has been visitect by extta-terrectriat bein-ge.
While search in thb diroction is continuing, 3everal
now diacovri have recenfly hit tho worlcl newi-thowing

TN ANCIEIuT that tho phenomnon of UFO' or vlaitauonc

Eaucers io not new and uniquo to thic modern perba
time, but ia gpreact down throuSh .lt our hl3tory,-relching
back sevoral thousands of yorra.
of flyingt
In fgei, Cfrines6
archasologi8t6 publbhct a ntifld ,Groovb Y\,rltingg

TItulES relatcl. to_Spsce

Ing of 716 odd-looking
Shlps which,
12,OOO year3 a8o."

an archaeollglc.l
at recorded on the discl,
Th6 refcr. to the find-
ctone Oirdr
Oug ot caver
of Et.yan-Ksra-Ula
mountains, situated on th| border betwcori Chin! lnd
by Dr. M. Lindtner Tabt. Thse di3ca, ebout 12 incher
cov-ered with spiral3 o,f doublo groovo3 cont:lnln3
In ctismeter, wer
pattorns of hiroglyphics extendlng from centr-l hols to
priphery. The grooves wcre not 3ound tracka, but 3omc
of th6 oddost wrltin8 in Chinr rnd possibly in ihe regt of
th world. Resarch carrlocl out ;n th dlsca rgve.tect
ttrm to tre at last 12,OOO yar3 old ancl bstonging io
the encient tribes of Ham and Oropa who Inhabiied-the
cavs of that region. Th romrining membrs of th36
48 traDes can still be found living in the area and ar a race
of men averaging four feet two inches in height with frail in flight. The pilot of the leading ship is an angel without
bocly structures, the-t-raditionally depicted halo, holding a steering column,
After years of extensive study and work the Peking and is looking back as if watching that the other craft ii
Academy of Pre-history succeeded in deciphering the following. Alao, tho second space craft Ia plloted by a
messag engraved on one of the discs, presumably 6et human-like and not an angel-like figure. Botlr space-stilps
down by an ancient member of the Ham tribe, which hav streamllnd bodles and cleCrty vlsibte idts on tire
reported the following events: sides and rear. The forward posturo of the pi,ots and the
'The oropas came down from the clouds in their jet-stream great speed, tn the cntre of the pic-
gliders whil6 our men, women and children hid in the -suggest
tur, angels are watching the flieht and covering their
caves ten times before the sunrise. When at last they eyes and ears with their hands as if backing away for
understood the sign language of the Dropas, they realized fear of being blinded or deafened.
that the newcomers had peaceful intentions." Another of Below, two groups are portrayed, their faces show-
these hieroglyphics expressed regret over the toss of the ing expressions of surprise, fear or perplexity. The cen-
tribes' own space ship during a dangerous landing in high tral figure represents the crucifigd Christ, The second
mountains and the failure to build new ones. The discs fresco, depicting the resurrection of Christ, also contains
were subsequently sent to Moscow for further investiga- some unusual interpretations of his ascension. Christ
tion, There the scientists made two important discoveries, appears to be standing in a space-craft ready to depart
First, that the discs contained a larg.e amount of cobalt - th craft looks very much like a space-rocket with two
and other rare metals, and second, that the cliscs vibrated wing stabilizers in its upper part. With his right hand,
in an unusual rhythm, as if they were carrylng an elec- Christ is trying to hetp aboard one of the poopte standin5i
trical charge or were part of an etectrlcal circuit. Further on the ground bfore starting his heavenly voyage. Tha
study Into the nature of these discs is still being carried interpretation of Yugoslav and Soviet lourie- bring
on and the reaults of further findings will no doubt be certainly the event of the resurection of Christ int6
published in the future. strong conflict with religiou8 teachings. Their explanation
But as much as the discs and their story may be is that the painters of the frescoes or icons must have
strange to us - this is not the case for students of had access to Christian Apocryphal Texts which explain
ancient China's history, their tegends and folklore. In certain events from religious history in a manner contra-
these there are many references to gaunt, small-sized, dictory to church-approved texts, and were prohibited anct
yellow-faced men coming down from the clouds, who destroyed by the Church centuries ago.
we re'not w e l c o m e d b y t h e lo ca l tr ib e s. ln fa ct, th e visi - An almost identical painting as far as interpretation
tors were chased with fast horses and killed because of of the resurrection and space-craft-like object is con-
th eir ex t rem e u g l i n e s s . T h e y h a d sm a ll a n d we a k b o d ie s, cerned, is the 17th century icon at the Moscow Theotogi-
but enormously large heads and teeth. cal Academy. Also in thia picture the streamlined features
\ A / e as k o u r s e l v e s , c o u ld th e p e o p le o f 1 2 ,OOO ye a r s of the craft are characteristic and the craft appears as a
a8o invent such stories and go to great difficulties to semi-circular dome from under which smoke is ejected,
record them on discs if such an event had not actually enveloping the lgs of angls watching from the sictelines.
happened? Men of those days, we are told, were primi- Whatever the Interpretation of ths ascenscion may be, it
tive brutes continuously engaged in a fight for existence is interesting to note that this, lf an Apocryphal versi6n,
w i th nat ure , h u n g e r a n d n e ig h b o u r s. T h e y co u ld n ot is very similar to other ancient books in which we read
reach the heights of imagination require<t to think out that "gocls rode celestial craft and tanded on Earth, lived
fl yi n g mac h i n e s , n o t b i r d s, b u t m e ch a n ica l d e vice E d e s - among the inhabitants of the planet and later departed
cending from the clouds, On these grounds alone we into the sky,"
could reject such a possibility and ascribe the writings Another painting, but certainly not o,f Apocryphal
