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By E. J. Ward
But I am in pain I cried
Is there no remedy
And they said
Stillness is the remedy

Morning and evening

Seated with the back straight
Allowing the mind to encounter itself
Going and coming back
Stillness will overcome pain
This is the road to Enlightenment

But how will I know I am Enlightened I cried

And they said
There will be a sign

And for ten years I did this

But I am so sad I cried

Is there no remedy
And they said
Stillness is the remedy

Morning and evening

Sitting with a straight back
Allowing the mind to encounter itself
Going and coming back
Stillness will overcome grief
This is the road to Enlightenment

But how will I know I cried

And they said
There will be a sign

And for ten years more I did this

But I am exhausted I cried

Overworked and assailed on all sides
Is there no remedy
And they said
Stillness is the remedy

Morning and evening

Seated with a straight back
Allowing the mind to encounter itself
Going and coming back
Stillness will overcome weariness
This is the road to Enlightenment
And they said
There will be a sign
So for ten years more I did this

But I am so ill I cried

My body is broken and my legs are weak
Is there no remedy
And they said Stillness is the remedy

Morning and evening

Sitting with the back straight
Allowing the mind to encounter itself
Going and coming back
Stillness will overcome ill health
This is the road to Enlightenment
You will know by the sign

So for ten years more I did this

But I am in pain I cried

Forty years of sitting still with a straight back
Have given me haemorrhoids and I am done for

And they said

This is the sign

(copyright E. J. Ward 2017)

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