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Exploring the

Depth of Brahma
Kumaris Gyan
Brahma Kumaris Murli

Q/A September 2012

Question: Om Shanti. As
baba says that Be a
karmayogi because most of
our time goes in that.. So i
want to ask here that when
we are doing such works
where intellect is involved
like thinking about a project
and working on it the whole
day.. In that scenario, how
can we be in constant
remembrance of loving
baba We could take breaks
in between for some time,
doing traffic control but while
doing karma how can we
with baba?
Dear soul,
Thank you for your question! It has helped me realize some things.
I will share my experience.
My experience is not the answer, but just my experience in figuring out the ins and outs
of remembrance in my numberwise, manner.

In our Brahmin life we start out with Raja yoga sitting meditation. We may have many
experiences with Baba or not, but what we get out of it is a special feeling. There are
many names for that energy felt; bliss, peace, happiness, etc. We associate those feelings
with the experience and may say that Baba has given me that experience. Then we sit in
meditation while looking at the point of light, and we think that remembering Baba is to
remember the point of light or the picture of Brahma Baba. We may get experiences with
Baba in the subtle region or some out of the world, Godly-wood like performance, going
on in the screen of our minds. That is good.
Excellent; BUT. that is not soul consciousness.

Granted, there may have been experiences which gave us a glimpse into soul
consciousness, we even felt it BUT, those experiences we cannot bring to life at will.. so
we are hungry for more experiences, rather than making the effort, to become soul

The important part to me out of those experiences are the feelings, because those feelings
are not corporeal ones. That is probably the first experience of what could be called soul

Baba cannot give us anything which we do not deserve (through the law of karma) AND
what we deserve is already in us. The Golden age is already in those souls belonging to the
Golden age, see?
Therefore, the experiences that we have with sweet Baba, are meant to trigger that soul
awareness in us in a numberwise way; as we know.

In other words, God consciousness, triggers soul consciousness. That is the BK

Once we have experienced the awareness of the soul through meditations and we are in
tune with that feeling, being in that state; is remembering the Father, why? Because the
Father is a soul. We remember Baba so we can remember our true nature. Once that
true nature is natural, we become like deities, self sovereign, self-aware beings, soul

Once we are in that awareness of soul consciousness and we know how it is; THEN, we
can speak about Karma yoga.
Here is when the real effort starts, because anything from the outside will take us away
from that experience. It will be distracting. That is Maya.

Even our thoughts will bring us to the past so we could be transported into sorrow, or will
anticipate the future, so we can live in fantasy world to avoid being in the now. Being in
the now is soul consciousness. Being away from time; is soul consciousness.

To bring that awareness in everyday tasks, is karma yoga. That is how we remember
sweet Baba, by being soul conscious; and here is where the effort resides, while walking
and moving around.

Please see that there is no way to remember with our minds a point of light and perform
different tasks such as driving a car while eating a banana and listening to music at the
same time. There is no heart, no feelings in that unless you sit down in tranquility and make
it happen. However, if you bring the awareness of the feeling of soul consciousness you
can do all of those tasks while in that awareness.

Karma yoga, is where effort resides and that effort is to be AWARE of the soul.

Best wishes

Question: Om Shanti. Thank

you brother for your clear
explanation about this. Could
you please explain that how
numberwise concept and the
eternal return are related as
you have said above.
Thank you for your follow up question.

I will go a bit deeper with this concept of numberwise. Also, under Points in depth I have
written an article dealing with this concept. Many articles could be searched using the
search articles with keywords box, under the Follow button. Just type NUMBERWISE
and articles containing that keyword will come up.
Your question is related with this article:
There I wrote:

On the World Cycle, there is no other religion or philosophy putting together powerful
concepts such as eternal return with the explanation of cyclical time. When you put those
2 concepts together, there must be repetition. If you add the concept of numberwise in
gyan, then that repetition will mimic the concept of entropy in science, going from low
entropy into a high state to repeat again when reaching its highest state of entropy.

The concept of eternal return basically points out that anything that exist will exist exactly
the same, under the same circumstance at another time; which we know it is every 5000
years. Therefore, this concept of repetition is not really new in gyan. What is new is the
time frame: 5000 years, which as we know, scientists believe that we have been on this
Earth for millions of years (which in another article it was explained that our current rate of
population demonstrates that the human race couldnt be on Earth for millions of years.)
Eternal return, is not considered in Christianity, but it is a must in the cycle of time for if
time moves in a circular fashion, is because matter cannot be created neither destroyed, it
can only be transformed. (1st law of conservation of energy/matter.) and after many
transformations of matter, it will come to be the same that was at one time before. This is
explained in the theorem of Poincare.

Simply put, eternal return explains that the cycle of time must repeat exactly as it was
before. That repetition is made possible, because matter tends to degrade in time. That
degradation is what entropy (higher entropy) means and what Baba explains simply as
going from Satopradhan, Sato, Rajo and Tamopradhan. which is simply another way of
explaining numberwise. ( A more clear example will be given below.)

That degradation of matter is placed back again into lower entropy through destruction,
which as we know, will put the cycle again in thebeginning. The cycle of destruction,
creation, sustenance, destruction, etc. repeats as well.

The above is deep stuff.

The concept of numberwise could be explained with an example.

Let us say that there is a race, a 5 Km. race (3.1 miles) to complete this race, every runner
will get there as fast as they can. Therefore, every single one of them will have a different
number at the finish line. There is number 1, number 2, etc.

Some interesting things to notice:

1) There is no possibility for all runners to finish at the same time. This is why equality is

2) Not all runners have the same ability. Some will run under a 5 minute mile, some others
above it, some other will jog and walk and some will just walk.

3) Even though we could give every runner the same training to complete the race at the
same time, most will not be able to do the training if the goal is to work only with the faster
runners. Brahma Kumaris gyan is catered towards becoming a faster runner, but in doing
so, the bulk of competitors will not be able to perform at the same level. Notwithstanding,
BapDada teaches for the bulk of the runners, BapDada does nto teach gyan so only the
faster runners can get it. Paradox.