rather to an extraordinary event which they witnessed origin, yet depicting space-craft in the sky, is the fresco
and which they considered extremety important to be in the church of San Francesco D'Arezzo, in ltaly, and
passed on to future generations, The truth regarding the painted by Pietro della Francesca. ln the religious motif,
anci ent dis cs i s f u r t h e r c o nfir m e d b y a d d itio n a l e vid e n ce . "Legend of the Cross", clouds are depicted in shapes,
I n s om e o f t h e c a v e s in th e Ba ya n - Ka r a - Ula m o u n - which even by one's greatest efforts could not be asso-
tai n s , arc ha e o l o g i s t s d i s c o ve r e d g r a ve s co n ta in in g b o n e s ci ated w i th anythi ng el se E IU T fl yi ng saucers. A tso i n
12,O O O y ea r s o l d b y c a r b o n 1 4 te st, T h e se b e lo n g e d to thi s pai nti ng.the arti st has gi ven the obj ects the i mpres -
humans with h u g e c r a n i u m s a n d - sh o r t, u n d e r - d e ve lo p e d
body bones, The surprising discovery of skeletons and
their anatomical characteristics were such a puzzle to
the archaeologists and anatomists that a hypothesis was
forwardedrsuggesting that they belonged to some extinct
species of aps. However, this hypothesis was soon
abandoned for, as far as we know, apes do not bury each
other - or chisel hieroglyphics or sy.nbols on stones.
The issue of the graves is still further complicated,
for the inner walls of the caves are covered in many places
with pictures of the rising aun, the moon and stars,
spaced by a multitude of pea-sized dots, possibly rep-
resenting objects approaching the Earth.
While referring to cave clrawings in antiquity depict-
ing certain celestial phenomena probably related to space
l andings , t h e f a c t s h o u l d n o t b e o m itte d th a t se ve r al
caves all over the world possess such art treasures,
among them the famous Tassili fresco in the Sahara
Oesert. lt had already been discovered before Napoleon's
campaign into Egypt, but only latr brought into promi-
nncs by a French expeditior- led by Henri Lhote, who
described the freaco a9 outstanding among other plctures
depicting animals and hunting scenea. The drawing is
approximately 6,000 years old, nine fet tall and repre-
6ents a strange figure wearing a spac suit and helmet
not unlike those worn by our present-day astronauts,
The helmet is definitely attached to the suit, which
gave no association to the ritual head dress or hunting
Eear in surrounding scenes. Lhote named it ,,Martian
God". Similar pictures of an astronaut were found near
the town ot Fergana in Uzoekiestan in U.S.S.R. This
one, as well as another one found in the Swiss Alps,
depicts human beings with helmets. Then, three years
ago, during the restoration of the Dechany Monastery in
Yugoslavia, two antique frescoes, believed to be over 4OO
years old, were discoverecl, They portrayed a religious
scener interpreted by the artist in a manner contrary to
any church doctrine permissible by the teachings of that
ti me.
The frescoes actually depict angels flying in apace-
ships not unlike our present Sputniks. On one of the Henri Lhole's"Moftion God".
frescoes, two space-ships are shown following each other
v er y s i m i l ar to our r oc k ets or j ets . T he pi l ot is seated
c entr al l y i n the c oc k pi t, w i th body i nc l i ned for w ar c l , sug-
ges ti ng gr eat s peed, and i s oper ati ng m anual c on t ro l s '
r r i s nead i s c ov er ed by a hel m et to w hi c h a br ea t h i n g
tube i s attac hed, and thi s i s penetr ati ng the pi l ot's nose'
T he fr ont par t of the m ac hi ne i s oc c upi ed by thr ee re c e p -
tor s that c onti nue i nto a tube- ti k e appar atus ' m ak i ng the
w hol e par t appear as an i nl et and c om pr es s or of a j e t
engr ne.
T he par t of the engi ne behi nd the pi l ot's c abi n s e e ms
to s i m ul ate c om bus ti on c fr am ber s , fr om w hi c h ex h a u s t s
ar e c l ear l y v i s i bl e as fi r e, depi c ted on the engr av i ng' On
the bas i s of our pr es ent- day engi neer i ng we c an only
c onc l ude that the dr aw i ng r epr es ents a r oc k et- s hip in
anc i ent ti m es . Inter pr etor s of M ay an s y m bol s bel i ev e that
i f the s i gns ar e ev er dec i pher ed, they w i l l c onv ey t h e
or i gi n of the c r aft. A s ugges ti on of s ol ar ener gy p ro p u l -
s i on i s s een i n the head of the l ar ge bi r d engr av ed at the
nos e of the c r aft, w hi c h, i n M ay an r el i gi on, r epr e s e n t s
s ol ar s tr ength. Sy m bots al ong the edges - ni ne o n top'
ni ne on the bottom and thr ee on eac h s i de, m ay po s s i b l y
be as s oc i ated w i th nav i gati onal or fty i ng i ns tr uc ti ons . Yet'
to s peak of j et engi nes , r oc k ets or , per haps , s ti l l mo re
adv anc ed pr i nc i pl es of pr opul s i on bei ng i n ex i s t e n c e
1 ,5O o y ear s ago, s eem s utter ty fantas ti c . T hi s i s w h y t h e
anc i ent and ex ti nc t c i v i l i z ati ons of C entr al and South
Am er i c a ar e s uc h a tr em endous puz z l e and c hal l en g e to
s c i enti s ts today . \ /e c onti nuatl y m ar v el at the ar c h i t e c -
tur al . as tr onom i c al , m athem ati c al and m edi c al ach i e v e -
m ents of the Atm etz , T ol tec s , M ay ans , Az tec s and I n c a s '
w hi c h onty i n s om e c as es c oul d be m et by our p re s e n t
tec hnol ogy and s c i enc e.
M ay be a c i v i l i z ati on that bui l t T i ahuanac o s o me
hundr ed thous and y ear s ago i m par ted the k now l edg e to
thes e peopl e - or m ay be an adv anc ed, r eac i y-ma d e
k now l edge had been br ought to them and di s tr i bute d by
a c os m i J r ac e l andi ng on Ear th i n anti qui ty and of w h i c h
the l as t s ur v i v or 's tom b has now been found i n Pale n q u e '
R EF .: M onthl y D i g. s putni k 1,67.
C l y peus , Vol . 13.45, '66.
D om i ni c a del C or r i er e, 9.67.
Pi er r e H onor e: " l n Q ues t of the w hi te G od" in London'
l 963.

