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E. P.


Not to be confused with Edward Arthur Thompson. College at the University of Cambridge, where he
joined the Communist Party of Great Britain. In 1946,
E.P. Thompson formed the Communist Party Historians
Edward Palmer Thompson (3 February 1924 28 Au-
gust 1993), usually cited as E. P. Thompson, was a Group with Christopher Hill, Eric Hobsbawm, Rodney
Hilton, Dona Torr and others. In 1952 they launched the
British historian, writer, socialist and peace campaigner. [4]
He is probably best known today for his historical work on inuential journal Past and Present.
the British radical movements in the late 18th and early
19th centuries, in particular The Making of the English
Working Class (1963).[1] He also published inuential bi- 2 Career
ographies of William Morris (1955) and (posthumously)
William Blake (1993) and was a prolic journalist and 2.1 William Morris
essayist. He also published the novel The Sykaos Papers
and a collection of poetry. His work is considered to have Thompsons rst major work of scholarship was his bi-
been among the most important contributions to labour ography of William Morris, written while he was a mem-
history and social history in the latter twentieth-century, ber of the Communist Party. Subtitled From Romantic to
with a global impact, including on scholarship in Asia and Revolutionary, it was part of an eort by the Communist
Africa.[2] Party Historians Group, inspired by Torr, to emphasise
Thompson was one of the principal intellectuals of the the domestic roots of Marxism in Britain at a time when
Communist Party in Great Britain. Although he left the the Communist Party was under attack for always follow-
party in 1956 over the Soviet invasion of Hungary, he ing the Moscow line. It was also an attempt to take Mor-
nevertheless remained a historian in the Marxist tradi- ris back from the critics who for more than 50 years had
tion, calling for a rebellion against Stalinism as a prereq- emphasised his art and downplayed his politics.[8]
uisite for the restoration of communists condence in Although Morriss political work is well to the fore,
our own revolutionary perspectives.[3] Thompson played Thompson also used his literary talents to comment on as-
a key role in the rst New Left in Britain in the late pects of Morriss work, such as his early Romantic poetry,
1950s. He was a vociferous left-wing socialist critic of which had previously received relatively little considera-
the Labour governments of 196470 and 197479, and tion. As Thompson noted in his preface to the second
an early and constant supporter of the Campaign for Nu- edition (1976), the rst edition (1955) appears to have
clear Disarmament, becoming during the 1980s the lead- received relatively little attention from the literary estab-
ing intellectual light of the movement against nuclear lishment because of its then-unfashionable Marxist point
weapons in Europe.[4] of view. However, the somewhat rewritten second edi-
tion was much better received.

1 Early life
2.2 The rst New Left
E.P. Thompson was born in Oxford to Methodist mis- After Nikita Khrushchev's secret speech to the 20th
sionary parents: His father, Edward John Thompson Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
(18861946) was a poet and admirer of the Nobel Prize in 1956, which revealed that the Soviet party leadership
winning poet Tagore. His older brother was William had long been aware of Stalins crimes, Thompson (with
Frank Thompson (19191944), a British ocer in World John Saville and others) started a dissident publication
War II, who was captured and shot aiding the Bulgarian inside the CP, called The Reasoner. Six months later, he
anti-fascist partisans.[5][6] and most of his comrades left the party in disgust at the
Thompson attended two independent schools, The Soviet invasion of Hungary.[9]
Dragon School in Oxford and Kingswood School in Bath. But Thompson remained what he called a socialist hu-
Like many he left school in 1941 to ght in World War II. manist. With Saville and others, he set up the New Rea-
He served in a tank unit in the Italian campaign, including soner, a journal that sought to develop a democratic so-
at the last battle of Cassino.[7] cialist alternative to what its editors considered the ossi-
After his military service, he studied at Corpus Christi ed ocial Marxism of the Communist and Trotskyist


