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Each question in this paper is followed by four possible answers.

Choose the
best answer from the answers marked A, B, C and D.

Questions 1 4
Circle the best word to fill in the blanks.

Majid likes to eat ________ .
A. carrots
B. milk
C. papaya
D. fish

Encik Abu is a __________ . He
works at a workshop.
A. doctor
B. teacher
C. mechanic
D. policeman

Mrs. Sharon likes to wear a
________ when she goes to a party.
A. cheongsam
B. dress
C. baju kurung
D. saree

Ahmad has a pet _____________ .
A. goat
B. kitten
C. dog
D. cow

Questions 5 7

Replace the pictures with the correct phrases.

I see with my _______________ .
A. nose
B. eyes
C. chin
D. ears

Sheila likes to ________________.
A. baking cakes and buns
B. swimming
C. playing badminton
D. collecting stamps

Father makes a swing from an old
______________________ .
A. aluminium can
B. broken furniture
C. tyre
D. bottle

Questions 8 10
Study the pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer.


A. They are very happy today.

B. They cried because their cat
C. They won the first prize
D. They are dancing sadly.

A. She is taking her bath.

B. She just woke up from her
C. She died on her bed.
D. The teddy bear is under the

A. He is dreaming of having a big
B. He is thinking of a bag of
C. He is having a lot of money in
his dream.
D. He sleeps with a sad face.

Questions 11 15
Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the
situation shown in the pictures.

A. I am sleeping, sir.
B. I am sorry, sir.
C. I am playing hide and seek.
D. I am reading a book.

A. Oh! I am playing basketball.
B. Pick it up for me.
C. Go back to your classroom.
D. I am sorry. I will pick it up.

A. We are very sorry, sir.
B. It was your fault.
C. This is our school, sir.
D. Its only the glasses, sir.

A. It is nice to see you sick.
B. May I sleep on your bed?
C. Dont mention it.
D. Thank you.

A. The marker is broken.
B. Give it back now!
C. I hate you.
D. Its all right.

Questions 16 20
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

She ______ a beautiful girl.
A. is
B. are
C. many
D. with

The girl is ______________ the
A. in
B. on
C. under
D. beside


It is number ________________ .
A. eleven
B. eighteen
C. twenty
D. fifteen

Madam Susan is a nurse. She works
at the ________________ .
A. police station
B. market
C. hospital
D. school

They are ________________ in
the sea.
A. swim
B. swimming
C. swam
D. swum

Question 21
Choose the opposite meaning for the underlined word.

21. The whale is big but an ant is __________ .

A. thin
B. fat
C. small
D. heavy

Questions 22 23
Based on the pictures, choose the answer with the correct spelling.

That girl is a ________
A. mermaid
B. meremed
C. marmed
D. marimed

It is number _____________ .
A. seventeen
B. twenty
C. thirteen
D. eighteen

Questions 24 25
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation marks.

24. A. James and Jerry are my brotherS.

B. James and Jerry are my brothers.
C. James and jerry are my Brothers.
D. james and jerry Are, my brothers

25. A. Juliana has a cat, a bird. and a rabbit.

B. juliana has a Cat, a Bird and a rabbit.
C. JuLIana has a cat, a bird and a rabbit.
D. Juliana has a cat, a bird and a rabbit.

Questions 26 30
Look at the picture and then read the passage carefully. Based on the picture,
choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

Samad is at home. He is (26) ___________________ his father.

(27) __________________ are playing carom. Samad (28) ______________

to play carom. He always (29) _________________________the game. He

(30) ____________________ a big carrom board.

26. A. with 28. A. like

B. by B. likes
C. in C. liking
D. and D. liked

27. A. He 29. A. win

B. She B. won
C. They C. wins
D. We D. winning

30. A. have
B. has
C. having
D. had
Questions 31 35
Read the dialogue below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Adam : What is your ambition, Rahman?

Rahman : My ambition is to be a chef. What about you,

Wei Ping?

Wei Ping : I want to be a doctor. How about you, Adam?

Adam : I want to be a pilot.

Wei Ping : Why is your ambition to be a chef, Rahman?

Rahman : I like to cook delicious food. Why, do you want

to be a pilot?

Wei Ping : I want to help people. Adam, why do you want to

be a pilot?

Adam : I want to fly jets.

31. Wei Ping wanted to be a _____________ when he grows up.

A. chef
B. pilot
C. teacher
D. doctor
32. Why would Rahman want to be a chef?
A. He wants to fly jets.
B. He likes to cook delicious food.
C. He wants to teach pupils in the classroom.
D. He wants to help people.

33. Adams ambition is to become a ________________.

A. doctor
B. teacher
C. pilot
D. chef

34. Adams ambition will get him to ________________ .

A. help people
B. teach pupils in the classroom
C. fly jets
D. cook delicious food

35. Wei Ping would be able to ____________ when he grows up.

A. fly jets
B. cook delicious food
C. help people
D. teach pupils in the classroom

Questions 36 40
Read the short letter below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Dear Uncle Sam,

It is the school holidays now. I am planning to go over to your

place. I want to spend a week with you, aunty and cousins, Matt, Sheila
and Tom.

Please meet me at the Sibu Bus Terminal at 8.30 a.m. on the

29th of November 2014. Ill be taking the night bus from Miri.

Okay Uncle, thats all.

Your niece,

36. Who wrote the letter?
A. Uncle Sam
B. Tom
C. Marsha
D. Sheila

37. How long does Marsha plan to stay with her Uncle Sams place?
A. a week
B. five days
C. two days
D. one day

38. Marsha has ____________ cousins.

A. three
B. four
C. five
D. six

39. She will travel from Miri to Sibu by ________________ .

A. taxi
B. aeroplane
C. ferry
D. bus

40. What time will she reach Sibu?

A. 6.30 a.m.
B. 7.30 a.m.
C. 8.30 a.m.
D. 9.30 a.m.

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