T h e co n l r over siol Ir esco by Pietr o dellq fr onc es c q

sion o f sp e e d , w h i ch is never the case if clouds ar e

intended. C o n si d e ri n g that no other paintings painted by
t h e s a me P i e tro d e tta Fr ancesco shows even similar c l oud
f o r m a t i o ns. i t co u l d b e concluded that the painter in deec l
knew wh a t h e w a s i n tending to por tr ay.
Bu t i f d i sco ve ri e s over the last few year s hav e
proved fru i tfu l , th e o n e which sur passed all expectations
t o o k p l a ce i n 1 9 5 2 i n M exico. On lSth June of that y ear ,
Al b e r t o Ru z L 'Hu l ti e r and his thr ee associates foun d in
the jungle n e a r P a l e n q u e a lar ge Mayan pyr am id ' l n the
inteiior th e y d i sco ve re d a sar cophagus containing the
remnants o f a ma n , " M an in a Jade M ask". Pier r e Honor e'
d i s t i n g u i sh e d a rch a e o l ogist, believed that the skel eton
a n c t p y r a mi d a re th e homes of the Mayan Gods found in
Mayan legends a s K ukulkan. The extr aor dinar y ch .a( ac -
teristic o f th e ske l e ton was that it was taller tfian a
n o r m a l - si ze d ma n . a lso sur pr ising is the shape o f the
s a r c o p h ag u s, i n th e for m of a fish, similar to that w hi c h
was found i n a n ci e n t Babylon and ascr ibed to the B aby -
lonian myth o l o g i ca l p er sonality of Oanes - or the Fish
God. T h L l i cl o f th e stone sar cophagus weighed app r ox i -
mately si x to n s, a n d on it was a chiseled engr aving of a
p i l c t f l yi n g a sp a ce -sh i p, while ar ound the bor der s sym'
b o l s we re p l a ce d , n o doubt to r elate an impor tant s tor y'
Re se a rch i n to the M ayan language and sym bols so
f a r f a i l e d to re ve a l a key by which the engr aving may be
d e c i p h e re d . H o we ve r, in spite of this, the dr awing i s of
such pre ci si o n th a t i ts meaning m ay be inter pr eted f'y us
in the light of what we know of space tr avel today' lt is
and pr ofite of a mac hi ne fonb ol o May on God?
a n i d e al L e d e n g i n e e ri n g design
lN 1955 the late ceneral Douglas MacArthur was 16-
portecl by the New York Times as having dclared: .Ffhe
By 8R/NSIEY nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war
will be an interplanetary war. The nations of th earth
L E P OE RT R E N CH must someday make a common front against attack by
people from other planets."
while it may be rash to assume that this was other
than a personal opinion, ther is, neverthelessr 8 Gotr-
siderable body of opinion amongst military and scienti-
fic circles that, given UFOS are extra-tgrreatrial, thy
may constitute a military threat.
Even some prominent Amrican and English flying
saucer magazins show today a considrable tenclency
to label the Sky People aa hostil.
What ia the truth? Are our vlsitora friondly or
hosti l e?
Let us take a look at the record and, also, at the
evidence for hostility put forward by those writers who
maintain that viewpoint.
Flying objectg have been observed in our skies all
through recorded higtory. Since the end of the last world
war there has been a tremendous increase in these
siShtings. Literally, hundreds of thousands have been
reported from all over the world cluring the last two
Some writers on the eubject have taken the vlew
that this intenaification of sightings over the la8t twenty
years means that an lmminent invasion of this plrnet
by th space peopl 18 on the carde.
It seemB odcl that any civilization so highly ad-
vanced would require twnty years to conduct a military
reconnaisance of the Earth, lf they hrd de3Srecl to clo
so, the visitors coulcl .have dotroyed u8 in th turinkling
of an eye with their super-technolo8iy. Thy hav not
done so.
So much for thE long-trm record. what is th
result? You and I are still hore breathing God's frssh
ai r.
Now, let us turn to some of ths points that have
been advanced as evidencs that the saucers are hostil.

Many people have suffered burns from rays eman-
ating from UFOS when they have got too close to these
craft, The answer to this is quite simple. lt is a matter
of pure ignorance on the part of those unfortunatg
human bei ngs, Inci dental l y, thi s l ack of know l edg e on
the part of mankind may well be one more reason why
the saucers do not land more frequently and why they
tend to keep away.
No reasonable human being would stand close to
an aeroplane's propeller or near the jets of a modern
aircraft. lt is equally dangerous for anyons to stancl
under a UFo that is hovering at a low altitude or to
attempt to go near one that has landed. Thers ls a
danger of contracting radiation sickness and burns from
being in the close proximity of UFos. However, let me
emphasize this is not hostility on their patt. lt is the
duty of all uE aware of thiS information to sPread it
arouncl .
There have been many w el l -authenti cated cas es of
landed saucers where the occupants have 8ot out to take
a l ook at the scenery. S uddenl y, they have been surp ri s ed
by the unexpected arrival in the area of arth people'
The space pilots have used Soms kind of ray 8un to
temporarily immobilize the newcomers. This has allowed
the crew to re-enter their craft and take off into ths
blue. No harm has come to those immobilized. They
have undergone a temporary paralysis' which after a
short time disappears.
Some of us may not think that this is very nice
behaviour on the part of somg of tho visitorg. Howover,
we must realize that the saucer gccupants are probably
coming from many areas. The more advancd ons
would not need to usg such tactica.
We should remember, too, that earth peoPle have
been known to fire at both the saucers and their occu-
pants. There are many cases on record of an inhospit-
able attitude on our part. Word has probably 8ot around
the galaxy that the natives on this planet are dangerous.
It is only natural that some of the visitors take precau-
ti ons,
lf any people deserve to be called hostile it is the
human race on Earth. Take a look at the long, terrible
record of savage wars waged in the sacred names of
R el i gi on, N ati onal i sm, Greed and oespoti sm. Loo k at
the Spanish Inquisition, with its ghastly tortures. ln more
modern ti mes, l ook at B el sen and H i roshi ma.
Look at the way crime and skulldugeiery flourish
everywhere, Look at the murders, sexual assaults' bes-
tl al i ty to chi l dren and raci al hatred. Look, too, at man-
ki nd's cruel ty to ani mal s.
t .fully appreciate that there are thousands of won-
ln Pu r su it.... derful l y evol ved, spi ri tual l y mi nded peopl e w i th us today
but, unfortunately, there are many who are not in that
happy state.
The oldest one that comes to mind is the tragic Let us remember mankind's built-in tendency to
death of Gaptain Thomas F. Mantell. This has frequently re8.ard anything that he cloes not understand as some-
been put down to hostile action by the visitors. thing to be feared, Therefore, ho is apt to consider any-
A huge, glowing object was seen over the State of one comi ng from off thi s pl anet as a probabl e enemy '
Kentucky by thousands of People on the afternoon of The spate of horrific scienc fiction films shown on both
January 7, 1948. State police notified Godman Air television and cinema has only added fuel to the bonfire
Force Base, and soon gfterwards the UFO was spotted of fire and suspicion in peoplers minds.
from the control tower. The C.O' radioed Captain Man- I am not so stupid as to cateSorically state that all
tell, who was then airborne with his squadron on a flying saucers are necessarily friendly. There may be a
routine training flight. Mantell reported back that he had few undesirable ones around. This universe and th-'
s ight ed t h e o b j e c t a n d h is sq u a d r o n wa s g o in g a fte r i t. inter-penetrating invisibte universes are very large indeed.
Aiter some time the three other pilots gradually dropped However, those Sky People that have been more inti-
out of the chase due to lack of oxygen' leaving Mantell matel y associ ated w i th us 6i nce ti me i mmemori a l are
c limbing a f t e r t h e U F O in h is F - 5 1 M u sta n g fiSh te r . keeping watch over us, and it i5 them that we hope to
A.fter about half an hour Mantell's voice suddenly contact before very much longel.
came over the radio, 'ttt's directly ahead of me and The power of thought is a marvellous force, used
m ov ing a t a b o u t h a l f m y sp e e d . l' m clo sin g in n o w to correctly. lt was Shakespeare who wrote!
looks metallic and is "thinking
take i good look. The thing makes it so." How right he was. Hav you noticed how
tremendous in size." in everyday life this operates? lf you think little, petty
Then silence. About an hour later the wreckage of thoughts, you wilt get back the same sort of things. lf
his plane was found scattered over a very wide area. you think big, positive thoughts, you will achieve a great
The official view of the U.S' Air Force was that deal .
Mantelt had been chasing one of the huge Skyhook bal- t would like to suggest that if you think the saucors
loons s e n t u p b y t h e U.S. Na vy fo r r e se a r ch in to the are hostile, then you may well conjure that kind up for
upper atmospher, Whether it was a UFO or a Skyhook yourself one fine day. Have you noticed how many air
o'ait oon, t h e U , S . A i r F o rce , in th e ir o fficia l r e p o r t, cle ared disasters seem to happen over a short period? The same
the objec t M a n t e l l w a s ch a sin g fr o m a n y b la m e . The with train disasters. Recently, here in England, we lrave
report states: r ' T h e U F O wa s in n o wa y d ir e ctl yr had a whole lot of accidents at railway crossinSs. I have
r es pons ib l e f o r t h i s a c cid e n t. ( *F lyin g Sa u .ce r s: sp eci al a hunch'that al l thi s i s due to the pow er of mass nega-
i s s ue of L O O K M a g a z i n e, 1 9 6 7 .) Ho we ve r , it is p r o b abl e tive thought lingering over the first accident. This tre-
that the excitement caused by the object was respon- mendous negative force may cause the rest. This is the
s ible f or t h i s e x p e r i e n c e d p ilo t co n d u ctin g a h ig h a ltitude damage that newspapers do today in presenting at great
flight without the necessary oxygen equipment length the most sensational news on the front page, and
( Not e: U n d e r l i n i n g b y U ' S. Air F o r ce .) in a big story on the inside ones as well. Wars, crime,
we have it then directly from the U.S. Air Force sex, aeroplane and train disasters. These are the news
that the UFO was not responsible for Mantell's death' items that sell the papers. lt is not entirely their fault.

