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English 6: 2017-2018

Mrs. van Amson
Room F-2
707-747-8340 ext.3403

We are going to have a great school year! I look forward to getting to know you and to working together. I am
positive that we will notice many changes as we grow and learn together.

What will I be learning?

In sixth grade English, you will learn and practice the skills and concepts outlined in the Common Core
Standards. We will use the Columbia Teachers College reading and workshop model to:
practice grammar and mechanics in the context of writing and reading.
practice listening and speaking skills.
write informally in a writing and reading notebook.
write formal texts (argumentative, informative, and narrative).
read a wide variety of texts (novels, short stories, poetry, and informational texts).
build vocabulary through the study of Greek and Latin roots.
work on organizational skills.

Learning and Classroom Expectations

In order for us to work well together, these are the class norms we all must follow:
Participate. Be open, present, and engaged.
Be Kind. If you are disruptive, we will follow the Setting Limits time out procedure. Dude, be nice!
Clean Up. Everyone will help to keep our room and materials in order.
Respect. Respect yourself, the school community, and property.

Homework will be posted in class and on my website. In addition, you are expected to read your Personal
Choice Book every day for at least 20 minutes outside of school. I offer a Homework Help Club most Fridays
from 1:00-1:30 or by appointment.

Bring with you to class every day:

a folder or divider in your binder for English papers
a highlighter
a blue or black pen
a pencil with an eraser
plenty of lined paper
a red or green correcting pen
a packet of Post-it notes (3x3 is best)
earbuds (optional)
a Personal Choice Book to have with you at all times
your reading and writing notebooks (BMS provides these.)
YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ANY MISSING WORK. All classwork and homework is posted
on my website ( You can also call a friend or see me before or after school to
get any missing assignments. You will be given one day for each absence to turn in make-up work.

Grading Policy
Grades are based on cumulative points. Grades can be checked online on PowerSchool

Grading Scale
A = 90 100%
B = 80 89%
C = 70 79%
D = 60 69%
F = 59% and lower

Read this course description with your parents/guardians and return the whitepaper signed

by _____________________________.

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