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The 1st Brigade would be hard pressed to hold another attack, the S-3 informed Bannon in a workman like
manner. Intelligence indicates that the Soviet forces in front of 1st Brigade had lost heavily and are no longer
able to attack. A second echelon division, the 28th Guards Tank Division, is moving up and is expected to be in
position to attack not later than dawn tomorrow. The Air Force has been pounding the 28th Guards throughout
the day, but hasnt slowed it. We have the mission of attacking into the flank of the 28th Guards Division as soon
as they were fully committed in the attack. Task Force 3rd of the 78th will pull out of the line on order, moving
north, and spearhead the attack. Team Yankee will be in the lead.

Heres three new missions for Team Yankee, with extended rules on the other. If you print a mission double-sided, all
rules for different times of day, and a new way of selecting the rules you need will be on one handy sheet of paper.
your missions if you want to try something different. If you choose to use the mission selector, you and your oppo-
All nine missions, the three new ones and the six from the nent pick a plan, then compare the plans to find the mission
rulebook, are presented in a handy two-page format with the you will play, and who will attack and who will defend.
map and set up on one side and all of the mission-specific

There are three easy ways of selecting a mission to play. 2. SELECT THE MISSION
You and your opponent can pick a mission that suits Having determined the type of mission, roll a die and look
your forces and the terrain. up the appropriate mission type table to determine the actual
You can roll a die to determine the mission type, and mission to play.
then roll again to select the mission, or
You can pick battle plans and use the mission selector MEETING ENGAGEMENTS
below to determine the mission type, and then roll again MISSION
to select the mission.
1 or 2 Dust Up
PICK A MISSION 3 or 4 Encounter
For a cooperative approach to selecting a mission, discuss
5 or 6 Free for All
which mission youd like to play with your opponent
and pick one.
There are nine missions:
Breakthrough Fighting Withdrawal
Bridgehead Free for All 1 or 2 Breakthrough
Counterattack Hasty Attack 3 or 4 Counterattack
Dust Up No Retreat
Encounter 5 or 6 Hasty Attack

If you want a quick way of picking a mission, roll up a
random mission. 1 or 2 Bridgehead
3 or 4 Fighting Withdrawal
If you choose to roll dice to select a mission, first roll to 5 or 6 No Retreat
determine the mission type.


Alex and Chris want to quickly select a mission. Alex
rolls a die scoring a 2. Checking the Mission Type Table,
1 or 2 Meeting Engagement he sees that the mission type is Meeting Engagement.
Chris then rolls a die to see which mission they will
3 or 4 Mobile Battle play. A score of 2 cross referenced on the Meeting
5 or 6 Defensive Battle Engagement Table gives the Dust Up mission.

For an additional challenge, you can use the Battle Plans
mission selector to choose your mission. Bob and Dylan have selected their forces and want to
play a mission. Bob has an assault oriented force with
heavy artillery support, so chooses Prepared Attack as
his battle plan. Dylan is more comfortable with a fluid
You and your opponent each pick battle Plans appropriate to
battle plan, so chooses Hasty Attack.
your force and style of play. Your battle plan can be:
Bob cross references Prepared Attack with Hasty Attack
Prepared Attack,
on the Battle Plan Table to see that he will attack in a
Hasty Attack, or
Mobile Battle.
Dylan then rolls a die to see which specific mission they
Then, look up the Battle Plans Table to determine the type will play. A score of 3 cross referenced on the Mobile
of mission and who will attack. Battle Table gives them the Counterattack mission.


Having determined the type of mission, roll a die and look
up the appropriate mission type table on the previous page to
determine the actual mission to play.

Prepared Attack Hasty Attack Defend

Prepared Attack Meeting Engagement Attack in Mobile Battle Attack in Defensive Battle

Hasty Attack Defend in Mobile Battle Meeting Engagement Attack in Mobile Battle

Defend Defend in Defensive Battle Defend in Mobile Battle Meeting Engagement


When you choose the Prepared Attack battle plan, you can be
fairly sure that you will be attacking in a fairly straightforward
mission. This suits forces that rely on brute force over mobility.
You will be able to focus your firepower to reduce the enemy
piece by piece as you advance into their defensive position.


A Hasty Attack Battle plan allows you to exploit your mobility while
avoiding assaults against fortified positions. This suits forces that have a
good mix of mobility and firepower. You wont be trapped into a grinding
battle of attrition, and can manoeuvre rapidly to defeat your opponent.