After all, they are in business to sell as many copies of people allegedly r,silenced,' by ..phoney men in btack".
their papers as possible. They would not go to such It all makes sensational reading and they are apt to
lengths to clescribe in every gory detail all the horrors identify themselveg with those that.hsve ben .,silencsd".
of a train disaster if there was not a demand from the soon, they, too, are telling thelr frlends they have re-
public for that sort of thing. Unfortunately, there is a ceived threatening telephone calls from mysterious be-
demand. Just look at the millions of copieB sold of the ings. And so it goes on. lt's a grsat game and sxciting
El o nd book s , s p e c i a l i s i n g in vio le n ce , sa d ism a n d se x . for those little-minded people who play lt.
Un fort unat el y , many h u ma n b e in g s ta ke a vica r io u s
pleasure in reading about all these sordid matters in both However, there are others who believe in the exist-
books and newspapers. They partially identify them- ence of the Sky People who take a more positive view
selves with the actors in these dramas and get a r'kick" and are aware of the deepet aspects of this subject. v\/e
o ut of it . are not al l pl ayi ng si l l y gmes,
In the same way, regrettable though it is, there are Therefore, let us continue to take rrhigher ground",
some saucer writeas and readers of saucer magazines and as I have statod more than once on the public
w ho t hriv e o n s e n s a t i o n a l ism in o u r su b je ct, T o th e m p|atfoTm, ..IF WE WA LK IN TH E LIGH T \^r'E WILL N OT
the saucers must be hostile, They like reading about S E E TH E D A R K '"

RraorRs of Australian UFO publications must certainly of UFOIC was also placed second. Such Reviews published at
have noticed and pondered on the fact that two Australian regular intervalswere then packed in bulk and despatchedto
magazinesare issued under the same name, one Australian Melbourne by our free transport facilities for further distribu-
Flying Saucer Review being published by UFOIC in
Sldney and the other by VUFORS in Melbourne. This Absolutely correctly, and understandably,VFSRS stamped
the envelopes to subscribersand overseassocietieswith their
confusion is comparable to the situation which once existed Melbourne return address. Because of this address and the
in the U.S.A., where two NICAP societiesexisted, one in lack of printed indications inside the Review that the magazine
Washington, D.C., and the other in Seattle. The situation was actually a creation by UFOIC and only despatchedby
overseaswas finally resolved by one organization changing VFSRS, the Australian Flying Saucer Review was taken by
i t s name. every overseassociety or UFO organisationas the official pub-
To clarify our Australiansituationin respectto the same Iication and production of the Victorian Flying SaucerResearch
name of two publications,UFOIC has decided from now on Society.
to changethe title of its magazinefrom the Australian Flying Not a single credit was ever given to UFOIC in various
SaucerReview to the Australian UFO Review,although it has books and publications using material from the Australian
priority rights to the use of name of the former. To understand Flying Saucer Review, but always, this was given to the Vic-
our action and in support of our claim, a brief review is pre- torian society. In fact, UFOIC remained completely obscured
sentedbelow of the historicalbackgroundof both thesepubli- behind the facade of the Review despatcher. Furthermore, all
cationsand the subsequentconfiict in names. subsequentinformation re articles naturally availabli only
Originally, in 1959, only one Australian Flying Sauccr through UFOIC authors had to be received through the Mel-
Review existed. This was a co-operative enterprise between bourne office. Naturally, under such circumstances,and with
Sydney UFOIC and Melbourne VFSRS, both societiesexperi- no contribution of articles or literary material from other
encing great difficulties in production of their own separate Australian groups, the editorial efiorts of UFOIC and the
magazines,UFO Bulletin and UFORUM, respectively.At that publication gradually tired and were suspendedfor 1963-64.
time Dr. Lindtner, of UFOIC, proposedthe name of this joint Meanwhile,during this period, the Victorian society,see-
publication to be the Australian Flying Saucer Review, which ing our dificulties,beganto publishtheir own magazine,naming
was unanimously accepted by both societies. It was decided it Australian Flying SaucerReview,Victorian Edition, starting
that this publicationwould be producedin Sydneyby UFOIC, with issueNo. l, and suitably using exactly the same volume,
while Victorian FSS in Melbourne should care for despatch size and letterhead. In the beginning, the UFOIC looked sym-
and recoveryof subscriptions.The expenseswould be shared, patheticallytowards this gestureto perpetuatethis Australian
and so would the editorship. It was also anticipated that both UFO publication, but resented the fact that, despite lhe
societieswould contribute literary material. Subsequently,in UFOIC having previously carried all the burden of publica-
the spirit of the formation of the Australian Flying Saucer tion, for the benefit of Victoria, the Sydney Society had now
Federation and common journal, Queensland Flying Saucer been completely ignored.
Research Bureau and Darwin Flying Saucer ResearchSociety Subsequently,in 1965, UFOIC resumed production of the
joined with the same obligations and privileges. original Australian Flying Saucer Review, qualifying it by
It happened,however, from the very beginning, that not "UFOIC Edition", No. 8 issue. As long as a common title
a single literary contribution, article or other material from could be differentiated by respective UFOIC and Victorian
other groups (except one article from the QueenslandSociety editions, such co-existencewas tolerated and actually stimu-
in July, 196l) ever reachedour UFOIC editor, Mr. Andrew lating.
Tomas. This man wrote, translatedand practically typed every However, since the last two issuesof the Melbourne publi-
issueof the sevenpublishedup to 1963. Dr. Lindtner prepared cation omitted the qualifying title of the Victorian issue and
art work for each issue and numerous drawings and artists' appropriatedthe name of the original maga.ins, Australian
impressions,while UFOIC committee outlaid initial printing Flying Saucer Review, such a gesture cannot be tolerated.
expensesor contributedin other ways. Although it is hoped that the readers were able to separate
To make it appear to outsidersthat it was truly a joint "brothers by feathers" through the "eggs they laid", the
effort, in no place in any issue did UFOIC indicate that the UFOIC, to avoid further implications, has decided to change
w/role production stemmed from UFOIC; even including the the name of its publication to Australian UFO Review, but it
omission of the addressof the printer. In addition, our editor will maintain the number officially in order of the previous
as a sole working force put his own name as second to the sequence,thus making this issue No. 10. Let us establish in
others on the principle of "grrests7ir.r'1".Similarly, the address this way the credit that each publication deserves.
A N D R E V P . T OM AS, o u lo tm e r e d ito r , h a s a o y A een
'' orerreos lor three yeots. On his study loll. lor rcseorch
into prehistoric civilizotions ond possible rpoce-contocts in
antiquily, he hos trcvelled in lndio ond $e Himaloyos, visited
Egypt, spent months in the Louvre ond in the Eritish Museum,
ond sludied in the Leningrcd Librory. Ha lectured in Fronce,
Englond, Germony, Austrio, U,S.S.R.ond in other couotries,
ond contributed orticles to vqrious UFO publications. On his
lour he met prominent scien{ists, recorded lheir intervrcvs
ond collected moteriol erpressing their opinions. His mqin
theme: "UFOs and Lile in lhe Universe". Mony yeors ol work
ond his outhorily in this field hove brought hin finol recoqni-
tion. His frrst boo|, "Atlontis", published originolly by Lofront
in Paris. ho: now reoched its third edition, re-is:ued by Le
Cercle du Litre Precieut os o guolity librcry choice lrom o
rcnge ol 5,000 titles, ol which only 12 ore se/ecled onnuolly.
His second book, "Eeyond The Tine &orrier", is due {o Ae
issued this November, ond lhe third, "lhe Lost Fount O!
Science", f,os Seen commissionedlor (uture publication. Not
loryetting UFOIC, he hos lotvorded the litlowing conlribu.

