Isin Y A.Practical Bollard-Pu - Jul.1987.MT PDF

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Marine Technology, Vol. 24, No. 3, July 1987, pp.


Practical Bollard-Pull Estimation

Y. A. Isin 1

During the preliminary design of a tugboat, the use of minicomputers can permit the designer to give a very
quick estimate of propeller characteristics such as pitch-diameter ratio, expanded area ratio, revolutions per
second, and the thrust and delivered horsepower for the bollard-pull condition. These estimates can be made
by the use of charts derived from polynomial expressions of experimental propeller series data, for
example, the Wageningen B-Screw Series.

THE REASON for the existence of a tugboat is the pulling or The bollard-pull condition is the condition during the pull
pushing of large vessels and, hence, it follows that one of the operation when the tug speed is zero and the propeller advance
tugboat's most important components is its propeller. Tugs coefficient (J) is zero:
operate under various conditions, that is, free running, towing
at some intermediate speed, and bollard pull. Thus, when
powering a tug all these conditions must be considered. Harbor nD
tugs are designed for general operation in and around a harbor
and as such specific requirements cannot be quoted, except t h a t where
the tug should have a certain free-running speed and t h a t it
should have a specified minimum bollard pull. For preliminary VA = propeller advance speed
design purposes, a well-designed propeller should develop n -- propeller revolutions per unit time
about 15 kg (33.5 lb) of bollard-pull thrust per delivered horse- D = propeller diameter
power installed. Argyriadis [1] 2 has stated t h a t for the tug L. E. The advance coefficient (J) is nondimensional and at the bol-
Norgaard the expected bollard pull is about 15.2 kg/DHP (34 lard-pull condition is zero as VA is zero. Also, at this condition,
lb/DHP), for the E. F. Moran it lies between 13 and 13.6 kg/ the wake coefficient W is zero since both the tug speed and the
D H P (29.1-30.4 lb/DHP) and for D. S. Simpson it is equal or propeller advance speed are zero and the thrust deduction coef-
close to 10 k g / D H P (22.4 lb/DHP). ficient t can be assumed to be about 2 or 3 percent. For most tug
The design of the propeller for the bollard-pull condition is, forms the relative rotative efficiency ~R can be assumed to be
of course, somewhat academic since tugs do not, in general, about unity.
operate at this condition. It is still an important design condi-
ti~n for harbor tugs as it is the simplest and most common one.
Bollard-pull charts
Design for bollard pull For preliminary design purposes Argyriadis [1] gives the fol-
lowing equations (changed to the metric system) for the bol-
The design of a propeller for bollard pull introduces four lard-pull and the corresponding r p m N:
issues; (1) choice of the propeller's main dimensions, (2) estima-
tion of the bollard pull, (3) estimation of the tug's free speed,
BHP Tc with T c 60 X -KT
and (4) estimation of the tug's overall towing performance. The T(kg)=716X NoXD =20~ KQ
tug's free-speed and towing performance depend on the choice
of the optimum propeller for the required bollard pull and can
be estimated from the hull resistance and the machinery char- BHP 0 ~1/2
N = 60 X 6.55 with T r = KQ
acteristics (power and rpm). N o X D ~ X Tr]
The choice of the propeller dimensions for bollard pull re-
volves around one main criterion, that is, to install the largest- The symbols are defined in the Nomenclature. The values of Tc
diameter propeller possible. Considerations are the tug's draft and Tr are given in Fig. 1 as a function of the propeller pitch-
and the hull-propeller clearance. The maximum practical di- diameter ratio for three- and four-bladed propellers with a
ameter of an open propeller is about 85 percent of the draft aft. disk-area ratio of 0.50. Strictly speaking, the curves apply only
The rpm of the propeller should be chosen, if possible, to keep to propellers with airfoil shape sections from 0.5 radius to the
the pitch-diameter ratio (P/D) between 0.6 and 1.25. However, tip.
the best bollard pull P/D is about 0.6. The minimum blade-area In the discussion to reference [1] both Kimon and Morgan
ratio should be between 0.50 and 0.55 in order to give all-around point out that the coefficient from Fig. 1 can be strictly applied
towing performance and high astern bollard pull. The area of only to constant-torque installations. Morgan [1] derives the
the blade should be distributed to give fairly wide tips. In expression for bollard-pull and the corresponding r p m for both
general practice, propellers fitted on single-screw tugs have constant-power installations for three, four, and five-bladed
three blades and those fitted on twin-screw tugs have three or Troost propellers with different expanded area ratios. Figures 2
four blades. and 3 reproduce here the three and four-bladed propeller data,
respectively. Since these diagrams are based on open-water
1 Senior research engineer, State University of Liege, Liege, Belgium.
2 Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper. tests, the bollard pull tends to be overestimated by a few per-
Original manuscript received at SNAME headquarters July 7, 1985; cent (up to 10 percent).
revised manuscript received March 14, 1986. These corresponding equations, in the metric system, are:

220 0025-331618712403-0220500.3710 MARINE TECHNOLOGY


12 ).09

Ii 3.08


~9 O.O&




0.6 0.7 O.R 0.9 1.0 I.I 1.2 1.3 1.(.
Plt ch/ t or Rotlo

Fig. 1


AE = expanded area of propeller blades, m 2 DHP0 = delivered horsepower at design speed Q = propeller torque (kg X m)
A0 = disk area of propeller, m z (=7rD2/4) (maximum power) 75
Ap = projected area of propeller blades, m 2 EAR = expanded area ratio = AE/Ao 27rn
BHP = brake horsepower at bollard pull EAR0 = m i n i m u m expanded area ratio for free O = mass density of water (kg X s2/m 4)
BHP0 = brake horsepower at design speed cavitation service SHP = shaft horsepower
(maximum power) J = propeller advance coefficient T = propeller thrust (kg) at bollard condi-
C = Caldwell's cavitation coefficient = Va/n" D tion
CZAR = expanded area ratio coefficient K 0 = torque coefficient = pn2D 4 KT
Q/pn2D 5
t = thrust deduction coefficient
= 0.67. ~ (CTLS'8~
K r = thrust coefficient Tc = propeller torque-thrust coefficients
= T/pn2D 4 ratio
CN = propeller rotational coefficient N = propeller rotational speed (rpm) at 60 KT Kr
bollard pull -- or--
20.7r KQ KQ
_ 7 5 . C r a / z _K_r No = propeller rotational speed (rpm) at de-
27r KQ sign speed Tr = propeller torque coefficient
n = propeller rotational speed (rps) at bol- = K 0
CT = thrust coefficient lard pull V = tug speed, m / s
/ 75 \2/3 KT- = N/60 Va = propeller speed of advance, m / s
= t ~ p1/2) " KpZ/~ ~R = propeller relative rotative efficiency =v(1-w)
P = propeller pitch (m) propeller tip speed, m / s
Vti p =

D = propeller diameter, m P / D = propeller pitch-diameter ratio = Tr.n.D

DHP = delivered horsepower at bollard pull p = Ap/AE w = wake coefficient

JULY 1987 221

I 0.13 0.14

I ~--
11 /% I
Troost B Series

/L O.tZ
i B Series
/0.13 0.12

II ~ ~'Tc
~ / O.ll
5 ~ -~-o.3~--~.y y o.,o
G I0 _ _ ~ ~ EAR 0.10

g~ o.osg / o.ogY

7 o.o,~ 6
__ 0.08
/ o o~
_ _ 0 . 0 7
5 0.05 ~ #

4 0.04 t. 00s i
__ 0.03 7/ 0,04

//.] 0.02 0.03

~'Tr 4 Blades
o.ol 0.02
0.5 06 O.'] 0.8 0.9 l.O I.I I.?_ 1.3 1,4
Pitch/Oiam~ier Rat;o 0.01
0.5 0.6 0.7 0,8 0.9 1.0 t.I I.?~ 13 I,q
P~tch/O;arneler Ra{{o
Fig. 2 Fig. 3

- - f o r constant torque where

DHP o X Tc KT = 75 pt/2)
T (kg) = 716 x N O x D with Tc KQ CT ~ KQ2/a

DHP o ~1/2 The revolutions per second n can be obtained by eliminating

N = 60 x 6.85 X with T r = KQ the propeller diameter D from the expressions for KT, KQ and
N o X D 5 X Tr] T. Thus
- - a n d for constant power DHP 2
n = CN x T5/2 (2)
DHP 0 X Tc
NXD where

X D H P ~1/3 CN = 75 X CT3/2 KT
N = 60 X 0.114 D ~ X T~] 2~r KQ
At bollard-pull, where J = 0, the values of CT and CN are
Figures 2 and 3 show that the two major factors affecting the functions of the coefficients KT and KQ and they can easily be
bollard pull of a tug are the propeller diameter D and the computed from any chosen propeller series charts for different
horsepower D H P delivered by the engine. Other bollard-pull values of pitch-diameter ratio P / D and of expanded area ratio
charts for constant-power installation can be derived from the EAR.
basic definitions of KT, KQ, and Q and the polynomial expres- The value of EAR to avoid cavitation thrust breakdown and
sions for the Wageningen B-Screw Series [3]. erosion has been derived by Caldwell [2] from an analysis of
Burrill's cavitation chart assuming approximately 21/.2percent
back (suction side) cavitation. The formula is given by