A Defend battle plan allows you to dig in and force the enemy to come to
you. You can lay out a carefully planned defence with interlocking fields of fire
covering selected killing zones without needing to worry about manoeuvring
light troops across open ground. This suits infantry forces with a good anti-
tank missile capability.

The rulebook only has two times of day, Day or Night. The following rules expand this to encompass four times of day:
Dawn, Daylight, Dusk, and Darkness.

In a mission being played at Dawn, the game starts in In a mission being played at Dusk, the game starts
Darkness, with the Night Fighting rules in effect. in Daylight.
At the start of the Defenders third turn, roll a die: At the start of the Defenders third turn, roll a die:
On a score of 5+, morning has broken. Once morning On a score of 5+, night has fallen. Once night falls, the
breaks, the Night Fighting rules are no longer used, and Night Fighting rules come into effect and the rest of the
the rest of the battle is fought in Daylight. battle is fought in Darkness.
If the roll is unsuccessful, at the start of the Attackers If the roll is unsuccessful, at the start of the Attackers
turn four, they roll two dice with morning breaking on turn four, they roll two dice with night falling on any
any roll of 5+. roll of 5+.
If it is still dark at the start of the Defenders next turn, If it is still light at the start of the Defenders next turn,
they roll three dice, and so on with each player rolling they roll three dice, and so on with each player rolling
one more die until morning breaks on any roll of 5+. one more die until night falls on any roll of 5+.

In a mission being played in Daylight, the Night Fighting In a mission played in Darkness, the Night Fighting rules are
rules on page 66 are not used. used for the entire game.

Attackers Reserves arrive
arrive from either corner
Defenders Reserves

16/40cm 16/40cm

from this corner


16/40cm 16/40cm
Attacker places
two objectives
Defender places half their
in this area
units in either quarter

Defender places half their

units in either quarter

arrive from either corner


Defenders Reserves
Attacker places 8/20cm
their units here

You have outflanked the enemy. Seize the objectives before DEPLOYMENT
they can redeploy to protect them. 1. The Defender places at least half of their Units in
Immediate Reserve. Their Reserves will arrive within
SPECIAL RULES 16/40cm of either of their table corners.
Ambush (Defender)
2. The Defender may hold an additional Unit in Ambush.
Immediate Reserves (Defender)
3. The Defender then places their remaining Units in their
Flanking Delayed Reserves (Attacker)
table quarters, allocating them between the quarters as
they wish.
4. The Attacker places at least one and up to half of their
1. The Defender picks two diagonally opposite table quar-
Units in Delayed Reserve. Their Reserves will arrive
ters to defend.
within 16/40cm of the Objective table corner.
2. The Attacker picks one of the remaining table quarters
5. The Attacker then places their remaining Units in their
to attack from.
table quarter at least 8/20cm from both centrelines.
3. The Attacker places two Objectives in the remaining
6. All Infantry Teams start the game in Foxholes.
table quarter at least 8/20cm from all table edges.
4. The Attacker chooses either to roll on the Random Time WHO GOES FIRST
of Day Table or to attack in Daylight. The Attacker has the first turn.


DIE ROLL MISSION The Attacker wins if they start a turn on or after the sixth
turn Holding one of the Objectives.
1 Dawn The Defender wins if they start a turn on or after the
2, 3 or 4 Daylight sixth turn with no Attacking Tank or Infantry Units
within 16/40cm of an Objective.
5 Dusk
6 Darkness