4) Even though there is an objective in this race, which is to finish, for some it will be to
finish first. However, whether you finish first or last, everyone will finish according to their
capacity. That capacity in spirituality as well as in the example of the race, is fixed in the
Drama according to the roles that every soul is capable of, considering the ability of every
soul to withstand the highest happiness and the highest sorrow. It works both ways.
5) In Nature, the concept of numberwise is observed when we mention survival of the
fittest. Also when a day changes into night, there is this concept of numberwise going on,
because the day changes little by little into the night as if further entropy is added (slower
runners getting ot finish line) until the full night takes place. This is how entropy works.

6) Finally, It is interesting to note that this concept of numberwise takes place according to
time. Brahma Baba is the purest soul according to his capacity; however towards the end
of the Silver age, Brahma Babas soul will be less pure than mine. The reason is that
Brahma Baba will be the first one becoming impure and then the rest will follow. This is an
interesting point to note in gyan.

Hope these concepts are clear now as you can see knowledge is not that easy after
all and there is even more

Best wishes!

Question: One of the

question from students
whilst doing the Raja Yoga
Foundation Course is that: 1.
This Knowledge is very
similar to Hinduism &
Buddhism because it has the
same concepts of soul &
karma. 2. On the topic of the
Eternal World Drama Cycle,
they say it is similar to
Christianity because it talks
about a Golden Age. 3. When
they see the pictures of
Laxmi & Narayan they say:
This is like Hinduism. Please
may I know how you would
answer their questions.
Thank you.
Thank you for your question!
This is going to be a bit lengthy. My apologies, but I felt that I could go a bit deeper this
As we can see all religions have part of the knowledge on how everything started and
where we are heading to.
This knowledge is universal.
As mentioned before, this knowledge known as gyan, could be explained very well into a
more neutral framework without borrowing concepts from other religions; but because this
gyan was given under a Hindu background, we can see that it appears to have many
similarities with Hinduism and because of that, with other religions as well ( Deitism
becomes Hinduism and other religions appear afterwards, so there is a common trunk with
many branches.)

This is important to explain to those taking the Raja Yoga course. This gyan has
similarities with other religions because it is the trunk (as explained in the picture of the
Tree) and then the other branches will have part of it. It is like Christianity having different
branches such as protestants, Catholics, orthodox, etc. There is a common belief but
several differences among the branches, in many other aspects.

To go into your points above:

1) The concepts of soul and Karma are not only part of Buddhism and Hinduism but
Christianity as well. As a matter of fact, those 2 concepts are universal. The word karma is
not readily accepted because it has the Eastern flavor, which Westerners may be hesitant
to try to understand; however, the Bible mentions To reap what you sow, which is karma.
Here a list of verses about this.

However, there is no other knowledge out there who puts soul and karma together with the
cycle of time and the concept of reincarnation based on predestination, which explains
pretty much everything about who we are and where are we going to.

Many religions just like to recite what their scriptures mention about predestination or free
will, but there is no logical explanation as to how everything works together.

For instance in Christianity, we have a God who creates everything including man, who then
gives free will but at the same time the Bible speaks about predestination by means of
the chosen ones by God, who have Gods grace, and the stories on how God interferes
with human affairs; that is their free will, to punish some and reward others.

Whereas in Hinduism and Buddhism there is the concept of attaining moksha or liberation;
but if in fact they believe that time is cyclical and the premises of science are true such as
matter cannot be created neither destroyed, only transformed, then, there must be
repetition, for in repetition something which appears to be vanished, needs to re-appear; for
matter cannot be destroyed, only transformed after n times of transformation it will
necessarily go back to a previous state of arrangement. Therefore, that moksha cannot be
eternal, but for a fixed amount of time for If I was me, at some point in time; I need to be
me again if the first law of thermodynamics (Conservation of matter /energy) holds true.

It is my understanding that Brahma Kumaris knowledge is the only one capable of

supporting this law of conservation of matter/energy. All the other religions have conflicting
arguments about this.

2) On the World Cycle, there is no other religion or philosophy putting together powerful
concepts such as eternal return with the explanation of cyclical time. When you put those
2 concepts together, there must be repetition. If you add the concept of numberwise in
gyan, then that repetition will mimic the concept of entropy in science, going from low
entropy into a high state to repeat again when reaching its highest state of entropy.

There is no other knowledge or philosophy capable of explaining entropy in their religious

belief system as Brahma Kumaris knowledge does. The golden age is known as heaven
just as Christians call their paradise, heaven; (low entropy- which certainly degrades in
quality as time goes by, that is why we go from a heaven into something like what we have
today) however, repetition of this heaven is not part of their belief system, for Christians
believe in linear time, (and their heaven to be in another place; above hell) which is a
flawed belief as explained here
3) On the pictures of Laxmi and Narayan, certainly; that is Hinduism BUT Hinduism in its
Satopradhan stage, that is in Deitism. Brahma Kumaris knowledge can explain that
because of their explanation of entropy which is known simply as numberwise, or how
something changes from Satopradhan to Sato then into Rajo and then into
Tamopradhan, to repeat again the same cycle.
That cycle of changes in quality is uniform in Nature,(4 ages) but it varies in souls, for their
capacity is different. That capacity gives every soul a different perception of reality. That is
why the concept of equality is utopia. Everyone is numberwise according to capacity. I
have not been able to find this concept at any other source but Brahma Kumaris.

We have to remember that visions take the shape of those things which we believe.
Therefore, if my religion is Hinduism, my visions will be related to that belief. Since the
original founders of Brahma Kumaris were of mostly Hindu/ Hindu branches background, it
is of no surprise that their visions had this Hindu element in them. For all I am concerned
Laxmi and Narayan are the equivalent of Adam and Eve in Christianity. See?

I feel it is important for anyone taking the Raja Yoga course to find similarities with other
philosophies or religions which they may be familiar with, but at the same time; it is for the
BK teacher to show, where the difference may be and explain the fact that every religion
comes from the same seed which just grows and expands with branches throughout time
just to become a seed again and repeat the more time.

Bets wishes!

Question: Please could you

explain why Hinduism is not
represented as a branch of
religion in the Kalpa Tree nor
is it shown as a religion
which emerged in the Copper
Age. Thank you.

Thank you for your very good question!

