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Teacher(s) Wama Ojha Subject group and discipline Sciences (Chemistry)

Unit title Organic Chemistry MYP year 4 Unit duration (hrs) 24

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context
Change- Form(Structure) and Interaction:- Orientation in space and time :-Discoveries
Change will be viewed in structure and function of Interactions are responsible for changes in structural Organic chemistry is a seprate branch of chemistry
various organic compounds on account of changes In form of system and surrounding (at micro level as well which has emerged over the period of time due to wide
functional group. as macro level). spread use and existence of carbon and its compunds.

Statement of inquiry

Structural changes in our surrounding over the period of time had led to new dscoveries through human interactions.

Inquiry questions

Factual:-lines of Inquiry-

Conceptual:-Line of Inquiry-Outline the effect of functional groups on chemical and physical behaviour of parent compounds.
How alkenes can be differentiated from alkanes?
How are hydrocarbons named?
How functional groups help us to determine the characteristic reactions of the parent compound?
How is ester prepared from alcohols?

Debatable:-Lines of inquiry-Discuss the positive and negative impact of using alcohol as a fuel on enviorment.

-Use of alcohol as biofuels.

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 1

Objectives Summative assessment
Outline of summative assessment task(s) including Relationship between summative assessment task(s)
A i.explain scientific knowledge assessment criteria: and statement of inquiry:
ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to
solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar Unit test will be conducted based on content and
situations concepts addressed in class. Criterion A: Unit end test will provide opportunity to
iii. Analyse and evaluate information to make applyl earned knowledge in known and unfamiliar
The unit test consists of multiple-choice questions and situations.
scientifically supported judgments. short-answer questions that were designed to examine Within the test, alongside questions that directly assess
students information-recall and problem-solving abilities. students ability to deal with the content taught in the
Unfamiliar situations are also included to encourage unit, the students will be required to address the
students to apply their understanding of scientific ideas changes in properties of organic compounds due to
and concepts. various functional groups present in them. In particular,
the students will be required to discuss the chemical
reactions of saturated and unsaturated organic
compounds and properties of alcohols and esters.

Lab activity: Students will be asked to investigate the Criterion B and C:-Students will get a chance to
B - i. explain a problem or question to be tested by a factors affecting the titre value in acid base titration
scientific investigation explore the effect of various factors on the titre value of
(neutralisation reaction of an acid and base).The acid base tused in acid base itration.They will understand
ii. Formulate a testable hypothesis and explain it using used may be organic or inorganic.
scientific reasoning. the nature of interaction between acid and base in order
iii. explain how to manipulate the variables, and to undergo neutralisation and will be able to evaluate
explain how data will be collected the molarity of acid provided to them from their findings
C - i. present collected and transformed data of the experiment.
ii. Interpret data and explain results using scientific
iii. evaluate the validity of a hypothesis based on the
outcome of the scientific investigation
iv. evaluate the validity of the method
v. explain improvements or extensions to the method.

D- i. explain the ways in which science is applied and

Research and essay writing: The students will discuss Criterion D:- Relationship between summative
used to address a specific problem or issue
and evaluate the various implications of the use of assessment task(s) and statement of inquiry.
ii. Discuss and evaluate the various implications of the

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 2

use of science and its application in solving a specific science and its application in solving a specific problem Through essay writing task the students will learn the
problem or issue. or issue. They will have to write an essay on the topic impact of soaps and detergents on our society,
iii. apply scientific language effectively Impact of use of soaps and detergents on societyin enviorment and surrounding as soaps and detergens
iv. Document the work of others and sources of 800-1200 words. interact with the biotic component of our ecosystem.
information used. Use of polymers in field of pharmaceuticals and food
packaging sector. Relation between summative task and global
Through essay writing task, students willget a chance to
research on soaps and detergents which will enhance
their knowledge regarding historical discoveries over the
period of time which lead to formulation of various
cleansing agents used today and their impact on global

Approaches to learning (ATL)

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

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Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Week 1 Week 1
Introduction Activity:-Introduction to organic chemistry will be carried out by giving examples from real
Introduction to organic chemistry
world.Students will be asked to give the names of some common products used in their daily life (It may be simplest
What are saturated and unsaturated organic
cosmetic or complex fuel used to drive their vehicles.).
Then,I will discuss the properties of carbon which is somewhere the major component in all those products
Test for unsaturation. mentioned by students and then I will come up to the term Organic Chemistry
Through this introductory discussion, students will get a clue regarding importance of organic compounds and
necessity to study organic chemistry.

Test for saturation:-

Saturated and unsaturated organic compunds will be made clear by lab demonstration Bromine water and
acidified potassium permagnate test will be conducted on some samples of unknown organic compounds and the
visible colour change will help the learners to understand the difference between the two major classes of organic

Week 2 Week 2

Homologus series Homologus series will be explained through lecture method.