The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they At the start of the Defenders first turn, they roll a die. On a
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be
table, but their location isnt specified until they reveal them- any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The Reserves
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game. move on from the table edge within 16/40cm of the corner
in either of the Defenders deployment areas at the start of
ALREADY THERE their Movement Step.
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
in Ambush are in Foxhole when they are placed on the table. They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they
At the start of the Defenders turn, in the Starting Step, they
roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush.
on from the Attackers Reserves.
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with
all of its Teams within 6/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
total increases this distance to 8/20cm. cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in
their Deployment Area, provided that it is: FLANKING DELAYED RESERVES
at least 16/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of (ATTACKER)
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and The Attacker must hold at least one and up to half of their
at least 4/10cm of all enemy Teams. Units in Reserve. When counting the number of Units on
table and in Reserve, the Attacker doesnt count HQ Units,
Independent Teams, or Attachments. The Attacker may
When you hold a Unit in Ambush, you may also hold its choose whether to hold an HQ Unit or Independent Team
Transport or Infantry Attachment in Ambush as well, or in Reserve or place it on table. Attachments always start the
Deploy them as normal. If you do hold both a Unit and game with their core Unit, and arrive with the core Unit if
its Attachment in Ambush together, the Infantry must it is in Reserve.
be Mounted in their Transports when they are placed
At the start of the Attackers third turn, they roll a die. On a
IMMEDIATE RESERVES (DEFENDER) roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be
The Defender must hold at least half of their Units in Reserve. any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The Reserves
When counting the number of Units on table and in Reserve, move on from the table edge within 16/40cm of the corner
the Defender doesnt count HQ Units, Independent Teams, opposite the Attackers deployment area at the start of their
or Attachments. The Defender may choose whether to hold Movement Step.
an HQ Unit or Independent Team in Reserve or place it At the start of their fourth turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
on table. Attachments always start the game with their core of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
Unit, and arrive with the core Unit if it is in Reserve. They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
turn five they roll three dice, at the start of turn six they roll
four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit on
from the Attackers Reserves.
If the Attacker rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.

Attacker places their units here

8/20cm 8/20cm

8/20cm Defender places half

their units here

28/70cm Attacker places 20/50cm

two objectives
in this area


Defender rolls to see where their Reserves Arrive

The enemy has forced a bridgehead across a river with light DEPLOYMENT
troops. Cut them off and destroy them before their rein- 1. The Defender places at least half of their Units in Deep
forcements arrive. Scattered Immediate Reserve. The Defender will dice to
see where these Units will arrive.
Ambush (Defender) 2. The Defender may hold an additional Unit in Ambush.
Deep Scattered Immediate Reserves (Defender) 3. They then place their remaining Units in their table half
at least 20/50cm from the side table edges.
4. The Attacker places all of their Units in their table half
1. The Defender picks a long table edge to defend from. at least 16/40cm from the table centre line or within
The Attacker attacks from the opposite edge. 8/20cm of the side table edge.
2. The Attacker places two Objectives at least 8/20cm from 5. All Infantry Teams start the game in Foxholes.
the table centre line, at least 8/20cm from long table
edge, and at least 28/70cm from the short table edges. WHO GOES FIRST
3. The Defender places one Minefield for each The Attacker has the first turn.
25 points in their force anywhere outside the opponents
deployment area. WINNING THE GAME
The Attacker wins if they start a turn Holding one of the
4. The Attacker chooses the time of day: Daylight, Darkness, Objectives.
Dawn, or Dusk.
The Defender wins if they start a turn on or after the
sixth turn with no Attacking Tank or Infantry Units
within 16/40cm of an Objective.

The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they RESERVES (DEFENDER)
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the The Defender must hold at least half of their Units in
table, but their location isnt specified until they reveal them- Reserve. No more than one Tank Unit with Front armour
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game. greater than 4 or Aircraft Unit can be placed on table. All
remaining Units of these types must be held in Reserve.
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain When counting the number of Units on table and in Reserve,
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units the Defender doesnt count HQ Units, Independent Teams,
in Ambush are in Foxhole when they are placed on the table. or Attachments. The Defender may choose whether to hold
an HQ Unit or Independent Team in Reserve or place it
PLACING AMBUSHES on table. Attachments always start the game with their core
At the start of the Defenders turn, in the Starting Step, they Unit, and arrive with the core Unit if it is in Reserve.
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush.
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with ROLL FOR RESERVES
all of its Teams within 6/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit At the start of the Defenders first turn, they roll a die. On a
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be
total increases this distance to 8/20cm. any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now.
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
their Deployment Area, provided that it is: of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
at least 16/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
at least 4/10cm of all enemy Teams. turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they
roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit
ATTACHMENTS AND AMBUSHES on from the Defenders Reserves.
When you hold a Unit in Ambush, you may also hold its If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
Transport or Infantry Attachment in Ambush as well, or this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
Deploy them as normal. If you do hold both a Unit and cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
its Attachment in Ambush together, the Infantry must
be Mounted in their Transports when they are placed WHERE DO RESERVES ARRIVE
from Ambush. When each Unit arrives from Reserve, the owning player
rolls a die to determine from which table edge or corner it
will arrive using the mission map as reference.
If a Unit arrives from a table edge, it may enter the table
anywhere along that table edge. If the Unit arrives from a
corner, they must enter the table within 16/40cm of the
corner. The Reserves move on from the table edge at the start
of their Movement Step.

