Rabbit Volunteering 101 Quiz: Ans: Rabbit B Is Stressed

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Rabbit Volunteering 101 Quiz

Name: Date:

1) Which rabbit is more stressed, rabbit A or rabbit B? What signs

of stress do you see?

Ans: Rabbit B is stressed.

B is fearfull body posture. Signs:
Body tucked low
Feet tucked underneath-ready to flee
Ears pulled back, tilted to one side
Eyes wide open
A is confident and relaxed posture. Signs:
Body stretched out. Lying on belly
Ears pointed up turned forward

2) What are the two major ways stress affects an animal and what
are the consequences of stress, particularly in the shelter

Ans: Two major stress are enstress(good stress) and

distress(bad stress. With more stressed animals there is greater
chances of aggression and greater amount of danger.

3) Rabbits are not like cats and dogs who are predators, instead
they are what? Why is it important to consider this when working
with rabbits?

Ans: Rabbits are prey animals, its anatomy and behavior is

focused on readily detect and flee from danger. Their
domestication started much later than Cats and Dogs which is
why behavioral characteristic of rabbit remains quite wild. So
while working with them one need to be more cautious and give
them space.

4) What is our number one rule when working with our rabbits?

Ans: Number one rule is if you are not comfortable don't do it.

Email your completed quiz to behaviordept@hssv.org at least 24 hours

before your RV201 class
Rabbit Volunteering 101 Quiz

5) What is the appropriate way to approach a rabbit? Why?

Ans: While approaching rabbits one must move slowly and

deliberately, fast movement can startle the rabbit.

6) What should you do if the rabbit bites you and it breaks skin?

Ans: If a rabbit bites and it breaks skin, one must:

Report the incident to staff immediately with full details
Thoroughly clean and bandage the spot

7) Is it appropriate to provide the rabbit with fresh greens, extra

pellets, or fruit during your socialization session?

Ans: Rabbits have delicate digestive system, so food is provided

only by the staff, volunteers can provide only hay and water.

Email your completed quiz to behaviordept@hssv.org at least 24 hours

before your RV201 class

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