Andrev Tomos . . - in Paris.

U F OS M AY BE SPAC E VIKIN GS,- as s er ts Pr ofes s o r

H er m ann O ber th
ALR EAD Y at the Inter nati onal Aer onauti c s l Co n g re s s
hel c l bac k i n 1954 at l nns br uc k , Aus tr i a, anc l a t t e n d e d
by delegates from 14 countriesr the celgbrated. rocket
scientist, Professor Hermann Oberth, statd that the
behaviour of flying saucers rul6d out any mean9 of
propulsion known to our science. On a number of occa-
sions he has spoken and written about the "Uranids"
or "vikings" from distant worlds who miSht bs visiting
our Earth. shortly before the launching of sputnik I he
was asked when space travel would become t reality.
"we can count on the first manned satellite in 5 to 10
years'r was his answer. Now we know how tru his
juclgement was. His views on the visitations from other
pl anets m ay be equal l y c or r ec t.
How did Professor Oborth become interested in
Astronautics? .A,s a boy ot 1 t he read Jules Verne's
"From tlre Earth to the Moon" and ever since he hag
worked converting fantasy into facts. This task has
taken him a lifetims, and it is Intarsting to note that h6

correaponded extensively with Tsiolkovsky snd Goddarcl,
the two pioneers of modern rocketry. In 1923, when
Professor Oberth's book, "The Rocket Into Interplanetary
Spac e" w as publ i s hed i n G er m any , i t c au8ht v a ry litue
scientific attention, but today this work is considered s
c l as s i c i n the l i br ar y of any r oc k et s c i enti s t, H 3 b e c a m3
celebrated aE the father of space flight, for his arly
ex per i m ents in 1929 w i th r oc k et taunc hi ngs i n B e rl i n
lecl to the development of the V2 cturing World War ll,
which is regarded as a forerunner of futurs gpace
r oc k ets .
T hi s c onc ept w as fi nal l y br ought to r eal i ty when
he and hi s under s tudy , w er nher Von Br aun w er e tiven
the l eader s hi p i n the U .S. s pac e r oc k et pr ogr a mme ,
r es ul ti ng i n the dev el opm ent of the pr es ent M oon ro c k e t ,
Saturn V, A,fter his return to Germany seven year6 ago,
Professor Oberth engaged more actively in the study of
a UFO phenom enon w hi c h had c hal l s ngd hl s B c i e n t i f i c
mind for over a decade. ln this field hs algo bcam a
world authority. \^/hen asked if UFOS could be extra-
terrestrial rocket8 or cosmic ships from diatant worlds,
Professor Oberth anawered: "This is a Breat posslbility
which, so far, has not been disproved. Over 40 per
cent of the stars in the Universo hav families ot plansts,
some of them could be inhabitsd by intelligent beings
who have masterod intr-planetary or. possibly, Inter-
s tel l ar tr av el m ay bs ages ago.r r
He holds that UFO9 have been sighted for thous-
54 ands of years and that the Egyptian papyrus of 3,5OO
years ago, now In the vatican Museum, could be one of No phase of this subiect is of greater interest to
the first records of such visitations. ln his latest book, ufologists than the reaction of a foremost astronomer ln
"Catechisrn of the Uranians", he deals with the possi- the U ,S .S .R . tow ards the U FO. r,r. z,i gel , i n hi s c ontri -
bility of telepathic communications between UFO occu- bution to the recent book, r.Life in the Cosmos", deals
pant s an d t e r r e s t r i a l in h a b ita n ts. He a lso th in ks t hat with this subject in quite a tolerant manner: .,Beginning
man one clay will travel through space at the. near speed lrorr1 1947 and up to this day, a great deal of publicity
of light and meet intelligent beings on distant wortds. has been created in connection with so-called ,Flying
.At present, however, they are visiting us anC it shoud Saucers', Without sufficient evidence these phenomena
be the duty of scientists to study and to recognise their have been taken for space-ships from other planets.
P res enc e i n o u r s k i e s . However, does the flying gaucer discredit the idea of
CONTACTS BETWEEN WORLDS_VIEWS OF SOVIET the visitations of Earth by space visitors? Not at all,"
.)r, Zi8el explains. .,Such great men of science as Dr.
Clyde Tombaugh, discoverer of the planet plutoy re-
THE problem of possible contacts between rational be- ported in 1949 a sighting of a UFOr and Dr. t. Maunter,
ings separated by astronomical distances is an item high
up on the agenda of Societ science. a famous British astronomer at creenwich in 1882. won-
This i6 natural in
the epoch of spac6 travel which U.S.S.R, has pioneered.
dered about a ,large, luminous-greenish disc moving
rapidly across the sky' and both came to a dead end in
Although there are as many critical scientists in identifying these objects; then they encountered truly
U.S,S.R. as in the West, it is most satisfactory to note puzzling phenomena which still awaits an explanation.
the presence of a considerable broadmindedness in the It is evident that there are phenomena observed in the
Soviet Union when it comes to the subject of life in atmosphere which have nothing to do with mass-psy-
the Universe, Perhaps one explanation may be found chosis or hallucinations, as they represent some objective
in the influence of Engels, the dialactical materialist, who reality. All the means and powers of modern science
thought over a century aga that: .'The Universe is a huge should be utilized in ascertaininSi just what kind of reality
reservoir of life," i t i s.rt
Th6 concept of our galactic kin in the minds of
the Soviet scientists is not only sensible, but imaginative
as wefl, t)r, Felix Zigel, a prominent astronomerr writes!
"We have no reason to think that rational beings on
other planets resemble the blood-thirsty Martians of H.
G. Wells, On the contrary, there are grounds to suppose
that civilizations which have mastered inter-planetary or
even inter-stellar flights are on so high a level of intellec-
tual and moral development that goodwill towards similar
creatures has long ago become a natural criterion of
their behaviout."
Noted science writer Boris Lapunov speaks of the
p os s ibility o f ' r c o n v e r s a t io n s a cr o ss th e g a la xy" b y m e ans
o f radio. " W i t h o u t a d o u b t it is d ifficu tt to a b so r b thi s
i n our c o n s c i o u s n e s s a s th e str e tch e s o f tim e a n d sp ace
are unimaginably great. We may contact utterly extra-
ordinary forms of life - such we cannot even imagine
at this time. One cannot guess at what tempo the
technological progress of our neighbours may proceed.
we must abandon Earth yardsticks and, without sliding
into mysticism, admit that whatever is impossible for
us may b e q u i t e p o s s ib le fo r th e m .,'
A great deal has been said and written on the
visitations of cosmonauts in antiquity. professor l.
Shklovsky considers the problem to be within the scope
of scientific thinking, He says: .,There is an exciting
question - Has our planet been visited in the past by
astronauts from other planets?" Or. M. M. Agrest gets
the c red i t f o r p u t t i n g t h is p r o b le m o n a scie n tific b a si s.
T he m ain i d e a o f A g r e s t. a s fo r m u la te d b y h im in 1 9 59,
c an be s u m m e d u p l i k e th is: ..L e t u s su p p o se th a t o ther-
world astronauts visited our Eatth at some time in the
pas t and m a d e c o n t a c t with h u m a n s. So u n u su a l an