arrive from this corner
Defenders Reserves


Attacker places
their units here




Attacker places Defender places

8/20cm an Objective in an Objective in
this area this area

Defender places
8/20cm half their units here

The enemy is cut off and surrounded. Destroy them before DEPLOYMENT
the relief force arrives. 1. The Defender places at least half of their Units in
Immediate Reserve. Their Reserves will arrive within
16/40cm of the opposite corner from their quarter.
Ambush (Defender)
Immediate Reserves (Defender) 2. The Defender may hold an additional Unit in Ambush.
3. They then place their remaining Units in their quarter at
SETTING UP least 12/30cm from the table centre.
1. The Defender picks a table quarter to defend. The 4. The Attacker places all of their Units in their table quar-
Attacker picks an adjacent table quarter to attack from. ter at least 8/20cm from both centrelines.
2. The Defender places one Objective in their table quarter. 5. All Infantry Teams start the game in Foxholes.
3. The Attacker places one Objective in the quarter oppo-
site to their own. WHO GOES FIRST
4. All Objectives must be at least 8/20cm from all table The Attacker has the first turn.
edges and at least 12/30cm from the table centre. WINNING THE GAME
5. The Attacker chooses either to roll on the Random Time The Attacker wins if they start a turn on or after the sixth
of Day Table or to attack in Daylight. turn Holding one of the Objectives.
The Defender wins if they start a turn on or after the
RANDOM TIME OF DAY sixth turn with no Attacking Tank or Infantry Units
DIE ROLL MISSION within 16/40cm of an Objective.

1 Dawn
2, 3 or 4 Daylight
5 Dusk
6 Darkness

The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they The Defender must hold at least half of their Units in Reserve.
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the When counting the number of Units on table and in Reserve,
table, but their location isnt specified until they reveal them- the Defender doesnt count HQ Units, Independent Teams,
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game. or Attachments. The Defender may choose whether to hold
an HQ Unit or Independent Team in Reserve or place it
ALREADY THERE on table. Attachments always start the game with their core
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain Unit, and arrive with the core Unit if it is in Reserve.
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units
in Ambush are in Foxhole when they are placed on the table. ROLL FOR RESERVES
PLACING AMBUSHES At the start of the Defenders first turn, they roll a die.
On a roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It
At the start of the Defenders turn, in the Starting Step, they
may be any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush.
Reserves move on from the table edge within 16/40cm of
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with
the opposite corner from their quarter at the start of their
all of its Teams within 6/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit
Movement Step.
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in
total increases this distance to 8/20cm. At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in
They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
their Deployment Area, provided that it is:
adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
at least 16/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of
turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and
roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit
at least 4/10cm of all enemy Teams. on from the Attackers Reserves.
ATTACHMENTS AND AMBUSHES If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
When you hold a Unit in Ambush, you may also hold its this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
Transport or Infantry Attachment in Ambush as well, or cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
Deploy them as normal. If you do hold both a Unit and
its Attachment in Ambush together, the Infantry must
be Mounted in their Transports when they are placed
from Ambush.

Attacker places
half of their units 8/20cm

Defenders Reserves arrive from Here

Both players
place an
Objective in this


30cm 12
Attackers Reserves arrive from Here


Both players
place an
Objective in this

Defender places
8/20cm half of their
units here

The fighting is confused with the enemy in all directions. 7. The Attacker chooses either to roll on the Random Time
Coordinate an attack with your scattered forces. of Day Table or to attack in Daylight.


