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Homework Grading Rubric

Item Description Points

Effort All problems are attempted. All of them! 10

If the student could not do a problem, they wrote a short
explanation of their point of confusion.
I did not understand
how to start the problem
what the question was asking
what the symbol _____ was

Mindset The student shows evidence of thoughtful correcting 6

Mistakes are corrected
Correct problems are marked
The student makes notes or comments

Understanding The Key Problems are correct 4

OR the student corrected the Key Problems in

Total 20

If homework is marked LATE AND IS NOT CORRECTED, the student will get 0 out of 20.

If homework is marked LATE AND IT IS CORRECTED, the student will get max 15 out of 20.

If homework is marked ABSENT AND IT IS NOT CORRECTED, the student will get max 10 out of 20.

If homework is marked ABSENT AND IT IS CORRECTED, the student will get max 20 out of 20.

Late/Absent homework will still lose points for not using a different color pen, not writing thoughtful notes
about errors, and/or skipping problems WITHOUT writing about your point of confusion.

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