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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Literary Devices: Figures of Speech Ch. 1-3

I. Oxymoron-An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which

contradictory or incongruous terms are combined, usually for
emphasis. The word oxymoron comes from the combination of two
Greek word parts: oxys meaning sharp and moros meaning foolish and
is itself an oxymoron. Some examples of oxymorons are: bitterly happy,
open secret, original copy, and down escalator.

Find at least two oxymorons in Chapter Three.

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Think of two other oxymorons and write them below.
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II. SimileA simile is a comparison of two unlike objects using the words
like or as. For example when Tom and the new boy are fighting in
Chapter One, they gripped together like cats.

What does this simile suggest about the boys activity?

Return to the text to find the simile used to suggest the behavior of the
new boy at the end of the fight. Write it here.

III. MetaphorA metaphor is an implied or suggested comparison. For


[Tom] compared the insignificant whitewashed streak with the far-

reaching continent of unwhitewashed fence.

What is the fence compared to?

Why does the author make this comparison?

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

IV. IronyAn event that seems the opposite of what one expects, and is
often amusing as a result.

She was so overcome by the splendor of his achievement that she took him
into the closet and selected a choice apple and delivered it to him, along with
an improving lecture upon the added value and flavor a treat took to itself
when it came without sin through virtuous effort. And while she closed with
a happy scriptural flourish, he hooked a doughnut.

Why is the above paragraph ironic (and hilarious)?

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