Meeting Engagement (First Turn) 1. Both players, starting with the Attacker, place at least half
Delayed Reserves (Both Players) of their Units in Delayed Reserve. These Units will arrive
from the long table edge adjacent to the players quarter.
SETTING UP 2. Both players, starting with the Attacker, then take turns
1. Both players roll a die. The highest-scoring player is at placing their remaining Units in their own quarters, at
the Attacker. least 12/30cm from the table centre.
2. The Attacker picks a table quarter to attack from.
3. The Defender defends from the opposite quarter. Both players roll a die. The highest scoring player has the
4. Both players, starting with the Attacker, place one first turn.
Objective in their own quarter.
5. Both players, again starting with the Attacker, place one WINNING THE GAME
Objective in their opponents quarter. A player wins if they start a turn Holding one of the
6. All Objectives must be at least 8/20cm from all table Objectives in the opponents quarter.
edges and at least 12/30cm from the table centre.

In a Meeting Engagement, the following rules apply in Each player must hold at least half of their Units in Reserve.
the first Shooting Step of the player who has the first turn. When counting the number of Units on table and in Reserve,
They do not apply in the second players turn, nor in subse- the player doesnt count HQ Units, Independent Teams, or
quent turns. Attachments. A player may choose whether to hold an HQ
The first players Aircraft must Loiter Off Table (see Unit or Independent Team in Reserve or place it on table.
page 30 of the rulebook) in their first turn. Attachments always start the game with their core Unit, and
Treat all of the first players Teams as having moved when arrive with the core Unit if it is in Reserve.
Shooting in their first Shooting Step, whether they actu-
ally moved or not. ROLL FOR RESERVES
The first players Teams cannot fire Artillery Bombard At the start of the players third turn, they roll a die. On a roll
ments in their first Shooting Step. of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be any
Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The Reserves move
The first players Teams can still move, Dig In, or Go to
on from the long table edge adjacent to their table quarter at
Ground as normal in their Movement Step, and launch
the start of their Movement Step.
assaults in the Assault Step.
At the start of their fourth turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
RANDOM TIME OF DAY of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
1 Dawn turn five they roll three dice, at the start of turn six they roll
four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit on
2, 3 or 4 Daylight from the players Reserves.
5 Dusk If a player rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in this
6 turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automatically
receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.

Attacker rolls to see where their Reserves Arrive

8/20cm Defender places two objectives in this area 12/30cm

Attacker places half of their units here

Defender places half of their units here

12/30cm 8/20cm
Attacker places two objectives in this area

Defender rolls to see where their Reserves Arrive

Your forces have been scattered in heavy fighting. Gather DEPLOYMENT

your forces and defeat the enemy before they do the same. 1. Both players, starting with the Attacker, place at least half
of their Units in Scattered Delayed Reserve. The players
SPECIAL RULES will dice to see where these Units arrive.
Meeting Engagement (First Turn)
2. Both players, starting with the Attacker, then take turns
Scattered Delayed Reserves (Both Players) at placing their remaining Units within 12/30cm of
their own table edge.
1. Both players roll a die. The highest-scoring player is WHO GOES FIRST
the Attacker. Both players roll a die. The highest scoring player has the
2. The Attacker picks a long table edge to attack from. The first turn.
Defender defends from the opposite table edge.
3. Both players, starting with the Attacker, place two
A player wins if they start a turn Holding one of the
Objectives within 8/20cm of the opponents table edge,
Objectives that they placed on the opponents side of
at least 8/20cm from the side table edges.
the table.
4. The Attacker chooses either to roll on the Random Time
of Day Table or to attack in Daylight.



1 Dawn
2, 3 or 4 Daylight
5 Dusk
6 Darkness

In a Meeting Engagement, the following rules apply in At the start of the players third turn, they roll a die. On a roll
the first Shooting Step of the player who has the first turn. of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be any
They do not apply in the second players turn, nor in subse- Unit of their choice, but must arrive now.
quent turns. At the start of their fourth turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
The first players Aircraft must Loiter Off Table (see of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
page 30 of the rulebook) in their first turn. They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
Treat all of the first players Teams as having moved when adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
Shooting in their first Shooting Step, whether they actu- turn five they roll three dice, at the start of turn six they roll
ally moved or not. four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit on
The first players Teams cannot fire Artillery Bombard from the players Reserves.
ments in their first Shooting Step. If a player rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in this
The first players Teams can still move, Dig In, or Go to turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automatically
Ground as normal in their Movement Step, and launch receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
assaults in the Assault Step.
When each Unit arrives from Reserve, the owning player
SCATTERED DELAYED RESERVES rolls a die to determine from which table edge or corner it
(BOTH PLAYERS) will arrive using the mission map as reference.
Each player must hold at least half of their Units in Reserve. If a Unit arrives from a table edge, it may enter the table
When counting the number of Units on table and in Reserve, anywhere along that table edge. If the Unit arrives from a
the player doesnt count HQ Units, Independent Teams, or corner, they must enter the table within 16/40cm of the
Attachments. A player may choose whether to hold an HQ corner. The Reserves move on from the table edge at the start
Unit or Independent Team in Reserve or place it on table. of their Movement Step.
Attachments always start the game with their core Unit, and
arrive with the core Unit if it is in Reserve.