According to gyan, Hinduism is the Deity religion in its copper and iron age state.
Baba has mentioned that there is Deitism, (Golden age) then the Warrior clan (Silver
age) which obviously continued in the Copper age as Hinduism.

As we know, Hinduism does not have a founder like the other major religions. What is the
reason? Because It came from before the Copper age. That is why, it is known as the
oldest major living religion of the world, however, without a founder

Even the name Hinduism does not denote the name of a founder nor a religious ideal. It
basically came to describe people living near the Indus River.

Therefore, Hinduism is portrayed in the kalpa tree as Adi Sanatan Devi Devta Dharam
(Original Eternal Deity Religion- now, it makes sense why it is eternal.) Which is
Hinduism in its most elevated state; (Deitism) and now we can see that Hinduism did not
emerge in the Copper age, but it is eternal. It has existed with different names throughout
This is a great churning point.

Best wishes!

Question: what you mean by

powerful attitude what are
means to develop powerful
attitude what is subtle /gross
experience of keeping
powerful attitude?
Thank you for your question.
That word attitude if used by me, is in light of what BapDada explains.
Attitude is a word used in Babas vocabulary.
That question was answered already here
In a subtle way, everything starts with your vision. That vision creates an attitude and
that attitude creates an impact in other souls.

Best wishes,

Question: Dear Brother, I

received this knowledge in
my teenage however I
decided to get married
afterwards. It was not until
now after many years the real
lock opened up. I would not
say I left the father after
receiving the knowledge
because I did meditate
regularly and studied the
Murali online. My question is
now that I have a role to play
at home,there are limitations
to my renunciation, how do I
go beyond that as
abandoning my family role
sounds not right?
Dear Sister,
Such is your beautiful Drama!
Embrace it. Be good and do good. You have knowledge for that.
Be a sample through your thoughts and actions and glorify in that way the Fathers name.
That is be an example.

The only renunciation in the path of knowledge, is that of the vices; and that is a
numberwise task.
Please do not even think about abandoning your family, that will not glorify the Fathers
name for sure.

The Father is happy when you are happy, so be happy. That is the best service to humanity
that you can do and that starts certainly with your family.

Best wishes!

Question: thankyou divine

brother for your frank reply
,,as i realised that we are
spending time following
others experiences but not
tried to experience our own
unique originality, stillness.
Then without this how can
one experience the father the
supreme ,,,would it just be
devotion ,praising Shivababa
?..Can Your experience in
meditation ,which u shared,
be called as powerful yoga .
Dear Soul,

I appreciate your follow up question for it indicates that you have interest in this topic.

Consider this: Many times we get caught up with experiences and we forget the most
important aspect, which is self-transformation.

Experiences work as motivators, but we still need more than that. We are also caught up
in praising Baba, as if this will do the change. We need to recognize the role of Baba as
the source of gyan. He is giving us this knowledge to transform the self. That is His praise.
The rest is pure devotion in my opinion. Nothing wrong with it, for souls will feel happy
with it (and that is good!) ; but of no help for others who are looking for that self

As you can see, you called my meditation powerful yoga. Thank you for giving it a
name but whether that is powerful yoga or not, it is a matter of opinion. A personal
experience which becomes a perception of reality for others. What is interesting is if I
could feel any change in the self, if i feel that the rust is being removed That is a
different story!

In my experience with meditation, I have felt a natural inclination to experience the state of
being. That is sitting there, become aware of my breathing and feel this energy raising up
to my forehead and coming usually from my heart. Thoughts are gone because of the
awareness of this pleasurable, fulfilling energy. From that point on is pure awareness of
the self. Sometimes a smile comes up when i feel the self and the energy increases. From
that point, I could experiment. I could stay in this awareness or i could feel a bothersome
energy in the heart which then i connect with Baba, give that to Him (sanskaras) to be
transformed. It feels like a burning sensation in the heart. I dont know if this is actually the
fire of yoga, the only thing I know is that it works for me; and that is what matters to me.

As you can see, this is my own experience. i would encourage you to have the sincere
desire to experiment with feeling the self and using points of gyan as your road map.

Best wishes!

Question: Dear Brother , I find

it difficult to be connected
with soul world ,i understand
that its my home but not able
to experience , so what effort
or practise could enable to be
that point in the soul
world.please guide and
advise a
suitable commentary.Thanky

Thank you for your question.

Dear soul, keep in mind that we will have our own experiences and we do not need to be
concerned about those coming to us or having someone elses experience.

Let us go a bit in gyan: In the soul world we are in a seed stage. Everything is latent
according to gyan. My question is: How can you remember anything? Awareness is not part
of that world? Do you have eyes to see the golden red light? Obviously, someone may
have had an experience and called that experience the soul world. That is good.
However, that is not my experience. Am I missing something? Not a bit.

We call the soul world home. So, isnt home right now? or the Golden age? Isnt that
interesting how a BK soul stays home the shortest length of any soul in the Drama?

That is the magic of words. The soul world is just the soul world. I personally cannot call
that home, as I do with my small apartment but rather, a state of being.
Yesterday. I had a great meditation. It was great because I was able to perceive me. the
soul in the state of being. Slow thoughts passing by, almost no inner chattering of the mind
for moments.Also, I was able to experience that yoga with the Supreme as love emerging
and discovering those sanskaras which needed to be submerged being recognized as
pain in the heart. (No names to recognize as if this is ego, this one lust, etc.) It felt like a
burning sensation in the heart. No words in my mind such as:Ohhh sweet Baba.. I love
ya Just a fulfilling feeling.
When i finished that meditation, I was in that feeling of silence and out of the typical
normal life.
What do you call this experience? What is the method that I could give anyone to
experience this same experience?

Just keep trying. Experiment. Feel the self. You will have your own experiences.

I have not experienced the soul world either. All I have are visualizations, which I am not
fond of ( and nowwe go to the soul world and see ShivBaba as a shiny point of light
surrounding you with his mighty rays of pure compassion and embracing your whole being
in a blissful episode of pure ecstasy .) Sorry, not for me.

i do not feel that I have to experience that.

Dear soul, My apologies. I am afraid that I will not be able to answer your question as you
probably wish.

Best wishes!