2.3 The Making of the English Working

Thompsons most inuential work was and remains The
Making of the English Working Class, published in 1963
while he was working at the University of Leeds. The
massive book, over 800 pages, was a watershed in the
foundation of the eld of social history. By exploring
the ordinary cultures of working people through their
previously ignored documentary remains, Thompson told
the forgotten history of the rst working-class political
left in the world in the late-18th and early-19th cen-
turies. Reecting on the importance of the book for its
50th anniversary, Emma Grin explained that Thomp-
son uncovered details about workshop customs and ritu-
als, failed conspiracies, threatening letters, popular songs,
and union club cards. He took what others had regarded
as scraps from the archive and interrogated them for what
they told us about the beliefs and aims of those who were
not on the winning side. Here, then, was a book that ram-
bled over aspects of human experience that had never be-
fore had their historian.[4]
The Making of the English Working Class had a profound
eect on the shape of British historiography, and still en-
dures as a staple on university reading lists more than
50 years after its rst publication in 1963. Writing for
the Times Higher Education in 2013, Robert Colls re-
Thompson launched the dissident Marxist journal The New Rea- called the power of Thompsons book for his generation
soner in the summer of 1957. The publication would merge to of young British leftists:
form New Left Review in 1960.

I bought my rst copy in 1968 a small, fat

bundle of Pelican with a picture of a Yorkshire
miner on the front and I still have it, ban-
daged up and exhausted by the years of labour.
From the rst of its 900-odd pages, I knew, and
my friends at the University of Sussex knew,
that this was something else. We talked about
parties and the managerialist cold war social democracy it in the bar and on the bus and in the refec-
of the Labour Party and its international allies. The New tory queue. Imagine that: young male students
Reasoner was the most important organ of what became more interested in a book than in gooseberry
known as the "New Left", an informal movement of dis- tart and custard.[1]
sident leftists closely associated with the nascent move-
ment for nuclear disarmament in the late 1950s and early
In his preface to this book, E.P. Thompson set out his
approach to writing history from below:
The New Reasoner combined with the Universities and
Left Review to form New Left Review in 1960, though I am seeking to rescue the poor stockinger,
Thompson and others fell out with the group around Perry the Luddite cropper, the obsolete hand-loom
Anderson who took over the journal in 1962. The fash- weaver, the Utopian artisan, and even the de-
ion ever since has been to describe the Thompson et al. luded follower of Joanna Southcott, from the
New Left as the rst New Left and the Anderson et al. enormous condescension of posterity. Their
group, which by 1968 had embraced Tariq Ali and vari- crafts and traditions may have been dying.
ous Trotskyists, as the second. Their hostility to the new industrialism may
Thompson subsequently allied himself with the annual have been backward-looking. Their communi-
Socialist Register publication. With Raymond Williams tarian ideals may have been fantasies. Their in-
and Stuart Hall, he was one of the editors of the 1967 surrectionary conspiracies may have been fool-
May Day Manifesto, one of the key left-wing challenges hardy. But they lived through these times of
to the 196470 Labour government of Harold Wilson.[11] acute social disturbance, and we did not. Their
2.5 Voice of the peace movement 3