Attacker places their units here 8/20cm

Defender places their units here

Defender places one objective and

16/40cm Attacker places two objectives in this area 8/20cm
(Defenders Objective must be 8/20cm from the table edge.)

You have the enemy on the run. Dont let them get away. DEPLOYMENT
1. The Defender may hold a Unit in Ambush.
Ambush (Defender) 2. They place their remaining Units in their table half.
Strategic Withdrawal (Defender) Note: the Strategic Withdrawal rule will require the
Defender to remove Units and Objectives as the game
SETTING UP progresses.
1. The Defender picks a long table edge to defend. The 3. The Attacker places all of their Units within 8/20cm of
Attacker attacks from the opposite table edge. their table edge.
2. The Defender places an Objective at least 8/20cm from 4. All Infantry Teams start the game in Foxholes.
their own edge.
3. The Attacker then places two Objectives within
16/40cm of the Defenders edge. The Attacker has the first turn.
4. All Objectives must be at least 8/20cm from the side WINNING THE GAME
table edges. The Attacker wins if they start a turn Holding one of the
5. The Defender places one Minefield for each Objectives.
25 points in their force anywhere outside the opponents Otherwise, the Defender wins at the start of their eighth
deployment area. turn after checking Formation Morale.
6. The Attacker chooses the time of day: Daylight, Darkness,
Dawn, or Dusk.

The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they At the start of each turn from turn three onwards, the
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the Defender counts the number of Units (not counting their
table, but their location isnt specified until they reveal them- Attachments and any Independent Teams) and Delay
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game. Counters that they have on table.
If the total is 5 or more, they must Withdraw one Unit
ALREADY THERE and remove any Delay Counters.
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain
If they have less than 5 Units and Delay Counters, they
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units
gain a Delay Counter instead.
in Ambush are in Foxhole when they are placed on the table.
The Defender starts the game with no Delay Counters.
At the start of the Defenders turn, in the Starting Step, they WITHDRAWING UNITS
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush. When the Defender is required to Withdraw a Unit, all of
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with the teams of that Unit (and its Attachments) are removed
all of its Teams within 6/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit from the table. If a Withdrawing Unit is not in Good Spirits
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in (see page 64) and has a Team within 8/20cm of an enemy
total increases this distance to 8/20cm. Team, roll a die before removing the Unit.
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in If the score is at least equal to the Units Skill number,
their Deployment Area, provided that it is: they successfully Withdraw.
at least 16/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of Otherwise, they Withdraw, but the whole Unit is
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and Destroyed.
at least 4/10cm of all enemy Teams.
ATTACHMENTS AND AMBUSHES At the start of their turns six and seven the Defender removes
When you hold a Unit in Ambush, you may also hold its one of the Objectives placed by the Attacker. Since this hap-
Transport or Infantry Attachment in Ambush as well, or pens in the Defenders turn, the Objectives wont be there
Deploy them as normal. If you do hold both a Unit and in the Attackers turn when it comes time to check whether
its Attachment in Ambush together, the Infantry must they have won. This makes it possible to steal victory out
be Mounted in their Transports when they are placed from the enemys grasp, so the Attacker needs to be aware of
from Ambush. the timing of the Objective removal.



3 Withdraw a Unit if 5+ platoons, otherwise

gain a DelayCounter.

Withdraw a Unit and remove all Counters

4 if 5+ Units and Counters, otherwise gain
5 Repeat withdrawal.

6 Remove Objective.
Repeat withdrawal.

7 Remove Objective.
Repeat withdrawal.

8 Check Force Morale if necessary.

Game over.