event should have been reflected in legends and myths. LE T U S S E E K FOR C OS MIC IN TE LLIGE N C E S -S ayS
To the primitive inhabitants of Earth, the astronauts Professor Shklovsky
must have appeared as divine beings with supernatural THE guastion-are w alone in this limifless Universe?
powers. A particular significance should have been if not, will it be possible to establish contacts
allotted in these myths to the heavens where the mys- with our distant brothers by intellect?-has intrigued
terious beings had come from." The treatment of the scientists and philosophers for centuries. This question,
problem by Dr. Agrest is considered by us to be quite however, can only now be approached with scientific
rational and deserves a full examination backing from the amazing achievements of astro-physics,
astronomy and cosmonautics.
Fundamntally, it is essential to know whethr there
are any other planetary systems in our Universe mors
or less similar to our own solar system. This ls impor-
tant, for astro-phy3ics and cosmology have shown that
only on planets similar to ours, relativoly complicated
organisms could exist. lt has now been definitety estab-
lished that in our galaxy alone several miuion stars are
Did Spoce People bring surrounded by families of planets.
theit scieneeto Eoolbek? The second query to be satisfied is to understand
Dr. Agrest thinks these huge how lifs emerged on the planets. The anawr to this
loundation stones, upon rests on the frontiers of astro:biology, chemistry, cosmo-
vhich the Romons later gony and cybernetics and is at present most difficutt to
built, moy hove been explain, for we ar still far away from concoiving how
ertro-lerresftiol londing inanimate matter could transform into animate. Never-
theless, the latest advancements in biology of mono-
ond lounching sites.
nuclear organisms together with discoveries in gentics
and cybernetics make6 us hops that some day the sec-
rets of the origin of life will bs understood. lt is also
very important to keep in mind that living organisms
possess a marvellous ability to adapt thmselves to the
most adverse environments and changing conditions like
temperature, pressure, dangorous radiation and so forth.
On these grounds we should not entirely reject the
old panspermic theory which states that life,in the folm
o f b a cte ri a l sp o re s could be tr anspor ted fr om one pl an- one day thi s i s possi bl e, w e w oul d greatl y ben efi t from
e t a r y syste m to a n o ther . The.second possibility, nam el y the mass of advanced i nformati on recei ved w hi c h w outd
t h a t l i fe o ri g i n a te d fr om inanim ate m atter has also to be enrich our knowledge and enhanct our progreEs, At
kept i n mi n d , In fact, this is what we believe - w i th present the only way to attain such contacts would be
regard to how life started on this earth - and we must by exchange of radi o si gnal s contai ni ng coded i nforma-
a c c e pt th i s h yp o th e sis for conditions in our galax y and tion. lt is unfortunate, trowever, that in spite of our
on our Earth thousands of millions of years ago pro- advanced radi o astronomy, w e can send out si gnal s onl y
hibited the existence of life as we know it, for limited distances. Elut, on the other hand, shoutd
Another query and still more difficult to answer is some technically more advanced civilization beam to-
- wh e th e r l i fe o n c e star ted on some planet and has w ards us strong radi o emanati ons, w e must be abl e to
p r o g r e ssi ve l y d e ve l o ped, m ust necessar ily ot not b ec om e recei ve them.
rational? F ro m o ur point of view the evolutio n of C ON TA C T WITH A N D R OME D A - P recti cts tvan
rational beings n e e d not be the ultim ate tar get of natur e, E f remov
T a k i n g, h o w e ve r, the opposite view that the final r es ul t "w l TH oU T our reachi ng i nto the far fronti ers of s pac e
o f t h e cre a ti o n o f star s and planets is indeed the em er - and w i thout contacts w i th other ci vi l i zati ons, n o future
gence o f i n te l l i g e n t life, is idealistic and again w i thout progress of manki nd can be i magi ned," says the promi -
s c i e n ti fi c p ro o f, B u t, in spite of this, we.should r em em - nent S ovi et sci enti st and author E fremov. ,,A l l thi s tal k
b e r th a t l i fe o n o u r planet star ted thousands of mi l l i ons that w e shal l not be abl e to understand ci vi ti zations born
o f y ea rs b e fo re th e or igin of any r ational cr eatur es . on other pl anets and i n di fferent envi ronments s eems
Co n si d e ri n g that m an' s existence on our pl anet groundl ess to me. Thi s i s, becauae a hi ghl y i mportant
e x t e n ds o n l y o n e million year s back, this does not nec es - factor is overlooked, namely that the whole Universe is
s a r i l y i n 'l p l y th a t e ver ywher e else in the Univer se r ati onal bui l t on one pattern and from he same el ement s , w hi c h
beings mu st e me rg e at the sam e time. We, ther efor e, are the bui l di ng bl ocks possessi ng the same qual i ti es
have th e ri g h t to assum e that on some planets thous - and are subjected to th same laws everywhere.
ands of light ye a rs distant, som e civilizations ha v e de- "On the basis of these laws and elements, our
veloped wh i ch a re m uch older than our s and w hi c h, thinking matter was formed, producing thought and
w i t h o ut d o u b t, h a ve achieved gr eat heights in c ul tur e, consci ousness, thus enabl i ng us to understand eac h
s c i e n ce a n d te ch n o l o gy r elatively super ior to our ow n. other-therefore, if other cosmic beings are produced
Then, i f th i s i s so, ther e is only the pr oblem of how by the same process, i t i s l ogi cal to concl ude that w e
t o e s ta b l i sh co mmu n ications with these civilizations . lf w i l l be abl e to understand them al so, When communi -
cati ons are establ i shed, the i ni ti al phase w i l l c ons i s t of
an exchange of sci enti fi c and techni cal i nformati on.
From thi s onw ard, w e w i l l progress together w i th our
brotlrers in the stars towards a higher levet of mutual
understandi ng, i ncl udi ng the domai n of emoti ons.
"l envi sage, and I agree on thi s poi nt w i th Fred
Hoyle, that the key to our first aquaintance with extra-
terrestrial beings lies in the field of electro-magnetic
vibratiorls like radio and television, or in some ractically
new vibrations yet to be discovered, enabling us to send
and receive 'star messages'. ln this light I wish to men-
tion that I dealt with this concept in my novel, ,Th
N ebul a of A ndromeda', i n w hi ch I vi suati zed ci v i l i z ati ons
separated by tens and hundreds of light years exchang-
i ng i nformati on by gatacti c tel evi si on, yet not bei ng i n
physi cal w i th each other,
"l am al so certai n that i n the future w e w i l l be
abl e to by-pass space and ti me. To thi s effect there are
al ready i ncl i cati ons of a breakthrough i n sci enc e.
"U l ti matel y w e w i l l break the cosmi c barri ers and
fill the open spaces with our terrestrial space-crafts,
using methods of travel and propulsion which today
cannot be imagined - thus bringing the most distant
cosmi c ci vi l i zati ons i nto our nei ghbourhood."