Question: What are different

methods to make your
atttitudes (positive)
..powerfulwhy iam
mentioning powerful because
if any act without power even
though it is positive is
useless.can you narrate
your experience of becoming
embodiment of
powerful attitude
Thank you for your question.
You are probably referring to todays slogan:(9-19-12) Make your attitude so powerful that
many other souls become worthy (yogya) and yogi through your attitude.
Let us define the term attitude: -A settled way of thinking or feeling, typically reflected in a
persons behavior.-
The attitude of a Brahmin soul is an attitude of mercy and cooperation for all and at the
same time of being a server. Please take a look at the Avyakt Murli datedAugust 5th. Also,
this avyakt Murli (8/19/12) has a good content in those aspects.
in the Murli from 8-5-12, we will understand what Baba means by attitude. Therefore, what
is the method to apply this in a powerful manner?
Just to remember that I am a Brahmin soul

In my experience that is the protection from other company, meaning the awareness of
this role while dealing with different souls in my life (including BKs) To strengthen that
attitude means to deeply understand the responsibility and the task according to time.
That is, to have a powerful attitude. That attitude means a behavior and that behavior
becomes an impact for other souls, thus making them worthy, as the slogan

Best wishes!
Question: Follow up question
on Jesus Christ. Thank you
for your earlier explanation.
Souls do not have a name &
therefore how did it get the
name Christ soul? Why call
it Christ soul and not just a
soul? Am I right to
understand that: 1. The body
of Jesus is new & the old
Christ soul entered the body
of Jesus to establish
religion? 2. The body does
not perform miracles. It is the
soul who performs miracles
through the body. So it is the
old Christ soul who is
performing miracles.

Thank you for your follow-up question.

Below your answers:
Christ is no meant to be a name but a title. It means Messiah or Savior or Liberator,
just as Mahatma (Great soul) is not a name but a title.
1) The soul known as Christ is new, meaning it came for his first role about 500 years
after the copper age started. It is a newer soul compared with a Brahmin soul who has
interpreted its first role before that. The soul in the body of Jesus is an older soul than the
Christ soul, The soul in the body of Jesus is the one who was crucified.

2) Yes. or what appeared to be miracles according to Christian traditions. ( Note: I used the
term old soul to refer to the soul in the body of Jesus rather than the newer soul known
as Christ. That soul known as Christ is the one who entered the body of the soul known as
Jesus, thus; at one point, there were 2 souls in the body of Jesus.)

Best wishes!
Question: Could you please
write a short commentary on
meditating.the Link with
the Supreme Soul.
Thank you.
Alright here it goesvery short

The link with the Supreme Soul

When remembering the Supreme Soul with love,
That passion manifests itself.

It becomes clear as a picture;

it takes away thoughts fleeting by
the soul is finally experienced
only through the third eye
Depth of feelings color the self with beauty
intensity of vibrations become pure fire
to forget everything else becomes a duty
ego escapes but is caught in ire

That fervency burns the heart

To remain in that love is to immolate the past
newness is born out of those ashes
purification in this love, happens very fast

Cooling the self at the end

is meeting a new-found friend
for love to the Supreme burns
but cools the self in turn

Best wishes!

Question: Sakar Murli of

18/9/12 at pg. 1/3 states:
Even God has to make so
much effort on the path of
devotion. You would say that
His part continues from the
copper age till the end of the
iron age, or even till the end
of the confluence age. You
know all of these things. You
say that all of this happened
in the previous cycle. It also
happened 5000 years ago. I
am perplexed to hear the
Even God has to make so
much effort on the path of
devotion. Please give some
clarification. Thank you.
Thank you for your very good question.
I am very happy to see that you caught that statement, which is explained in todays Murli
comment. (9/18/12)

Basically, it is a devotional comment. God does not make any effort at all. That same Murli
mentioned about the roles being fixed, so things will happen according to those roles. God
is not needed to give returns to anyone (for instance, from their extreme devotion) for the
law of karma takes care of that. For further clarification, please see the comments on
todays sakar murli.
Best wishes,

Question: Jesus Christ.

Jesus was the body i.e. a
human being. Who is Christ?
i.e. the soul who entered the
body of Jesus?

Thank you for your question.

Yes, Christ is the soul who entered Jesus.
In Gyan it is known that every major religion had a religious founder. In the case of
Christianity, we have Jesus; who was historically known as a trouble maker for that time.
Calling himself the Son of God among other relatively small things Jesus did in his lifetime,
was perceived by the Romans as a threat to the current social order. Crucifixion was the
type of death penalty given to such individuals. Crucifixion is a painful death and in
humiliation in front of the public. This is not a peaceful death by any means.

A soul who is a religious founder is a new soul; for it is his purity which allows miracles
and other extraordinary events to happen. To deserve a death such as crucifixion, it is not a
karmic return of a new soul, but of someone who had some severe karmic accounts from
previous lives. Therefore, the soul known as Christ entered Jesus.
The Bible episode known as The Garden of Gethsemane,(Luke 22:39-46) is believed to
give the time when the soul known as Christ left Jesus. (before crucifixion.)

The soul known as Christ took rebirth in Christianity (point of gyan a founder of a
religion, sustains its creation,) while is believed that historically Jesus died on the cross;
while in Christianity, it is believed that Jesus rose from death on the third day after
crucifixion. (resurrection.)

Best wishes.

Question: 1.Baba says

duration of sangamyuga is
100 years ..beginning of
golden age is that period
when shri laxmi,shrinarayan
sits on throne&coronation it is already
75 years of sangamyuga
when shri krishna will take
birth? 2.In context with
todays murli (9/15/12) what
do you mean by destruction
of all religions? a) do their
values become extinct? b) do
they fight in them selves? c)
does their religion disappear
? d) do they become
.. e) do they divide? what
exactly happens even today
at the end of sangam yuga
jainis are one of the best in
their culture?/life style-
muslim mosques vibrate with
churches are vibrating with
serenity it is not complete
destruction of these religions
silencecan you explain in
depthhow exactly these
religions vanishi think
these vanish only 33 crore
dieties remain stable on this
planet???? 3.What spiritual
efforts brahmins can make
using subtle region.
Thank you for your questions!!