8/20cm Defender places two objectives in this area
8/20cm 12/30cm

Attacker places their units here

Defender places their units here

Attacker places two objectives in this area 8/20cm 8/20cm

The breakthrough was successful and the situation is fluid. DEPLOYMENT

Find and destroy the enemy. 1. Both players, starting with the Attacker, then take turns
at placing their Units within 12/30cm of their own
SPECIAL RULES table edge.
Meeting Engagement (First Turn)
SETTING UP Both players roll a die. The highest scoring player has the
1. Both players roll a die. The highest-scoring player is first turn.
the Attacker.
2. The Attacker picks a long table edge to attack from. WINNING THE GAME
A player wins if they start a turn Holding one of the
3. The Defender defends from the opposite table edge.
Objectives that they placed on the opponents side of
4. Both players, starting with the Attacker, place two the table.
Objectives within 8/20cm of the opponents table edge,
at least 8/20cm from the side table edges.
5. The Attacker chooses either to roll on the Random Time
of Day Table or to attack in Daylight.



1 Dawn
2, 3 or 4 Daylight
5 Dusk
6 Darkness

In a Meeting Engagement, the following rules apply in
the first Shooting Step of the player who has the first turn.
They do not apply in the second players turn, nor in subse-
quent turns.
The first players Aircraft must Loiter Off Table (see
page 30 of the rulebook) in their first turn.
Treat all of the first players Teams as having moved when
Shooting in their first Shooting Step, whether they actu-
ally moved or not.
The first players Teams cannot fire Artillery Bombard
ments in their first Shooting Step.
The first players Teams can still move, Dig In, or Go to
Ground as normal in their Movement Step, and launch
assaults in the Assault Step.

Attackers Reserves arrive from Here

Defender places an objective in this area


Attacker places half of their units here



Defender places half of their units here

Defender places one objective and

Attacker places two objectives in this area
(Defenders Objective must be 8/20cm from the table edge.)

Defender rolls to see where their Reserves Arrive

The enemy is cut off and surrounded. Destroy them before 3. The Defender may hold an additional Unit in Ambush.
the relief force arrives. 4. They then place their remaining Units in their table half
at least 8/20cm from the centre line.
Ambush (Defender) 5. The Attacker then places their remaining Units in their
Scattered Delayed Reserves (Defender) table half at least 12/30cm from the centre line.
Immediate Reserves (Attacker) 6. Lastly, the Attacker removes one of the Objectives
they placed.
SETTING UP 7. All Infantry Teams start the game in Foxholes.
1. The Defender picks a long table edge to defend. The
Attacker attacks from the opposite edge of the table. WHO GOES FIRST
2. The Defender places an Objective in their own table The Attacker has the first turn.
half, at least 12/30cm from the centre line and at least
8/20cm from the table edges.
A player wins if they start a turn Holding one of the
3. The Defender then places an Objective in the Attackers Objectives on the opponents side of the table.
table half, at least 16/40cm from the centre line and at Otherwise, if neither player is Holding one of the
least 8/20cm from the short table edges. Objectives on the opponents side of the table at the end
4. The Attacker now places two Objectives in the Defenders of the game, the Defender wins.
table half, at least 12/30cm from the centre line and at
least 8/20cm from the short table edges.
5. The Attacker chooses either to roll on the Random Time
of Day Table or to attack in Daylight. RANDOM TIME OF DAY
1. The Attacker places at least half of their Units in 1 Dawn
Immediate Reserve. The Reserves will arrive from the 2, 3 or 4 Daylight
Attackers long table edge.
5 Dusk
2. The Defender places at least half of their Units in
Scattered Delayed Reserve. The player will dice to see 6 Darkness
where these Units arrive.
The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they When each Unit arrives from Reserve, the Defender player
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the rolls a die to determine from which table edge or corner it
table, but their location isnt specified until they reveal them- will arrive using the mission map as reference.
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game. If a Unit arrives from a table edge, it may enter the table
anywhere along that table edge. If the Unit arrives from a
ALREADY THERE corner, they must enter the table within 16/40cm of the
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain corner. The Reserves move on from the table edge at the start
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units of their Movement Step.
in Ambush are in Foxhole when they are placed on the table.