CT, CN, GEAR c h a r t s (DHP/A~) 2/3

EAR 0 = C x
At bollard pull, the relationship between thrust T, propeller
diameter D, and engine delivered horsepower D H P can easily This equation can be written as follows
be derived by eliminating the revolutions per second n from the
definitions of the thrust coefficient KT, the torque coefficient EAR0 = [ ~ . 4- C3/2. D H P 12/5
KQ, and the engine delivered horsepower DHP. Thus by defini- D 2" p " Or- n - D)l8J
K T =T~,KQpn2D
4 -pn2~and D H P - 2~nQ75
p = propeller projected area - expanded area ratio
= Ap/AE = 1.067 - 0.229 P/D
By substituting the expressions for n and D for the Wageningen
T = C T x (DHP X D) 2/3 (1) B-Screw Series, EARo can be written in the following form:


EARo = CEAR X (D~HTP)768 (3) :EAR minimum for cavitation free service-

where .S .6 .l .8 .9 1. 1.1
co.6 (6T1'848~
The value of the coefficient C varies between 0.15 and 0.2. The lB.0
values of GEAR c a n be computed for the values of CT and CN for
given values of P / D and EAR.
Curves of CT, CN, and GEAR, developed from the appropriate 16.8
propeller charts, can be plotted as functions of P / D and E A R
and used to give a quick estimation of the propeller main di-
mensions for a given D H P and required bollard pull. Such
curves have been derived from the Wageningen B-Screw Series ,4.8
polynomial expressions for three and four-bladed propellers [3]
and are shown in Figs. 4, 5(a,b,e), and 6(a,b,c). Figure 4, CEAR
versus T / D H P , gives the minimum values of E A R to avoid
cavitation thrust breakdown and erosion and Fig. 5 or Fig. 6 can ,2.8
be used to determine the diameter D, revolutions per second n,
and P / D for the selected E A R from Fig. 4.
These figures and the equations for T versus CT and n versus re. e
CN can be used in different ways to determine the propeller
main characteristics for the required bollard pull at a given
D H P or the bollard pull and D H P for the chosen propeller. Th e
designer can obtain an optimum propeller after some iterations. 8.8
One simple example, treated in the Appendix, shows how to
obtain by using these diagrams a quick estimate of the propeller
characteristics for a given D H P and required thrust at bollard
I l ! [
pull. 6 8 I0

Conclusion Fig. 4

As can be seen from the example treated in the Appendix, the

CT, CN, GEAR bollard-pull charts can be used to give a good
estimate of the propeller characteristics. Moreover, these data
Available delivered horsepower at bollard (DHP) = 600 hp
should be adequate for preliminary design purposes. Requested thrust at bollard (T) = 9300 kg
When utilizing the new diagrams, the designer must keep in a. without any restriction on D
mind that some corrections should be introduced, such as cor- b. with D -- 2.6 m only
rections for Reynolds number and hull interference effects Case a
(thrust-deduction factor and wake fraction). Without these cor- With no restriction on D and N, the best propeller can be defined by
rections, the values obtained from the chart may be overesti- taking P/D = 0.5 to 0.6 and EAR = 0.5 to 0.7, if possible, to give all-
mated by a few percent. For preliminary design purposes, the round towing performance and high astern bollard pull.
designer can decrease this over-estimation by decreasing the
--From Fig. 4
calculated propeller diameter by 0.5 to 1 percent.
T he CT, CN, CEARbollard-pull charts presented in this paper T
are derived from the polynomial expressions of K T and KQ for DH~ = 15.5 -~ CEAR= 4.85
the Wageningen open-water B-Screw Series for a Reynolds EAR = 0.6
number of 2 106. Corrections for other Reynold's numbers are
--From Fig. 5(a)
given in reference [3].
EAR = 0.6
---, P/D = 0.52
CEAa = 4.85
--From Figs. 5(b) and 5(c)
1 Argyriadis, D. A., "Modern Tug Design, with Particular Emphasis
on Propeller Design, Maneuverability, and Endurance," Trans. P/D = 0.52 CT = 70.56
SNAME, Vol. 65, 1957, pp. 362-444. EAR = 0.6 CN = 7.73 X 104
2 Wood, J. N., Caldwell's Screw Tug Design, Hutchinson Publish-
ing Co., London, 1969. Then for
3 Oosterveld, M. W. C., "Further Computer Analysed Data of Wa-
geningen B-Screw Series," Netherland Ship Model Basin Publication C T = 70.56, equation (1) gives D = 2.52 m
No. 479; also, International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 22, No. 251, CN = 7.73 X 104, equation (2) gives N = 200
July 1975. rpm.
Thus we obtain
D = 2.52 m Z = 3 blades
Appendix P/D = 0.52 N = 200 rpm
EAR = O.6
Example of application Case b
Estimate the three-bladed Wageningen B-Series propeller character- In this case, it is necessary to introduce D = 2.6 m in equation (1) to
istics D, P/D, EAR and its rpm N for compute CT:

JULY 1987 223

P/l) p~
.5 .7 .9 1.1
1.2 1.2


1.8 1.8

B.9 8.9

B.8 8.8

8.7 8.7

B.6 @.6

B.S 8.S

8.4 9.4
I.I I 8.9 8.8 8.7 8.e 8.5

I I I | I I I I i i I I
4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5
CEkR S,$ 68 65 78 Cl

Fig. 5 ( a ) Fig. 5 ( b )

P/~ --From e q u a t i o n (1)

T = 9.300 kg
1.2 DHP=600hp -* C T=69.2

--From F i g . 5(b)
C T = 69.2
--" P / D = 0 . 4 4 2
E A R = 0.6
CT = 69.2
--" P / D = 0 . 4 9 2
E A R = 0.7

8.9 EAR --From Fig. 5(a)

E A R = 0.6
P / D = 0 . 4 4 2 - * CEAR = 4 . 5 8
8.8i E A R = 0.7
P / D = 0 . 4 9 2 - * CEAR = 4 . 7 3

8.7 --From Fig. 4

= 4.58
CEAR = 4.73 --~ m i n i m u m E A R - - 0 . 5 5 - 0.6
8.6 (for cavitation)

I f w e a s s u m e E A R = 0.6 a n d w i t h P / D = 0.442:
8.S --From Fig. 5(c)

E A R = 0.6
P / D = 0 . 4 4 2 --* C N = 8.06 104
I.i I o.g G.6 8.7 6.6 8.$ T h e n f o r C N = 8 . 0 6 104, e q u a t i o n (2) g i v e s N - - 2 0 8 r p m . T h u s w e
f I I I D = 2.6 m ( g i v e n ) Z = 3 blades
5 6 8 C~.IO "4
P/D = 0.442 N = 208 rpm
Fig. 5 ( c ) E A R = 0.6


P/O Z=4

.7 .9 1.1 1.2



EAR 8.9





9.4 I.I 0.9 8.8 8.7 9.6 0.5

I I !
4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 CEXR 68 6S 70 CT

Fig. 6 ( a ) Fig. 6 ( b )

T h e s e calculations can be checked from t h e Tc a n d Tr curves given in
Figs. 2 a n d 3. P/0

Case a 1.2
For D = 2.52 m, from th e W a g e n i n g e n B-Screw Series p o l y n o m i a l
P / D = 0.52 -* K T = 0.1995 T = 10.9 I. t
E A R = 0.6
Z = 3 b l a d e s KQ = 0.0183 T r = 0.0183
T h e n for D H P = 600 hp -~ N = 199.5 ~ 200 r p m
T = 9313.7 kg

Case b 9.9
For D = 2.6, from t h e W a g e n i n g e n B-Screw Series p o l y n o m i a l com- ~AA
P / D = 0.442 -~ K T = 0.1636 Tc = 11.7 e. 8
E A R = 0.6 KQ = 0.014 T r = 0.014
Z = 3 blades
T h e n for D H P = 600 h p -* N = 207 r p m
T = 9336 kg
T h e s e r esults are s i m i l a r to those o b t a i n e d from the CT, CN, CEAR
b o l l a r d - p u l l chart; t h e observed s m a l l differences arise from t h e preci- 6.8
sion of t h e CT, CN, GEAR d i a g r a m s of Figs. 4 a n d 5.


I.I I 8.g e.8 0.7 8.8 9.5

Metric Conversion Factors I I I t J

5 6 7 8 CN.10-4
lm = 3.28ft
1 kg = 2.20 lb
1 k W = 1.34 hp Fig. 6 ( c )

JULY 1987 225

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