aspirations were valid in terms of their own ex- polemic against Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, The Poverty of
perience; and, if they were casualties of his- Philosophy and that of philosopher Karl Popper's 1936
tory, they remain, condemned in their own book The Poverty of Historicism. Thompsons polemic
lives, as casualties. provoked a book-length response from Perry Anderson,
Arguments Within English Marxism.
Thompsons thought was also original and signicant be- During the late 1970s Thompson acquired a large pub-
cause of the way he dened class. To Thompson, class lic audience as a critic of the then Labour governments
was not a structure, but a relationship: disregard of civil liberties; his writings from this time are
collected in Writing By Candlelight (1980).
And class happens when some men, as a
result of common experiences (inherited or From 19891 Thompson was a frequent contributor to the
shared), feel and articulate the identity of their American magazine The Nation.[13]
interests as between themselves, and as against
other men whose interests are dierent from 2.5 Voice of the peace movement
(and usually opposed to) theirs. The class
experience is largely determined by the pro- From 1980, Thompson was the most prominent intellec-
ductive relations into which men are born tual of the revived movement for nuclear disarmament,
or enter involuntarily. Class-consciousness is revered by activists throughout the world. In Britain, his
the way in which these experiences are han- pamphlet Protest and Survive, a parody on the govern-
dled in cultural terms: embodied in traditions, ment leaet Protect and Survive, played a major role in
value-systems, ideas, and institutional forms. the revived strength of the Campaign for Nuclear Dis-
If the experience appears as determined, class- armament.[11][14] Just as important, Thompson was, with
consciousness does not. We can see a logic in Ken Coates, Mary Kaldor and others, an author of the
the responses of similar occupational groups 1980 Appeal for European Nuclear Disarmament, calling
undergoing similar experiences, but we can- for a nuclear-free Europe from Poland to Portugal, which
not predicate any law. Consciousness of class was the founding document of European Nuclear Dis-
arises in the same way in dierent times and armament. Confusingly, END was both a Europe-wide
places, but never in just the same way. campaign that comprised a series of large public confer-
ences (the END Conventions), and a small British pres-
By re-dening class as a relationship that changed over sure group.
time, Thompson proceeded to demonstrate how class was
worthy of historical investigation. He opened the gates
for a generation of labour historians, such as David Mont-
gomery and Herbert Gutman, who made similar studies
of the American working classes.
A major work of research and synthesis, the book
was also important in historiographical terms: with it,
Thompson demonstrated the power of a historical Marx-
ism rooted in the experience of real esh-and-blood
workers. Thompson wrote the book while living in Sid-
dal, Halifax, West Yorkshire and based some of the work
on his experiences with the local Halifax population.
E P Thompson speaking to anti-nuclear weapons protestors in
2.4 Freelance polemicist 1980

Thompson left the University of Warwick in protest at Thompson played a key role in both END and CND
the commercialisation of the academy, documented in throughout the 1980s, speaking at many public meetings,
the book Warwick University Limited (1971). He con- corresponding with hundreds of fellow activists and sym-
tinued to teach and lecture as a visiting professor, par- pathetic intellectuals, and doing more than his fair share
ticularly in the United States. However, he increasingly of committee work. He had a particularly important
worked as a freelance writer, contributing many essays to part in opening a dialogue between the west European
New Society, Socialist Register and historical journals. In peace movement and dissidents in Soviet-dominated east-
1978 he published The Poverty of Theory which attacked ern Europe, particularly in Hungary and Czechoslovakia,
the structuralist Marxism of Louis Althusser and his fol- for which he was denounced as a tool of American impe-
lowers in Britain on New Left Review (famously saying: rialism by the Soviet authorities.
"...all of them are Geschichtenscheissenschlop, unhistor- He wrote dozens of polemical articles and essays during
ical shit[12] ). The title echoes that of Karl Marx's 1847 this period, which are collected in the books Zero Option

