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Essay Contest

The Far Reaching Bad Consequences of

Increasing Present Population in India
Shashi Kumar
Population had a natural growth such other social evils result in high causes of epidemics before indepen-
rate described by a geometric birth rates. Hence, in the first stage of dence. Now, small pox is completely
progression whereas demographic transition, high birth eradicated and cholera is very much
the natural resources rate is matched by an equally high under control. Consequently, the
necessary to support death rate and thus population mortality rate has registered some
the population grew at remains stable over a long period. decline. A major disease for which
a rate similar to an The second stage of demographic the picture has changed radically
arithmetic progression. transition is characterised by rapid over the past five decades is malaria.
Without restraints, Shashi Kumar growth of population because despite In the late 1930s when the death rate
therefore, there would be a conti- substantial reduction in the mortality was around 31 per thousand people,
nued pressure on living standards, rate there is no corresponding decline malaria accounted for 16 per cent of
both in terms of room and of output. in the birth rate. Consequently total deaths. Further, spread of
Thomas Robert Malthus population increases at an annual rate education and expanded medical
of about 2.0 per cent or more. In a facilities particularly immunization
Our country possesses 24 per against various preventable diseases
country where economy has not
cent of the total land area of the have reduced the incidence of various
grown adequately for a long time and
world but it has to support about 16 diseases.
a sizable section of population has
per cent of the total world population 3. Universality of marriage :
remained below the poverty line, this
and the burden is still increasing at Marriage is both a religious and a
is really a grave situation. Economists
an appalling rate. Our leaders have social necessity in India. The custom
call it population explosion. For the
talked about the perils of population of arranged marriages under which
past five and a half decades Indias
explosion, but there has never been parents feel that marrying daughters
experience in respect of population
any real effort at changing the nature is a social oldigation results in near
growth has been precisely as
of education in India to cope with the universality of marriage. Presently,
described above.
threatening dangers that we are by the age of 50, only 5 out of 1000
swimming in. The decennial increase Causes of the Rapid Growth women remain unmarried.
in population from 19912001 is 18.1 of Population in India 4. Lower age at the time of
crore equivalent to total population of marriage : The relatively lower age at
We can have mainly three
Canada, France and Germany. the time of marriage in the country is
possible causes of an increase in the
population of a country : also believed to be responsible for
Meaning of Population Explo-
high fertility. If a girl is married at an
sion (i) A high birth rate,
age of 1618 years, she can have
According to the theory of (ii) A relatively lower death rate, children upto 40 years of age. This
Demographic Transition, every (iii) Immigration. span of 20 to 22 years is very long
country passes through three stages compared to the developed countries
In our India, the population has
of demographic transition. In the first where girls are married late. In our
rapidly increased singularly due to
stage, both birth and death rates are country, since the average age of
steady decline in the death rate, while
high. Hence the population remains women at marriage is still around 18
the birth rate remained high. So, to
more or less stable. Even if there is years, the fertility is bound to remain
understand the nature of Indias
some increase in the population high, particularly when other factors
population problem, we must
because the birth rate is somewhat which could bring it down are non-
examine first the factors which
higher than death rate, it does not existent.
brought down the mortality rate in
pose any serious problem. Generally 5. Religious and social supersti-
the country, and second, the reasons
in backward economies where tions : Most Indians on account of
why the birth rate continues to be
agriculture is the main occupation of their religious and social supersti-
the people, per capita incomes are tions, desire to have children having
low. This inevitably results in a low 1. Elimination of famines : The no regard for their economic
level of standard of living. Mass of recurrence of famines in India under conditions. Hindus in many cases
the population in these countries is the British was a major cause of high must have a son, because according
deprived of even the basic necessities mortality rate. Since independence to their religion, certain rites can be
of life. Under such circumstances the situation has considerably performed only by him and none
when medical facilities are limited, improved. else. On the other hand, Muslims take
the mortality rate is bound to be high. 2. Control of epidemics : Cholera family planning against the rules of
Lack of education, superstitions and and small pox were the two major Shariat.


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