Dear soul, without further delay, let me go into them:

1) I have written extensively (more than what i am interested in) about this topichere:
However, for the sake of practicality, I will post what I consider the main points below:
Today was a very interesting Murli (5/14/11)
Why? basically it terminates once and for all, all the BK mythology about destruction, I
mean; the business of giving dates. Some thought the 100 years of Brahma (following
Indian Bhakti) came about when Dada Lekhraj was born (1876.) Many BKs left after waiting
for destruction on that date (1976) and it didnt happen and then Baba didnt tell the
children: I never told you when the 100 years would have started, why do you make stuff
up? stop doing that, you are making me look bad but rather, He went along with something
like why are you upset if destruction didnt happen? You have another chance

Baba is not in the business of I told you so but He lets the children go along with their
games. destruction consciousness I like to call it.

In the murli today it was mentioned that There is no time when Shiva came so, why are
BKs giving dates such as 1876 (Brahmas lokik birth ) or 1936 (when Brahma still thought
that he was God due to the things that were happening to him.) Why go along with such
childish games?

In the first avyakt Murli (1969) Brahma Baba mentioned about the 100 years of Brahma and
that certainly he will complete those in the subtle region. We dont know when Dada
Lekhraj became Brahma. He hasnt disclosed that.

Todays Murli basically mentioned that destruction will happen before the 5000 years of
this cycle are up. Destruction and the birth of Krishna happen at the same time as visions
of the future points out, and that goes according to pure gyan, for good and evil have a
common vortex. (destruction of the impure world, birth of the pure world.)

Then, there is a 35 years wait to complete the 5000 years cycle. At that point Narayan
marries Laxmi and 1/1/1 starts. Therefore, we do not know when the 100 years countdown
starts. All we know is that once destruction happens, there will be 30 to 35 years before day
1 starts.

Dear soul, we are not 75 years into Samgamyug. That is incorrect. We are 75 years into
the official beginning of Brahma Kumaris.

2) This question was answered in todays Comments on Sakar Murli 9-15-12. Basically, it
is another translation issue. The word Dharma was translated as religion when it means
more than that, a life style, traditions, a culture, etc. As we know, all of that will disappear
and then the Deity life style will take over. It is not even a Deity religion as translated, for
there is no need there of spirituality nor God. That is the Drama!
As we know, every culture changes with time. In this case, everything will change at a faster
speed after transformation also known as destruction. Here is where the Advance Party
takes over as survivors.

3) As far as spiritual efforts using the subtle region, I do not know of any.
I have not experienced the subtle region (yet.) So I do not know.
I have experienced the avyakt stage as I shared in an article and I have experienced
BapDadas help (magic) through others.. to help me in my spiritual efforts.

Best wishes!

Question: Could you please

explain the difference
between consciousness
and ego?
Thank you for your question!

Consciousness is being awake. = Conscious.

Ego appears when we are asleep, unconscious.
Consciousness is soul consciousness
ego is body consciousness.

Being eternal is an awareness of being conscious.

Being time constrained is unconsciousness, ego.

Consciousness is being in the moment. Present. Now.

Ego is living in the past or future, acting.
I am because I am conscious.
i think my thoughts because there is ego.

Consciousness/awareness brings stability in my stage.

Ego brings ups and downs. Sorrow.

Best wishes!

Question: I am a BK since 6
years, and I have experience
various different stages, but
the best part is that I keep
evolving and progressing.
Now, I am at this particular
stage (maybe u would be
familiar with the experience)
where I see my stage
oscillates from one state to
another and it keeps moving.
Few days, I experience
complete bliss and flying
stage and then without any
outer trigger or obstacle, I
find myself coming out from
that stage (enjoying that inner
space to being extroversion)
and even being aware that its
going to attack me, I feel so
helpless. again when I feel
that it (waste and suffering)
has come to brim, then I
overcome that and feel the
extreme opposite state..I
am not able to maintain a
balanced state and at times, I
felt so helpless and painful to
always keep experiencing
this ups and downs..What
should I do? Shall I accept it
as a part of this journey?
Shall I fight bck with the
fluctuation I face? I always try
to observe and watch my
feelings when they are going
out of control or unfamiliar to
me, but always fails..?
Please share your
experiences which might
help me to tackle this
Thank you for your challenging question!
Thank you for sharing your experiences as well as your challenges. Being a BK for 6 years
is meaningless for last go fast, and that is all there is.

In todays Murli (9/13/12) Baba spoke about maintaining our stage constant and stable. He
mentioned that following Shrimat accurately is what makes the difference.
When we say Shrimat there are many implications for Shrimat is pretty much individual.
A Shrimat for a householder is different than a Kumar; that is why I like to go back to the
Maryadas, for Maryadas are for all BKs.

Many times, our carelessness in one Maryada makes a difference. Today Baba spoke
about cooking your own food among other pieces of advice. This is something that you may
need to consider, unfortunately; I am limited in my knowledge of your particular situation;
therefore, i can only share general items.

Now, on your question. I am aware that many souls have experienced this trip of bliss and
out of this world experiences with Baba. Those experience serve as motivators to continue
in this path; however, let me be clear that in this path, suffering needs to be experienced so
we can learn and overcome. That is just our own weaknesses magnified through the tests
of life.
This is part of the package of dying alive, until that suffering is understood and
transformed. That means, our vices transformed into virtues again.

If you are not creating your stage with awareness, then any other energy around you can
get into you and change your mood. I found this is one of the most common issues with
souls who have lots of sensibility. These souls could be in tune with subtle experiences and
Babas energies, but at the same time; the opposite will happen with negative energies,
thus, changing easily the stage of these souls.
Perhaps this is your case.

Our stage is not made by outside forces. It is not made by subtle, divine experiences. We
make that stage with awareness and understanding of our own processes in life. That is
why, it takes time. If your stage fluctuates like a roller coaster that is the proof that your
stage is not coming from your own self awareness. There is no recipe to improve that,
other than letting life show you the way. The solution will come if you are honest with your
efforts. Waiting just means the opportunity to settle karmic accounts in the process.
Do not get discouraged. As you mentioned, the first thing is to accept that is happening to
you. Do not deny it. Then look for things to try to improve. fighting means rejecting.
There is no fighting in spirituality. It is just accepting, surrendering ego and flowing with life.
Check the accuracy of those maryadas.
Check if you are experiencing greater concentration to be able to create your own stage
despite outside forcesand finally have the tolerance and the courage to persist and to
look and try for new solutions. Experiment.
Do not despair in what you are experiencing for it will change in due time if your persist. It is
guaranteed. Tolerance and patience are needed more than anything else.