(1982) and The Heavy Dancers (1985). He also wrote an E. P. Thompson and his mother wrote There is a Spirit
extended essay attacking the ideologists on both sides of in Europe: A Memoir of Frank Thompson (1947). Frank
the cold war, Double Exposure (1985) and edited a col- Thompson was also a friend and condant of Iris Mur-
lection of essays opposing Ronald Reagan's Strategic De- doch, the philosopher and novelist.[23] E. P. Thomp-
fense Initiative, Star Wars (1985). son wrote another book about his brother, published in
An excerpt from a speech given by Thompson fea- 1996.
tured in the computer game Deus Ex Machina (1984).
Thompsons own haunting recitation of his 1950 poem
of apocalyptic expectation, The Place Called Choice, 4 Criticism
appeared on the 1984 vinyl recording The Apocalypso,
by Canadian pop group Singing Fools, released by A&M
Although Thompson left the Communist Party of Great
Britain, but remained committed to Marxist ideals,
Leszek Koakowski wrote a very harsh criticism of
Thompson in his 1974 essay My Correct Views on
2.6 William Blake Everything.[27] Tony Judt considered this rejoinder so
authoritative that he claimed that no one who reads
The last book Thompson nished was Witness Against the it will ever take E.P. Thompson seriously again. Ko-
Beast: William Blake and the Moral Law (1993). The lakowskis portrait of Thompson elicited some protests
product of years of research and published shortly after from readers,[28] and other left-wing journals came to
his death, it shows how far Blake was inspired by dissident Thompsons defence.[29] On the 50th anniversary of the
religious ideas rooted in the thinking of the most radical landmark publication of The Making of the English Work-
opponents of the monarchy during the English civil war. ing Class, journalists celebrated E.P. Thompson as one of
the preeminent historians of his day.[1][30]
Wade Matthews argued in 2013:
3 Personal life
Numerous books, special collections, and jour-
In 1948 Thompson married Dorothy Towers, whom he
nal articles on E.P. Thompsons scholarly work
met at Cambridge.[16] A fellow left-wing historian, she
and legacy appeared soon after his death in
wrote studies on women in the Chartist movement, and
1993. Since then, however, interest in Thomp-
the biography Queen Victoria: Gender and Power; she
son has waned. The reasons for this are perhaps
was Professor of History at the University of Birming-
easily enough summarized. Today, Thomp-
ham.[17] The Thompsons had three children, the youngest
sons histories are viewed as old-fashioned,
of whom is the award-winning childrens writer, Kate
while his socialist politics are believed ex-
tinct. Class is considered neither a fruitful con-
Thompson was a user of marijuana, although he never cept of historical analysis nor an appropriate
made his habit public during his lifetime.[19] basis for an emancipatory politics. Nuclear
Thompson died at the age of 69 in Worcester.[20] weapons proliferate, but no anti-nuclear move-
ment grows up alongside their proliferation.
Civil liberties are a minority, and increasingly
3.1 William Frank Thompson radical, interest in the age of the war on ter-
ror. Internationalism, as ideology and prac-
Main article: William Frank Thompson tice, is the preserve of capital not labour. At
the beginning of the twenty-rst century, then,
Thompson seems out of place.[31]
Thompsons older brother William Frank Thompson
(19201944), was also a member of the British Commu-
nist Party during World War II. A gifted linguist, Frank
Thompson parachuted into fascist-occupied Bulgaria as 5 Key works
part of a Phantom Brigade during Operation Mulli-
gatawny.[21][22] There, he supported the resistance as a William Morris: Romantic to Revolutionary. Lon-
liaison ocer. Frank Thompson was captured and on don: Lawrence & Wishart, 1955.
10 June 1944 he was executed. His body was buried in
the War Cemetery of Soa. After the war, the Bulgari- Socialist Humanism, The New Reasoner, vol. 1,
ans erected a statue in his honour. The nearby villages of no. 1 (Summer 1957), pp. 105143.
Livage, Lipata, Tsarevi Stragi, Malak Babul, Babul and
Zavoya were merged and renamed to Thompson in the The New Left, The New Reasoner, whole no. 9
British ocers honour. (Summer 1959), pp. 117.

The Making of the English Working Class Lon- 7 References

don: Victor Gollancz (1963); 2nd edition with new
postscript, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968, third [1] Colls, Robert (21 November 2013). Still relevant: The
edition with new preface 1980. Making of the English Working Class. Times Higher Ed-
ucation. Retrieved 16 May 2016.
Time, work-discipline and industrial capitalism.
Past & Present, vol 38, no. 1 (1967), pp. 5697. [2] Programme on the Study of Capitalism, Harvard, http:
The moral economy of the English crowd in the The Global E.P. Thompson, 35 October 2013
eighteenth century. Past & Present, vol. 50, no. 1
(1971), pp. 76136. [3] Reasoning rebellion: E. P. Thompson, British Marxist
Historians, and the making of dissident political mobiliza-
Whigs and Hunters: The Origin of the Black Act, tion. 22 September 2002. Goliath ECNext. Retrieved 9
London: Allen Lane, 1975. March 2009.
Albions Fatal Tree: Crime and Society in Eighteenth [4] Grin, Emma (6 March 2013). EP Thompson: the un-
Century England. (Editor.) London: Allen Lane, conventional historian. The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077.
1975. Retrieved 16 May 2016.
The Poverty of Theory and Other Essays, London: [5] Ghodsee, Kristen (16 October 2013). Who was Frank
Merlin Press, 1978. Thompson?". Vagabond - Bulgarias English Monthly.
Retrieved 16 May 2016.
Writing by Candlelight, London: Merlin Press, 1980.
Zero Option, London: Merlin Press, 1982. [6] The Iskar Gorge and the Bulgarian Partisans, monkey-, 21 July 2010.
Double Exposure, London: Merlin Press, 1985.
[7] Desert Island Discs, speaking to Sue Lawley, 3 November
The Heavy Dancers, London: Merlin Press, 1985. 1991