Nomenclature of organic compounds.
Naming activity:-To generate inquiry in class to introduce rules for nomenclature of organic compounds.

Studnets will be asked to give a common name to one of their best buddy.
They will be asked to describe what made them suggest the particular name.
Their answer will definitely relate to some behavioural aspect or some habbit of their friends.
This activity will make them understand that naming of organic compound is also related with the presence
of characteristic functional group and the particular number of carbon atoms in them.
After this fun loving and interactive activity,I will introduce the rules for naming organic compounds.

Worksheet will be provided for naming simple organic compounds.

Week 3-4
Week 3-4 Theory behind chemical reactions of alkanes and alkenes will be explained through videos and power point
Rections of alkanes and alkenes presentation and then students will be taken to lab for demonstrating some common reactions in lab.
Practise worksheet will be given.
Substitution reaction of alkanes.
Formation of chloroforms
Addition reactions of alkenes-hydrogenation,
bromination and hydration.

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Week 5
Week 5 Ball and stick activity-
Structural isomerism Students will be asked to draw different organic structures with given number of balls and sticks wherein
balls represent the number of carbon atoms and stick rerpresent the bonds.
This activity will develop their creative thinking skills and collaborative skills.
Further, they will learn the concept of isomerism wherein the compounds have same molecular constitution
but different structures.

Students will be asked to share their understanding with peers in order to make them understand the
difference between position isomers and chain isomers.

Students will be given certain practise questions related to isomers.

Week 6-7
Week 6-7
Students will be asked to research on the effect of alcholo on health and the impact of using alcohol as a
biofuel on enviorment and dependence of its usage on climatic factors.
Alcohols Studnets will present their findings in front of class either in form of power point presentation or verbal
Preparation of alcohols by alkenes communication.
Preparation of alcohols by fermentation. Peers can raise up their questions.
Use of alcohol as a biofuel. This will develop their communication and research skills.
Effect of alcohol on health. This will involve all the studnets.
Chemical reactions of ethanol-combustion,
esterification, oxidation and burning. Reactions of alcohols will be explained and esterification will be demonstrated in lab.

Week 8-9
Week 8-9 Students will be explained the organic acids with examples.
What are carboxylic acids?
Some common organic acids used in our daily life will be discussed.
Ethanoic acid as a weak acid.
Structure of functional group of carboxylic Organic acids are weak acids can be demonstrated through litmus paper and pH paper.
Ester formation will be explained through lab demonstration.
Preparation of esters.
Fats and oils as vegetable esters. Studenst will be asked to research on impacts of soaps and detergents on society.
Explanation of process of saponification
Cleansing action will be demonstrated through video clipping
Different types of detergents.
Cleansing action ofoaps and detergents. Soap will be formed in lab
Hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts of soaps
and detergents.

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Week 10
Week 10
Recapitulation of concepts will be done by applying rotate group strategy.
Revison of the unit
Students will receive rubrics for each assessment that must be completed.
Exemplars like a power point on cleansing action of soaps, classification of organic compounds.
The students will complete individual research and guided learning activities to develop the knowledge needed.

Practical skills will be developed through experimental investigations like test for unsaturation, titration using
organic and inorganic acids, saponification, and esterification.
All rubrics, assignment descriptions and class work will be provided in the designed task

Beyond the exploratory inquiry activities, students will have a wide range of learning options, including teacher
lecture, citing examples from daily life, research through the internet, and practice questions

Discussion on structure and various formulaes of alkanes and alkenes.

Smart class modules and PPT regarding reactions of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbon.
Visit to chemistry lab to perform titration of an acid with base to conclude the strength of acid used
Discuss the positive as well as negative role of the alcohol in our life and on our health.
Worksheets will be provided to them.
Students will receive all rubrics as well as organizational Templates for process work to assist them in meeting the
final expectations for each Criterion.

Beyond the exploratory inquiry activities, students will have a wide range of learning options, including teacher
lecture, video clips, research through the internet, and practice questions

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Recapitulation of previous knowledge of litmus test for acid and some common properties of esters and soaps.

Thinking skill acquisition: Through information literacy. Students will go to different sources to investigate their ideas.
Communication skill through discussions.
Scientific inquiry skills through labs.

Formative assessment
Students will be given different worksheets to test their understanding
Formative assessment: Multiple choice test.
Use of different reagents to test for unsaturation.
Worksheet. Competent completion of practical in pairs and written preparations. Students will demonstrate the
attitudes and skills to perform safely and effectively.

Open ended questions during class, individual practice (homework / class work), quizzes, group activities, individual
activities, labs.