At the start of the Defenders turn, in the Starting Step, they The Attacker must hold at least half of their Units in Reserve.
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush. When counting the number of Units on table and in Reserve,
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with the Attacker doesnt count HQ Units, Independent Teams,
all of its Teams within 6/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit or Attachments. The Attacker may choose whether to hold
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in an HQ Unit or Independent Team in Reserve or place it
total increases this distance to 8/20cm. on table. Attachments always start the game with their core
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in Unit, and arrive with the core Unit if it is in Reserve.
their Deployment Area, provided that it is:
at least 16/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of ROLL FOR RESERVES
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and At the start of the Attackers first turn, they roll a die. On a
at least 4/10cm of all enemy Teams. roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be
any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The Reserves
ATTACHMENTS AND AMBUSHES move on from the Attackers long table edge at the start of
When you hold a Unit in Ambush, you may also hold its their Movement Step.
Transport or Infantry Attachment in Ambush as well, or At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
Deploy them as normal. If you do hold both a Unit and of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
its Attachment in Ambush together, the Infantry must They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
be Mounted in their Transports when they are placed adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
from Ambush. turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they
roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit
SCATTERED DELAYED RESERVES on from the Attackers Reserves.
If the Attacker rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
The Defender must hold at least half of their Units in Reserve. cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
When counting the number of Units on table and in Reserve,
the Defender doesnt count HQ Units, Independent Teams,
or Attachments. The Defender may choose whether to hold
an HQ Unit or Independent Team in Reserve or place it
on table. Attachments always start the game with their core
Unit, and arrive with the core Unit if it is in Reserve.


At the start of the Defenders third turn, they roll a die. On a
roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be
any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now.
At the start of their fourth turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
turn five they roll three dice, at the start of turn six they roll
four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit on
from the Defenders Reserves.
If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.

Attacker places their units here


8/20cm Defender places half

their units here

8/20cm Both Players place 8/20cm

an objective in this area


Defenders Reserves arrive from Here

The enemy are on the defensive, smash them before their DEPLOYMENT
reserves can arrive and save them. 1. The Defender places at least half of their Units in Deep
Immediate Reserve. These will arrive from the Defenders
short table edge.
Ambush (Defender)
Deep Immediate Reserves (Defender) 2. The Defender may hold an additional Unit in Ambush.
3. The Defender then places their remaining Units in their
SETTING UP table half.
1. The Defender picks a short table edge to defend from. 4. The Attacker places all of their Units in their table half at
The Attacker attacks from the opposite edge. least 16/40cm from the table centre line.
2. Both players, starting with the Defender, place one 5. All Infantry Teams start the game in Foxholes.
Objective in the Defenders table half, at least 8/20cm
from table centre line and all table edges. WHO GOES FIRST
3. The Defender places one Minefield for each The Attacker has the first turn.
25 points in their force anywhere outside the opponents
deployment area. WINNING THE GAME
The Attacker wins if they start a turn Holding one of the
4. The Attacker chooses the time of day: Daylight, Darkness, Objectives.
Dawn, or Dusk.
The Defender wins if they start a turn on or after the
sixth turn with no Attacking Tank or Infantry Units in
their table half. 21
The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they The Defender must hold at least half of their Units in
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the Reserve. No more than one Tank Unit with Front armour
table, but their location isnt specified until they reveal them- greater than 4 or Aircraft Unit can be placed on table. All
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game. remaining Units of these types must be held in Reserve.
When counting the number of Units on table and in Reserve,
the Defender doesnt count HQ Units, Independent Teams,
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain
or Attachments. The Defender may choose whether to hold
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units
an HQ Unit or Independent Team in Reserve or place it
in Ambush are in Foxhole when they are placed on the table.
on table. Attachments always start the game with their core
PLACING AMBUSHES Unit, and arrive with the core Unit if it is in Reserve.
At the start of the Defenders turn, in the Starting Step, they
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush. ROLL FOR RESERVES
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with At the start of the Defenders first turn, they roll a die. On a
all of its Teams within 6/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The Reserves
total increases this distance to 8/20cm. move on from the Defenders short table edge at the start of
their Movement Step.
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in
their Deployment Area, provided that it is: At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
at least 16/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
at least 4/10cm of all enemy Teams.
turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they
ATTACHMENTS AND AMBUSHES roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit
When you hold a Unit in Ambush, you may also hold its on from the Defenders Reserves.
Transport or Infantry Attachment in Ambush as well, or If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
Deploy them as normal. If you do hold both a Unit and this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
its Attachment in Ambush together, the Infantry must cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
be Mounted in their Transports when they are placed
from Ambush.


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