A. Fill The Blank Bracket With The Right Answer. No 1 Is An Example

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A. Fill the blank bracket with the right answer. No 1 is an example.

1. (Active transport)
Uptake of substances into a cell against a concentration gradient. Requires energy

2. (_______________)
Requires oxygen.

3. (_______________)
Process by which substrates are oxidized to carbon dioxide and water in order to release energy
for cells.

4. (_______________)
Can occur in the absence of oxygen.

5. (_______________)
Process by which substrates are oxidized to release some energy for cells in the absence of oxygen.

6. (_______________)
Chemical in cells that is used to transfer energy from respiration to reactions that require it.

7. (_______________)
The process of inhaling and exhaling air from the lungs. Also known as ventilation.

8. (_______________)
A biological molecule containing carbon hydrogen and oxygen, usually with the formula

9. (_______________)
Gas produced by respiration that is essential for photosynthesis

10. (_______________)
A bacterial or fungal organism that causes decay

11. (_______________)
The process of decay caused by the activity of fungi and bacteria.

12. (_______________)
This is released by respiration. It can be converted from one kind to another but is never

13. (_______________)
A flow chart showing the flow of energy the push an ecosystem.

14. (_______________)
A product of anaerobic respiration in yeast that is particularly important in the production of
beers and wine.

15. (_______________)
Growth of microorganisms in a large fermenter vessel. Also refers to the production of ethanol by
anaerobic respiration using yeast or bacteria.
16. (_______________)
A large glass or stainless-steel vessel used to grow large volumes of microorganisms under
carefully controlled conditions.

17. (_______________)
Monosaccharide. Simple sugar used in respiration for energy by plants and animals. Product of
photosynthesis. Can be stored as starch or glycogen.

18. (_______________)
The energy content of food is now usually measured in these units.

19. (_______________)
Toxic substance produced by anaerobic respiration that causes muscle fatigue. Its accumulation
leads to oxygen debt.

20. (_______________)
Bacteria that ferment the lactose in milk to form lactic acid. Used in the manufacture of cheese and
yoghurt. Examples include lactobacillus and streptococcus.

21. (_______________)
A simple sugar that is found in milk.

22. (_______________)
A membrane bound structure (organelle) within the cell where aerobic respiration takes place.
Provides most of the energy for cell activity.

23. (_______________)
One of the important B vitamins needed for respiration (vitamin B3).

24. (_______________)
Respiration in the absence of sufficient oxygen leads to a built-up of lactic acid that has to be
cleared when sufficient oxygen is available.

25. (_______________)
A way of displaying the transfer of energy in food chains starting with producers and working
through the trophic levels to the top consumer

26. (_______________)
A way of displaying the relationship between organisms in a food chain by displaying the number
of organisms at each trophic level

27. Respiration
Process requiring oxygen that releases energy from sugars or fats with the production of water
and carbon dioxide

28. (_______________)
One of the important B vitamins needed for respiration (vitamin B2).

29. (_______________)
B Vitamin that is important for respiration (vitamin B1). Deficiency leads to muscle weakening
and paralysis in a condition called beri-beri.

30. (_______________)
Alternative term for breathing - used to describe the movement of air in and out of the lungs.

B. Answer the question with the right answer!

1.Process by which substrates are oxidized to release some energy for cells in the absence of
(______________ ______________)
2. The energy content of food is now usually measured in these units.
3. Respiration in the absence of sufficient oxygen leads to a built-up of lactic acid that has to be
cleared when sufficient oxygen is available.
(__________ _________)

4. Chemical in cells that is used to transfer energy from respiration to reactions that require it.

5. A membrane bound structure (organelle) within the cell where aerobic respiration takes place.
Provides most of the energy for cell activity. (_______________)

Self-Quiz (no 1 is an example)

1. In aerobic respiration carbohydrates are d.chemiosmosis
ultimately broken down into:
e.substrate-level phosphorylation
b.CO2 4. In aerobic respiration, the energy in 1 mole
c.O2 of glucose is capable of producing how many
ATP molecules:
a.2 molecules of ATP
b.38 molecules of ATP
2. Most ATP in eukaryotic cells is produced c.2 x (6.02 x 1023) molecules of ATP
in the: d.38 x (6.02 x 1023) molecules of ATP
b.nucleus 5. Products of glycolysis include:

c.cytoplasm a.pyruvate

d.rough endoplasmic reticulum b.ATP

e.peroxisome c.NADH
d.two of the above
3. Most ATP produced in aerobic respiration e.all of the above
occurs in the process of:
a. glycolysis 6. In glycolysis the most reduced compound
b.the formation of acetyl-CoA formed is:

c.the Krebs cycle a.pyruvate

b.NAD+ b.36 ATP
c.lactate c.2 ATP
d.O2 d.NADH
e.H2O e.NADH, FADH2, and ATP

7. In glycolysis, the activation of glucose is 12. Which stage of aerobic respiration

accomplished by: requires ATP?
a.NADH a.glycolysis
b.coenzyme A b.Krebs cycle
c.ATP c.electron transport chain
d.CO2 d.fermentation
e.O2 e.none of the above

8. Products of the Krebs cycle include: 13. Which stage of aerobic respiration
a.carbon dioxide requires CO2?

b.NADH a.glycolysis

c.FADH2 b.Krebs cycle

d.two of the above c.electron transport chain

e.all of the above d.fermentation

e.none of the above
9. The final electron acceptor in aerobic
respiration is: 14. Which stage of aerobic respiration
a.pyruvate produces ATP and NADH and releases CO2?

b.carbon dioxide a.glycolysis

c.oxygen b.Krebs cycle

d.water c.electron transport chain

e.NAD+ d.fermentation
e.none of the above
10. In the presence of oxygen, all cells
synthesize ATP via the process of glycolysis. 15. The high concentration of protons in the
Many cells also can metabolize pyruvate if inner mitochondrial space relative to the
oxygen is not present, via the process of: mitochondrial matrix represents:
a.fermentation a.magnetic energy
b.aerobic respiration b.kinetic energy
c.oxidative phosphorylation c.potential energy
d.electron transport d.photonic energy
e.photophosphorylation e.none of the above

11. The net result of the breakdown of 16. As protons flow through the ______,
glucose in glycolysis and fermentation is the energy is released and exploited to combine
production of: ADP and inorganic phosphate to form ATP.
a.38 ATP a.electron transport chain
b.outer mitochondrial membrane
c.cytochrome oxidase
d.ATP synthase

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