Hout This Magazine "Is Produced
pERHAPS readers of earlier issues of UFOICT Australian UFO Review (formerly titled Australian Flying
SorrrorReview) have sometimcswondcrcd how it uas produced? This is the story, beginning uith the basic
data, IJFO siglztingreports. Mr. T. V. Homan, a kind of super UFO detcc,tite,reads all the papcrs,_Iistens to aII
neu,s and hears all tihispers. Frow these, a UFO file is cstablished. No UFO casc cail escape his ears, and
beuare the obseruer wlrose name is ruentioncd! Mr. Homan sertdsout all the ttppropriate fornts, engnges irt
correspondence and gets witnesses' accowrtts on tdpe.
Fortwntely, not all sightings have to be chascd after . . sonte arrive by local Ttost-, so-meby airnnil and so
olt. Thcsc are afldrcssedto, Hoiorary Secrctqry, UFOIC, L'lr. A4oscr. lUithin 48 hours lrc dcciphc,rshattdvriting,
translates scripts and epistles front'stmtlry languag,esirtto English and ,scnds back replies-and tlmtrlla.u,hcre
ltecessary. Ui to a dozen lctters may follou until variotts,Ttoitttsof iuformatiolt are clarified. Tlnts, {or I\[r.
Iloser, UfOi are tlot only ligltts tu thc sky, btrt sparkson his tyltat,ritcr, since hc nranagcsto vrite a thousand
Ietters a ycLr.
-l"herc is altvays a grcqt deal of cxcitclncltt u,hcn a long, thick ent,clolte is fowtd in the UIO\Q 'post box.
Perhalts it has conie frorn Colin Norris, of the Adclaidc Flyiug Sauccr Rcsearch Socicty, an ilwahnble s.ource-of
,tut UFO clata, or from Nett'castle'sIJFOIC, or front. grotq)s fu Queensland, Tasmattia and Western Australia.
And, jttst for good ,rrcorure,on thc local scenc, the phonc ltcver stopsringing here at UFOIC Headquartersuiilz
enlightening efforts . cTicnas latc as 3 a.m.
Thus the material Ttilcsu1t on thc editorial dcsk, and thcre is a gigantic task-ahead. Reports have to be
sifud and good storicssilectcd'and u,ritten wf) as articlcs. A catalogyc of sighting,sh-asto- be Ttreytared and their
airthenticitj assttrcd. But uFOs arc ttot an ixclusively Australiart lthatornutort, so hundreds of -overseas-publi'
cations tntist be digesterl and their otftstanrling casesTircsufied. In additiort, thcre arc articles u'hich need ta be
translatcd and, forhtnately, this can be arranged from a dozen or ntore languages.
Thus thc Lindner/Drury cditoriat staft plods on througlrcut the ycar and, as manuscriyttshave-tobetyy1ed,
rcuiseil and re-typcd, the ty1tists, Mrs. Vai ber Vord and-Miss llarbara Wilche, bend beneath their burclen,
Holr,cver, the u,ork is at l.astcompleted,
Alt the maltxtscriptsare then taken to lirn Cameron at Wallace t Knox, whery galle-y pr.oofs are enthusi-
astically linoty.pcd, aticl cuentttally made ttp in pag,c forn !1' corttltositor-Gary_ Marshsll. Art copies--of !l:e
contl,Iitcrl pogit irc then ltrotlttcLd, Trort t'vhich'yl'ites arc thert, ntad-9by Ur, lohtt Ct,etkovich uho, Iike Mr.
l>aui Waltice", of Walloc, U l{nox, takcs a ltcrsotial intarcst in {JFOIC and ltrovides guterous assistance' Thc
Review is then ltrinted and sent out by I\Lr.'Moser,locally and all over tllc world. Thus it is that you ttmu have
it before you.
Dn. Mrnau LrNptNrn.