This path is about trying new things rather than repeating the same old stuff. Openness is
needed. That is my experience.

Best wishes!

Question: Why
BrahmaKumaris deny sex?
Thank you for your question.

i dont believe denying is the right word.

Let me go to the point. In BK gyan (knowledge) Those who have experienced the Golden
age which means the first 1250 years of the cycle of time; have sanskaras
(predisposition) of purity. (for lack of a better term.)
In other words, those souls have experienced a different degree of purification which is
based on the experience of soul consciousness.
Sex lust is in the realm of body consciousness.

It should be no secret that any major religion promotes celibacy among those closer to
their clergy, or at least periods of celibacy to get in tune with God or the Divine.
Have you ever wondered why?
Simply because our needs for sexual gratification unfortunately bring many side effects
which are not encouraged in a deep spiritual life.

Let me give you some examples: Diseases, unwanted pregnancy, addiction, violence and
let us not forget lust and attachment. However for many, that is normal.

Unfortunately individuals nowadays are not even in tune with the amount of living energy
lost in those recreational sexual acts (many times without even deep feelings of beauty)
and how much out of control their craving becomes which turns easily into an addiction.

For the record, sex-lust is not a human need like food and shelter. You can live without
sex lust, and as a matter of fact, many human beings live like that in many religions. The
question then is:
Why some people cannot live without sex lust?
Basically, we go back to those sanskaras mentioned above. A golden age soul has no
issues following celibacy. That soul will feel in tune with it. Others, on the other hand may
not, and some others may try the lifestyle and fight to find out later that it is not for them.

Different roles, different sankaras. All good.

Therefore, the standards of Brahma Kumaris may seem high for some or repressive for
others. However, those are the normal standards of a Golden age soul.
As simple as that.

Best wishes!

Question: Om shanti! i
couldnt understand few lines
stated as-those who dont go
to golden age still experience
their golden age.kindly
answer.thank you.
Thank you for your question!
Your question is in reference to the article shared yesterday about:
Understanding the Drama in a devotion-less way
I would like to ask you to read this article:
Those are the comments from one of my dearest Sakar Murlis, the one from April 20th,
2012. Once you read it, you will understand what i mean.

Nevertheless, let me fully explain my answer:

The issue is that in Sakar Murlis the Golden age is equated with Paradise, Heaven.
Many times those words, Golden age and heaven are interchanged.
In my view, that is not completely accurate.
We cannot say that Everyone is in hell right now, without finding heaven for everyone as
well. This is pure gyan.
Baba has mentioned about the 50%-50% deal. There is day and night- 50-50.

if someone experiences hell, that one must experience heaven as well.

The issue is that the Golden age is BK Heaven only. For a new soul having his first birth
at this time, this is heaven.
But, it is not so for a BK soul. That is easy to understand once we go deeper into the
concept of being numberwise.
That is why, the churning of older Sakar Murlis were updated as time went by and we
ended up with a Murli, such as the one of April 20th 2012, when the concepts are being
explained in a different perspective.

In short. Everyone will experience their own hell and their own heaven. Those words
(heaven and hell) are not places, but rather experiences.
The Golden age, is Heaven and Paradise for a BK soul only; but every soul will experience
their own Golden age although not in the Golden age.

If you would like further explanations, please feel free to write.

Best wishes!

Question: Could you please

explain and make us
experience Roop and
Basant ?
Thank you for your challenging question!
The easy part is the explanation. The hard part, the experience.
Rup and Basant as we know; it means to be an embodiment of yoga who showers

I liked the little explanation coming from this website:

in Indian mythology: two brothers on whose lips only jewels and flowers appeared.
Spiritual sense: by imbibing spiritual knowledge and practicing Raj Yoga, a soul
becomes rup and basant. By its form it attracts other souls to God and by giving
them knowledge brings spring in their lives (rup form, basant spring).

Now, here is the experience:

Rup is love
Basant in nectar
words are divine
dharna is the sign
Nectar spills from the heart
arriving as jewels to your lip
when we get rid of the script
allowing love to be your art

The spring of love in the form of nectar

showers the rain of knowledge at dawn
through the flying beauty
of a BK swan.
Best wishes!
Question: I know the 4
subjects for godly students
Gyan, Yoga, Dharna & Seva. I
have forgotten the 4
PILLARS. PLEASE enlighten.
Thank you.
Thank you for your question!
Depending on what pillars do you refer to, below a couple of links.

Four Spiritual Pillars

A spiritually fulfilling life is based on a foundation of four pillars:

daily practice of meditation/yoga

regular spiritual study
spiritual relationships and fulfilling responsibilities
the service of humanity

4 Pillars
Satvic diet
Good company

Best wishes!
Question: Please could you
explain the significance of the
four ornaments Vishnu is
holding i.e. mace, chakra,
lotus flower & conch shell.
Baba has mentioned it in the
Murlis but I appreciate your
comments. Thank you.
Thank you for your question!
The significance of the 4 armed Vishnu differs depending on who you ask. In Brahma
Kumaris has its own significance for only Brahmin souls know what they have to go through
to conquer our own weaknesses.
In Babas gyan, the 4 arms of Vishnu means the balance of the energy of the perfect male
and female (Laxmi-Narayan.) The ornaments according to Babas gyan, are meant for
Brahmins now.
Those ornaments are weapons in knowledge. In other words, by using those 4 ornaments,
we will obtain that perfection represented by Vishnu. (aim and objective.)

The Conch has the meaning of blowing knowledge. It is the weapon used before a war.
That war as we know is with our own vices (Maya.)
The Discuss, is another weapon to cut the heads of the demons. This is practically
understood when our mind plays games on us and by spinning that discuss (
moving/changing thoughts in the unlimited,) we can get out of the limited situation. That is
how we cut heads of our own demons.
The Mace means conquering ego. That is the significance of the mace pointing towards the
The Lotus is purity. That is the last weapon to become Vishnu.