All activities will be done in groups and peer assessment will be conducted.
Members of group will keep changing for each activity.
Opportunities to participate in different activities during the unit like preparing charts and power point
presentation, drawing structures of organic compounds, identifying isomers which they think are similar,
segregating materials available in classroom on the basis of their similarity to understand classification,
observing lab demonstrations in order to differentiate between saturated and unsaturated compunds helped
in provoking inquiry as well as in grasping the concepts easily.
Use of the resources room for simulations and information related to the topic
For short, objective quizzes, allow the students to ask the questions to the class. They will know what they
studied! Or, ask the first four, and have them ask five or so. This is fun and boosts their confidence!
For inquiry activities, students will be allowed to collaborate in small groups. For students who are less
skilled, a class discussion will be initiated and teaching that everyone will follow.

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A set amount of time will be given to students to complete each step in the task.
All students should write a short reflection about what worked, what did not, and why.
Differentiating by catering to individual needs of students. Providing extra assistance where needed as well
as extension work as required.
Teaching methodologies that will be employed during this unit: Differentiation will be achieved through use of
Visual, Oral, Kinesthetic, and Auditory based learning activities .Some students learn better by watching a
related video, some grasp better by doing hand on activities and some learn through listening activities.

Breaking topics into subtopics and assigning a subtopic to students. (Students will form groups or pairs to
facilitate learning by peer support). Example: Different groups were assigned different functional groups and
they presented their understanding using different methods.
Slow learners will be given additional support apart from peer support to make understanding easier.
Recapitulation and reflection of the topic will be done in groups.


Laptops and library books available for student reference

List of teacher-recommended web resources available
School librarian available for research support
Seating will work independently, in teacher-assigned pairs/small groups and in interest-based inquiry groups.
Learning support available for collaborative planning, in-class support, out-of-class support

search : alphabet organizer

The students will be encouraged to bring articles relating to the studied topic that they may find in newspapers, magazines etc. during the unit.
interesting websites like-

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Referential Websites:[%20WEBSITE%20]/science%20x%20study%20material/final/X_Chem_Ch2_organicchemistry_ChNotes_Oct.pdf

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 9

Students shown constant interest in the unit as organic compunds
Students are expected to have previous knowledge occupies an important place in our daily life.
about the topic and subtopics. Unit will be initialized
by asking a number of brainstorming questions. Unit But topics like chemical reactions of alkanes, alkenes and alcohols
To generate inquiry in classroom to introduce are still the areas where students need to devote time in practising
teaching will be integrated with classroom activities organic compunds:- these reactions.
Students were able to give the names of some Students came up with their ideas regarding use of alcohol as
Lines of inquiry that will define the central idea- common products used in their daily life (It biofuels.
may be simplest cosmetic or complex fuel
Concept of fundamental properties of carbon. used to drive their vehicles.). They enjoyed drawing various strucatural isomers of alkenes and
Importance of organic compounds Then,I have discussed the properties of carbon other organic compounds.
Examples of organic compunds used in our day to day which is somewhere the major component in all those
life Reactions need practise.
products mentioned by students and finally after all the
Importance of naming organic compunds. discusssi on studnets were introduced with the term The formative assessment results demonstrated the variation in
Use of lcohol as biofuel organic chemistry and significane of organic compunds knowledge and understanding level of the students. Some of the
Impact of soaps and detergents on society. was discussed students showed very good understanding level. The results of lab
Through this introductory discussion, students will activity and essay writing tasks demonstrated satisfactory
Questions that will drive towards this inquiries:- get a clue regarding importance of organic compounds level of understanding. Among the variousteaching strategies I,
Why carbon can fom long chain macromolecular and necessity to study organic chemistry. found use of examples most successful. This developed interest
structure? Students could establish relationship between number and better understanding level.
of bonds between two carbon atoms and saturation They reflected on the unit as follows:-
Why organic compounds are important to study? behaviour.Students were able to draw structures of
various alkanes.
What is the basis of naming of organic compounds?
Test for unsaturated compounds is performed in
Outline the properties of alcohol that are suitable for
laboratory which was quite interesting for
its usage as a fuel?
studnets to observe as they were able to judge
What is biofuel? the nature organic sample provided to them on
the basis of theirobservation.
Can alcohol be considered as suitable biofuel?
Discuss the impact of soaps and detergents on
society in terms of economical, enviormental and Addition reaction of alkenes created a little bit of
social groundings. confusion but through examples and various
structure based questions, students were able
to understand the basic mechanism of addition
reactions of alkenes.

Ball and stick activity helped stuents to

understand the isomers concept nicely
wherein they participated and enjoyed the
activity.Through the activity,along with the
development of the concept,studnets also
enhanced their creative thinking skills.

Middle Years Programme Unit planner

Middle Years Programme Unit planner

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