"UFOs? YESI", David R. Saunders and R. Roger Harkins.
Signet publication, 95c.
David Saunderswas one of the key figures in the Condon
Enquiry. He was engagedas a social psychologist,and was
given ihe role of Co-Principal Inveitigator, a job which en-
tailed a 100 per cent commitment to the task of prol'ing.or
clisprovingwhat became known as the ETI hypothesis,i.e.,
whither or not the UFOs were the product of Extra-Terrestrial
Edward U. Condon and Robert J. Low, as most UFO-
orientated readers now know, were the chief administrators
of the Project, and much of Saunders' book is devoted to a
considerationof their personalities,background and efficicncy.
In particular, the author isolates Condon's increasing pre-
occupation with lunatic fringe cases, his bias in making up
his mind about UFOs a year before the report was due, and
also his partial interest in the Project (50 per cent of his
time) as factors contributing to the now well-known failure
of the Investigation to draw any worth-while conclusions.
Robert Low, slick and keen to hold down his job as an
orthodox scientist, was regarded by nlost of the Committee
as an unfortunatechoice as second-in-command, accordingto
Saunders.Frequently Low was incapableof making adminis-
Dr. Mircn Lindlner. trative decisioni, and frequently also it appears,he wasted his
time. Though he took off all of August, 1967, to attend the
International Astronomical Union meeting in Prague, he failed
to get in touch with either Aime Michel or Charles Bowen'
two of the most respectedUFO experts in Europe. And his
main contributionto the image of the Committee in the pub- book is, uevertheless,remarkably sober in its assessmentof
lic's eye was the now famous ."trick" memorandum, which how the Condon Committee wcnt wrong, and provides a great
was addressedto Jamcs Archer and Thurston Manning of deal of insight into the minds of the men responsible for the
the University of Colorado's Craduate School, as early as final Report, which is now published as a separatebook.
August 9, 1966. Manning, UniversityVice-Presi<Jent and Dean "UFOs? YESI" is vital reading as a guide to the limita-
of Faculties,actually signedthe Colorado contract on October
6, 1966. tions of the Condon Report, and emerges as a significant
tract for the following reasons: It indicates the disparity of
l-ow's influence, then, was felt from the start. But .if views on UFOs among prominent scientists;it deals in detail
Saunderscmphasizesthe hostile reactionsof Low and Condon with cases which Saunders in particular had irrvestigated
to the rest of the Committee, and also their totally negative thoroughly and believed to be "airtight," thus indicating the
qpproach to the subject, he also very fairly poinrs out thar need for further scientific investigation (one of the things
the high degree of specializationof th! Commiitee researchers which the Committee had to determine being whether or not
meant that everyone was looking for different kinds of infor- UFOs warranted such future research),and finally it contains
mation. This in itself caused a lot of tension. And then, sone excellent socio-psychologicaldata on sightings and their
finally, after a lot of wrangling, Saundersand Norman E. value in terms of both their content-material and also the social
I,evine, an electrical engineer, were fired from the Project for attitudes which are likely to arise from them. Saundersisolates
"incompetence".This was one of the more notoriousfeatures five distinct attitudes on the scale of UFO non-belief/belief
of Condon's procedures;and it is no secret that Condon and relates these to a theory of prejudice, something which is
ordered their dismissal because of the part they played in decidedly new in Ufology. This is the most imporlant book
making the Low memorandum public knowledge. to appear on UFOs since Leonard Cramp's "Piece For A
The Committee as a whole seems to have failed largely Jigsaw".
as a result of personalityclashesand mixed motives.Saunders' -Neville Drury.

U .F .O.I.C.
VIGE-PRESIDENT MR. T. HOMAN (triv. 660-2729)
MR .
. ::: :..:...:: 3?-??3?
. . IFil.Y:
COMMITTEE MRS. J. VAN DER VORD ................_..
(priv. 533-3647)
SfGHTINGS MR. T. HOMAN - (priv. 660-2729)
Address all correspondence to UFolc, Box E17o, st. James p.o., sydney, 2ooo
Tefephone Directory - Entries in pink and white pages (660,-2729)

UFOIC. meetings for members and friends are held each first Tuesday of every
second month, starting_in FebruarV, at Adyar Hall (next to Savoy Theatre), 2O
Bligh Street, Sydney. Socials are held on the first Friday of alternate mohtfrs
at various members' residences (see Newsletter).
The meetings consist of lectures, panel discussions and film nights, and are
advertised in the classified section of "The Sydney Morning Her5td', on Satur-
days preceding the date of the meeting.
UFOIC membership offers the following privileges: A free copy of the Austratian
Flying Saucer Review, 4-5 bi-monthly Newsletters, Library, Discussion Evenings
and Socials.
Membership fee: $5.OO per year, Regular or Husband and Wife.
92.OO per year, Younger Set, Students and Senior Citizens.

Readers joining the Society are invited to forward to the Membership
Secretary the Application Form (hereby attached)
i Pleasecomplete Application Form
i a n d m ail to:
i uFotc, Box E170,
tt. JAMESp.o.,syDNEy,2ooo
I Enclose Cheque llv/l.O.tP.Note.
' (Regular members, $5; Students,
f Younger Set & Senior Citizens,

a i

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tl o
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G e
0- a o I
lxYESttGArtox cExrR:
For sightings and reports, please
contact Mr. T. V. HOMAN
Ph. Off.: 68-1509
for Mr. and Mrs. SAYERS
membership Ph. Priv.: 3a-66O7
for Mr. W. E. MOSER
general business Ph. Priv.: 55-3433
Pl e asecom p le te A pplication Form
a n d mail to:

E n c l ose C he q ue/M Note.

(Regular members, $5; Students,
Set & Senior Citizens, 92.)

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0- ao
Austrslian UFO Review ls
indebted to the lollowing
sources lor lhe fffuslrolive
used in ffris issue

on pp.10,11:Lifelnter-
nat ional .
"The Doubter"and "My Life White
And Black", by YvesTanguy,on pp.
14,51:The Museumof ModernArt,
ChichesterPhoto: Pan Books,Lon- iloy lTeHelpYou...
Hindu Mythologylllustration,p. 47: - ourService
isat yourdisposal
24 Hours
a Day
Tomb Photo,p. 50: HutchinsonLtd.. 0urtelephone
is Zl | - E0g3
M ant ell lll u s tra ti o n ,p .5 2 2 L o o k
Magazine. Erochurcs - Mailers
BaalbekPhoto:ProgressPublishers, Fotders - Eooktets

I Photoson pp. 8 (lowercorner).48 ouALtTY COLOU?I PRiNTEBS Publications
and 50 (upper corner):Domenica
del Corriere.

The Editorwishesto expressa debt
of gratitude to Mr. Paul Wallace,
for typographicfacilities and hii
personalinterest in the matter.
Typographersto the
ili ,
hg To UFOICmembers: Mr. T. V. Homan
for correspondence

involved in the
examinationof sightings;Mrs. Van
der Vord for a great deal of typing;
Mr. RaymondDe Cusackfor ptroto- Our services include . . .
graphicassistance in the layout;and
r', Mrs; L. Lindtner for plrotographsof
the late Dr. Lindtner. .
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