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15x + 12x + 16x = 817 16 Continued from Page 230 government is planning to put a cap

43x = 817 16 on the size of the project. In the

15 government also commits to the proposed modifications of the
Share of A = x Central Bank the returns in excess of scheme, a project in excess of Rs. 100
35% on the borrowed funds. Accord- crore may get 3% subsidy instead of
817 16 15
= ing to government sources, this more 5% so as to divert more scope for
43 16
of borrowing from the Central Bank small and medium companies.
= Rs. 285 and use it for infrastructure funding Pak and China become New
43. (D) Monthly salary of Ms. Sujata has been found to be legally tenable Tourist Sources for India
2170 100 and the modalities of doing it are According to the study results of
= = Rs. 31,000.
7 now being discussed with RBI. FICCI Pakistan and China are
Total money invested by her Marine Exports rise 12% in emerging as major east Asian tourist
in a year 2006-07 sources for India, as visitors inflow
(7 + 18 + 6) As per the sources of Ministry of from both the countries registered a
= 31000 12
100 Commerce and Industry, the 31 per cent rise in 2005. About 88,609
= Rs. 9610 12 countrys marine products exports people from Pakistan visited India in
= Rs. 115320 rose 12% to $ 1.85 billion in 2006-07 2005 as compared to just 10,364 in
30 40 2 compared with the figures of 2005-06. 2003.
44. (D) ? = 2500 Study reveals that tourist arrival
100 100 5 The latest figures reveal that the
= 120 countries belonging to the European from China was 44,897 in 2005 as
45. (B) A + B + C + D = 4 65 union accounted for 34% of the against 34,100 in 2003. There was,
exports followed by the US and Japan however, a modest decline in the
A+A+2+ A+4+A+6 number of visitors from Bangladesh
with 16% each. China with 14% has
= 260 also emerged as a major destination and Bhutan in 2005.
4A = 260 12 for marine products exports from the According to FICCI, the increase
248 country. Around 60% of the export in the visitors from Pakistan and
A = = 62
4 earnings from marine products were China is mainly due to confidence
D = 62 + 6 = 68 contributed by frozen shrimps. building measures (CBM) by business
A D = 62 68 According to Ministry sources, the bodies since 2003-04. Emergence of
Marine Products Export Develop- China as a fast-growing tourist source
= 4216
ment Authority is setting up a centre for India could be attributed to the
46. (A) Average of last two numbers
in Andman and Nicobar for deve- intensive campaign launched by the
555 2 75 115 loping disease-free shrimp stocks government and the large number of
2 because disease in aqua- culture business delegations coming from the
555 150 115 290 shrimp farms is a serious challenge provinces of China. It is also
= =
2 2
facing the growth of exports from the worthnoting that India continued to
= 145 country. Ministry has selected attract the maximum number of
47. (C) Maharashtra, Orissa and Gujarat as visitors from the UK last year.
48. (B) Required number of arrange- focus states to develop aquaculture Indian-Russian Trade to Touch
ments shrimp and fresh water prawn (fish) $10 billion by 2010
5 P = 5 = 120
farming in the coming years.
India and Russia have signed an
x 46% Decline in Textile Exports agreement to set up a joint
49. (A) Let the fraction be
y to US and EU mechanism aimed at increasing
x + 25x 7 According to the Ministry of bilateral trade to $10 billion by 2010,
. =
y + 4y 19 As per the pact signed between
Textiles due to rupee appreciation
35 x 7 Commerce Minister Kamal Nath and
= and decrease in quantum of imports
5y 19 his Russian counterpart GO Gref in St
x 7 5 10 by the US and EU, textiles and Petersburg, Russia, both the countries
= = clothing exports to these countries
y 19 35 19 have decided to set up a joint task
50. (D) Let the present ages of Samir had declined by 4 to 6% during 2006- force (JTF) that will explore options
and Tanuj be 8x years and 15x 07 and if the current trend continued, and facilitate smooth flow of goods
years respectively. it would be difficult to achieve the and services. The countries also
8x + 9 11 target of $50 billion exports by 2010. agreed to discuss the probability
. = As per the Ministry sources, the of establishing a Comprehensive
15x + 9 18
government in considering increasing Economic Cooperation Agreement to
165x + 99 = 144x + 162 strengthen bilateral trade and ensure
the duty drawback rates and reduc-
165x 144x = 162 99 greater investment flows. The Joint
ing the interest rate on export credit
21x = 63 Task Force would also oversee the
which will help and create benefits to work done by the joint study group,
x = 3 exporters in years to come. For which is on the verge of finalising a
Required difference making advantages to small and report looking into areas where trade
= 15 3 8 3 medium companies from technology between India and Russia can be
= 21 years P.Darpan upgradation fund scheme, the expanded. P.Darpan


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