The Sykaos Papers, London: Bloomsbury, 1988. [8] Efstathiou, Christos (2015). E.P. Thompson: A Twentieth
Century Romantic. London: Merlin Press.
Customs in Common: Studies in Traditional Popular
Culture, London: Merlin Press, 1991. [9] Hamilton, Scott (2012). The Crisis of Theory: E. P.
Thompson, the New Left and Postwar British Politics.
Witness Against the Beast: William Blake and the
Manchester: Manchester U.P.
Moral Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1993. [10] Fieldhouse, Roger; Taylor, Richard, eds. (2014). E. P.
Thompson and English Radicalism. Manchester: Manch-
Alien Homage: Edward Thompson and Ra- ester U.P.
bindranath Tagore, Delhi: Oxford University Press,
1993. [11] Palmer, Bryan (1994). E. P. Thompson: Objections and
Oppositions. New York: Verso.
Making History: Writings on History and Culture,
New York: New Press, 1994. [12] Webster, Richard. E.P. Thompson, Marx and anti-
semitism. Retrieved 2016-12-
Beyond the Frontier: the Politics of a Failed Mission, 22.
Bulgaria 1944, Rendlesham: Merlin, 1997.
[13] vanden Heuvel, Katrina, ed. (1990). The Nation: 1865-
The Romantics: England in a Revolutionary Age, 1990. New York: Thunders Mouth Press. p. 325. ISBN
Woodbridge: Merlin Press, 1997. 1560250011.
Collected Poems, Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe, [14] E. P. Thompson, Protest and Survive, 1980.
[15] E. P. Thompson, Notes on Exterminism, in M. Evan-
gelista (ed.), Peace Studies: Critical Concepts in Political
6 See also Science, Vol. 4, London: Routledge, 2004.

[16] Milner, Andrew (1993). E.P. Thompson 1924-1993.

Communist Party Historians Group Labour History (65): 216218. JSTOR 27509210.
The New Reasoner [17] Rowbotham, Sheila (2011-02-06). Dorothy Thompson
Postpositivism obituary. The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved
Cultural studies
[18] Eccleshare, Julia (2005-09-30). The music of time. The
Time discipline Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2016-12-22.

[19] Johnson, T. Taylor, AJP. in Historians and Academics Fieldhouse, Roger and Taylor, Richard (Eds.)
of the Twentieth Century. Cambridge University Press, (2014) E. P. Thompson and English Radicalism,
2003, p. 420. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN
[20] Kaldor, Mary (1993-08-30). Obituary: E. P. Thomp-
son. The Independent. Retrieved 2016-12-22. Hobsbawm, Eric (Winter 1994). E. P. Thompson.
[21] Conradi, Peter J. (2012). A Very English Hero: The Mak- Radical History Review. Duke University Press.
ing of Frank Thompson. London: Bloomsbury Publish- 1994 (58): 157159. doi:10.1215/01636545-1994-
ing. 58-157.

