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LUETWAFFE COLOURS. — Ve} (2 : y Oo Cy aa Ce LL Phase Two August-September 1940 Publishers Note ‘The sty of Lutwatte camouflage and martings Is a complex subject, compounded by te gener! lack of quay colour photoyaphs. Inevtably therefore, most photographs appearing inthis series are black and white and both ‘he authors and publishers have offered their own interpretation of the colours they represent. We recognise that readers may have contrary opinions. Throughout Classi Colours, we have endeavoured to lclude 08 many unpub- ished photos and as much associated information as possible. Included are many variations of personal emblems nd unt badges. In many instances these have been preduced in colour to the best ofthe publisher's, authors nd artist's interpretation. Furthermore should be stressed that the personal accounts contained inthis series ‘re a8 they have been related tothe authors end are the product of the inahivAl pots personal memories. ‘ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, The authors wish to acknowledge the kind assistance of the following: Former Luftwaffe personnel or (f) their familes: HansHeinrich Brustellin, Harry von Blow (1), Josef Burschgens, Fritz Keller, Heinz Lange, Karl Heinz Leesmann (f), Erwin Leykauf, Julius Meimberg, Eric Mix f), Julius Neumann, Douglas Pitcaim, Alois Riebl, Rudolf Rothenfelder (f), Gerhiard Schépfel, Hennig Strimpe'l, Paul Temme (f), August Wilng (f). Researchers and enthusiasts: Steve Coates, James V, Crow, Clive Ellis, Ken Merrick, Jean-Pierre van Mol, Michael Payne, Jean-Louis Roba, E. Brown Ryle, Richard Smith, Ralf Wermann. ist published in Great Bain in 200% by Clnvsle Publications Limited Face Gate Fax Cromorovan ast Sussex TN6 Ax England Project Extors: Eda J Creek and Martin Pegs © 2001 Drawings and Colou llustrations - Thomas Tulls, Ese J. Creek and Arthur Bete A gy reserved. No part ofthis book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by ‘any means, electronic or mechanical Ieuding photocopying, recording. chemical, optical or Ctherwise wihout prior witlen permission fom the Publisher. A enquldes shoud be ‘30804 tothe publisher. Is6N 1 903223 06 7 Cover and book design by Clin Woodman Design Crigination by Colourwie Ltd, Burgess Hil, West Sussex, England Printed by Officine Grafche O8Agostn, Novas, tay BATTLE OF BRITAIN PHASE TWO rom Reichsmarschall Goring to all units of Lufifiotten 2, 3 and 5 Operation Adler Within a short period you will wipe the British Air Force from the sky: Heil Hitler quoted from an Entgma message sent 0 L Until further orders, operations are to be directed exclusively against the enemy Air Force, including the targets of the enemy aircraft industry allocated to the different Lujiflotten, Shipping targets, and particularly large navat vessels, are only to be attacked where circumstances are especially favourable. For the moment, other targets should be ignored. We must concentrate our efforts on the destruction of the enemy Air Forces Our night attacks are essentially dislocation raids, made so that the enemy defences and population shail be allowed no respite. Even these, however, should where possible be directed against Air Force targets. Reicbsmarschall Hermann Goring, Karinball ( It ts doubtful if there is any point in continuing the attacks on radar sites in view of the fact that not one of those attacked bas so far been put out of operation. Reichsmarschall Hermann Goring, Kartnbvall Conferen Paragraph 9 of an address to Luftfiotie Senior Stat

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