Best wishes.

Question: According to law of

entropy, Every time when an
energy gets transfer from one
form to another, there is a
loss of energy which means
that as we come down the
ladder from satyug to kalyug,
the purity or powers or
virtues (whatever u might cal
it) of soul gets depleted and
at the sangam yug, we regain
it all!! But, as I understand
that the soul or being as a
whole is complete, nothing
can be added or subtracted
from it, there is no loss or
gain. Its just the matter of
awareness, which Baba calls
as smriti- vismriti. Could you
share your views about it, as
what really holds the truth
for you?
Thank you for your question!
When we use the term entropy, we are just using it for it describes what happens in the
Drama of life. Youth becomes old. Day goes into night, etc. Entropy is a term used in
thermodynamics to describe order and disorder or even the change towards chaos in a
thermodynamic system. Bro. Jagdish was one of the first ones using that term for this
description although it could be argued that this term wasnt meant to fit an observation of
what happens in the Drama.

Basically, we are dealing with the states of duality. Going from one side to the other. That is
Baba mentions that what makes the difference between now and back in the Golden age
are our karmic accounts. As you know, the duality is between soul consciousness and body

In body consciousness our actions are no longer neutral bu have an effect. Body
consciousness is the mother of all the vices, and therefore, of all the karmic bondages that
we have to settle.

As you mentioned, we are complete. There was never anything lacking at any time, but we
cannot realize that because we have the mantle of karmic accounts which are not allowing
us to see our real self at this time. We get caught up in the payments rather than being
happy with it for we have less to owe.

This is the whole point about spirituality, which is to recover that state of soul consciousness
which is a matter of a second or many years to realize. That awareness that you
mentioned is beyond intellectual understanding.

The only difference between us and Brahma Baba at this time, are our karmic
accounts because as we know, we need to become karmateet, according to our
capacity, everything is numberwise. (which is the preferred name to use instead of
entropy, in my vocabulary.)
That is why even though we are complete already, there is this illusion, (Maya) which is
not allowing us to see clearly for right now. We know that is just a role as well

Best wishes.

Question: As I understand in
Gyan balance is the
prerequisite in every aspect?
Could you please throw light
on this aspect: how to
maintain balance between
Lokik and Alokik life?
Thank you for your question!
The word balance conveys the idea of equilibrium. That balance is never static. There
is no a point in your life when we can say: I have reached balance. Rather, it is a concept
to strive for.

The typical assumption of balance is that I give more importance to something instead of
something else for some time.
For instance, sometimes family (lokik-worldly) life will need greater attention than the time
that I use in spiritual endeavors.
This is the traditional view.
Note that we are always dividing things in our life: Spirituality, lokik family, alokik (spiritual)
family, work, play, etc, etc.
Here is the paradox of balance:
When we do not see parts but the whole aspect of it, we naturally remain balanced. In other
words, there is no difference between my alokik and my lokik life when both are part of
who I am, a spiritual being and thus, look at those under the lenses of spirituality.

That spirituality will be in my lokik relationships. That alokik life will be there for I am not
wearing 2 different masks, (the lokik and alokik) but I will accommodate, adapt according
to the individuals and circumstances.
I recall BapDada asking for that in the last season (2011-2012) BapDada mentioned that we
needed to make everything alokik, everything spiritual in our life.

Finally, todays blessing also mentioned about balance: karma and yoga. Both are One. My
yoga feeds my karma and my karma allows me to have better yoga. That is balance.

Best wishes!

Question: Dear Brother, in

todays murli 6sep we read
Prajapita to Ek hi Hai
meaning there is only one
Prajapita , in the previous
(older ) murlis also read as
Brahma to ek nahi bante
Sirf Ek Krishna to to nahi
Who is Brahma , what is role
of Brahma . in the course
book it mentions Shivababa
(Trimurti ) first creates the
3subtle dieties ,Brahma
Vishnu Shankar . Then is it
Dada Lekhraj journey to
Prajapita to Brahma to
Krishna . Please share your
insight for proper
understanding of the
Alokik father.
Thank you for your deep question. It is a big question to answer

I am not an authority in Hinduism nor Indian by birth in this life, therefore; those labels do
not have the same impact or importance to me. Gyan for me is all about self-
However, based on the points of Sakar Murlis, here is the understanding that I have:
ShivBaba (God) does not create anything. We know in gyan that everything is eternal. Our
subtle bodies are eternal as well. No need for creators. I am categorically sure about this
point. I do not know why there is this mind set of having God as a creator, which confuses
things when He cannot create anything at all. That is creating from nothingness.
In devotion, the term creation is used to convey that something has changed or
transformed. However, change is all there is in this Drama.
Why add another layer of bhakti in our knowledge of God?

Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are merely representations of the 3 acts of God (here goes
more devotion) which in reality are simply the 3 states of matter (physical world) in
observation. That is something new appears from something old. That is creation.-
Brahma. That creation will evolve into something old gradually. That journey from new
to old is called sustenance or Vishnu. Finally, when that old thing disappears to
become something new again, that is called destruction or Shankar.

As you can see there is a cycle which repeats. That cycle we can see it in us. We go from
babies to elders and then we die, just to become babies again. Without bhakti, devotion;
this is the meaning that I am able to find and share.

There is Subtle Brahma also known as angelical or just Brahma in the subtle region.
There was the corporeal Brahma, also known as Prajapita Brahma or Adam, because
of the belief that God creates Brahma as His first creation and everyone else comes after
him (Brahma in Hinduism, Adam in Christianity.) There is a Murli point where is mentioned:
Prajapita Brahma is here rather than in the subtle region. Therefore, we can assume that
Prajapita Brahma was sakar Brahma who became Subtle Brahma. Basically we are
talking about the same soul in different stages.
Please let us not get caught up in the titles and devotional hierarchies.

Dear soul, please see that there is an eternal recurrent circle (Drama) where there is no
possibility for creation. There is no creation at all. Everything that exists is what has
always existed but changes in time (physical form) to become the same form after a cycle.
The soul in Dada Lekhraj awakens through knowledge and his name is changed to Brahma.
(Changing names to spiritual names was usual back in those days) That same soul meets
his angelic form after becoming karmateet and now is playing a role as subtle Brahma.