[22] Ghodsee, Kristen (2015). The Left Side of History: World Johnson, Richard (Autumn 1978). Edward
War II and the Unfullled Promise of Communism in East- Thompson, Eugence Genovese and Socialist-
ern Europe. Duke University Press. humanist History. History Workshop Jour-
nal. Oxford Journals. 6 (1): 79100.
[23] Conradi, Peter J (25 January 2010). Iris Murdochs letters
war writing and sex. The Times. London. Retrieved 1
May 2010. Kaye, Harvey J. (1984). The British Marxist
[24] Rattenbury, Arnold (1997-05-08). Convenient Death of Historians. Cambridge: Polity Press. ISBN
a Hero. London Review of Books. 19 (9): 1213. ISSN 9780333662434.
0260-9592. Retrieved 2016-12-22.
Kaye, Harvey J.; McClelland, Keith, eds. (1990).
[25] E. P. Thompson, Beyond the Frontier: the Politics of a E.P. Thompson: Critical Perspectives. London:
Failed Mission, Bulgaria 1944, Merlin/Stanford, 120 pp, Polity Press. ISBN 9780745602387.
December 1996, ISBN 0-85036-457-4
Lynd, Staughton (2014). Doing History from
[26] Brisby, Liliana (29 Mar 1997). The ups and downs of the Bottom Up: On E.P. Thompson, Howard
Major Thompson. The Spectator. Zinn, and Rebuilding the Labor Movement from
[27] Kolakowski, Leszek (1974-03-17). My Correct Views
Below. Chicago: Haymarket Books. ISBN
on Everything. Socialist Register. 11 (11). ISSN 0081- 9781608463886.
Merrill, Michael (1984) [1976], Interview with E.
[28] Judt, Edward Countryman, reply by Tony (2007-02-15). P. Thompson, in Abelove, H., Visions of History,
The Case of E.P. Thompson. The New York Review of Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, pp.
Books. ISSN 0028-7504. Retrieved 2016-12-22. 525, ISBN 9780394722009.
[29] Nikil Saval On Tony Judt, n+1, 9 August 2010. Merrill, Michael (Winter 1994). E. P. Thomp-
son: In Solidarity. Radical History Review.
[30] Jeery Webber, E.P. Thompsons Ro-
Duke University Press. 1994 (58): 152156.
mantic Marxism, Jacobin, July 24, 2015. doi:10.1215/01636545-1994-58-153.
Koakowski, Leszek (1974). My correct views
[31] Matthews, Wade Remaking EP Thompson. Labour/Le on everything: A rejoinder to Edward Thompsons
Travail 72#1 (2013): 253-278, quote on pp 253-54. 'Open letter to Leszek Koakowski'". Socialist Reg-
online ister. Monthly Review Press. 11.

Matthews, Wade. Remaking EP Thompson.

Labour/Le Travail 72#1 (2013): 253-278, online
8 Further reading
Palmer, Bryan D. (1981). The Making of E.
Anderson, Perry (1980). Arguments within En- P. Thompson: Marxism, Humanism, and History.
glish Marxism (2nd ed.). London: Verso. ISBN Toronto, Canada: New Hogtown Press. ISBN
9780860917274. 9780919940178.

Blackburn, Robin (SeptemberOctober 1993). Palmer, Bryan D. (1994). E. P. Thompson Ob-

Edward Thompson and the New Left. New Left jections and Oppositions. London: Verso. ISBN
Review, special issue: Edward Thompson and the 9781859840702.
New Left. New Left Review. I (201): 325.
Webb, W. L. (Winter 1994). A Thoroughly
Efstathiou, Christos (2015) E.P. Thompson: A English Dissident. Radical History Review.
Twentieth Century Romantic, London: Merlin Press. Duke University Press. 1994 (58): 160164.
ISBN 9780850367157 doi:10.1215/01636545-1994-58-160.

9 External links
E. P. Thompson in discussion with C. L. R. James,
1983 on YouTube.
E. P. Thompson at the March 1977 SSRC Seminar
on Models of Social Change on YouTube.

Mary Kaldor, Obituary: E. P. Thompson, The In-

dependent, 30 August 1993.

E. P. Thompson, 69, British Leftist Scholar (obit-

uary), New York Times, 30 August 1993.

Edward and Dorothy Thompson Family Website


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