That same soul will take birth as Krishna who will be known as Narayan when he gets
married to Lakshmi.
Same soul with different names given to him according to religious traditions and
Back in the Sakar days the idea of relating the true bhakti stories was important. To put
Shankar instead of Shiva or to make sure that people knew that Jagadamba was the same
soul as Lakshmi was of paramount importance. To explain that there are 3 subtle deities up
in the subtle region was part of that as well.

Gyan, can be explained very well without all of those devotional stories. As a matter of fact,
depth is reached without that extra flavor. However, that flavor is needed by most
souls I realize that now I am always learning

Best wishes!

Question: Thanks for

sending me the comments
on Murli, questions
answers,exploring the depth
of BK Gyan etc.I am receiving
all these since June this year
and I find them very
encouraging . The classes
from seniors are so powerful
that I feel that I am not going
to achieve that, but the
replies you give to the
questions are so practical
and self experienced that I
feel that I too have
experienced that.I have
couple of questions for you.
Your explanation on yogyukt
and yuktiyukt and how to
apply that in practical life.To
send out good vibration for a
person to change their bad
habits and become normal
again is it pure desire or
service or my own selfish
desire?For me I have mixture
feelings of sympathy, bit of
attachment as well.I am had
good positive feelings and
meditation for that soul but
no changes visible.
Thank you for your questions!
Many thanks for your kind words as well. Yes, as you mentioned; what you will find here is
out of experience and like you said, If I had experienced those things, then others will feel
related with those experiences for I am not a self realized enlightened human being, but
just a human being living life in appreciation of what these spiritual teachings have been
able to bring into my life.

On your first question, both words, yogyukt and yuktiyukt, are related for yoga will give you
the stage to face or relate with someone or something, but the method will give you the
form on how to do it.

For instance, I recall this story of a soul who took the Raja yoga course and was very
happy. She was so appreciative that the next day she brought a cake for the teacher who
gave the class. (The cake had eggs in it.) The teacher didnt accept the gift and also
mentioned that we do not eat eggs or anything cooked by anyone else. That soul (the one
who took the classes) felt rejected and didnt go back again.

The stage of yoga (yogyukt) would have been given you sweetness/mercy/ good feelings,
etc. (stage) to deal with that person, by accepting her gift. The right method would have
emerged there as well, which was to thank that soul for such a kind thought.
Because someone gives you a cake, it doesnt mean that you have to eat it. That wasnt the
reason for the cake to be brought, but as a means of appreciation. This is a teaching on the
method, the form.
On your second question, when we send good wishes and pure feelings the aim is not to
send them (Paradox) the aim is to BE those good feelings and pure wishes, constantly.
There is no expectation in that, otherwise; they cannot be called pure feelings.
We do not know about someone elses karmic accounts. It is not for us to change them,
nor to expect for them to change. Otherwise that would be subtle manipulation.

Thank you again and Best wishes!

Question: In recent SM baba

mentiioned about the
Complete Subtle form of
Bramha baba and all
Bramhans. We have to
imbibe Gyan and acheive
Complete form What is
mystry of this? Is there two
subtle form do exist one is in
our body and other in
Subtle World?
Thank you for your question!
The awareness of our existence, is related with our consciousness. For most individuals, all
that exists is the physical world. However, there is a relationship on those 3 worlds which
Baba has explained in Gyan. We are multi-dimensional. (for those happy with tech

Our consciousness could experience those worlds as well, and in fact we do it (dreams or
altered state of consciousness through life threatening situations, etc.) but many times we
do not realize it. We forget.

We can see that Brahma Baba is talking about the experience and awareness of his own
body of light (for he became an angel.) Some souls can see those figures of light.
Others, can only feel them.
That perfect form is there waiting. Those forms of light are imperishable and that is how
others can have visions of angels.

Every human soul has a body of light. That is how settlement is experienced, but not
everyone has an angel body of light. (Just as not everyone will be a King in the Golden

Therefore, The experience of the avyakt stage is truly the experience of that angelic body of
light when our consciousness is in tune with it, so there are not 2 body of lights but just
one. As we shed the physical one, we become in tune with that one of light; which could
be experienced as being there or being here at the same time. We need to remember
that distance and time is not an issue for subtle bodies, but physical bodies.

This is as far as I can put this mystery into words. This is an experience not an
explanation, and truly to know how it works is an idea of an intellectual mind-driven
person engaged in the physicality of it all.

As I can see now, let the magic be magic and rather than find out how the trick works,
enjoy the trick; for we will never fully understand how it works even when we experience it,
and once we experience it; we will not be able to explain that to others who hasnt See
the catch 22?

Bets wishes!
Question: I am following your
blog since four months. I
found it very interesting and
useful. Your objective of
covering the grey areas an
avoiding Black and white is
appreciable. Thanks for your
interpretation about
differences between SM and
AM. Is is so we have to
concentrate more on the AM
as per the requirement of
time? May baba give you
more enlightment about the
Bramhakumaris Gyan. Good
wishes for the same.
Thank you for your question!

Dear soul,
Your kind words are appreciated and your good wishes will bear their fruit in no time. Thank

To respond to your question, it just depends on your current stage.

Sakar Murlis have lots of gyan. Avyakt Murlis have experiences and spiritual efforts after
Brahma Baba had achieved the angelic stage and new and improved points are being

As mentioned before; In the beginning of my BK life, I enjoyed Sakar Murlis over the Avyakt
ones. As gyan became more practical to me rather than theoretical ( the cycle has 4
ages and every age lasts 1250 years, you get 84 births, etc, etc) I started valuing more the
avyakt murlis. I felt drawn by their poetry and experience of deep points as well as the
practice of those points under a less devotional perspective.

The simplicity of the Sakar Murlis, wasnt as attractive anymore besides, my own game of
looking for new points to entertain my mind and come up with other new points myself.

Both Murlis have value; but according to time in my BK life, practical spirituality without
devotion and those experiences from someone who has experienced the angelic stage, are
more valuable to me at this time.

Similarly, I invite every BK to find where their stage is according to time, and use the more
appropriate Murlis to support their spiritual efforts.

All the best!

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